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(I Copyri,i., 1975
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Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Schneider -
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U I 7148 .. 197.5
( ~iftom pa,. 1 )
SIUU N. D. KAPOOR Development Centre,
SIUUH.M. Electricity
SaRI Electrical;
SmuK. P~=~~=:,u Se&hasayee IndWluies Ltd, South Areot District
Smu, (AltmulU)
IbtG.M. Indian Electrical ManuCac:turerll' Auociatioa.
Smu K. N. JAYA1ItAII (AltmulU)
SIUU P. S. RAMAN New Government Electric Factory, BanpJore
Smu E. P. WIL1'UJ:D (AltmulU)
Smu A. SAUBAYooRTHY MY80re POl'eelaiWi Ltd, Bangalore
Smu K. N. JAYAllAK (A1Urmau )
SHRI P. S. SATMAN State Boaro, Pam.la
Smu K. L. BHATIA (Allmlau)
A. P. SOTHAPATHY Rum! Electrification Ltd, New Delhi
A. K. MUJlHoJo ( Allmlal,)
S. SsnroLUlON W. S. Imulatod of India Ltd, Madras
V. SRINIVASAN (Allmlau )
High Tenaion Insulator Factory, Raneb.i
Director General, lSI (&-offirio MmWlr )
Deputy Director ( Elec tech), lSI
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Chennai([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only]
IS I 1648 .. 1915
Indian Standard
Indian Standard was adopted. by the Indian Standards Institution
1975, after the draft finalized. by the Electrical Insulators and
AcoeulOn,!:S Sectional Committee had been the Electrotechni·
Di..riaic~n Council. '
0.2 This specification deals with silicone compounds suitable for application
either hand or by brush or by sprayer on the surface of high voltage
poJ~eLain or glass msulators to prevent by their action the
Halilho'ver of insulators due to pollution of the inslulator surltace
coal dusts, cement dusts, and chemical
0.3 There are various types of silicone compounds, all of which a:re not
suitable as anelecmcal insulating material for the of prevention
of Ba.shover due to pollution. Silicone oil is also suitable for this
It shall, however, be ensured that the application of the silicone
COIllPOiunlD shall not lower the electrical characterlStics of the insula ton:.
0.4 .The hydrocarbon based compounds are also emlplo~yed for the purpose
of prevention of pollution on insulators.
0.5 For the purpose of deciding whether a particular of this
standard is complied with, the final value observed or ca!lcuJiatcr:i, Clmr~::ss·
result of a test. shall be rounded. off in accordance : 2-
The number of significant retained in the rounded off value
should be the same as that of the value in this standard.
1. SCC:)PE
1.1 This standard covers the composition, classification and reC;lui.!:en:lents
of lilic,one compounds suitable for application the surface
poJ'Cdain insulators to prevent by their and en(:ap:suL1ltiIltg
flashover of insulators due to atl1nos:ph(~ric pollutilon.
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IS I '1648 .. 1m
2.0 For the purpose of this standard, the following definitions shall
2.1 Softening Point - The at which a substance attains a
of softness under specified conditions of test.
2.2 Arc Resistance - The numerical value of the time in seconds from
the start of the test until failure the formation of a continuous
line between the electrodes shaH be recorded as the measure of the arc
tance of the cOlnpou:nd.
3.1 Silicone or are of an
siloxane oil with a rea,SOl!lat>ly curve
thickners such as gra,phite. or molybdenum
sul.phlde. The pr()perti4es these thi~::kn,ers nature of the
COlrIlp.ouind and consequently the possible uses. All thickners are
not suitable the of of atmospheric pollution. The
materials should be smooth in texture and free from
and dirts.
4.1 Silicone for application on high insula ton are
divided into the following two types:
A :..- In or compound form ready to be applied on the
cleaned insulator hand or brush.
B - In to be "PJ,,"'""y, on the cleaned insulator
by suitable methods dippin;g.
5.1 Silicone compounds for application on voltage insulaton shall
comply with all the requirements covered in and' 53 for type A and
type B respe<:tively
5.2 A Silicone ComlJOuiDd
5.2.1 General- It shall be translu<;ent, vaselindike with
resistance to heat and oxidation and small change in
COlrJ.,Slliterlcy over a wide temperature range. It shall inert and
ph'ysi()lo~tic~Llly inert ( nontoxic), and shall not attack and their
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Chennai([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only]
IS I '1641 .. 19'75
10) :)oltelrUD:g' Point - The COlmp!ound shall remain unsoftened at
of 200"C tested in accordance with
11) Acid Value - The acid value- of the silicone compound shall
be 0'3.
b) Electrical characteristics
I) Electric Strength - The silicone compound shall have the
minimum electric of 10 kV /rom.
2) Volume Resistivity - The silicone compound shall have the
fonowing values of the volume resistivity:
at 27"C - about 1016 ohm. cm, and
at 150"C-about 1'3 X l()lllohm.cm.
3) Surface KesistivIIlV - The silicone compound shall have the
minimum surface of IOU ohm.cm.
4) The silicone compound shall have the dielectric loss ( taD:R'etlt
at room temperature (dry) at different as
Frequency Value of the 3
50 Hz about 0'000 1
0-1 MHz about 0-000 9
1 MHz about 0'001
5) The silicone shall have the dielectric constant
to 3 at room )
6} Arc Resistance The arc resistance of the silicone compound
shall be 80 seconds or more.
c) IUsistance to chemicals Fully resistant to water vapour,
melhanol, elharol, . mineral vegetable
oils, 25 percent 10 percent sul.phuri:c hydro-
chloric acid ( 1 : 15). 10 percent nitric coo!km:g salt solution.
resistant to acetone, 40 percent cold caustic-
soda, SO ......·rp.d cold caustic potash.
Not resistant to concentrated SW]PhllriC acid and nitric acid,
toluol, xylol, white spirit, ethyl carbon tetrachloride,
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B IDieoDe Com'DCMUld
5.3.1 The characteristics· of the ..,I1 ....n." .. compoWld in the solution shall
be as in 5.2.
:».3.2 Solvent component should not be more than 80 per'cellt. The
manufacturers sha.ll declare the percentage contents of silicone coIIlpc:nmd
in the solution.
5.3.3 The solvent sha.ll not have deleterious effect on the insulator
fittings. galvanised components, spray guns and spray hot-sticks.
5.3.4 It should be kept in mind that it the of the solution
is high, it cannot be sprayed with hand spray
6.1 Method for the Determ.iaatioa of PeaetradoD - The penetration
of the worked and unwol'ked, shall be determined in accord-
ance with [P: 60 ]-1971 ....
6.2 Method for die DetermJ...doD otVoladlity 01' He.uDgW.!kJIt.t
Lo•• aad Bleed. or on Separadoa
6.2.1 Apparatus - The following sha.ll be re<:Jluir'ed:
a) Wire gauge filter cone, 40 mm diameter and 40 mm slant height;
made from nickel gauge of No. 60 mesh in accordance with
convection ).
P,oettiu" the cone from a rod supported on the rim of
which shall a lid. Maintain the temperatnre of the
± 5°0 for 24 hours.
NOTE - The rod will need to be tared with the beaker. The cone lhaU be hard
Ioldered or mlded at the joint in order to withstand the high temperature.
Weigh the entire aasembly and ca.lculate the per'cetltaJte ~i18.pl()rIiLtion
as follows:
~~~~t X 100 percent
Lift the cone from the it against the inside edge
of the tip of the cone. Weigh
pro4ucIII: P: 60 Conmtency of lubrieaq
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Chennai([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only]
For tests at room temperature maintain the electrodes, test cell, and
ma·tenal to be tested, at 27"C for not less than 24 hours. Spread a layer of the
ma'teri:alover the lower ) electrode to a depth somewhat thicker
than the desired test taking care to avoid trapping air bubbles.
Bring the unguarded towards the upper electrode until the
material is in contact with the guarded electrode and guard ring and
adjust the electrode gap to the desired figure. allowing the material to
spread over the whole electrode and again taking care to prevent
trapping of air.
U I 7648 .. 1975
A. = area in cmll of the guarded electrode,
S "'" thickness in cm of the and
R = measured resistance in ohms.
at elevated spread the layer of material over
ele¢tr.odc::s at room and then maintain electrodes.
test cell, material at 150 ± not less than 4 hours before finally
adjusting the distance between the unguarded and guarded electrodes.
Measure resistance at 150 ± 2°0 and calculate the resistivity as described
The volume resisti.vity shall be recorded as the arithmetic mean of'
&he volume of the tested, at each temperature.
6.9 Method Detenniuaticm 01 Surface Relldstivity The
pr(lC~:iUI'e for test at shall be the same as described in 6.8, but the
C!:1CiCUlIC test circuit be as described in IS: 3396-1965"'..
6.10 Method lor the 01 Dielec:trie Loss Tlll.lllt!!at aad
Diiele,etll'ie Coastaat specimens of the material shall be tested in
accordance with IS: 4486-1967t for 1hese requirements.
6.11 Are Resntlll.llee Test Method - The arc resistance shall be deter-
mined in air at 27°C using a 3'0 m.m of the compound lipread on a
layer of thermal glass, such as quarts or The electrodes, the electrode
holders, the supply to the electrodes circuit arrangement shall be
in IS: 2
0-1 mm. horizontal
The arc electrodes shall be cleaned with a soft clean
dal:npen~:a with alcohol, then dried with a soft, clean dry cloth before
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'1.1 Silicone shall be packed in air-tight, clean and
8.1 Each container shall carry the toUowing information:
a) Name or trade-mark of the numufac:tul:'er,
b) Type,
c) Year of manufacture, and
8.1.1 The containers may also be marked with the lSI Certification
9.1 The: recommended llallrlpling scheme is given in Appendix A.
(Clause 9.1)
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is : 76f8 • 1975
A-2.1 Lot - In a single consignment, all the containers of the same type,
size, and drawn fi'om the same batch of manufacture shall constitute a lot.
If a consignment is dcclan:d or known to consist of different batches of
manufacture or of dilfercnt sizes of containers or of different types of
material then the containers belonging to the same batch under the Silme
size and type shall be grouped together and each such group shall
cv;~stitute a separate lot.
A-2.1.1 Samples shall be tested for each lot for ascertammg the
conformity of the material to the requirements of the specification.
A-2.2 The number of containers (n) to be selected from a lot shall depend
on the size of the lot (N) and shall be as given in Table 1.
(I) (2)
Up to 20 3
21 to 40 4
41 " 80 5
81 " 120 6
121 " 200 8
201 and above 10
NOTE - In the case of very small lots where the selection of three containers may be
uneconomical, thc number of containers to be selected and the criterion for judging the
conformity of the lot to the specification shall be as agreed to between the purchaser
and the supplier.
A-2.3 The containers shall be selected at random and in order to ensure the
randomness of selection, a random number table shall be used. In case
such a table is not avaifable, the following procedure may be adopted:
Starting from one container; count them in one order as
1,2,3, ..................... , up to r and so on, where r is the integral
part of N/n ( N being the lot size and n the number of containers to
be selected). Every rth container thus counted shall be withdrawn
to give samples for test.
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IS I 7648 .. 1'75
A-l.t To ensure that the taken from each container
tive of the contents, the contents shall be mixed th,w","alhl" shaking
or by or both.
A~3.2 After the contents are thoroughly a representative
portion of the material shall be taken with the of a suitable sampling
instrument from each of the containers selected. total quantity of
the material drawn from each container shall be sufficient to conduct tests
for all as in this standard.
A-l.3 The material taken from each container shall be divided into three
equal parts, each an individual One set of the individual
representing n containers shall be marked for the
purcllasier, another for the supplier and the third to be used as a reference
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Chennai([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only]