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Advances in Engineering Software: B. Pantò, F. Cannizzaro, S. Caddemi, I. Caliò

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Advances in Engineering Software 97 (2016) 40–59

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Advances in Engineering Software

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3D macro-element modelling approach for seismic assessment of

historical masonry churches
B. Pantò, F. Cannizzaro, S. Caddemi, I. Caliò∗
Dipartimento Ingegneria Civile e Architettura, University of Catania, Catania, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Recent earthquakes have demonstrated the high vulnerability of cultural heritage buildings, whose seis-
Received 25 August 2015 mic assessment and rehabilitation constitute an important issue in seismic regions around the world. The
Revised 12 January 2016
high nonlinear behaviour of masonry material requires ad hoc refined finite element numerical models,
Accepted 18 February 2016
whose complexity and computational cost are generally unsuitable for practical applications. For these
Available online 12 March 2016
reasons many authors proposed simplified numerical strategies to be used in engineering practice. How-
Keywords: ever, most of these alternative methods are oversimplified since based on the assumption of in plane
Macro-element behaviour of masonry walls.
Discrete element In this paper a discrete-modelling approach for the simulation of both the in plane and out of-plane
Monumental structures response of masonry structures is proposed. The method is applied to a basilica plan church, which has
Computational method been partially investigated in the literature. The results show the capability of the proposed discrete ele-
Push-over analysis
ment approach to simulate the nonlinear response of monumental structures also in those cases in which
HiStrA software
the ‘in’ and the ‘out’ of plane response cannot be decoupled, as it happens for many structural layouts
typical of churches, ancient palaces and several other monumental structures.
© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction historical masonry churches. Betti and Vignoli provided numeri-

cal assessments of the static and seismic behaviour of basilica-
Historical monumental structures (HMS) are present in many type churches (Italy) [3,4], showing how the application of non-
seismically prone areas around the world and belong to our cul- linear FEM can offer significant information for the study of an-
tural heritage. Seismic retrofitting assessment of HMS represents a cient structures with respect both to the understanding of existing
challenging problem that has to be faced according to the ‘mini- damage and to the minimum and adequate design of strengthen-
mum intervention criterion’ to safeguard the loss of cultural value ing. Lourenço et al. analysed the seismic safety of the remainings of
[1]. Nevertheless, in most cases seismic retrofitting projects of his- one church in Famagusta (Cyprus) [5]. Firstly they used limit analy-
torical buildings are performed without a prior reliable assessment sis of collapse mechanisms as preliminary safety assessment, then,
of the actual structural conditions. This apparent paradox is mainly a nonlinear FEM was prepared and updated using dynamic iden-
due to difficulties related to the numerical assessment of the seis- tification results for a comparison between the two approaches.
mic behaviour of monumental structures [2]. As a matter of fact, More recently, Milani and Valente performed the analyses of seven
the nonlinear dynamic behaviour of a masonry monumental struc- masonry churches damaged by the Emilia Romagna (2012) seis-
ture subjected to earthquake loadings is generally governed by a mic event [6,7]. They adopted Global FE (finite element) pushover
complex interaction between in plane and out-of plane response and limit analyses, combined with a plate and shell discretisa-
of masonry walls and is often further complicated by the presence tion, to have an insight into active failure mechanisms and accel-
of structural element with curved geometry such as arches, domes erations associated with the formation of partial collapses. Many
and vaults. Additionally, the high nonlinear behaviour of masonry other examples of nonlinear FEM applications are reported in the
material requires ad hoc numerical models capable of reproducing scientific literature as valuable academic case studies [8-10], how-
the degrading nonlinear cyclic behaviour of masonry [1,2]. ever refined FE approaches require sophisticated constitutive laws,
In the scientific literature there are many significant examples a huge computational cost and advanced abilities in the model im-
of applications of the nonlinear FEM (finite element method) to plementation as well as in the interpretations of the results. On the
other hand, structural engineers need simple and efficient numeri-
cal tools, whose complexity and computational demand should be

Corresponding author. Tel.: +39 0957382255. appropriate for practical engineering purposes. For these reasons,
E-mail address: [email protected] (I. Caliò).

0965-9978/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
B. Pantò et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 97 (2016) 40–59 41

in the last decades, many authors proposed simplified or alterna- has been firstly investigated by Mele et al. [26] and more recently
tive methodologies for predicting the nonlinear seismic behaviour by the same authors of the present paper [27].
of unreinforced masonry structures, particularly for buildings, as Mele et al. [26] investigated the seismic behaviour of the basil-
reported in reference [11] where a comparison between different ica type church which can be regarded as the combination of
approaches is performed. However most of the simplified meth- some structural elements, typical of this building category: nave
ods, currently used in practical engineering, by assuming in plane and aisles connected by nave arcades, façade, transept, crossing
behaviour of masonry walls make these approaches unsuitable for and chancel. Mele et al. [26] had shown that detailed uncoupled
those masonry structures whose seismic response is dominated by nonlinear analyses of sub-structural systems can provide funda-
the out-of plane response, as in the case of churches. mental information on the local and global seismic behaviour of
An alternative approach to the nonlinear FEM is represented by the structure and, at the same time, allows an identification of
the rigid-body spring models (RBSM), specifically formulated with the more vulnerable resistant mechanisms which contribute to the
the aim of approximating the macroscopic behaviour of masonry seismic performance of a specific monumental structure. In their
walls with reduced degrees of freedom. Some valuable applications study Mele et al. [26] identified the main sub-structural systems
of this approach are relative to historical masonry buildings [12,13]. which characterise the considered basilica plan church then, for
A comprehensive review in the current development on numeri- each of them, they performed nonlinear push-over analyses, based
cal issues on masonry mechanics is reported in [1,2]. In the latter on smeared crack nonlinear finite element models, to provide a
works it is also highlighted that a complex analysis tool does not seismic resistance assessment.
necessarily provide better results than simple tools. The present authors in [27] analysed only the in plane be-
In this paper, an original modelling approach for the simula- haviour of the sub-structural elements, previously identified by
tion of the nonlinear behaviour of masonry historical structures, Mele et al. [26], by means of the proposed discrete element ap-
under static and seismic loadings, capable of accounting for the proach under the simplified hypothesis of unlimited ductility. In
out-of plane behaviour of masonry walls is devised. The proposed this paper, besides a re-analysis of the same sub-structural el-
approach is based on the concept of macro-element discretisation ements to assess the influence of a reduced ductility, a three-
[14] and has been conceived with the aim of capturing the nonlin- dimensional model of the entire church is performed. The analyses
ear behaviour of an entire building by means of an assemblage of on the whole church allow to compare the results obtained on the
several discrete-elements which are characterised by different level single sub-structural elements to those obtained by means of the
of complexity according to the role played by the element in the global three-dimensional model.
global model. The results, expressed in terms of collapse mechanisms and
The basic element has been initially developed for the simu- push-over curves, seem to confirm the potentiality of the proposed
lation of the in plane response of masonry walls [14,15] and has approach to be considered, and further developed, as numerical
received many scientific validations based both on numerical and tool devoted to the seismic assessment of historical masonry struc-
experimental [11,14–17] results. This plane element has a simple tures whose simplicity favourites its use, particularly for practical
mechanical representation and its kinematics is dependent on four applications.
Lagrangian parameters only. It can be regarded as an articulated
quadrilateral with four rigid edges and four hinged vertices con-
nected by two diagonal nonlinear springs. Each of the rigid edges 2. The 3D macro-element
can be connected to other elements by means of discrete dis-
tributions of nonlinear springs with limited tensile strength. The The three dimensional discrete element (Fig. 1b) represents a
plane discrete-element has been implemented in the computer nontrivial extension of a plane macro-element introduced by Caliò
code 3DMacro [18], that simplifies the application of the method et al. [15] conceived for the simulation of the in plane nonlinear
by means of input and output graphical user interfaces. This novel response of masonry walls (Fig. 1a). The plane macro-element con-
approach has been also recently successfully applied and validated sists of a pinned quadrilateral made with four rigid edges, in which
for mixed reinforced concrete-masonry structures and for confined a nonlinear diagonal link is connected to the corners to simulate
masonry buildings [19-23]. However, the basic plane-element is in- the shear response. Each side of the panel can interact with other
tended only for the simulation of the nonlinear response of ma- panels, elements or supports by means of a discrete distribution
sonry walls in their own plane since the out-of plane response of nonlinear springs, denoted as interface. Each interface is con-
is not taken into account. In order to overcome this significant stituted by a single row of n nonlinear springs, orthogonal to the
restriction, common to almost all the macro-element simplified panel side, and an additional longitudinal spring, which rules the
approaches proposed in the literature [13,16], an upgrade of the relative motion in the direction of the panel edge.
plane macro-element, obtained by introducing a third dimension Each plane macro-element exhibits three degrees-of-freedom,
and the needed additional degrees-of-freedom for the simulation associated to the in plane rigid-body motion, plus a further degree-
of the out-of plane response, has been provisionally investigated of-freedom needed to describe the in plane shear deformability.
in [24,25,28]. The enriched spatial element, that can be still rep- The deformations of the interfaces are associated to the relative
resented by means of an equivalent simple mechanical scheme, is motion between corresponding panels, therefore no further La-
characterised by seven Lagrangian parameters only and its kine- grangian parameters are needed in order to describe their kine-
matics should allow an efficient simulation of both the in and out- matics.
of plane response of masonry walls. The computational cost of the In spite of its simplicity, such a basic mechanical scheme is able
proposed discrete element approach is greatly reduced, if com- to simulate the main in plane failure mechanisms of a portion of
pared to a traditional nonlinear finite element modelling, and the masonry wall subjected to horizontal and vertical loads. The as-
calibration of the model and the interpretation of the numerical semblage of these elements allows the simulation of nonlinear re-
results are simple and unambiguous, since based on a straightfor- sponse of entire masonry buildings for which the out-of plane re-
ward fibre discretisation. sponse of the masonry wall can be ignored [26] or considered sep-
In this paper the spatial macro-element is described and ap- arately as local failure mechanism.
plied to a historical basilica plan church, the S. Ippolisto Martire The three-dimensional macro-element (Fig. 1b) represents the
Church, located in Atripalda (Avellino, Italy), built between 1584 spatial upgrade of the plane macro-element. In particular, the main
and 1612 on a previous basilica of the IV century AD. This church upgrades can be summarised as follows:
42 B. Pantò et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 97 (2016) 40–59

Fig. 1. Equivalent mechanical representation of the macro-element. (a) The plane macro-element; (b) the spatial macro-element.

– three additional degrees-of-freedom have been considered for constitutive law for the masonry material, according to a simplified
the description of the out-of plane kinematics; fibre model approach.
– the geometry of the articulated quadrilateral can be irregular In the description of the calibration procedure a perfectly
for a better description of complex geometry layouts; elasto-plastic behaviour with limited deformability is assumed. The
– further nonlinear links have been introduced in order to ac- orthotropic nature of the masonry can be simply considered by
count for the three-dimensional mechanical behaviour of the calibrating separately the interfaces according to the mechanical
element according to a discrete fibre discretisation strategy. properties of the corresponding directions.
The case regarding a horizontal interface connecting two
The kinematics of the spatial macro-element is governed by 7 generic panels, k and l, characterised by different mechanical and
degrees-of-freedom only, able to describe both the in and out-of geometrical properties, is considered. Since the deformations of the
plane rigid body motions of the quadrilateral and the in plane panels are concentrated in zero thickness interfaces, the vertical
shear deformability. This latter is ruled by a single nonlinear spring orthogonal springs have the role of simulating the deformability
placed along one of the diagonals of the articulated quadrilateral of the two connected panels in the vertical direction. The stiffness
(Fig. 2b). calibration of each panel is simply obtained by assigning to each
The interaction of the spatial macro-element with the adjacent link the axial rigidity of the corresponding masonry strips, identi-
elements or the external supports is ruled by 3D-interfaces. Each fied by the influence area of each spring and the half-dimension
3D-interface possesses m rows of n longitudinal (i.e. perpendicular of the panel along the direction perpendicular to the interface.
to the planes of the interface) NLinks. Consequently, each interface This procedure provides couples of springs in series. Each couple
is discretised, similarly to what is done in classical fibre models, in of springs is then replaced by a single resulting nonlinear elasto-
m × n sub-areas (Fig. 2a). plastic spring as described in reference [15].
Besides the interface orthogonal springs, the 3D interfaces are Focusing on a link corresponding to a single panel the initial
endowed with additional transversal sliding springs (Fig. 2b). The stiffness Kp , the compressive and tensile yielding strengths Fcy , Fty
latter are required to control the in plane and out-of plane sliding and the corresponding ultimate displacements ucu , utu are derived
mechanisms and the torsion around the axis perpendicular to the by the knowledge of the mechanical material properties of the ma-
plane of the interface. sonry panel as follows:
The number of NLinks adopted in the 3D-interfaces is selected
according to the desired level of accuracy of the nonlinear re- E As
Kp = 2 (1)
sponse. L

Fcy = As σc (2a)
3. The mechanical characterisation of the element

Each macro-element must be representative of the correspond- Fty = As σt (2b)

ing finite portion of masonry wall, cut out by plane sections lo-
cated at the edges of the quadrilateral. This equivalence relies on L
a straightforward fibre calibration procedure, and is based only on ucu = εcu (3a)
the main mechanical parameters which characterise the masonry
according to an orthotropic homogeneous medium. In the follow- L
utu = εtu (3b)
ing sub-sections the mechanical characterisation of the model, that 2
relies on the definition of the constitutive laws of the nonlinear where E is the Young’s modulus in the direction orthogonal to
links, is described more in detail with reference to a rectangular the interface; σ c and σ t are the compressive and tensile yield-
masonry panel. ing stresses, ε cu and ε tu are the ultimate compressive and tensile
strains; As is the influence area of the nonlinear link, and L/2 is the
3.1. The orthogonal springs length corresponding to half fibre [15].

Since the masonry is considered as a homogeneous medium its 3.2. The transversal springs
global behaviour should be ascribed to the flexural, shearing and
torsional characteristics of a finite portion of an orthotropic inelas- The nonlinear links, lying along the interface, have been de-
tic continua. As mentioned before, the flexural behaviour is simu- noted as transversal springs. In the discretisation here adopted
lated by the interface orthogonal springs connecting the panel to only three nonlinear links have been considered, which is the min-
adjacent elements. Each spring is calibrated by adopting a specific imum required for ruling the possible masonry failure modes. A
B. Pantò et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 97 (2016) 40–59 43

Fig. 2. Simplified mechanical representation of the spatial macro-element. (a) The element with the representation of the orthogonal NLinks and the corresponding fibres;
(b) the element with the representation of the transversal and diagonal NLinks.

single in plane transversal spring governs the in plane sliding of

the element along the interface. The out-of plane shear deforma-
bility is ruled by two parallel springs, which take care of the out-
of plane sliding behaviour and the torsional elastic and inelastic
response of the connected adjacent panels.

3.2.1. The in plane transversal spring

The in plane shear response of the masonry is ruled by the
diagonal and shear-sliding in plane links. Although each type of
NLink rules the shear diagonal and sliding collapse behaviour, the
overall elastic shear deformation of the masonry panel can be
partly associated to a diagonal deformation and partly attributed
to concentrated deformability along the mortar joints, better de-
scribed as a relative sliding motion between interfaces. In the ap-
plications reported in the following, it is assumed that the overall
in plane shear elastic deformability is concentrated in the diago-
nal links and the shear-sliding in plane links have been calibrated
according to a rigid-plastic behaviour whose inelasticity has been
calibrated according to a Mohr–Coulomb law.

3.3.2. The out-of plane transversal springs Fig. 3. The out-of plane transversal links and their influence volumes.
The two out-of plane transversal nonlinear links are required to
control the out-of plane sliding mechanisms as well as the torsion
around the axis perpendicular to the plane of the interface. In the agonal springs have the fundamental role to preside over the di-
applications reported in the following, each link simulates the out- agonal shear failure collapse. This is associated to the loss of the
of plane shear deformability of two adjacent panels according to bearing capacity of masonry panel due to excessive shear and the
their influence volume. consequent formation of diagonal cracks along the direction of the
The case of two identical adjacent panels is considered, as an principal compressive stress. Many different yielding criteria can
example. In this case the out-of plane elastic shear stiffness ks is be adopted all accounting for a shear resistance strongly depen-
obtained by assigning to each link, the shear stiffness of the cor- dent on vertical compression stresses in the wall. As highlighted in
responding masonry strip, identified by its influence area A/2 mul- reference [29], two basically different hypotheses, which lead vir-
tiplied by twice the half dimension of the panel in the direction tually to the same results, have been developed in order to model
perpendicular to the interface L, and characterised by the shear the shear failure mechanism. In the first case, which has been
modulus G. accepted by Eurocode 6 (Design of masonry structures) [30] the
GA shear strength is defined according to a Mohr–Coulomb law
ks = (4)
2L f v = f v 0 + μc σ n (5)
The torsional elastic behaviour associated to the two links is re-
lated to their distance d ( Fig. 3). With the aim to obtain a suit- where fv 0 is the shear strength under zero compression strength,
able torsional elastic calibration, the distance d between the two μc is a friction coefficient defining the contribution of compressive
springs has been calculated by enforcing a torsional stiffness equiv- stresses, σ n is the value of the compressive stress. Values of fv 0
alence between the discrete model and the reference elastic con- and μc should be determined by experimental tests [31,32]. This
tinuous beam model identified by the two portion of the panels criterion is the same suggested for the description of the sliding-
whose torsional deformability is attributed to the links of the zero- shear failure, although characterised by appropriate values of fv 0
thickness interface ( Fig. 3). and μc that in general do not coincide with the corresponding val-
ues that govern the sliding-shear failure. In the proposed macro-
3.3. The diagonal spring modelling approach the two mechanisms, although both associated
to the in plane shear deformability, are controlled separately.
Shear failure is the most common type of failure of a masonry Alternative theories associate the diagonal shear failure to the
wall, when subjected to seismic action in its own plane. The di- principle tensile stress that develops in the wall when subjected to
44 B. Pantò et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 97 (2016) 40–59

vertical loads and increasing horizontal forces. The most adopted L1

criterion based on this assumption is the well known Turnsek and
Cacovic criterion [33] that takes into account the influence of the T2 T3 T4 T4 T4 T4
geometry of the wall and the distribution of action at maximum
resistance. The latter criterion can be expressed as

ft σ0
fv = +1 (6) T5
b ft

where fv is the average shear stress in the wall attained at the

maximum resistance, ft is the tensile strength of masonry, b is the
shear stress distribution factor (depending on the geometry of the L2
wall), σ 0 is the average compression stress on the panel.
The calibration of the diagonal springs in the initial linear elas-
tic range is simply obtained by enforcing an elastic equivalence L1
between the panel and the corresponding masonry wall, consid-
Fig. 4. Plan layout of the church (from Mele et al. [16]), with the identification of
ered as a pure shear deformable homogeneous plate with tangen- the considered sub-structural systems (dashed lines).
tial modulus G, transversal area At and height h. Further details on
the calibration procedure are reported in [15,24,25].
building. Secondly single structural elements are extracted from
4. Application to a basilica plan church the 3D context and analysed both in the linear and nonlinear range
through refined 2D finite element models, with the aim of identi-
The assessment of the seismic behaviour of historical monu- fying the major structural properties that can be used for a sim-
mental structure still represents a challenging problem which in- plified assessment of the seismic behaviour of the whole build-
volves the contribution of many research groups around the world. ing. Consistently to this approach Mele et al. [26] investigated the
Due to the difficulties to define three dimensional global nonlinear seismic behaviour of a typical basilica type church. They consid-
finite element models many researchers proposed alternative and ered the S. Ippolisto Martire Church, located in Atripalda (Avellino,
simplified procedures for the assessment of the seismic vulnera- Italy), built between 1584 and 1612 on a previous basilica founda-
bility of monumental structures. An interesting approach proposed tions of the IV century AD. As highlighted by the authors [26], this
by Mele et al. [26,34] is based on a two steps analysis method. In church features the presence of very definite structural typologies
the first step the overall structure is analysed in the linear range formed by the assemblage of quite repetitive structural schemes,
through a complete and refined 3D model, with the aim of charac- that in the referenced paper [26] have been denoted as ‘macro-
terising the linear static and dynamic behaviour, defining the cor- elements’. In this paper these structural schemes will be identified
responding internal force distribution among the single elementary as ‘sub-structural systems’ since the term macro-element has been
parts and identifying the weak points of potential failures in the used at a different scale and with a different meaning.

475 1300 475 475 1300 475





755 745 755 365 390 745 390 365

Element T2 Element T3


125 310


60 305 240 895 605 170 190 600 325 600 190 170

Element T4 Element T5

Fig. 5. The considered plane transversal sub-structural systems: geometrical layouts and mesh discretisation adopted in the discrete element simulations.
B. Pantò et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 97 (2016) 40–59 45

925 2920


P2 P3



170 185 220 185 1770 429 220 429 120

Element L1

970 785 325 550 550 550 550 335


P2 435 115




960 735 170 430 120 430 120 430 120 430 120 430 120

Element L2
Fig. 6. The considered plane longitudinal sub-structural systems: geometrical layouts and mesh discretisation adopted in the discrete element simulations.

The basilica church consists of some structural elements, typ- criterion, with unlimited ductility, according to the values reported
ical in this building category: nave and aisles connected by nave in Table 1. In the following sub-sections firstly the nonlinear re-
arcades, façade, transept, crossing and chancel ( Fig. 4). The de- sponses of the sub-structural systems are investigated secondly
tailed nonlinear analysis of each sub-structural system can provide the obtained results are compared with those related to the en-
fundamental information on the global seismic behaviour of the tire three-dimensional discrete element model. The results are ex-
structure allowing an identification of the more vulnerable resis- pressed in terms of collapse mechanisms, push-over curves and
tant mechanisms which contribute to the seismic performance of damage scenarios.
the structure. In their study [26] Mele et al. performed the non-
linear push-over analyses of all the identified plane sub-structural 4.1. The in-plane response of sub-structural systems
systems with the aim to provide a seismic assessment of the entire
church. The detailed description of the case study, both from a mechan-
Recently, the present authors in [27] analysed the in plane be- ical and geometrical point of views, is reported in the referenced
haviour of some sub-structural systems by means of the proposed paper [26].
discrete element approach and under the simplified hypothesis of The plan positions of the considered sub-structural systems are
unlimited ductility. represented in the schematic plan view of Fig. 4, while in Figs.
In this paper, besides a re-analysis of all the sub-structural 5 and 6 the geometrical layouts and the corresponding adopted
systems to assess the influence of a reduced available ductility, macro-element discretisations in the transversal and longitudinal
a three-dimensional sub-structural model involving the façade as directions are reported.
well as the three-dimensional model of the entire church are in- The results reported in the following are relative to push-over
vestigated. analyses associated to the application of constant vertical loads,
The nonlinear flexural behaviour has been assumed according due to the gravity loads, and an increasing distribution of horizon-
to a perfectly elasto-plastic constitutive law with limited and un- tal mass-proportional loadings. It has been assumed that each sin-
limited ductility. Namely, in the ductile constitutive model neither gle structural-element is independent from the remaining part of
crashing in compression nor cracking in tension is admitted. On the structure.
the other hand the brittle model is characterised by cracking at a In order to investigate the role of the ductility, in the flexural
certain value of the tensile strain while no crashing in compres- response, the plane sub-structural systems have been analysed, by
sion is still maintained. The shear sliding and the shear diago- assuming the masonry mechanical parameters reported in Table 1
nal behaviour have been calibrated according to a Mohr–Coulomb for different values of the available ductility μ associated to the
46 B. Pantò et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 97 (2016) 40–59

Table 1
Mechanical parameters assumed for the sub-structural systems.

Flexural (orthogonal Nlinks)

W E σc σt λ
unit weight Young’s modulus compressive tensile strength Nlinks distance
(kN/m3 ) (MPa) strength (MPa) (MPa) (cm)

19 1650 3.3 0.2 10

Shear diagonal (diagonal Nlinks) Shear sliding (transversal links)

G fvo μsh c μsl

shear modulus shear strength friction coefficient cohesion (MPa) friction coefficient
(MPa) (MPa)

660 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.6

tensile strength of the orthogonal NLinks. Namely, the case corre- 0.6
sponding to μ = 1, 10, 20, ∞ are considered, being μ = 1, represen-
tative of a pure fragile tensile response and μ = ∞, corresponding 0.5
to unlimited ductility. In the following the in plane nonlinear re-
sponse of the sub-structural elements oriented along the transver-
sal and the longitudinal directions are considered separately.

With the aim to investigate the influence of the adopted dis- ductility=1
cretisation, in the last subsection, relative to the sub-structural sys- 0.2 ductility=10
tem T2, the influence of the mesh size and the fibre discretisation
are investigated. 0.1
ductility not limited
4.1.1. The in plane response of the sub-structural systems in the
0 4 8 12 16 20
transversal direction displacement [mm]
The results of the push-over analyses of the sub-structural sys-
tem T5 subjected to a mass proportional distribution of in plane Fig. 7. Sub-structural element T5: nonlinear force displacement curves for different
loads are reported in Fig. 7. values of the available ductility.
It can be observed how the reduction of the available ductil-
ity in the tensile constitutive law of the orthogonal nonlinear links stresses in the interfaces are represented by means of a chromatic
leads to lower values of global resistance although the sub-system scale in which the red and the blue colours correspond to tensile
preserves a significant global ductility capacity. and compressive forces respectively. It can be observed how the in
Fig. 8 reports the failure mechanisms of the plane sub- plane collapse of the façade is dominated by the rocking response
structural element T5 for the limit cases of fragile and unlimited of four slender piers, as a consequence of the damage of the span-
ductility. In the same figures the relative distribution of normal drels.

Fig. 8. Sub-structural element T5. Failure mechanisms associated to horizontal in plane mass-proportional load distribution for two values of available ductility. (a) μ = 1;
(b) μ = ∞.
B. Pantò et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 97 (2016) 40–59 47

0.6 terised by the presence of two adjacent arches, placed in an eccen-

tric position, close to the attachment of the main façade. The sub-
0.5 structural system L2, corresponding to the section of the church
along the nave arcade, represents a typical solution obtained as the
assemblage of several columns supporting arches and vaults and a
larger arch corresponding to the transept.

Fig. 13 reports the results of the push-over analysis for the L1
0.2 ductility=1 sub-structural system, for different values of the available ductility.
ductility=10 The different model points considered, P1 , P2 and P3 , whose lo-
0.1 ductility=20 cation is reported in Fig. 6, show similar responses and displace-
ductility not limited ment capacities as reported in Fig. 13. A different behaviour can be
recognised in Fig. 14 reporting the results of the push-over analysis
0 4 8 12 16 20
for the L2 sub-structural system, for different values of the avail-
displacement [mm]
able ductility, in this case the target point P1 shows different dis-
Fig. 9. Sub-structural element T2: nonlinear force displacement curves for different placement capacity of the target point P2 and P3 that are instead
values of the available ductility. characterised by a similar response. This trend is due to a partial
separation in the weaker part of the wall, due to the presence of
the first arch. This behaviour can be better recognised in Fig. 14d in
Fig. 9 shows the push-over curves analyses for different val- which the curves, for the value of ductility μ = 10, are compared
ues of the available ductility of the material while the failure and in Fig. 15a that reports the failure mechanism corresponding
mechanisms associated of the triumphal arch (element T2) are re- to the case of μ = 10.
ported in Fig. 10. Fig. 15 reports the collapse mechanisms of the sub-structural
The failure mechanisms, shown in Fig. 10, is characterised by system L1 and L2, corresponding to the value of the available duc-
the failure of the arch and the rocking motion of the lateral piers. tility μ = 10. It can be observed that the system L1 exhibits a
The capacity curves for the internal walls, T3 and T4, are re- global behaviour while the system L2 shows a separation between
ported in Fig. 11. In this case, it can be observed that a reduction the end wall on the left side and the sequence of arches on the
of the material ductility leads to a reduction of both the global re- right. This behaviour is due to the different lateral resistance of
sistance and global ductility of the system. the two parts and to the law tensile resistance typical of the ma-
In Fig. 12 the collapse mechanisms relative to the case of un- sonry material. In the same figure the relative distribution of nor-
limited ductility are reported, for both the sub-structural systems mal stresses in the interfaces are represented according to the al-
the collapse mechanisms are dominated by the failure of the lat- ready adopted chromatic scale.
eral arches due to the rocking of the slim and unconfined piers. The reported collapse mechanisms are in very good agreement
with the damage scenarios often observed during seismic events
4.1.2. The in plane response of sub-structural systems in the in many basilica churches [19-21] and are close to the collapse
longitudinal direction mode already obtained by Mele et al. [26] through a smeared crack
In this sub-section the sub-structural systems L1 and L2, placed nonlinear finite element modelling approach. All the performed
along the longitudinal direction, Fig. 6, are considered. L1 identi- analyses have shown that if the available ductility decreases, the
fies the walls of the lateral prospects of the church and is charac- zero tensile zones at the element interfaces increase. Low available

Fig. 10. Sub-structural system T2: in plane failure mechanisms, damage distribution and normal stress. (a) μ = 1; (b) μ = ∞.
48 B. Pantò et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 97 (2016) 40–59

a 0.4 b 0.25


ductility=1 0.1 ductility=1
ductility=10 ductility=10
0.1 ductility=20
ductility=20 0.05
ductility not limited ductility not limited
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 10 20 30 40
displacement [mm] displacement [mm]

Fig. 11. Push-over force displacement curves for different values of the available ductility for the internal sub-structural element. (a) T3; (b) T4.

Fig. 12. Sub-structural system (a) T3 and (b) T4: in plane failure mechanisms corresponding to the case μ = ∞.

ductility favourites collapse scenarios characterised by heavy dam- cases of a low ductility behaviour μ = 5 (brittle) and unlimited
age distribution and failure mechanisms dominated by several lo- ductility.
cal collapses due to the separation of the structure in several parts Two different mesh refinements are considered, as reported in
with limited interaction during the dynamic response. Fig. 17a, mesh A characterised by 462 macro-elements and a to-
tal of 3212 degrees of freedom, mesh B is relative to 190 macro-
4.1.3. A comparison between the sub-structural systems in terms of elements and 1326 degrees of freedom. The comparison in terms
push-over curves of push-over curves are shown in Fig. 17b as can be observed the
A comparison between the push-over curves of both the results provided by the two different mesh are in good agreement
transversal and longitudinal sub-structural elements are reported both for the brittle and the unlimited ductile cases.
in Fig. 16. Two values of ductilities have been considered, corre- In Fig. 18 the failure mechanisms predicted by the two different
sponding to μ = 10 (identified as brittle in the figures) and μ = ∞. discretisations are shown; it can be observed how both the simu-
The internal sub-structural systems, T2 and T3 along the transver- lations provide a good representation of the collapse behaviour of
sal direction and L2 along the longitudinal direction, are charac- the investigated structure.
terised by the lower values of strength and stiffness. Furthermore
the systems T3 and T4 show a low ductile behaviour for the value 4.2. A spatial sub-structural system for investigated the out of plane
of available ductility μ = 10. response of the façade

4.1.4. Influence of the mesh size Several earthquakes have shown the high vulnerability of the
In this section a sensitivity analysis to assess the influence of façades of churches which can either detach from the orthogonal
the macro-element mesh-size in the structural response is briefly retaining walls or partially involve the orthogonal walls in the out-
reported. The sub-structural system T2 is considered in the two of plane mechanism. The spatial sub-structural element reported in
B. Pantò et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 97 (2016) 40–59 49

Fig. 13. Sub-structural element L1: nonlinear force displacement curves for different values of the available ductility and for the target points (a) P1, (b) P2, (c) P3; (d)
displacement curves for different target points and μ = 10.

Fig. 14. Sub-structural element L2: nonlinear force displacement curves for different values of the available ductility and for the target points (a) P1, (b) P2, (c) P3; (d)
displacement curves for different target points and ductility μ = 10.
50 B. Pantò et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 97 (2016) 40–59

Fig. 15. Longitudinal sub-structural systems: in plane failure mechanisms and distribution of normal stress for μ = 10. (a) L1 system; (b) L2 system.

0.6 0.6

0.5 0.5

0.4 0.4


0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2

T2 T3
0.1 T4 T5 0.1 L1 L2
T2 brittle T3 brittle L1 brittle L2 brittle
T4 brittle T5 brittle 0
0 10 20 30 40 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
displacement [mm] displacement [mm]

Fig. 16. Comparison of the capacity curves of the considered sub-structural systems.




T2 brittle - mesh A
T2 brittle - mesh B

0.1 T2 ductile - mesh A

T2 ductile - mesh B
B 0
0 4 8 12 16 20
displacement [mm]

a b
Fig. 17. Sub-structural system T2, influence of the mesh size. (a) The considered mesh discretisations; (b) comparison in terms of capacity curves.
B. Pantò et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 97 (2016) 40–59 51

Fig. 18. Sub-structural system T2, failure mechanisms corresponding to two different mesh sizes.

Fig. 19. (a) View of the spatial sub-structural system for the analysis of out of-plane behaviour of the main façade of the church. (b) Target points considered in the out of
plane analyses.

Fig. 19 has been investigated with the aim to obtain both qualita-
tive and quantitative results relative to the out-of plane behaviour
of the main façade of the church without performing a nonlinear
three-dimensional analysis of the entire church, which has been
however reported in the next section. In order to take into ac-
count the influence due to the connection with the orthogonal
walls these latter have been considered for a length equal to about
the width of the façade.
If the connection between the longitudinal walls and the façade
are weak the collapse mechanism generally involves the entire
façade which, out of plane, behaves as a rigid body slender block
that overturns around a base cylindrical hinge. If the longitudinal
walls and the façade are well linked the out of plane behaviour
of the façade is difficult to evaluate by simple rigid body motion
analyses. In this latter case both the in-plane response of the lon-
gitudinal walls and the out-of plane response of the façade have to
Fig. 20. Qualitative representation of the modelling strategy of the connections be-
be taken into account.
tween orthogonal walls.
The intersection between walls is managed according to a mod-
elling strategy consistent to the proposed discrete element ap-
proach. Namely connections between perpendicular walls are dealt
with by inserting suitable joint elements capable of modelling per- With the aim to show the capability of the model to follow the
fect, imperfect or absence of interlocking. This behaviour has been post-peak behaviour, instead of a perfectly plastic behaviour with
obtained by introducing three-dimensional prismatic discrete ele- assigned ductility, as in the applications reported in the previous
ments endowed with six interfaces, one for each side of the prism. sections, a fracture energy has been associated to the tensile and
The interfaces are calibrated according to the connection proper- compressive behaviour of masonry, according to a degrading con-
ties and rule both the flexural and the sliding behaviour, the inter- stitutive law consistent to the model reported in Fig. 21. In par-
nal shear deformability at the joint elements have been neglected ticular a softening branch after the elastic phase is considered, Gt
hence each joint element is characterised by six degree of free- and Gc being the tensile and compressive fracture energy respec-
dom only. A qualitative representation of the modelling strategy tively. The unloading stiffness can be set as intermediate between
adopted for the connections between orthogonal walls is reported the elastic one and that oriented to the origin (Eot and Eoc in the
in Fig. 20. figure). In the applications reported in the following the unloading
52 B. Pantò et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 97 (2016) 40–59

0.15 P3


0 5 10 15 20 25
displacement [mm]
Fig. 21. Adopted constitutive law according to a fracture energy model.
Fig. 22. Three dimensional sub-structural element: nonlinear force displacement
curves for the five different monitored displacements P1, P2, P3, P4, P5.

stiffness have been assumed oriented to the origin for tensile force
and equal to the initial elastic value for compressive force. In Fig. 22 the pushover curves of the five monitored displace-
The applications here reported are relative to displacement con- ments are reported for the case of unlimited compressive fracture
trolled nonlinear analyses making use of the well known arc length energy Gc → ∞ and tensile fracture energy Gt = 0.1 N/mm. The re-
procedure. First the application of constant vertical loads deriving sults are expressed in terms of base shear, normalised with respect
from the weight is considered, than a horizontal mass-proportional to the total weight (22,701 kN) of the sub-structural element, as a
loadings, in the direction orthogonal to the façade is applied. function of the displacements of five different target points, whose

Fig. 23. Views of the out of-plane collapse mechanism for three different value of the tensile fracture energy: (a) Gt = 0.1 N/mm, (b) Gt = 1 N/mm, (c) Gt → ∞ N/mm.
B. Pantò et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 97 (2016) 40–59 53

0.40 0.20

0.30 0.15

Gt=0.1 N/mm

0.20 0.10
Gt=0.02 N/mm
Gt=0.2 N/mm
0.10 Gt=0.5 N/mm 0.05 Reference model
Gt=1 N/mm
Gt=inf Less refined model
0.00 0.00
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
0 5 10 15 20 25
displacement [mm]
displacement [mm]
Fig. 24. Pushover curves for different values of the tensile fracture energy.
Fig. 27. Influence of the mesh size: comparison in terms of pushover curves.

positions are specified in Fig. 19. It can be observed the different fracture energy increases, the collapse mechanism moves from the
level of the displacement corresponding to each target point, as brittle detachment of the façade to a more enhanced implication of
expected the maximum displacement correspond to the top of the the orthogonal walls, especially the first order of windows and the
façade. second order of arches of the orthogonal walls, as better showed in
The collapse mechanism is characterised by a progressive de- Fig. 23b and Fig. 23c in which the collapse mechanism associated
tachment of the façade from the orthogonal walls, mainly the in- to two value of fracture energy are reported. Also the pushover
ner ones, with a horizontal cylindrical plastic hinge and a vertical curves are strongly influenced by this parameter, as highlighted in
one in the tympanum, as reported in Fig. 23a. Fig. 24 where the pushover curves for the considered models are
In order to better assess the influence of the tensile fracture compared, reporting the horizontal displacement of the top of the
energy, five more analyses have been performed in which the frac- tympanum vs the normalised base shear.
ture energy has been varied. In particular, besides the previously Finally, a further investigation, taking into account the influence
considered case (Gt = 0.1 N/mm), the other values adopted for the of the mesh size, is reported in the following. Namely, the case
tensile fracture energy are Gt = 0.02, 0.2, 0.5, 1, ∞ N/mm. As the previously considered, characterised by fracture energies Gc → ∞

Fig. 25. Views of the spatial sub-structural system for the analysis of out of-plane behaviour of the main façade of the church considering a less refined mesh.

Fig. 26. Views of the out of-plane collapse mechanism for the model with a less refined mesh.
54 B. Pantò et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 97 (2016) 40–59

Fig. 28. Two axonometric views of the three-dimensional macro-element model implemented in the software code HiStrA.

Fig. 29. Plan positions of the target points considered in the numerical analyses.

and Gt = 0.1 N/mm, whose results, reported in Fig. 22, have been and 358 rigid corner elements needed to connect orthogonal walls.
obtained through a model with 8848 degrees of freedom according The total amount of degrees of freedom is 18,624.
to the mesh reported in Fig. 19 has been re-analysed by consider- The numerical results reported in the following are relative to
ing a less refined discretisation. In particular the new model, re- force controlled push-over analyses associated first to the appli-
ported in Fig. 25, has about an half computational cost being char- cation of the gravity loads and then to an increasing horizontal
acterised by 4720 degrees of freedom only. mass-proportional distribution of loadings. According to the sym-
As can be observed from Fig. 26 also the less refined mesh is metry of the structure two analyses in the longitudinal (X) di-
able to describe the collapse mechanism that is substantially coin- rection and a single analysis in the transversal (Y) direction are
cident to those previously obtained and reported in Fig. 23a. considered.
The comparison between the pushover curves obtained with Since the nonlinear behaviour of the church is dominated by
the two different mesh sizes is reported in Fig. 27, where the hor- the interaction between in plane and the out-of plane responses
izontal displacement of the point at the of the tympanum vs the the results of the static nonlinear analyses are expressed with ref-
base shear normalised by the self-weight is reported. It can be ob- erence to different target points. The plan positions of the target
served a very good agreement in the initial quasi-elastic phase and points, chosen for the representation of the push-over curves, are
a slightly greater rigidity in the less refined model in the nonlinear displayed in Fig. 29, all the points are placed at the top of the cor-
range. However both the models correctly predict the limit of the responding walls.
quasi-elastic range in terms of displacement and limit load. In the applications reported in the following two models, that
differ for the adopted tensile ductility only, have been investigated.
4.3. The macro-element modelling of the entire church In the ductile model an unlimited ductility under compressive and
tensile load is assumed while for the brittle model, unlimited duc-
In this sub-section, the capability of the proposed macro- tility in compression and a limited ductility in traction (μ = 10)
element approach to predict the main peculiarities of the non- have been assumed. The other material properties have been set
linear behaviour of the whole church is investigated. In particu- according to a perfectly elasto-plastic law identified by the values,
lar the results of a three-dimensional model of the entire church already adopted and summarised in Table 1. In Fig. 30 some im-
are analysed and compared to those already obtained for each sub- ages of the failure mechanisms of the brittle model for the positive
structural system. and negative longitudinal directions are reported, in the same fig-
Two views of the three-dimensional representation of the ures a qualitative representation of the damage distribution is re-
adopted model are reported in Fig. 28. The overall model is char- ported by adopting a grey scale. It can be observed how the dam-
acterised by 2208 quadrilateral elements, 170 triangular elements age tends to concentrate in the connections between orthogonal
B. Pantò et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 97 (2016) 40–59 55

Fig. 30. Failure mechanism and damage distribution for the brittle model for the positive and negative longitudinal directions.

walls close to the openings and in the wall sections where inelas- and out-of plane behaviour of masonry walls. In all the consid-
tic cylindrical hinges occur. ered analyses the two monitored displacements ptT5a and ptT5b,
The positive longitudinal analysis (+X) is dominated by the out- located in the central part of the façade, show the largest dis-
of plane response of the main façade, it can also be observed the placements, highlighting that the collapse mechanism is mainly lo-
concentration of damage in the weaker sections of the orthogonal calised on the main façade of the church.
walls and in the section of the columns of the nave subjected to The ideal ductile model, exhibits larger strength and ductility of
tensile loads. The negative longitudinal analysis (−X) corresponds the brittle model particularly for the analyses in the positive direc-
to that for which the façade is pushed towards the interior of the tion. Both the models confirm that the weakest failure mechanism
church, this mechanism is also characterised by the in plane re- in the longitudinal direction is associated to the out-of plane be-
sponse of the sub-structural elements L1 and L2 and the out-of haviour of the façade with a partial involvement of the orthogonal
plane response of the internal sub-structural elements T2 and T3. walls.
In Fig. 31 the normalised base-shear vs the monitored displace- This behaviour has been already investigated in Section 4.2
ments are reported. It can be observed the different level of the with reference to a three-dimensional sub-structural system al-
displacement corresponding to each target displacement. This be- though considering the presence of softening in the constitutive
haviour is confirmed by the collapse mechanisms ( Fig. 32) in law of the orthogonal springs. By comparing the results obtained
which the irregular distribution of damage and displacements are in the sub-structural system and those relative to the whole church
apparent. This collapse behaviour has been often observed during it can be observed a very good agreement in the behaviour of the
earthquakes and cannot be numerically simulated without con- façade. This can be recognised by comparing the collapse mecha-
sidering a three-dimensional model able to simulate both the in nisms (Figs. 23 and 30) and the push-over curves ( Figs. 24 and
56 B. Pantò et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 97 (2016) 40–59

a 0.25 b 0.35
0.3 ptT1
0.2 ptT1
ptT2 0.25 ptT2
0.15 ptT3 ptT3

ptT5a ptT5a
0.15 ptT5b
ptT5c 0.1 ptT5c
0.05 ptL1T4 ptL1T4
ptL2 ptL2
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 0 20 40 60 80 100
displacement [mm] displacement [mm]

c d 0.50
ptT1 0.40
ptT2 ptT1
0.30 ptT2
ptT3 0.30


0.20 0.20 ptT5a

ptT5c ptT5c
0.10 0.10
ptL1T4 ptL1T4
ptL2 ptL2
0.00 0.00
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
displacement [mm] displacement [mm]
Fig. 31. Capacity curves for the analyses in the longitudinal direction: (a) brittle model +X; (b) brittle model −X; (c) ductile model +X; (d) ductile model −X.

Fig. 32. Failure mechanism and damage distribution for the brittle model in the transversal direction.

31), in the latter comparison the case characterised by unlimited façade is mainly subjected to in plane loads and the collapse
fracture energy and that corresponding to unlimited ductility have mechanism is dominated by the out-of plane response of the sub-
to be considered. systems L1 and L2 which are transversally linked by arches.
In Fig. 32 some views of the collapse mechanism relative to the In Fig. 33 the capacity curves, for both the considered models,
analysis of the brittle model subjected to a mass proportional dis- are reported. Again the monitored displacements show very differ-
tribution of transversal loads are reported. In this case the main ent levels in the achieved displacements. The largest displacements
B. Pantò et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 97 (2016) 40–59 57

a 0.25 b 0.40

ptT1 0.30
ptT2 ptT1
0.15 ptT2
0.20 ptT3


0.10 ptT5a
ptT5c 0.10 ptT5c
ptL1T4 ptL1T4
ptL2 ptL2
0.00 0.00
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
displacement [mm] displacement [mm]

Fig. 33. Capacity curves for the analysis in the transversal direction: (a) brittle and (b) ductile models.

0.25 Whole model

0.40 Whole model
Out of plane walls Out of plane walls
L1 0.30 L1

0.15 L2 L2


0 0.00
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
displacement [mm] a displacement [mm]

0.35 Whole model 0.40 Whole model

0.3 Out of plane walls Out of plane walls

0.25 L1 0.30 L1
L2 L2


0.1 0.10
0 0.00
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
displacement [mm] b displacement [mm]

0.25 0.30
Whole model Whole model
Out of plane walls Out of plane walls
0.20 0.25
T1 T1
T2 T2
0.15 T3
T4 T4


0.05 0.05

0.00 0.00
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
displacement [mm] displacement [mm]
Fig. 34. Contribution of the sub-systems to the base shear of the church for the brittle (on the left) and ductile (on the right) models: (a) positive longitudinal +X; (b)
negative longitudinal −X; (c) transversal directions Y.
58 B. Pantò et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 97 (2016) 40–59

0.60 0.60

Base shear coefficient

Base shear coefficient
0.50 0.50
T1 (sub-system)
L1 (sub-system)
0.40 0.40 T1 (whole model)
L1 (whole model) T2 (sub-system)
T2 (whole model)
0.30 L2 (sub-system) 0.30
T3 (sub-system)
L2 (whole model) T3 (whole model)
0.20 0.20 T4 (sub-system)
T4 (whole model)
0.10 0.10 T5 (sub-system)
T5 (whole model)
0.00 0.00
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 10 20 30 40
Displacement [mm] Displacement [mm]
0.8 0.60

Base shear coefficient

Base shear coefficient

0.6 T1 (sub-system)
T1 (whole model) 0.40
0.5 T2 (sub-system)
T2 (whole model)
0.4 0.30
T3 (sub-system)
L1 (sub-system)
0.3 T3 (whole model)
T4 (sub-system)
0.20 L1 (whole model)
0.2 T4 (whole model)
0.10 L2 (sub-system)
T5 (sub-system)
T5 (whole model) L2 (whole model)
0 0.00
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
Displacement [mm] b Displacement [mm]
Fig. 35. Comparison between the capacity curves of the sub-systems and their response identified in the global numerical model: (a) brittle and (b) ductile models.

are those associated to the target points ptL2 and ptL1T4 located A further investigation of the contribution of each sub-system
to the sub-structural elements L1 and L2. It is interesting to ob- to the global response can be found in Fig. 35, where the pushover
serve the collapse mechanism of the L1 wall which is mainly char- curves of the each single free sub-system, investigated in the previ-
acterised by two horizontal cylindrical hinges: one at the base of ous section, have been superimposed with the corresponding con-
the wall and one at mid-height, as well as partial vertical cylindri- tribution to the three dimensional model. The results relative to
cal hinge at the upper part. the brittle model are reported in Fig. 35a while those relative to
The ductile model is characterised by a base shear coefficient of the ductile model are summarised in Fig. 35b.
about 0.37 while the brittle model reaches the ultimate state for a It can be observed that, although the damage distributions of
value of 0.23. the sub-systems in the global model are consistent to those ob-
tained in the local models, there are some differences in terms of
available resistance and ductility. For example the L2 and T2 sub-
systems in the local models are mainly characterised by in plane
4.4. Assessment of the contributions of the sub-structural systems to
rocking mechanism, while in the global model the presence of the
the three dimensional model
orthogonal walls orients their collapse mechanism towards a shear
failure. The interaction between orthogonal walls can justify the
In this subsection the contributions of each sub-structural sys-
over-strength that some of sub-systems show in the global model.
tem to the total responses in the longitudinal and transversal di-
It is worth noticing that in the considered discrete element
rection are reported. The results are expressed in terms of shear
model the crack distribution follows paths along the interfaces, in
normalised with respect to the total weight of the church (W =
which both cracking and sliding can occur. This is a phenomeno-
56,582 kN) ( Fig. 34).
logical representation of failure, consistent with the considered
The results are reported for each of the three performed anal-
simplified approach. Diagonal cracks cannot be exactly replicated
yses. The results relative to the brittle model are reported on the
by the 3D macro-model however the capability of the element to
left, while those relative to the ductile model are reported on the
exhibits nonlinear shear deformation allows to spread the shear di-
right. For each picture the contribution of each sub-system located
agonal behaviour along the element and to identify the presence of
along the load direction is considered separately, while the out-of
the damage. This peculiarity represents a strong advantage of the
plane contributions of all the structural elements are considered
present approach with respect to the strategies based on the rigid
spring models [12,13].
In the longitudinal direction, the L1 sub-system is always stiffer
and stronger than the L2 sub-system. This leads to differential lon-
gitudinal displacements that cause a high structural irregularity. 5. Conclusions
In the transversal direction the strongest and stiffest among the
walls is the T2 sub-system, while the sub-system which provides In this paper an original modelling approach for the simulation
the lowest contribution is T1, probably because of its peripheral of the nonlinear behaviour of monumental masonry buildings
position in the plan. under static and seismic loadings is considered. The proposed
B. Pantò et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 97 (2016) 40–59 59

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