Constructive Alignment: Learning Activities

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Constructive Alignment

is a principle used for devising teaching and learning activities, and assessment tasks, that
directly address the intended learning outcomes (ILOs) in a way not typically achieved in traditional
lectures, tutorial classes and examinations.
Learners construct meaning from what they do to learn.

Why is constructive alignment important?

Constructive Alignment supports positive academic outcomes for an increasingly diverse group
of learners, because it makes teaching and learning goals and methods Aligned (well organized,
consistent) and Explicit (obvious, visible).

A learning outcome is a clear statement of what a learner is expected to be able to do, know
about and/or value at the completion of a unit of study, and how well they should be expected to
achieve those outcomes. It states both the substance of learning and how its attainment is to be

Learning activities, as the name suggests,

are activities designed or deployed by the teacher to bring about, or create the conditions for learning.
... Some learning activities stimulate experiential learning, others mobilize conceptual thinking, while
still others prompt students to engage in analytical discussion.
Assessment is the systematic basis for making inferences about the learning and
development of students. It is the process of defining, selecting, designing, collecting, analyzing,
interpreting, and using information to increase students' learning and development.

Variety of Assessment Methods, Tools and Task

• Assessment method can be classified as traditional and authentic. Traditional
assessment method refers to the usual paper-and-pencil test while authentic assessment
refers to non-paper-and-pencil test. Authentic assessment is also called alternative
assessment, it being an alternative to the traditional.
• The paper-and-pencil test (Traditional Assessment) assesses learning in the cognitive domain
(bloom) or declarative knowledge (Kendall and Marzano, 2012)

• The paper-and-pencil test, however, is inadequate to measure all forms of learning,

Psychomotor learning (Kendall and Marzano, 2012) and learning proven by product and by a
paper and pencil test.
Assessment Method

• Traditional Assessment Method – Paper-and-Pencil test


Alternate Response Completion

Matching Type Short Answer

Multiple Choice Essay-restricted Or Non


Problem Solving

 Authentic Assessment Method- Non-Paper-and-Pencil Test A form of assessment in which

students are asked to perform real-world tasks that demonstrate meaningful application of
essential knowledge and skills.

Product Performance Task


Visual e.g. Experiments, Oral

Presentation, Dramatization

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