Alternative Fixed Cost ($000) Variable Cost Per Unit ($) Qty
Alternative Fixed Cost ($000) Variable Cost Per Unit ($) Qty
Alternative Fixed Cost ($000) Variable Cost Per Unit ($) Qty
Alternative Fixed Cost ($000) Variable cost per unit ($) Qty
A. Open new medium sized facility 40 45 2
B. Open two new small facilities 120 35 4
C. Expand current facility 450 26 6
D. Build large new facility and close old one 400 18 8
E. Build large new facility and keep old one 600 22 10
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
ed to adopt one of five alternatives. Each of these has total costs whch can be
ble costs which depends on throughput. Estimates of fixed annual cost and
130 190 502 436 644
220 260 554 472 688
310 330 606 508 732
400 400 658 544 776
490 470 710 580 820
580 540 762 616 864
670 610 814 652 908
760 680 866 688 952
850 750 918 724 996
940 820 970 760 1040
14 16 18 20
A manufacturer of staplers is about to lose its lease, so it must move to another location. Two sites are currently undercons
site A and $9400 at site B. Variable costs are expected to be $5 per unit at site A and $4 per unit at site B. Monthly demand
is not expected to deviate from that amount in the foreseeable future. Assume staplers sell for $6 per unit. Determine whic
Site TR FC VC TC Profit
A 52800 8000 44000 52000 800
B 52800 9400 35200 44600 8200
sites are currently underconsideration. Fixed costs would be $8,000 per month at
it at site B. Monthly demand has been steady at 8800 units for the several years and
r $6 per unit. Determine which location would yield higher profit under these
A company is considering four alternative locations for a new depot. It decides the most important factors and th
shown in below table. After considerable discussion the scores in the table were allocated for each site. What is th
each factor? Which site should be selected?
Factor Weight A B C D A B
Climate 0.1 68 56 69 67 63.45 66.15
Infrastructure 0.2 78 96 95 68
Accessibility 0.1 56 68 67 69
Construction cost 0.05 35 15 45 25
Community Attitude 0.1 56 68 68 45
Government views 0.05 25 25 35 45
Proximity to supliers 0.15 70 70 82 82
Proximity to customers 0.2 78 70 95 97
Availabilty of workers 0.05 15 25 45 55
portant factors and their relative weights as
or each site. What is the relative importance of
76.95 69.65
An assembly plant is planned to take components from three suppliers, and send finished goods to six regional w
these and the amounts supplied or demanded are given below. Where would you start looking for a site for the a
360 900
hed goods to six regional warehouses. The locations of
t looking for a site for the assembly plant?
Demand Constraint
N. America S. America Europe Asia Africa
Unmet demand 12 8 14 16 7