ReleaseNotes Impostrip 2020 2.2
ReleaseNotes Impostrip 2020 2.2
ReleaseNotes Impostrip 2020 2.2
1. Click on the gear icon at the top-right corner of the Job Monitoring window and select
3. Name the file and chose a location to save it on your computer, then click Save.
Contains the information for every sheet on the imposition. If an imposition contains 100
sheets, there will be a <Sheet> entry in the XML Audit File for each sheet for a total of 100
<Sheet> entries.
Refers to how much of the printed paper will be covered by extras, in percentage (%).
Refers to the number of pages on the signature (includes both sides of the sheet)
Document Pages
Refers to the quantity of a specific input document on each side of the sheet, where ‘1’
indicates the front side, and ‘2’ indicates the back side of the sheet. (Ex: Document
Pages=’1(7);2(7)’’. This means there is seven copies of a specific job on both sides of the sheet.
We can conclude it is a duplex job.)
The example below shows a gang run imposition with 3 different duplex jobs: a postcard, a
bookmark and business cards. These are the name of the input files:
1. UltimateSamples - Postcard_5x7_Duplex_#200#
2. UltimateSamples - Bookmark_2x6_Duplex#300#
3. UltimateSamples - Business Card_Horizontal_2x3.5_Duplex#700#
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Ultimate TechnoGraphics Inc. All rights reserved.
The Audit XML File was outputted at the same time as the gang run imposition by Ultimate
Impostrip®. Here is a section of the Audit XML File with the information about the first sheet of
the gang run imposition:
For more information about the Audit XML File, consult the dedicated section in Ultimate
Impostrip® user guide.
Serial Numbers
Serial numbers are used by print businesses that need tracking of every individual piece
inventory on a single item or SKU. In Ultimate Impostrip®, users can define an unlimited
number of serial numbers and include them in sheet or page barcodes. Each one encodes the
current value (number only) of the selected serial number.
Ultimate Impostrip® tracks the serial numbers and updates their value every time they are used.
For example, users can use serial numbers to track the number of jobs that are printed.
2. Under ‘’Fields’’, select ‘’Number’’ for Data Type and ‘’Serial Number’’ for Data Source.
3. Click on the arrow next to the dropdown menu to open the Serial Numbers Editor.
An unlimited number of serial numbers can be added in Ultimate Impostrip®. To do so, click on
‘’+ADD’’ in the Serial Number Editor, name it and complete the settings.
Users must specify several settings for the serial numbers before they can use them in
Current Value
When enabled, it means the counter for the serial number is activated.
Note: If this option is not enabled, the counter is not activated even if the barcode contains the
serial number field.
Value by which the serial number will be incremented or decrement with every use.
To increment the number with every use, select Increment. To decrement the number with
every use, select Decrement.
Reset To
Reset the number with the new starting value specified in this field.
• If ‘’When Printing’’ is enabled, it will reset the number after every use.
• If ‘’After’’ is enabled, it will reset the number after it reaches the value specified in the
2. Go to ‘’Marks Design’’
4. Name the barcode and complete the fields in the ‘’Settings’’ section.
7. In the dropdown menu, select the Serial number to be applied to the barcode.
8. Click on ‘’Save’’ to complete creation of the barcode. It is now available in the Marks
Design Library.
To apply the barcode to an imposition, it must be included in a Marks Profile. For more
information about Marks Profile, consult the dedicated section of Ultimate Impostrip®
user guide.
GMI Marks
GMI Marks refers to the marks respecting the Graphic Measures International (GMI) rules. It
includes GMI Registration Marks, GMI XRF Patch Marks and GMI Colorbars with spot color and
gradients specified.
It is the responsibility of the user building the mark to ensure that the sequence and
percentage values of all the swatches match the specifications of GMI.
That option sets the colour bar as GMI compliant. It lets you enable GMI for spot colors. This is
the first step to do when creating a GMI compliant colorbar,
Each spot must be marked as GMI or not. After adding a spot color to the colobar, users can
enable or disable GMI for this particular swatch. In the example below, the spot color 2 is GMI
Note: This GMI option can only be enabled by activating the option ‘’GMI Compliant’’ in the
settings section of the colorbar first.
Spot Color Mapping is available with Manual Jobs and Hot Folders. When selecting a Marks
Profile with a Colorbar containing spot colors, the section ‘Spot Color Mapping’ will appear.
Users can enable or disable a spot color to control if, for the purposes of marks, a color is
counted in the spot color numbering. This also concerns RIP setup and plate production. In the
example above, we may choose to not print the Pantone Black C as a spot color but as the K in
the CMYK. In this case, the press would be set up as 5 print stations.
We also may not bother setting up a print station for a little used spot color. We may have the
RIP simulate it as CMYK. In that case, this option would also be turned off for the purposes of
Refers to the spot color number (Ex: 1, 2, 3, …). It determines the position of this color in the
colorbar, depending on how the Colorbar was created in Marks Design.
Color Name
Refers to the color name of the spot color in the input file. (Ex: PANTONE 1655 C)
To map spot colors in Manual Jobs and Hot Folders, follow the steps below:
1. Add a Mark Profile that contains a Colorbar with at least one spot color.
For more information on how to create a Colorbar with spot colors, consult the dedicated
section of Ultimate Impostrip® user guide.
To add multiple documents at once in Manual Jobs, follow the steps below:
2. Use the keys CTRL or SHIFT on your keyboard and drag the cursor to select multiple
Enhanced PDF Output Control with Spot Color Separation and file
Ultimate Impostrip® offers color separations for CMYK and spot colors. It supports the ability to
separate the PDF files and route them to different file paths. Users can now get an imposed
PDF for each spot colors such as the cut file (dieline) and Spot UV.
Ultimate Impostrip® imposes a PDF input through Hot Folders Automation or Manual Jobs and
outputs the imposed PDF. When color separation is selected in the output options, Ultimate
Impostrip® creates additional PDFs of the same imposition for CMYK and each spot color. The
PDFs can be routed to different output locations which can be the input folder of each device, as
shown in the illustration above (Example: CMYK to printer, Cutline to Cutter and Spot UV to
Spot UV Coater).
This is done automatically behind the scenes by Ultimate Impostrip®. No manual intervention is
The Color Separation Profile will appear at the end of the output settings. Users can then select
a Color Separation Profile in the dropdown menu or click on the arrow to open the Color
Separation Profile Library and create a new profile.
The Color Separation Profile menu allows user to go through the complete list of Profiles, create
a new Profile by clicking on ‘’ADD…’’, or import a profile by clicking on ‘’IMPORT…’’.
When creating a new Color Separation Profile, users must specify their preferences for the page,
CMYK and Spot colors:
• All sheet : Ultimate Impostrip® generates all the sheets of the imposition.
• First sheet : Ultimate Impostrip® only generate the first sheet of the imposition.
• Last sheet : Ultimate Impostrip® only generate the last sheet of the imposition.
• Custom sheet range : Ultimate Impostrip® generates the sheet range specified by the
user (Ex: 1-10).
Note :
In Ultimate Impostrip® 2.2., color separation only output when ‘’All Sheet’’ is selected. (The
other options are currently unavailable and will be implemented in future versions.)
Ultimate Impostrip® can separate the CMYK from the spot colors and generate a PDF file for the
CMYK only. To do so, the option ‘Generate’ must be enabled.
Color in filename
Users decide if the name CMYK is added to the filename of the output file, and the position of
it. There are three options:
• None : Color name not added to the filename of the output file. (Ex:
• Prefix : Color name added at the beginning of the filename of the output file. (Ex:
• Suffix : Color name added at the end of the filename of the output file. (Ex:
Output Folder
Ultimate Impostrip® can separate the spot colors and generate a PDF file for each. The
examples below show the output files for the spot color CUTLINE, and spot color SPOT
UT_SocialDistancing_18X18_SPOT VARNISH
Color in filename
Users decide if the color name of the spot is added to the filename of the output file, and the
position of it. There are three options:
• None : Color name not added to the filename of the output file. (Ex:
• Prefix : Color name added at the beginning of the filename of the output file. (Ex:
PANTONE 1655 C_Ultimate_TechnoGraphics_A4_Tri-Fold_Brochure.pdf)
• Suffix : Color name added at the end of the filename of the output file. (Ex:
Ultimate_TechnoGraphics_A4_Tri-Fold_Brochure_PANTONE 1655 C.pdf)
The output location can be the same for all spot colors. Follow the steps below:
1. Make sure the option ‘Single Output Folder for all Spots’ is enabled.
2. Under ‘Output Folder’, click on the folder icon to select the output path.
3. Click on the ‘+ icon to add a spot color.
4. Under ‘Name’, specify the name of the spot color.
5. Repeat the steps 3-4 for every spot color.
The output location can be different for each spot colors. Follow the steps below:
• When page numbers are separated by a hyphen (-), Ultimate Impostrip® will consider all
pages between these page numbers in the imposition.
Example: 13-21 means consider all pages between 13 and 21. Ultimate Impostrip® will
print the pages 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21.
• When page numbers are separated by a comma (,), Ultimate Impostrip® will only
consider the page numbers specified.
Example: 13,15,19,21 means consider only these pages. Ultimate Impostrip® will print the
pages 13, 15, 19 and 21.
Before After
Before After
Blanks are used as “paper” or “substrate” spots for CIP3 and CIP4 automatic color bar
scanning devices on conventional and digital presses. In other words, CIP3 and CIP4 not only
needs to scan ink density spots, but also needs to scan the paper in order to properly index
the values. The “white point” of the paper substrate has a major effect on color calibration.
TT3812 Mark dropdown menu, CHANGE, EDIT, DISCARD DUPLICATE, CLEAR, now remain
visible even when box is closed.
TT4230 Implemented the tab key to go the next page in the Numbering dialog.
TT4274 Mixed Template - ''Type'' now reads ''Media Size'' as it refers to size of the sheet.
TT4014 Display method of the template's rulers (gutters and margins) has been
modified for easier adjustments on templates and Dutch Cut templates.
TT4097 XML Mapper - Custom Values path not mapping. Fixed.
TT4134 Ultimate Impostrip Scalable 2020 now processing Multiple Templates
TT4169 UICL: PrintCopies attribute now being respected.
TT4186 All options for a fixed page that should fit on sheet results in - 782
dynamic page sizes do not fit on press paper. The issue was specific to
simplex jobs not using the layout's gutters. Fixed.
TT4254 XML Redirection - same file is being indexed multiple times. Fixed. File
now only indexed once.
TT4275 Ganging jobs now outputs all signatures in Ultimate Impostrip Scalable
TT4281 & Marks Design font size settings in barcode now respected in output.
TT4285 Mass update of Global output path for Hot Folders present but no change
to database. Fixed.
TT4292 Long directory names in input cause missing content in output. Fixed.
TT4294 Fixed creep settings in Ultimate Impostrip 2020.
TT4295 UICL is ignoring the PaperSize element's settings. Fixed.
TT4316 Edge guard on plate marks will guard the plate and on all other marks the
paper edge will be guarded.
TT4317 UI issue with Booklet sheet numbering fixed.
TT4406 Manual Job errors out even though template appears to fit on the press
sheet. Fixed.
TT4419 Application becomes unresponsive when selecting templates. Fixed.
TT4423 Importing Impostrip Legacy hot folders from UNC paths is now supported.
Known issue: the path must be accessible via Windows Explorer, without
requiring additional authentication which we don't support.
TT3741 Implementation of a JDF output path for LayCrImp in the 2020 version
TT4432 Signature Booklet Maker - Errors when trying to modify and save. Fixed.
TT4433 Signature Booklet Maker - Repeating booklets now working as expected.
TT3397 – Mac binary templates do not import using the import tool in Template Editor
Workaround: Open the templates manually in Impostrip Legacy Mac and re-save them. They
will be converted to a SIG file format that is compatible with Ultimate Impostrip 2020. Note: the
files must have the .sig file extension to be opened by the Impostrip Legacy Mac app.
There are 3 files have a numeric sequence as the name, and the lic, cache and sinfo file
The workaround is to delete those files (which may require the admin password), restart
Ultimate Impostrip after shutting it down from the system tray, and re-enter the NSL license
key in the License dialog.
Workaround: Use Impopacks for hot folders. You can use Robo 3T to transfer individual
elements (e.g., xml mapping profiles)
The other workaround is to extract the TAR file manually, change the folder/file permissions
and recompress it. The restore feature will then work.
TT4012 – XY Adjustments not considered in Dutch Cut Template in Hot Folder Window
Workaround: Disabled XY adjustment option for Dutch Cut templates that are not manual.
Dutch Cut XY Adjustments to be done in Manual Mode in the meantime.
The cut marks dimensions are not ported correctly; it presents with default values from
Impostrip 2020. Workaround: Manual adjustment if default values are not acceptable.
TT4446 - JDF LayCrImp & JDF Resources Folder - Ability to browse the output path
The paths for JDF LayCrImp and JDF Resources Folder cannot be browsed. Workaround:
Overwrite the default path by manually writing or copy/paste the new path in the field.
TT4460 - Color Separation Profiles - Do not output when ''First Sheet'', ''Last Sheet'' or
''Custom Sheet Range'' is selected
Workaround: Select ‘’All Sheets’’ under ‘’Page’’ to output the different PDF files for the CMYK
and spot colors.
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