Century Learner, Alen L. Tuliao., Et - Al.2020, Mathematics Learner'S Material, Deped 2013, Elizabeth R. Aseron, Et - Al

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First Quarter

Learning Module No. 5

Name: _________________________________ Date: ___________________

Grade level & Section__________________ Score: __________________

Name of Subject Teacher: Reyboy P. Tagsip

Topic: Rational Numbers, Fundamental Operations on Rational Numbers (Page 170-190)
Duration: Week 5-September 13-17, 2021
Learning Competencies:
1. expresses rational numbers from fraction form to decimal form and vice versa
2. performs operations on rational numbers
Learning Objectives: Students were expected to:
1. Express rational numbers from fraction form to decimal form (terminating and repeating and non-terminating)
and vice versa;
2. Add and subtract rational numbers;
3. Solve problems involving addition and subtraction of rational numbers.
References: My Distance Learning Buddy a Modular Textbook for the 21 st Century Learner, Alen L. Tuliao., et.al.2020,
Mathematics Learner’s Material, DepEd 2013, Elizabeth R. Aseron, et.al


Like with any set of numbers, rational numbers can be added and subtracted. In this lesson, you will learn
techniques in adding and subtracting rational numbers. Techniques include changing rational numbers into various forms
convenient for the operation as well as estimation and computation techniques.


1. What is   as a decimal? __________
2. Convert to a Decimal. __________
3. Convert 2.35 to a fraction. _________
4. Convert 1.5 to a fraction. _________
5. Convert 0.48 to a fraction. _________


Important Terms to Remember

The following are terms that you must remember from this point on.

If you have an internet connection, you may visit this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PyvfbfVMeJc to be guided
about the process in converting fraction to decimal and vice versa.
This link may give you some insights about getting the multiplicative inverse of a rational number or its reciprocal.
This link is all about fundamental operations on rational number https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlDIY37PQog

Please read the content of the topic stated on your book on page 170-190. If you have some clarifications or clear process
of examples, kindly message me in the group chat so that all of your classmates will see.
Enrichment Activity

Answer the Let’s Practice found on your book. Read carefully the instructions and write you answers on the
space provided.
Let's Practice
A. Tell whether the statement is true or false.
________1. Integers are rational numbers
________2. Natural numbers can be expressed as a quotient of two integers.
________3. All rational numbers are whole numbers.
________4. Some integers are counting numbers.
________5. The decimal equivalent of is a rational number.
B. Give the multiplicative inverses of the following:
1. -9 2.
2 7
3. - 4.
3 4
5. 0.2

G. Express each as a decimal

9 3
1. 2.
5 4
1 10
3. -4 4.
2 9
5. -
Express each as a fraction
6. 0.25 7. 0.5
8. 0.140 9. -2.15
10. 0.1234

A. Do the indicated operation. (page 189)

Note. Addition and Subtraction of rational number are the same in process. Round it to the lowest term.
2 4 6 6 3 2 1 1 4 1 5 2
Example: A. + = or ÷ = C. 1 + = + = =1
9 9 9 9 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
2 1 2(3) 1 6 1 7
B. + = + = + =
3 9 3(3) 9 9 9 9
3 5 −10 3
1. + 2. +
4 4 12 12
1 7 9 5
3. 4 + 6. −
2 2 7 7
−8 6 3 1
7. − 8.9 −2
13 13 4 4
B. Do the indicated operation.
Round it to the lowest term
3 2 3 x2 6 7 1 7 3 7 x 3 21 3 1
Example. A. x = = B. ÷ = x = = =2 =2
5 7 5 x 7 35 9 3 9 1 9 x1 9 9 3
4 2 4 3 12 2 1
C. ÷ = x = =1 =1
5 3 5 2 10 10 5
1 3 −15 2
1. x 2. x
4 4 10 3
3 21 −1 1
3. x 6. ÷
7 18 4 2
35 −7 −3
7. ÷ 8. ÷ 21
24 3 4

Prepared by: Checked by:


Subject Teacher Mathematics Subject Area Coordinator

Noted by:


Academic Coordinator

Approved by:


School OIC-Principal

Let's Practice
A. Tell whether the statement is true or false.
___T_____1. Integers are rational numbers
____T____2. Natural numbers can be expressed as a quotient of two integers.
_____F___3. All rational numbers are whole numbers.
______T__4. Some integers are counting numbers.
____T____5. The decimal equivalent of is a rational number.
B. Give the multiplicative inverses of the following:
−1 1
1. -9 = 2. = 12
9 12
2 −3 7 4
3. - = 4. =
3 2 4 7
5. 0.2 =

G. Express each as a decimal

9 3
1. = 1.8 2. = 0.75
5 4
1 10
3. -4 = -4.5 4. = 1.1
2 9
5. - = -0.72
Express each as a fraction
1 1
6. 0.25 = 7. 0.5 =
4 2
7 3
8. 0.140 = 9. -2.15 = −2
50 20
10. 0.1234 =

A. Do the indicated operation. (page 189)

Note. Addition and Subtraction of rational number are the same in process. Round it to the lowest term.
2 4 6 6 3 2 1 1 4 1 5 2
Example: A. + = or ÷ = C. 1 + = + = =1
9 9 9 9 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
2 1 2(3) 1 6 1 7
B. + = + = + =
3 9 3(3) 9 9 9 9
3 5 8 −10 3 −7
1. + = or 2 2. + =
4 4 4 12 12 12
1 7 9 5 4
3. 4 + = 8 6. − =
2 2 7 7 7
−8 6 −1 4 1 3 1 1
7. − = or −1 8.9 −2 = 7
13 13 13 13 4 4 2
B. Do the indicated operation.
Round it to the lowest term
3 2 3 x2 6 7 1 7 3 7 x 3 21 3 1
Example. A. x = = B. ÷ = x = = =2 =2
5 7 5 x 7 35 9 3 9 1 9 x1 9 9 3
4 2 4 3 12 2 1
C. ÷ = x = =1 =1
5 3 5 2 10 10 5
1 3 3 −15 2
1. x = 2. x = -1
4 4 16 10 3
3 21 1 −1 1 −1
3. x = 6. ÷ =
7 18 2 4 2 2
35 −7 −5 −3 −1
7. ÷ = 8. ÷ 21 =
24 3 8 4 28

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