Training Design COVID-19 Immunization Training I. Rationale

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COVID-19 Immunization Training


As the Philippine Government prepares for the implementation of the National COVID-19
Vaccine Deployment and Vaccination Program, the Department of Health (DOH) is planning to
equip all health human resource from the health sector, partner agencies, and different
implementing units, both private and public, with up-to-date knowledge and skills on COVID19
vaccination. In line with this, DOH has drafted a capacity building plan to provide guidance in
the implementation of training activities nationwide.

This training course is developed to give guidance to health workers and partner implementing
agencies on the efficient nationwide implementation of the COVID-19 Immunization Program.
Content experts on COVID-19, vaccination, human resource training, data management,
logistics, health communication and counseling, surveillance and waste management were
consulted for development of this training course. This training course encompasses the whole
spectrum of the delivery of services from pre- to post-implementation.

This training course shall update the skills and knowledge of our program coordinators and
implementers, surveillance teams, community health educators and workers and partner agencies
on vaccination in consideration to dealing with a communicable / infectious disease and
managing and administration of a new vaccine.


The training aims to:

1. Discuss the basic principles of about COVID-19 Immunization Program and COVID-19
2. Identify the knowledge and skills needed for the implementation of the COVID-19
Immunization Program
3. Capacitate the trainers on blended teaching and learning modalities
4. Develop a plan on the nationwide capacity building on COVID-19 immunization


After the learning sessions, the participants shall be able to:

1. Understand and explain information about the COVID-19 Immunization Program
2. Discuss the Covid-19 Immunization Program
3. Demonstrate the proper vaccination practices
4. Identify the requirements for the implementation for the COVID-19 Immunization
5. Show basic skills on virtual training
6. Execute plan on the nationwide capacity building on COVID-19 immunization

Module 1 - Microplanning
Module 2 - Profiling and Data Management
Module 3 - Supply and Cold Chain Management
Module 4 - Risk Communication and Community Engagement
Module 5 - Addressing the Psychological Barriers to Vaccination
Module 6 - COVID-19 Vaccine Administration
Module 7 - Managing Adverse Events Following COVID-19 Vaccination (AEFI)
Module 8 - Immunization Waste Management
Module 9 - Basics on Managing Virtual Trainings
Planning on Nationwide Capacity Building for COVID-19 Immunization


Different teaching strategies shall be used to increase opportunities for learning and interaction
within the training session. This training activity shall employ virtual training and post-training
coaching and mentoring sessions through a suitable virtual platform (ex. CISCO Webex, Google
Meet, Zoom, etc.)

Virtual lecture presentations.

The resource person / trainer shall deliver the informative session to the participants through a
recorded video presentation or live using the standard slide deck. The prepared training modules
and videos may be used in the delivery of training. The resource person must be on stand-by to
address questions and concerns of the participants. The training videos and the standard slide
deck is found in the training kit.

Tips on virtual presentation:

● Must ensure stable high speed internet service or wifi.

● Use the best equipment you have (desktop computer, laptop, etc.) to ensure good video,
camera, microphone and audio quality
● The video player you will use affects the quality of the video, make sure to test the videos
● Select the suitable virtual platform for your training ex. CISCO Webex, Google Meet or
Zoom. Instruct the participants to download and install the program / application before
the training.
● Do a dry run of the training and modules prior to the training.
● Instruct the participants to use the best equipment they have. Group viewing is allowed.
Just make sure they can participate in the online pre- and post-test.

A panel of resource persons with technical expertise are invited to the sessions and answer
questions from the participants. Exchange ideas and insights about the topic may be done
Question-and-answer session.
This is a useful activity to check the trainee’s understanding. Questions and queries of the
trainees shall be captured and time is set aside for discussion/answer. Training staff may collect
and organize the questions and concerns during the sessions. These questions and concerns may
be addressed in advance by the resource persons ang may be presented in the open forum.

Self-directed Learning
Interested individuals who wish to learn about COVID-19 vaccination, they may take the course
through the DOH Academy E-Learning Platform at


Pre- and post-test

Contained in the training kit is the set of questions for the pre and post-test with the correct
answers. Administer the virtual pre- and post-test by creating a Google Form that the participants
will answer. The responses will be viewed in your Google Drive. The passing rate shall be 70%.
Those who pass the post-test shall be given a Certificate of Completion by the training agency.
Those who did not, may retake the post-test. There is no limit in taking the post-test. The
organizers may post a link or a QR code for quick access to the exams.

Post training supervision

Trainers shall schedule a post training supervision and mentoring to monitor the activities and
issues and concerns of the trained teams. Assist them in planning and updating them with most
recent information and directives.

Course Evaluation
The evaluation is found in the kit. Create a Google Form to administer the virtual evaluation but
posing the link or QR code.


Date & Venue 2 days training (8:00 am to 4:30pm)

Category of Participants from different implementing agencies and institutions

Participants such as:
● Provincial heath and local health units
● Government and private hospitals and health facilities
● Vaccination Teams
● Composite Teams
● Others

Total Pax: Male: Female:

Facilitator The facilitator facilitates the flow of the training program. He/she
shall coordinate with the resource persons during the training.
He/shae shall assist in addressing trainee’s concerns.

Resource Persons Resource persons shall be content experts of the specific module.
They can be program managers from the DOH central office,
Centers for Health Development, provincial and local health units
and hospitals.

Support Staff Implementing agencies shall designate technical and administrative

support staff. The support staff has the following functions and the
recommended staffing:

● Hosting of the virtual platform. Sharing of presentations to

include links to pre-, pots-test and evaluation. Managing the
acceptance of participants. (1 staff)
● Documentation of the activity and gathering of issues and
concerns. (2-3 staff)
● Technical & administrative support. Responds to the concerns
posted in the chat. (1-2 staff)

Proposed Budget Purchase of premium virtual platform accounts as necessary.

Fund Source Implementing agency


The official DOH Training Evaluation Tool shall be used.

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