Agroconsultant: Intelligent Crop Recommendation System Using Machine Learning Algorithms
Agroconsultant: Intelligent Crop Recommendation System Using Machine Learning Algorithms
Agroconsultant: Intelligent Crop Recommendation System Using Machine Learning Algorithms
Abstract— Agriculture is a major contributor to the Indian common man, as middleclass households could no longer
economy. The mainstream Indian population depends either afford onion- a frequently used commodity in their kitchen.
explicitly or implicitly on agriculture for their livelihood. It is,
thus, irrefutable that agriculture plays a vital role in the country. This example just goes on to show that a farmer’s decision
A vast majority of the Indian farmers believe in depending on about which crop to grow is generally clouded by his intuition
their intuition to decide which crop to sow in a particular season. and other irrelevant factors like making instant profits, lack of
They find comfort in simply following the ancestral farming awareness about market demand, overestimating a soil’s
patterns and norms without realizing the fact that crop output is potential to support a particular crop, and so on. A very
circumstantial, depending heavily on the present-day weather misguided decision on the part of the farmer could place a
and soil conditions. However, a single farmer cannot be expected significant strain on his family’s financial condition. Perhaps
to take into account all the innumerable factors that contribute to this could be one of the many reasons contributing to the
crop growth before reaching a consensus about which one to countless suicide cases of farmers that we hear from media on a
grow. A single misguided or imprudent decision by the farmer daily basis. In a country like India, where agriculture and
can have undesirable ramifications on both himself as well as the related sector contributes to approximately 20.4 per cent of its
agricultural economy of the region. A combination of Big Data Gross Value Added (GVA) [2], such an erroneous judgment
Analytics and Machine Learning can effectively help alleviate would have negative implications on not just the farmer’s
this issue. In this paper, we present an intelligent system, called
family, but the entire economy of a region. For this reason, we
AgroConsultant, which intends to assist the Indian farmers in
have identified a farmer’s dilemma about which crop to grow
making an informed decision about which crop to grow
depending on the sowing season, his farm’s geographical location,
during a particular season, as a very grave one.
soil characteristics as well as environmental factors such as The need of the hour is to design a system that could
temperature and rainfall. provide predictive insights to the Indian farmers, thereby
helping them make an informed decision about which crop to
Keywords— crop prediction; machine learning; crop grow. With this in mind, we propose AgroConsultant- an
recommendation system; smart farming; multi-label classification
intelligent system that would consider environmental
parameters (temperature, rainfall, farm’s latitude, longitude,
I. INTRODUCTION altitude and distance from the sea) and soil characteristics (pH
Maharashtra underwent several fluctuations last year with value, soil type and thickness of aquifer and topsoil) before
respect to the retail price of onions. The price increased from recommending the most suitable crop to the user. This model
Rs. 26 per kilo in the first half of the year to a whopping Rs. 50 would take input from another recommendation system, called
per kilo in August [1]. Observing the shoot in the price, many Rainfall Predictor, which would predict the month-wise rainfall
of the farmers in the state decided to grow onions on their farm, of the next twelve months for the particular user’s district.
in the hope of making exorbitant profits. While this resulted in
abundant supply in certain regions of Maharashtra, many other II. LITERATURE REVIEW
regions suffered failed crop output due to unfavorable More and more researchers have begun to identify this
conditions for growing onions. A subsequent shortage again in problem in Indian agriculture and are increasingly dedicating
the following months had harsh ramifications on the lives of their time and efforts to help alleviate the issue. In [3], the
2018 Fourth International Conference on Computing Communication Control and Automation (ICCUBEA)
• Precipitation: Month-wise rainfall (in mm). created tree. As a result of this, a different target will be
predicted by each random forest for the same test feature.
• Temperature: Month-wise temperature (in °C). Then, votes are calculated on the basis of each predicted
• Location parameters: Includes the latitude, longitude, target. The final prediction of the algorithm is the highest
altitude and distance from the sea of the farm. votes predicted target. The fact that random forest algorithm
can efficiently handle missing values and that the classifier
b) Data Preprocessing can never over-fit the model are huge benefits for using this
This is a two-step process. The first step is to remove the algorithm. [10]
missing values which were represented by a dot (‘.’) in the
original dataset. The presence of these missing values Neural Network
deteriorates the value of the data and subsequently hampers the Neural Network systems progressively improve their
performance of machine learning models. Hence, in order to performance by learning from examples. They are based on a
deal with these missing values, we replace them with large collection of connected nodes called neurons. Signals are then
negative values, which the trained model can easily treat as be transmitted between these neurons using connections. The
neurons and connections have a weight associated with them,
The second step before the data is ready to be applied to which is updated and adjusted as learning proceeds. [11]
machine learning algorithms is to generate class labels. Since
we intend to use supervised learning, class labels are necessary. In order to ensure that AgroConsultant has the highest
The original dataset did not come with labels, and hence we possible accuracy, we implemented all the four above-
had to create them during the data preprocessing phase. The mentioned algorithms individually. The performances of the
required labels were generated using production (in tons) and four were then compared, and the one with the highest
area under cultivation (in hectares) for each crop. Those whose accuracy was selected for the model.
production ÷ area value was greater than 0 were given label 1.
In all other cases, a class label of 0 was assigned.
d) Trained Model and Crop Recommendations
c) Machine Learning Algorithms After applying the data to different machine learning
Since in the proposed model, more than one class can be algorithms, we obtain trained models of the crop
assigned to a single instance, Multi-label classification (MLC) recommendation system. The weights of this model can then
would be the ideal choice. Decision Tree, K Nearest Neighbor be saved, and the farmers can easily avail crop
(K-NN), Random Forest and Neural Network are four recommendations by giving their farm’s soil type, aquifer
machine learning algorithms that have in-built support for characteristics, top soil thickness and pH as the input to the
MLC. system. The rainfall predicted by sub-system 2 is also given as
the input to this trained model.
Decision Tree
It is a supervised learning algorithm where attributes and e) Map Visualization
class labels are represented using a tree. Here, root attributes A particular crop may be the most suitable for given soil
are compared with the record's attribute and subsequently, and weather conditions. When all the farmers of one region
depending upon the comparison, a new node is reached. This use AgroConsultant for the same season, they are bound to get
comparison is continued until a leaf node with a predicted the same recommendations. However, we know that if all the
class value is reached. Therefore, a modeled decision tree is farmers from the region will grow the same crop, it will result
very efficient for prediction purposes. [8] in surplus. To avoid such a condition, we present the Map
View feature, where the farmers can view the sow decisions
K-NN made by his neighboring farmers using a pop-up marker on
It is a non-parametric method used for making predictions. the map. Accordingly, he can make decisions about his own
In this, the predicted value is a class membership. The first crops.
step of the K-NN algorithm is to identify the k nearest
neighbors for each incoming new instance. The instance is To implement the Map Visualization feature in
classified by a majority vote of these neighbors. In the second AgroConsultant, we make use of a JavaScript library called
step, depending on the label sets of the k neighbors, a label is Leaflet.js [12]. It is used to produce and display interactive
predicted for the new instance. [9] maps on HTML webpages. The advantage of using this library
is that it creates maps of any desired tile type, enables us to
zoom in and out as well as pan across the map to reach a
desired location.
Random Forest We also make use of Flask [13], which is a powerful
It is an ensemble method of learning that is commonly Python micro-framework that allows building efficient web
used for both classification and regression. In order to train the applications by providing various libraries, tools and
model to perform prediction using this algorithm, the test technologies. It is a great way of running light-weight web
features must be passed through the rules of each randomly services on hosts.
2018 Fourth International Conference on Computing Communication Control and Automation (ICCUBEA)
B. Sub-system 2: Rainfall Predictor When an Indian state is given as the input, this model gives
Each and every crop has its own rainfall requirement. If 12 float values, corresponding to the rainfall (in mm) of the
this requirement is not met, the crop yield will suffer. On the twelve months in that state.
other hand, if surplus rainfall is available, the yield may again
undergo negative consequences. Hence, rainfall is a very
important parameter for the growth of any crop. However, All implementations are carried out on Windows 10 having
farmers cannot be expected to predict the expected rainfall hardware configuration of Intel core i5 processor with 8GB
during the months between the sow and harvest season. For internal RAM and 1.60GHz of CPU speed.
this reason, we decided to implement this sub-system, which
predicts the rainfall (in mm) for each of the 12 months of the A. Rainfall Predictor
current year, depending on the location of the user’s farm. The An accuracy of 71% was obtained from the rainfall
predicted output of this sub-system can then be fed to sub- predictor model. Fig. 2 shows the predictor page of
system 1 for prediction of crop suitability. The steps involved AgroConsultant. When the ‘Get Rainfall Prediction’ button is
are: clicked, the state of the registered user is taken as the input and
applied to the trained model. Fig. 3 shows the predictor output,
a) Acquisition of Training Dataset
where the rainfall values are shown underneath the button.
For this sub-system, we used the meteorological dataset
provided by [14]. This training dataset consists of 117 years B. Crop Suitability Predictor
(from 1900 to 2017) of month-wise rainfall of all the 29 states
in India. When the pre-processed training dataset of sub-system 1
was applied to four different machine learning algorithms,
b) Data Preprocessing different accuracies were obtained. Table 1 shows a
Similar to the data pre-processing step done for sub-system comparison between these accuracies.
1, here the missing values are eliminated by replaced with
large negative values (-9999).
c) Linear Regression Algorithm
Linear Regression is a supervised learning approach that is Decision Tree 90.20
used to predict a quantitative response (y) from a predictor
variable (x) by making use of statistical approach [15]. Given K-NN 89.78
the nature of the training dataset, such a linear relation can be
easily predicted between Indian states and the monthly Random Forest 90.43
precipitation values.
Neural Network 91.00
d) Trained Model and Rainfall Prediction
Once the training dataset is fitted to the linear regression Table 1. Comparison of the accuracies
algorithm, we get a trained rainfall predictor model.
Clearly, Neural Network provided the highest accuracy
percentage. Hence, we implemented the crop recommendation
model of AgroConsultant using Neural Network.
2018 Fourth International Conference on Computing Communication Control and Automation (ICCUBEA)
Fig. 3 Rainfall Prediction Output
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