Psy - Nursing Care Plan - Therapeutic Communication
Psy - Nursing Care Plan - Therapeutic Communication
Psy - Nursing Care Plan - Therapeutic Communication
A. Interpretation of Communication
interpretation of message is filtered through an individual’s knowledge,
experience, and biases
some aspects of communication are more commonly understood than others,
words are more understood more precisely than behaviors unless there is a
barrier in communication like language barrier.
both nurse and patient bring their own experiences to the relationship
the nurse and patient is looking at one situation from different lens or angles
because both of you have different beliefs, different culture, as long as you
remember that the interaction is about the patient.
having a broad knowledge of the effects of cultures is important if the nurse is to
interpret accurately and respond appropriately to patient communications
when the nurse is unclear of the meaning of a statement, it is acceptable to state,
“Can you help me understand what you mean? I do not comprehend your
meaning when you say...”
clarification may help express meaning that may not be explicit
C. Environmental Considerations
the environment can facilitate or impede therapeutic communication
consider the following: privacy, decrease background noise, proxemics, type of
illness, the genders of the two parties
D. Physical Considerations
patients with certain physical problems might experience communication
developmental disabilities might seriously limit the ability of patients to
comprehend and remember
speech impediments or other problems might interfere with the nurse’s ability to
understand the patient’s needs
E. Kinesics Considerations
the study of body movements as a form of nonverbal communication
culturally based body language is another means by which individuals express
their emotional state
the nurse must be sensitive to the cues and interpret them in a global context of
therapeutic communication
body language might communicate feelings or emotions, or merely reflect a habit