Ela 6 Syllabus 21-22
Ela 6 Syllabus 21-22
Ela 6 Syllabus 21-22
Class Overview
Throughout the year, students will participate in various reading, writing, vocabulary, grammar, listening,
and speaking activities in order to improve their essential critical thinking and communication skills. Our
readings will be found in our California Collections textbook and supplemented by district-approved novel
studies: Hatchet, Number the Stars, and Wonder. Students will be challenged to work cooperatively with
peers as well as become more independent learners and thinkers.
Quick References
Email: csullivan@pylusd.org
Conference: 4th Period
Class Website: https://sullivantrms.weebly.com/
Google Classroom: Periods 1&2 (7pfgpwg); Periods 5&6 (bsuizx2)
Student Expectations:
★ Respect is essential for our classroom. Students should always respect themselves, each other,
their classroom, and their teacher.
★ Students should complete all assignments thoughtfully and on time. Consider all assignments
writing assignments: use complete sentences and proper writing conventions unless otherwise
★ Academic integrity and honesty are essential. Copying or talking during tests/quizzes is never
acceptable and can result in a zero. Students should complete their own assignments, never
copying from another student, as this can also result in a zero. When using literature and
research in writing, students should always cite using MLA format. See planner for school
plagiarism policy for more information.
★ Technology: Cell phones and other electronic devices should be turned off and put away until
the teacher indicates students can use their devices during instruction for a particular lesson.
When using a device in class it should be flat on the desk at all times. Computers should only be
opened when instructed and only used as directed during class. Playing games, completing other
classes’ work, or doing anything else besides what is instructed during class are never permitted
without prior teacher approval.
★ Water is always permitted during class. Other drinks and snacks should be consumed outside of
the classroom to avoid distraction and classroom mess. No gum is allowed anywhere on
I am looking forward to a wonderful year! Thank you for your continued support of our Travis Ranch
Community. Please feel free to email me with any questions and/or concerns about 6th grade ELA.
Students, please have a parent/guardian sign and return the bottom portion by Wednesday 9/8.
**Keep the first page in your purple Language Arts folder as a reference all year.
I have read and reviewed the 6th Grade ELA Policies and Procedures & Syllabus with my
Date: _________
I permit my child to watch a PG movie for educational purposes at set instructional times
throughout the year.
Date: _________