A2 Igpsa Application
A2 Igpsa Application
A2 Igpsa Application
Note: This application must be submitted in duplicate, otherwise it will not be accepted.
Application No.
3. I have been upon and examined the land applied for and it contains no improvement or
indication of occupation or settlement, except as follows:
and to the best of my knowledge and belief,
it is neither timber nor mineral land and contains no valuable deposit of guano, coal or
4. This application is made in good faith for my exclusive benefit and use and not, either
directly or indirectly for the benefit or use of any other person, corporation, association or
partnership, but for the actual purpose of using the land solely for residential purposes,
for which I shall invest the sum of
(P ).
6. The said lot is/is not tenanted by or leased to anybody, copy of the agreement of the
tenants or lease of which is hereto attached.
8. I agree that a strip of forty meters wide starting from bank on each side of any river or
stream that may be found on the land shall be demarcated and preserved as permanent
timber land be planted exclusively to trees of known economic value, and I shall not
make any clearing thereon or utilized the same for ordinary farming purposes even after
patent shall have been issued to me. (NOTE: Not applicable if Land applied for is for
residential, industrial or commercial purposes).
9. I understand that this application conveys no right to occupy the land prior to the award
of the land to me; that the land is of the public domain and that any and all rights I may
have respect thereto by virtue of continuous occupation and cultivation are hereby
relinquished to the Government.
10. I have read or someone has read to me, and I understand the provision of the Public
Land Act relating to the entering and granting through purchase of land of the public
domain of the Philippines and I will faithfully and honestly endeavor to comply with all the
requirements of the law on the subject or sale.
12. I understand that any applicant who willfully and knowingly submits false statement or
execute false affidavit in connection with this application shall be deemed guilty of
perjury and shall be punished accordingly and that any person who; not being qualified
to apply for public land, files an application or induces/permits another to file it in his
behalf shall be punished by a fine of not more than five thousand pesos and by
imprisonment for not more than five years or both and in addition thereto his application
shall be rejected or cancelled and all amounts paid on account thereof forfeited to the
Government, and he shall not be entitled to apply for any public land in the Philippines.
Signature of Applicant