Design of Crane Runway Beam With Channel Cap: M C KL Eigjb B B
Design of Crane Runway Beam With Channel Cap: M C KL Eigjb B B
Design of Crane Runway Beam With Channel Cap: M C KL Eigjb B B
Mn = EI y GJ B1 + 1 + B2 + B1 (1)
A common practice in industrial buildings is to weld a
channel, open side down, to the top flange of a standard where
rolled beam for use as a crane runway. In many cases, it is πβ x EI y
not possible to brace a crane runway laterally between B1 = (2)
columns, so the channel provides additional lateral stiffness.
There are several interesting structural questions π 2 ECw
associated with the practice, like, what should be the welding B2 = (3)
( KL) 2 GJ
pattern? How are the residual stresses affected? What if the
channel has a yield strength different from the beam?
However, the primary question addressed in this paper is,
how does one check such a beam for lateral-torsional
βx =
Ix ∫
y( x 2 + y 2 )dA − 2 yo (4)
buckling? L 1 L s
The AISC Specification provides formulas for lateral- Cw = ∫o
Wn2 tds, Wn =
A ∫
o ∫
Wo tds − Wo , Wo = ρ o ds
torsional buckling of monosymmetric sections, but these are
derived for three-plate sections, as shown in Figure 1(a).
Some of these equations require the calculation of section ∫
J = r 2 dA
properties that are not readily available from handbooks, like K = effective length factors (Assume Kx = Ky = Kz = 1.0)
the warping constant, nor do they apply to the real section as
shown in Figure 1(b). To evaluate the elastic nominal moment (Mn) according to
The purpose of this research was to develop an analytical Equations 1, 2, and 3, one has to determine the coefficient of
solution to the problem of lateral-torsional buckling of a
rolled beam with channel cap in terms that are readily
available from standard section property tables. A program
of full-scale testing was carried out to verify the analytical
solution. It should be noted here that the solution proposed in
this paper applies only to light- to medium-duty cranes, those
classified as A, B, or C by the Crane Manufacturers
Association of America (CMAA).
Fig. 4. The accuracy of the warping constant model. Fig. 5. The accuracy of the torsion constant model.
buckling or yielding and plastic hinge formation at the load elastically, while most of those with a channel cap either
point. Because of the limitations in our laboratory, it was buckled inelastically or formed a plastic hinge.
difficult to get lengths of combined specimens long enough to Note the test load/predicted load in Table 2. The
produce elastic behavior. The results of all tests are shown in predicted load was calculated using a moment diagram
Tables 2 and 3 and graphically in Figures 7 and 8. Tensile modifier, (called Cb in AISC) of 1.0. The Pu / Pe values then
coupons were taken from each member and those results are should be somewhat representative of the proper Cb values.
shown in Table 4. The loading was done with a single concentrated load at
Figure 9 shows a beam being loaded. Note the end either the mid-span or point. Calculated Cb values vary
fixtures that prevent rotation about the longitudinal axis but from 1.32 to 1.41. With a couple of exceptions, most tests
allows rotation about the x and y axes. Figure 10 shows a fall into this range. The average for all tests is 1.42.
beam with channel cap after buckling. Note that the load at The Pu / Pe values for the tests with channel, however,
mid-span is applied uniformly across the flange, rather than are much lower, ranging from 0.93 to 1.23 with an average of
at a ball-joint as in Figure 9. This was to see if the loading 1.10. This indicates that the current formula for Cb in the
device had any restraining effect on lateral-torsional 1993 AISC-LRFD Specification is accurate enough for
buckling. bisymmetric sections, but overestimates the value of the
moment coefficient for monosymmetric sections.
Evaluation of Test Results Nethercot and Rockey (1971) proposed a moment
modifier that was dependent on where on a cross section the
In Figures 7 and 8, the test results are plotted against the
load was
theoretical solution described in the early pages of this paper.
Note that all rolled beams without a channel cap buckled
Fig. 7. Tests of rolled beams without channels. Fig. 8. Tests of beams with channel caps.
applied. It consisted of two terms A and B, and Cb was A SUGGESTED DESIGN PROCEDURE
computed as:
The standard unbraced length vs. moment capacity curve for
Cb = A / B if load is applied to top flange doubly symmetric sections as published in AISC is shown in
Cb = A if load is applied at centroid Figure 11. It is completely defined by Mp, Mr, Lp, Lr, and the
Cb = A • B if load is applied to bottom flange elastic buckling curve, all of which are easily calculated for
rolled shapes whose properties are found in tables.
They derived values for A and B for the case of a
For monosymmetric sections, everything about the curve
concentrated load at the mid-span of a doubly symmetric
becomes more complicated. Mr is the smaller of FLSxc and
section. While this does not exactly fit the beams described
FySxt; some vital section properties have to be calculated,
in this paper, it seems to offer a plausible explanation for the
values of Pu / Pe from Table 3.
with no small effort; Lr cannot be determined directly, but is W27×94 with a C15×33.9 cap on a 30-foot simple span. It is
the result of an iterative process. assumed that the entire span length is unbraced laterally.
One can help things a bit by initializing the curve, The first example makes use of the curve-fit properties of
dividing Mn by Mp and changing the horizontal axis from Lb β x, Cwc, and J (Equations 11, 12, and 13) of this report. This
to λ = M p Me , where Me is the elastic lateral-torsional provides, of course, only an elastic buckling solution. For the
buckling moment. Using the forms of β x, Cwc, and J presented inelastic case, it is assumed that the AISC straight-line
in this paper (Equations 11, 12, and 13), and developing transition between Lp and Lr is appropriate.
curves for all 48 combination sections from AISC LRFD (pp. In calculating Mr, there is a fundamental question that
1-106, 107) and AISC ASD (pp. 1-83, 85), it was found that, must be addressed: What residual stress is appropriate? The
with small error, "one curve fits all." There is a narrow band Specification requires 10 ksi for rolled sections and 16.5 for
between Lp and Lr, but the elastic curves were practically welded shapes, but does not say what to use if you weld two
identical. This led to the approximate curve shown in Figure rolled shapes together. The welding of a channel to the top
12. flange of a crane beam is usually intermittent—it only being
This eliminates the iteration to find Lr, but also obscures required to transmit horizontal shear, which is low. A 2- or
the unbraced length a bit. With this curve, you will have to 3-in. weld every 4 feet is usually adequate. In the author's
calculate Me for a given unbraced length, determine λ, then opinion, this is not a great amount of heat input to the beam
Mn is either Mp, Me, or and it seems reasonable to use 10 ksi for the residual stresses
in the Mr calculation.
λ − 0.49 The determination of Lr in Example 1 is still
Mn = M p − ( M p − Mr ) (22) troublesome. There is no way to calculate it directly: It must
. − 0.49
be iterated, until the unbraced length used in the elastic
buckling formulation produces an Me = Mr. That length is
then Lr.
DESIGN EXAMPLE Example 2 uses the generalized approach discussed
which plots Mn / Mp against M p Me . This has the
There are two design examples attached to this report. The advantage of eliminating the annoying iterations for Lr, but
beam, channel cap, and span are the same as the example in the disadvantage of somewhat camouflaging the unbraced
the AISC Steel Design Guide Series #7—Industrial length.
Buildings: Roofs to Column Anchorage, (p. 52). It is a The procedure is: calculate Me as described herein for
Fig. 11. Nominal moment capacity curve according to AISC-LRFD Fig. 12. Generalized M-λ curve for rolled beams with channel cap
Specification. (A36 steel).
9.96 M r = FL S xc or Fy S xt
= 21,300 0.79 + 179
. 436
27.7 = (36 − 10)
= 39,690 in.6 (1066
. × 1013 mm6 ) = 945 ft - k (1282 kN - m) or
Monosymmetry Parameter, β x (from Equation 11) × 268 = 804 ft - k (1091 kN - m)
Lr = 51.6 ft (15.8 m) (from iteration)
I yw 124
I yc = + I xc = + 315 = 377 in.4 (157
. × 108 mm4 ) Mp =
× 357 = 1071 ft - k (1453 kN - m)
2 2 12
I yc 377
= = 0859
. ryc =
= 4.65 in. (118 mm)
Iy 439 9.96 + 10 × 0.745
R = 2 × 0.859 = 1.718 300ryc 300 × 4.65
Lp = = = 19.4 ft (5.9 m)
β x = 0.87(R – 1)(D + DL/2) Fy 12 36
3.4 Lb − Lp
= 0.87(1.718 − 1) 26.92 + = 17.88 in. (454 mm) Mn = M p − ( M p − Mr )
2 Lr − Lp
Torsion Constant, J (from Equation 15) 30 − 19.4
= 1071 − (1071 − 804)
J = Jw + Jc + bf t1 t2(t1 + t2) 516
. − 19.4
bf = flange width = 9.99 in. (255 mm)
= 983 ft - kips (1334 kN - m)
t1 = flange thk = 0.745 in. (19 mm)
t2 = channel web thk = 0.40 in. (10 mm) Example 2
K = 1.0
Using Me from Example 1, calculate λ
J = 4.03 + 1.02 + 9.99 × 0.745 × 0.40 (0.745 + 0.40)
= 8.46 in.4 (3.52 × 106 mm) Mp 1071
λ= = =.724
Me 2044
πβ x EI y 2.527β x Iy
B1 = = =
2 KL GJ L J 0.49 < λ < 1.15, ∴ use Equation 22
λ − 0.49
× 17.88
= 0.9042 Mn = M p − ( M p − Mr )
360 8.46 115
. − 0.49
. × 39,690
2556 = 976 ft - k (1324 kN - m)
= = 0.925
(360) 2 × 8.459