Geometric and Quantum
Geometric and Quantum
Geometric and Quantum
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and Quantum Aspects
of Integrable Systems
Proceedings of the Eighth Scheveningen Conference
Scheveningen, The Netherlands, August 16-21, 1992
Berlin Heidelberg NewYork
London Paris Tokyo
Hong Kong Barcelona
G. E Helminck
Faculty of Applied Mathematics, University of Twente
P. O. Box 217, NL-7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands
This ~vork is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the
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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1993
Printed in Germany
58/3140-543 2 t 0 - Printed on acid-free paper
Dedicated to the memory of J.W. de Roever,
a true scientist and enthusiastic participant,
who flew off too soon.
The present volume contains the. notes of lectures delivered at the eighth
Scheveningen Conference held at Wassenaar, the Netherlands, August 16-
21, 1992. The conference was organized by P.J.M. Bongaarts (University of
Leiden), G.F. Helminck (University of Twente), E.M. de Jager (University
of Amsterdam), H. Lemei (Delft University of Technology), R. Martini (Uni-
versity of Twente) and H.G.J. Pijls (University of Amsterdam). Financial
support was obtained from the Royal Dutch Academy of Science (KNAW)
and the Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter (FOM).
The organizing committee is indebted to all those who made this conference
possible and in particular to the Royal Dutch Academy of Science (KNAW)
and the Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter (FOM~ for their
financial support. We would like to express our gratitude to all those who
helped to make this conference a success, to the participants for creating a
nice and friendly atmosphere, the invited speakers for accepting our invita-
tion and the contributors for their very interesting and stimulating accounts.
Finally, we wish to express our gratitude to Springer-Verlag for their assis-
tance and the efficient production of these proceedings.
G.F. Helminck
J. Harnad
Isospectral Flow and Liouville-Arnold Integration in Loop Algebras 1
E. Previato
Geometry of the Modified KdV Equation 43
R. Dijkgraaf
Integrable Hierarchies and Quantum Gravity 67
G.F. Helminck
A Geometric Construction of Solutions of the Toda Lattice Hierarchy 91
J. de Graaf
Mathematical Addenda to Hopper's Model of Plane Stokes Flow Driven by Capillarity on
a Free Surface 167
3. Harnad 1
t Research supported in part by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of
Canada and the Fonds FCAR du Quebec.
le-mail address: [email protected] or [email protected]
1 Background Material and Examples
In this first section, we shall examine several examples of integrable Hamilton]an
systems that may be represented by isospectral flows on coadjoint orbits of
loop algebras. In each case, the flow may be linearized through the classical
Liouville-Arnold integration technique. An explicit linearization of the flows
can be made in terms of abelian integrals associated to an invariant spectral
curve associated to the system. A key element in the integration is the fact that
a complete separation of variables occurs within a suitably defined coordinate
system - essentially, hyperellipsoidal coordinates, or some generalization thereoL
A general theory will then be developed in subsequent sections, based essentially
on moment map embeddings of finite dimensional symplectic vector spaces, or
Hamilton]an quotients thereof, into the dual space of certain loop algebras, the
image consisting of orbits whose elements are rational in the loop parameter.
The origins of this approach may be found in the works of Moser [Mo] on
integrable systems on quadrics, Adler and van Moerbeke [AvM] on linearization
ofisospectral flows in loop algebras and the general algebro-geometric integration
techniques of Dubrovin, Krichever and Novikov [KN], [Du]. The theory of
moment map embeddings in loop algebras is developed in [ A H P ] , [AHH1].
Its relation to algebro-geometric integration techniques is described in [AHH2],
and the use of "spectral Darboux coordinates" in the general Liouville-Arnold
integration method in loop algebras is developed in [AHH3]. Some detailed
examples and earlier overviews of this approach may be found in [AHH4],
[AHHS]. The proofs of the theorems cited here may be found in [ A H P ] ,
We begin with the Neumann oscillator system ([N], [Mo]), which consists of a
point particle confined to a sphere in Rn, subject to harmonic oscillator forces.
The phase space is identifiable either with the cotangent bundle or the tangent
bundle (the equivalence being via the metric):
dx = ( x r x ) y _ ( x r y ) x (1.6a)
~Yt = --(yTy)x -- Ax + (xTy)y. (1.6b)
{¢, xTx} :-- 0, (1.7)
it is convenient to interpret the relation
alone as a first class constraint. The function n(x) generates the flow
and is invariant under the C-flow. We may then apply Marsden-Weinstein re-
duction, quotienting by the flow (1.9). The reduced manifold is identified with
a section of the orbits under (1.9) defined by the other constraint:
y T x = 0. (1.10)
The integral curves for the constrained system are determined from those for
the unconstrained system by othogonal projection:
(x(t),y(t))l~, , (~(t),y(t))con~t~.
• - \xr(0x(0] •
which satisfy
EIi = xTx (1.13a)
a(~) := I-[(~ - . , ) ,
P(A) = P,~_IA n-1 + P,_2A "-~ + " " + To. (1.15)
Pi = Ci. (1.17)
~ [ I .n--1
=1(~ - ~)
x_j. _ (1.18a)
i=1 ~ - ,~i a(~)
1~ xiYi (1.18b)
n n--1
0 = E yldxilT*S"-I = E (,dA~,. (1.19)
i--1 #=1
z ~ + a(A)P(A) = 0. (1.22)
The map:
(A1,...A,-1) , (Q1,...Q,-1) (1.25)
defined by eq. (1.23) is, up to normalization, the Abel map from the symmetric
product Sn-IC to the Jacobi variety J ( C ) of C:
(0 +)
0 0 " (1.28b)
We define a map JA : R n x •n , ~'[(2) +" to the dual space of the positive half of
the loop Mgebra ~'[(2), relative to the standard splitting ~'[(2) = ~"[(2)+* +~[(2)-*
into holomorhic parts inside and outside a circle &'1 in the complex A-plane,
containing the ai's in its interior region:
This is a Poisson map with respect to the Lie poisson structure on ~'[(2) +*. The
Hamiltonian ¢ is then given by restriction of an elementary spectral invariant:
1 f d),
¢ ( x , y ) = -tr(A/(A)2)0 := - ~ / ~ s ' tr(JV(A)2)--A" (1.30)
and all the other invariants Pj may be similarly represented. The equations of
motion are seen to be equivalent to the Lax equation:
dt -IN,Pal'], (1.31)
[ xTy A -t- y T y ~ (1.32)
B := d¢(J~)+ = ~,_xTx _xTy ],
and (d¢(Af)+ signifies projection of the element d¢(.Af) E ~](2) to ~[(2) +. This is
an example of the Adler-Kostant-Symes (AKS) theorem (to be explained more
fully in Section 2). The spectral invariants (elements of the AKS ring) are
generated by the residues of the rational function
~(A := -~AT(A), ;:= a(A)~, (1.35)
and let
.A4(A, ~) := (aV'~(-A) '112) , (1.36)
where 112 is the 2 × 2 unit matrix. Then the columns of the matrix .A4(A,() of
cofactors of M(A, ~) are the eigenvectors of H(A) (CA = eigenvahe) on C:
The hyperellipsoidal coordinates {At, ,#u}u=l ....... 1 define the finite part of the
D = Z P(Au' ¢'~') + p(oo, ), (1.38)
i.e., the zeros of a section of the bundle E ~ C dual to eigenvector line bundle.
This bundle can be shown generically to have degree n, and thus to be an element
of the Picard variety E 6 Pic'L The Abel map then identifies the symmetric
product S n - I C with the Jacobi variety if(C) ~ Pic°. The linearity of the flow
in Pic" follows from noting that the Lax equation
dt = [d¢(YV')+,YV'], (1.39)
A / 1~2"~J=l J~--~J -- " 1 A[
N(A) n Z2 (1.42)
k - E~=, ~,2% - i ~i=, ~-~i
and let w denote the standard symplectic form on C":
J: Cn ~ ~u(1,1) +*
, H(,x), (1.44)
and let
£(,~) = @ . A f ( , ~ ) = Lo,~ " - x + L I £ "-2 + . . . + L n - 1 . (1.45)
~x£(),) = [(dH~)+,£()~)] (1.48b)
d £ ( , ~ ) = [(dH,)+,£(),)], (1.48b)
O(dH:~)+ O(dH,)+
- - + [(dH=)+,(dHt)+] = 0 (1.51)
Ot Ox
reduce to the NLS equation (1.41). To obtain the quasi-periodic solutions, we
introduce the spectral Darboux Coordinates {q, P, A., (.}~=1 ...... 2, analogous to
the hyperellipsoidal coordinates above:
z~_ _ 2uyI.=I(A-A.)
,=~ X - ~. ~(),)
= ~ d~. A ~C. + dq A dP. (1.53)
As above, the spectral curve is invariant, and the coefficients of the charac-
teristic polynomial generate a complete set of commuting integrals, so we may
apply the Liouville-Arnold integration method. The coordinates (A., ~.) defined
by (1.52a,b) again give the finite part of the divisor of zeros of the eigenvectors of
A/'(A), while the remaining pair (q, P) are determined by the additional spectral
data at A -- oo. The Liouville generating function in this case becomes
S = E ( . d A . l p , = c . t . + qP = - dA + P l n u (1.54)
which is an abelian integral of the third kind, the integrand having simple poles
at the two points (ocl, oo2) over ~ = oo. For the Hamiltonian H~ = - P n - 3 ,
we have bi = -Si,n-~, c~ = 0, while for Ht = -P,~-4, bi = 0, ci = -51,,~-3. An
explicit formula for the function u(z, t) may be obtained in terms of the Riemann
- ct)O(A(oo2,p) + tU + x V - K)
u(x,t) = exp(q) = K exp(bz + O(A(ooa,p)+tU+xV K)' (1.57)
02U 02U
Ox 2 at 2 - sin(u). (1.58)
X'(A) : : ),Y + X'o(A), (1.59)
y= (01 0 1) ' Af°(A) := 2A
with b(A), c(A) given by
a(A) := ~ [ ( A 2 - a~)(A 2 - &2)]. (1.62)
= 4 ^ d e / + d /A d 0. (1.63)
i : CP x CP ~ ~ ( 2 ) +*
Y:(~,~), ,Xo(~), (1.64)
al : X(),), , xt(X)
a2 : X ( ~ ) ,
,(; o). (1.66)
= a(A)Y + Lo A2n-1 + L1A2n-2 + ... + L2n-1.
- A = dH~(.M)_ = ~(L2,,-1 + a(O)Y)
B = dH~(Af)+ = Lo + ~Y. (1.71)
e i~ = a(0)(c(0) - 1), (1.74)
+ [A, B] = 0 (1.75)
07 O~
reduce to the Sine-Gordon equation
( = x + t, rl = x - t. (1.77)
~2 + a(;~)P(~) = o, (1.7s)
(z,~)~-~(z,-A) (1.79)
z 2 + 5 ( E ) P ( E ) = O, (1.80)
A2 := E, f i ( E ) ; = a(A), / 5 ( E ) : = P(),). (1.81)
52 + E a ( E ) P ( E ) = O, (1.s2)
of genus g = n, where
5 := zA. (1.83)
5(E.) - 1 = 0 (1.84a)
~(E) := b(~), ~ ( E ) : = c(~). (1.85)
These again are interpreted as zeros of the sections of the dual to the eigenvector
line bundle associated to ,~f(~). The symplectic form is then
which only involves abelian integrals of the first kind on the augmented curve.
In terms of theta functions, the solution may be expressed as
~< = -i
ln(-E,,) - ~ ) (1.89a)
where U, V are again obtained from the coefficients on the RHS of (1.88) by
applying the normalizing linear transformation to the abelian differentials ap-
pearing in (1.88). Full details for this case may be found in [HW].
= ~+ + g-, (2.4)
as a vector space direct sum of the subalgebra ~+, consisting of e]ements X(A)
admitting a holomorphic extension to the interior of S 1, and ~ - , consisting of
elements admitting a holomorphic extension to the exterior, with normalization
X(oo) = O. We identify ~ as a dense subspace of its dual space ~* through the
1 /" d)~
< ~, x > := 2~-5Jbs! tr (~,(~)x(~))W' (2.5)
~e~-, x e ~ +.
~* = ~+ + ~_ (2.7)
simi]arly represents a decomposition of ~* into subspaces consisting of e]ements
holomorphic inside and outside S 1, but with the normalization such that ele-
ments # E ~+ satisfy #(0) = 0 (and hence the constant loops are included on
~+ :M----* M
g(~,) : (F, a ) ~ (F~, a~), (2.s)
which is thus a Poisson map with respect to the Lie Poisson structure on ~+*.
This map is not injective, its fibres being (generically) the orbits of the sub-
group GA := Stab(A) C GI(N) acting by conjugation on A, and by the natural
symplectic action on M.
M / a A ~ "~*a, (2.12)
F= Fi , G= Gi , (2.14)
where (Fi, Gi) are the ki × r dimensional blocks corresponding to the eigenvalues
oq. For this case, N'0(A) has only simple poles:
GTFi ~ Ni (2.15)
N0(A) = JA(F,G) = -A ~:-~i "-- A A~---~i'
i=1 i=1
which can be identified with the Ad*-action of the direct l~roduct group Gl(r) x
• .. x G/(r) (n times) on [g[(r)*] n.
The fibres of the map a7A coincide with the orbits of the block diagonal
The Ad*q5+ orbits are then the level sets of the Casimir invariants:
More generally, the image of the moment map ~'A is a Poisson submanifold
of ~A C ~'+* consisting of elements of the form
T h e o r e m 2.1 ( A K S ) .
1. If H G Z AKS~
y Hamilton's equations are:
XH(PJ) = dt = [(dH)+,A/'] = -[(dH)_,jY'] (2.25a)
2. Y
If I l l , H 2 E ~-AKS,
{H1,H2} = 0. (2.25b)
Thus, all the AKS flows commute, and are generated by isospectral defor-
mations determined by Lax equations of the form (2.25a). In fact, it may be
shown ([RS], [ A H P ] , [AHH2]) that on generic coadjoint orbits of the form
(2.22), these systems are completely integrable; i.e., the elements of the Poisson
commutative ring 2"AYI<sgenerate a Lagrangian foliation. Since the map (2.10)
with image consisting of elements of the form (2.22) is a Poisson map, and passes
to the quotient Poisson space M / G A to define an injective Poisson map, the same
results may be applied to the pullback fA o H of any Hamiltonian in the AKS
ring ZYAKs.
2.4 Reductions
To obtain interesting examples, one usually must reduce the generic systems
described above in a manner that is consistent with the structure of the dy-
namical equations. This generally consists of ttamiltonian symmetry reductions
involving either continuous or discrete symmetry groups. (It may also involve
symplectic, or more generally, Poisson constraints.) We briefly summarize the
procedure for both types of symmetry reductions below. The discrete Hamilton-
inn reduction procedure is described in greater detail in [ H H M ] ; the continuous,
Marsden-Weinstein reduction is fairly standard [AM].
cr : M ~ M (2.27)
the corresponding automorphism of ~+, with dual Poisson map
We assume that the moment map fA intertwines these two actions, so that the
following diagram commutes
M ~ , M
5A1 1) A (2.29)
c M, c (2.30)
and its restriction defines a moment map from the fixed point set Ma to the
dual space
~+* := 5~* C 5 +* (2.31a)
of the subalgebra
~+ := 5 + C 5 + (2.31b)
of fixed elements under ag. The results of Theorem 2.1 and Corollary 2.2 may
then be applied on the reduced spaces, provided the ttamiltonians in the ring
ZYKS are chosen to be invariant under the symmetry a~.
All the Hamiltonians in the ring 2"AYKSare iuvariant under the Hamiltonian
group action given by conjugation of .N(A) by A-independent elements in the
stability subgroup of Y:
This action is generated by a moment map Jy, given by the leading term No of
.No, restricted to ~y
JY := N01gr, (2.33)
j A = .A/-0(A) = No + N1A-1 + . . . . (2.34)
Since the elements of ZYKs are Gy invariant, Jy is conserved under all the AKS
flows. Fixing a level set
JY = t,0 ~ g~, (2.35)
rr : J y ~ ( # o ) ~ J,y~(#o)/Go (2.38)
2.5 Examples
We now indicate how the loop algebra formulation of examples like those of
Section 1 is obtained from the general scheme described above.
2.5.1 N e u m a n n O s c i l l a t o r ( a n d s i m i l a r e x a m p l e s ) in ~"[(2,R) +*
reducing ffl(2, C)* to fir(2, R)*. The stabilizer of A = diag ('~1,.--, 4 , ) consists
of the diagonal subgroup GA = {cling(d1,..., d,) C Gl(n)} acting as
GA:M-----* M
where Fi and Gi are just 2-component row vectors. The moment map generating
this action is just
which coincides with the traces of the 2 x 2 residue matrices N i in (2.1'5). Choos-
ing the zero level set for these, Marsden-Weinstein reduction is equivalent to the
subgroup reduction g[(2) + D ~"[(2)+. Choosing an appropriate symplectic section
gives the reduced parametrization:
x, y E R '~-
w = dx T A dy. (2.43)
Viewing this as defined on the symplectic vector space ~[~ × •n, there
is a residual fibration generated by the finite group (Z2) n of reflections in the
coordinate hyperplanes. The ~](2)- character AY may be expressed as:
and the resulting AKS flows involve isospectral deformations of elements of the
A / ' ( A ) = ( ac 2 a ) +Af°(A)" (2.46)
The tIamiltonians are chosen, as usual, from the AKS ring zAYgs(~'[(2)*).
In addition to the symmetry reductions already implemented, it is possible to
impose further symplectic constraints of the form
and apply the standard methods for constrained systems. (Provided one of
these functions is in the Poisson commutative ring ZAYKS(~[(2)*), the constrained
Hamiltonians will still commute.) The particular case of the above with
a=0, b= 2' c = 0, (2.48a)
f:=xTx--l=0, 9:=YTX=0, (2.48b)
and ttamiltonian (1.30), gives the Neumann oscillator system. The invariant
spectral curve is of the form
:= (2.50)
G A = S t a b ( A ) = C x × C x × ... × C × (2.51)
O~i : ~i, Z : SW
F : a : (2.53)
give the discrete reduction ~'[(2, C) +* D ~ ( 1 , 1) +* as the fixed point set under
an antilinear involution. On this real subspace, the symplectic form becomes
ca = i d ~ T Adz, (2.54)
In this case, we choose the character AY to vanish, so.h/'(A) coincides with N0(A).
The commuting flows are generated by the pair of commuting Hamiltonians:
H~ = ~ A Z°Ks(~(1, (2.56a)
Further invariant constraints are added to ensure that the leading terms of the
polynomial matrix (1.45) have the form given in eq. (1.49). Defining £(A) again
as in eq. (2.50), the resulting invariant spectral curve again has the form
2.5.3 H i g h e r R a n k Case. T w o C o m p o n e n t C o u p l e d N L S S y s t e m :
Reduction to ~(1,2) +
so the components (r/i, ~i)i=x,...n and their complex conjugates provide a canon-
ical coordinate system on OX0. The reduced moment map has the form
A/o()`)= YA(F,a)
" 1 ( P~ r/'P' ~'P')
=-i)`E)` -- ai --~iPi --Ir/i[ 2 ---~iZi , (2.62)
j=l --~iPi ---~ir/i --ICI[ 2
so the coadjoint orbit may be identified with C '~ × C n. Again we choose the
character )`Y to vanish, so A/()`) coincides with A/0(),). As for the single compo-
nent NLS equation, the commuting pair of Hamiltonians for the two component
CNLS case is chosen to be
IIx = ~ )` tr(A/()`) 2) ] 0
E Z ( ~ ( 1 , 2 ) +*) (2.63a)
Defining, as before,
further invariant constraints must also be imposed, implying that the leading
terms are of the form (cf. [ A H P ] ) :
i(2 0 0)
0 -1 0 , L1 = 0
Lo ~ 0 0 1 0
('u'2+'v[ 2 - ~ -~)
L2=i us -[u[ 2 -vu . (2.65)
The Lax equations generated by the tIamiltonians (2.63a,b) have the same
form as eqs. (1.48a,b), and the compatibility conditions (1.51) are equivalent to
the CNLS system (2.58a,b). The invariant spectral curve in this case is a three
sheeted branched covering of p1 determined by an equation of the form
In the following, the phase space will initially be thought of as a coadjoint orbit
O~0 within the image of a moment map of the type introduced in Section 2.
I m ( J A) := gA C ~+* (3.2)
•, A
), Ni }, (3.3)
where the ranks {ki}i=l ..... of the residue matrices Ni coincide with the multi-
plicities of the eigenvalues {al}i=l ..... of the diagonal N × N matrix
A=dJag(~i,...,~i,...~n). (3.4)
The coadjoint action of the loop group ~ + on ~A in this case becomes equiv-
alent to the coadjoint action of (G/(r)) n on (g[(r)*) n, obtained by evaluating the
group element g(A) E ~+ at the poles )~ = c~i:
It follows that the Ad~+-orbits are determined as simultaneous level sets of the
Casimir invariants of the separate residue matrices Ni under this action:
0.~'o = { A
)~ - c~i
I trN[ = cit, I = 1 , . . . k i } . (3.6)
The equations of motion induced by any element of the AKS ring ¢ E 2"AYrcs
have the Lax form:
d2¢'()~) _ [d~(Af)+,A/'] (3.7)
¢ = ~lxY+b'a (3.8)
dt = [d~(.h/')+, £]. (3.12)
eigenvalues are distinct; namely, ki(2r - ki - 1). We also assume that one of two
conditions holds, which excludes further singularities over )~ = oo:
Case (a) Y = 0 and L0 lies on a Gl(r) orbit of the same dimension ( r ( r - 1))
as those with simple spectrum.
Case (b) Y 7~ 0 and lies on a Gl(r) orbit of the same dimension as those with
simple spectrum.
Case (a) Y = 0. In this case, all the elements 4) E ZI~+* in the AKS ring are
invariant under the full Gl(r) action (3.14), and all components of L0 are con-
served. We may therefore reduce by the full group Gl(r) or any of its subgroups.
The two subcases of greatest interest are:
where Go C Gl(r) is the stabilizer of/to. The dimension of the reduced orbit is:
Case (a.2) Sympleetie invariant manifold. We take the zero level set of all com-
ponents of L0 in the annihilator of a Cartan subalgebra, (e.g., we choose L0 to
Its dimension is
Case (b) Y ¢ 0. In this case, the elements ¢ E ZI'~+.+,xy of the AKS ring are
only invariant under the action of the stabilizer G y Stab(Y) C Gl(r). Two =
Case (b.2) The reduction of Oxo under the full stabilizer G y C GI(r) of a
regular element Y E gl(r), taken at a value L0l~,. = ~0 E 1~-. The group G y is
a maximal abelian subgroup with r - 1 dimensional orbits and Go = G y . The
reduced orbit is denoted
dim rqY,
~Ar°red = dim 0~"o - 2(r - 1). (3.21)
The affine part of the spectral curve C0 is determined by the characteristic equa-
tion (3.13). Taking into account the ranks of the residue matrices {Ni}i=l .....
in (3.3), we see that the characteristic polynomial has the general form
where n
Ai( ) := - rank L ( . , ) : k,. (3.23)
This shows that near A ~ oo, we have
This suggests a compactification, not within F'2, but rather in the total space of
a line bundle over p1 = U0 U Uoo (where U0, Uoo denote the open disks obtained
by deleting )~ = oo and ,k = 0, respectively), with coordinate pairs (,k, z) over U0
and (~, ~ over Uoo related by
This is just the total space 7" of the bundle O ( m ) ~ F'1 whose sheaf of sec-
tions consists of homogeneous functions of degree m. The transformation (3.25)
extends the affine curve Co defined by (3.13) over ~ = oo, defining the compact-
Co ~ C ,--* T. (3.26)
"" ~ ~ " ~ ' ~
~ ~ II
F i g u r e 3.1
1 -- 1 ) ( m r - - 2 ) -
= -~(r 1 ~n( r
-~ - ki)(r - ki - 1) (3.32)
is the genus of the (partially) desingularized spectral curve C obtained by sepa-
rating branches at {c~i, 0}. In a neighborhood of any generic point on OAro, these
spectral invariants are all independent.
Table of Dimensions
Case Dimension J/:Pin's • Pi's
3.3 S p e c t r a l L a g r a n g i a n Foliation
The Lagrangian foliation given by fixing simultaneous level sets of the invariants
in the ring ZAYKSof spectral invariants (i.e., fixing the spectral curve C) is depicted
below in Figure 3.2 for the various cases discussed above.
o7,,o or O -o or oy¢:o")
Tori T >
(isospectral leaves)
dim T =
+r-1 (or9")
Admissable curves C C T
dimC=ff+r-1 (or~)
F i g u r e 3.2
Together, these determine an eigenvector line bundle E ---* C, and its cor-
responding dual bundle E ~ C. The latter may be shown (viz. [ A H H 2 ] ,
[ A H H 3 ] ) to be generally of degree
ai(ooj) = O, i ¢ j. (3.36)
This adds r - 1 dimensions to the fibres, (since framings related by {'ai = hal}
are equivalent). Furthermore, the spectrum over A = cxz in the class of admissible
spectral curves must be left undetermined, adding r - 1 dimensions to the base
space in Figure 3.2.
More generally, it is insufficient to just consider line bundles, since this ex-
cludes the possibifity of degeneracy in the spectrum and further singular points.
The appropriate generalization consists of a coherent sheaf defined by the exact
0 ~ O ( - m ) er c r ( ~ ) - ~ O e" , E , 0, (3.37)
that the dual space to the space of eigenvectors over the spectral curve is given
by the cokernel of the linear map defined by £T(A) -- z[~. A more complete
discussion of the significance of this construction may be found in [ A H H 2 ] ,
In this section we give a method for constructing the appropriate Darboux coor-
dinates naturally associated to the spectral data discussed above, in which the
Hamiltonians in the spectral ring :YAYKSdetermine a Liouville generating func-
tion in completely separated form. First, we shall give a purely computational
description of these coordinates in terms of simultaneous solutions of polynomial
equations. The significance of this prescription in terms of the eigenvector line
bundles of the preceding section will follow.
Af(£) ([r, (3.38)
and denote by /~I(A,¢') the transpose of the matrix of cofactors. Then, over
the spectral curve defined by the characteristic equation (3.34), the columns of
M(A, ¢') are the eigenvectors of Z:(A) (or Af(A)), and hence, generically, these are
all proportional; i.e. M(A,~) has rank 1. Let V0 E C r be a fixed vector, and
denote the solutions to the system of polynomial equations
as { ~ , ~ , } ~ = 1 ..... Note that, due to the rank condition, there really are only two
independent equations here, the other r - 2 following as linear consequences.
£(),) := £ ( ~ ) / A m. (3.40)
= ^ de,. (3.4231
2. IfVo is an eigenvector of Lo (case (a) or Y (case (b)), the functions {At, , (~,},,...y
project to Darboux coordinates on the reduced spaces r,~red '.-9% (case (a)) or O ~or'red
(case (b)), so the reduced orbital symplectic form is:
3.5 Examples
We begin by considering the simplest possible case; namely, where Af0(A) has
only one pole, at A = ~1, and r = 2 or 3. This just corresponds to coadjoint
orbits of the finite dimensional Lie algebras s[(2) and 5[(3). Then we consider the
case ~-[(2, R) + for arbitrary n, with rank(Ni) = kl = 1 for all i = 1 , . . . n. This
reproduces the hyperellipsoidal coordinates for the finite dimensional examples
of Secs. 1.1 and 2.5.1 (cf. [Mo], such as the Neumann oscillator. Finally, we
consider the case ~u(1, 1) +, which provides the appropriate complex coordinates
for the nonlinear SchrSdinger equation, as discussed in Secs. 1.5 and 2.5.2.
H0(A) - A -
AN1~ 1 - N1 := (o :) u '
and choose
1 _) 0:(10)
01 (3.44)
det ( £ ( A ) - Z [ r ) = z2 - A 2 - a 2 - u r = 0 . (3.45)
In this case, V0 is an eigenvector of Y and the genus of the spectral curve is ~" = 0,
so there are no {AU,~u}'s. The single pair of spectral Darboux coordinates is
q2 = In u, P2 = a. (3.46)
It is easily verified that, relative to the Lie Poisson structure, they satisfy
)~1 = - u , {1 = - - . (3.49)
{~1, ~1 } = o. (3.5o)
(a.3) Take 9 = s[(3,R), and again, c~1 = 0. Then the dimension of a generic
orbit with n = 1 is dim O~o = 6. We parametrize Af0(1) as:
-avU-- b r s)
Af0(A) = N1 : : a e , (3.51)
f b
and choose
Y= 1 0 , Vo= • (3.52)
0 -1
Again, it is easily verified directly that these form a DarbotLx system, with
nonvanishing Lie Poisson brackets
P(A) = - ( a 2 + bc)A n + Pn_l)~ n-1 + .... (3.57)
1~ xlyi
{t` = - a + 7 i=x A - u - - ~ i ' (3.60b)
I~= l , . . . n .
These are therefore hyperelliptic coodinate~ {At, } and their conjugate m o m e n t a
{C,'t`}. In the case c = 0, $I0 is an eigenvector of Y, and eqs. (3.60a,b) are replaced
1 zi - O, (3.61a)
i=1 ,X, - ai
1~ ziYi
~, - a + -~ i=1 ,X, - o~i
tz = 1 , . . . n - 1,
1 n 1 n
q := In (5 ~ ~)' P := ~ ~ x,y,. (3.62)
i=1 i=1
w = -dO, (3.63)
0 := ~ yidxi = ~ , = 1 ~t'd)~t, if c ¢ 0
n--1 (3.64)
i=1 ~-~=1 ~,d)~t, + Pdq if c = 0.
(c) N L S Equation: ~ ( 1 , 1) +
Taking the orbit O•o in ~ ( 1 , 1) +* as parametrized in eqs. (2.54), (2.55), with
Y = 0, the symplectic submanifold O ~ ° C OXo is defined by the constraint
d = o. (3.65)
The spectral Darboux coordinates {q, P, A~,,¢'~,}~=1,..,n-1 are then given by eqs.
(1.52a-c). It is easily verified in this case that the orbital symplectic form re-
stricted to 050 is
Worb = -dO, (3.66)
n n--2
so {q, P, ),~,, ~,}~,=1 ...... 2 do, indeed, define a Darboux coordinate system.
A similar construction holds for the case of the sine-Gordon equation (Sec-
tion 1.3), where the relevant algebra is the twisted loop algebra ~ ( 2 ) +, obtained
by a suitable combination of discrete and continuous reductions. The orbits are
parametrized by eqs. (1.60), (1.61a,b), and the relevant spectral Darboux coor-
dinates determined by eqs. (1.84a,b). Details may be found in [ H W ] .
In the last section we explain how, in the general case, these spectral
Darboux coordinates lead directly to a linearization of the ANS flows through
the Liouville-Arnold integration procedure. In each case the relevant lJnearizing
map turns out to be the Abel map to the Jacobi variety of the spectral curve.
Using the spectral Darboux coordianates, we may define the local equivalent of
the "canonical" 1-form
' ±
0 := Z (~'dXu + Pidq, (3.68a)
#=1 i=2
i "
= + P, dq,, (3.6Sb)
,,=1 a,..,., i=2
% := a(X~,)(,. (3.69)
(Note that for the examples given above, this actually is the canonical 1-form
on R2n/(Z2)n , or c2n/(z2) n, viewed as the cotangent bundle of Rn/(Z2) n and
Cn/(Z2) n, respectively.) On the Liouville-Arnold torus T, defined by taking the
simultaneous level sets
Pi~ = Ci~, Pi = Ci (3.70)
of the spectral invariants, we have
where S(A1,..., Ay, q2,.-., qr, Pia, Pi) is the Liouville generating function to the
canonical coordinates conjugate to the invariants (Pin, Pi). Eq. (3.71) can be in-
tegrated by viewing z = z(A, Pin, Pi) as a meromorphic function on the Riemann
surface of the spectral curve C.
where, from the explicit structure (3.27) of the characteristic polynomial given
in Proposition 3.1, we obtain, by implicit differentiation, that the integrands of
eqs. (3.74a,b) are of the form
1 Oz d A - ai(~)zr--i'~a (3.75a)
win := a(1) OPia "Pz(l,z) dA
1 Oz ,k
- p (A, z)
The point to note is that the differentials {wla}, {wi} appearing in eqs. (3.75a,b)
are, respectively, abelian differentials of the first and third kinds on the Riemann
surface defined by C, the latter having their poles at the points ( ~ 1 , . . . ,c~r)
over A = c~.
Comparing this general formula with the specific cases (1.23), (1.55), (1.56),
(1.88a,b), for the examples of Section 1, we see that this provides the generafiza-
tion that was required, expressing all linearized AKS flows on rational coadjoint
orbits of ~](r)+, and its reductions through the Abel map.
This generalizes the theta function formula (1.57) giving the solution of the
NLS equation. Similar formulae exist e.g., for the sine-Gordon equation ( [ H W ] )
and many other systems that can be cast in terms of commuting AKS flows in
rational coadjoint orbits of loop algebras. Aside from technical complications
resulting, e.g., from the reduction procedure or the imposition of further sym-
plectic constraints, or from the presence of further singularities in the spectral
curve, the procedure is largely algorithmic. It provides a very general setting
for the explicit application of the Liouville-Arnold integration procedure to a
wide class of known - and yet to be discovered - integrable Hamiltonian systems.
Moreover, the moment map embedding method makes it possible to treat both
the intrinsically finite dimensional systems, and those systems corresponding to
finite dimensional sectors of integrable systems of PDE's (solitons, finite band
solutions, etc.) on exactly the same footing.
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G e o m e t r y of the modified K d V equation
Emma Previato
L e c t u r e 1.
1.1 Set up for contrast:
L e c t u r e 2.
2.1 The Segal-Wilson Grassmannian.
2.2 Adaptation to the multicomponent case.
2.3 The Drinfel'd-Sokolov theory.
2.4 Finite-dimensional Grassmannian.
L e c t u r e 3.
3.1 Darboux transformations.
3.2 The Krichever-Novikov equations.
1. W h y m K d V
1.1 A n e c d o t e s . It's official! We no longer need to excuse our interest in
KdV. I was able to bring to the school the 1992 poster created by the Joint Policy
Board for Mathematics. It depicts an ocean wave towering over a ship and the
caption says, among other things: "The solitary wave [was] found by Korteweg
and de Vries in 1895 to be governed by the equation T? + + ° ~-;
0~ +u u~~-;0~ ---'
0xs°~ =
0. Until recently, solution of this equation strained the resources of the most
powerful computers, but mathematical advances have now made the solution of
this equation routine. (...) Not only has the mathematical theory of water waves
helped to understand and protect our environment, but its insights have also had
significant impact on technological development. Although the solitary wave is
now well understood, other water waves still have mysterious effects on our
environment and remain objects of active mathematical research." As you can
tell, the goal of this material is to sensitize the general public to the importance of
mathematics; it was issued on the occasion of "Mathematics Awareness Week,"
an annual event established by a presidential proclamation in 1986. I thought it
was pretty good of the KdV equation to make it to the poster! Less frivolously
perhaps, KdV is the prototype of its genre, according to the Mathematics Subject
Classification (1992 Revision) 35Q53: KdV-like equations. So, how to excuse my
interest in mKdV? Until recently all I knew was the chance discovery reported
in [AS, p. 6]: R. Miura decided to seek conserved quantities for an equation with
one higher degree of nonlinearity than KdV:
ut + 6 u u ~ + u ~ = 0 (KdV)
and discovered what is known as the "Miura transformation":
u = - v 2 - v~ (MT)
family of closed plane curves Ct, whose points are 2-vectors r(t) depending on
a (time) parameter t. The curve dynamics will be given by _rt = U N + WT,
where: U, W are functions of 1; __T,N are the unit tangent and normal vector to
the curve Ct at each point; and W is assumed to be periodic on each curve. On
each curve the parametrization by arc length s obtains the Frdnet-Serret equa-
tions T = _r,, - ~ N = T , , ~ T = N , (~ is the curvature); we make the further
assumption that the motion be purely local, that is U, W be functions of ~¢ and
its s-derivatives. Global geometric quantities are the length of the curve Ct and
the enclosed area: L(t) = ~(r_~ . r~)l/~dcr, A(t) = ½ :~ r_ x r~d~r, where ~r is any
given parametrization of Ct; we regard tr, t as independent variables, thus we get
variational equations:
If we now impose the stronger condition that arc length be preserved locally,
the first equation says U + ~ W - 0 and this is (not surprisingly) equivalent
to requiring that s and t be independent variables, indeed: [(9,,(gt]r = (t~U +
W , ) r , . Under this assumption, the curvature evolution is found as: ~ = (T, •
T_.s)l/2 ~ t¢ t = - - 1 2 U where 12 = (9,, + n 2 + n, (9- t ~, where a choice of integration
is unique up to an arbitrary function of time c(t): W = - f " d d n U + c =
-(9-1~U. The next major remark is that area-invariance is satisfied for U =
O , f for which tcU(= - W , ) = (9,g; the simplest example is U 0) = 0, W 0 ) =
c (arbitrary constant), which means that Ct is simply a reparametrization of
Co. The next U (2) = ns , W(2) = - ' V ~2 gives mKdV tot = -to**, - ~n 3 2~,, as
advertised. Moreover, the recursion: U ('~) = 12U (n-l) = 12(,-2)n, (n > 2),
W(") = - 0 - 1 n U (n) gives the mKdV hierarchy, nt = -12U(n). Now for the last
feature, which we call the Schwarzian Derivative (SD): I would like to try and
explain it in three separate ways:
(A) We know that the (rescaled) MT, u = - l t ¢ 2 - in, achieves the KdV
equation; in fact, the M T of the entire hierarchy nt = - 1 2 U ( ' ) goes to the
(independently defined) KdV hierarchy ut + (9, K (n) = ((9, -i~)(t~t + 12g(n)) = O.
[GP1] gives the curve-dynamics interpretation: if we identify the R2-plane with
the C-plane through z ( s , t ) = z ( s , t ) + iy(s,t) and change variables through
z(s,t) = f" ds'e i°(, ,st) so that 0 = - i l o g ( z s ) and n = - i z-'-t
= -i(9, logzs (notice
that Zs and - i z s are the unit tangent and normal, resp. 1 then u = - S D ( z ) =
- [ ( z)z--~
, - ½ \j(z-~'~2].
z, / Thus, the area-preserving dynamics for z ( s , t ) becomes
KdV for the SD, which is the basic invariant under (conformal) MSbius maps
Z t-.-+ c z + d "
matrices) and notice that for any basis ~bl, ~b2 of solutions of L~b = 0 compatible
with the factorization, namely such that (0, - ~¢)~bx = 0, z = tbl/~b2 satisfies
the "singular Krichever-Novikov equation": zt = z,~ - ~3 % ~2 ~ - I
~ ([Do], we follow
[W3]). The group SL(2, C) is the differential Galois group of the extension C <
u > C C < ~bl,~b2 >: here C < u > denotes the differential field generated
by u, which in turn means the field of rational functions in the indeterminates
u, u(J), j > 0, with the derivation acting as O,u(J) = u (j+l), and differential
automorphisms are those which preserve derivatives. The extension C < u >C
C < z > has Galois group G = PSL(2, C) and the intermediate extension
C < v >C C < z > is the fixed field of the subgroup B C G of upper-triangular
matrices (modulo 4-1).
(C) We follow [Se]: A basis of solutions of the equation L,,y = (0~ + u)y =
0 gives a projective connection (cf. [D, 1.5]) on {s}, by: s ~ [~bx(s),~b2(s)];
conversely, a parametrization of pX can be so written and by multiplying ~bl
and ~b2 by a function of s the Wronskian ~b~b2 - $~bx may be made to equal
1; then ~b~'/~bl = ~b~'/~b2 so that ~kl and ~b2 are solutions of an equation Lu. To
render this independent of parametrization, we let the group PSL(2) of linear
fractional transformations act on p1; indeed, a smooth map $: s ~ $(s) induces
~b*L,, = L,~, where fi = u(fb(s))c~'(s) ~ + ½SD(~b); the SD is the only PSL(2)-
invariant. [Se] goes on to show that KdV is reduction of "free motion" on the dual
1)* of the lie algebra 1) = R @ I), a central extension of I; = Difl~- ($1). Moreover,
the space X ( S x) C 1)* of periodic KdV operators is then identified with the
symplectic quotient under a G = PSL(2) action on the space of connections
in a PX-bundle over 5:1; this seems to be the z-space, which under reduction
for the action of the subgroup B defined in (B) will yield the v-space and the
mKdV equation: thus, the perimeter/area preserving curve dynamics falls out
of a variational principle.
2. S q u a r e d e i g e n f u n c t i o n s
These objects, like the SD of §1, have also surfaced quite often, and in
apparent isolation, in the theory of integrable equations: I would like to offer a
thread through the maze:
(A) Burchnall and Chaundy [BC]: really the fundamental idea. Introduce
the formal adjoint Lt of an ODO L to give a dictionary between algebraic and
transcendental solutions to the BC problem (cf. 2.3.2). Via "trace formulae",
one gets solutions to the PDE's; theta functions are then available in two ways,
one a priori via the Krichever map, and one a posteriori by a knowledge of the
divisors: Mumford uses this to characterize hyperelliptic period matrices! [Mu].
(B) Magnus and Winkler [MW, Ch.II]: the ODE satisfied by the "squared
eigenfunctions" of Hill's operator gives the recursion operator (or the Lenard pair
of Hamiltonian structures) because of the equation !b+ (x)~b~-(x) = R~(x, z), the
kernel of the resolvent [cf. McK].
(C) The Hamiltonian model in which ~b+, ~b- are viewed as canonical vari-
ables, and reduction of free motion yields classical problems (Neumann's con-
strained harmonic motion; Jacobi's geodesic on the ellipsoid, cf. [EF]) as related
to KdV; mysteriously, this is capable of a "smearing" procedure on the line
which allowed [DLT] to interpret the KdV (and other second-order) evolutions
for rapidly vanishing potentials as hamiltonian flows for a symplectie structure
on coordinates parametrized by the continuous spectrum.
(D) The generalization of (h) to a dual tau/Baker function on the Sato-
Segal-Wilson Grassmannian; at the level of divisors, Cherednik's result: O ( D ) ~-~
O* ( n ) ® O ( K ) where K is the canonical divisor [C].
(E) The generalization of (B),(C) to any order (called the n-th generalized
KdV equation in [SW]) was found by R. Schilling [S] in the context of classical
ODE and in [AHP] by symplectie quotients in loop algebras.
By and by, it became clear how the same objects could be given the various
interpretations (A)-(E), but since a theoretic explanation of that would exceed
the length allotted, we will just give concrete illustrations for the mKdV case.
{ yl~=-i'yl+qy2 and ~ y l t = A y l + B y 2
y ~ = i~y2 + ryl [, Y2t Cyl + Dy2
L = [Or-~] B -- 4 [ 0 0 3 ]-v O - 6 qr q ~ ] o - 3 [ ( q r ) x
[Qq qx~ ]
' rx qr [ rx~ (qr)~ "
clear below, we compute two examples: after normalizing the Baker vector so
that ~ -- 6ij, we can find "unique" (up to some normalizations) operators
B3 =
003 -2 r~ qr -4 [ rxz qxr -I- qr~:
such that
trivial as well as [t'3~1a, -t'a~aa], which is why we chose B2, B3 the way we did. In
fact, under the same assumptions, [L, - 4 B 3 - 0 ¢ ] yields mKdV: qt+6q~qr+qx~: =
0 = qt 4- 6q~q 2 + q~:~:~ for q = +r. However, if we don't impose restrictions
on the curve, we obtain the Davey-Stewartson equation1! Indeed, the Lax pair
[L - 0~, B2 - (gt] yields
q~:x qyy
qt = y + ~ + q ( o ~ - 6 )
rt- 2 2
together with
i x : - - o~ -- (qr)x (qr)y
2 2
6= + 6~ = (q")= (qr)~
2 2
so that l e t t i n g a - 6 = Q - qr one obtains qt = ~2 + ~ - qur + qQ, where
Qzx + Qy~ = 2(qr)uy, which becomes exactly Davey-Stewartson [AS (2.1.59)]
under the reality conditions ~ = :t:r. As a last remark, we offer an algorithm
for writing (in the general-curve case) the (formal) pseudodifferential (matrix)
operator £ such that L:¢ = d i a g ( g l , - g 2 ) ¢ hence such that (/2)+ = L; it is
nothing hut the Euclidean algorithm adapted to noncommutative rings, cf. [P3].
1 I am grateful to J. Harnad for telling me about this "2+1" (i.e. (x, y) and t) version
of NLS a few years ago.
compact Jacobian. The explanation is the following: the curve 6" where the 2-
point construction is implemented is a 2:1 cover of a 1-point curve C ( P ~ is
a branch point for the hyperelliptie involution); the constraint r -- - 1 for the
solution is achieved on a subvariety of G which can he identified with Jac C.
For example, in genus 1 (i.e., [L, B] -- 0 with a third-order B of the kind given
above) the curve C is calculated as the resultant of L - ~, B - ju given by the
determinant of a 6 x 6 BC matrix as in [P3]; the equation is/,2 = ha + aA2 + b,
obviously a 2:1 cover of a KdV curve. More instances of this phenomenon will
be illustrated in 2.3.3 (sine-Gordon, mKdV).
Before leaving this subsection we should say that Krichever's construction
gives explicit solutions in terms of theta functions. In view of that, we record
what the mKdV/Davey Stewartson functions are in terms of the coefficients of
the Baker vectors: q = 2{~ 2, r = 2{~ 1, {~1+~1~ = {1=~+{~ = ~ . Using
formulas of J. Fay's it is possible to check directly that the corresponding theta-
function expressions, though transcendental, satisfy the given PDE (of. [Mu,P1]).
However, imposing reality conditions and constraints becomes easier if we use
algebraic functions on C, as explained in 2.3.
[ b-e-i'~x ]
_a_ei~ ~ as x --~ oo and {L traceless =~ constant Wronskian} , imply
a+ = a_ = W(¢_,¢_), b+ = - W ( ¢ + , ¢ _ ) , b_ = W ( ¢ _ , ¢ + ) ;
and W ( ¢ + , ¢ _ ) = - 1 =¢, a+a_ + b+b_ = 1. Assuming that a+ and a_ are root
free (analogous to requiring absence of bound stakes for a SchrSdinger poten-
tial), and letting r+ = b+/a+, r_ = b_/a_, z-translation becomes constrained
harmonic motion for the canonical variables: x+~ = r ~ - ~ Cq.l(O , ~:), y+~ --
v f r r r ~ ¢+2(0 , ~¢), etc.; all higher times of the hierarchy are also given by com-
muting hamiltonians.
(A) Let (,~,/~) be a point on the curve and f(L, IJ) = T(L - A)(B - #) +
(aOn-2 + alO n-3 + . . . + an-1)(B - i~), with (b, b l , . . . , bn-1) playing the role of
the a's for the adjoint equation. Then a = b = ¢ ¢ generically cuts the curve C in
2g points, half of which lie on al and the other half on bl. Using the differential
equations L ¢ = A¢, etc., the motion of the divisor Q1 + ... + Qg common to
a and al, say, is computed in terms of the Abel coordinates S f ~ w, where
0.~ "- ~, IJ I x ) n b + r n a < 2 9 - 2 ' and is shown to be linear.
Finally, we follow [EF] for the case n = 2. The dual Baker function is most
explicit precisely because the curve is hyperelliptic: if we write the equation of the
curve as ~2 = f ( A ) = yI~g+l(A - el) and if ¢ satisfies £ ¢ = g¢ with t: = All 2,
then ¢ = ¢ ( t P ) , where t is the hyperelliptic involution; ¢ , ¢ are independent
solutions of L y = )~y except at the branchpoints, and ¢¢ is a meromorphic
function which comes from the base (i.e., a function of A E p1 only): ¢¢ =
yIg(A - A ( Q i ( x ) ) ) / ( A - A(QI)). We can push the poles to A = c~ by defining
the differential I2 = ½ 1-Ia(A- A(Qi))~; then U = ¢¢I2/dA, w = ¢ ~ ¢ z l 2 / d A ,
V = ½(¢¢, + ¢,¢)I2/dA are polynomials in A and U W + Y 2 = - W r 2 ( ¢ , ¢) =
f(A) independent of z (notice that it equals zero precisely when A is a branch
point). The first g coefficients of f are constants of motion and by the Liouville
method one gets action-angle variables for a completely integrable system [FN].
However, there is quite a different way to construct a symplectic manifold using
these objects which is formally analogous to the continuous model described in
2.3.1: choose g + l among the branch points, say Ei = (el, 0), i = 1 . . . . , g + l and
let h = ~ / H ~ ' t ' I ( , ~ - el). Define Pi "- res(e,,o)hl2 and zi = v r ~ ¢ ( z , El). Then
by the residue theorem ~ + 1 z i~ = 1 is x-independent; U = ~ a + l A -~'
- e i '" Yi = X i
and u = /_.., t e l z i + y~) yield the Neumann system of harmonic oscillators
constrained to the unit sphere: ~:i + u z i = eixi (i = 1 , . . . , g + 1). The finite-
dimensional analog of the trace formula of [DLT] gives the algebraic solution to
the inverse problem (as opposed to the transcendental of 2.2): the equation for
the squared eigenfunctions ( 0 3 + 4uO + 2u')¢¢ = 4A(¢¢)', when expanded in A,
gives u ( z ) = V'2g+l e , - 2
2.3.3 Lastly, we use the moment map of [AHP] to present the hamiltonian
flows of 2.3.2 as a reduction of Adler-Kostant-Symes flows for an sl(2) loop
algebra; here we do the mKdV case. We refer to [AHP §6D] for all definitions
and here present only the result, and its geometric interpretation which had
not appeared in [AHP]. On a symplectic space M with canonical coordinates
x ] , . . . , Xn; Y l , . . . , Yn one defines a moment map whose image is the matrix
/ ._% Y:?
L - - Z-..~l A ~ - a - - A_..,1 A " - a ~ .I
for which the curve C: /z2 = det(~-~-~J) (compactified by adding the points P~
and P2 over A = o¢) is isospectral. If the following (time-invariant) functions
are fixed: Z x i y i = O, E a i x ~ = ~ a i y ~ = 1, v ~ + ½ ( q - p ) = 0 where: Z2 =
Iv0 L ] ' /:3= [: ~], then v s a t i s f i e s m K d V f o r z = t l a n d t = t 2 . Note:
the curve is invariant under the transformation: v ~ - v .
The second equation integrates to ¢2(20' - c) = const, and the choice 0' = c/2
integrates the first: ¢,2 = __~ ¢4+ ¼(c2 - 2cd)¢2 + a. This is again an elliptic curve
(or a singular limit) but has 2 points at infinity and the form of the solution q is
indeed its generalized theta function! Now for mKdV (not in [SCMcL]) the ansatz
v = e ~ - ~ w ( z - ct) is not integrable in general, whereas v ( x - ct) yields ~'-2-Z2=
I v 4 + c ~ - av - b. The choice c = a = b = 0 gives v = - ~ , which corresponds
to the rational KdV, MT(v) = - T ~2 , obtained from the cuspidal cubic/,2 = A3.
The choice a = b = 0 gives a nodal cubic and, indeed, a 1-soliton v = - x / ~ sech
V/~(x - ct + const). E x e r c i s e 1: Given v such that 'vVI~ --. -lV4 + c -vy2 - a v - b,
show that the curve of u = M T ( v ) is -'i-
u'~ = - u 3 + -~u* ~ - 2bu + bc + - y , explain
why replacing v by - v changes the mKdV curve (a ~ - a ) but not the KdV
curve (this will be explained in §3). E x e r c i s e 2: Show that all v's corresponding
to u = - ~ are of the form _ _ 1 (this will be explained in §3).
C H p1
\ l /
for the maps r}:C ---* p1, branched at a~, . . . , a n2 , b~,... , b n2_ 2 and 0; and
A2:p1 ._~ p1. For the same rank 2 perturbation, the symmetry we impose to get
mKdV flows is the following: we start with canonical coordinates
( w l , . . . , w n ; W n + l , . . . , w 2 n ) , ( z l , . . ., zn; Zn+l, . . ., z2,~) and form the polynomi-
als U(A) : Zi=ln ( ~A-ai + Atv2~+"~
+ a t ] a(A), where a(A) -- y L ( A 2 a~) similarly,
V(A) by substituting w/2 ~-~ zi2 and Z(A) by w~ ~ w , zi, so that the coef-
ficients of ¢(A) - U V - Z ~ are invariants; notice that ¢(A) is divisible by
a(A), and the constraints ~ j = l w j z j = w] = z ] = X a j ( w j -- W n2+ j )
_ En 2 2 n
- a j ( z 3 - z , ~ + j ) = O, ~ a j ( w i z i - w n + j z , ~ + i ) =i, ¢ is monic of degree 4 n - 4 .
We get an mKdV solution as u = :l=v, where u u2,-3 w , + j ) is
the leading coefficient of U, v = v20-3 of V, and alternate this condition down
the coefficients, u2,-4 - -t-v2,-4, etc. This symmetry is achieved on the manifold
wn+i =izj and zn+j = - i w j so that
i i#j
z= II(:
1 iCj
x °': ]
RS-T 2 - ( a ( A ) ) ~det [ ~' a,,'
R e m a r k . The base change [ Y : ] = [1111] [::] conjugates the Lax operator
[-0v -0v ] int° [ 00+v O - V ] o , with the effect of interchanging the role oftwo
Cartan subalgebras of s/(2), the diagonal matrices and the circulants.
(iii) E x a m p l e : g e n u s 1. A parameter count shows that in general the
flows of the Hamiltonian system span the generalized Jacobian of the curve
lU2 = U V - Z 2 = ¢($ 9) (which has dimension 2n - 2), but the "even" flows
span the Jacobian of/~2 = ~/¢(~/). For example, for n = 2 the constraints we
imposed leave one degree of freedom, which is a direction on the generalized
Jacobian of the curve (~: (As + p)(A 2 + q) - A2v2 = a(A)/~2, or the Jacobian of
C: t/(r/+ p)(r/+ q) - 7/2v2 = T/(q - a~)(r/- a~) = v 2. Calculating the z-flow gives:
+v~:-v 2 = - p , - v ~ : - v ~ = - q . Conclusion: C hosts both the KdV and the mKdV
flows; (~ gives a different way to write solutions in terms of theta functions; unlike
the mKdV curve found in (i), it is insensitive to the transformation v ~ - v . We
give the theta-function recipe as the next item because it holds for any genus:
(iv) T h e t a f o r m u l a s . The solution for the 2-point hierarchy, as per
Krichever's construction, is worked out in [P1] and involves a periodic func-
tion eZ°O(z + P2 - P 1 ) / O ( z ) , with an extra "Abel coordinate" z0 which cor-
responds to a logarithmic differential wP~-e~. But, as in the sine-Gordon case,
the solution can be written using only theta functions of the curve C, which
is to be expected as a consequence of (ii), in that the flows are linearized on
Jac C. The representation-theoretic construction which will be briefly sketched
in §3 provides the formula v = 0~ log ~ for two different tan functions: but
that appears as simply a translation in t~he algebro-geometric set-up, since the
KdV solution is u = 20~ log0(z)+const., with the constant depending only on
the curve; the "transference" operation shows fi = 20~ log 0(z + P); and finally
vz = ½(fi - u) = 0~log(0(z + P ) / O ( z ) ) and v = 0xlog(0F/0) (the mKdV
equation constrains the integration constant). It is satisfying to compare these
formulas directly in the genus 1 case: start with a commuting pair (L, B) as
in 2.1, with q = - v - r. Write the 4 x 4 Burchnall-Chaundy matrix as per
recipe in [P3] and compute its determinant; this is the curve, which you find
to have the form: (# - ~)2 = A4 + cA2 + a + "T c~ (L = ,~, B = #). Now use the
abelian coordinates of the flow computed in [P1, Th. 1.7] and you will see that
the coordinate in the C* direction is zero because of the particular value of the
coefficients of the curve. Lastly, use Jacobi's functions [DV] for ~1/2 (~ of the
curve v 2 = ~(~]2 + c~ + a + -~), T/= ~2, v = #,X) to compare the 2-point formula
for the theta function of the half-period lattice 0[c](2z, 2r) with the 1-point for
0(2, 7").
(v) C o n c l u s i o n . To complete the picture of linearization of mKdV flows
we return to the relationship between the 3 curves we encountered: X: -~,2 T=
~ V 4 + c -v~2 - a v - b
- in (i), and C" _._, C in (iii) (all statements go over unchanged for
higher genus). The issue to be dealt with was this: the Lax-pair mKdV problem
2.1 seemed to indicate a 2-point situation, and so did the Moser-system solution
2.3. However, the flows do not require the generalized Jacobian of C but linearize
on the Jacobian of the KdV curve C.
3. T h e f l a g a s a s p a c e o f D a r b o u x transformations
In this section we simply put together the language of [EK] with that of [W2]
which shows how to view the C* of Darboux transforms of a given KdV operator
as the fibre of a projection from a flag variety to a Grassmannian. Originally we
had intended to translate the classical flag-analog of the Pliicker equations into
the m K d V equations using finite-dimensional flags, in analogy to what is done
in [E], but for lack of time we state that as an exercise in the next section.
3.1 We recall that a Darboux transformation is the conjugation of an oper-
ator L by D = 0 - ~ where ~b E Ker L and ~b(0) # 0, so that L is divisible by D
= e are deleted from p t to give the C*). Lastly, the space of eigenfunctions of
L is in 1:1 correspondence with the factorizations L = (0 + v)(O - v), v = ~ ,
namely with the mKdV solutions whose MT(v) = u; the Darboux transform
of u is M T ( - v ) . Thus, the extra (fibre) direction of mKdV potentials which
give the same KdV lies indeed in the span of the KdV hierarchy, but in fact of
the hierarchy which belongs to the singular curve of a Darbouxed potential (cf.
comments preliminary to 2.2.30) ) .
E x a m p l e : u = 0 , ~ = - - ~ 2 for ¢ = x; MT(v = ~) = O, MT(v = - ~ ) =
2 o
the other v which project to u = 0 are 1.___~,in fact (as a singular limit of
the transference result): if (31, at-~)is a point on/~2 = ha, then L - ~ Darboux
transforms into 02 - ~ y ~ - ~ . This clarifies the remarks in 2.2.3: u = 0 "flows"
on Jac Co, fi = -x--~
2 on Jac C, :t=v = + ~ "flows" on Jac C (by ~ ~-~-a),
thereby demonstrating that the C* direction corresponding to a fixed u = 0 is
a KdV direction for any other Darboux transform fi, except the transferenced
ones which are a translate of u = 0 on the same curve (in this case the choice
= 0 corresponds to a branch point).
° [°1 [o :]
modulo the action of the group of gauge transformations, NLN -1, for N an
upper-triangular matrix of functions with 1 on the diagonal. The KdV solution
appears for w = t = 0, z -- u while the diagonal case z = 0 has the mKdV
diagonal terms w = v, t = - v [DS, 3.23]. With one more switch in conventions
(to follow [W2]) we replace by .2
1 0 j ' which amounts to replac-
ing the standard with the principal realization of the group G of smooth maps
S 1 --~ SL(2, C), via the isomorphism:
1 I MT
4. Questions
In the context of a summer school, we feel justified in stating some questions
which are readily workable, together with open-ended ones: this is indicated at
the end of each question. We take them up in the same order as the exposition.
4.1 In 1.2 we stated the conditions U = O s f , - W s -- ~:U -- c98g for certain
conservative curve motion. [GP1] remark that there are other obvious solutions
besides the one which gives mKdV (e.g. U = ~ng, and W --- -~'~+2/(n-F 2))
and ask whether these lead to integrable hierarchies. (I would label this question
as open-ended)
\ ]
This projective connection also appears in [Fa], p.19 formula 27. (Open; less
focused than 4.2)
4.4 For the Davey-Stewartson solutions constructed from curves as in 2.2
to be of physical interest, a theory of reality conditions needs to be developed.
Some special cases would probably come for free (much as was the case for NLS
in [P1]) from an identification of the algebraic description of the flows, i.e. by
putting together 2.2 and 2.3. Some properties would be a lot harder to detect,
as demonstrated by KP versus KdV. (Workable)
4.5 In 2.3.1 we indicated a mysterious analogy between Poisson brackets of
Jost solutions and finite dimensional Hamiltonian systems. The formal reasons
for this are the equations satisfied by squared eigenfunctions. A closer analytic
investigation of the scattering matrix as a limit of monodromy matrices for
the periodic problem is a very commonplace thing to suggest. The specifics of
the mKdV example, which brings together AKNS models and Hill's equation
would be a nice starting point; one gain would be that the finite dimensional
model of 2.3.3 would yield the continuous model (rather than the other way
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Robbert Dijkgraaf
Department of Mathematics, University of Amsterdam ,
Plantage Muidergracht 24, 1018 TV Amsterdam, The Netherlands
1. 2 D Quantum Gravity
Euclidean quantum gravity tries to make sense of the following problem. Let M
be a smooth manifold, which we will assume to be compact and without boundary,
and let MetM be the space of all Riemannian metrics h on M. We wish to consider
the integral
ZM = J [dh]. e-s, (1.1)
where [dh] is the natural measure on MetM and S[h] is some suitably chosen weight
function. Since we integrate over all Riemannian structures, ZM is by definition
a topological invariant. Of course, since the integral is infinite-dimensional, it is a
highly nontrivial problem to make mathematical sense out of this definition.
As it stands, the expression for ZM already suffers from severe problems due to the
following phenomenon. We have a natural action on MetM of DiffM, the group onpf
diffeomorphisms of the space M. E!ements of DiffM relate equivalent Riemannian
structures. Since the actions S that we will consider are in general invariant under
this action, the path-integral ZM will contain a factor proportional to the volume of
DiffM, which is clearly infinite. So a first step is to define ZM by integration over the
orbit space MetM/DiffM
ZM = J [dh].e-s. (1.2)
For the action S one usually choses the Einstein-Hilbert action
with R the scalar curvature of the metric h, ~ Newton's contant, and # the cosmo-
logical constant. The critical points of this action are given by the metrics h that
satisfies Einstein% equation in the absence of matter.
Unfortunately, for arbitrary dimensions, this definition of Euclidean quantum grav-
ity suffers from grave difficulties. One simple indication of the many problems sur-
rounding this issue is that in general S is not positive-definite.
However, the situation improves dramatically if we descend to two dimensions
and consider a surface ~. Here the first part of our action S is actually a well-known
d__.~v~ R (1.4)
/x47r = 2 2g,
log A ~ ~ (1.6)
J~. V~ ----A (1.7)
So, if we restrict to surfaces of a given topology, i.e. fixed genus h~ the path-integral
simply reduces to an integral over all metrics weighted by their area A = f~ V~,
Of course, the problem here is to determine the action S I. We will state here just the
answer. It is given by the so-called LiouviUe action (we ignore ghosts for a moment)
= co. (1.13)
Indeed we can redefine ¢ --* ¢ + c in the path-integral. This gives the identity
1.1. M a t r i x models
To go one step further and calculate the absolute normalization %, and more
importantly, also the correlation functions, one has to make use of the formalism of
matrix model [1] and their solutions in the double-scaling limit [2], see e.g. the reviews
in [3]. These models can be completely solved within the framework of integrable
hierarchies [4, 5]. We will not be in a position to explain this development here in any
detail. The crucial idea is to approximate the integral over metrics by a summation
over triangularizations of the surface, The combinatorics of these summations can be
very conveniently be encoded in matrix integrals. One considers these matrix integral
for variable size N x N and then studies the asymptotic expansion in 1/N. The result
of all this is the following answer.
Let Z(#) be the partition function where we also sum over topologies
= A=a2~ (1.16)
be the second derivative with respect to #. Then u satisfies the nonlinear Painlev6
u 2 + T u " = #, (1.17)
Actually, the solution of the matrix model is much more powerful. One can alSO
consider correlation functions
where the expressions an, n -- 0,1, 2 . . . , are certain expressions in the metric h on a
surface of genus g. For example
,,, o.,o/
All these correlation functions can also be exactly calculated. The final result cart be
formulated as follows. Let
Z(to, t , , . . . ) = ~ A2g-2{exp f i t j , ) g (1.20)
g=O n=0
Ou A2
-- = --u'" (1.21)
Ota uu' + 3
or more general
Ou 0 (1.22)
Here R~[u] is a polynomial in u and its derivatives u ' , u " , . . , with respect to the
cosmological constant to = # given by
t.R.[u] = to (1.25)
2. N o n - C r i t i c a l Strings
2.1. E l e m e n t a r y i n t r o d u c t i o n to s t r i n g t h e o r y
Before we plunge into the details of the explicit solutions of these string theories,
let us start with some very general remarks to place this work in the relevant context.
Recall that from a perturbative point of view a string theory is a quantum theory of
excitations (particles) in some space-time X that has an interpretation in terms of
surfaces, i.e. in terms of maps
x : X, (2.1)
with ~ a surface of a particular genus. Indeed the 'central dogma' of string theory
(see fig. 2.1.) equates (connected) S-matrix elements in space-time with correlation
functions in a two-dimensional field theory
Here the object on the LHS is a scattering amplitude in the space-time X whose
expansion in terms of the string coupling constant A is given by correlation functions
of vertex operators V °~t, V ~" in a two-dimensional quantum feld theory defined on
a surface ~ of genus g - - the world-sheet. Since the correlation functions on the
RHS should not depend on intrinsic properties of the surface, like the metric and the
position of the vertex operators, the world-sheet field theory should include in some
form an integrM over all metrics on the surface, and thus we are naturally lead to
consider two-dimensional quantum gravity.
The analogue idea in quantum field theory is well-known: amplitudes in field
theory can be written as correlation functions in a one-dimensional field theory, i.e.
quantum mechanics. For example, the usual propagator of a massive scalar field ¢(x)
on X = R d with Lagrangian
L = (re) ~+ ,:4~ (2.3)
is given by the amplitude of a particle to propagate from x to y, and can be written
as one-dimensional path-integral over a field x(t) e R a and a metric g(t) on the
J I 1 ~ L
x ~ y = ~xlo~-V-~ly ~
= f[d.][dg]:fd'~('-':+~'). (2.4)
The path-integral is subject to the boundary conditions x(0) = x and x(1) - y. The
integral over the one-dimensional metric g(t) modulo diffeomorphisms is not very in-
teresting, and reduces to an integral over the total length T of our one-dimensional
world. In this way we recover the familiar Schwinger parametrization of the propaga-
f [d.l[da]e-: d'~(:':+~2) = ]o ~ dT ( z i : T ( ° ' + ~ ' ) f y ) . (2.5)
More complicated Feynman diagrams are treated by considering maps of graphs P
into space-time, with overlap integrals for the vertices.
where x(~r, r) and 9u~(g, T) axe now a field and a metric on a two-dimensional surface,
which for a propagator has the topology of a ¢yfinder. We also introduced a two-
dimensional cosmological constant # that is in some sense the analogue of the mass
of the string field.
This definition can now be very naturally extended to include all interactions, just
by considering the two-dimensional field theory on surfaces ~ with more complicated
t d2z i-
S = J %j(a ax + + + + + (2.8)
with some appropriate constants al [14] chosen such that the total central charge of
the z-field and the Liouville field equals 26 and thereby cancels the central charge
c = - 2 6 of the ghosts b, c. For d arbitrary the Liouville field does not decouple and
represents an extra degree of freedom. It is a remarkable effect that the Liouville field
forms essentially an extra embedding dimension if d ~ 26. Although this effect would
be an embarrassment for, say, a four-dimensional string describing QCD flux tubes,
it is a very welcome phenomenon in the case d = 1 that we will be interested in the
subsequent. For d = 26 the Liouville field decouples, ai = 0, and we obtain a critical
2.2. c = 1 s t r i n g t h e o r y
The c = 1 string is perhaps the most simple bosonic string theory, and and yet it
has a very rich structure. We are naturally led to this model, since the class of bosonic
strings that we wrote down in (2.8) with target space R a is actually inconsistent if
d > 1. This is a consequence of the famous tachyon instability. The zero-mode of the
- (2.1o)
This is indeed a tachyon for dimensions larger than one. The worM-sheet interpreta-
tion of this instability is conjectured to be the formation of long, thin tree-like surfaces
(branched polymers). However we see that this tachyon field is actually massless in
dimension d = 1 and massive in d = 0. So here we stand a chance of constructing
consistent bosonic string theories. We will concentrate on the case d = 1 where the
space-time physics is more clear.
This model consists of one free field x that we couple to two-dimensional gravity.
So our action reads
f ~Z ~v
s = J 0.x0 . (2.11)
Here the field x might be compactified, i.e. , we also consider the case where x is a
periodic field
x ~ x + 2~rfl. (2.12)
Since one scalar field gives a conformal field theory of central charge c = 1, we will
refer to this model as the e = 1 string.
As explained above, the Liouville field ¢ does not decouple in this case. With the
appropriate constants the action reads (not including the ghosts)
With the explicit factors of a inserted, we see that a genus g correlation function
scales simply as #2-2g. (This can be seen most easily by shifting the Liouville field by
¢ --* ¢ - ½log #. ) Consequently we can identify the string coupling constant A with
the inverse of the cosmological constant
=-. (2.16)
0)n = ~ , nE z +. (2.17)
We will write T, instead of T~.. The point fl = 1 is very special, since it is the
invariant point under the duality transformation
In terms of space-time field theory we would have incoming states Ikl,k2,...) with
k~ tachyons of energy wi and corresponding outgoing states ( k l , k 2 , . . . I, and ~- = e F
would be the generating function of all matrix elements
r(t,~)= x-"
z_, r l ~ ~ /k (2.20)
{k~,~Iid • •
Actually there are more degrees of freedom than just the tachyons, but these so-called
discrete states appear at very particular energy and momentum [15]. Consequently,
they do not have an interpretation as propagating particles, but are more analogous
to quantum mechanical degrees of freedom.
2,3. M i n i m a l m o d e l s
First of all, the spectrum is extremely simple and universal for all (p, q) models
and the massive deformation that can be obtained of them. For every positive integer
we have a physical state, so we have vertex operators
(The (2, 3) model corresponds to the trvial matter theory and thus gives pure quantum
gravity as discussed in §1. The operators a~ of (1.19) correspond to O2,+1.)
According to our discussion above, the string theory correlation functions of these
operators are on general grounds given by a (complicated and in general unknown)
integral over moduli space, where the volume form is a correlator in a CFT consisting
of the minimal model coupled to ghosts and Liouville theory
The matrix model techniques give an alternative route to the calculation of these
correlators, and this result can be summarized as follows. The generating functional
of correlation functions for the (p, q) model
is a tan-function of the KP hierarchy and all (p, q)-generating functions for fixed p lie
on one orbit. More precisely, relative to a convenient choice of origin, the (p, q) model
is obtained as
rp,q(tk) = rp(tk + 5k,p+q). (2.25)
Furthermore, the KP hierarchy reduces to the pth KdV hierarchy, which implies that
all correlation functions of the operators On with n - 0 (rood p) vanish.
At the point (p, 1) we also have a very explicit representation of the r-function due
to Kontsevich [12] (for more details "see e.g. [13, 16]). Let Z be an N x N Hermitian
matrix, and choose particular values for the KP times t . given by
t, = i T , z - " . (2.26)
With this parametrization, the r-function is given by the following matrix integral,
where Y is also an N × N Hermitian matrix
r,,l(t) c -1 f d Y . e ITr(z~Y-~'+'~l~
* p+l /l •
This rather formidable looking expression for the normalization constant is actually
very natural. The integral (2.27) can be expanded around the critical point Y = Z of
the action
Tr ( Z P Y - P + 1). (2.30)
The normalization constant is now just the classical value of the action plus the
gaussian (one-loop) contribution to the integral
= x.l. Y z~ - ze
t,3 I-~ 3
(2~-i/;,)~ act Z ~ A(zp)
A(~) ' (2.32)
s(v, z ) = ~ Tr [ r z k r z p - ' - ~ ] . (2.33)
This representation makes clear that rpj(t) can indeed have an asymptotic expansion
in the variables t,.
Consider a two-dimensional free chiral scalar field ~(z), with the usual mode ex-
O~(z) = E]'~-z-~-~ • (3.1)
Here z = e;~-~ is a coordinate on a cylinder, with x the periodic space variable and
r Euclidean time. We have standard commutation relations Inn, am] = n6n+m, and
a vacumn 10) satisfying ~,10) = 0, n _> 0. The Hilbert space 9t can be considered as
Now to any state ]W) in the Hilbert space 9i we can associate a coherent state wave-
function rw(t) by considering the inner product
This function is a tan-function of the KP hierarchy if and only if the state [W) lies in
the so-called Grassmannian.
To explain the concept of the Grassmannian we have to turn to the alternative
description of the chiral boson in terms of chiral Weyl fermions ¢(z), ¢(z) by means
of the well-known bosonization formulas
Loosely speaking, the Grassmannian can be defined as the collection of all fewmionic
Bogoliubov transforms of the vacuum 10). That is, the state IW) belongs to the
Grassmannian if it is annihilated by particular linear combinations of the fermionic
creation and annihilation operators.
or equivalently,
z°,zl,z2,... (3.11)
Vo(Z),Vl(Z),V2(Z),... (3.12)
v,(z)=z"- ~ A ~ m z -m . (3.13)
IW) = V o ^ va ^ . . . (3.14)
We want to mention at this point one important generalization. In the above fash-
ion one generates solutions to the KP hierarchy. This construction can be extended
to give a tau-function for the two-dimensional Toda Lattice hierarchy by considering
a second set of times tk, as discussed in detail in [18]. In terms of our conformal field
theory, the Toda tau-func~ion is simply obtained as
with [3) and (t I the coherent states (3.2) and (3.3) and S a general GL(oo, C) element,
i.e. an exponentiated fermion bilinear of type (3.10). We will return to the Toda
hierarchy in §3.
Instead of taking the inner product of the state IW) with a coherent bosonie state,
one can also consider fermionic N-point functions. In fact, one finds in this way a
simple expression in terms of an N × N determinant of the wave-functions (3.13)
[13, 16]
(g]¢(zl)... ¢(zN)]W) = det v j - 1 (z,). (3.17)
Using the bosonization formulas, one recognizes this correlation function as a special
coherent state wave-function (tlW) where the parameters t, are given by
t. = . (3.1s)
i=1 n
With this choice of parameterization, and after taking into account a normal ordering
contribution, the tan-function can be written as
L = D p + x. (3.20)
For an expLicit basis for the state [W) one can take the wave-functions
where the normalization is chosen such that we have the appropriate asymptotic
Vn(Z) = zn(1 + O(z-1)) . (3.22)
Since the wave-functions are moments in a Fourier transform, the fermionic determi-
nant formula can be explicitly evaluated. This is due to the following identity, first
given by Harish-Chandra, for the integral over the unitary group U(N) [19]
with dU the Haar measure and zi, yi the eigenvalues of the Hermitian matrices X and
Y and c some normalization constant. As a special application of the above equation
consider the matrix Fourier transform, i.e. the integral over a Hermitian matrix Y
in an external field X , both N × N matrices, of the form
=kYl•. . . . YN
,N , (3.28)
and for each of these terms the integral v factorizes in separate integrals over the
individual eigenvalues y~. If we introduce the function
T = det(wi-l(zl)) (3.32)
A(Vt(z)) . eiTr(V(Z)_V,(Z)Z)/,X . (3.34)
c = (2~i/~)--~ • det V"(Z). A(z)
It has been noticed by many authors that the case p -= - 1 (i. e. a logarithmic potential
V(z) = log z) is likely to be associated with the c = i model. In the next section we
will proceed to show that this is indeed the case.
4. The c = 1 String
We will now return to the c = 1 string and discuss its solution within the matrix
model framework.
4.1. T h e c = 1 m a t r i x m o d e l
This model has a nontrivial double scaling limit N ~ oo if we fine-tune the potential
U to a critical point [6]. The model can consistently be reduced to the eigenvalues A~
of the matrix A. The wonderful simple result is that in the double scaling limit all
the interesting dynamics is reproduced by considering free fermions ¢(A) moving in a
potential [6]
U(A) = - A 2. (4.2)
This is the famous inverted harmonic oscillator. The physical model is obtained by
filling, say, the right-hand side of the Fermi sea to a level # from the top of the
potential (see fig. 4.1. ). This parameter has naturally the interpretation of the
cosmological constant. All tunneling effects (leaking through the barrier) are thus
e -u effects. When we recall that for the two-dimensional string it = l/A, we see that
all these effects are also non-perturbative in the string coupling constant. They can
consequently not be given an interpretation in terms of surfaces.
Of course, the Hamiltonian
H - d),2 A~ (4.3)
H ¢ ~ = w¢~ (4.4)
can be expressed in parabolic cylinder functions [7]. These functions have the following
interesting asymptotic behaviour. In the limit A --~ oo they behave as
That is, in (x, r)-coordinates we find at spatial infinity (up to a factor) relativistic
Of course, the incoming and outgoing wave functions are not independent. They
are related by a one-particle scattering process. That is, in general we will have
In some sense, this function is all one should know about the c = 1 matrix model
in order to understand the scattering of tachyons. One verifies easily perturbative
/~,R*_~ = 1 + O(e-"). (4.9)
( ~ scattering
~ N ~ n c o m i n g fermions
~ coming tachyons
In the Euclidean case we cannot really speak about scattering~ since there are no
separate past and future null infinities. We simply have a mixing of left and right-
movers, given again by the factor R~. In the compactified case, to which we will
restrict for the remainder, the energies will be furthermore quantized and are given
by (recall the fermions are naturally anti-periodic)
1 1
~. = ~(n + ~), n e z. (4.10)
S =: exp [ ~ log r~ .1.out .-7:0.ut ] :
~,~.W_(m+½)Wm+½j (4.12)
In order to calculate the tachyon scattering amplitudes we can now adopt the following
simple strategy described in [9] (see fig. 4.2. ). At spatial infinity the incoming and
outgoing tachyons can be expressed in fermions through the standard formulas of
relativistic fermionization and bosonization in two dimensions. The fermions have
very simple scattering properties. Individual fermions just scatter with a reflection
f a c t o r / ~ . In particular the number of fermions (and not only the fermion number) is
conserved. After the scattering process the fermions propagate to infinity where they
can be reassembled into bosons.
Thus we may write the full generating functional for connected Green's functions
in terms of a single free boson
o~(~) = X-'a
z._, - z - n - 1 (4.13)
This scalar field should be thought of as the asymptotic limit of the tachyon field at
r~ or equivalently ¢,--~ co, where the Liouville interaction can be ignored. We now
have a very simple representation for the generating function of all amplitudes [10]
where the S-matrix is given by (4.12) and the coherent states now include an extra
factor of #
4.2. T h e K o n t s e v i c h - P e n n e r m o d e l
As we have seen the partition function of the c = 1 string is a solution of the Toda
Lattice hierarchy. For fixed values of the incoming times tk, the partition function
r(t,t-) becomes a solution of the KP hierarchy. We want to determine in more detail
the element W~ in the Grassmannian that parametrizes this particular orbit of the
KP flows. To this end we have to consider the state
S : z ~ -~ _ ~ . z" . (4.19)
We have already seen that the reflection factors Rn contain all the relevant information
of the c = 1 matrix model. At radius fl they can be chosen to be
R. = (-iu)-~
r(~r( ½ _ i~)
~1 (4.20)
(Recall, we are only interested in the perturbative part in #-1 of this expression.)
The usual vacuum 10) is spanned by the non-negative powers z k. Therefore the basis
elements vk(z; t) of W~ are simply determined as
These integral representations are of Kontsevich type if and only if/3 = 1, that is,
only at the self-dual radius. Indeed in that case we have
Therefore, following the procedure of §2.2 we can write the following matrix integral
representation for the generating functional. Define the integral
V(Y) = - log Y + ~ tkY -k , (4.26)
and we integrate over positive definite matrices Y. Then we have
~(z, o)
T(t,~) - :(z, ~) ' (4.27)
Note that with tMs normalization r(t, 0) = 1, which is appropriate since we consider
normalized correlation functions. In order to write down the result we had to treat the
incoming and outgoing tachyons very differently, paxametrizing the outgoing states
through whereas the coupling coefficients to the incoming states enter the matrix
integral in a much more straightforward fashion.
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A b s t r a c t . In this paper we present an analytic and geometric framework for the construction
of solutions of the Toda lattice hierarchy.
Introduction. In JUT] , Ueno and Takasaki introduced the Toda lattice hierarchy, a system
of nonlinear differential difference equations. Their approach is of a formal character and
does not consider convergence questions for the objects they are dealing with. Here we will
describe a convergent setting in which one can construct solutions of the system mentioned
above. A more detailed description of the different sections is as follows: the first section
contains the algebraic formulation of the hierarchy in Lax-form and the reduction of the
system to a set of equations for so-called "wavematrices". In the second section we give the
geometric setting for the construction of the convergent solutions. The final section gives the
construction of the wavematrices and the proof that they satisfy the equations discussed in
the first section.
§1 The equations.
1.1 Since the Toda lattice hierarchy is defined as a system of differential equations for the
matrixcoefficients of a number of Z x Z-matrices, we first introduce some notations.
Let R be a commutative ring. Then we write Mz(R) for the R-module consisting of Z x Z-
matrices with coefficients from R. If A = (Aij) and B = (Bij) belong to Mz(R), then the
product A . B in Mz(R), where
Moreover an element A of 79(R) is invertible if and only if all the Aii a r e invertible in R. In
the sequel, an important role is played by the element A of Mz(R) given by
lifj =i-1
Aij= 0ifj¢i-1.
(A-1)i/= i f j ¢ i + 1.
The matrix A acts on Z)(R) by conjugation: (AdA-")Z = dj_~_, for all d C T)(R) and
all j E Z. Moreover, for each k E Z and each d E ~(R), the element dA k, has only on the
"kth-diagonal" possibly non-zero entries, i.e.
(dAk)i j = ~ dj+kj+k if i = j + k
( 0 ifiT~ j + k .
Inside M'z(R) we consider 2 subspaces that form an algebra w.r.t, the product.
1.1.a D e f i n i t i o n . An element A E Mz(R) is called uppertriangular of level k, if it can be
written as
The collection of all these elements we denote by LTk. If we put again LT := U LTk, then
LT is an algebra and an element is invertible in LT if and only if its leading diagonal part is
For all relevant j and s, we will write [j(s) and ~j(s) instead of ([j),, and (rhj),.. To a pair
(L,/~/) as in 1.2.1 we associate for all n > 1 the elements B~ and C~ in UT N LT defined by
Let R be a general C-algebra and let (L, M) be a pair of elements in Mz(R) of the form 1.2.1.
These data are the same as giving a C-algebra homomorphism c~ : B --~ R by the prescription
The map a defines by coefficientwise action a C-linear map a : A4z(B) ~ Mz(R) and we
have L = a(L) and M = a(.~/). Now we would like to have derivations 0t. and 0 , . , n _> 1, of
R that are prolongations of the derivations 0t. and 0~. defined by 1.2.2 and 1.2.3, i.e. they
should satisfy for all n _> 1,
One directly verifies that condition 1.2.5 is equivalent to showing that the pair ( L , M ) and
the derivations {Or., Os., n > 1} satisfy the equations
The equations 1.2.6 and 1.2.7 are called the equations of the Toda lattice hierarchy, since
the simplest non-linear equations contained in it are that of the generalized Toda lattice, see
[UT]. The data (R, 0t., 0~., a ( L ) , , ( M ) ) we call a solution of this hierarchy.
LFrom now on, we assume that R is a C-algebra of functions in the parameters {thin >_ 1}
and {shin >_ 1}, that it is stable under taking the partial derivative 0¢. resp. 0s. w.r.t.
t,~ resp. s , , and that R contains C [ ~ , ~ , ~ _> ~z]. We will now comment on the linear
problem associated to (1.2.6) and (1.2.7) in [UT]. There they considered "operators" W (°°)
and W(°) of the form
where all the w~°~) and w~°) belong to :D(R) and such that w~°) is invertible in 79(R).
Since W (~) and W (°) are products of an element in UT and in LT, these products make in
general no sense in M z ( R ) and one must give some convergent context such that W (°~) mad
W (°) can be seen as elements of AIz(R). This will be done in the second and third section.
In that case one notes that both W (c¢) and W (°) are invertible in Mz(R).
If W ~ and W ° are well-defined elements of Mz(R), then we will call them wavematrices in
Mz(R). The linear system associated with (L, M) consists of the following equations that
couple the wavematrices to the pair (L, M),
1.2.9 0t, W (°~) = B n W (~) and Or, W (°) = B,~W (°) for all n _> 1,
1.2.10 Os W (°°) = C n W (~) and Os W (°) = C,~W (°) for all n > 1.
By differentiating the equations in (1.2.8) w.r.t, the variable tn resp. sn and by substituting
(1.2.9) resp. (1.2.10), we get that L and .~1 defined by (1.2.11) satisfy the equations (1.2.3).
In the rest of this paper we present a geometric context from which one can construct wave
matrices W (~) and W (°) in Mz(R) that satisfy (1.2.9) and (1.2.10). The operators L and M
defined by (1.2.11) are then the solutions of the Toda lattice hierarchy.
§2The g e o m e t r i c s e t t i n g .
2.1 Let H be a complex Hilbert space with orthonormal basis {ei[i E Z} and innerproduct
< -[. >. The space of bounded linear operators from H to H, we denote by B ( H ) and we
assume it to be equiped with the operator norm. Its group of invertible elements is denoted
by Gl(H). The group GI(H) is an open part of B ( H ) and as such, it is a Banach Lie group
with Lie algebra B(H).
2.1.1 N o t a t i o n To each operator g in B ( H ) we associate a Z x Z-matrix [g] = ([g]ij) in
Mz(C) by putting [g]ij = < g(ej)lei > , i , j e Z.
Next we introduce some Lie subgroups of Gl(H) and their corresponding Lie algebras. First
of all we have the Borel subgroup B+ and the "opposite" Borel subgroup B_ given by
U+ = {gig E B+, [g]ii = 1 for all i E Z} and U_ -- {0115E 1I$_,[15]-~m= ~ for all ~ E Z}.
Their Lie algebras are denoted respectively by L(D), L(U+) and L(U_). Since B(N) decom-
poses as
O1 = B + U - and 02 = U - B +
are open subsets of GI(H). We will give another characterization of O1 and 02. For each
n E Z, let H , be the topological span of the {ei[i >_n} and let p , be the orthogonal projection
onto Hn. If one decomposes an operator g E O1 and h E 02 w.r.t. H = Hn G H ~ , then one
computes directly that for all n E Z
Continuing in this fashion we can find an Ul in Gl(Hn) and a b~ in Gl(Hn) such that h~l(n) =
Ulbl and their matrices w.r.t, the {ek]k > n} have the form
Since h belongs to 02 and since we may assume h2,(n) = 0, one sees that h22(n)decomposes
w.r.t. H ~ = < e~-i > (~H~_, as
(i 1
0 and [~2] =
@ ". 0 "'-
"- ..
By combining the ul, u2, ha,b2and h,2(n) and h21(n), one finds the desired decomposition of
h. This concludes the proof of the proposition. []
2.2 Next we introduce the flows that play a role in the Toda lattice hierarchy. For each open
neighbourhood U of {,~IA ~ C, [AI = 1¢}, consider
F(U)=(Eai'ki I 2ezE~zAZisah°l°m°rphie~function:
U~C* J
with the topology of uniform convergence on compact subsets. It is a group w•r.t, point wise
multiplication. Let F be the direct limit of the F(U) with the corresponding topology• Inside
[" we have the subgroups f'+ and f'_ given by
Let F(o) be the subgroup of P consisting of all 7 in F with k equal to zero. The group
maps continuously into GI(H). For, let A : H --~ H be the shift operator defined by
= E ,oi+l
§3 T h e c o n s t r u c t i o n of the solutions.
3.1 Inside GI(H) we consider the open subset f~ defined by
a = r(o)o~r(o)
Since F(o) is the union of the a r + F _ , with a E C*, and since the open set 02 can be written
as U_B+, we see that
f / = F+O2F_.
The set f2 is not equal to GI(H), for if one considers for example the orbit F+AkF_, with
k ~ 0, then it has empty intersection with 02. For, each g in F+AkF_ decomposes w.r.t.
H = H. G H.x as
Clearly G is a holomorphic map from P+ x F_ to Gl(H) and since g belongs to f~, we have
that G-1(02) is a non-empty open subset of P+ x P_. For the ring R in the first section we
take now the ring of holomorphic functions on G -a (O2). For all (7+(t), 7 - ( s ) ) in G -1(O2),
we have a decomposition
with W(~)(t,s) E U- and W(°)(t,s) C B+. If we write W(~) resp. ~(0) for the matrices of
~(oo) resp. ~'(0), then the coefficients of these matrices belong to R, and they decompose as
Denote the matrices of )IV(00) and W (°) by W (°~) resp. W (°). The set-up has been chosen
such that in Mz(R) the products of ~o~) and [7+] and of ~(0) and [7-} are well-defined and
that they are equal to W(00) resp. W (°). Again the coefficients of W(00) and W (°) belong to
R. Moreover they have the form of a "wavematrix" as considered in section (1.2).
To W (~) and W (°) we associate the Lax-matrices L and M according to
P r o o f First of M1 we note that W (°) and )4;(°~) are constructed in such a way that W(00)[9] =
W (°). Hence, if we can proof
at. IV (°°) --- at, (~-'7(°°) ) exp( E tiA i) + I'~(°°)An exp( E tiA i)
i>0 i>0
= {a,°(~(00)) + ~(~)A"}~(00)-' W(00)
= { a , ° ( ~ > ) f ~ (¢~)-1 + r"}w(00).
On the other hand, if we differentiate W(°)[9] -1, w.r.t, tn, we get
= {~ ~kAk}~ (~).
The second equality in this equation follows from the fact that 0~, (~(oo)) is lowertriangular
of level - 1 . The equations (1.2.10) are also obtained by differentiating once W (°) and once
[UT] K. Ueno and K. Takasakl, Toda Lattice Hierarchy, Publication 423, RIMS Kyoto 1983.
[PS] A. Pressley and G. Segal, Loop groups, Oxford Mathematical Monographs, Clarendon Press,
Oxford, 1986.
[HP] G.F. Helminck and G.F. Post, The geometry of differential difference equations, Memorandum
999, University of Twente, september 1991.
Introduction to Random Matrices
Craig A. Tracy
Department of Mathematics and Institute of Theoretical Dynamics,
University of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA
Harold Widom
Department of Mathematics,
University of California, Santa Cruz, CA 95064, USA
These notes provide an introduction to the theory of random matrices. The central
quantity studied is r(a) = det (1 - K) where K is the integral operator with kernel
1 sin r ( z - y) XI(Y).
7r x - y
Here I = [-Ji(a2j-l,a2J) and XI(Y) is the characteristic function of the set I. In the
Gaussian Unitary Ensemble (GUE) the probability that no eigenvalues lie in I is equal
to v(a). Also v(a) is a tau-function and we present a new simplified derivation of the
system of nonlinear completely integrable equations (the aj's a r e the independent
variables) that were first derived by Jimbo, Miwa, M6ri, and Sato in 1980. In the
case of a single interval these equations are reducible to a Painlev~ V equation. For
large s we give an asymptotic formula for E2(n; s), which is the probability in the
GUE that exactly n eigenvalues lie in an interval of length s.
These notes provide an introduction to that aspect of the theory of random matrices
dealing with the distribution of eigenvalues. To first orient the reader, we present in
Sec. II some numerical experiments that illustrate some of the basic aspects of the sub-
ject. In Sec. III we introduce the invariant measures for the three "circular ensembles"
involving unitary matrices. We also define the level spacing distributions and express
these distributions in terms of a particular Fredholm determinant. In Sec. IV we explain
how these measures are modified for the orthogonal polynomial ensembles. In Sec. V we
discuss the universality of these level spacing distribution functions in a particular scaling
limit. The discussion up to this point (with the possible exception of Sec. V) follows the
well-known path pioneered by Hua, Wigner, Dyson, Mehta and others who first developed
this theory (see, e.g., the reprint volume of Porter [39] and Hua [18]). This, and much
more, is discussed in Mehta's book [27f--the classic reference in the subject.
An important development in random matrices was the discovery by Jimbo, Miwa,
M6ri, and Sato [22] (hereafter referred to as JMMS) that the basic Fredholm determinant
mentioned above is a r-function in the sense of the Kyoto School. Though it has been
some twelve years since [22] was published, these results are not widely appreciated by the
practitioners of random matrices. This is due no doubt to the complexity of their paper.
The methods of JMMS are methods of discovery; but now that we know the result, simpler
proofs can be constructed. In Sec. VI we give such a proof of the JMMS equations. Our
proof is a simplification and generalization of Mehta's [29] simplified proof of the single
interval case. Also our methods build on the earlier work of Its, Izergin, Korepin, and
Slavnov [19] and Dyson [13]. We include in this section a discussion of the connection
between the JMMS equations and the integrable Hamiltonian systems that appear in
the geometry of quadrics and spectral theory as developed by Moser [35]. This section
concludes with a discussion of the case of a single interval (viz., probability that exactly
n eigenvalues lie in a given interval). In this case the JMMS equations can be reduced to
a single ordinary differential equation--the Painlev4 V equation.
Finally, in Sec. VII we discuss the asymptotics in the case of a large single interval of the
various level spacing distribution functions [4, 43, 31]. In this analysis both the Painlev4
representation and new results in Toeplitz/Wiener-Hopf theory are needed to produce
these asymptotics. We also give an approach based on the asymptotics of the eigenvalues
of the basic linear integral operator [15, 27, 40]. These results are then compared with the
continuum model calculations of Dyson [13].
p w ( x ) = "~x/'l - x 2. (2.1)
-i -0.5 0.5 1
FIG. 1. Density of eigenvalues histogram for 25, 100 x 100 GOE matrices. Also plotted is
the Wigner semicircle which is known to be the limiting distribution.
-i -0.5 0.5 1
FIG. 2. Density of eigenvalues histogram for 25, 100 x 100 symmetric matrices whose ele-
ments are uniformly distributed on [-1,1]. Also plotted is the Wigner semicircle distribution.
Given any such. distribution (or density) function, one can ask to what extent is it
"universal." In Fig. 2 we plot the same density histogram except we change the distri-
bution of matrix elements to the uniform distribution on [-1, 1]. One sees that the same
semicircle law is a good approximation to the density of eigenvalues. See [27] for further
discussion of the Wigner semicircle law.
A fundamental quantity of the theory is the (conditional) probability that given an
eigenvalue at a, the next eigenvalue lies between b and b+db: p(0; a, b) db. In measuring this
quantity it is usually assumed that the system is well approximated by a translationally
invariant system of constant eigenvalue density. This density is conveniently normalized to
one. In the translationally invariant system p(0; a, b) will depend only upon the difference
s := b - a. When there is no chance for confusion, we denote this probability density
simply by p(s). Now as Figs. 1 and 2 clearly show, the eigenvalue density in the above
examples is not constant. However, since we are mainly interested in the case of large
matrices (and ultimately N --+ c¢), we take for our data the eigenvalues lying in an interval
in which the density does not change significantly. For this data we compute a histogram
of spacings of eigenvalues. That is to say, we order the eigenvalues Ei and compute the
level spacings Si := Ei+1 - Ei. The scale of both the x-axis and y-axis are fixed once
we require that the integrated density is one and the mean spacing is one. Fig. 3 shows
the resulting histogram for 20, 100 x 100 GOE matrices where the eigenvalues were taken
from the middle half of the entire eigenvalue spectrum. The important aspect of this data
is it shows level repulsion of eigenvalues as indicated by the vanishing of p(s) for small s.
Also plotted is the Wignev surmise
i !
1 2 3 4
FIG. 3, Level spacing histogram for 20~ 100 × 100 GOE matrices. Also plotted is the Wigner
surmise (2.2).
, , , i , , , , , , ,
1 2 3 '
FIG. 4. Level spacing histogram for 50, 100 × 100 symmetric matrices whose elements are
uniformly distributed on [-1, 1]. Also plotted is the Wigner surmise (2.2).
which for these purposes numerically well approximates the exact result (to be discussed
below) in the range 0 < s < 3. In Fig. 4 we show the same histogram except now the data
are from 50, 100 x 100 real symmetric matrices whose elements are iid random variables
with uniform distribution on [-1, 1]. In computing these histograms, the spacings were
computed for each realization of a random matrix, and then the level spacings of several
experiments were lumped together to form the data. If one first forms the data by mixing
, i i , i i i , , i , i i i / i , J , i ,
1 2 3 4 ' 5 '~ ''~
FIG. 5. Level spacing histogram for mixed data sets. Also plotted is the Poisson distribu-
-together the eigenvalues from the random matrices, and then computes the level spacing
histogram the results are completely different. This is illustrated in Fig. 5 where the
resulting histogram is well approximated by the Poisson density e x p ( - s ) (see Appendix
2 in [27] for further discussion of the superposition of levels). There are other numerical
experiments that can be done, and the reader is invited to discover various aspects of
random matrix theory by devising ones own experiments.
A. Preliminary Remarks
On R the maximum entropy density subject to the constraints E(1) = 1 and E(x 2) = a 2
is the Gaussian density of variance a 2. The Gaussian ensembles of random matrix theory
can also be characterized as those measures that have maximum information entropy
subject to the constraint of a fixed value of E(H*H) [1, 41]. The well-known explicit
formulas are given below in Sec. IV.
Another approach, first taken by Dyson [10] and the one we follow here, is to consider
unitary matrices rather than hermitian matrices. The advantage here is that the space
of unitary matrices is compact and the eigenvalue density is constant (translationally
invariant distributions).
The normalized Haar measure it2 is the unique probability measure on G that is both
left- and right-invariant:
We now restrict this metric to the submanifold of unitary matrices. A simple computation
shows the restricted metric is
(ds) 2 = tr (ftgf~;). (3.4)
Since f~9 is left-invariant, so is the metric (ds) 2. If we use the standard Riemannian
formulas to construct the volume element, we will arrive at the invariant volume form.
We are interested in the induced probability density on the eigenvalues. This calcu-
lation is classical and can be found in [18, 42]. The derivation is particularly clear if we
make use of the Riemannian metric (3.4). To this end we write
g = X O X -1, geG, (3.5)
where X is a unitary matrix and D is a diagonal matrix whose diagonal elements we write
as exp(i~k). Up to an ordering of the angles c2k the matrix D is unique. We can assume
that the eigenvalues are distinct since the degenerate case has measure zero. Thus X
is determined up to a diagonal unitary matrix. If we denote by T(N) the subgroup of
diagonal unitary matrices, then to each 9 E G there corresponds a unique pair (X, D),
2( E G/T(N) and D e T(N). The Haar measure induces a measure on G/T(N) (via the
natural projection map). Since
where f x = (6Xke). Note that the diagonal elements/~Xkk do not appear in the metric.
Using the Riemannian volume formula we obtain the volume form
0)g • COX H lexp(ictPJ) -- exp(i~r~k)l 2 d¥~l ""' d ~ N (3,6)
Dyson [11], in a careful analysis of the implications of time-reversM invariance for phys-
ical systems, showed that (a) systems having time-reversal invariance and rotational sym-
metry or having time-reversal invariance and integral spin are characterized by symmetric
unitary matrices; and (b) those systems having time-reversal invariance and half-integral
spin but no rotational symmetry are characterized by self-duM unitary matrices (see also
~N(fl) = (2~r)-~v f 0 2 ~ ' ' ' fo ~ l ' I lexp(iOj) -- exp(iOk)l~ dOa.., dON (3.9)
tpg(3) _ F(1 + 3N/2)
(F(1 + fl/2)) N (3.10)
The integral (3.9) has an interesting history, and it is now understood to be a special case
of Selberg's integral (see, e.g., the discussion in [27]).
The 2D Coulomb potential for N unit like charges on a circle of radius one is
For large matrices there is too much information in the probability densities
PNz(O:,...,ON) to be useful in comparison with data. Thus we want to integrate out
some of this information. Since the probability density PN~(O:,...,ON) is a completely
symmetric function of its arguments, it is natural to introduce the n-point correlation
N! 2. 2.
R , ~ ( O , , . . . , O , , ) - (3fSn)!foo " " f o PN,(O:,...,ON)dO,~+:'''dON. (3.13)
The case/3 = 2 is significantly simpler to handle and we limit our discussion here to this
Lemma 1
' (
PIv2(O1,...,ON) = ~.T det KN(Oj,Ok j,k=l ) (3.14)
i sin(N(0j - Ok)/2)
I<N(Oj' Ok) ~--- 27I" sin ((0j - 0k)/2) (3.15)
Recalling the Vandermonde determinant we can write
From this lemma and the combinatoric Theorem 5.2.1 of [27] follows
T h e o r e m 4 Let t~2(01,..., On) be the n-point function defined by (3.13)for the circular
ensemble E2(N); then
R~'2(01) = N (3.19)
' 2/r
is just the density, p, of eigenvalues with mean spacing D = lip. As the size of the
matrices goes to infinity so does the density. Thus if we are to construct a meaningful
limit as N --, co we must scale the angles Oj. This motivates the definition of the scaling
p~oo, Oj-~O, such that x j : = p 0 j E R is fixed. (3.20)
We will abbreviate this scaling limit by simply writing N ~ oe. In this limit
where we used the slightly confusing notation of denoting the scaling limit of the n-point
functions by the same symbol. From Theorem 4 follows
R~2(zl,...,z~)=det(h'(zi,xk)lj,k=l) n
where the kernel K(x, y) is given by
define three different statistics (called the orthogonal ensemble, unitary ensemble, sym-
plectic ensemble, respectively) of an infinite sequence of eigenvalues (or as we sometimes
say, levels) on the real line.
We now have the necessary machinary to discuss the level spacing correlation functions
in the ensemble C2. We denote by Z the union of m disjoint sub-intervals of the unit circle:
r~,. .... = fo2~ d01 " " "fo2~ dO~ R~2( Oa, . . . , 0~ )
nl nl +n2 nl +'"+rim
× II x~,(os,) Yi x~(oj2)... H ~(0~m). (3.27)
j , =1 j 2 = n l +1 jm =nl +...+1
The idea is to expand the last product term in (3.26) involving the characteristic function
X~ and to regroup the terms according to the number of times a factor of X~ appears.
Doing this one can then integrate out those Ok variables that do not appear as arguments
of any of the characteristic functions and express the result in terms of the quantities
r , 2..... . To recognize the resulting terms we define the Fredholm determinant
where "~j~--1 AjKN(O, O')Xz,(O')" means the operator with that kernel and A is the m-tuple
(A1,..., Am). A slight rewriting of the Fredholm expansion gives
M ~ . • • M"
DN(Z; A) = 1 + E ( - 1 ) j E r.~. .... .
j=~ ,~>o jl!'-'jr,!
J1 +- "+3m=3
O"DN(Z; A) [
I : = / 1 U . . - U I,~. (3.28)
The probability E2(nl,. . . , nm; I) in the ensemble ~2 that exactly nk levels occur in interval
I~ (k = 1 , . . . , m ) is given by
'j=l y)xIJ(Y)) (3.30)
K ( z , y ) is given by (~.2~), ~nd n := n, + " " + n~.
In the case of a single interval I = (a, b), we write the probability in ensemble £'Z of
exactly n eigenvalues in I as Ez(n; s) where s := b - a. Mehta [27, 28] has shown that if
we define
where K± are the operators with kernels K(x, y) 5=K ( - x , y), and
E4(n;s) = 2(E+(n;2s)+ E_(n;2s)), n _> 0. (3.35)
Using the Fredholm expansion, small s expansions can be found for Ez(n; s). We quote [27,
28] here only the results for n = 0:
~2S3 T:4S 5
El(0;s)=l-s+ 36- 120~ + O ( s 6 ) '
7r28 4 71-4q6
E~(0;~)= 1 - ~ + 3~- 675 ~ O ( s g ,
/{?4(0; s) = 1 - s + ~ + O(sS). (3.36)
d~E~(o; s) (3.37)
pz(0; s) -- ds 2
Using this formula and the expansions (3.36) we see that pz(0; s) = O(sZ), making con-
nection with the numerical results discussed in Sec. II. Note that the Wigner surmise
(2.2) gives for small a the correct power of s for pl(0; s), but the slope is incorrect.
~ ( ~ ) = exp (-V(x))
defines a weight function in the sense of orthogonal polynomial theory. The quantity dM
denotes the product of Lebesgue measures over the independent elements of the hermitian
matrix M. Since Tr (V(M)) depends only upon the eigenvalues of M, we may diagonalize
M = XDX',
and as before integrate over the "X" part of the measure to obtain a probability measure
on the eigenvalues. Doing this gives the density
:- (,4:
= det • (4.6)
and I(N(X, y) given by (4.5). Analogous formulas hold for the probability of exactly n
eigenvalues in an interval. We remark that the size of the matrix N has been kept fixed
throughout this discusion. The reader is referred to the work of Mahoux and Mehta [30,
32] for further discussion of integration over matrix variables.
We now consider the limit as the size of the matrices tends to infinity in the orthogonal
polynomial ensembles of Sec. IV. Recall that we defined the scaling limit by introducing
new variables such that in these scaled variables the mean spacing of eigenvalues was unity.
In Sec. III the system for finite N was translationally invariant and had constant mean
density N/27r. The orthogonal polynomial ensembles are not translationally invariant
(recall (4.7) so we now take a fixed point z0 in the support of pN(x) and examine the
local statistics of the eigenvalues in some small neighborhood of this point x0. Precisely,
the scaling limit in the orthogonal polynomial ensemble that we consider is
Note this result is independent of x0 and any of the parameters that might appear in the
weight function wy(x). Moore [34] has given heuristic semiclassical arguments that show
that we can expect (5.2) in great generality (see also [23]).
There is a growing literature on asymptotics of orthogonal polynomials when the weight
function wv(x) has polynomial V, see [25] and references therein. For example, for the
case of V(x) = x 4 Nevai [37] has given rigorous asymptotic formulas for the associated
polynomials. It is straightforward to use Nevai's formulas to verify that (5.2) holds in this
non-classical case (see also [30, 32, 381).
There are places where (5.2) will fail and these will correspond to choosing the Xo at
the "edge of the spectrum" [6, 34] (in these cases x0 varies with N). This will correspond
to the double scaling limit discovered in the matrix models of 2D quantum gravity [7, 9,
16, 17]. Different multicritical points will have different limiting KN(x, y) dy [6, 34].
which is the case considered in [22]. It is not difficult to extend the considerations of this
section to the general case.
We denote by K the operator that has kernel
.~K(x,y)xt(y) (6.1)
A(x) = - - sm 7rx.
The operator K acts on L2(R), but can be restricted to act on a dense subset of smooth
functions. From calculus we get the formula
--K = ( - 1 ) J K ( x , a3)6(y - aj) (6.3)
where 6(x) is the Dirac delta function. Note that in the right hand side of the above
equation we are using the shorthand notation that "A(x,y)" means the operator with
that kernel. We will continue to use this notation throughout this section.
We introduce the functions
where p(x, y) denotes the distributional kernel of (1 - K) -1. We will sometimes abbreviate
these to Q(x) and P(x), respectively. It is also convenient to introduce the resolvent kernel
n = (1 -
Since the integral operator K is trace-class and depends smoothly on the parameters a,
we have the well known result
Using (6.3) this last trace can be expressed in terms of the resolvent kernel:
w(a) = - ~_,(-1)J R(aj, aj)daj (6.8)
which shows the importance of the quantities R(aj, aj). A short calculation establishes
We have
Lemma 4 / f R(x, y) is the resolvent kernel of (6.2) and Q and P are defined by (6.4)
and (6.5), respectively, then for x,y C I we have
R(x, y) = Q(x; a)P(y; a) - P(x; a)Q(y; a) , x # y ,
Since K(x, y) = K(y, x) we have, on I,
(the last since the kernel of K vanishes for y ~ I). Thus (1 - Kt)-IAxz = Q on I, and
similarly (1 - Kt)-IA'xI = P on 1. The first part of the lemma then follows from Lemma
3. The expression for the diagonal follows from Taylor's theorem. •
We remark that Lemma 4 used only the property that the kernel K(x, y) can be written
as (6.2) and not the specific form of A(x). Such kernels are called "completely integrable
integral operators" by Its et. al. [19] and Lemma 4 is central to their work.
aj ak - -
d P ( ~ ; a) = - ~ % - ~ ( - 1 ) ~ n ( ~ j , a~)p~. (6.15)
dx 3 k
Using (6.14) and (6.15) in the expression for the diagonal of R in Lemma 4, we find
n ( ~ , a j ) = 7("~qj~ +p~~ + ~2(-1)~n(aj, ak)R(ak, aj)(aj --ak). (6.16)
i 1
q2j = --~x2j , q 2 j + l ~--- ~ x 2 j A - 1
71.2 2m
a~(~, y):= - ~ + g - E M~_ (6.19)
4 ~ k=l a j - - a k "
In this notation,
T h e o r e m 7 The integrals Gj(x, y) are in involution; that is, if we define the symplectic
structure by (6.20) we have
{Gj, Gk}=O forall j,k=l,...,2m.
Furthermore as can be easily verified, the JMMS equations take the following form [22]:
then Eqs. (6.12), (6.13), (6.17) and (6.18) are equivalent to Hamilton's equations
In words, the flow of the point (x, y) in the "time variable" aj is given by Hamilton's
equations with Hamiltonian Gj.
The (Frobenius) complete integrability of the JMMS equations follows immediately
from Theorems 7 and 8. We must show
d~{xj,w}=O and d~{yj,w} = 0 .
~o{~,,~) = {~o~J,~) + { ~ s , ~ o ~ } ,
but d,w = 0 since the Gk's are in involution. And we have
{d~xj, w} = E ({{xj, Gk} , Gt} - {{xj, Gt}, Gk}) dak A dae
which is seen to be zero from Jacobi's identity and the involutive property of the Gj's.
r 1 -- f / p ( - t ~ x ) ex p(-iTcx ) d x
we write
~_ v~
ql = 7 ~ / ( r l - r l ) and pl = -~-(<+~).
Specializing the results of Sec. VI B to m = 1 we~have
w(a) = - 2 R ( t , t) dt , (6.22)
1 ~ 2
R ( - t , t ) = - y q , p ~ = ~-~7(,, - ~ ) , (6.23)
dql Oql Oql
dt Oal + ~a2 = -Pl + 2 R ( - t , t)ql,
d-t (tR(-t, t)) = A~(r~), (6.26)
Eq. (6.28) is known as Gaudin's relation and Eqs. (6.26) and (6.27) are identities derived
by Mehta [29] (see also Dyson[13]) in his proof of the one interval JMMS equations. Here
we made the JMMS equations central and derived (6.26)-(6.28) as consequences.
These equations make it easy to derive a differential equation for
JriJ'-- + ,
and define temporarily a(t) := tR(t,t) and b(t) := tR(-t,t); then (6.23), (6.26), and
(6.27) imply
at ] = \ gi ] + 4~b~ "
Using (6.28) and its derivative to eliminate b and db/dt, we get an equation for a(t) and
hence a(x; A):
T h e o r e m 9 In the case of a single interval I -= (-t, t) with s = 2t, the Fredholm deter-
D(s; A) = det (1 - AK)
is given by
° ( 5 ; A) = - 7 x - ( )~ .... (6.32)
Proof: Only (6.32) needs explanation. The small x expansion of ~r(x; A) is fixed from the
small s expansion of D(s; A) which can be computed from the Neumann expansion. •
The differential equation (6.31) is the "a representation" of the Painlev$ V equation.
This is discussed in [22], and in more detail in Appendix C of [21]. In terms of the
monodromy parameters 01 (i = 0, l, ~ ) of [21], (6.31) corresponds to 00 = 01 = 0~ = 0
which is the case of no local monodromy. For an introduction to Painlev$ functions see [20,
K± := l ± J K = K 1-----
+J ,
2 2
where (Jf)(x) = f ( - z ) and the last equality of the above equation follows from the
evenness of K. Thus
R± := (1 - K+)-IK± = 1(1 ± J ) R ,
t ] (6.33)
x dx x
Of course, a+(x; A) also satisfy
In this section we explain how one derives asymptotic formulas for Ez(n; s) as s ~
starting with the Painlev~ V representations of Theorems 9 and 10. This section follows
Basor, Tracy and Widom [4] (see also [31]). We remark that the asymptotics of E~(0; s)
as s ---* cc was first derived by Dyson [12] by a clever use of inverse scattering methods.
Referring to Theorems 9 and 10 one sees that the basic problem from the differential
equation point of view is to derive large x expansions for
We point out the sensitivity of these results to the parameter A being set to one. This
dependence is best discussed in terms of the differential equation (6.31) where it is an
instance of the general problem of connection formulas, see e.g. [24] and references therein.
In this context the problem is: given the small x boundary condition, find asymptotic
formulas as x --~ cc where all constants not determined by a local analysis at oc are given
as functions of the parameter A. If we assume an asymptotic solution for large x of the
form g(x) ~ ax p, then (6.31) implies either p = 1 or 2 and if p = 2 then necessarily
a = -¼. The connection problem for (6.31) has been studied by McCoy and Tang [26]
who show that for 0 < A < 1 one has
~(x,A) = a(~)z + b(~) + o ( 1 )
as x --* ~ with
1 log(1 1
a(A) = - A) and ~(A) = ~a:(A).
g(x;1)~ -!x~.
4 (7.4)
For a rigorous proof of this fact see [43]. It should be noted that in Dyson's work he too
"guesses" this leading behavior to get his asymptotics to work (this leading behavior is
not unexpected from the continuum Coulomb gas approximation). Given (7.4), and only
this, it is a simple matter using (6.31) to compute recurs±rely the correction terms to this
leading asymptotic behavior:
g0(x)=-4 x2-
1 + ~= ~-~'c~ x--*c~
(c2 = --¼, c4 = - ~ , etc.). Using (7.5) in (6.30) and (6.35) one can efficiently generate
the large s expansions for D(s; 1) and D±(s; 1) except for overall multiplicative constants.
In this instance other methods fix these constants (see discussion in [4, 27]). In general
this overall multiplicative constant in a T-function is quite difficult to determine (for an
example of such a determination see [2, 3]). We record here the result:
as s --+ oo where ( is the Riemann zeta function. We mention that for 0 < ~ < 1 the
asymptotics of D(s; ~) as s -+ ~ are known [5, 26].
One method to determine the asymptotics of as(x) as x --~ oo is to examine the
variational equations of (6.31), i.e. simply differentiate (6.31) with respect to A and then
set A = 1. These linear differential equations can be solved asymptotically given the
asymptotic solution (7.5). In carrying this out one finds there are two undetermined
constants corresponding to the two linearly independent solutions to the first variational
equation of (6.31). One constant does not affect the asymptotics of al(x) (assuming the
other is nonzero!). Determining these constants is part of the general connection problem
and it has 'not been solved in the context of differential equations. In [4, 43] Toeplitz and
Wiener-Hopf methods are employed to fix these constants. The Toeplitz arguments of [4]
depend upon some unproved assumptions about scaling limits, but the considerations
of [43] are completely rigorous and we deduce the following result [4] for (r~(x) for all
n = 3,4,...:
n! exp(nx)
[ ~ [1 g(Tn-1 4)1_. + 1_~(7n72 _ 16) 1 ±1
as x --~ oo. For n --- 1, 2 the above is correct for the leading behavior but for n = 1 the
correction terms have coefficients ~ and i~s, respectively, and for n = 2 the above formula
gives the coefficient for 1/z but the coefficient for 1/x 2 is ~ . See [4] for asymptotic
formulas for o±,,~(X).
Since the asymptotics of EZ(0; s) are known, it is convenient to introduce
E~(n; s)
r~(n; s) . - Ez(0; ~)"
Here we restrict our discussion to fl = 2 (see [4] for other cases). Using (7.7) in (3.29)
one discovers that there is a great deal of cancellation in the terms which go into the
asymptotics of r2(n; s). To prove a result for all n E N by this method we must handle
all the correction terms in (7.7)--this was not done in [4] and so the following result was
proved only for 1 < n < 10:
B2,. = 2 - " ~ - ~ / % -~"~÷"~/2 (~ - 1)! (~ - 2)! . . . 2! 1 ! .
In the next section we derive the leading term of (7.8) for all n C N. Asymptotic formulas
for rz(n;s) (/3 = 1,4,4-) can be found in [4].
The asymptotic formula (7.8) can also be derived by a completely different method (as
was briefly indicated in [4]). If we denote the eigenvalues of the integral operator K by
.k0 > ~1 > "'" > 0, then
(This is formula (5.4.30) in [27].) Thus the asymptotics of the eigenvalues hi as s --+ oo
can be expected to give information on the asymptotics of r2(n; s) as s --+ oo.
It is a remarkable fact that the integral operator K , acting on the interval ( - t , t ) ,
c o m m u t e s with the differential operator £ defined by
£ f = ~xx(X~ _
t2)dd@ + t2x2f, s = 2t; (7.10)
the boundary condition here is that f be continuous at + t . Thus the integral operator
and the differential operator have precisely the same eigenfunctions--the so-called prolate
spheroidal wave functions, see e.g. [33]. Now Fuchs [15], by an application of the W K B
m e t h o d to the differential equation, and using a connection between the eigenvalues A~
and the values of the normalized eigenfunctions at the end-points, derived the asymptotic
1 - hl ~ ~ri+1221+312si+1/2e-~/i! (7.11)
valid for fixed i as s ~ ~z. Further terms of the asymptotic expansion for the ratio of the
two sides were obtained by Slepian [40].
If one looks at the asymptotics of the individual terms on the right side of (7.9), then
we see from (7.11) that they all have the exponential factor e ~ and that the powers of
s that occur are
s-~12-(i~ +--.+i,).
(1 - h~,) (1 - h~.)/~-'/, ~ 0
as s ~ co and we know that this would be true if the sum were replaced by any summand.
Write ~ ' = ~21 + ~ 2 where in Y21 we have ij < N for all j (N to be determined later)
and ~ a is the rest of ~2'. Since ~21 is a finite sum we have
so we need consider only ~2. In any summand of this we have ij _> N for some j , and so
for this j
1 1
1 - Ab - 1 - AN
where the sum on the right may be taken over all n-tuples ( i x , . . . , Q ) . This sum is
precisely equal to (tr K ) ~ = s ~. Hence
In [13] Dyson constructs a continuum Coulomb gas model [27] for Ep(n;s). In this
continuum model,
,/2 p ( z ) d z = n .
Analyzing his solution in the limit 1 < < n < < s, Dyson finds E~(n;s) ,,. exp(-/3Wc)
It is a pleasure to acknowledge E. L. Basor, P. Diaconis, F. J. Dyson, P. J. Forrester,
P. B. Kahn, M. L. Mehta~ and P. Nevai for their many helpful comments and their
encouragement. We also thank F. J. Dyson and M. L. Mehta for sending us their preprints
prior to publication. The first author thanks the organizers of the 8*h Scheveningen
Conference, August 16-21, 1992, for the invitation to attend and speak at this conference.
These notes are an expanded version of the lectures presented there. This work was
supported in part by the National Science Foundation, DMS-9001794 and DMS-9216203,
and this support is gratefully acknowledged.
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T h e G e o m e t r y of Elastic W a v e s P r o p a g a t i n g in
an A n i s o t r o p i c Elastic M e d i u m
1 Introduction
Over the last few years, much attention has been paid to the evaluation of
the fundamental solution (Green's tensor) of the hyperbolic system describing
the generation and propagation of waves in generally anisotropic solids in n =
3-dimensional space. One reason for this comes from the field of exploration
geophysics; recently developed techniques in seismic surveys are powerful enough
to reveal, in principle, anisotropic properties of rock in layers at great depth.
Knowledge of this anisotropy is important to the oil and gas industries as some
of the anisotropy is due to large joint systems (faults and fractures) in layered
hydrocarbon reservoirs, which will affect the fluid and gas flows in production.
Wave propagation in anisotropic media is very different from propagation
in isotropic media. Typical for anisotropic media are the phenomena of shear-
wave splitting and conical refraction. In addition, several types of 'singularities'
appear, for example, the self-intersections, cusps and swallow tails t h a t a shear-
wave front in a generic anisotropic medium develops. Figure 1 shows the situation
for a typical hexagonal medium frequently observed in seismic experiments. T h e
E = O~,,H' (1)
where w(~) is the volume form on the slowness surface and ~, is the coordinate
in slowness space along the direction of propagation of interest. The cycle 07 is
later on shown to be directly related to the so-called Cagniard-De Hoop contour.
The theory of such integrals is extensive and well established in the mathematical
literature. In particular, the Maslov theory of rapidly oscillating integrals [15],
which is a frequency- rather than a time-domain approach, in conjunction with
singularities defined through the critical points of so-called phase functions, see
e.g. [8], deals with integrals of the type (1) near singularities.
This paper is a review and summary of our earlier work [41] in which we
employ algebraic-geometrical techniques, known in complex singularity theory,
to analyse integrals like (1) with the application to wave propagation in a 3-
dimensional perfectly elastic anisotropic medium in mind. In particular, we are
Verllcal Cross-section Vertical C~oss-sectlon
4 ~_..~J ///
-6. ~ //
O. 2. 4. 6. 8. 10.
r (kin)
Fig. 1. Slowness surface and wave front for a typical hexagonM medium.
Note that hms is related to the seismic moment density tensor, mkr say, according
(Ot77akr) ¢~(njxj) ~- Ckrmshrn., (3)
where nj is the unit normal to the plane of dislocation. The (n x n) principal
part of the tensorial wave operator on the left-hand side of (2) is given by
$ k . ~ - C~O,O,, (4)
= p-lc ,m,. (5)
From the positive definite property of the strain-energy function it follows that
the system is hyperbolic, that is, the system admits propagating waves as solu-
tions; in general, the system is not strictly hyperbolic, which means that different
modes may propagate with the same speed in a particular direction. The sym-
metries of the stiffness yield
= c;7 = = = (6)
They follow from the condition that (angular) momentum is conserved and from
the assumption that the processes of deformation are adiabatic. The macroscopic
symmetry properties of the medium, collected in the 'point' group of transforma-
• $1po
tions O, say, simply reflect themselves in the relations O k , k O r n , r n O r , r O s , s C m , k, =
C ~ n. How to obtain the tensor C from microstructure of rocks can be found in
several papers amongst which the ones by Hudson [21], Schoenberg and Muir [40]
and Nichols, Muir and Schoenberg [32]. For the medium in Figure 1 elasticities
are Cllll = C2222 = 269.4, C3333 = 236.3, C2233 = C3311 = 66.1, C112~ = 96.1,
C2323 = C1313 = 65.3, C1212 -- 86.1, in units of GPa; the density p = 2700
kg/m a. For seismic applications the Green's tensor is introduced as the particle
velocity due to a point body force (e.g., a vibrator) with signature H(t) (the
Heaviside function; this yields a 5 behavior in time on the right-hand side of
(2)). For mathematical convenience a linear combination of the causal and the
anti-causal Green's tensor is taken to constitute the fundamental solution; the
latter reduces to the causal Green's tensor on the positive real time axis. Thus,
using Duhamel's principle [23], the tensorial Cauchy problem to construct the
fundamental solution is introduced: determine the solution gm of the homoge-
neous tensorial wave equation
By taking for am the standard unit vectors, the columns of the fundamental
solution are found. Later on, we will ignore the separation between the space
and time coordinates and set {x,t} --¢ { x x , ' " ,xn+l} e 2'.
Through mutual elimination of the components of the system (7), it follows
that any component gm satisfies the D = 2n-degree equation in n dimensions
~gm I
= "¢'rnkak ~ 0 , . . - , 2n - 1, (11)
---~([C:SOr(~s]£O)mkt~(Xl, " ..,Xn) ' t0 =
1,'",n (12)
form= 1,...,n.
The scalar Cauchy problem.
Now, consider the particular family of scalar Cauchy problems
c~t'E (e) =Se,eU(xl,...,x,), e'=O,...,2n-1 (14)
gin = ak sn~
/ z_~ ~ k
,~i(2to-1) [ ~'7(2eo-1)
~ [~1)
} , (18)
• m( k2 t o~'/
(-,~1-_- )'~'mk
,~(2to-1) *R~.'~ ., ~0 = 1 , ' ' " , It.
In seismic applications the It = 3-dimensional problem is considered, although
the 2-dimensional problem arises as well namely from propagation in a plane of
s y m m e t r y in three dimensions. In that case a line source rather t h a n a point
source is considered.
Gel'land's plane-wave expansion.
We will now employ Gel'land's plane-wave expansion (the inversion formula
for the Radon transformation) of the J-source in the Cauchy problem to find
a plane-wave expansion of the fundamental solution. We will employ explicit
distributions on ]R which are boundary values of functions analytic in the lower
or upper complex half-plane. According to Gel'land [17], we have
in-1 .
~(=,,...,x.)- 2.-~-, f~ a~"-l~(~j=j-i°lds(~)
in-1 /~
-- 2n7rn_1 A(n-1)(~jxj+iO)dS(~), (20)
A(r) = - - (21)
is the analytic Dirac distribution (odd in 7-),12 is the unit sphere and dS(~)
is the volume form on this sphere. To employ this expansion, we introduce the
family of analytic functions
Xz(r) = F ( - z ) exp(--iTrz)
ilr rZ' (22)
X.~(r)= 1 [ Isgn(r)+2 - ~ 1i ( l o g ( l r l _ , ) + cm)] r m, (27)
Xm(r)= 1
[_ Izsgn(r)+ 23r iIr(l°g(N-'
' n )+c'')] - (28)
for m = 0, 1, 2,.... Now, using (23) for m = 0, we find
lim A(r)= lim X_,(r)= 8(r)+i(7/~i)(r), (29)
Im{v}~.0 Im{r}~.O
A(T) = lim
X-x(z) = - ( ~ ( r ) + i(7/~)(r), (30)
where 71 denotes the Hilbert transform.
Explicit evaluation reveals that
in-1 if n is odd
(~(Xl,'*',Xn) = 2n~n-I
iImlft~x_n(~jxj i0) dS(~)~ if n is even
Here, the ~p, p E {-I-1, -I-2, • .., :t:n} are the phase velocities that must satisfy the
dispersion relation
a(~,,-~) = 0, (36)
while the e (p) are the polarization vectors corresponding with the particle veloc-
ity; they satisfy the Christoffel equation
~6 ^ A
Ickm = Ckmer~, (38)
is the Christoffel matrix. Since this matrix is symmetric, the basis {e(P)}p>0
can be chosen to be orthonormal at every ~. Later on, we will group together
the spectral-domain coordinates: ( ~ x , ' " , ~n,-A} -~ ( ~ 1 , " " , ~,+1 } e 2, say. In
view of the symmetry under time reversal of the tensorial wave operator, we
)~-p = -)~p, (39)
and we can choose
e (-p) = e (p). (40)
Hence, (35) must be cubic in A2p and the values for Ap can be found with the aid
of Cardano's formula. Note the homogeneity of Ap: Ap(T~) ----vAp(~), which also
implies that - A p ( - ~ ) --- Ap(~).
The a (p) follow from the initial conditions (cf. (11)),
E (--)~P)tCt(P)e('nP) = ~mka~,
7(t) g = O , . - . , 2 n - - 1, (41)
=0, (42)
-- E (e(mP))~P)a(P)=am" (43)
E= 2nTrn-li"-X~
~ /n A(P)(~) [Xn-,(~jxj -*kp(~)t)- Xn-l(gjxj + )~p(g)t)]dS(~ ).
The initial conditions for E now lead to
2 E(--)ip) 2t°-IA(p) = ~2£o--1,2n--1, eO = l , ' ' ' , n . (47)
A(P) = (49)
A(p) = An (50)
A: a = 0. (51)
If ~ fi ~2 then ]~] = 1/[)~p[ equals the phase slowness. In fact, (52) represents the
transition from 2 ~_ C "+1 to the projective space 3 Z -~ C P n. Let the function
H be given by
H(~I,""", ~n) = a(~l , ' ' ' , ~n, - 1 ) . (53)
Then the slowness hypersurface is defined by
A: H = 0 (54)
(this equals the intersection of the slowness cone A with the plane A = 1). In any
local cone (with its vertex at the origin) the entirely real solution of the latter
equation, Re{A}, consists of n sheets. Every sheet corresponds, in any local cone,
with a (double) mode (+)p and can be covered with (two) almost everywhere
holomorphic coordinate patches.
In general, the sheets may have a finite number of isolated multiple points,
where two ('kiss' singularity) sheets are tangent [13], or for points where two
sheets intersect. Sheets can also have curves or higher-dimensionai surfaces of
multiple points, in which case the space-time singularities are of a different na-
ture: only a hypersurface of multiple points of codimension 2 leads to an ad-
ditional arrival. There the coordinate patches cannot be holomorphic (for an
analysis of the local slowness surface parametrization near a conical point in
three dimensions, see Musgrave [31]). If points of tangency occur, the slowness
surface as a whole is called singular; if the sheets are entirely disconnected, the
surface is said to be regular. Each sheet is smooth and either locally convex or
concave (elliptic points) or locally saddle shaped (hyperbolic points, Morse sad-
dles) except at points or curves where (one~of) the principal curvatures vanish
(parabolic points, e.g., inflection points in a plane through the origin of the slow-
ness space). In this paper we will focus exclusively on the latter singularities and
postpone the treatment of conical refraction and kiss singularities to a future
Integration over the real slowness surface.
The sum over the modes combined with the integral over the unit sphere can now
be expressed as an integral over the real slowness surface (using local coordinates
3 un-hatted variables are projective variables throughout.
where 0 is the angle between the group velocity and ray vectors. Hence
Further, the weighting function A (p) transforms as (cf. (50) and we extracted
the positive phase velocities p > 0)
i,-l{ReffRe{Al[X,_l(~jxj--t)--Xn_l(~jxj+t)]da(~)t n odd
E= 2,rn_l iImlfae{A}[Xn_l(~jx j --t)--X,-I(~jxj -t-t)]da(~)~ n even.
This formula, known as the HPL formula, implies that the fundamental solution
can be expressed in terms of so-called non-evanescent constituents only. Here,
we made use of the fact that the system is non-dispersive. Note that the imag-
inary part involves a logarithm, while the real part does not. Also, note that
Re{in-1Xn_l(~jXj -4-t - - i0)} is even in ~ j X j 4- t. Hence, (60) may be written as
in-1 { Relfae{A}[Xn-l(t-~jxj)-Xn_l(t4-~jxj)]d~(~)l nodd
E= 2,1r,_ 1 iIm~£e{A}[Xn_l(t--~jxj)--Xn_l(t+~jxj)]da(~)~ neven.
We exploit the fact that the integrand is even in t 4- ~jxj further. It has been
observed that Re{A} is invariant under the point reflection in the origin in ~-
space. Now, choose a direction of preference, xn say, relative to the principal axes
of symmetry of the medium. Set Re{A} = A+ U A_, such that A+ corresponds
with the upgoing waves (identified by the wave front 27w = S+ U 27_ through
the polar reciprocal of Re{A}) and A_ with the downgoing waves. The point
reflection ~ -} - ~ maps A+ onto A_, hence (still omitting the argument - i 0 )
E= i,-1 x L
2._17r._ [X._x(t-~jxj)-X._i(t+~j~j)lda(~ ). (63)
This way we have introduced an orientation for Re{A}. Now choose coordinates
on A+. For this purpose consider the orthogonal projection C of A+ on the plane
{~n = 0} and let (~1,''" ,~n--1) be the coordinates. The parametric representa-
tion of the slowness surface A+ is then given by {~1,"" , ~ , - 1 , f ( ~ l , " " , ~n-1)},
where f represents a n-plet. Later on, the direction of preference will become
the direction of observation. At the singular points contributing to this direction
of propagation, a principal curvature or its derivative may vanish. Thus, in the
preferred coordinate system, the occurrence of a singular point on a particular
sheet corresponds with multiple (ft > 1) roots of the equation
0~,,...,~,_, f = 0. (64)
At these roots the normal to the slowness surface, i.e., the group direction, must
be parallel to the ~,-axis, which in turn translates into the condition
O~I,...,~._tH = 0 with H = 0. (65)
We have (see Figure 2)
dS(~) d~l • • • d~,_ 1
IOHI 10 .HI '
and hence, restricting to A+,
Ec(x, t') = Is+ [A(t' -- ~jxj -- iO) -- A(t' + Cjxj -- i0)1 da(~). (70)
We will redefine E, which will be the only form of the solution we will consider
in the further analysis:
E(x, t) =
f; =0
Ec(x, t') dt'. (71)
X0 : ~ , x , = 0 , x,>0. (73)
The holomorphic extension is carried out according to the condition Im{f} > 0.
In fact, we only need analytic function theory in one variable. For example,
introduce polar coordinates
with ¢1 E [0,271") and ¢ 2 , " " , ¢n-2 E [0, 7r). We will use the shorthand notation
¢ = ( ¢ 1 , ' " , ¢,,-2) and d0r(~) --~ da(q, ¢). If we also introduce polar coordinates
(r, ¢) for ( X l , ' . ' , xn-1)-plane, we can set ~jxj = qr cos(r/) +~nxn where r/can be
expressed in the angles ¢ and ¢. Then C = U¢I¢, where I¢ denotes the collection
of intervals on the positive real axis in the complex q-plane (the endpoints of
which are branch points, where O ~ H = 0) at the angle (azimuth) ¢. Note
that there may be branch points in the q-plane off the real axis. (They follow
directly from the f2 vs. q2 relations.) Upon integrating over the full slowness
hypersurface, however, it follows that contributions from the associated branch
cuts cancel.
Consider the n-plet f(q, ¢) with Re{f(0, ¢)} > 0. Set i¢ - T~>0 - I¢ and
= U¢i¢. There exists a holomorphic extension of f(q, ¢) on i¢ + i0 in the
complex q-plane. This defines .4+ = f~_i¢,_¢) C A. In a similar way A_ is
defined. Under the transformation ~ --~ ~, A+ maps onto 4 _ . Thus, E is also
given by
E =
--0 +O~.+
[A(r -- ~jxj) -- A ( r + ~-'~)] da(~) dr. (75)
It is observed that the integrals of the type (76) have integrands which are strictly
rational in the slowness variables (in this respect note that 0~. H is polynomial).
At this stage the relation between cycles on the complex slowness hypersurface
and the modified Cagniard contours will be established. Introduce the hyper-
=0 o
[( 5=1
) (8o)
Integration of the resulting A-function and restricting to the time interval [0, ~ )
leads to
E = (1 + i n ) =0 7+(~,r) dv(~)
0~.H d r (81)
= (1 + in) f~ +(~,,) O~
where w denotes the Leray form, and ~+ (x, t) denotes the tube of cycles 03% (x, T)
for the interval 7 e [0, t). In this representation the time behaviour ('tail') of E
is hidden as a parameter in the cycles at a given direction of propagation.
In polar coordinates the cycle 07+ can be parametrized as follows:
07+ (r, ¢, x,, ~) = {q+ (r, 0(¢, ¢), x-, v), ¢, l(q+ (r, ~(¢, ¢), xn, r), ~) I (82)
tbe ([0,2~'),[0,7r),... ,[0,r))},
where q+ (r, q(¢, ¢), x3, r) denotes the n-plet of modified Cagniard contours. The
latter contours, with parameter v, are obtained from the cycles through inter-
section with the (q, ~n)-plane (fixed ¢) followed by an orthogonal projection on
the complex q-plane.
Without restriction, we can assume that the direction of observation coincides
with the xn-axis. This implies that everywhere ~ixi can be replaced by ~nx,~,
whereas (77) can be replaced by
X¢ : Ix. - r = 0, (83)
where the new coordinates are denoted as the old ones (see Figure 2). But then
the time axis coincides with the ~n-axis and the tube 7+(x,t) can be defined
through an interval along the ~n-axis.
At this point, it is observed that the construction of the fundamental solution
reduces to the construction of the cycles on A, followed by an integration over
these cycles. For isotropic media it is simple to find these cycles; for anistropic
media, however, the construction is far from trivial. In the further analysis, a
basis for these cycles in the homology group of the associated hypersurface will
be found and a differential equation for the integral representation over any basis
element will be derived.
' ~ "Re{A}
ol" 1f~
Fig. 2. The projection of the unit &sphere onto the slownes surface
In this section we will show how the geometry of the slowness surface leads
to a natural decomposition of the fundamental solution E into integrals over
so-called vanishing cycles. As we shall see these cycles encode the topological
information of the wave operator: they depend only on the topology of degen-
rate critical points on the slowness surface, which are defined by the polynomial
equations describing the slowness surface around such points. To achieve this
decomposition, we use the geometrical objects introduced in the two preceding
sections. The decomposition of the fundamental solution into integrals over van-
ishing cycles, has in fact been foreseen already by Petrovsky [36], and used also
in [43, 8].
Decomposition into vanishing cycles.
Let us begin with putting the result of the previous section (see also [8, 25, 36])
in a more general context. Expression (81) is of the generic form
E=~ P(~I,-",~,) dC ..
O~':~-~,) ~l .d~,,_, (84)
H = 0, c9~,,...,~._,H = 0, (85)
where it is understood that the slowness hypersurface is oriented such that the
group velocity is parallel with the ~n-axis. In general the roots of these equations
will all be different, in which case there are p = D ( D - 1) n-1 of them. Label
them according to ~(k), k = 1 , . . . , p . These points define singular points (for
vertical propagation) on the slowness surface; we will study the topology of the
slowness surface "around those points in detail below.
The level surfaces H(~l,'" •, ~n-1, r) = 0 for generic values of r, considered as
a parameter, contain (n - 2)-cycles Ak (r) which have the defining property that
they 'vanish' when taken along a path uk in the r-plane (i.e. the target plane
of the function H), connecting a generic point ~(0) with the point ~(k): upon
approaching the point ~(k), the cycle Ak shrinks to the point ~(k). The system of
paths ui, i = 1 , - . . , # is non-intersecting. The cycles Ai, i = 1 , . . . , p are referred
to as vanishing cycles. (An explicit construction of these cycles will be given
later.) The vanishing cycles define (n - 1)-cycles Ji on H = 0 by taking the
union of all cycles Alk(v) as we move along uk from ~(0) to ~(k). It is a standard
fact on integrals of the type (84) that the cycles thus constructed are homologous
to the cycle 7 in the sense that there exists the following decomposition:
= + c._,(d.°)), (86)
E = o ~ . g ( ~ h " . ,~,)
" f
c' J ,
:.-.T.) ... (87)
, 1 u, ,(I")
This is just a rewriting of the formulae at the end of the previous section. The
numbers ci, describing the decomposition of the original integral, are referred to
as intersection numbers and are of topological nature. The last integral in (87)
is over the vanishing cycles; its detailed properties will be discussed in the next
section. In the rest of this section we will apply elements of singularity theory
to make the above decomposition explicit, that is we will show how to compute
the intersection numbers ci.
In order to do so, we will make more precise the duality between the slowness
surface and the wave front. This will lead naturally to the study of singulari-
ties of specific families of hypersurfaces, which are deformations of the original
slowness surface. The singularities on the slowness surface correspond to critical
points of second (i.e., non-degenerate) or higher order (degenerate). Such points
correspond to certain singularities on the wave front. We will show, following
[4, 5, 7] that such singularities can be conveniently studied in terms of critical
points in the Legendre transformation relating the slowness and wave front set
(including the diffraction surface and wave front surface). As we shall discuss,
this also will lead to a complete classification of wave front singularities that can
arise in anisotropic elastic media.
A singularity on the wave front is the singularity of a Legendre transformation.
The duality between the projective wave front 57d and Re{A} is described by
a Legendre transformation and has extensively been discussed in [7]. The char-
acteristic feature of a Legendre transformation is that it transforms functions
on a vector space to functions on the dual of this vector space. To explain the
concept, consider the following example. Let y = f ( ~ ) , ~ E t t be a smooth func-
tion, with f ' ( ~ ) > 0. A Legendre transformation of f is a new function g of a
new variable x constructed in the following way. Let x be a given number and
consider the line y = x~. Take the point ~(x) on the ~-axis such that the vertical
distance between the line and f is maximal. T h a t is, for each x the function
F(~, x) = ~x + f(~) has a maximum at ~ = ~(x), following from O~f = 0, i.e.,
from f ' ( ~ ) = x. The function g is now defined as g(x) -- F(~(x), x). Note that
since the second derivative of f does not change sign, the point ~(x) is unique.
As an example take the cubic function f(~) = - ~I 3. Then F(~,x) = ~ x - ~s/3,
~(x) 2 "- x, and hence g(x) -- 2x3/2/3.
An important property of a Legendre transformation is t h a t its square is the
identity, in other words, one can view it as a projection, which point of view will
be adopted below. The extension to higher dimensions is straightforward: let
f -- f ( ~ l , " " ,~n-1) such that the Hessian det(OiOjf) > O, i , j E { 1 , - . . , n - 1},
i.e., the function f is strictly convex. Then the Legendre transformation of f is
a function
g(x) = f ( ~ ( x ) , x ) , (88)
where x(~) is the solution of 0~, ,...,¢._, f - 0 and F = xj~j + f(~). The functions
f and g are each other Legendre dual. An all too well known example of this
duality is the duality between the Hamiltonian and Lagrangian functions of
classical mechanics. The generic situation is summarized as follows [7]: for the
function F(~i, xj) of 2(n - 1) variables, the formulae
T = f - ~,-~-~ = F (89)
3~(z) : O~F = O, F = r.
is the Legendre dual of the slowness surface parametrized by [ . Note that the
function F is the Hamiltonian for the 'ray-system' and not the Hamiltonian for
the full wave equation. T h a t is, F is the linearized form of the full Hamiltonian,
defined in terms of classical fields.
It is now evident what the origin of singularities on the wave front is: they
are precisely the Legendre transformation of the critical points O~F = 0 in the
'big' 2 ( n - 1) + 1 space defined above. At these points the function f and its dual
g fail to be convex, i.e., at these points at least one of the principal Gaussian
curvatures on the slowness surface vanishes. Quite generally, the singular points
on wave surfaces correspond to Legendre transformations of the critical points
in ~-space of the function F. The function F is called the generating function
of the Legendre transformation. It can be considered as defining a family of
slowness surfaces defined locally by f and 'parametrized' by Xl,.-. , Xn--1. This
is a useful interpretation in the context of singularities. In fact, the family F
defines a deformation of the isolated singularities of the function f , such that
F(~, 0) = .f(~) parametrizes the original singularity defined by a critical point
of f .
Singularity theory.
Smooth functions, like f , that define isolated singularities have been thoroughly
studied, for example in [2, 7]. For us, the most important class of functions is the
one formed by functions that define isolated, stable singularities, i.e., the ones
that are invariant under a local reparametrization of the surfaces. In [7] a com-
plete classification is given of all types of singularities that can occur in Legendre
transformations of arbitrary slowness surfaces in low dimensions. In particular,
it follows that possible singularities of fronts in three spatial dimensions fall into
three classes. Correspondingly the critical points on the slowness surface define
either a local extremum, an inflection point (i.e., vanishing Gaussian curvature)
or a point at which a derivative of the curvature vanishes. Around such points
on the slowness surface there exist local (curve-linear) coordinates s(~, x), y(x),
found upon applying a canonical transformation of the original ('horizontal')
coordinates ~, x, such that the function F at such points satisfies F = OsF -- O,
and close to the singularity is given by an expression of Table 1. Note that in
projective space coordinates one of the y coordinates is set to 1. In general, the
evaluation of the latter canonical transformation involves numerical computa-
tions. We postpone those computations to a future paper. The functions s have
the physical interpretation of 'horizontal' slownesses, while the functions Yi are
space(-time) coordinates.
These singularities define a point of transversal self intersection in the first
case; in the second case a cuspidal edge in the (Yl, Y2)-plane, dividing the plane
into regions of either three real roots of F = 0 or a real one and two complex con-
jugated ones. This singularity corresponds to a vanishing of Gaussian curvature
on the slowness surface. In the third case the wave surface singularity is known
as a swallowtail in (Yl, Y2, Y3)-space. On the slowness surface this corresponds to
a point where the derivative of a Gaussian curvature vanishes. See Figure 3 for
the possibile wave front singularities.
z /8 ,/
j! /6
Fig. 3. Possible momentary 3-D wave front singularities , (see also [5]), with leading
asymptotic behavior, (determined in section 5)
We will give a simple heuristic argument why this is indeed a complete classi-
fication. Possible points of inflection on the real slowness surface can be detected
by considering the condition that a real valued bitangent exists. A bitangent line
is a line tangent to a slowness sheet at two points. Obviously, this can only
happen when the slowness sheet is locally not convex. For every bitangent line
there will be automatically two inflection points. Note that the bitangent must
be a real line as follows from the hyperbolicity condition. A limiting case thus
occurs when the two inflection points coincide, as then the bitangent will become
complex. This situation occurs at a point (~1, ~2, (3) for which up to the third
derivative with respect to ~ vanish, implying that F is a fourth order polynomial
proportional to (~ - ~)4.
The presence of cups and cuspidal edges is quite common in practical situa-
tions. For example, they occur in a generic 3-dimensional finely layered medium,
consisting of different isotropic elastic material. The system of layers has a re-
sulting hexagonal symmetry, but is not isotropic. One of the (quasi-)shear waves
may exhibit two or four cusps. It is i m p o r t a n t to realize that the above classifi-
cation can be recast in a classification of relations among the components of the
stiffness tensor cij~t for which the above singularities occur.
From now on, we will assume that the function F is brought into normal
form, and we will denote the normal coordinates s by ~ again. The labelling
of the three cases is according to the types of reflection groups that act on the
critical points. T h e y encode the topological structure of the singularity as we
shall now discuss.
In general, the multiplicity of the isolated critical point of f(~) gets resolved
into p different critical points of the family F(~, x), for a generic choice of pa-
rameters of x. In fact one can show that the set of all parameters x for which
the F has p distinct critical values is dense, i.e., F can be seen as a non-singular
Morsification o f the ]unction f. This fact allows us to introduce p < n - 1
parameters A in place of the n - 1 parameters x for which the the same is true:
The functions gi(~) are polynomials in all variables ~ 1 , ' " , ~n-1 forming a basis
in the p-dimensional vector space of polynomials in ~ modulo those polynomials
generated by the the first partial derivatives of f . The fact that this is a finite
p-dimensional vector space is a standard result. This vector space, spanned by
gi(~), is sometimes referred to as the local ring of f. The important point that
we stress here, is that for generic choices of A the critical points of F are all
distinct and the set of those A's is dense as well. In other words, in a suitably
small neighborhood of the critical point of f every analytic function near f can
be obtained by analytic changes of variables in F(~, A) for some value of A. The
form (93) of F is called a versal deformation of F .
The question now arises as to whether one requires a continuum or discrete
set of values of A's to unravel the singular points in a judiciously chosen neigh-
borhood of .f. Obviously, this depends on the nature of the singularity of f.
Without discussing this (see e.g. [6] for a complete discussion) we state the re-
sult here: for those singularities appearing in the list above, there is always only
a finite set of values of A required. (The singularities in that list are of modality
The equation F(~, A) -- 0 defines for generic values of A the nonsingular level
surfaces of f . Introduce the set S of all Ai, i = 1 , . . . p, and consider for each A
~ + ~ = 0. (95)
Loosely speaking, the projection ~r : V ) S, of which the fibers are Vx, replaces
the rSle of the Legendre transformation. It should be realized that trading the
parameters xi for the parameters hi effectively reduces the dimensionality: the
dimension of the space S of relevant parameters is usually less (at most equal)
than the dimension of the original physical space. This 'collapse' of dimensions
is typical for a singularity defined by a degenerate critical point and occurs in
various physical problems (for example, in phase transitions).
Time evolution or fronts in three dimensions.
Having discussed the possible topologies of the wave fronts in a 3-dimensional
(homogeneous) elastic medium, we now turn to the problem on how the fronts
evolve in time. Quite generally, a moving front may change its shape in time.
To study the possible time evolution of moving fronts, we consider the union of
all momentary fronts classified in Table 1. This union defines a hypersurface in
4-dimensional space-time. In fact, it follows rather easily that this hypersurface
is itself a front of a Legendre transformation acting on a Legendre variety of
one dimension higher than the Legendre variety of the momentary front. One
considers the time as an additional parameter; the Legendre transformation in
the higher dimensional space projects on space-time parametrized by (x, t).
The singularities on the momentary fronts sweep out a subvariety (a lower
dimensional surface) in the hypersurface swept out by the moving front. These
singular surfaces are called caustics. In principle, caustics can be classified using
similar techniques as used in the classification of singularities in the Legendre
transformations defining the momentary fronts. In case the dimension of the ini-
tial space is three, the possible singularities in addition to the ones (intersections)
given in Table 1 are given in Table 2 (see [5]).
The A4 type singularity in 4-dimensional space-time corresponds again to
a swallow tail, which we will discuss in detail below. The D4-type singulari-
ties are qualitatively different from the Ak-type singularities in that they are
g-dimensional rather than 1-dimensional (which is the case for the Ak-type sin-
gularities). They are usually referred to as the 'umbilical' singularities [15]. In
Figure 4 we have depicted the typical singularities of the caustics in space-time
swept by the singularities of momentary wave fronts in 3-dimensional space.
Fig. 4. Evolution of an A4 and D± wave front singularity in 4-D space-time, (see also
A N X0 n S ,,~ { f ( ~ , x) = 0} n B. (96)
We set X = X0. Upon constraining the full set of parameters x to the 'relevant'
parameters )~, we conclude that the cycles Cn-2(~n) E B are precisely cycles on
the surfaces F(~,)~) = 0, which we denoted earlier as Vx. This space is much
more convenient, since we can now invoke results by Milnor on properties of the
homology group formed by these cycles.
According to Milnor [29] the space of cycles Cn-2 is of finite dimension #,
and any (n - 2)-cycle can be expanded into a suitably defined basis of cycles,
such t h a t the coefficients of this expansion are all integers. More precisely, the
p-dimensional homology of the fibers Vx for generic values of the parameters )~
form a #-dimensional lattice:
that since we require that the function F is real on the real axis, and analytically
continued in the complex plane according to Schwarz's reflection principle there
are no arbitrary complex critical points.) In order to make contact with the
original integral E it is obvious that we have to decide on a particular orientation
of those cycles that correspond to the real critical values: they have to be in
agreement with the chosen orientation of the slowness sheets. Assume that the
origin is a non-critical value of F. Let U be that portion of the complex plane that
contains all the critical values. Now connect the origin with any real critical point
with a path in U such that it always consists of points whose imaginary parts
are in absolute values less than the absolute values of the imaginary parts of any
other complex critical point. Further, paths joining the origin with critical points
that come in complex conjugated pairs, are conjugated and always contained in
either the positive half plane or negative half plane according to the imaginary
part of the critical value. We furthermore require that they intersect the real
axis transversally (to be in agreement with Schwarz's reflection principle).
Let us denote a system of critical paths in the r-plane obeying these condi-
tions by ui(A), k = 1 , . . . , # , with A parametrizing the path. Next we apply a
fundamental result in Morse theory, which ensures that close to a critical value
Zi of F, F has the expansion (considering the A's as parameters)
k n--1
r = z, + - (gs)
j=l j=k+l
where the 'horizontal slowness' coordinates zj(~, A) are real The index k is the
number of positive eigenvalues of the Hessian of F. (This is a coordinate inde-
pendent quantity describing the number of directions at the critical point for
which F is increasing.) Now introduce the vanishing sphere associated with the
critical point Zi as
Si(A) = ~¢/ui(A) - Zi S "-2, (99)
with S "-2 the unit sphere in n - 2 coordinates of which the tangent space is
locally spanned by the vectors
( O/ OZl , " " , O/ Ozk, iO/ OZk+ l , ' " , iO/ OZn-1).
The orientation of this sphere and hence of Si is such that its volume form is
positive with respect to the volume form orienting the (real) slowness surface.
The homology class in Hn-2(Vx) represented by Si is the vanishing cycle corre-
sponding to the path ui and is denoted by Ai. The system {Ai}~=l forms a basis
in this homology group. It is with respect to this basis that we will compute the
numbers ci in (87).
There is a lot of freedom in choosing a basis of vanishing cycles, which is
refelcted in the invariance of this basis under automorphic transformations of the
homology group H , - 2 , i.e. the isometries of the Milnor lattice.These automor-
phisms are referred to as monodromy transformations. Rather than discussing
this in detail we will simply list the results necessary for the computation of the
intersection numbers ci. It turns out that a monodromy transfromation can be
it can be shown that one can bring a basis of vanishing cycles into the following
(Ai, AI+I ) = - 1 , (Ai, Aj) = 0 for Ii - Jl --- 2. (102)
Furthermore, we can construct the composition of all opertars hi, denoted by h.,
which thus describes a loop based at a non-critical value, encircling all critical
values at once. It turns out that such an operator in case of the singularity of
Ak, has eigenvalues given by the roots of unity exp(2rcij/k), j = 1, 2,... k. The
operator h. will be used in the next section.
For the simple singularities of type A~ the resulting reflection groups are just
the permutation groups on respectively two or three elements, the Weyl groups
of the Lie groups A1,A2 and A3. For us the most important things are that
the intersection indices appearing in (87) are first of all integers and, secondly,
depend only on the monodromy group, i.e., on the topology of the singularity
Let us now finally compute explicitly these indices for real critical values,
using a result by Vasiliev in [43]. In fact using the description of the vanishing
cycles given above it follows that for three spatial dimensions the intersection of
the contour 07 with the vanishing cycle Ai corresponding to the i-th real critical
point is given by
set ,Ud at most at isolated points, such that locally )~ = 0 at such a point. The
integral over a vanishing cycle of f has the form
I" P(~)d~
I = / (106)
associated with the i - th critical value, and ~ denoting the local coordinate.
Upon varying )t the cycles will become dependent on A, but as the integral is
over a rational closed (n - 2) form they define locally constant classes in the
homology H,-2(Vx). Of course this is not globally so, as the cycles transform
nontrivially under the monodromy group of the singularity. The local constancy
of the classes in fact leads to the conclusion that the integrals over vanishing
cycles satisfy a Picard-Fuchs differential equation in )~. We will now show how
to compute these equations explicitly.
The integrand has poles precisely at the p critical points of H. The differ-
ential equation which we are about to derive is actually a calculation in the
co-homology (i.e., the Poincare dual of H,-2(Vx)). It is well known that the
cohomology of projective hypersurfaces can be calculated from its rational dif-
ferential forms having poles at infinity. To do the actual computation a bound
on the order of the poles is required. Such bounds can be determined using the
work of Griffiths [18].
The order of the pole of the rational integrand in (106), which a priori has
a pole of 'arbitrary' order, can be put in some canonical form in which it has
a pole of order one. This reduction-of-pole property is extensively discussed
in [18]. Here, we will only briefly mention the idea, which is as follows. The
middle cohomology of the complex hypersurface Vx in C P n-2 is described by
rational differentials in C P n-1 having poles of arbitrary order along Vx. Each
form Pd~/O~, H defines a cohomology class by considering its residue on Vx as
follows. The (n - 2)-cycle Ai on Vx can be made into an (n - 1)-cycle 5i by
considering the tube over Ai, i.e., (fi is a small cylinder erected along the normal
over Ai in C P "-1. Then we can define the residue as
= O~n----
~ Z ( l i ~ i A j - lj~jAi)d~l h . . . A ~ i A . . . A d~j A . . . A d~n_ 1. (108)
The sum over j is over those wnishing cycles associated with real critical values
that are in between the origin and Zi. The original contour 07 thus has the
following decomposition in terms of vanishing cycles
07 = c, a , , (105)
with the intersection numbers ci given in (103)-(104). This gives the decom-
position of the original contour. As a side remark, note that in case all the
intersection indices c/vanish, the solution vanishes identically. In this case one
speaks of a lacuna. In [8, 43] it is shown that the condition that all the ci vanish
(the so-called local Petrovsky condition) implies 'sharpness' of the wave-front in
which case one speaks of a (local) lacuna. Note that since 07 still depends on a
coordinate x on the front, this condition is local, in particular, it depends from
what side one approaches the front. We will briefly come back to this in the next
The main point of the previous section was that the geometry of the slowness
surface, in particular its dependence on singular points, is conveniently studied
in the homology of the level surfaces H ( ~ I , - - - , ~ , - I , A ) = 0 parametrized by
F(~, A) = 0, with A playing the r61e of a parameter through the vertical slowness
~n. This has lead to an explicit decomposition of the fundamental solution into
integrals over vanishing cycles.
In this section we will study the integral over a vanishing cycle in detail. We
will show that it satisfies a linear differential equation in A, of which the form only
depends on the topology of the singularity through its monodromy group. This,
among other things determines the high frequency asymptotics of the solution,
which we will find for the three singularities A1, A2, Aa. The differential equation
is well known among mathematicians, where it is called a Picard-Fuchs equation
[18, 24]. The implications for the asymptotic behavior of the integrals in the high
frequency limit are similar as obtained from steepest decent methods in Maslov
theory on oscillatory integrals, where F plays the role of the phase function [15].
However, exploiting the geometrical content of the Picard-Fuchs equation, the
topological origin of the asymptotics is immediately obvious.
Let f ( ~ l , ' " , ~n-1) be the vertical slowness having an isolated singularity at
the origin of criticality #. Let F(~, A) be a versal deformation, with the property
F(~, 0) = f(~). Consider also the Milnor fibration r : V --~ S whose fibers VA
over the space S of versal deformation parameters are the zero level surfaces
F(~, A) = 0 (which are diffeomorphic to the non-singular level surfaces of f(()).
Now, let A E S be a local coordinate on a curve in S intersecting the singular
will be multivalued in A. We will now show that this vector satisfies a differential
equation in A with unique holomorphic coefficient functions pi(A), whose solu-
tions are linear combinations of the integrals (110). For simplicity of notation,
we consider here just one parameter A, the multi prameter case is discussed in
Recall that the cohomology class defined by the cycle a does not change upon
varying A locally, so we can differentiate with respect to A under the integral:
Now construct the vector It(A) by taking the j - t h derivative w.r.t. A, i.e.,
( dJ /A P d~ dJ /A P d~ (112)
P(A)- XZ , O .H' ' O .H)
The vector spaces Wi formed by all vectors I j, j < i, must have constant dimen-
sion as function of A, as the integrands are all closed (n - 2)-forms in A. Also,
the dimension di = dimWi of these spaces cannot exceed p. Thus there will be
a smallest number of derivatives s, such that
I" = -- ~-~pj(A)I j. (113)
That is, the vector Ii say, satisfies a differential equation of the type
+ ~__~0pi(A)~7 = 0 (114)
that is I = const. A(n-a)/2. This gives the asymptotic expansion near the critical
point. The full solution E can in this case easily be obtained. From the above
we conclude that it must be of the form
A(n-3)12g(A), (117)
with g(A) a holomorphic function generally depending on )~. However, since F is
quadratic, I is in fact an integral over an (n - 2)-sphere of radius V~, so that g
is in this case independent of A,
n- 1 ~(n--1)/2
g(A) = 2 l " ( ( n - 1 ) / 2 + 1)' (118)
that is, half the surface of the unit (n - 2) sphere. (Compare this with the results
in Section 3 for the H P L formula.) This immediately leads to the well known
result for the full solution E. The quadratic case is generic around each local
maximum on the slowness surface one can find coordinates ~ such that F is
quadratic. The points corresponding to degenerate critical points, i.e., points
where F is of type A2 or A3 are special. In those cases g does depend on A
and likewise the full solution is more involved, however, its asymptotics may be
readily obtained.
For the A2 type singularity the differential equation reads (after bringing it
into its familiar form)
d'~' A I = 0 (119)
/j 10
equation as follows. Define the s x s matrix
. . . . . .
0 1 O.--
i ..
A(A) = (120)
0 1
- q (A)--ql(A) . . . . q,_,(A)
A ~ d ~ ( A ) = A(A)d~(A), (121)
I Pd~
d Pd~
d~(A)= A
- -
( M log ,~)2
AM -----"~"1- M(log A) + +... (124)
T h e matrix B has a regular power series in A with constant coefficient matrices,
which is absolutely convergent near A = 0.
The monodromy resulting from going around the critical point at A = 0 is
with respect to the basis defined by ~, given as exp(27riM). This is the mon-
o d r o m y operator h . = hi .h2 defined in the previous section. It is easy to see that
it is a unipotent operator, i.e., there is an index m such t h a t ( e x p ( 2 7 r i M ) - 1) m =
0 , but (exp(2~riM) - 11)m+l ~ 0. For the Ak-type singularities this index is equal
to k = p, the multiplicity of the singularity.
As a result it follows (see [28] for a general proof) that close to the point
A = 0, i.e., close to the intersection point with the singular set 2Y, I(A) has the
following asymptotic expansion:
z, = A) (125)
This series is absolutely convergent if IAI is small. T h e coefficients of the series are
vectors in C f'. The numbers c~ are nonnegative rational numbers; all coefficients
aa,k vanish for k > 0. ~ r t h e r m o r e , the numbers c~ have the p r o p e r t y t h a t
exp(2rc~) is an eigenvalue of the m o n o d r o m y operator h.. This last property thus
shows explicitly the relation of the asymptotic expansion and the m o n o d r o m y
group of the singularity.
As an example, consider the A2 singularity discussed earlier. The eigenvalues
of h. are exp(:t:2~ri/6). The above result then implies t h a t close to A = 0
i= + (126)
171 m
with all coefficients positive. This result agrees with the well known high fre-
quency expansion of the fundamental solution near a cuspidal singularity de-
scribed by the Airy-function. For the A3- type singularity, we get
I ~ A1/4. (127)
The first exponent in the expansion (125) is referred to as the singularity index.
Its relation to the order of the monodromy group has been extensively discussed
by Arnold [2], however, not from the differential point of view adopted in this
paper. In fact, it is not hard to see that the general asymptotic formula for
an isolated singularity defined by £ quasi-homogeneous polynomial F(s, y) in
normal coordinates S l , " " , Sn--1 is given by
z ~ # = - (128)
For example, for an Ak-type singularity fl = 21 1
We would like to thank J.J. Duistermaat for his interest in this work and his
many valuable comments. We also thank W.S. Gast for his assistence in prepar-
ing Figures 1 and 2. This paper was published with the permission of Shell
Research B.V., and Schlumberger Cambridge Research.
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In an interesting and stimulating series of papers [H1], [H2], [H3], Hopper
presents some special exact solutions of the shape evolution of a piece of vis-
cous matter driven by surface tension on the free boundary.
Hopper's paper [H1] is of a conceptual nature and consists of two parts. In
his first part Hopper derives an evolution equation for the change of shape in
time: The unknown function in this evolution equation is a Riemann mapping
function from the unit disc onto the region occupied by the fluid at time t.
Hopper's evolution equation is a partial differential equation of a very special
nature, requiring 'compensation of analytic singularities'. In [H1] we find, what
might be called, a pseudo Lagrangian description of the piece of matter and
several other innovative concepts. However, a lot of important mathematical
and physical details are missing in [H1]. In my view e.g. the kinematical aspects
are completely neglected in [H1] (and also in [R]).
Chapter 1 in my paper might well be called: 'Mathematical addenda to Hopper's
derivation of Hopper's equation'.
In the second part of [H1] and also in [H2], [H3], Hopper finds solutions of his
equation which are of type ft(z, A(t)). He makes a clever guess of a parametrized
set of analytic functions ft(z; A), such that substitution of them in the evolution
equation leads to one ordinary differential equation for ~(t).
In Chapter 2 of this paper I study several mathematical aspects of Hopper's
equation. On the 'state space', which is a part of an ellipsoid in Hilbert space,
Hopper's evolution equation can be considered as an infinite system of ordinary
differential equations. For this system there are 3 'exhausting' series of finite
dimensional sub systems leading to solutions which are: 1. Complex polynomials
with real coefficients, 2. Complex polynomials with complex coefficients, 3.
Rational functions. Some local results on these finite dimensional sub systems
are presented.
For numerical solutions to the same problem which use Lorentz- Ladyzhenskaja
potentials I refer to work being done in Eindhoven [VM1], [VM2], [VM3].
I wish to thank Dr. H.K. Kuiken of Philips Research Laboratories for drawing
my attention to these interesting problems.
1 A shape-evolution equation
T = - p I + rI + \dz] ] "
Further, n(__z) and ~(_z) are the outward normal and the curvature at points
x E c~Gt.
The relevant physical constants are: The density p [ML-3], the viscosity
r/ [ M L - 1 T -1] and the surface tension 7 [MT-2] •
Note that with this boundary condition the surface is supposed to behave like a
Y 7
Tn = -~n on 0Gt
~ = ~ T~ = -~6~j + ~O~i + 0~ ]
If the Suratmunnumber S = L-~ gR and the Bondnumber B = - - - are very
, 7
small, e.g. if R is very small, it suffices to solve Stokes equations on Gt. (We
omit the tilde ,,~)
Av=~7p / inGt
V.v= 0 J
Tn = -~n on cgGt .
An equivalent formulation is
V T = 0iTij = 0 / in
V.v_= 0 J
T__n= - a n on cgGt .
02v2 02v2 Op
Ox2 c9y2 cgy
+ =°
Suppose that the pair (v, p) solves this system on G and let T be stress tensor
obtained from this solution.
Then because of the simple eonnectedness of G there exists a 'streamfunction'
¢ and an 'Airy function' ¢ such that
_~ = (vl, v2) = (¢v , - ¢ = )
Cxv )
¢,y - ¢ ~ "
The latter can be argued as follows: Since V . T = 0 the stress tensor T must be
of the form
T ( /. g~ ) .
\ -fx -g~
The s y m m e t r y of T then requires - f ~ = gv which says V • (f, g) = 0. Hence
(f, g) = ( - ¢ v , ¢~) for some function ¢. Note that, if_v is given, the streamfunc-
tion ¢ is determined up to a constant C and the Airy function is determined up
to a linear function Ax + By + C1.
Taking the trace of T we find
p = ~1 ( ¢ ~ + ¢ ~ ) = ½A¢.
Combining this with the equation A_v = Vp we find the Stokes equations in
C a u c h y - R i e m a n n form
a (½A¢)_ o
o~ ~ (a¢) = o
0 Qa¢)+ 0
0-~ G (a¢) = 0.
So (½A¢) + i ( A ¢ ) is an analytic function on G, therefore A A ¢ = 0 and
A A ¢ = 0, so the functions ¢ and ¢ are biharmonic.
Any biharmonic function ¢ on a simply connected domain G can be represented
¢ = 2Re(-2fl + gl) , z = x + iy
with fl and gl analytic on G. Cf. [M], pp. 106-111.
Following the same reasoning we put
¢ = Im(~f2 + a2)
with f2 and g2 analytic on G.
From the C a u c h y - R i e m a n n representation of Stokes' equations it follows that
f'z = f~'. Consistency in the stress tensor requires g~' = g~'. So there are constants
A, B, D, E 6 ~ and C, F E C such that
fl= f2+Az+iBz+C, gl=g~+Dz+iEz+F.
~=fe+Az, x=g2.
Omission of the second term leads to the same stress tensor. Summarizing: The
state of the system is described by the analytic functions p and X and
!2 ¢ + i ¢ =~+X
Note that ~ is uniquely determined by the state (v_.,p) and that addition of a
complex constant to X leads to the same state. Conversely, any pair of analytic
functions ~ and X leads to a solution of Stokes' equations.
o _rm(-e~o+ x) - i "~z
vl + iv2 = Cy - i¢~ = -~y o Im(-e~o + x)
= - 9 + z~' + X'
Tll + T22 = - 2 p = - A ¢ = - 2 A R e ( g ~ + X)
b2 02 02
= (-2~-7z~ + 2 -z--~)Re(-2~oy + X) + 4i ~ Re('2~ + X)
C~V2 0Vl
= 2 ~ - 2 ~ + 2i¢,~ = - 4 ¢ ~ + 2i¢~
= 4i ~ [i Irn(-2ta + X) + Re(-2~ + X)] = - 4 ( 2 ~ " + X") •
- 45
= ½ ~ ¢ ( - z m ~ + i Re ~) + ( 2 ¢ ~ I r ~ ~ - ¢~yR~ ~) +
+ i(¢=vlm ~ + 2¢=vRe ~)
= l i ( A ¢ ) ~ - 2 ( ~1 ¢ ~ + i¢=~)7
= i{zx R~(~ip + x)}~ - 2{ 0W~v (½¢ + i¢)}z
= 2 i z d ( z T + ip+ F ) .
F_(~, t) = ~o £(~,t)
In this paper we want to determine the evolution of the shape of a piece of
matter and the positions F ( x , t) of the particular and the velocity fields v(__x,t)
are not so relevant.
Instead of the Lagrangian or Eulerian approach we use what we cM1 the "Pseudo-
Lagrangian picture": At each time t a fixed domain D in _~-space is mapped by
a function m = O(~, t) onto the actual configuration of the piece of matter. The
function ~ is made 'more or less rigid' by requiring extreme smoothness of it.
In our 2 dimensional case, following Hopper [H1], we require it to be analytic.
~ o 0 m~ i'.al~ e,. ~ - ; ÷ c;~-cle
t ~ ~(t) = £(x_, t ) .
The trajectory of particle X in Pseudo-Lagrangian coordinates is
t ~ C ( £ , t) = ~-(£(x, t), t ) .
Differentiating the identity
~_'-(~_((_,t),t) =(_
according to t leads to
(D_~-)(_~({, t))h({, t) + (_~-).(__a((, t), t) = 0.
Here the dot • denotes partial differentiation to t. So
([~*-)' (_x,t) = - ( D ~ ) -1 (~*'- (__x,t))~(_~ ~- (x, t), t) .
For the velocity field in configuration space we find
v(~, t) : £ ( Z - (_~,t), t ) .
At the boundary OGt of Gt, see picture, we have the boundary condition
T n : -nn.
With the potentials ~p and X this becomes, in complex notation,
d ~ -- d ei~(8)
2i ~ ( z ~ + ~ + X') = i ~ ,
which leads to
2 ( z ~ + ~o+ X') = e/~(') + Ca , at OGt .
The constant Ca can be made zero by addition of a suitable constant velocity
field to _v(x, t).
Then combination at OGt of the latter result with
vl + iv2 = ( - ~ + z~o' + X')
2(v~ + ivy) = - 4 ~ + e~(~) , at OGt •
With the parametrization ~(e i°, t) for OGt this becomes
Zm 7(l~'(o,z)l) = o.
Summarizing, we find on D the relation
2~(¢, t) = ¢~'(¢, t) 5(1~'(¢, t)l) - fi(¢, t) .
We now proceed to derive an evolution equation for ~ in which the unknown
complex analytic potentials ~ and X play no role.
In 2(z~o' + ~o+ X') on Gt substitute z --- f~(¢, t) and put )~(4, t) = X(fft(¢, t), t),
~(~, t) = ~(f~(4, t), t). At the boundary OD this leads to
2 ~+~+
IO'(,,)1 ' o'econ.
Hopper Ira], writes ~ = -i~-~" h for 'di~erentiation ~long the unit circle'.
(~ n,) _ d ( ~ n, J:(In'l)) = 2xP
which is Hopper's evolution equation for the shape of a piece of viscous matter
driven by surface tension.
~(~, t) = ~(~ , t)
The righthand side - 2 X ' of the evolution equation is an unknown analytic func-
tion. Therefore the question:
Does the cancellation of singularities inside D determine the shape evolution?
Note that if ~(~, t) solves (H) then also e~'(0fl(~, t), ~ : ~ --* ~ arbitrary, is a
solution. This type of nonuniqueness can be resolved by requiring ~l(0, t) > 0.
E = {f~}, with
• ft(~)= E n~ ~ ; -D - + C , analytic
~'~= ~ kak~K k - l - 1 =
k>_0, l>0
oo oo
E{ E (~ -- m + 1)~lal-m+l } ~.-m =
m=--e¢ £=max(O,m}
= E um~-m "
~l~ m OO
u3 --
3~4 as
a3 _
lal..4a )l"
U4 a4 63
0 ai 2a2 3a3 ~2
= 0 0 ai 2a2 a3
0 0 0 ai ~4
• . ; ;
In short ~ -- g ( ~ ) g = M(~)~.
Note t h a t if ~(~, t) = E,~°°=l a,(t)~ ~ satisfies (H) then
d -~(z)a'(z)~z = 7~ ~ , ~la~(t)l~ = ~ ,,~(t) = 0 .
[zl__l Z=l
• For all f~ E E the function
n - - - ~ - - OO
n=l n=O
2~ oo 1
(i n ~
0 m----I £---I
.~ a.,~l~(m-l)'} -~ ~-""'d~
We now calculate the second term in (H)
d 1
~(¢~(_:) c,(~:) 7(1~'(¢)1)=
oo oo
~ E ~-~. E
m~--OO n-----O
E (n-m+l)~n ,n#n - , ~ --
E (-k+ i)
E ~,~Un+k #- k ,
171:-- o o n=O k:--~ n--O
k=l n=0
(00 0 0 l/a1
0 ~0 /31 ~2
0 0 2/30 2f31
al a23a34a4
2a2 3a3
al 2a~
0 0 0 3/30 0 0 0 al ~4
In short
= ~{M(a)~_} = -B(__a)g) , a(O) = flo •
Let there be given an initial condition _q(O) = ao and put _u_u
o = M(_qo)~_o. Now if
from the infinite system of quadratic equations
M ( a ) _ = _u.
Not much can be said about the solvability of this dynamical system at this
moment. If every solution is a trajectory on the above mentioned ellipsoid in
Hilbert space then the shape would remain simply connected if the initial domain
is simply connected. Most probably such a deep result does not have a simple
2.2 T h e real p o l y n o m i a l H o p p e r p r o b l e m
If we substitute the Ansatz
a(~,t)= ~ an(t)~ n , neW, an: [0, oo)---+ J~
in Hopper's equation (H) we find, e.g. for N = 4, the following finite system of
ordinary differential equations
d u2
00 0) (ul)
~o 51 5= u=
dt u3 0 0 2f10 , 2fll ua
u3 0 0 0 3flO U4
du = - B ( a_) u_ with
in short -aT
u4 0 0 0 a1 a4
al 2a~ 3a3
in short u = M(a)__a = N ( a ) a and
N 1V
~_a ~ m~ama~ei(rn-t)8 ~einSds. }- 1
0 rn=l £=1
Denote a = ( 1 , 0 , 0 , . . . , 0 ) = w.
• fln(co)----16no, l<n<N
• fin(a)~-*O a l s a - + c o , l<n<N
Note that there are special solutions a(t) with al(t) # O, aN(t) {k 0 and
a2(t) -- ... ---- a N - l ( t ) = O. These are the typical solutions in Hopper's work.
He 'guesses' shapes with one parameter and then solves an ordinary differential
equation for this parameter as a function of t, cf. [H1], [H2], [H3].
E X A M P L E (Hopper 1990).
Try to solve Hopper's equation by the function
~(~,t) = a(t)~ g + 1
: a I b ~-(N+I)
• ~--7 - - a -- b~ - N
b2 ab ~-(N+I) _ ab~-(N-1)
f i e ' = (a 2 + 1 N + 1
ifa>bthen ~ < 1
1 1
ol0(a , b) --- ~--~(a2 + b2)-~ 2ab cos 0)- 1 dO
(1 a 2 -k- b2
bb 1 + (&b + ab]c_(N+l )
d ( ~ Q ' ) -: 2(ah + ~ - - - i - ) ( - " X + 1 "" + Taylorseries
{ "
a~i+ N + 1 - 0
a ~ b N ( N + 1)
in Hopper's equation (H) we find, again, the finite system of ordinary differential
d =
~=M(a)g=N(~)a (S).
Now define
H: ~2,~-1.__+ ~2,~-1 : a ~ u = M(a_)g
can be written
f~,, fi,
-- -- analytic on D .
Following Hopper we take the Ansatz
N --
_A_o Ao
=( 1 - c~,~( ' (-~,~ '
n=l n=-I
N A-~ N An&n
,,=1 = (¢ -a,,)~ "
(~ ~ 7 ~ , ~ ) [ ( l + f f ~ - 7 ) * + ( 5 r ' - ~-7]+
Since 2nd order and i st order poles have to compensate each other on D we find
the following two sets of ordinary differential equations
= -~(la'(u., ~)1
[ a,,(~.) ~n +
t~ " ~,(~.) ~. ~,(~.)J
Remind that, in this special case, 2" is a function of o~1,. •., aN, A1,. •., AN.
E X A M P L E (Hopper 1989).
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[H3] HOPPER, R.W. 1992 Stokes flow of a cylinder and half-space driven by
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1 Introduction
Discrete integrable models, in which the spatial dimension is discretized, but the
time is continuous, have traditionally played an important role in mathematics
and physics, b o t h in the classical as well as in the quantum regime. On the
quantum level the algebraic structure of integrable systems is discussed in terms
of quantum groups [1]-[3]. T h e discretized version of such models has played a
particular role in this respect, e.g. in the quantum inverse scattering m e t h o d [4].
T h e models, in which also the time-flow is discretized (i.e. integrable lattices
or partial difference equations), have been considered on the classical level in a
number of papers [5, 6]. Recently, they have become of interest in connection
with the construction of integrable mappings, i.e. finite-dimensional reductions
of these integrable lattice equations, [7, 8]. Their integrability is to be understood
in the sense t h a t the discrete time-flow is the iterate of a canonical transforma-
tion, preserving a suitable symplectic structure, leading to invariants which are
in involution with respect to this symplectic form. A theorem ~ la Liouville then
tells us in analogy with the continuous-time situation that one can linearize the
discrete-time flow on a hypertorus which is the intersection of the level sets of
the invariants, [9]. Integrable mappings have been considered from a slightly
different perspective also in the recent literature, cf. e.g. [10]-[13].
Integrable two-dimensional lattices arise, b o t h on the classical as well as
on the quantum level, as the compatibility conditions of a discrete-time ZS
(Zakharov-Shabat) system
for some P E N.
In a recent paper [14], we introduced a novel quantum structure that is ap-
propriate for obtaining an integrable quantization of mappings of the so-called
KdV-type, i.e. mappings derived from a lattice version of the KdV equation,
cf. [7]. In this paper we will review the construction of such integrable quan-
tum mappings and their quantum invariants and we consider also the quantum
mappings associated with the lattice version of the MKdV equation, cf. also
[15]. A related system with continuous time is the quantum Volterra system, cf.
[16]. As was indicated in [8], it turns out that these mappings and their under-
lying integrable lattices are - o n the classical level- symplectic with respect to a
so-called non-ultralocal Poisson structure, cf. also [17]. In the continuous-time
case such (classical) non-ultralocal r-matrix structures have been studied in a
number of papers, cf. e.g. [18]-[22]. The discrete version of the non-ultralocal
Poisson bracket structure reads, cf. ref. [8],
Throughout this paper we adopt the usual convention that the subscripts 1, 2,-..
in (1.3) denote the factors in a matricial tensor product, i.e. Ail,i2 .....~M - ~
A ~ l , ~ 2 ..... ~M()~1, ~ 2 , ' ' " , AM) denotes a matrix acting nontrivially only on the fac-
tors labeled by il, i 2 , . . . , iM of a tensor product @a Va, of vector spaces V(~ and
trivially on the other factors, cf. also e.g. [4, 17]. For example, in eq. (1.3),
the subscripts a, fl = 1, 2 , . . . for the operator matrices Ln,(, denote the corre-
sponding factor on which this Ln acts (acting trivially on the other factors), i.e.
Ln4 = Ln(A1) ® 1, L,,,2 = 1 ® Ln(A2). We suppress the explicit dependence on
the spectral p a r a m e t e r A = A1 respectively A = A2, assuming that each value
accompanies its respective factor in the tensor product.
Eq. (1.3) defines a proper Poisson bracket provided that the following rela-
tions hold for s + = s±(A1, A2) and r ± = r±(Al, A2):
In order to be able to integrate (1.3) to obtain Poisson brackets for the mon-
odromy matrix we need in addition to these relations the extra relation
r+2 - = - (1.7)
In the classical case the traces of powers of the monodromy matrix are invariant
under the mapping as a consequence of
and the periodicity condition Mp+I = M1, thus leading to a sufficent number of
invariants which are obtained by expanding the traces in powers of the spectral
parameter )~. The involution property of the classical invariants follows from the
Poisson bracket
{trT(A), trT(A') } = 0 (1.9)
which can be derived from (1.3).
For the quantum mappings we will use the structure of [14, 23] which is the
quantum analogue of this non-ultraiocai Poisson structure. In the continuous-
time case such a novel quantization scheme was proposed in ref. [24], in con-
nection with the quantum Toda theory. Similar structures with continuous time
flow have been introduced also for the quantum Wess-Zumino-Novikov-Witten
(WZNW) theory with discrete spatial variable, cf. [25, 26]. When consider-
ing discrete-time flows some interesting new features arise, as was indicated in
[14. 23]. In fact, the conventional point of view, t h a t the M-part of the Lax
equations does not need to be considered explicitly in order to construct quan-
t u m invariants, is no longer true. Therefore, one needs to establish the complete
quantum algebra, containing commutation relations between the L-operators
as well as between the L- and the M-operators, and between the M-operators
themselves. As a consequence we will find, in the quantum mappings under
consideration, non-trivial quantum corrections in the quantum invariants of the
mappings. From an algebraic point of view, the basic algebraic relations for the
2 Non-ultralocal Y a n g - B a x t e r structure
We now define a quantum Yang-Baxter structure that is adequate for the map-
pings in this paper, i.e. discrete-time systems arising (both on the classical as
well as quantum lev, !) from compatibility equations of the form of (1.1).
We introduce the q uautum L-operator Ln ()~) at each site n of a one-dimensional
lattice, which is a matrix whose entries are quantum operators (acting on some
properly chosen Hilbert space). The operators Ln()~) are supposed to have only
non-trivial commutation relations between themselves on thc same and nearest-
neighbour sites, namely as follows
These relations are the quantum analogue of the non-ultralocal Poisson bracket
(1.3), defining what in [26] is referred to as the Kac-Moody algebra on the lattice.
We will show in section 4 that the quantum mappings provide examples of such
a non-ultralocal quantum R, S-matrix structure.
The compatibility relations of the equations (2.1a)-(2.1c) lead to the following
consistency conditions on R + and S
"4- 4.
R12R13 = R 1 3 R 14.
2 , (2.2a)
r~3 4- 4. 4- 4-
812 $13 = Sla S12 R ~ , (2.2b)
= (R,3S13) R ~ . (2.4)
First, one derives for the monodromy matrices T+ and T~- the following set of
Some details of the derivation of eqs. (2.7), (2.8) are presented in appendix B.
s ~ = 1® 1 - h s ~ + O(h2),
n?2 = 1 ® 1 + h r 5 + O(h~), (2.9)
In this limit the quantum commutation relations (2.1) yield the non-ultralocal
Poisson bracket structure given in eqs. (1.3)-(1.5).
3 Quantum Mappings
We are interested in the canonical structure of discrete-time integrable systems,
i.e. systems for which the time evolution is given by an iteration of mappings. If
the mapping contains quantum operators, the commutation relations with the
monodromy or Lax matrices become nontrivial and it is not a priori clear in this
case that the Yang-Baxter structure is preserved. Furthermore, the traces of
powers of the monodromy matrix are no longer trivially invariant as the cyclic
property of the traces is no longer true for operator-valued arguments. To deal
with these new features, it is necessary to take the M-part of the Lax or ZS
system also into account, and investigate the f u l l quantum structure involved in
these systems, consisting of commutation relations between the L-part as well
as of the M-part of the Lax pair.
In [23] we have introduced such a full Yang-Baxter structure taking account
of the spatial as well as the time part of the Lax pair. The structure is obtained
by supplying in addition to eqs. (2.1) the following equations.
in combination with
for multiple applications of the mapping. We shall not specify other commu-
tation relations, as they do not belong to the Yang-Baxter structure. More
precisely, one may notice in the explicit examples of section 4 that the commu-
tation relations
[Ln ,~ M,] , [L,~+I ,~ M,] , [M,+I ,~ L~] , [M,+I ~ L ' _ I ] , [M,+I ,~ M,~],
are nontrivial, and they depend on the details of the system satisfying the Yang-
Baxter equations. However, in order for the Yang-Baxter structure to be pre-
served under the mapping, we do not need information on these latter commu-
tation relations. The main statement now is that the commutation relations
, e5 e5
"U~j_ 1 : V2j , V2j : V2j+I -1t- (j= 1,..-,P), (4.1)
V2j V2j+2
imposing the periodicity condition vi+2P = vi. The mapping (4.1) has the
Z = v J-1 = c , (4.2)
j=l j=l
where c is chosen to be invariant under the mapping, in which case we obtain a
(2P - 2)-dimensional generalization of the McMillan mapping [10].
To obtain the Yang-Baxter structure it is worthwhile to note that eq. (4.1)
arises as the compatibility condition of a ZS system (1.1) with
Li = ½ ~ . ½ i _ 1 , Mi = aj
~2i 1)
O ' (4.3)
(vl 1)
V~= hl 0
aj = v 2 j - 1 - - - (4.4)
(where h = ih), It is easy to check that the quantum mapping (4.1) preserves
the commutation relations (4.6), and in section 6, we show that the mapping is
a canonical transformation with respect to these commutation relations.
The special solution of the quantum relations (2.2), (2.3), wtfich constitutes
the R, S-matrix structure for the quantum mapping (4.1), together with the
commutation relation (4.6), is given by
R+~ = R ~ - S+ + S 5
R~2 = 1 ® 1 + h - - (4.7)
S+=I®I-hF®E, S(2=S +,
in which p~ -= k~ - q2,a = 1,2 and the permutation operator P12 and the
matrices E and F are given by
1 0 0 0 /
0 0 1 0
0 1 0 0
0 0 0 1
s ~ ( n ) = 1 ® 1 - ,h---F ~ E (4.10)
with A2j,2 = kg - q2 Aej-l,2 = kg - p 2 and also eqs. (3.7b) and (3.7c). These
relations are at the basis of the L part, i.e. eqs. (2.1), of the Yang-Baxter
structure. To derive the commutation relations (3.8), (3.9) one first checks by
explicit calculation that the only nonvanishing commutation relations between
the matrix Mn and the matrices Vrn, Vrm are indeed those indicated by eq. (3.8).
Furthermore, one has the commutation relations
[M,~+I - V2n+l ~, V2n] = 0 , [Mn+l - V2~ ~, V~+I] = 0 (4.11)
which with eq. (3.7a) and its counterpart in terms of the primed operators
immediately yield eqs. (3.9). Finally the nontrivial commutation relations (3.2)
follow from
[M~ ,~ M~] -- 0 , [M: - V~n_ 1 ~, Mn] = 0 (4.12)
q)h2 -- 1 0 0 0 /
0 $12 -- 1 q -- 1 0 (4.13a)
R1~(~12) = 0 ~ l ~ ( q - 1) q(~12 - 1) 0 '
0 0 0 q$12 -- 1
together with
Slz =
/x ) 1 1 ' (4.13b)
it is straightforward to check that the matrices of (4.13) obey for spectral para-
meter/k12 = ~1/)~2 the following relations
R12 A1 $21 A2 = A2 $12A1 R12 , R12 A11 S12 A21 ---- A21 S21Ai-1 R12 , (4.14)
in w h i c h A l = A ( $ ~ ) ® l , A2=l®A($2) and
where a, b and d are arbitrary constants. Eq. (4.20) then yields a solution of
the Yang-Baxter relations (2.2), (2.3) with
which is a quantum version of the mapping associated with the lattice MKdV
equation, cf. [7]. The MKdV mapping (4.17) arises as the compatibility condi-
tion of a ZS system (1.1) with Ln = V2n" V2~-~, cf. (3.6), and
Vn = A n - V n , Vn = 0 e~-
hn=(pn-- 1) A Pn +r "
Mn -- A2n" 01 e0
~" ) ' (4.19)
In fact, working out (1.1) with (3.6) and (4.18), (4.19) one finds the mapping
(4.17) and
e~-e~-+l = q e ~ , + l e ~ . , q = e -h . (4.23)
Starting from (4.23) we find the commutation relations (3.7), in which the
+ 4-
R12, $12 are given by (4.22) with
q = e -h , x-- k~ - r2
- r2 (4.24)
5 Q u a n t u m Invariants
In the classical case the trace of the monodromy matrix yields a sufficient number
of invariants which are in involution. In the quantum case the trace is no longer
invariant and we have to consider more general families of commuting operators.
Following the treatment of ref. [27], a commuting parameter-family of oper-
ators is obtained by taking (for details, cf. appendix D)
T(A) = t r ( T ( A ) K ( A ) ) , (5.1)
(We assume throughout that S ~ and R ~ are invertible). The left superscripts
tl and t2 denote the matrix transpositions with respect to the corresponding
factors 1 and 2 in the matricial tensor product. Expanding (5.1) in powers of the
spectral parameter A, we obtain a set of commuting observables of the quantum
system in terms of which we can find a common basis of eigenvectors in the
associated Hilbert space. We note that a matrix K(A) is commonly introduced
in connection with quantum boundary conditions other than periodic ones [27],
but in relation to the quantum mappings of the present paper it is essential in
the periodic case as well.
M , , I " (Ln+I " L , " M -, 1 )2 = (Ln+I " L n " M -n1 )~ " S ~ 2 M , , ' (5.4)
and using the commutation relation (3.1b) and the trivial relations (3.3b), (3.3c).
Then with the use of (3.1a) it is found that
by repeating the derivation of eq. (2.8), but now with the updated variables Lj'.
It follows also directly from eq. (5.7) and the commutation relation (5.3). In
R+2T; • $12T~
+ , = R+2M1 • TI" M ~ 1" S + M 2 • T2. M21
= R+2M1 • M 2 . S ~ T 1 . M~ -1. T2. M~ -1
= M s . M I " S+R+2T1. M~ -1. T2. M ~ ~
= M2 " M1 • Sz2R12T1
+ + • S+ T2 • M 2 1 • M ~ 1S ~ - '
1 -1
---- M2 . MI . 8 ~ T 2 . S~2T1" R 7 2 M 2 ~ . M C S~2
= T~. S+M1 • M 2 . S~2T1M~ -1 ~Ar-lq+-i
• *'*2 ~'12
= T~. S G T ~ R G , (5.7)
Our aim is now to describe the integrability of the quantum mappings of
section 4 which obey the commutation relations (2.8) and (5.3). For this we
need to show that one can find a sufficient family of commuting invariants of
the mapping. Let us thus use eq. (5.3) to calculate commuting families of
quantum invariants in the case of the KdV and MKdV mappings of section 4.
In fact, introducing a tensor
for matrices A not depending on the spectral parameter, and choosing AI = ~2,
we can take the trace over left- and right hand side of (5.3) contracting with
K12. This leads to
$?'12(K12M2" S ~ ( T M - 1 ) I )
=- trl ( K 1 M 1 t r 2 ( P 1 2 K 1 S ~ 2 ) ( T M - 1 ) I ) = t r ( g T ' ) . (5.12)
Applying (5.14) to the examples of the KdV and MKdV mappings, we find
in the KdV case, using (4.10),
h (0 0) (5.14)
g(~)=l+~S_ , S_= 0 I '
and in the case of the MKdV mapping, with the use of the relation
cf. (4.13) and (4.16), we find the following solution from (4.18),
K(,~) = 1 + ( q - l _ 1 ) S _ - A . S _ . A -1
and again the K(~) in combination with the R ~ , S ~ of eqs. (4.19), (4.20)
satisfies eq. (5.2).
Hence, in the case of the KdV and MKdV mappings we have obtained a
commuting family of quantum invariants that can be evaluated expanding ~-(,~) =
trK(,~)T()~) in powers of k 2.
For instance, in the KdV mapping the explicit expression of the invaxiants
can be inferred from
N ~Jv
r(~) = : vj 1
+ Z II -- :, (5.17)
\j=l I~J[(.-.<JN~2P V~I VJv-}-lVJu
Jv+l -J,., )_2,Jl --JN"t-2P)2
x ~ = y , y~ = --x ~ 225y
2_y2 ' (5.18)
6 Quantum Action
We will restrict ourselves in this note to mappings of KdV type, i.e. mappings
coming from reductions of the lattice KdV equation. The lattice potential KdV
equation is an integrable partial difference equation, which reads, [6,7],
+ u.,m+l - + - = (6.1)
?~n,m+l ~- ~n,m--1 -- U n - - l , m -- U n + l , m
e~ e6
= - , (6.2)
~. .~L U n , m __ U n + l , m + l ~ ~_ U n _ l , m _ l __ U n , r n
S= ~ [u,,~(u,+l,~-u,,m+l)+e61n(e+u,,~-u,+l,~+l)] , (6.3)
i.e. 8S/6un,m = 0 yields eq. (6.2). In [71, cf. also [61, we established a linear
problem of Zakharov-Shabat type for eqs. (6.1) as well as for (6.2). b-hrthermore,
in [7] we showed that well-chosen periodic initial value problems on the lattice
for (6.1)- and consequently for (6.2)- yield reductions to integrable mappings,
specifying one of the lattice directions as the direction of the discrete-time up-
date. Thus a mapping reduction is achieved by taking the m-direction as time
and labelling the variables along a 'staircase' in the lattice, i.e. taking
! l
Uj,j = : U2j , U ] + I , j -----: U 2 j + I =:~ U j , j + 1 ~ U 2 j , U j + I , j + 1 = U2j+2 = U 2 j + I ,
t6Z+ n=l
in terms of the even variables (an action in terms of the odd variables need not
he given separately). For convenience we will use in this section instead of vj the
reduced variables x n =- u 2 n - u2n+2. Using the periodic boundary conditions,
leading to
~n=0, (6.5)
we can write an action entirely in terms of the variables x n , n = 1 . . . P - 1,
namely as
S~d = Z L(x(t),x'(t)), (6.6a)
P--I n
V(x)'= ~ 2 2 nu "21 xj -e(~ln(E-{- xn
o%-~.+ \ o ~ . ) = 0 (6.7)
yield the proper discrete equations of motion for the x , = x n ( t ) , x 'n = x . ( t + 1).
Thus we can work with the xn as the reduced canonical variables.
introducing m o m e n t u m variables by
Yn' - Ox" (6.9)
Variation with respect to the x,~ and y~ variables of (6.8), and using (6.9) to-
gether with the Lagrange equations (6.7), we obtain
P-1 OH
Y"- = 0x. ' (6.10a)
Xn~ OH (6.10b)
r j=l x j = Oy~ '
= ^ (6.11)
n, m l
is invariant under the mapping x,~ ~-+ x,~,yn ~-~ y,~! described by eqs. (6.10). Eq.
(6.11) implies the Poisson brackets
In principle we can use the Legendre transformation (6.4) in more general situ-
ations then only the integrable case of (6.6). In that special case, however, we
obtain the discrete-time 'hamiltonian' for the KdV mappings, namely
Eqs. (6.14) correspond precisely to the commutation relations (4.6) that we need
to obtain a quantum R-matrix formulation for the commutation relations of the
Now, as for the quantum version of the mapping, we first note that as a
consequence of the splitting of H into T + V and the X, Y being canonically
conjugate, the form of the mapping need not to be modified in the transition
from the classical to the quantum case. This is consistent with the R, S-matrix
structure of section 4a. Hence eqs. (6.10) are still valid in terms of the quan-
tum variables Xn, Yn. Secondly, the splitting of H suggests directly the form
of the unitary operator that generates the quantum mapping, the only com-
plication arising from the extra terms on the left-hand side of eqs. (6.10). If
these were absent, the form of the unitary operator would simply be the product
e x p ( i / h V ) e x p ( i / h T ) . However, in the presence of these extra terms we now are
forced to take:
in which V = V ( X ) , T = T ( Y ) , and the middle factor on the right-hand side
of (6.15) is an ordered product of exponential factors, ordered in lexicographic
order, i.e.
e£a X P - 2 Y P - 1 . . . e ~ X 2 Y P - 1 . , . e ~ X 2 Y 3 e ~ X I Y P - 1 . . . e ~ X t r a e ~ X1r2"
e~X'Y~Xje -'~x'Yj = Xi +Xj , e .±X ' ~" e -"~ ' x ' "~ " = Y~ - ~ , (i # j ) ,
yield exactly the quantum mapping provided by the quantization of eqs. (6.10).
Eq. (6.15), together with (6.16), demonstrates the fact that the quantum KdV
mapping provides indeed a canonical transformation in the full quantum sense,
namely as a unitary transformation on the quantum phase space.
Remark: We can use the above given construction for obtaining the generating
operator of the canonical transformation also directly for the MKdV mappings
of section 4b (we omit the details here). In fact, in that case one starts from the
action for the classical MKdV lattice t h a t was given in [7]. The construction
can be applied without modification to that case also. ~ r t h e r m o r e , these con-
siderations can be generalized to the wider class of mappings corresponding to
the lattice Gel'fand-Dikii hierarchy, [23,37]. It would be interesting to look for a
direct relation between the operator U and the discrete-time part of the linear
problem, which generates the time-shift on the level of the Lax representation.
Some results in this direction were mmounced in [38].
Appendix A
In order to derive the compatibility relations for the Yang-Baxter matrices R
and S, i.e. eqs. (2.2), from the commutation relations (2.1) for the Lax matrices
L, we encounter four different types of combinations of matrices L. Embedding
the L matrices in a tensorial product of three copies of the matrix algebra, i.e.
Ln, j, j = 1, 2, 3 acting on vector spaces V ® V ® V, and denoting
nl . S+ L2 • S+ L3 = L3 . n2 " nl , (A.1)
independently of the order in which the relation (2.1a) is applied.
R+12L1 . L 2 . S13
+ . S~3
+ L3
. . L2 Lz R 1-2 S 1+3 S ~+a L a , (A.2)
whereas on the other hand we find
" + ¢+ q + "
R ~ 3 L z " S + L 2 • S + L 3 = L z • .,.23~.12~13 L2" L 3 , (A.5)
and compare this with
= L 3 • L= • L 1 R ~ 3
-L1 • S ~+3 S z+~ L s . L 2 R 2 3 (A.6)
+ + +
= L1 • S 1 3 S 1 2 R 2 3 L 2 • L 3 ,
Appendix B
I n this a p p e n d i x we establish t h e c o m m u t a t i o n relations between t h e m o n o d r o m y
matrices T and T+,T~ of eq. (2.6), using t h e f u n d a m e n t a l c o m m u t a t i o n rela-
tions of t h e m a t r i c e s L , .
= L . + t , 2 • L ~ + I , t • S + L . , 2 " L. m Rt-2 ,
= Ln+l,2 • L,~,2 • L , + I , I • L , , t R1-2 • (B.2)
leading to eq. (2.7a) for T + . A similar a r g u m e n t can be applied for T~-. Fur-
t h e r m o r e , eq. (2.7b) is derived f r o m eqs. (2.1b), (2.1c) by n o t i n g t h a t
Finally, f r o m (2.7) we i m m e d i a t e l y o b t a i n
- T+
n , 2 • Z n+
, 1 • rSS+T ,I
--- T n,2
+ " T n,l
+ " S+12Tn,,2 " T~,I R { 2
= T2 S+T1RS, (B.6)
Appendix C
i) We prove t h a t eqs. (3.1a),(3.1b), t o g e t h e r with (3.2h) are sufficient to ensure
t h a t t h e basic c o m m u t a t i o n relations b e t w e e n the m a t r i c e s Ln, eqs. (2.1a), are
preserved u n d e r the m a p p i n g
Ln ~ L ~ = M n + l " L,~" M ~ 1.
In fact,
' + '
" ~12Ln,2 = L 'n-bl,1 • ~q+Mn+l,2 • Lr,,2 • M , n,2
! .M-1
= L~,2 • M.,2 • L.+1,1 .,2
---- Ltn,2 • L n' + l , 1 , (C.1)
a n d similarly
v --I -- --I
= R+2Mn+I,I " L,m "Ln,2 "M(~,I($12)
= R+2Mn+I,1 • M,,+-1,2 • ,.q~2Ln,1 • L,~,2 • M -n,2
1 • M - ,~,1~
l t S - ~ -12J
-- - M , , + ~ , ~ . M ' + ~ , ~ • L , , ~ . M n,2
_- - fin,2 . M~+I, 1 •
Appendix D
In order to show that eq. (5.2) provides a commuting family of operators, let
us give an argument similar to the one given by Sklyanin in [27]. Denoting by
Ti and Ki, (i -- 1, 2) the monodromy matrix resp. matrix K for two different
values of the spectral parameter At resp. A2 and acting in two different factors of
a matricial tensor product, and denoting by ~-1,~'2 the invariants (5.1) evaluated
at these respective values of the spectral parameter, we have on the one hand,
assuming that [Ki ,~ Tj] = 0,
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Some A s p e c t s of the q-Deformed
Oscillator Algebras as Q u a n t u m
1 Introduction
Since two decades it is well known that the Yang-Baxter equation (YBE) can be
considered as the master equation of integrable models in statistical mechanics
and in two dimensional quantum field theory.[1]
Faddeev [2] and coworkers proposed the quantum inverse method as an uni-
fication of classical and quantum integrable models. In this case the solutions
of YBE give the commutation properties among operators.
This approach has led to the idea of introducing deformation over groups or
Lie algebras, so called quantum groups. In the course of constructing trigono-
metric solutions of YBE the deformation of the universM enveloping algebra
of SL(2) was introduced. This is one of the first ocurrences of new algebraic
objects, now called "quantum groups".
The purpose of the present work is to propose generalized commutation re-
lations for fermions and bosons in Fock space (q-deformed oscillator algebras)
and their subsequent analysis using the Manin's viewpoint [3] for three partic-
ular cases. The first of them considers a linear transformation GLq(N) among
In a similar way tile fermion algebra is defined as the symmetric Clifford alge-
b r a generated by {al, a 2 , . . . , an, al,t a 2,
t ..., an}
t basis set of V and a unit element,
satisfying the following fermion relations
{ a i , a j } = aiaj Jr ajai -= O, { a i,
t a~) -= a iaj
t t _ Fa~a~• = 0 (2)
{el, a ~ } = aia~ -4-aJai = hSij
3 Quantum Superspace
Quantum groups have been extensively studied from different points of view
since the papers of Faddeev [2, 6, 7, 8], Drinfeld [9, 10, 11], Jimbo [12, 13, 14],
Woronowicz [15], Manin [16, 17] and coworkers appeared.
Manin described a class of quantum groups as natural symmetries of non-
commutative algebraic varieties defined by quadratic equations. According with
this idea we present in this section a q-deformation of the Clifford (oscillator)
algebras above defined, as the non-commutative algebraic varieties whose sym-
metries define a quantum group.
The quantum superspace Aq studied by Martin [17] is generated by operator
valued coordinates X1,..., X~ with parity assignment Xi = ~ and commutation
X~=O for~=l (3)
(ii) X' verifies (3) and ~' = M~ verifies (4) where X = (X1, ..., Xn) ,
= (~1,., ~,~), qlj # - 1 and M is any quantum matrix, namely matrices
.. 2
4 Yang-Baxter Approach
The Yang-Baxter equation is a functional equation for a four indices function
~zR-y~ of at least one parameter u that is called the spectral parameter
(for the cases h --~ 0 and h 76 0) can be rewritten in the tensor product form
ijRkz Mkm Ml~ = Mjl Mikkl R , ~ (9)
up to a sign, where ijRkl can be obtained from a YBB and M is a quantum
matrix and a linear transformation operator over the Fock space simultaneously.
We will present some consequences of this property.
(XI,X2,... ' Xn, X 1t , X 2,J ..., X~, ~1, ~2, ..., ~n,~I,s¢~, ..., ~ } (10)
M1 is the group of quantum matrices that mix bosons Xg in order to get new
bosons (Xg)' and fermions ~ in order to get new fermions ((~)'. If they are
isometries of the bilinear form (7) for h = 0 (classical limit) then they define an
associative algebra that can be written like the tensor product (9). In this case
R = [~zR~5] is given by lim~--.0 of
where E~Z denotes the matrix (hi~hjZ), u is the spectral parameter and q de-
notes, a real number. The matrix R(u) in (12) corresponds to the A (1) matrices
given by Jimbo [13].
In the quantum case (h 76 0) the M1 transformations are restricted by the
following relations
(4n-1) (4n-l)
E rqrq+l= E rq+xrq =0 i= 1,...,(4n-1) (13)
j=l j=l
i = 1,-..,(2n- 1)~(2n + 1 ) , . . . ( 4 u - 1)
~(rizrjl+l -- q - % ~ z r . + l ) = 1
where I is an odd number and rij is the ijth entry of the M1 quantum matrix.
We should remark that M] is the most general group of quantum matrices which
mix fermions (bosons) in order to get new fermions (bosons) for the classical
limit and the quantum case if we consider restrictions (13). A mixture fermions-
bosons is not allowed in this case.
Besides, i f h 7~ 0 and q ~ 1, eq. (7) can be considered as a generalized commuta-
tion relation and the corresponding M1 matrix as its natural symmetry. These
relations have been recently studied and, in the quantum-mechanical context,
they can contain not only Fermi and Bose statistics but Greenberg's infinite
statistics (q = 0) as special cases [19].
( 0 GLq(2n) ) (14)
M2 = GLq(2n) 0
M2 is the group of quantum matrices that mix bosons X~ in order to get
fermions ( ~ ) ' and fermions ~ in order to get bosons (X/~) '. If they are isome-
trics of the bilinear form (7) for h = 0 (classical limit) then they define an asso-
ciative algebra under multiplication that can be written like the tensor product
(9), up to a sign. In this case R = [~zP~6] is given by lim,,--._l of the matrix
R(u) in (12).
In the quantum case (h ~ 0) the M2 transformation are restricted by the fol-
lowing relations
(4~-1) (4~-1)
8ijSij+l "~ Z 8ij+lSij ~-~ O i--~ 1, . . . , ( 4 n - 1) (15)
j=l j=l
i = 1 , - . - , ( 2 n - 1),(2n + 1 ) , . . . ( 4 n - 1)
~-~(silsjz+l + qsjlsil+l) = 1 j = i + 1, ..., (4n)
where l is an odd number and sij is the ij-th entry of the M2 quantum matrix.
We should remark that M2 is the most general group of quantum matrices which
mix bosons (fermions) in order to get fermions (bosons) for the classical limit
and the quantum case if we consider the restrictions given in (15).
On the other hand, the R(v) YBB constructed from R(u) in (12) using the
following conformal mapping u --+ q_l_------~el~ (where either 0 < Imv < rr and
Irau > 0 or 0 < [my < rr, Rev < 0 and Imu > 0, lul < 1) is a regular solution
of YBE. It means
R(v)/,=0 = P , P = [~zP~a] (16)
where P is the permutation operator
for the transition (or monodromy) matrix T, where Xi are coordinates of the
quantum chain.
Let us present the one dimensional quantum system associated to R(v). The
quantum system in question is a closed ring of bound states [1, 18], thus the
space of quantum states is V1® V2 ®... ® VM. The L - o p e r a t o r L(u) is considered
as a matrix whose elements are operators in VN.
~ , L ( u ) z z , = ~ , R(u)z~, (19)
the indices a, fl being the matrix ones and at, fl~ being the quantum ones.
The infinite number of commuting and conserved physical magnitudes for this
one dimensional field model can be constructed using a generating function and
is related with an infinite dimensional symmetry transformation group or gauge
M. Liischer [20] has shown that
Jn =
d •It(0)Z l ( )1/
n -it v v=0 (20)
= - p x ~ ¢i = 0 (22)
where p is a real number. Although, we would like that they define an associa-
tive algebra under multiplication that would be written like the tensor product
(9), up to a sign (where R = [,ZRv6 ] might be given by the limit of a linear
combination of the R-matrices reported by Jimbo [13]) we are not able to write
the GL(4n) symmetry in the (9) tensor product form. On the contrary, only for
particular cases of M we can write the symmetry in the proper way.
Let us consider the following example; M is defined like
( 0 0 ) 0.3_ 1 (q-lGLq(2n) 0 )
o'- = V~ GLq(2n) 0 - ~ 0 -qGLq(2n) '
q is any real number, Q = q + q-1 and m/* are real coefficients such that m0 #
- m 3 . If the set of M3 matrices are isometries of the bilinear form (7) for h = 0
(classical limit) then they define an associative algebra under multiplication that
can be written like the tensor product (9).
In this case R = [] is given by
for all (o/,/3') parameters.
Furthermore, the set of matrices ~ru constitutes a representation for q-deformed
Pauli matrices [21]. On the other hand eq.(25) resembles, provided we choose
properly the spectral value and free parameters, the D(2+)1 quantum matrix
reported by Jimbo [13]. Anyway, we claim that at least it constitutes a linear
combination of the R(x) matrices presented by Jimbo for a particular set of
spectral values.
5 S u m m a r y and C o n c l u s i o n s
We use the Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein statistics in Fock space as the first
step to define a q-mutator algebra for any q real number. A quantum group
structure as symmetry of this q-deformed statistics, which keeps the Pauli prin-
ciple invariant, is found out. In the "classical" limit h --+ 0 we recover the
usual Manin quantum superspaces, in the limit q = 1 we have the usual Clifford
algebra in n dimensional free Fock space.
Three different cases for the quantum symmetry are studied. The first one
corresponds to the well established symmetry transformations among fermions
(bosons), namely the mixed states fermions-bosons are not considered.
Like the quantum symmetry for this case (in the classical limit) can be con-
sidered as a limit of a regular Yang Baxter bundle, we construct the totally
integrable one dimensional field model associated with it. The generating func-
tion of the infinite number of conserved and commuting physical magnitudes
for this system is given. For the quantum structure (h ¢ 0), some restrictions
to the quantum matrices M1 are presented.
In the second case, we present the symmetry transformation of bosonic states
into fermionic ones and vice versa . Like in case 1 the quantum symmetry up
to a sign (in the classical limit) can be considered as a limit of the same regular
Yang Baxter bundle obtained for case 1. For the quantum structure (h ¢ 0),
some restrictions to the quantum matrices M2 are presented.
The last case is related with a linear transformation between bosons and
fermions, the so called supersymmetry. We can not relate the general case to
the Yang-Baxter tensor product but only particular forms for M3 are allowed
to be used, an example (in the q-deformed Pauli matrices basis) is given.
We remark that all the matrices so obtained might be associated to six-vertex
or ice-type models in statistical mechanics. Additionally, locality has been lost
either in the sense of space-like commutativity or in the sense that observables
are point-like functionals of the fields [22].
6 Acknowledgments
The technical assistance of Miss C. Brichard is greatly appreciated.
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