7th Grade English Language Arts Checklist
7th Grade English Language Arts Checklist
7th Grade English Language Arts Checklist
❑ RL.7.1: I can correctly cite many pieces of evidence from what a text states explicitly, as well as
from what can be inferred from a text.
❑ RL.7.2: I can find the theme or main idea of a text. I can explain how the theme develops
throughout the text. I can give a summary of a text without inserting my personal opinion.
❑ RL.7.3: I can explain how elements in a piece of literature interact with other elements.
❑ RL.7.4: I can tell you the meaning of words and phrases that I have read. I can explain figurative
and connotative meanings. I can evaluate how rhymes and alliteration affect pieces of literature.
❑ RL.7.5: I can explain how the structure of a poem or play contributes to its meaning.
❑ RL.7.6: I can explain how an author develops different points of view in a text.
❑ RL.7.7: I can explain the similarities and differences between a written a piece of literature, and
an audio, video, multimedia, or live version of the same piece of literature. I can describe the
techniques that are used in each form of medium, such as lighting, color, and sound.
❑ RL.7.9: I can talk about similarities and differences between fictional and historical accounts of
the same person, place, or event. I can discuss how authors use and change history to tell their
❑ RL.7.10: I can read grade level literature. I understand what I am reading.
❑ RI.7.1: I can correctly cite many pieces of evidence to support what the text says, as well as what
the text implies through inferences.
❑ RI.7.2: I can figure out the main ideas of a text and explain how these ideas develop throughout
the text. I can summarize a text without including my opinions and judgments.
❑ RI.7.3: I can give an in-depth analysis about the interactions between people, events, and ideas
in a text.
❑ RI.7.4: I can tell you the figurative, connotative, and technical meanings of words in the texts I
am reading. I can discuss the impact of these word choices.
❑ RI.7.5: I can examine the way a text is structured. I can tell you how this helps to develop the
ideas in texts such as public documents.
❑ RI7.5a: I can analyze the use of text features (e.g., graphics, headers, captions) in public
❑ RI.7.6: I can tell you about an author's point of view and purpose. I can explain how one author's
point of view is different from another author's point of view.
❑ RI.7.7: I can explain the similarities and differences between a written text, and an audio, video,
or multimedia version of the same text. I can analyze how the subject is presented in each type
of medium.
❑ RI.7.8: I can assess the effectiveness of an argument by determining which claims use sound
reasons and evidence to support their claims and which do not.
❑ RI.7.9: I can compare and contrast the way two different authors present information on the
same topic. I can discuss how the authors interpret the information differently.
❑ RI.7.10: I can read and understand grade-level informational text.
I Can Write:
❑ W.7.1: I can write arguments. I can support my arguments with reasons and evidence.
❑ W.7.1a: I can introduce a claim. I can acknowledge and refute opposing viewpoints. I can clearly
organize my reasons and evidence.
❑ W.7.1b: I can support my claims and counterarguments with reasons and evidence. I can use
reliable sources and show that I understand the topic.
❑ W.7.1c: I can explain the relationships between claims, reasons, and evidence using appropriate
words, phrases, and clauses.
❑ W.7.1d: I can use a formal style in my writing.
❑ W.7.1e: I can write a conclusion that supports the argument I presented.
❑ W.7.2: I can write informative/explanatory texts in order to study a topic. I can choose and
organize relevant information to go along with my topic.
❑ W.7.2a: I can clearly introduce my topic/thesis and organize my ideas. I can use various
strategies such as providing definitions, comparing/contrasting, discussing cause/effect, and
using text features to help the reader understand the topic.
❑ W.7.2b: I can include facts, definitions, examples, quotations, details, and other information to
develop my topic.
❑ W.7.2c: I can use transitions to tie my ideas together.
❑ W.7.2d: I can use academic vocabulary to write about my topic.
❑ W.7.2e: I can write using a formal style.
❑ W.7.2f: I can write a conclusion that follows and supports the information I presented.
❑ W.7.3: I can write a narrative about a real or imagined experience or event. I can use proper
techniques, descriptive details, and a clear sequence of events in my writing.
❑ W.7.3a: I can involve my reader by effectively introducing my narrator and characters, and by
establishing a point of view. I can organize my writing so that the events occur in a logical
❑ W.7.3b: I can develop my story using the narrative techniques of dialogue, description, and
❑ W.7.3c: I can show the shift from one time or setting to another using transitional words,
phrases, and clauses.
❑ W.7.3d: I can show action and events in my story using descriptive language, exact
words/phrases, and sensory language.
❑ W.7.3e: I can end my writing with a conclusion that follows the narrated story I presented.
❑ W.7.4: I can create a clear piece of writing that keeps the task, purpose, and audience in mind.
❑ W.7.5: I can get help from peers and adults to strengthen my writing and make sure that I've
focused on my purpose and audience.
❑ W.7.6: I can get help from technology, the Internet, and other people to produce and publish my
writing. I can link to and cite the sources I used.
❑ W.7.7: I can complete short research projects. I can use several sources to answer a question
and produce questions for further research.
❑ W.7.8: I can use search terms, gather information from more than one source, and determine if
my sources are credible and accurate. I can take notes without plagiarizing and cite
❑ W.7.9: I can get evidence from different texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.
❑ W.7.9a: I can apply the reading standards to literature.
❑ W.7.9b: I can apply the reading standards to literary non-fiction.
❑ W.7.10: I can write for long and short time frames. I can write for different tasks, purposes, and
❑ SL.7.1: I can participate in class discussions in different sized groups and with different partners.
I can listen thoughtfully and build on others' ideas about a variety of topics and issues.
❑ SL.7.1a: I can prepare for discussions ahead of time by learning about the material in advance. I
can cite evidence, ask questions, and reflect during the discussion.
❑ SL.7.1b: I can follow rules for discussions by choosing individual roles, setting goals and
deadlines, and tracking progress.
❑ SL.7.1c: I can ask, answer, and expand on specific questions and comments during discussions. I
can help refocus the discussion if need be.
❑ SL.7.1d: I can accept information provided by other speakers. I can change their views as
❑ SL.7.2: I can understand ideas and details presented in different ways. I can explain how the
information clarifies the topic we are studying.
❑ SL.7.3: I can identify a speaker's arguments, claims, and attitudes towards their topic. I can
describe the claims that are supported by evidence and those that are not.
❑ SL.7.4: I can deliver an oral report to present my claims and findings. I can clearly focus,
organize, and support my ideas with facts and details. I can speak at a good pace, at a
reasonable volume, and I can use appropriate eye contact.
❑ SL.7.4a: I can deliver an oral argument that supports a claim, organizes evidence clearly and
logically, states counterarguments, uses transitions, and contains a conclusion.
❑ SL.7.5: I can use multimedia components and visuals to make the claims and main points in my
presentation clear.
❑ SL.7.6: I can use appropriate speech, including formal English, for different situations.
❑ L.7.1: I can effectively use standard English grammar when writing or speaking.
❑ L.7.1a: I can explain the function of phrases and clauses.
❑ L.7.1b: I can pick between simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences to
show relationships between ideas.
❑ L.7.1c: I can use phrases and clauses in my sentences. I can recognize and fix dangling modifiers.
❑ L.7.2: I can effectively write while using standard English punctuation, capitalization, and
❑ L.7.2a: I can use commas to coordinate adjectives.
❑ L.7.2b: I can spell words correctly.
❑ L.7.3: I can use what I know about language when speaking, listening, reading, and writing.
❑ L.7.3a: I can choose just the right words to express ideas without being repetitive or too wordy.
❑ L.7.4: I can figure out the correct meaning of words/phrases by using different strategies.
❑ L.7.4a: I can use the context of a word to figure out the meaning of a word.
❑ L.7.4b: I can use Greek or Latin root words and affixes as clues to determine what a word means.
❑ L.7.4c: I can use an online or print dictionary, glossary, or thesaurus to help with finding the
correct pronunciation, part of speech, meaning, or etymology of a word.
❑ L.7.4d: I can confirm the initial determination of the meaning of a word/phrase. I can do this by
checking the inferred meaning in a dictionary or in context.
❑ L.7.5: I can understand figurative language, word relationships, and small differences in word
❑ L.7.5a: I can understand figures of speech in context.
❑ L.7.5b: I can use the relationship between certain words (part/whole, item/category) to better
understand the individual words.
❑ L.7.5c: I can distinguish meanings of words (denotations) from similar associations
❑ L.7.6: I can find and use grade-level academic words, phrases, and vocabulary to aid in