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00-AppInADay Lab Overview

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Power Platform

App in a Day
Overview and Pre-requisites
Hands-on Lab Step-by-Step

February 2021
Power Apps App in a Day Overview and Pre-requisites

Lab Overview and Pre-requisites

Abstract and Learning Objectives
This is a beginner level lab for you to get hands on experience with the Microsoft Power Platform technologies – Power
Apps, Power Automate, and Microsoft Dataverse. The lab includes step-by-step instructions for someone new to these
technologies to build a device ordering solution within a day. Technologies covered are:

Power Apps: A software as a service (SAAS) application platform that enables power users in line of business roles
to easily build and deploy custom business apps. You will learn how to build Canvas and Model-driven style of

Power Automate: A business service for line of business specialists and IT pros to build automated workflows

Microsoft Dataverse: Makes it easier to bring your data together and quickly create powerful apps using a
compliant and scalable data service and app platform that is integrated into Power Apps.

Make sure to follow all the pre-requisite steps listed in this document before starting the labs. Because the Power Platform
is a cloud-based solution, you can complete all labs remotely.

Once you’ve completed the lab, please share your feedback using the survey at Lab Survey

For a list of additional learning resources and introductory videos, see Learning Resources

Lab structure and Learning Objectives

The lab is divided into four modules, with one lab document provided for each module. Additionally, you may choose to
do the crisis response labs for the Crisis Communication App, and the Crisis Communication Bot.

1. 01-Power Apps Canvas App Lab Manual:

Focuses on the basic concepts involved in building Power Apps Canvas apps. You will learn how to:
• Connect to data sources and filter results based on specified criteria
• Work with screens and navigation
• Use controls, properties, formulas, and actions to customize the user experience
• Display the logged in user’s name
• Configure app settings
• Save and share an app
• Run an app on a mobile device
2. 02- Microsoft Dataverse Lab Manual:
Introduces you to the Microsoft Dataverse. You will learn how to:
• Create and customize a custom table
• Use the Form control
• Save data into the Microsoft Dataverse using the Form control
3. 03-Power Apps Model-driven App Lab Manual:
Introduces you to building Model-driven Power Apps. You will learn how to:
• Create a standalone Model-driven app.
• Customize forms for the Model-driven app
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Power Apps App in a Day Overview and pre-requisites

• Use a Business Process Flow to guide users through a process

4. 04-Power Automate Lab Manual:
Introduces you to Power Automate. You will learn how to:
• Create a flow that is triggered when a new Microsoft Dataverse row is created
• Automate sending approval requests
• Customize the approval based on the Microsoft Dataverse row
• Use the Approval center

Additional available labs

The following labs are included as part of the Power Platform App in a Day download package. They are available to you
to complete in addition to the labs included in the curriculum. The crisis response labs have been tested in an
environment with the App in a Day solution, but do not require you to complete the App in a Day modules to complete
these labs.

Crisis response labs

The following labs are designed to help you configure and deploy the Microsoft crisis response apps created as a
response to COVID-19. These apps were developed by Microsoft and released in response to the COVID-19 crisis to aid
front-line workers manage communication and assets. You can learn more about these, and additional assets, here.

1. CR01-Crisis Communication App

Introduces you to the Crisis Communication App. You will learn how to:
• Configure SharePoint site
• Import and configure communication app
• Setup and test the app
• Import and configure the notification flow
2. CR02-Crisis Communication Bot
Introduces you to the Crisis Communication Bot. You will learn how to:
• Create topics for the bot
• Test the topics
• Change the greeting
• Publish the bot

How to start a module without completing previous module(s)

The lab package includes a \Completed folder which consists of a set of app packages. If you wish to start on a module
without having completed the previous module(s), you may import a partially built app package. See the corresponding
instructions in each of the subfolders within the “Completed” folder.

• To directly start working on Module 2 -> see instructions in \Completed\Module1 subfolder

• To directly start on Module 3 -> see instructions in \Completed\Module2 subfolder
• To directly start on Module 4 -> see instructions in \Completed\Module3 subfolder

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Power Apps App in a Day Overview and Pre-requisites

Pre-requisites: Before starting the hands-on lab

Task 1: Download the Lab Files
1. Download file Lab Files
2. Save a local copy of the lab contents: Download the PAHandsOnLabContent.zip file for the lab from Lab Files.
Save it to a local folder, such as C:\AppInADay. Extract the ZIP package. This package contains the sample data for
the app, PDF copies of the lab manuals, and pre-built app packages.

Task 2: Sign-in to Power Apps

1. Confirm that you are licensed to use Power Apps: Go to Make Power Apps and sign-in with your business or
school account. This is the same as your Office 365 or Dynamics 365 login. If you are not able to use Power Apps
with your organizational credentials, you may review the instructions for provisioning a demo tenant at the notes
2. Start a trial of Power Apps: Usage of Microsoft Dataverse requires a Power Apps premium license. Go to Power
Apps Pricing and select the “Try free” option to start a free 30-day trial. For more detailed information on signing
up for a free trial, see here. For information on signing up for a free community plan for individual use, see here.

NOTE: This lab documentation assumes that you will use the web version of the Power Apps Studio, which will run in a
browser: Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer 11, Google Chrome, or Safari.

NOTE: If you are unable to sign-up for a Power Apps premium license using your organization credentials, you may
provision a free Office365 demo tenant at Microsoft Demo Site. Use the demo tenant credentials to sign up for a Power
Apps Trial. Make sure to review licensing and make sure your Power Apps license is assigned to you after starting a trial of
Power Apps for your demo tenant.

Task 3: Install the Power Apps and Power Automate mobile applications
1. Install the Power Apps mobile application: Go to the app store on your mobile device. Search for “Power
Apps” and install the Power Apps mobile application. If prompted, keep push notifications enabled.

2. Install the Power Automate mobile application: Go to the app store on your mobile device. Search for “Power
Automate” and install the application. If prompted, keep push notifications enabled.

Task 4: Create a new environment and Microsoft Dataverse database instance

You must have a newly created Microsoft Dataverse environment and database instance, that was created just for this
lab. If you don’t have a new environment or have an older environment, follow the steps below to create the environment
and provision the database instance.

1. Open the Power Apps admin center by navigating to Admin Power Apps in a web browser.

2. You may be prompted to sign up for a free Power Apps trial if you did not already complete this as part of a
previous step. Follow the prompts to start your trial, which will give you access to the admin center.

Note: you can also access the admin center by signing in at Make Power Apps and clicking the settings icon in the
top right and selecting Admin center.

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Power Apps App in a Day Overview and pre-requisites

3. In the Admin center, select Environments and click +New.

4. Provide a name for the environment. A common practice is to use your name followed by “Test” so it is clear this
is a test environment.
5. Select Trial, select your Region, make sure Create a database is set to Yes, and click Next.

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Power Apps App in a Day Overview and Pre-requisites

6. Select your Language, your URL, and your Currency. Check Yes for Deploy sample apps and data, and then click

Note: You can choose your local language and currency. However, the lab manuals were created using US dollars and
English language configurations.

7. You will see a screen listing all environments that will show the newly created environment.

8. IMPORANT: You need to wait for the database to finish provisioning before trying to create an application. The
Status will change to Ready when done.

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Power Apps App in a Day Overview and pre-requisites

9. This may take few minutes to complete. Wait for it to complete before proceeding with creating an app. If it has
been over two minutes, try refreshing the browser. Once the database has been created you should no longer see
this “Preparing Instance” message. You can then proceed with the lab.

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Power Apps App in a Day Overview and Pre-requisites

Lab survey
Once you’ve completed the lab, we would appreciate your feedback on: (A) the product technologies that you learned
about today – Power Apps, Microsoft Dataverse, Power Automate, and on (B) the lab content – the value of the learning
experience and the quality of the documentation.

Please use the Survey to share your feedback.

You may provide feedback for all modules at once, or as you complete each module. Thank you!

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