Energy: Sources, Conversion, Conservation and Sustainability
Energy: Sources, Conversion, Conservation and Sustainability
Energy: Sources, Conversion, Conservation and Sustainability
Energy: Sources,
Conversion, Conservation
and Sustainability
“It is clear that there is some difference between ends: some ends
are energeia [energy], while others are products which are addi-
tional to the energeia.” [The first description of the concept of
energy] Aristotle, 384BC–322BC.
“Energie is the operation, efflux or activity of any being: as the light
of the Sunne is the energie of the Sunne, and every phantasm of the
soul is the energie of the soul.” [The first recorded definition of
the term energy in English] Henry More FRS (12 October 1614–
1 September 1687) In Platonica: A Platonicall Song of the Soul
(1642). Henry More was an English philosopher of the Cambridge
Platonist School.
“As the saying goes, the Stone Age did not end because we ran out
of stones; we transitioned to better solutions. The same opportunity
lies before us with energy efficiency and clean energy.” Steven Chu
(Noble Laureate and former U.S. Secretary of Energy), in letter
(1 Feb 2013) to Energy Department employees announcing his
decision not to serve a second term.
2 Energy: Sources, Utilization, Legislation, Sustainability, Illinois as Model State
1.1. Introduction
In this book, we present various energy sources, conversions tech-
nologies and conservation possibilities. In every case, we have pre-
sented various options available for a country, for a state, or for a
community to achieve its goal of energy sufficiency, clean environ-
ment, and as a result, sustainability. Variety of schemes related to
each energy source and its related conversion technologies are pre-
sented and sustainability of renewable energy sources is discussed.
All the possible energy sources including coal, natural gas, petroleum,
nuclear, solar, wind, biofuels, and geothermal energy are presented in
this book, as well as energy storage options. We have also presented
various ways of dealing with carbon dioxide, which is produced from
fossil fuels combustion, including its collection, transportation, stor-
age and sequestration. The energy storage systems presented in this
book will facilitate reliable and full integration of renewable power
to the grid.
Energy is simply defined as “the ability to do work.” Energy is
a discrete measurable quantity which has units as defined by various
means and at various scales.
Joule [J] is the basic energy unit of the metric system as well as the
International System of Units (SI). One Joule is equal to the work done
by a force of one Newton [N], when its point of application moves
one meter in the direction of action of the force. One Newton is the
force [F] that accelerates an object with a mass of one kilogram [kg]
by one meter [m] per second [s] in each second (1m/s2 ). Newton is the
force exerted by Earth’s gravity at sea level on one kilogram of mass.
1J = 1N.m = (1.1)
Watt is the basic unit of power in the metric system. It is the power
produced from one Joule of work done in one second (1 J = 1 W.s).
The smallest unit of energy used in science is the electron volt
[eV ], which is a unit of energy equal to 1.60217657 × 10−19 J.
Energy: Sources, Conversion, Conservation and Sustainability 3
One electron volt is the amount of energy gained (or lost) by the
charge of a single electron moved across an electric potential differ-
ence of one volt.
An erg (short for ergon, a Greek word meaning “work/task”) is
the next smallest energy unit used in science after electron volt. An
erg is the amount of work done by a force of one dyne exerted for
a distance of one centimeter. In the CGS (centimeter-gram-second)
base units, it is equal to one gram centimeter-squared per second-
squared [g·cm2 /s2 ]. One erg is equal to 10−7 Joule.
In industry the more common units of energy used are the
calorie (cal), British thermal unit (Btu), Kilowatt-hour (kWh) and
Horsepower-hour (hph). Calorie is defined as the amount of heat
required to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree
Celsius at a pressure of one standard atmosphere. Similarly, Btu is
defined as the amount of heat required at a pressure of one standard
atmosphere, to raise the temperature of one pound of water by one
degree Fahrenheit. In Table 1.1, we report all the energy units and
their conversions in Joule.
There are vast and readily available conversion factors between
various SI and British unit systems of length, mass, weight, force,
energy, power, etc. in literature and in electronic media and we avoid
presenting them here.
4 Energy: Sources, Utilization, Legislation, Sustainability, Illinois as Model State
and structure of the system. For example, a fossil fuel like coal
has its intrinsic energy in the form of combustible materials like
hydrocarbons, while uranium has its intrinsic energy in the form of
its fissionability. The intrinsic energy that we have defined above is
more general than the internal energy as defined in the science of
thermodynamics, since we are including nuclear (fission and fusion)
energies. Also, considering the fact that energies of a system are
additive and that they can be converted into one another, we write the
following equation for the total energy of a system:
Fig. 1.2. Renewable energy resources. Left to right. (Top row): solar, wind,
biomass/biofuel; (Bottom row): geothermal, hydro, ocean thermal gradient.
(dams, waves and tidal energy) and ocean thermal energy gradients.
There are potentials for hydropower utilization in certain locations
around the world and the related technologies are well developed and
understood. However, utilization of ocean thermal energy gradients
is limited to certain off-shore locations and requires advanced tech-
nology. In this book, we limit our presentations and discussions to
the major renewable energy sources, i.e. solar energy, wind energy,
plants/biofuel energy, and geothermal energy (Fig. 1.2).
Non-renewable (or non-replenishable) energy sources, which are
known as fossil fuels, are known to deplete and release carbon dioxide
and other pollutants to the atmosphere when used for energy produc-
tion through combustion. Non-renewable energy sources are mostly
made up of hydrocarbons and other compounds that are considered
impurities from energy sources perspective. There exist seven well-
known fossil fuel resources in nature (Mansoori 2009a, 2009b). In the
order of their fluidity, they are natural gas, gas-condensate (also
Energy: Sources, Conversion, Conservation and Sustainability 7
Fig. 1.3. The normal conditions of the twelve naturally occurring fossil/hydro-
carbon resources, in the order of fluidity from left to right. (Top row): natural
gas, gas-condensate (NGL), light crude oil, intermediate crude oil, heavy oil, tar
sand (Mansoori 2009a, 2009b); (Bottom row): oil shale, anthracite coal, bituminous
coal, subbituminous coal, lignite and peat. Naturally occurring hydrocarbon energy
sources vary in fluidity color, odor, and physicochemical properties, as shown in
this figure.
known as NGL which stands for natural-gas liquid), light crude, inter-
mediate crude, heavy oil, tar sand, and oil shale, as shown symboli-
cally in Fig. 1.3. These are all naturally occurring complex mixtures,
made up of hydrocarbons and other organic and inorganic compounds
with varieties of molecular structures and sizes.
The technologies for utilization of coal, petroleum, natural gas,
and other non-renewable energy sources were quite well developed
in the course of the past two centuries. In this book, we devote Chap-
ters 2–5 to brief histories and recent developments of such fossil
fuels, from the point of view of environmental pollution control and
governmental legislations and policy trends towards better utilization
and/or reduction in their consumption.
Nuclear power technology can be quite diverse, depending on
the type of nuclear reaction (fission or fusion) and nuclear fuel
(uranium, thorium, plutonium, hydrogen, etc.) used. Conventional
nuclear power stations (Fig. 1.4) use uranium as the element prone
to nuclear fission reaction in order to produce thermal energy and its
subsequent conversion to electricity. Uranium is a heavy metal which
8 Energy: Sources, Utilization, Legislation, Sustainability, Illinois as Model State
Fig. 1.4. General schematic of the conventional nuclear power system: A: main
reactor, B: steam generator, C: steam turbine, and D: electricity generator.
Fig. 1.5. General scheme of energy conversion and the fact that when we convert
one kind of energy to another the efficiency of conversion is always less than 100%.
Fig. 1.7. A basic Rankine thermal power cycle (Modified from Mansoori, 2013).
Rankine cycle. Figures 1.7 and 1.8 show the conventional methods
for producing power and refrigeration/air conditioning systems from
thermal energy. In Fig. 1.7, we report the basic Rankine thermal
power cycle for production of mechanical energy, a hot source such
as burning a fossil fuel, a nuclear reaction or heat collected from solar
Energy: Sources, Conversion, Conservation and Sustainability 13
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Energy generaƟon eĸciencies (%)
Fig. 1.9. The theoretical efficiency of converting various energy sources by a vari-
ety of methods into useful electrical energy (Lawson, 2005).
Fig. 1.10. Map of continental USA in which the location of the State of Illinois and
other Midwestern States (Iowa, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Missouri, Minnesota,
Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota and Wisconsin) are shown.
Fig. 1.11. Illinois electricity generation from various energy sources in 2011, 2012
and 2013 (US-EIA 2013a, US-EIA 2013b; US-EIA, 2014a).
to a 2013 annual report issued by the Illinois Power Agency, over the
past five years, the amount of electricity generation from coal-fired
power plants represented a lower percentage of the total electric-
ity generation in the state, while nuclear electricity generation has
remained unchanged (IPA, 2013). This reduction in coal-fired power
generation in Illinois is largely due to lower prices of natural gas,
which the Energy Information Administration (EIA) has projected
only a modest increase for the next 10 to 15 years (IPA, 2013). As
this current boom of natural gas and petroleum production appears
to provide some optimism in finding a solution to the U.S. energy
problem, these economic gains can only be transient because neither
energy sources is sustainable, especially with the world’s population
approaching the projected nine billion in the year 2050.
As a model state, we study and report various energy sources, con-
version, conservation options, and technologies available for the State
of Illinois to achieve its goal of energy sufficiency, clean environment
and sustainability. While some of the data reported in the chapters are
specific to Illinois, the options, technologies, implementation proce-
dures, the guidelines, rules and regulations necessary to achieve sus-
tainability in energy and environmental protection reported in this
book are generally applicable to any state, province, or countries all
around the world.
Many parts of the world, and specially the State of Illinois, is
quite accustomed to using nuclear fission and fossil (non-renewable)
energies to meet their energy needs. In recent years, Illinois, having
the 5th largest population among the states in the U.S., ranked 5th in
the U.S. in total energy consumption with about 1018 calories (∼4 ×
1015 Btu) per year, behind Louisiana, Florida, California and Texas.
In 2012, Illinois ranked 26th in the nation in total energy consumption
per capita at 7.56 × 1010 calories (300 million Btu) and ranked 42nd
in energy expenditure at $3,737 per capita (US-EIA, 2014b).
For over a century, coal has become the bedrock of Illinois energy
source (see Chapter 2 of this book), feeding its electric power plants
Energy: Sources, Conversion, Conservation and Sustainability 25
in the coal industry. Chapter 2 of this book will discuss the current
clean coal technology projects in the state of Illinois that are designed
to use Illinois coal.
Besides coal production, Illinois depends on nuclear energy to
meet its energy needs as will be discussed in Chapter 6. As of 2014,
the state has six nuclear power plants, representing about 12% of the
nation’s nuclear energy production, which makes it the largest nuclear
energy producing state in the continental U.S. However expansion
of nuclear plant fleet in the state has experienced stumbling blocks
due to uncertainty in storage of nuclear spent fuels. Illinois has the
largest spent nuclear fuel (a high risk radioactive waste) in the nation,
amounting to approximately 8, 000+ tons. According to experts, the
best current option for management and containment of spent nuclear
fuel is storage in underground geologic formations. However, the use
of this method has become very polemical, as every state in the U.S.
tries to protect its territory from nuclear contamination. Alternative
approach for reprocessing of nuclear spent fuel cannot be practiced
in Illinois since this method has been banned in the U.S. since 1992
to avoid nuclear proliferation (Cerami, 2010).
Illinois is not a major producer, but consumes appreciable amount
of petroleum and natural gas (see Chapters 3 and 4). As a result, the
state imports crude oil from Canada, while natural gas is purchased
from overseas through the U.S. Gulf Coast, the U.S. midcontinent
regions, Western Canada, Colorado and Wyoming.
In 2012, Illinois consumed about 226 million barrels of crude oil
at a cost of about $30 billion, representing 61.8% of the total amount
of money on energy expenditure by the state. In the same year, Illinois
consumption of natural gas totaled 26.56×109 standard cubic meters
(∼938 BSCF) at the cost of ∼$6.2 billion, or 12.8% of the total money
spent on energy by the state (US-EIA, 2014e).
Illinois is a major transportation hub for crude oil and natural
gas distribution throughout North America, due to its central loca-
tion and pipeline infrastructure. The 2010 energy industry economic
output from the pipeline transportation sector was approximately
Energy: Sources, Conversion, Conservation and Sustainability 27
Fig. 1.12. Illinois Basin and its shares of its locations in Illinois, Indiana and
Kentucky (Schaefer, 2013).
$662.6 million (Lewis and Bergeron, 2010). This revenue was based
on services offered by the oil and gas transportation hubs, employ-
ment, as well as taxes paid by the pipeline companies to the state.
In recent years, there has been a shift in global energy supply,
mainly due to new discoveries of oil and gas reserves in shale rock,
particularly in the U.S. (Rosenthal, 2012). To reduce its oil and natural
gas imports, Illinois legislators are debating on how to tap into the
presumed vast resource of shale gas located in the Illinois Basin,
shown in Fig. 1.12.
Such new technologies like hydraulic fracturing and horizontal
drilling have opened up new natural gas and oil reserves that were oth-
erwise technically challenging or economically prohibitive. Natural
gas prices have kept decreasing in recent years and electricity gener-
ation from natural gas in U.S. would exceed that from coal in 2035
(IEA, 2013). With possible abundance of cheap natural gas in the
state, Illinois could replace some or all of its coal-fired power plants
28 Energy: Sources, Utilization, Legislation, Sustainability, Illinois as Model State
Fig. 1.13. Spread of towns with 100 percent renewable electricity in Illinois (WWF,
Energy: Sources, Conversion, Conservation and Sustainability 29
in 2014 was 0.69◦ C (1.24◦ F) higher than the 20th century aver-
age. The 2014 global average ocean and land surface temperatures
were 0.57◦ C (1.03◦ F) and 1.0◦ C (1.8◦ F), respectively, above the
20th century average (NOAA, 2015). The year 2014 was not the
warmest year in the U.S., but one of the warmest on record and the
18th consecutive year with an annual average temperature above the
20th century average for the country (NOAA, 2015). Greenhouse
gas emissions are major contributors of global warming and in fact
scientific studies have shown near-linear relationship between global
warming and cumulative carbon dioxide (CO2 ) emissions (Allen et
al., 2009; Matthews et al., 2009; Meinshausen et al., 2009). Accord-
ing to a very comprehensive report by Stocker et al., (2013), global
mean sea level rose by 0.19 meter (∼7.5 inches) from 1901–2010.
Similarly, increase in concentrations of carbon dioxide, methane and
nitrous oxide was observed at levels unprecedented in the last 800,000
years. The rise in CO2 concentration is primarily due to use of fossil
fuels and secondarily from deforestation, reducing absorption of CO2
from the air (Stocker et al., 2013). The anthropogenic emission of
carbon dioxide has caused ocean acidification and it is believed that
more than half of the global average surface temperature increase is
due to emission of greenhouse gases (Stocker et al., 2013). It is very
likely that extreme temperatures (high and low) and their frequency
of occurrence are the result of anthropogenic forces.
To avoid dangerous climate change, more than 100 countries
have adopted the average global surface temperature increase of 2◦ C
(3.6◦ F) over the pre-industrial average levels to be a guiding princi-
ple (Meinshausen et al., 2009). A recent study (Friedlingstein et al.,
2014) estimated that for a 66% probability of staying below the 2◦ C
(3.6◦ F) threshold, global CO2 and non-CO2 emissions must be kept
below the quota of 3,200 billion metric tons (or 3,200 gigatons, Gt).
The same study projected that with 66% probability, and in order to
stay below the 2◦ C (3.6◦ F) limit, the remaining emissions of CO2
from 2015 onwards cannot be more than 1,200 billion metric tons.
Energy: Sources, Conversion, Conservation and Sustainability 31
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