Energy: Sources, Conversion, Conservation and Sustainability

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Energy: Sources,
Conversion, Conservation
and Sustainability

“It is clear that there is some difference between ends: some ends
are energeia [energy], while others are products which are addi-
tional to the energeia.” [The first description of the concept of
energy] Aristotle, 384BC–322BC.
“Energie is the operation, efflux or activity of any being: as the light
of the Sunne is the energie of the Sunne, and every phantasm of the
soul is the energie of the soul.” [The first recorded definition of
the term energy in English] Henry More FRS (12 October 1614–
1 September 1687) In Platonica: A Platonicall Song of the Soul
(1642). Henry More was an English philosopher of the Cambridge
Platonist School.
“As the saying goes, the Stone Age did not end because we ran out
of stones; we transitioned to better solutions. The same opportunity
lies before us with energy efficiency and clean energy.” Steven Chu
(Noble Laureate and former U.S. Secretary of Energy), in letter
(1 Feb 2013) to Energy Department employees announcing his
decision not to serve a second term.

2 Energy: Sources, Utilization, Legislation, Sustainability, Illinois as Model State

1.1. Introduction
In this book, we present various energy sources, conversions tech-
nologies and conservation possibilities. In every case, we have pre-
sented various options available for a country, for a state, or for a
community to achieve its goal of energy sufficiency, clean environ-
ment, and as a result, sustainability. Variety of schemes related to
each energy source and its related conversion technologies are pre-
sented and sustainability of renewable energy sources is discussed.
All the possible energy sources including coal, natural gas, petroleum,
nuclear, solar, wind, biofuels, and geothermal energy are presented in
this book, as well as energy storage options. We have also presented
various ways of dealing with carbon dioxide, which is produced from
fossil fuels combustion, including its collection, transportation, stor-
age and sequestration. The energy storage systems presented in this
book will facilitate reliable and full integration of renewable power
to the grid.
Energy is simply defined as “the ability to do work.” Energy is
a discrete measurable quantity which has units as defined by various
means and at various scales.
Joule [J] is the basic energy unit of the metric system as well as the
International System of Units (SI). One Joule is equal to the work done
by a force of one Newton [N], when its point of application moves
one meter in the direction of action of the force. One Newton is the
force [F] that accelerates an object with a mass of one kilogram [kg]
by one meter [m] per second [s] in each second (1m/s2 ). Newton is the
force exerted by Earth’s gravity at sea level on one kilogram of mass.

1J = 1N.m = (1.1)
Watt is the basic unit of power in the metric system. It is the power
produced from one Joule of work done in one second (1 J = 1 W.s).
The smallest unit of energy used in science is the electron volt
[eV ], which is a unit of energy equal to 1.60217657 × 10−19 J.
Energy: Sources, Conversion, Conservation and Sustainability 3

Fig. 1.1. Illustration of the electron volt (eV ) definition.

One electron volt is the amount of energy gained (or lost) by the
charge of a single electron moved across an electric potential differ-
ence of one volt.
An erg (short for ergon, a Greek word meaning “work/task”) is
the next smallest energy unit used in science after electron volt. An
erg is the amount of work done by a force of one dyne exerted for
a distance of one centimeter. In the CGS (centimeter-gram-second)
base units, it is equal to one gram centimeter-squared per second-
squared [g·cm2 /s2 ]. One erg is equal to 10−7 Joule.
In industry the more common units of energy used are the
calorie (cal), British thermal unit (Btu), Kilowatt-hour (kWh) and
Horsepower-hour (hph). Calorie is defined as the amount of heat
required to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree
Celsius at a pressure of one standard atmosphere. Similarly, Btu is
defined as the amount of heat required at a pressure of one standard
atmosphere, to raise the temperature of one pound of water by one
degree Fahrenheit. In Table 1.1, we report all the energy units and
their conversions in Joule.
There are vast and readily available conversion factors between
various SI and British unit systems of length, mass, weight, force,
energy, power, etc. in literature and in electronic media and we avoid
presenting them here.
4 Energy: Sources, Utilization, Legislation, Sustainability, Illinois as Model State

Table 1.1. Energy units and their conversions to Joule.

Energy Unit Conversion to Joule

Electron Volt 1.60217657 × 10−19

Erg 10−7
Joule 1
Watt. Second 1
Calorie 4.184
Btu 1, 055.05585
Kilowatt-hour (kWh) 3,600,000.
Horsepower-hour (hph) 2,684,519.536886

An entity or system that contains energy may have its energy in

various forms which are categorized into three different types. They
are potential energy, kinetic energy and intrinsic energy.
The potential energy (P.E.) of a system due to its elevated position
from an external frame of reference is referred to as the gravitational
potential energy. For example, water at the top of a water fall has
gravitational potential energy which is released upon falling down.
Mathematically, the gravitational potential energy of a system of mass
m is shown by the following equation,
P.E. = m.g.Z (1.2)
In this equation, m is the mass of the system, g is the gravitational
field strength (acceleration of gravity), and Z is the elevation/height
of the system with respect to the frame of reference.
Kinetic energy (K.E.) of a system with mass m is the energy
gained by a system with a velocity, ẋ = dx/dt, with respect to an
external frame of reference at a distance x. The equation for kinetic
energy is
K.E. = (1/2).m.ẋ2 (1.3)
Intrinsic energy (I.E.) of a system with mass m is the energy
stored inside a system in various forms, mostly due to the nature
Energy: Sources, Conversion, Conservation and Sustainability 5

and structure of the system. For example, a fossil fuel like coal
has its intrinsic energy in the form of combustible materials like
hydrocarbons, while uranium has its intrinsic energy in the form of
its fissionability. The intrinsic energy that we have defined above is
more general than the internal energy as defined in the science of
thermodynamics, since we are including nuclear (fission and fusion)
energies. Also, considering the fact that energies of a system are
additive and that they can be converted into one another, we write the
following equation for the total energy of a system:

E = P.E. + K.E. + I.E (1.4)

Of course, in technological societies the most important application

of various types of energies is their direct conversion to mechanical
and thermal energies or to electric energy (electricity) for transmis-
sion. The remaining chapters of this book will address these issues
in detail.

1.2. Energy Sources

Energy sources originate from our natural environment and they
include the sun, wind, plants, geothermal, natural elements prone
to nuclear processes like uranium, hydrogen, and fossil fuels such
as coal, petroleum and natural gas. Some of these energy sources
like the sun, wind, and geothermal are readily available to us, while
others, such as plants, fossil fuels, and elements prone to nuclear pro-
cesses, require chemical reactions, combustion, and nuclear reactions
to produce them.
Energy sources are generally categorized as renewable and non-
renewable energy sources. Renewable energy sources are those that
are replenishable. On the timescale of human civilization, the major
renewable energy sources that are readily available everywhere are
solar energy, wind energy, plants/biofuel energy, and geothermal
energy, which will be presented and discussed in detail in this book.
There are other renewable energy sources which include hydropower
6 Energy: Sources, Utilization, Legislation, Sustainability, Illinois as Model State

Fig. 1.2. Renewable energy resources. Left to right. (Top row): solar, wind,
biomass/biofuel; (Bottom row): geothermal, hydro, ocean thermal gradient.

(dams, waves and tidal energy) and ocean thermal energy gradients.
There are potentials for hydropower utilization in certain locations
around the world and the related technologies are well developed and
understood. However, utilization of ocean thermal energy gradients
is limited to certain off-shore locations and requires advanced tech-
nology. In this book, we limit our presentations and discussions to
the major renewable energy sources, i.e. solar energy, wind energy,
plants/biofuel energy, and geothermal energy (Fig. 1.2).
Non-renewable (or non-replenishable) energy sources, which are
known as fossil fuels, are known to deplete and release carbon dioxide
and other pollutants to the atmosphere when used for energy produc-
tion through combustion. Non-renewable energy sources are mostly
made up of hydrocarbons and other compounds that are considered
impurities from energy sources perspective. There exist seven well-
known fossil fuel resources in nature (Mansoori 2009a, 2009b). In the
order of their fluidity, they are natural gas, gas-condensate (also
Energy: Sources, Conversion, Conservation and Sustainability 7

Fig. 1.3. The normal conditions of the twelve naturally occurring fossil/hydro-
carbon resources, in the order of fluidity from left to right. (Top row): natural
gas, gas-condensate (NGL), light crude oil, intermediate crude oil, heavy oil, tar
sand (Mansoori 2009a, 2009b); (Bottom row): oil shale, anthracite coal, bituminous
coal, subbituminous coal, lignite and peat. Naturally occurring hydrocarbon energy
sources vary in fluidity color, odor, and physicochemical properties, as shown in
this figure.

known as NGL which stands for natural-gas liquid), light crude, inter-
mediate crude, heavy oil, tar sand, and oil shale, as shown symboli-
cally in Fig. 1.3. These are all naturally occurring complex mixtures,
made up of hydrocarbons and other organic and inorganic compounds
with varieties of molecular structures and sizes.
The technologies for utilization of coal, petroleum, natural gas,
and other non-renewable energy sources were quite well developed
in the course of the past two centuries. In this book, we devote Chap-
ters 2–5 to brief histories and recent developments of such fossil
fuels, from the point of view of environmental pollution control and
governmental legislations and policy trends towards better utilization
and/or reduction in their consumption.
Nuclear power technology can be quite diverse, depending on
the type of nuclear reaction (fission or fusion) and nuclear fuel
(uranium, thorium, plutonium, hydrogen, etc.) used. Conventional
nuclear power stations (Fig. 1.4) use uranium as the element prone
to nuclear fission reaction in order to produce thermal energy and its
subsequent conversion to electricity. Uranium is a heavy metal which
8 Energy: Sources, Utilization, Legislation, Sustainability, Illinois as Model State

Fig. 1.4. General schematic of the conventional nuclear power system: A: main
reactor, B: steam generator, C: steam turbine, and D: electricity generator.

is mined in certain parts of the world where it is available (Deffeyes

and MacGregor, 1980). But uranium resource can be considered as
non-renewable because the economically minable uranium ore with
high enough concentration of uranium metal is finite. Therefore it is
possible that this type of nuclear fuel will eventually be exhausted,
if it is consumed at its current rate.
As we discuss in Chapter 6, nuclear fission “breeder” reactor
technology can be considered as a renewable energy source, if it
is well-designed and implemented, and provided it satisfies all the
scientific requirements for safety and reliability. However, futuristic
nuclear fusion technology which is in research stage, is a renewable
energy source. This is because the fuel source for nuclear fusion
reactor is hydrogen, an infinitely abundant natural resource that is
produced through the dissociation of water (H2 O).

1.3. Energy Conversions and Efficiencies

The basic idea behind energy conversion is optimal transformation
of one form of energy to another for our everyday use. In doing so,
Energy: Sources, Conversion, Conservation and Sustainability 9

energy needs to be extracted from its source and transformed to vari-

ous intermediate forms of energy, and subsequently, be converted into
useful and controllable energies like electricity, mechanical energy
and heat. Over the past centuries, a wide array of methods and devices
has been developed for this purpose. The structures of early versions
of these energy converters were quite simple, but the modern methods
are complicated. The early hydro-powers, for example, transformed
the potential energy of water into mechanical energy for grinding
grain. Similarly, the early windmills utilized the kinetic energy of
wind and converted it into mechanical energy for grinding of grains
and pumping of water. However, modern energy-conversion systems
for utilization of natural energy sources are rather complex. In order
to achieve higher efficiencies, these systems require multiple steps or
various processes, during which a natural energy source undergoes a
whole series of transformations, prior to being used by humans. For
example, in a conventional nuclear reactor the nuclear energy is first
converted to thermal energy through fission reaction. The resulting
high temperature heat generated from the fission reaction is extracted
to boil water to produce steam with high thermal energy. The result-
ing steam is used to rotate the blades of a turbine which converts the
thermal energy into mechanical energy. The rotor of the turbine is
coupled to a shaft which drives an electric generator to produce elec-
tricity. The electric energy is then transferred through electric cables
to residential, commercial, and industrial areas for conversion into all
kinds of useful mechanical energies, or for lighting and space heating.
Sometimes, the excess electric energy is converted into various forms
of energy for storage, using pumped hydroelectric storage system,
compressed air energy storage system or other storage systems using
phase change materials.
In converting one kind of energy to another, there is always an
efficiency conversion factor which needs to be considered. Majority
of the energy conversion methods involve transformation of ther-
mal energy into mechanical energy and then into electrical energy.
The efficiency of such systems is, however, subject to fundamental
10 Energy: Sources, Utilization, Legislation, Sustainability, Illinois as Model State

Fig. 1.5. General scheme of energy conversion and the fact that when we convert
one kind of energy to another the efficiency of conversion is always less than 100%.

limitations set forth by thermodynamics principles, as dictated by

the laws of thermodynamics and thermodynamic property relations.
It can be demonstrated that none of the energy conversion methods
is 100% efficient (Fig. 1.5).
The highest energy conversion efficiency which is close to 100%
is the conversion of any kind of energy to thermal energy. But then
most of the energy sources being utilized are in the form of thermal
energy, and we need to convert those to more useful kinds of energy,
which are either mechanical energy or electricity.
The origin of science of thermodynamics, which began about
two centuries ago, was to understand and improve the efficiency of
thermal energy conversion to mechanical energy. Originally, when
the steam engine was developed, the highest conversion efficiency of
thermal energy into mechanical energy was less than 5% (Goldem-
berg, 2012). Presently, with all the technological improvements made
in steam power cycles, the highest conversion efficiency of thermal
energy to mechanical energy is less than 45% (Ajith Krishnan and
Jinshah, 2013). This means that more than 55% of the thermal energy
sources which are available to us are wasted through the release of
Energy: Sources, Conversion, Conservation and Sustainability 11

Fig. 1.6. Magnetohydrodynamics electric power plant principles [Modified from

Freese, 1969].

heat to the environment. It should be mentioned that the efficiency

of internal combustion engines used in automobiles for conversion
of the intrinsic chemical energy of the fuel to mechanical energy
is 20% or less (US-SCENR, 2007). The most advanced method of
utilizing thermal energy to electric energy, which is expected to have
much higher efficiency, is the magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). MHD
transforms thermal energy and kinetic energy of a fluid flow directly
into electricity (see Fig. 1.6). MHD generators operate at very high
temperatures without any moving mechanical parts.
A U.S. DOE-funded feasibility study (1000 MWe Advanced
Coal-Fired MHD/Steam Binary Cycle Power Plant Conceptual
Design) of where the MHD technology could be used was published
in June 1989 and showed that a large coal-fired MHD combined cycle
plant could attain a HHV energy efficiency approaching 60%, well
in excess of other coal-fueled technologies, so the potential for low
operating costs exists (Freese, 1969).
Understanding of thermodynamics is necessary as it applies to
conversion of heat to mechanical energy and it gives us informa-
tion about the limiting efficiencies of thermal cycles including the
12 Energy: Sources, Utilization, Legislation, Sustainability, Illinois as Model State

Fig. 1.7. A basic Rankine thermal power cycle (Modified from Mansoori, 2013).

Fig. 1.8. Absorption cooling cycle (Modified from Mansoori, 2013).

Rankine cycle. Figures 1.7 and 1.8 show the conventional methods
for producing power and refrigeration/air conditioning systems from
thermal energy. In Fig. 1.7, we report the basic Rankine thermal
power cycle for production of mechanical energy, a hot source such
as burning a fossil fuel, a nuclear reaction or heat collected from solar
Energy: Sources, Conversion, Conservation and Sustainability 13

In addition, a basic absorption cooling and heat pump cycle which

uses heat to produce cooling (refrigeration and air conditioning) is
illustrated in Fig. 1.8.
The general practice in estimating the efficiency of thermal energy
conversion to mechanical energy (Fig. 1.7) is by using the Carnot
efficiency equation:
ηCarnot = 1 − (1.5)
Also, it has become a general practice in calculating the coeffi-
cient of performance (COP) of absorption cooling cycles (Fig. 1.8)
using the following Carnot-based equation:
COPCarnot = . (1.6)
In the above two equations, TH is the temperature of the hot source, TC
is the temperature of the environment and TR is the temperature of the
refrigeration (or air conditioning). According to these equations, both
the efficiency and COP as reported by Carnot are independent of the
nature of the cycles and the working fluids used in the cycles, which
makes these expressions valid for ideal cycles working with ideal
gases. However, due to the ideal nature of the Carnot assumptions,
both of the above equations are the highest upper bound to efficiency
and COP of cycles and are quite far from the real efficiency and COP
These marvelously simple and highly cited Carnot cycle and its
related efficiency and COP relations were proposed at the time when
the principles of thermodynamics were at their infancy (Mansoori,
2013). The genius Nicolas Léonard Sadi Carnot, who proposed his
cycle in 1823, recognized the need to develop his theory independent
of the knowledge about properties of working fluids, especially at
the time when accurate thermodynamic property data for such fluids
were non-existent. Presently, extensive amount of accurate data and
theoretical knowledge about thermodynamic properties of materials
14 Energy: Sources, Utilization, Legislation, Sustainability, Illinois as Model State

are available. Through the application of the 2nd law of thermodynam-

ics for irreversible processes, which results in the general inequality
relation for the entropy production, new upper- and lower-bounds
to the efficiency of thermal power cycles and COP of absorption
cooling and heat pump cycles have been developed. The resulting
upper- and lower-bounds are closer to the actual efficiency and COP
of cycles. Such relations allow a more precise design of cycles and
the choice of working fluids for cycles. The available upper and
lower bounds to efficiency and COP which are much closer to their
actual values than those of Carnot cycle values are shown below
(Mansoori, 2013):
1 (h1 h4 ) (h1 − h4 )
. ≤ ηActual ≤
TH (s1 − s2 ) (h1 − h2 )
TC (s4 − s3 ) TC
≤1− . ≤1− (1.7)
TH (s1 − s2 ) TH
h4 − h2
LL ≤ COPActual ≤  
(h1 − h7 ) + x1−x G
A −xG
(h7 − h5 )
≤ UL ≤ . (1.8)
In the above expressions, hi stands for specific enthalpy, si stands for
specific entropy (i = 1, 2, 3, . . . ) of the points specified on the two
cycles as shown in Fig. 1.8, and Ti ’s are temperatures as defined in
the cycles. XA is the mass fraction of refrigerant in the liquid phase
coming out of absorber and xG is the mass fraction of the liquid phase
coming out of the generator. With the use of the above two expres-
sions, it is possible to perform calculations to predict efficiencies and
COPs more accurately in the course of design and choice of working
fluids for energy conversion methods.
Conversion efficiencies of other kinds of energies to one another
are generally better than the conversion of thermal energy to mechan-
ical energy. For example, as we discuss in Chapter 8 of this book, a
Energy: Sources, Conversion, Conservation and Sustainability 15

Hydro Electric (large)

Hydro Electric (small)
Tidal Power
Melted Carbonate Fuel Cell
Sterling Engine
Solid Oxide Fuel Cell
Coal-Fired plant
Oil-Fired Plant
Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cell
PEM Fuel Cell
Gas Turbine
Nuclear Fission
Wind Turbine
ICE Diesel
Municipal Waste
ICE Petrol
Solar Thermal
Solar PV
Ocean Thermal

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Energy generaƟon eĸciencies (%)
Fig. 1.9. The theoretical efficiency of converting various energy sources by a vari-
ety of methods into useful electrical energy (Lawson, 2005).

maximum of 59.3% of wind energy can be converted to mechanical

energy. As another example, the conversion efficiency of mechan-
ical energy to electric energy and vice versa can be as high as
90% (Chen et al., 2009). This explains why the overall efficiency
(from natural energy source to mechanical energy) of an electric
car is better than the efficiency of a car with an internal combus-
tion engine. Several literatures report and update the trends in effi-
ciency improvements of various energy conversion devices. Fig-
ure 1.9 shows the theoretical efficiency of converting the various
energy sources by a variety of methods into useful electrical energy
(Lawson, 2005).
Presently, considerable attention has been focused on a number
of direct energy-conversion technologies, notably solar cells and fuel
cells that bypass the intermediate steps of conversion to heat for
eventual mechanical and electrical power generation.
16 Energy: Sources, Utilization, Legislation, Sustainability, Illinois as Model State

1.4. Energy Conservation

Energy conservation is the development of strategies and procedures
to reduce energy consumption. Strategies such as driving fewer auto-
mobiles, turning off lights in areas when lighting is not essential,
reducing the temperature of living and work spaces in winters and
reducing the use of hot water for everyday living are examples of
energy conservation. Local, state, and national laws, in the form of
energy tax laws, carbon taxes, or economic incentives, have been
developed in the U.S. and other countries to encourage the public
and/or private sector to conserve and reduce energy use (Jaffe and
Stavins, 1994).
In this book, we provide variety of examples on this subject of
how the highly progressive State of Illinois, as a model state, has
been developing ways of energy conservation/reduction in fossil fuels
and electric energy. One interesting method of energy conservation
which is implemented in Illinois is through a demand-response pro-
gram. Demand Response is defined as “changes in electric usage
by end-use customers from their normal consumption patterns in
response to changes in the price of electricity over time, or to incen-
tive payments designed to induce lower electricity use at times of high
wholesale market prices or when system reliability is jeopardized”
(US-DOE, 2006). An alternative approach to conserve energy and
reduce emissions from coal-fired power plants is through increased
energy efficiency and conservation programs. This means judicious
use of energy for equipment, buildings, or products without altering
the quality of their services. Among various options being considered
for emission control in Illinois and several other states in the USA
is energy efficiency resource standard (EERS), which sets overall
energy savings targets for utility-sector efficiency programs (Prindle,
2009). Additionally, Illinois policy makers can implement the newly
unveiled US Environmental Protection Agency (US-EPA) measures
to force some of the older coal-fired power plants to retire and curb
the emissions (SourceWatch, 2013). A new bill (HB 2607/SB 1485)
Energy: Sources, Conversion, Conservation and Sustainability 17

introduced in the Illinois Senate in February 2015 calls to achieve

a 20% reduction in energy demand through energy efficiency stan-
dards by 2025 and raising the energy generated by renewable sources
to 35% by 2030, up from the current goal of 25% by 2025 (Sierra
Club, 2015).

1.5. Energy Sustainability and Green Energy

The concept of sustainability is quite well discussed in recent years
in the public media and in technology development circles.
The Brundtland Report (Brundtland, 1987) of the World Com-
mission on Environment and Development of Organization for Eco-
nomic Co-operation and Development of the United Nations defined
sustainability as “the ability of humanity to make development sus-
tainable, by ensuring that it meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own
energy needs”. In this definition, sustainability includes availabil-
ity of the energy resource relative to their rate of consumption,
as well as economics, environmental and social criteria. The eco-
nomics, ecological considerations and social acceptance are consid-
ered the three interconnected pillars of sustainability in any aspect
of human activity (Gibson, 2006; Hansmann et al., 2012) including
energy use.
The methods and approaches that contribute to sustainability in
energy are purely those that direct us to utilize renewable energy
sources. There is no doubt that proper utilization of renewable ener-
gies, through improved efficiency of conversion technologies, can
contribute greatly to energy and environmental sustainability.
Presently, our societies are using mostly non-renewable energy
sources and nuclear energy. To reduce emissions of carbon dioxide
and other environmental pollutants from the use of fossil fuels, certain
trends have been developed towards the use of less polluting non-
renewable energy sources such as natural gas and biofuels derived
from agricultural food products and food wastes that are renewable.
18 Energy: Sources, Utilization, Legislation, Sustainability, Illinois as Model State

However, sustainable energy is distinct from low-carbon and less

polluting energies, which do not add appreciable amount of CO2 and
other pollutants to the environment.
In order to minimize the release of CO2 and other pollutants
to the environment and stop accumulation of hazardous radioac-
tive waste, we need to use renewable energy sources which include
agricultural waste-based biofuels, geothermal energy, hydro power,
ocean thermal energy gradients, solar energy, wave and tidal power,
wind energy, and hopefully fusion-based nuclear energy. Fusion-
based nuclear energy is the way the sun produces its energy, and is a
sustainable energy if the technology becomes practically available.
We also need to advance our energy storage technologies for battery-
based electrical energy storage, thermal energy storage, hydroelec-
tric energy storage, compressed gas energy storage, etc., as well as
energy transmission technologies for electrical power transmission
(Panek et al., 1998), in order to take better advantage of far-distance
energy sources.
To achieve sustainability in energy, we need to use renewable
energies and optimize the way a renewable energy source is utilized
and consumed. This means that we need to increase energy conver-
sion efficiencies to the maximum allowable by natural laws, while
reducing energy waste (through frictions, heat losses, etc.). From
the standpoint of energy sustainability, energy optimization from the
consumption/demand side of energy utilization is equally important
as energy optimization from the generating sources. Therefore, appli-
cation of renewable energy, improvement of energy conversion effi-
ciencies and energy conservation are certainly stepping stones in a
path toward energy sustainability.

1.5.1. The role of advanced technologies

to achieve sustainability
Advanced technologies include nuclear fusion, biotechnology, infor-
mation technology and nanotechnology. These technologies which
Energy: Sources, Conversion, Conservation and Sustainability 19

are being developed and advanced to the level of practical applica-

tions can help achieve sustainability in energy and environment.
In Chapter 6 of this book, we present nuclear technology and
discuss future generation technologies which include nuclear fusion.
Chapter 7 of this book is on biofuels, and includes advantages and
prospects of the applications of biotechnology in the production of
2nd and 3rd generation biofuels, which will help achieve sustainability
in energy and environment.
The role of information technology for achieving sustainabil-
ity in energy and environment includes the idea of using better and
faster communications and exchange of data and information. Con-
sequently, individuals and decision makers in our societies will be
better informed and can communicate more effectively to make peo-
ple become aware and educated about the different ways of achieving
sustainability in energy and environment (McCollum et al., 2011).
Information technology allows renewable energy to be integrated
into smart micro-grid systems to provide cheaper, environmentally
friendly and a more reliable power supply to consumers. Role of nanotechnology in energy

Advances in nanotechnology may help a society in energy savings,
through improved power lines for energy distribution, improved
energy storage devices and better catalysts for fossil and biofuels
There exist a great deal of recent publications and specula-
tions about the role of nanotechnology in energy and environmental
sustainability, see for example: (Mansoori et al., 2008; Smith and
Granqvist, 2010; Markovic et al., 2012; Brinker and Ginger, 2011).
We are all very optimistic about the future of nanotechnology
and the prospects it could bring to positively impact every disci-
pline, including energy, environment, medicine etc., and in general,
our quality of life (Mansoori, 2005a, 2005b; Mansoori et al., 2007a,
20 Energy: Sources, Utilization, Legislation, Sustainability, Illinois as Model State

2007b). Nanotechnology can have pronounced effect on energy and

environmental sustainability, as it can contribute to smoother and
faster shift towards higher energy conversion efficiency, better ways
to conserve energy and appreciable advances in end-use energy stor-
age systems, while minimizing the adverse effects of fossil energy
use on the environment.
There is no doubt that the present energy technology has taken
almost two centuries to be developed and that many organizations,
companies, interest groups and individuals’ livelihood depend on its
status quo. As a result, there will be a major resistance to any changes
that advanced technologies, including nanotechnology, may bring
towards energy sustainability.
As regards the improvements in energy utilization, photovoltaic
panels are expected to be built from nano-optimized cells (polymeric,
quantum dot, thin film, multiple junctions) and antireflective coat-
ings. Similarly, rotor blades of wind turbines may be constructed with
nano-composite materials to make them lighter, stronger and resis-
tant to corrosion and wear. Additionally, biomass energy yield may be
optimized using nano-based precision farming, such as nanosensors,
controlled release and storage of pesticides and nutrients.
Nanotechnology may also be used in the future for coal purifi-
cation and improvements in petroleum refining and upgrading.
In nuclear energy, nano-composites materials may be used in equip-
ment for radiation shielding, and for futuristic fusion reactors as a
long term option (Luther, 2008).
Besides construction of more efficient energy conversion sys-
tems, nanotechnology may lead to more efficient energy distribution.
For example, by using nanofillers for electrical isolation systems and
soft magnetic nano-materials for efficient current transformation, it
may be possible to obtain high voltage transmissions lines. There
is a great deal of power loss in existing power transmission wires
which can be minimized using normal-temperature superconductive
materials for wires, if they become available (Panek et al., 1998).
By using nanoscale interface design, it may be possible to produce
Energy: Sources, Conversion, Conservation and Sustainability 21

normal-temperature superconductors. Also, research into supercon-

ducting materials based on optimized nano components may lead to
efficient power transmission in the future (Elcock, 2007). Further-
more, communities may also benefit from smart-grid technology,
which uses nanosensors for intelligent and flexible grid management
that is capable of managing highly decentralized power feeds. Using
nanotechnology, efficient heat transfer in industries and buildings
based on “nano-optimized heat exchangers and conductors” may be
possible in future.
In addition to energy distribution, nanotechnology may provide
us with efficient energy storage systems (Luther, 2008). The stored
energy can be of chemical, electrical, or thermal nature. In chemical
energy storage, lithium ion battery is being optimized with nanostruc-
tured electrodes and flexible ceramic separator foils. Applications of
such batteries can be found in mobile electronics and automobiles.
Also, more efficient electrical energy storage (batteries) systems may
be constructed using nanostructured capacitors with ultra-high power
density and excellent charge and discharge rates (Luther, 2008).
Nanomaterials can also be used for encapsulation of phase change
materials for thermal energy storage and as adsorptive storage systems
using nano-porous materials like zeolites. Materials like these can be
used in air conditioning systems and for electricity conservation.
Besides better energy storage systems, nanotechnology may
provide us with efficient energy usage systems, through applica-
tions of improved thermal insulation, more efficient air condition-
ing, light weight and robust construction materials, more efficient
industrial processes and more efficient lighting. Currently, nano-
porous foams and gels are used for thermal insulation, while elec-
tromagnetic windows, micro mirror arrays and IR-reflectors are
used for air conditioning (Luther, 2008; Bell, 2009). Also con-
struction of light weight buildings using nano composite materi-
als, such as metal-matrix-composites, carbon nanotubes, nano-coated
light metals, ultra performance concrete and polymer-composites are
already in use and are being further improved.
22 Energy: Sources, Utilization, Legislation, Sustainability, Illinois as Model State

In industry, energy intensive processes are being replaced

with nanotechnology process innovations, such as molecular self-
assembling processes that are less energy intensive (Elcock, 2007).
Also, nanotechnology is playing an important role in the develop-
ment of novel catalysts for commercial-scale cellulosic biofuels pro-
duction. Additionally, nanotechnology can be applied to create the
next generation light bulbs, such as organic light-emitting diodes for
energy efficiency of buildings.

1.6. State of Illinois — Our Model State

In this book, we have tried to cover all aspects of energies of a state,
a community, or a country from source to end use in a manner that
will be educational to students of energy, while serving as a road map
for energy planners and policy makers, energy-related engineers and
scientists, citizens and community leaders, who are concerned about
energy in general.
There are already numerous books on energy in various technical
and scientific depths. However, the present book is designed to bring
about a collective picture of technologies, policies and possible plans
for energies that could help a society (a state, a country and any
community) to learn more about how to deal with energy issues and
achieve energy independence and sustainability.
State of Illinois (see Fig. 1.10) located in the central (Midwest)
region of the U.S. is highly industrial, agricultural and truly a pioneer
state in dealing with issues related to energy sources, conversion,
conservation and sustainability.
Many of the energy technologies that are used around the world
have their roots in Illinois. Presently, about 49% of the electric
energy consumed in Illinois comes from nuclear energy, with most
of the rest coming from coal combustion. Environmental concerns
associated with mining and combustion of coal has prompted offi-
cials to enforce restrictive laws, encouraging use of less polluting
energy sources. Illinois policy makers in all levels of government
Energy: Sources, Conversion, Conservation and Sustainability 23

Fig. 1.10. Map of continental USA in which the location of the State of Illinois and
other Midwestern States (Iowa, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Missouri, Minnesota,
Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota and Wisconsin) are shown.

Fig. 1.11. Illinois electricity generation from various energy sources in 2011, 2012
and 2013 (US-EIA 2013a, US-EIA 2013b; US-EIA, 2014a).

and community organizations are quite concerned and proactive in

dealing with energy, as well as the environmental matters related to
energy. Figure 1.11 shows the electricity generation profile in Illinois
from the various energy sources in 2011, 2012 and 2013.
Figure 1.11 indicates an increase in natural gas usage from 2% in
2011 to 3% in 2013, while the share of coal in generating electricity
in Illinois reduced from 46% in 2011 to 43% in 2013. Also, according
24 Energy: Sources, Utilization, Legislation, Sustainability, Illinois as Model State

to a 2013 annual report issued by the Illinois Power Agency, over the
past five years, the amount of electricity generation from coal-fired
power plants represented a lower percentage of the total electric-
ity generation in the state, while nuclear electricity generation has
remained unchanged (IPA, 2013). This reduction in coal-fired power
generation in Illinois is largely due to lower prices of natural gas,
which the Energy Information Administration (EIA) has projected
only a modest increase for the next 10 to 15 years (IPA, 2013). As
this current boom of natural gas and petroleum production appears
to provide some optimism in finding a solution to the U.S. energy
problem, these economic gains can only be transient because neither
energy sources is sustainable, especially with the world’s population
approaching the projected nine billion in the year 2050.
As a model state, we study and report various energy sources, con-
version, conservation options, and technologies available for the State
of Illinois to achieve its goal of energy sufficiency, clean environment
and sustainability. While some of the data reported in the chapters are
specific to Illinois, the options, technologies, implementation proce-
dures, the guidelines, rules and regulations necessary to achieve sus-
tainability in energy and environmental protection reported in this
book are generally applicable to any state, province, or countries all
around the world.
Many parts of the world, and specially the State of Illinois, is
quite accustomed to using nuclear fission and fossil (non-renewable)
energies to meet their energy needs. In recent years, Illinois, having
the 5th largest population among the states in the U.S., ranked 5th in
the U.S. in total energy consumption with about 1018 calories (∼4 ×
1015 Btu) per year, behind Louisiana, Florida, California and Texas.
In 2012, Illinois ranked 26th in the nation in total energy consumption
per capita at 7.56 × 1010 calories (300 million Btu) and ranked 42nd
in energy expenditure at $3,737 per capita (US-EIA, 2014b).
For over a century, coal has become the bedrock of Illinois energy
source (see Chapter 2 of this book), feeding its electric power plants
Energy: Sources, Conversion, Conservation and Sustainability 25

to generate electricity. Illinois has the largest overall, as well as the

largest strippable bituminous coal reserves in the U.S.. However, the
state cannot use much of its coal because of unfavorable geologic con-
dition and surface development, coupled with the high sulfur content
of Illinois coal which emissions wreak havoc on the environment
(US-EIA 1994). This situation has caused a decline in the state’s
annual coal production, which was estimated at ∼30 million metric
tons per year in the 2000’s, down from the ∼60 million metric tons
of coal per year during the 1970’s (US-EIA, 2014c). But in 2012,
Illinois coal production witnessed a dramatic increase to about 48
million metric tons, largely due to exports that reached a record of 13
million metric tons, a five-fold increase from 2.5 million metric tons
in 2010 (Medine, 2013; US-EIA, 2014c). According to a 2013 report
by the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity
(IDCEO), in 2011 and 2012, Illinois coal was exported to at least 18
different countries around the world. These included Canada, Chile,
Mexico and Dominican Republic in the Americas; Belgium, Den-
mark, Finland, France, Great Britain, Germany, Holland, Ireland,
Portugal and Spain in Europe; and China, India, Pakistan and South
Korea in Asia (Medine, 2013; Miller, 2014).
Despite the significant increase in Illinois coal exports in recent
years, the state’s current expenditure on low sulfur content coal
imports, mostly from the Powder River Basin of Wyoming is more
than $1 billion per year, ranking the state 5th in the nation in net
coal imports by weight, behind Iowa, Georgia, Missouri and Texas,
respectively (Union of Concerned Scientists, 2014; US-EIA, 2014d).
In 2012, Illinois imported 42.94 million tons of coal at the cost of
$1.45 billion, at the same time the state exported 20.63 million tons
of coal worth $1.33 billion, resulting in a net import of 22.31 million
tons of coal worth $120 million (Union of Concerned Scientists,
2014; Lydersen, 2014). To avoid net outflux of money from the state,
Illinois is searching for clean coal technologies. This decision is pur-
ported to cut pollution and maximize the use of indigenous coal,
while restoring the level of employment opportunities that used to be
26 Energy: Sources, Utilization, Legislation, Sustainability, Illinois as Model State

in the coal industry. Chapter 2 of this book will discuss the current
clean coal technology projects in the state of Illinois that are designed
to use Illinois coal.
Besides coal production, Illinois depends on nuclear energy to
meet its energy needs as will be discussed in Chapter 6. As of 2014,
the state has six nuclear power plants, representing about 12% of the
nation’s nuclear energy production, which makes it the largest nuclear
energy producing state in the continental U.S. However expansion
of nuclear plant fleet in the state has experienced stumbling blocks
due to uncertainty in storage of nuclear spent fuels. Illinois has the
largest spent nuclear fuel (a high risk radioactive waste) in the nation,
amounting to approximately 8, 000+ tons. According to experts, the
best current option for management and containment of spent nuclear
fuel is storage in underground geologic formations. However, the use
of this method has become very polemical, as every state in the U.S.
tries to protect its territory from nuclear contamination. Alternative
approach for reprocessing of nuclear spent fuel cannot be practiced
in Illinois since this method has been banned in the U.S. since 1992
to avoid nuclear proliferation (Cerami, 2010).
Illinois is not a major producer, but consumes appreciable amount
of petroleum and natural gas (see Chapters 3 and 4). As a result, the
state imports crude oil from Canada, while natural gas is purchased
from overseas through the U.S. Gulf Coast, the U.S. midcontinent
regions, Western Canada, Colorado and Wyoming.
In 2012, Illinois consumed about 226 million barrels of crude oil
at a cost of about $30 billion, representing 61.8% of the total amount
of money on energy expenditure by the state. In the same year, Illinois
consumption of natural gas totaled 26.56×109 standard cubic meters
(∼938 BSCF) at the cost of ∼$6.2 billion, or 12.8% of the total money
spent on energy by the state (US-EIA, 2014e).
Illinois is a major transportation hub for crude oil and natural
gas distribution throughout North America, due to its central loca-
tion and pipeline infrastructure. The 2010 energy industry economic
output from the pipeline transportation sector was approximately
Energy: Sources, Conversion, Conservation and Sustainability 27

Fig. 1.12. Illinois Basin and its shares of its locations in Illinois, Indiana and
Kentucky (Schaefer, 2013).

$662.6 million (Lewis and Bergeron, 2010). This revenue was based
on services offered by the oil and gas transportation hubs, employ-
ment, as well as taxes paid by the pipeline companies to the state.
In recent years, there has been a shift in global energy supply,
mainly due to new discoveries of oil and gas reserves in shale rock,
particularly in the U.S. (Rosenthal, 2012). To reduce its oil and natural
gas imports, Illinois legislators are debating on how to tap into the
presumed vast resource of shale gas located in the Illinois Basin,
shown in Fig. 1.12.
Such new technologies like hydraulic fracturing and horizontal
drilling have opened up new natural gas and oil reserves that were oth-
erwise technically challenging or economically prohibitive. Natural
gas prices have kept decreasing in recent years and electricity gener-
ation from natural gas in U.S. would exceed that from coal in 2035
(IEA, 2013). With possible abundance of cheap natural gas in the
state, Illinois could replace some or all of its coal-fired power plants
28 Energy: Sources, Utilization, Legislation, Sustainability, Illinois as Model State

with natural gas-fired power plants to reduce emission of harmful

compounds like sulfur oxides, carbon oxides, etc. It is also predicted
that there is 55% chance of more petroleum production and 45%
chance of improved energy efficiency in both residential and trans-
portation sectors (Rosenthal, 2012).
Additionally, Illinois is planning the infrastructure for carbon
dioxide capture and sequestration from its new generation coal-fired
power plants (see Chapter 5). Some of the carbon dioxide could prob-
ably be used for enhanced oil and coal-bed gas recovery in the Illinois
Basin to boost the state’s petroleum and natural gas production.
In recent years, Illinois has made investments in renewable energy
production, such as biofuels (Chapter 7), wind energy (Chapter
8), and solar energy (Chapter 9) towards its goal of energy suf-
ficiency, environmental cleanliness and energy and environmental
In other states across the U.S., there are a few towns that use 100%
renewable electricity. However, by the end of 2013 there were 91
towns in Illinois that purchased 100% renewable electricity, a number
that exceeded anywhere in the country. The growth of the number of
towns in Illinois using 100% electricity is depicted in Fig. 1.13.

Fig. 1.13. Spread of towns with 100 percent renewable electricity in Illinois (WWF,
Energy: Sources, Conversion, Conservation and Sustainability 29

Some policies at the state level can indeed encourage use of

renewable energy. For example, Illinois is one of the six states in the
country that allows community choice aggregation, a system where
residents can use their bulk purchasing to solicit bids from electricity
In 2014, the state ranked 3rd place behind Nebraska and 2nd place
behind Texas in ethanol and biodiesel production, respectively, in the
nation (IER, 2014), and had over 150 wind energy utilization com-
panies with a combined workforce of over 15,000 people. Chicago
hosts at least 13 global and U.S. headquarters of major wind energy
companies, more than any city in the U.S. (Craig et al., 2011). The
Illinois Power Agency Act mandated the Renewable (energy) Portfo-
lio Standards (RPS). The RPS requires Investor-Owned Utility com-
panies with more than 100,000 customers to supply 1.5% of their
energy from wind energy as of 2008, reaching a goal of 18.75%
(75% of all the renewables) by 2025. Highly variable weather in
Illinois makes the geothermal and seasonal energy storage systems
quite viable to reduce Illinois dependency on coal and other fossil
In essence, Illinois needs energy security which transcends the
present needs, by maximizing production and efficient use of renew-
able energy resources which are indigenous and environmentally
friendly. The reason is that long term energy security and manage-
ment of the environment are important to the energy sector, since
the impacts of energy production and consumption can have dire
consequences on generations to come. Illinois offers a Property Tax
Exemption (35 ILCS 200/Property Tax Code) to commercial, indus-
trial, and residential sectors for on-site installations of renewable
energy systems.

1.7. Our Motivations for Writing this Book

We finished writing this book in the year 2015, passing 2014 as
the warmest year on record. Global annually-averaged temperature
30 Energy: Sources, Utilization, Legislation, Sustainability, Illinois as Model State

in 2014 was 0.69◦ C (1.24◦ F) higher than the 20th century aver-
age. The 2014 global average ocean and land surface temperatures
were 0.57◦ C (1.03◦ F) and 1.0◦ C (1.8◦ F), respectively, above the
20th century average (NOAA, 2015). The year 2014 was not the
warmest year in the U.S., but one of the warmest on record and the
18th consecutive year with an annual average temperature above the
20th century average for the country (NOAA, 2015). Greenhouse
gas emissions are major contributors of global warming and in fact
scientific studies have shown near-linear relationship between global
warming and cumulative carbon dioxide (CO2 ) emissions (Allen et
al., 2009; Matthews et al., 2009; Meinshausen et al., 2009). Accord-
ing to a very comprehensive report by Stocker et al., (2013), global
mean sea level rose by 0.19 meter (∼7.5 inches) from 1901–2010.
Similarly, increase in concentrations of carbon dioxide, methane and
nitrous oxide was observed at levels unprecedented in the last 800,000
years. The rise in CO2 concentration is primarily due to use of fossil
fuels and secondarily from deforestation, reducing absorption of CO2
from the air (Stocker et al., 2013). The anthropogenic emission of
carbon dioxide has caused ocean acidification and it is believed that
more than half of the global average surface temperature increase is
due to emission of greenhouse gases (Stocker et al., 2013). It is very
likely that extreme temperatures (high and low) and their frequency
of occurrence are the result of anthropogenic forces.
To avoid dangerous climate change, more than 100 countries
have adopted the average global surface temperature increase of 2◦ C
(3.6◦ F) over the pre-industrial average levels to be a guiding princi-
ple (Meinshausen et al., 2009). A recent study (Friedlingstein et al.,
2014) estimated that for a 66% probability of staying below the 2◦ C
(3.6◦ F) threshold, global CO2 and non-CO2 emissions must be kept
below the quota of 3,200 billion metric tons (or 3,200 gigatons, Gt).
The same study projected that with 66% probability, and in order to
stay below the 2◦ C (3.6◦ F) limit, the remaining emissions of CO2
from 2015 onwards cannot be more than 1,200 billion metric tons.
Energy: Sources, Conversion, Conservation and Sustainability 31

With the current rate of emissions, it will take approximately 30 years

to exhaust 2◦ C (3.6◦ F) limit.
Fossil fuels are one of the primary sources of greenhouse gas
emissions, resulting in 57% of the global CO2 emissions. Energy
supply and transportation sector account for 39% of the global green-
house gas emissions (US-EPA, 2007).
To avoid disastrous implications of global warming, substan-
tial and sustained reduction of greenhouse gas emissions is nec-
essary. In addition to environmental concerns, depletion of fossil
fuels is yet another major factor forcing application of less-polluting
renewable energy. Understanding of energy utilization processes is
required to devise methods of increasing efficiency or to seek alter-
native sources of energy and routes of conversion processes. In pre-
senting all the available energy sources and their utilization in this
book, we have had the above facts in mind and we have tried to
look at the possibilities of sustainability in energy and environmental
We, the authors of this book, are quite fortunate to have lived
most of our adult lives in the State of Illinois, a pioneer state in deal-
ing with issues related to energy, and we have worked in a variety
of energy-related fields. Indeed, it is the above-mentioned concerns
about energy use, and as a service to our State, in particular, and
sharing our studies and knowledge about energy and our State’s pio-
neering experiences with the rest of the world, in general, that we
undertook the task of writing this book. To make our writings based
on facts of science and technology, we did neither solicit nor received
any kind of financial support from any individual or organization in
writing this book.
This book consists of eleven chapters and a glossary. After this
introductory chapter, we have devoted the next three chapters to non-
renewable energies, which include coal, petroleum and natural gas
respectively. Chapter 5 is on carbon dioxide, mainly generated from
burning of fossil fuels, its capture and sequestration. In Chapter 6,
32 Energy: Sources, Utilization, Legislation, Sustainability, Illinois as Model State

we discuss nuclear energy production, consumption and its future

prospects. Then the next four chapters (7–10) are devoted to biofu-
els, wind energy, solar energy, and geothermal energy respectively,
which constitute the renewable energies. Chapter 11 is on energy
storage technologies for energy management, backup and seasonal
reserves services. In every chapter, we present the analysis of energy
options from the point of view of individual and collective sustain-
ability. Additionally, we have included an extensive set of glossary
and notations at the end of this book which is necessary, due the
interdisciplinary nature of energy technologies and the variety of
terminologies presented in the book.

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