ME8097-Non Destructive Testing and Evaluation

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(An Autonomous Institution)
SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur – 603 203





Regulation – 2017

Academic Year 2020 – 21

Prepared by

Mr.R.SRINIVASAN, Assistant Professor (Sr.G) /Mechanical

Mr.K.VIJAYENDIRAN, Assistant Professor (Sr.G) /Mechanical

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(An Autonomous Institution)
NDT Versus Mechanical testing, Overview of the Non Destructive Testing Methods for the detection of
manufacturing defects as well as material characterisation. Relative merits and limitations, Various physical
characteristics of materials and their applications in NDT, Visual inspection – Unaided and aided.
PART-A (2 Marks)
Q.No Questions BT Competence
1 List out the importance of using NDT. BT1 Remember
2 What are the parameter that leads to failure of a material? BT2 Understand
3 "Visual testing is inherently part of all other NDT methods". Justify the BT 5 Evaluate
4 Discuss the objectives of non-destructive testing. BT 2 Understand
5 Discriminate destructive testing and non-destructive testing. BT 4 Analyze
6 Examine the factors affecting mechanical properties of materials. BT 3 Apply
7 Generalize the limitations of the NDT method. BT 6 Create
8 Define the principle of LPT. BT 1 Remember
9 Name two of the NDT techniques that can be used to detect internal defects BT 4 Analyze
of the materials.
10 Describe visual inspection techniques. BT 2 Understand
11 Why magnetic particle test method is not suitable for testing of plastics? BT 1 Remember
12 Name the list of optical aids used for visual inspection. BT 1 Remember
13 Generalize the advantages and disadvantages of visual inspection. BT 6 Create
14 Discuss the need of material testing. BT2 Understand
15 List the applications of thermography. BT4 Analyze
16 Define Borescope. BT1 Remember
17 Classify the types of discontinuities. BT3 Apply

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18 Invent, when would you use telescopes and periscopes as a visual BT6 Create
Inspection aid?
19 Define Machine Vision Inspection. BT1 Remember
20 Discriminate aided and unaided visual testing methods. BT 5 Evaluate
PART-B (13 Marks)
Q.No Questions BT Competence
1 Differentiate between destructive and non-destructive testing. BT2 Understand
2 BT1 Remember
With a case study discuss the applications of material characterization.
3 Discuss in detail about the different types of Borescopes used in visual BT2 Understand
inspection method with neat sketches.
4 Explain in detail about the factors influencing the selection of NDT BT 5 Evaluate
5 List the different types of destructive and non - destructive testing methods BT3 Apply
and applications of each technique.
6 Illustrate the working principle and types of visual inspection technique BT4 Analyze

with suitable sketch.

7 Describe the following: BT1 Remember
(i) Application of visual inspection. (7)
(ii) Advantages and disadvantages of visual inspection.(6)
8 Illustrate about discontinuities. Explain various types of discontinuities BT3 Apply
with examples.
9 Describe with suitable sketch about the casting defects during casting BT2 Understand
10 Explain with suitable sketch about the welding defects during welding BT4 Analyze
11 Examine the following with suitable sketch: BT3 Apply
(i) Elasticity (ii) Hardness (iii) Brittleness
(iv) Ductility (v) Malleability
12 Discuss the following BT2 Understand
(i) Izod test. (7)
(ii) Charpy test. (6)

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13 Summarize the principles of various non-destructive methods which are BT 5 Evaluate
used to detect the material defects. State the advantage of any two NDT
14 Discuss about the application of visual inspection process with suitable BT6 Create
case study.
PART-C (15 Marks)
Q.No Questions BT Competence
1 Illustrate the methodologies used to inspect the gear tooth profile and BT3 Apply
explain details of inspection procedure.
2 Generalize about the attractive features and primary limitations of BT6 Create
destructive testing methods. Explain the working principles of tensile
and compression destructive tests in brief.
3 Compare and contrast the principles, characteristics detected, advantages, BT4 Analyze
limitations and applications of visual inspection, liquid penetrant testing,
magnetic particle testing and thermography testing methods.
4 Compare and contrast the principles, characteristics detected, advantages, BT4 Analyze
limitations and applications of eddy current testing, ultrasonic testing,
acoustic emission testing and radiography testing methods.


Liquid Penetrant Testing - Principles, types and properties of liquid penetrants, developers, advantages and
limitations of various methods, Testing Procedure, Interpretation of results. Magnetic Particle Testing-
Theory of magnetism, inspection materials Magnetisation methods, Interpretation and evaluation of test
indications, Principles and methods of demagnetization, Residual magnetism.
PART-A (2 Marks)
Q.No Questions BT Competence
1 Discuss the principle of liquid penetrant testing. BT1 Remember
2 List the materials to be used as a developer in Liquid Penetrant Testing. BT1 Remember
3 Discuss various methods of cleaning method used for surface preparation BT2 Understand
in Liquid Penetrant Testing.
4 Discuss various steps involved in Liquid Penetrant Testing. BT3 Apply
5 List different types of developer used in LPT. BT 5 Evaluate
6 Define the terms "Dwell time and Developing time". BT1 Remember
7 Define capillary action. BT3 Apply

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8 Compare Fluorescent penetrant and Visible penetrant. BT4 Analyze
9 List out the merits and demerits of dry developers. BT1 Remember
10 Identify the desirable characteristics of developers used in LPT. BT1 Remember
11 Recommend the effect of size and shape of the magnetic particles on the BT 5 Evaluate
inspection process.
12 Magnetic particle inspection cannot be used to detect internal defects. Why? BT4 Analyze
13 Differentiate between longitudinal and circumferential magnetism. BT2 Understand
14 Why should the material be demagnetized after it is subjected to NDT? BT3 Apply
15 List the essential characteristics of magnetic particles. BT1 Remember
16 Express about residual magnetism in magnetic particle testing. BT2 Understand
17 Discuss various steps involved in magnetic particle testing. BT6 Create
18 Describe the types of magnetic particles. BT1 Remember
19 List the methods used to magnetize the materials in MPT. BT3 Apply

20 Discuss about the applications of magnetic particle testing. BT2 Understand

PART B (13 Marks)
Q.No Questions BT Competence
1 Discuss about the principles of liquid penetrant testing with neat sketch. BT2 Understand
Also bring out the advantages and limitations of the liquid penetrant
2 (i) Explain the Post-emulsifiable - lipophilie and solvent removable BT5 Evaluate
methods in liquid penetrant testing using process flow diagram. (8)
(ii) List the types of penetrant used in the LPT. (5) BT1 Remember
3 (i) Explain about various types of developers. (8) BT5 Evaluate
(ii) List out various characteristics of developers. (5) BT1 Remember
4 Explain in detail about the following BT4 Analyze
(i) Surface preparation methods. (7)
(ii) Excess penetration removal methods. (6)
5 Explain the following BT 5 Evaluate
(i) Principal requirements of penetrants. (7)
(ii) Properties of penetrants. (6)

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6 (i) Discuss about water washable and post emulsifiable-hydrophilie BT2 Understand
methods in liquid penetrant testing using process flow diagram. (10)
(ii) Differentiate Fluorescent Penetrants and Visible Penetrants. (3)
7 (ii) Describe about various defects and discontinuities inspect with the use BT1 Remember
of LPT. (10)

(ii) List the applications of LPT. (3)

8 (i) Discuss about the various ways of magnetizing the component for BT2 Understand
Magnetic Particle Testing. (10)
(ii) Limitations of Magnetic Particle Testing. (3)
9 Explain about various steps involved in Magnetic particle inspection BT4 Analyze
process with suitable flow diagram.
10 Explain about dry and wet magnetic particle inspection techniques with BT 5 Evaluate
neat diagram.
11 Discuss in detail about the following BT6 Create
(i) Applications of Magnetic particle inspection process. (7)
(ii) Advantages of Magnetic Particle Testing. (6)
12 Explain with suitable sketch about following BT4 Analyze
(i) Circular Magnetization. (7)
(ii) Longitudinal Magnetization. (6)
13 Summarize the following portable magnetization equipment BT2 Understand
(i) Permanent magnet. (5)
(ii) Electromagnetic yokes. (5)
(iii) Prods. (3)
14 Explain the following BT4 Analyze
(i) Residual Magnetization. (8)
(ii) Properties of magnetic particle used in MPT. (5)
PART C (15 Marks)

Q.No Questions BT Competence

1 Identify the method used to inspect Pipe and piston head BT4 Analyze
component and explain the steps involved during inspection.

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2 (i) List the main factors to be consider for penetrant fill in the flaws BT 5 Evaluate
of materials. (8)
(ii) Describe health and safety precautions in LPT. (7)
3 List and explain the steps involved for inspecting crankshafts by BT6 Create
wet particle magnetic particle inspection method.
4 Explain with suitable sketch about following
(i) Magnetization of irregular parts. (8)
BT4 Analyze
(ii) Demagnetization (7)

Thermography- Principles, Contact and non contact inspection methods, Techniques for applying liquid
crystals, Advantages and limitation - infrared radiation and infrared detectors, Instrumentations and methods,
applications. Eddy Current Testing-Generation of eddy currents, Properties of eddy currents, Eddy current
sensing elements, Probes, Instrumentation, Types of arrangement, Applications, advantages, Limitations,
PART A (2 Marks)
Q.No Questions BT Competence
1 Define thermography. BT 1 Remember
2 State the basic principle involved in Thermography testing. BT 2 Understand
3 List the advantage of thermography. BT 1 Remember
4 Summarize the characteristics of Infrared waves. BT 2 Understand
5 Define liquid crystal. BT 1 Remember
6 Discriminate active and passive approach in thermography testing. BT 5 Evaluate
7 Summarize the types of Infrared detectors. BT 2 Understand
8 List the elements of thermography testing method. BT1 Remember
9 List the application of thermography. BT 4 Analyze
10 Classify thermography testing. BT 3 Apply
11 Describe the principle of eddy current method. BT1 Remember
12 Demonstrate the eddy current sensing elements. BT 3 Apply
13 List the disadvantage of eddy current inspection. BT 1 Remember
14 Discuss the characteristics of eddy current. BT 4 Analyze

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15 List the types of probe used in eddy current inspection. BT1 Remember
16 Define the principle of hall effect. BT 1 Remember
17 Describe the applications of eddy current inspection. BT 2 Understand
18 How the depth of penetration of eddy current is affected by the frequency BT 2 Understand
of the current?
19 BT1 Remember
Describe eddy current in ET.

20 Summarize the parameters to be considered for selection of probes in BT 5 Evaluate

eddy current testing.
PART-B (13 Marks)
Q.No Questions BT Competence
1 (i) Explain with neat sketch about the principle of thermography test. BT 1 Remember
(ii) List the advantages, limitations and applications of thermography test.
2 Describe in detail about the elements of infrared detection system with BT 2 Understand
block diagram.
3 Explain the principle of thermography testing by passive approach and BT 4 Analyze
state the application of it.
4 Explain the principle of thermography testing by active approach and BT 4 Analyze
Its application.
5 List and explain in detail about the laws of thermal imaging in BT 1 Remember
Thermography test.
6 Classify Infrared sensors and explain any two sensors with neat sketch
BT 2 Understand
about working principle of IR sensors.
7 Discuss with suitable sketch about the principle of BT 2 Understand
(i) Vibro Thermography testing. (7)
(ii) Dynamic Thermographic inspection. (6)
8 Illustrate about Contact and Non-Contact inspection methods in BT 3 Apply
Thermography with neat sketch.
9 (i) Explain the Eddy current principle of eddy current testing with neat BT 3 Apply
sketch. (8)
(ii) List the advantage and limitation of eddy current test (5) BT 1 Remember

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10 (i) Explain Eddy current instrumentation with aid of block diagram. (8) BT 4 Analysis
(ii) List the applications of Eddy current testing. (7)
11 Classify the eddy current probes on the basis of following BT 3 Apply
(i) Mode of application. (ii) Mode of operation.
12 Explain the different types of method used for generation of magnetic BT 2 Understand
field in eddy current testing.
13 Describe the following with neat sketch BT 1 Remember
(i) Hall effect sensors in eddy current testing. (7)
(ii) SQUID sensor. (6)
14 (i) Illustrate the lens law with suitable sketch. BT 1 Remember
BT 3
(ii) Discuss the concept of Demagnetization.
PART-C (15 Marks)
Q.No Questions BT Competence
1 (i) Explain the Procedure for thermography testing of electrical Panels. BT 1 Remember
(8) Apply
BT 3
(ii) List the factors identified by thermal testing method of NDT. (7)
2 Explain in details about Image processing of thermography non BT 4 Analyze
destructive testing method in NDT.
3 Write down the procedure of corrosion detection in Eddy current testing BT1 Remember
of Non-destructive testing.
4 Evaluate the procedure for detecting fatigue crack in the materials by BT 5 Evaluate
eddy current inspection technique.
Ultrasonic Testing-Principle, Transducers, transmission and pulse-echo method, straight beam and angle beam,
instrumentation, data representation, A/Scan, B-scan, C-scan. Phased Array Ultrasound, Time of Flight Diffraction.
Acoustic Emission Technique – Principle, AE parameters, Applications.

PART-A (2 Marks)
Q.No Questions BT Competence
1 Describe ultrasonic testing. BT 2 Understand

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2 List the elements associated with ultrasonic testing. BT 1 Remember

3 Discuss the principle of transmission through method in ultrasonic BT 2 Understand

4 Name the couplants used in ultrasonic testing. BT 1 Remember

5 List the variables that are influencing the results in ultrasonic testing. BT 2 Understand

6 Define transducer and List the types of ultrasonic transducer. BT 1 Remember

7 Discriminate straight beam and angle beam transducer. BT 5 Evaluate

8 Define attenuation and acoustic impedance. BT 1 Remember

9 Describe piezo electric effect. BT 2 Understand

10 What are the factors to be consider in selection of transducer? BT1 Remember

11 Narrate the principle of acoustic emission testing. BT1 Remember

12 Discriminate transmission and pulse-echo methods in UT. BT 5 Evaluate

13 What are the stages of acoustic emission technique? BT1 Remember

14 Name the source of Acoustic emission. BT1 Remember

15 Describe the properties of Acoustic waves. BT 2 Understand

16 List the modes of AE signal. BT 4 Analyze

17 Narrate the Kaiser effect in acoustic waves. BT1 Remember

18 List the types of sensors used in acoustic emission technique. BT 2 Understand

19 Describe the principle of pulse echo method. BT 5 Evaluate

20 List the factors influencing acoustic wave propagation. BT 1 Remember

PART-B (13 Marks)

Q.No Questions BT Competence
1 (i) Describe the principle of ultrasonic testing with suitable block BT 1 Remember
diagram. (8)
(ii) List the advantage and disadvantage of ultrasonic testing. (5)

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2 (i) Explain the principle of through transmission ultrasonic testing with BT 1 Remember
neat sketch. (8)
(ii) Briefly explain the wave propagation of Ultrasonic sound. (5)
3 Illustrate the principle of pulse echo method with neat sketch in ultrasonic BT 3 Apply
testing method.
4 Describe the working principle with neat sketch of following BT 2 Understand

(i) Piezo-Electric transducer. (7)

(ii) Electro Magnetic Acoustic Transducer (EMAT). (6)
5 List and Illustrate with neat sketch about Ultrasonic transducers used in BT 3 Apply
Ultrasonic testing method based on its applications.
6 Discuss the following Ultrasonic inspection technique with neat sketch. BT 2 Understand
(i) Straight beam ultrasonic inspection method. (7)
(ii) Angle beam ultrasonic inspection method. (6)
7 Discuss the following Ultrasonic inspection technique with neat sketch. BT 2 Understand
(i) Time of flight diffraction inspection method.
(ii) Phase array ultrasonic inspection
method. (iii)Immersion ultrasonic inspection
8 Illustrate with neat sketch about the following BT 3 Apply
(i) A-scan (ii) B-scan
(ii) C-scan
9 Explain with neat sketch about the data presentation methods in Ultrasonic BT 4 Analyze
test of non-destructive testing.
10 (i) Explain the principle of Acoustic emission test with neat sketch. (10) BT 5 Evaluate
(ii) List the applications of Acoustic emission test. (3) BT 1 Remember
11 Describe the factors influencing acoustic wave propagation and data BT 2 Understand
acquisition in Acoustic Emission test.
12 (i) List the components of Acoustic emission test. (3) BT 1 Remember
(ii) Illustrate with neat sketch about the arrangement of Acoustic BT 3 Apply
emission testing setup. (10)
13 Discuss the following with suitable diagram BT 2 Understand
(i) Transient signal in AE. (7)
(ii) Continuous signals in AE. (6)

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14 Demonstrate the principle of four channel data acquisition in Acoustic BT 3 Apply
Emission testing with neat sketch.
PART-C (15 Marks)

Q. Questions BT Competence
No Level
1 Describe in detail about which method of Ultrasonic inspection BT 2 Understand
technique is suitable for inspect the casting of materials with neat sketch.
2 Illustrate the suitable Ultrasonic method to inspecting the following with
suitable sketch.
(i) Thickness of material. (8) BT 3 Apply
(ii) Aircraft components. (7)

3 Explain about various parameters involved in Acoustic Emission Testing BT 4 Analyze

method of Non-destructive testing.

4 Describe the inspection of microstructure of weld by AE testing with BT 4 Analyze
suitable sketch.

Principle, interaction of X-Ray with matter, imaging, film and film less techniques, types and use of filters and
screens, geometric factors, Inverse square law, characteristics of films - graininess, density, speed, contrast,
characteristic curves, Penetrameters, Exposure charts, Radiographic equivalence. Fluoroscopy- Xero-
Radiography, Computed Radiography, Computed Tomography
PART-A (2 Marks)

Q.N Questions BT Competence

o Level
1 Define inverse square law in radiography. BT2 Understand

2 Write the mathematical correlation between film density and intensity of BT1 Remember
incident light in X-ray test.
3 Summarize the properties of X rays and Gamma rays. BT2 Understand

4 Describe about intensifying screens. BT2 Understand

5 Define Fluoroscopy. BT2 Understand

6 What is X-ray beam attenuation? BT3 Apply

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7 What is meant by Film density? BT1 Remember

8 List the stages of “Radiography test” BT3 Apply

9 Write any four characteristics of X-ray. BT1 Remember

10 Discuss about Photoelectric effect. BT2 Understand

11 Narrate Rayleigh Scattering. BT2 Understand

12 What is isotope decay rate in gamma ray testing? BT1 Remember

13 List the materials used for manufacturing of X-film. BT1 Remember

14 Examine "Half-value layer". BT3 Apply

15 Criticize "Film Graininess". BT5 Evaluate

16 Classify filters in radiographic testing. BT4 Analyze

17 Discuss about the factors affecting film contrast. BT2 Understand

18 How xero radiography differs from film radiography? BT1 Remember

19 Define Image sharpness. BT1 Remember

20 Describe computed radiography. BT2 Understand

PART-B (13 Marks)

Q.No Questions BT Competence
1 Explain about the process of Neutron Radiography and Computed BT 4 Analyze
2 (i) Discuss about the safety aspects related to Radiographic testing. (7) BT 2 Understand
(ii) Write short notes on the penetrometers and sensitivity in radiography
testing. (6)
3 (i) Describe radiographic imaging techniques with suitable sketch. (7) BT 2 Understand
(ii) Write short notes on radiographic film. (6)
4 (i) Explain the three step process of computed radiography and mention BT5 Evaluate
the significant advantages. (8)
(ii) State the various classes of films and explain their characteristics. (5) BT 1 Remember
5 Illustrate the components of X-ray generator with suitable sketch. BT 3 Apply

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6 Discuss the following
(i) Crank-out mechanism for Gamma ray radiographic exposure. (7)
BT 4 Analyze
(ii) Gamma source isotopes and their characteristics. (6)
7 Describe the following
(i) Different layers of X-ray film. (7)
BT 1 Remember
(ii) Salt screens. (6)

8 (i) Illustrate the Five sections of X-ray film characteristic curve. (10) BT 3 Apply
BT 2 Understand
(ii) Discuss about film density and Film speed. (3)
9 List and explain the stages of film processing and development with flow BT 1 Remember

10 Discuss about four important processes when interaction of X-rays with BT 2 Understand
11 Summarize the following BT5 Evaluate
(i) Types of X-rays. (7)
(ii) Types of filtration. (6)
12 Explain in detail about Xerography techniques with suitable sketch. BT 4 Analyze

13 Explain about Computed Radiography with suitable sketch. BT5 Evaluate

14 Describe about Fluoroscopy Testing with neat diagram. BT 2 Understand

PART C (15 Marks)

Q.No Questions BT Competence
1 How X-rays are produced in radiographic testing? Briefly write about two BT6 Create
methods of X-ray production.

2 How computed radiography differs from conventional radiography? BT6 Create

Briefly write about the principle of operation of computed radiography.
3 Classify X-ray films used in industrial radiography and brief about BT4 Analyze
Construction of film with simple line diagram.
4 Explain the types of radiation produced by radioactive decay (gamma ray) BT5 Evaluate
and their application with neat sketch.

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