ZAMBANKER September 2010
ZAMBANKER September 2010
ZAMBANKER September 2010
The mission of the Bank of Zambia is to formulate and implement monetary and supervisory policies
that achieve and maintain price stability and promote financial system stability in the Republic of Zambia
A Bank of Zambia Journal SEPTEMBER 2010
Keep the Promise.”
exceed US $2.5bn
output in 2010 puts the
country on course to hit its
annual target of 750,000mt.
In the first half of this year, the
country exported 392,334mt
of copper compared with the
311,933mt exported during
By Zambanker reporter exceeded US $2.5 billion, with increased production. of this year averaged US the same period in 2009.
Zambia has recorded an the rise being attributed to Zambia earned about US $2.5 $6,571 while in 2009 the Commenting on the
increase of over 100 percent increased copper prices on the billion from copper exports in average price of the mineral in development, BoZ Assistant
in copper earnings in the first international market and the first half of this year the corresponding period was Director - Macro economic
half of 2010 in comparison improved output. compared with the US $1.2 US $3,720. Analysis Division in the
with the same period last year, Most of the existing mining billion earned in the same Copper production also rose to Economics Department, Dr
hitting the US $2.5bn mark. companies increased their period last year. 393,309 metric tonnes (mt) in Francis Chipimo said the
Bank of Zambia preliminary output of copper while new Data obtained from the the first half of 2010 country was on course to
data show that the country's players in the copper Economics Department of the compared with 339,309 produce more base minerals
earnings from copper sales in business, like Lumwana Bank of Zambia show that the tonnes produced in the same this year compared to 2009.
the first half of this year Mining Company, added to the price of copper in the first half period last year. Dr Chipimo said increased
output resulted from the
resumption of operations by
most mines while new mines
were to ramp-up production Dr Chipimo
in view of increasing
international copper prices. biggest cobalt plant, and
He said resumption of increasing output at Lumwana
operations at Chambishi Mine were expected to prop up
Copper Smelter, the country's metal productions this year.
Stakeholders examine draft BoZ Act of the act, representatives of central banking and these
from Government ministries, being independence,
other regulatory entities and accountability and
professional bodies transparency.
representing lawyers, Some of the outstanding
accountants and economists features of the draft Act
as well as BoZ representatives include the institutional
who will administer the act. arrangements of the Bank
The Deputy Governor – including the appointment of
Administration mentioned governors, directors and
that the Bank had initiated auditors, internal budgets,
law review to the current reports, reporting
central bank legislation to requirements, preservation of
respond to the demands of the confidentiality and handling of
era. The exercise resulted in a possible offences, adequate
'home grown' draft Bank of mechanisms for good
Zambia Act. governance and security of
She was pleased to report that tenure for governors as well as
the draft had incorporated provisions relating to
principles of international adequate power and
best practice. independence.
The 2002 joint IMF and World The draft Act also looked at the
Bank assessment of Zambia's application of monetar y
financial sector under the policies, including the role of
Financial Sector Assessment lender-of-last-resort, interest
Programme (FSAP) raised and exchange rate policies,
awareness of various and Bank of Zambia's
weaknesses in Zambia's involvement in money and
financial system which foreign exchange markets.
needed to be addressed. For Dr Kankasa-Mabula said the
this purpose, the Government Bank tabled the draft Act
Participants of the stakeholders’ workshop pictured following deliberations attentively approved the establishment of before stakeholders to
the Financial Sector maximise its consultative
By Zambanker reporter legislative process. Central Bank Model Law but at Mulungushi International
Development Plan (FSDP) to process by taking into account
The draft Bank of Zambia Act Deputy Governor – mindful of the fact that Conference Centre on 21st address these weaknesses all views on the layman's draft.
has been finalized and Administration Dr Tukiya provisions had to relate to the September 2010. a n d i m p l e m e n t She further encouraged
presented to various Kankasa - Mabula said the local circumstances. The workshop was attended recommendations. One of the constructive debate and
stakeholders for further Bank had embarked on a Dr. Mabula said this when she by representatives from recommendations adopted assured all stakeholders that
review before submitting to process of reforming and officially opened the financial service providers was the need to modernise their views would be taken
the Ministry of Finance and modernizing its legislation stakeholder's workshop on the whose operations stand to be and harmonise financial into account before the draft
National Planning for the relying heavily on the SADC draft Bank of Zambia Act held affected by the administration sector legislation which could be transmitted to the
included the BoZ Act. Ministry of Finance and
The other reason that National Planning.
BoZ donates to
Kalabo High School
By Nimon Muleya Mr. Mayondi appealed to the
The Bank of Zambia (BoZ) has public not to relent in
re-iterated the need for ploughing back into the
adequate investment in the community that initially
education sector if sustainable assisted them to be whom
economic development is to there were today.
be made possible. Meanwhile, Former Kalabo
Dr Musokotwane Senior Chief Imwiko Anang'anga Dr Chiwele A n d We s t e r n P r o v i n c e Secondar y/High School
Permanent Secretary Seth Pupils' Association
By Zambanker reporter bestowed upon me, I have Institute of Administrative as Marketing Manager from
Muleya has called for public (FoKaSHA) chairperson
The Minister of Finance and decided to appoint you as Accounts, formerly the 1979 to 1983.
Other posts of note that the private partnership in order to Mundia Nalishebo said his
National Planning, Dr Director of the Bank of Zambia Institute of Book Keepers. This
Situmbeko Musokotwane has Senior Chief has held assist Government in meeting association is committed to
Board of Directors” he said. is a professional accounting
appointed Senior Chief Senior Chief Anang'anga is the course for three years at include being Provincial the Millennium Development mobilizing resources for
I m w i ko A n a n g ' a n g a o f first ever traditional leader to Evelyn Hone College. He Manager at Namboard in Goals (MDGs) their former school.
Lukulu, Western Province as be appointed Director of the further has a Cambridge Monze, Provincial Produce Bank of Zambia Head of Public Mr. Nalishebo pledged that
a member of the Board of Bank of Zambia Board since its School certificate from St Supervisor at Namboard Relations, Kanguya Mayondi his association is geared to
Directors of the Bank. In his establishment. Among the Johns Secondary School in based in Ndola and Assistant said BoZ attaches great do many other things in
letter of appointment to numerous qualifications, the Mongu and he completed his Accountant at Namboard in importance to education as a order to help their former
Senior Chief Anang'anga, the Senior Chief is a holder of a earlier education at Lukulu Lusaka. tool to achieving economic School, Kalabo High School.
Minister said the new Board post graduate diploma in Primary School. And welcoming the Senior development. “We're looking back and
member shall be responsible agriculture development from In terms of work experience, Chief to the Bank of Zambia Mr. Mayondi said this when he want to give back to our
for the formulation of policy the University of London, a Senior Chief Ananag'anga family, Bank Governor Caleb presented a donation of 89 school. Firstly, we want to
and will contribute to the diploma in Trade Promotion worked for the Western Fundanga congratulated the mattresses to Kalabo High get the very things that
general administration of the and Export Marketing from Province Cooperative Union Senior Chief for the School. would give hope to the
Bank under Section 9 (1) of Helsinki School of Economics, (WPCU) as General Manager appointment and trusted “The idea of giving hope to our current crop of pupils at
Cap 360 of the Laws of a diploma in Agricultural from 1983 to 1993. He further that he would assist the current crop of pupils today is Kalabo High School.” he
Zambia. Business Management from worked for the Produce and Bank to provide the vital very important, to a point said.
The Minister hoped that the the Mananga Agricultural Projects Division at Namboard leadership as expected of the
perhaps that can not be over Mr. Nalishebo appealed to all
Senior Chief would College in Swaziland, and a Headquarters as Deputy Board in the maintenance of
price stability and in the emphasized. Education is an former Kalabo High School
unreservedly discharge the diploma in Cooperative Theory Divisional Manager from 1975
functions and live up to the strengthening and important thing. We all would pupils in the country to join
and Practice from the Plunkett to 1979, after which he went
challenge. Foundation, Oxford University. on to work for Zambia development of the banking not be here speaking foreign his association and assist in
“Pursuant to the powers He is also a member of the Horticultural Products Limited To Page 8 languages if it had been not improving the status of the
for education.” he said. To Page 6
FINSCOPE 2009 Survey Completed demand and supply for Surveys is to provide delivery to their intended
financial services in Zambia. information that is central to customers. Dr Fundanga said
Since its inception, the the sound function of financial the findings would assist in
renowned FinScop project has markets and relevant to both identifying which legal, policy,
been providing annual service providers and policy regulatory or market issues are
insights into how consumers makers,” Dr Fundanga said. considered as obstacles to
source their income and He said similar surveys had growth, innovation and
manage their financial lives. also been undertaken in South competition.
In Zambia, the FinScop project Africa, Namibia, Botswana, He further said the expansion
is sponsored as a national Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, and and improvement of financial
agenda under the FSDP Mozambique. access in the country was likely
programme, with funding He further said the findings of to contribute to employment
support initially provided by the FinScope Survey are, generation, economic growth,
cooperating partners and among other things, expected human development and
more recently by the private to play an important role in ultimately poverty reduction.
sector development reform profiling demand and needs of Dr Fundanga added that it was
programme. financial services in Zambia. imperative to fully understand
Dr Musokotwane said it was He added that the findings are the landscape of financial
however noted that there was expected to highlight new service provision in Zambia in
improvement in extending market segments and order to be able to open up new
financial services and opportunities which, in the market segments which for a
products, such as savings and long run, should trigger very long time had lacked
credit, through other formal innovation in product design access to financial services.
and informal non-bank by service providers and
financial institutions. On the
Hon. Situmbeko Musokotwane confers with Governor Caleb Fundanga during the official launch of the Finscope
overall, there was a marginal st
Zambia 2009 - Topline Findings Report at Hotel Intercontinental in Lusaka. Also present at the launch were
Mrs. Maya Makanjee (l), Head of Finmark Trust, Dr. Denny Kalyalya, Deputy Governor - Operations (2nd from l)and
Mr. Likolo Ndalamei, Secretary to the Treasury (3rd from r)
increase in financial access to
37.3% in 2009 from 33.7% in
Mirriam is 1 runner-up
By Cynthia Chiyabu FSDP, which was being economic environment. By Zambanker reporter who, among other issues,
He said government would
Minister of Finance and implemented as a programme Dr Musokotwane said five new Bank of Zambia's Mirriam M. provide extraordinar y
remain committed to increase
N a t i o n a l P l a n n i n g , D r. intended to address observed commercial Banks had so far Mutati from the Regional support and continually
this further, and in the
Situmbeko Musokotwane has weaknesses in the financial been granted licenses to Office in Ndola recently think of ways to streamline
medium term has at least half
said that access to a well- sector, ran for five years from operate during the initial of the adult population in scooped the 1st Runners-up processes, while improving
functioning financial system 2004 to 2009. phase of the FSDP period. Zambia having access to position in this year's Personal performance and output.
has the potential to “In view of various “In the non-bank financial financial services and Assistants Africa award Mr. Evarist Ahimbisibwe,
economically and socially outstanding issues and new institutions sector supervised products. ceremony held on September from the Ministry of Works
empower the poor and low developments arising from the by Bank of Zambia, the And speaking earlier, Bank of 24, 2010 at Sunbird Hotel in and Transport in Uganda
income people, as well as recent global financial crisis, number of market players Zambia Governor, Dr Caleb Lilongwe, Malawi. received the overall award of
micro-enterprises. the Government approved a increased by over 100 per cent Fundanga said the role played The awards are held in the 2010 Personal Assistant
Dr Musokotwane said despite three-year extension under a over the last five years with by the financial sector in recognition of the important of the Year award and walked
the broad consensus on the second phase of the FSDP to further applications still being Zambia's economic role played by Personal away with US$1500 and
importance of financial run until December 2012,” Dr considered. development had been limited Assistants in corporate accommodation gift
inclusion as, among others, a Musokotwane said. This has largely been as a over the recent years with the productivity. vouchers from Sunbird
poverty alleviation tool, it is He said the FSDP represents a result of new entrants in the sector being characterized by This is the fourth time the Malawi Hotel for two.
estimated that between 2 and strategy that was formulated microfinance and bureau de low financial intermediation awards are being held since its Zambia's Mirriam Mutati
3 billion people around the to address the cur rent change sub sectors, which has and high concentration of launch in 2007, with the won herself a laptop
world are still excluded from weaknesses in the Zambian also seen the first Credit bank branches in urban areas. ceremony being held in provided by JTM Technology
access to financial services. financial system in its entirety, Reference Bureau licensed,” He said the government Nairobi, Kenya at that time. Kenya, as well as dinner gift
He said the situation is which is aimed at realizing the he said. formulated the FSDP as a In 2008, the event was hosted vouchers from Sunbird
particularly dire in developing vision of a financial system Dr Musokotwane, however, programme to address various in Kampala, Uganda, while Malawi Hotel for two.
countries where often the that is sound, stable, and said growth in the financial sectoral weaknesses and Tanzania hosted the event in Zambanker joins
majority of the population is market-based and would sector goes beyond just the ultimately broaden and 2009 in the country's all well-
excluded from the formal support efficient resource number of licensed deepen Zambia's financial c a p i t a l o f D a r- e s - wishers in
financial system. mobilization necessary for institutions. This is noted in sector. Salaam. congratulati
Dr Musokotwane said this economic diversification and other indicators such as the “In this regard , Finmark Trust The event, organized ng Mrs.
during the Financial Sector sustainable growth. asset base, outreach through of South Africa was contracted by a management Mutati for
Development Plan (FSDP) He further said the financial branch and agency network, to undertake this activity, development yet again
national launch of the findings sector has witnessed as well as innovation of under what is widely referred organization, the putting the
of the Zambia FinScope 2009 significant growth in the products. to as the FinScope Consumer International country and
survey, which was held at industry during the period of He said one of the priority Survey, initially in 2005 and Renaissance Centre of the Central
Hotel Intercontinental in implementing the FSDP, with areas identified under the subsequently, in 2009 for a Kenya brings delegates Bank on the
Lusaka on 27 July, 2010. new banks opening up to take FSDP relates to the production follow up study. The main together from various global map.
He said the first phase of the advantage of a favourable of market knowledge on the objective of the FinScope countries within the
The awards seek to
From Page 3
financial system stability, the
Bank has various assets, both
material and in the form of
BoZ lauds cops In June 2007, BoZ requested
the office of the Inspector-
General of Police to shortlist
thirty Officers, who were later
BoZ employees urged to write wills Copperbelt Universty Management and Accountancy Association (CUMAA) members who visited the Bank of Zambia recently captured in front of the
BoZ building with Bank staff members
By Zambanker reporter law and one's wishes would
Bank of Zambia employees not be followed.
have been encouraged to Some of the formalities
write wills so that adequate
provision for their loved ones
is taken.
required include the fact that
the will has to be in writing,
signed by the testator or by
Consistent Performance vital - Kankasa-Mabula
Speaking at a will writing some other person and signed By Zambanker reporter competence levels of its took on board topics that were individual performance goals
session in the Bank of Zambia or acknowledged in the Deputy Governor – employees. crucial for management skills and measures such as
Auditorium and organized by presence of two witnesses. Administration, Dr Tukiya T h e m a n a g e m e n t such as change management, exploring the concept of
Human Resources Any person except a minor, is Kankasa-Mabula has advised development programme was performance management, accountability and
department for employees in allowed to make a will, and that no organisation can designed to strengthen team building and human responsibility, indicating how
Lusaka recently, Mr Charles any one can be a witness to a consistently perform at a high managerial and supervisory resource management among appraisals could be applied as
Chanda of Chanda Chizu & will except an insane person, level unless the capabilities of capabilities among its middle others. an effective tool for managing
Associates said reasons why it minors and illiterate persons middle management and top management employees. The The Deputy Governor also said individual performances and
was advantageous for an and beneficiaries unless in management are aligned. Bank recognised that this that while most organisations discussing a systematic
individual to write a will the presence of two Speaking at the official category of employees was viewed training as an expense, approach to personal
include choosing a person one independent witnesses. opening of a management very important and critical in the Bank considered training development planning.
wants to run their affairs or A person making a will can development programme the implementation of Bank as an investment with tangible The Bank, in this regard,
estate when they are gone, to choose as administrator, organised for middle programmes and objectives. returns. Despite its dwindling pledges to continue with the
prevent property grabbing anyone they wish to management employees at 'The programme deliberately financial resources, the Bank staff development
and to ensure that life savings administer their will once Chrismar Hotel in Lusaka included topics on the core continued to invest in training programmes as a means to
go to the designated people. they have passed on. Mr recently, Dr Kankasa-Mabula functions of the Bank so that as a way of ensuring that its improve individual and team
Laws on inheritance and Chanda also clarified on the said for the Bank, aligning of you are all aware of what the employees kept pace with performance management as
succession in Zambia are provisions for cancellation or capabilities meant that both Bank does and how the global changes and trends. it implements its objectives.
governed by two pieces of revocation of a will. levels of management must different departments One of the facilitators, Mr
legislation, and these are “It is possible for one who has steadfastly uphold the vision complement each other. These Adamson Sinyangwe who
Intestate Succession Act and made a will to cancel it. This which was 'to be a modern, topics are essential because made a presentation on
the Wills Act. can be done by a document dynamic, credible and effective they allow you to have a performance management,
A will is a legal paper that known as codicil, which is central bank' and be able to deeper understanding of the said the performance
describes who should receive another will. identify specific roles in Bank and to understand the management process attempts
one's probate property after A will can also be cancelled or realising this vision. role that each one of you plays to systemise good practice to
they are dead and is typically revoked through a written 'It has been observed that a in meeting the Bank of Zambia ensure that what all managers
prepared by a lawyer and declaration of intention to number of organisations tend objectives which are enshrined aimed for and achieved was
signed by the testator in front revoke or through tearing or to have weak middle in the BoZ vision and mission,' what the organisation
of at least two appropriate burning”. management teams and strong she said. required. He added that
witnesses and a public notary. Section 20 of the Wills Act top management or vice versa. Dr Kankasa-Mabula further performance management
A will can also be described as gives the High Court power to W h i c h e v e r w a y, n o stated that the Bank preferred should incorporate
a legal declaration of intention vary a will where there are organisation can consistently in-house courses because they performance improvement
to confer a benefit on another, unreasonable provisions for perform at a high level unless allowed facilitators to make throughout the organisation,
which will take effect upon the the spouse, children or the capabilities of middle programmes which were as well as the continuous
death of the writer. dependants. management and top tailored to the needs of the development of individuals
Mr Chanda explained that In order to write a will and in management are aligned,' she institution. The management and teams.
wills are generally governed order for it to take effect, the said. development programme was The aim of this topic was to
The Deputy Governor further tailored to meet the Bank's help managers reflect on the
by the law and therefore the testator must identify
stated that the Bank attached requirements with regard to process that must underpin
Wills Act provides formalities themselves, identify the
special importance to staff developing managers with the performance management by
to be followed when preparing assets, name the
training and development as a knowledge, skills, attitudes outlining a systematic model
a will. The law requires that beneficiaries, name personal
way of benchmarking its and behavioural attributes to of performance management,
formalities should be followed representatives and their
operations, learning best meet the Bank's current and highlighting some of the
or else the will could be authority and revoke all other
practice and enhancing future needs. The programme potential pitfalls of setting Dr Kankasa-Mabula
disregarded by the courts of wills, that may exist.
Governor Caleb Fundanga, together with Bank of China General Manager Wang Hongwei and BoC Board Member Deputy Governor - Administration Dr. Tukiya Kankasa-Mabula (front row, 3rd from r) treated former Director - Audit
Chita Chibesakunda sharing a light moment during the Chairpersons’ luncheon at Hotel Intercontinental in Lusaka Department Mrs. Avet Hamuwele (front row, 2nd from r) to lunch at Sandy’s Creations. in attendance were some
Directors and Assistant Directors at the Bank
Director at ZESCO, Mr. Masiye Mwale seems to be giving Members of Parliament and BoZ staff members an Governor Caleb Fundanga congratulating one of the happy winners of cash prizes during the draw of the Bank of
impromptu lesson in the chinese language during a familiarization tour of the Kariba North Bank expansion Zambia quiz at the Lusaka Agricultural and Commercial Show
project in Siavonga
During the show in Lusaka, the Governor took time to visit all the players in the financial sector who had mounted Mr. Musapenda Phiri of the FSDP Secretariat at BoZ explains some aspects of the Top Line findings during the
exhibitions. above, Governor Fundanga poses with members of staff of ZANACO after visiting the bank’s stand Copperbelt launch of the Finscope Zambia 2009 - Top Line Findings in Ndola recently
Chairpersons of commercial banks, together with Governor Fundanga and members of the BoZ team, Regional Director Morris Mulomba (2nd from l) handing a gift to Mr. Mathews Zulu during the latter’s farewell f
posing for a group photograph after the luncheon at Hotel Intercontinental in Lusaka recently unction in Ndola. looking on are Mrs. Zulu (2nd from r) and Assistant Director - HRA Mr. Patrick Mulenga (l)
Zambia attractive investment location-Chinese bank attractive investment rate (WALBR) to 21 per cent
destinations in Africa”, Mr from 22.5 per cent as recorded
Wang said. in the previous quarter.
Mr Wang was speaking at The average lending rate also
L u s a k a ' s H o t e l declined to 27.7 per cent as at
Intercontinental at a Quarterly end June from 29 per cent in
Luncheon for Commercial March.
Bank Chairpersons held in In the foreign exchange
September 2010 and market, the Kwacha
sponsored by BoC. depreciated against major
He said his institution would traded currencies except for
continue to contribute to the the euro, thus reversing gains
country's economic made in the previous quarter.
development through the The Kwacha depreciated by 9.1
provision of financing to local per cent against the US dollar,
businesses and the payment of ending the period at an average
taxes for the well-being of the of K5,122.89.
Zambian people. H o w e v e r, t h e G o v e r n o r
Mr Wang said the economic reported that latest data for
strides Zambia was making end of July showed that the
were also as a result of the rate of depreciation for the
existing healthy and dynamic Kwacha to US dollar had
financial system under the slowed down, to the point of
efficient supervision of the posting marginal gains by the
Bank of Zambia. end of August.
And Bank of Zambia Governor, “As at the close of the trading
Dr Caleb Fundanga thanked Mr session on 27 August, 2010 the
Wang for his kind words, Kwacha was trading at
Governor Caleb Fundanga compares “notes” with Chairpersons of commercial banks at the luncheon held at Hotel Intercontinental in Lusaka, while noting that it was not too often K4,974.32 against the US
Deputy Governor - Operations Dr. Denny Kalyalya keeps vigil that regulators were lauded for dollar in the interbank
their work. market”, Dr Fundanga said.
By Zambanker reporter by a leading Chinese Bank. potential had been supported per cent. He thanked BoC for making it In the real sector, the Governor
Zambia has been described as Bank of China (BoC) General by economic fundamentals like “Zambia recorded a six percent possible that Chairpersons of said most of the selected
one of the most attractive Manager, Mr Hongwei Wang last year's Gross Domestic GDP last year and the country the 18 commercial banks indicators of economic activity
investment locations in Africa said Zambia's investment Product (GDP) growth of six has become one of the most registered in Zambia could during the second quarter
meet and review happenings recorded an increased output.
of the last quarter in a cordial For instance, during the second
Training Update
By Zambanker reporter employees have so far
Training of staff in any successfully completed their
organization including the studies this year, and seven
Bank of Zambia, is important in have already proceeded on full
that it helps companies to train time studies.
have more productive and The following is a list of
qualified employees. members of staff who have
The Bank of Zambia has successfully completed their
employees who go for further studies and those who have
Studies in various programmes proceeded on full time studies:
Participants to the stakeholders meeting pose for a group photo with Deputy Governor Operations
every year.
Bank of Zambia Training PhD in Economic
Deputy Governor - Operations Dr. Denny Kalyalya explaining developments in the economy to journalists at a press First Republican President Dr. Kenneth Kaunda receiving a gift from Head of Public Relations Kanguya Mayondi
briefing in the Bank’s stand during Lusaka Agricultural and Commercial Show before leaving the BoZ stand at the Lusaka Agricultural and Commercial Show
Members of the Regional Office Managers’ Circle captured in a relaxed mood at the scenic Mutanda Waterfalls in
Solwezi recently Part of the contingent of Parliamentarians and BoZ staff listening attentively during the Bank’s Seminar for MPs in
The Bank of Zambia team which participated in festivities to mark the commemoration of World Population Day in Head of Public Relations, Kanguya Mayondi (l) receiving “some valuable tips” on the trade from former Head of
Lusaka take time off to pose for a momentous group photograph at Mulungushi Inter9national Conference Centre Public Relations and current Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hon Kabinga Pande at the Lusaka Agricultural and Commercial
Deputy Governor - Administration Dr, Tukiya Kankasa-Mabula conferring with Hon. B.Y. Mwila and Hon. Geoffrey Members of the Bank of Zambia team who represented the institution at the Lusaka Agricultural and Commercial
Mwamba during the Seminar for MPs in Siavonga Show pose with Governor Fundanga at the BoZ stand
By Zambanker reporter worked in various with the Bank as a Security F. OTHER FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS
The Bank of Zambia has lost departments as a messenger Officer – Operations.
1 Credit Reference Bureau Africa Limited P O Box 31199, Lusaka 0211-224263 0211-224257
four members of staff in the and tea maker before his Mr Kamanga was born on G. LIST OF BUREAUX DE CHANGE
third quarter of 2010. Of demise. November 1 APT Bureau de Change Limited P O Box 34553, Lusaka 0211-225637 0211-221993
those who died, two were He was born in 1957. 30, 1975. 2 Atics Bureau de Change Limited P O Box 31407, Lusaka 0211-223443 0211-223443
from Security Division, one 3 A and I Bureau de Change Limited P O Box 35443, Lusaka 0211-224350 0211-224350
Mr Lewis Lupupa died on Mr Kamoza 4 Becky's Bureau de Change Limited P O Box 50727, Lusaka 0211-228217 0211-228394
from Procurement and August 21, 2010 at the Zimba died 5 Bimm Bureau de Change Limited P O Box 34656, Lusaka 0211-220647 0211-229149
Maintenance Services University Teaching Hospital o n 6 Bullion Bureau de Change Limited P O Box 33322, Lusaka 0211-235196 0211-235196
Department while the other after an illness. He joined the September
7 C & A Bureau de Change Limited P O Box 32007, Lusaka 0211-235543 0211-235543
8 Casha Bureau de Change Limited P O Box 32543, Lusaka 0211-232923 0211-223160
was from Internal Audit Bank on March 31, 2003 as a 18, 2010 9 CFB Bureau de Change Limited P O Box 38074, Lusaka 0211-226588 0211-231787
Department. Those who died Security Officer - Operations. following a 10 Challenge Bureau de Change Limited P O Box 36020, Lusaka 0211-229369 0211-229358
were Mr Francis Phiri, Mr On April 28, 2009, he was road traffic 11 Choice Bureau de Change Limited P O Box 50895, Lusaka 0211-220262 0211-220262
12 Chuvic Bureau de Change Limited P O Box 60660, L/stone 0213-327011 0213-322524
Lewis Lupupa, Mr Micheal appointed Senior Security accident. Mr 13 Citizen Bureau de Change Limited P O Box 34284, Lusaka 0211-221394 0211-230411
Kamanga and Mr Kamoza Officer - Operations, the Zimba joined 14 Dondou Bureau de Change Limited P O Box 23110, Kitwe 0212-232017 0212-232017
Zimba. position he held at the time of the Bank on 15 EL Thomas Bureau de Change Limited P O Box 31343, Lusaka 0211-222879 0211-222879
Mr Francis Phiri died on July his demise. May 5, 2008 Mr Kamanga 16 Elite Bureau de Change Limited P O Box 60987, Livingstone 0213-322660 0213-322660
17 Flex Bureau de Change Limited P O Box 37804, Lusaka 0211-225316 0211-231344
19, 2010 at the University B e f o r e as an Internal 18 FS Bureau de Change Limited P O Box 34882, Lusaka 0211-222064 0211-223879
Te a c h i n g joining the Auditor in the 19 Forex King Bureau de Change Limited P O Box 36175, Lusaka 0211-236730 0211-236730
Hospital after Bank, he had Internal 20 FX Africa Bureau de Change Limited P O Box 51086 RW, Lusaka 0211-232363 0211-232276
21 Golden Coin Bureau de Change Limited P O Box 36552, Lusaka 0211-235850 0211-235851
an illness. Mr worked for A u d i t 22 Goldfield Bureau de Change Limited P O Box 32253, Lusaka 0211-233847 0211-233847
Phiri joined Zambia Police department. 23 M & T Bureau de Change Limited P O Box 31249, Lusaka 0211-251438 0211-251438
the Bank on as a Police B e f o r e 24 Mill Bureau de Change Limited P O Box 34647, Lusaka 0211-235974 0211-235974
October 1, officer based joining the
25 NyamiNyami Bureau de Change Ltd P O Box 60936, L/stone 0213-322489 0213-322489
26 Northmead Bureau de Change Limited P O Box 36648, Lusaka 0211-290426 0211-290426
1980 as a at State Bank, he had 27 Roseco Bureau de Change Limited P O Box 39044, Lusaka 0977-108060
g e n e r a l House. worked for 28 Runnymede Bureau de Change Limited Private Bag 383X, Lusaka 0211-261978 0211-261958
worker in the Mr Lupupa National 29 Saints Bureau de Change Limited P O Box 51428, Lusaka 0211-227939 0211-227939
30 Sterling Bureau de Change Limited P O Box 70658, Ndola 0212-620825 0212-621415
Estates and was born in Pe n s i o n 31 Stero Bureau de Change Limited P O Box 33604, Lusaka 0211-222736 0211-222736
Properties 1973. S c h e m e 32 Struts Bureau de Change Limited P O Box 36341, Lusaka 0211-256378 0211-268320
Department Mr Micheal Authority 33 Swift Bureau de Change Limited P O Box 32882, Lusaka 0211-223012 0211-222788
Mr Lupupa Mr Zimba 34 Unifinance Bureau de Change Limited P O Box 35495, Lusaka 0211-237575 0211-227342
n o w Mr Phiri Kamanga (NAPSA) as 35 Variety Bureau de Change Limited P O Box 32152, Lusaka 0211-235445 0211-233481
Procurement and died on September 6, 2010 an Assistant Internal 36 Walk Tall Bureau de Change Limited P O Box 73819, Ndola 0212-621929
Maintenance Services after an illness, less than two Auditor. He had also worked 37 Zampost Bureau de Change Limited P O Box 30003, Lusaka 0211-220563 0211-220567
Department. months after joining the for Ernst & Young as a Pre- 38 Zanwiche Bureau de Change Limited P O Box 31129, Lusaka 0211-233282 0211-233282
39 Gobena Bureau de Change Limited P O Box 34247, Lusaka 0211-287262 0211-287262
In 1991, Mr Phiri was Bank on secondment. Mr Senior Auditor. 40 RADOX Bureau de Change Limited P O Box FW 467, Lusaka 0211-227864 0211-227864
appointed as Office Orderly Kamanga was seconded to Mr Zimba was born on 41 Crusade Bureau de Change Limited P O Box 31879, Lusaka 0211 264601 0211-264601
under the General Services the Bank from Zambia Police February 14, 1975. 42 Dilt Bureau de Change Limited P O Box 36413, Lusaka 0211-228749 0211-228749
department. Mr Phiri had 43 Presans Bureau de Change Limited P O Box 38723, Lusaka
on July 28, 2010. He was May their souls rest in peace. 44 Floodgates Forex Bureau de Change Limited P O Box 34559, Lusaka 0211-234658 0211-234658
Regional office visits Kansanshi mine actual construction only road in Chingola was not
began in 2003 and was enough, the second night in
completed in 2005. Solwezi brought with it some
Kansanshi produced its first exciting revelations.
copper cathode on 23rd March The team had to endure a
2005. rather long wait for a meal in a
From that time production has local restaurant, after having
steadily increased and more taken the bold decision that
than USD 600 million has they would not leave the
been invested in the mining North West without sampling
operations by First Quantum the local cuisine.
Minerals since inception. Assistant Manager Banking -
The Mine currently employs Front Office, Mukuka Puta
about 4,000 people across the who was also part of the
Mine site. group, described the visit to
It has also created a lot of the caves as because it was as
business opportunities for good as seeing God's hand at
business houses in Solwezi work.
who either supply or service He said the view points are at
contracts with the Mine. different height levels, and so
The Manager's circle, entirely managing the whole walk
financed by individual around proved too strenuous
contributions from members for some of the staff members.
of staff on a monthly standard “The literature and pictures
token to an account in depicting other recognized
banking office, has through sites in the country proved
the years done exceptionally very educative and the staff
well in trying to encourage managing the site was found
and maintain the visit Zambia to be highly informed and
campaign which was helpful to the team,” Mr Puta
Some members of the Regional Office Managers’ Circle seem to be “marooned” aboard the “mariner” at Mutanda Falls in Solwezi. They, launched sometime back. said.
however, don’t appear to be looking for any help at all! The tours, which are taken He said it was always a
once every so often, are in challenge to organise a group
By Zambanker reporter excursions to Mfuwe National borders with Angola and the government. as diverse as a team of
recognition of the fact that
The Regional Office Park, visits to Chaminuka and Democratic Republic of The Mine which is probably Managers, because once in a
within the confines of the
Manager's Circle recently took the world famed Victoria Falls Congo. one of the oldest in Zambia while someone puts their
offices, people are not able to
an excursion to North- in Livingstone, to mention but Kansanshi Mine produces and dates back to the 4th adequately reach out to each interest before the collective
Western Province to tour what a few. about 40% of the total copper Century over 1, 600 years interest of the group.
other as individuals to a level
is currently one of Zambia's This year the team was exported from Zambia. In ago. In 1899 the mine was He, however, said dealing
where they can know one
largest copper producing treated to a magnificent tour that respect, Kansanshi is rediscovered by Mr. George with these types of people
another sufficiently to
mines, Kansanshi. of the Kansanshi Copper Mine helping the country to earn Grey, who hailed from added to the fun as long as it
understand the other's
The Manager's Circle has in in Solwezi, found in the the much-needed foreign Scotland. remained within reasonable
strengths and weaknesses.
the past few years taken North-Western Province of exchange and is also First Quantum Minerals, a limits, and adding that
The tour to the North West
excursions to the famous Zambia, which happens to be contributing to economic Canadian Company bought attempts had been made in
comprised of twenty-two
Chimfushi orphanage in the second largest province development through the the business from Phelps the past to rotate the
members, including Regional
Chingola, four separate after Northern Province and payment of taxes to the Dodge in the year 2001, but organizers, but there were not
Director Morris Mulomba,
who also took some time off to too many volunteers and at
visit the Mine. times the ones that
CROSSWORD PUZZLE 26 The tour was deemed exciting
and fulfilling in that it
volunteered were not able to
negotiate accommodation
ACROSS spanned over education and rates.
1 2 3 4 5 6 leisure, and offered them the After viewing the caves, the
7. Computers (6) opportunity to visit one of team had a sumptuous lunch
8. Trustworthy (4, 4) Zambia's oldest mines. at Chabanga Lodge Solwezi,
9. Repairs (6) As the trip was reaching some after which they started off on
levels of crescendo, the team the 30km journey to Mutanda
12. Penniless (5) woke up to a rather rude Waterfalls.
7 shock after some of the team To add to the exciting
13. Adjust (5)
members found themselves moments of their visit, the
14. Present (5)
wading in pools of water as team held a cocktail at the
16. Consider (5) 8 their rooms were flooded due Chabanga Lodge swimming
19. Delight (6) to leaking pipes at a pool area, although it was
prominent Hotel in Chingola, reported that their guests only
20. Connectable (8) 9 10 11 started arriving for the
where they spent their first
21. Continent (6) night on the road. function after 20:00 hours.
23. Deadlock (9) Upon reaching their The team started their journey
12 back to Ndola the following
destination, the site visit
started off in the boardroom day only to develop a
DOWN with an overview of the Mine, mechanical fault, forcing the
13 14 15 conducted by Kansanshi team to stop at least every
1. River (7)
Mines Plc Manager in Charge three kilometers to manually
2. Volume (9) of Public Relations, Godfrey assist the fuel pump, resulting
16 17 18
3. Apprentice (6) Msiska. in the journey taking longer
4. Transcend (6) The team then embarked on a than expected.
tour of the whole mine works, After arrival in Chingola, the
5. Uproar (3) 19 team had to leave the BoZ bus
ranging from the pit which is
6. Charges (5) cited as a vintage point, to the at Chingola Police Station and
20 crusher plants and the copper transfer onto a chartered bus,
10. Fable (4)
cathode plant. which brought them back
11. Sugar Estate (9) The Kifubwa River caves, home to Ndola.
12. Tidings (4) recognized as a heritage site Though the team experienced
21 22
and now adopted by the Bank some problems on the way,
15. Designation, they still look forward to the
of Zambia was their next stop.
Period (4, 3) While there, the group learnt next outing which points
17. Fish, Insect (3, 3) more on the history of the towards a nearby intensive
caves and its surrounding dairy, beef, poultry, and
18. Gracious (6) areas. vegetable farm and managed
19. Ideas (5) As if their first night on the by expatriate missionaries.
22. Knock (3)
Views expressed in this publication are not necessarily
those of the Bank of Zambia Management or the Editor
Head Office Regional Office
Accross Bank of Zambia, Bank of Zambia,
7. Counts 8. Bona fide 9. Amends 12. Needy 13. Inure 14. Token 16. Weigh 19. Please Bank Square, Cairo Road Buteko Avenue,
P. O. Box 30080 P. O. Box 71511
20. Linkable 21. Africa 23. Stalement Lusaka 10101, Zambia Ndola, Zambia
Tel: + 260 1 228888/228903-20, Tel: +260 2 611633-52,
DOWN Fax: + 260 1 221764/237070 Fax: + 260 2 614251
Telex: Za41560, E-mail:[email protected], Telex: Za30100, E-mail:[email protected],
1. Zambezi 2. Magnitude 3. Novice 4. Exceed 5. Din 6. Costs 10. Myth Website: Website:
11. Nakambala 12. News 15. Name, Age 17. Eel, Ant 18. Genial 19. Plans 22. Rap Produced and Published by the Public Relations Division,
Bank of Zambia