Client Intake Form For Energy Healing
Client Intake Form For Energy Healing
Client Intake Form For Energy Healing
Personal Information
Name: Birthday:
Medical Information
Are you pregnant? Yes No If yes, how far along and are there any
Healing Information
If at any time during the session, you feel unwell or uneasy, please advise your healer. You’re welcome to provide
insights/experiences during the session if it will assist in the session, or you can advise upon the closure of the
Have you ever had energy healing or Reiki performed before? Yes No
Have you ever had any other holistic or natural healing performed before? Yes No
If yes, what was it, and how long ago and what was the outcome?
What are your goals for this healing session? Tick all that apply:
Client acknowledgments
By signing the below, you agree you have completed this form as honestly and completely as possible, and will
advise if anything changes at any time; you understand energy healing is a natural, non-invasive modality to help
bolster your own ability to heal and should not replace urgent or essential medical treatment by a medical
Healer acknowledgements
By signing the below, you agree to perform your healing session with pure, loving intention in order to serve your
client’s greatest and highest good, and have also advised your client of what to expect before, during and after the
session has been completed.