Character Strengths Cards - Adult and Secondary

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© Institute of Positive Education.

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© Institute of Positive Education.
Licensed for use by "warren neiland".
We hope you enjoy learning about and
using your Character Strengths by using
this resource. If you would like to learn
more about Character Strengths and
Positive Education, be sure to visit us at

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© Institute of Positive Education.

Licensed for use by "warren neiland".

Positive Education places wellbeing at the heart

of education. A strengths-based approach to
teaching and learning, focusing on what is going well,
is an essential element of Positive Education.
The 24 Character Strengths describe the positive
human qualities that, when actioned, contribute to living
a ‘good life’. They are classified into six areas of virtue:

Courage Humanity
Wisdom Transcendence
Justice Temperance

© Institute of Positive Education.

Licensed for use by "warren neiland".

This resource can be used in a variety of ways.

→ Pick a page at random as a way to focus on one
strength at a time over a day or a week.
→ Find your signature strengths and choose an activity
from each one to try throughout the week.
→ Select a whole virtue area and see if you can
complete an activity on each page.
→ Write down your favourite ways to use your signature
strengths on the blank page. Include ideas for new
ways of using them.

© Institute of Positive Education.

Licensed for use by "warren neiland".

This resource can be used in a variety of ways.

→ To learn more about your Character Strengths and to
take the free online survey:
→ Peterson, C., & Seligman, M. E. P. (2004). Character
strengths and virtues: A handbook and classification.
New York: Oxford University Press and Washington,
DC: American Psychological Association.
→ Rashid, T., & Anjum, A. (unpub, 2005).
340 ways to use VIA character strengths.

Positive Education and Character Strengths workshops,

podcasts, curriculum and resources available at:

© Institute of Positive Education.

Licensed for use by "warren neiland".
capacity to love & be loved, forgiveness, modesty,
kindness, social intelligence prudence, self-control

bravery, persistence, creativity, curiosity,
honesty, zest open-mindedness, love of
learning, perspective

appreciation of beauty & teamwork, fairness,
excellence, gratitude, hope, leadership
humour & playfulness, spirituality

© Institute of Positive Education.

Licensed for use by "warren neiland".
creativity, curiosity, open-mindedness,
love of learning, perspective

Positive traits which relate to the

acquisition and use of information in the
service of the good life.
Strengths of Wisdom are cognitive
strengths which involve the way we
acquire and use knowledge.

© Institute of Positive Education.

Licensed for use by "warren neiland".
originality, ingenuity

Coming up with original and useful ideas or behaviours

which address obstacles and make a positive contribution
to the world and the lives of those around you.

→ Brainstorm solutions to a problem: mind map or

sketch note, use colour and imagination. Attempt to
find many possible solutions.
→ Be creative with everyday things! Travel to or from
a regular destination in a new way, or rearrange your
→ Consider your routines: can any be enhanced to bring
you more joy?
→ Chat to a friend about new ways to complete a
challenging task.

WISDOM © Institute of Positive Education.

Licensed for use by "warren neiland".
interest, openness to experience

Actively taking an interest in experiences and

knowledge. Finding out more about people, places,
things and ideas.

→ Challenge yourself to explore three new things about

a mundane task. Start with “I wonder why…”
→ Notice something about the room you are in which
you haven’t realised before.
→ Is there something you’re curious about? Lean into
this and find out more!
→ Reach out to a friend and ask them a question.
→ Questionstorm! Brainstorm as many questions as you
can on a topic.

WISDOM © Institute of Positive Education.

Licensed for use by "warren neiland".

Being enthusiastic about new skills or adding to your

knowledge, even when the material benefits of learning
may not be immediately apparent.

→ Identify something you are really interested in.

How would you like to learn more about this subject
(by reading, watching, thinking or talking)?
→ Consider what you have learnt recently.
What aspects of this did you enjoy?
→ Read a book or journal article on a topic you are
interested in.
→ Browse courses you might be interested in
undertaking in the future.

WISDOM © Institute of Positive Education.

Licensed for use by "warren neiland".
judgment, critical thinking

Thinking things through and examining the facts from

all sides. Consider evidence that goes against your
own beliefs. Be prepared to change your mind.

→ Play ‘devil’s advocate’ on an issue that you have

strong opinions about. Collect information on an
opposing viewpoint to your own.
→ When you face your next challenge, first imagine the
best and worst scenarios and then decide the most
realistic course of action.
→ Be critical with your own ideas. Instead of going with
your first solution, imagine a different way of getting
to the same result.
→ Notice if your first response to a situation is always
“no”. Challenge yourself to consider a “yes” instead.

WISDOM © Institute of Positive Education.

Licensed for use by "warren neiland".

Understanding multiple sides of a situation before

making decisions. Offering helpful advice to others.

→ Imagine having a conversation with a wise person

about a problem; consider the questions asked,
responses given, the nuances of the discussion, and
any advice that would be offered.
→ Find a quote about wisdom and re-write it as practical
action steps for yourself.
→ Practice 10/10/10 decision making; how will you feel
about your choice in 10 minutes, 10 months, 10 years?

WISDOM © Institute of Positive Education.

Licensed for use by "warren neiland".
spirituality, humour & playfulness, hope, gratitude,
appreciation of beauty & excellence

Positive traits that reach outside of

the individual to engage with the larger
universe. Strengths of Transcendence
provide a broad sense of connection
to something higher in meaning and
purpose than ourselves.

© Institute of Positive Education.

Licensed for use by "warren neiland".
awe, wonder, admiration

The ability to find, recognise and take pleasure in the

existence of beauty and excellence in the world.

→ Look around you and notice something beautiful

or wonderful. Take a photo or write about it.
→ Notice and admire someone’s hard work or strengths.
→ Appreciate the people around you today
– what do they add to your day?
→ Think of something you find awe-inspiring: nature,
music, art...
→ Congratulate someone on their good work
– be specific.

TRANSCENDENCE © Institute of Positive Education.

Licensed for use by "warren neiland".

Being aware of and thankful for the good things

that happen in your life. Cultivating a mindset of
appreciation and joy for the benefits gained from
people or situations.

→ Write down three things you are grateful for and why.
Consider continuing the practice once a day or once a
→ Thank someone, explaining why or for what you are
→ Notice something in your day you take for granted,
but are grateful for.
→ Think of a challenge you have faced and overcome.
What can you now appreciate about this experience?

TRANSCENDENCE © Institute of Positive Education.

Licensed for use by "warren neiland".
optimism, future-mindedness

Being optimistic and having confidence that something

can be done to create a brighter future. Have an
expectation of the best possible outcome.

→ Mentally rehearse your next challenge and identify

how you can use your strengths to manage any
→ Reflect on a situation when you or someone close
to you overcame a difficult challenge. What can you
learn from this?
→ Imagine your best possible self in a year from now.
What do you feel like? What strengths have you
→ Consider multiple pathways to reach your goals.

TRANSCENDENCE © Institute of Positive Education.

Licensed for use by "warren neiland".

Seeing the lighter side of life and finding things to

be cheerful and laugh about. Adopt a playful and
imaginative approach to life.

→ Tell someone a joke, or ask someone their best joke.

→ Share a funny email with someone.
→ Write down three funny things that occurred
throughout the course of the day.
→ Take some time to play with someone: a child,
a colleague, a pet…
→ Don’t walk...skip between destinations!
→ Consider a situation through the eyes of a child.

TRANSCENDENCE © Institute of Positive Education.

Licensed for use by "warren neiland".
faith, purpose

Having faith in a higher purpose and recognising

the connections between people and communities.
Transcending the ordinary to connect with something
beyond ourselves.

→ Make a list of experiences that bring a sense of

meaning to your life.
→ Research an organisation or group to which you could
contribute, drawing on your signature strengths.
→ Practise meditation.
→ Consider how other people display meaning and
purpose in their lives and actions.
→ How does your sense of purpose guide you through
a stressful situation?

TRANSCENDENCE © Institute of Positive Education.

Licensed for use by "warren neiland".
honesty, bravery, zest, persistence

Positive traits which encompass the will to

accomplish goals in the face of opposition.
Strengths of Courage deal with overcoming
fear. They can present themselves inwardly
or outwardly and are made up of decisions,
feelings and motivations.

© Institute of Positive Education.

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The ability to voluntarily act and strive for what is

right, even when fearful. To avoid shrinking from the
challenges associated with attempting to do good.

→ Read about someone who has faced adversity.

→ Consider how the people in your life are brave:
colleagues, peers, family...
→ Consider the outcome of performing a brave action.
How would it feel?
→ What or who motivates you to be brave?
→ Challenge yourself to contribute to your community.
What would you need to overcome in order to help

COURAGE © Institute of Positive Education.

Licensed for use by "warren neiland".
integrity, authenticity

Telling the truth and taking responsibility for your

feelings and actions. Presenting yourself in a genuine
way. Being open and honest.

→ Listen to yourself, do your actions match your words?

→ Be reliable and honour your commitments.
→ Give authentic advice and feedback.
→ Consider how you take responsibility for your
thoughts and actions.
→ Reflect on what ‘living an authentic life’ looks like
to you.

COURAGE © Institute of Positive Education.

Licensed for use by "warren neiland".
grit, perseverance

Working hard and sticking with something that you’ve

started, despite the presence of challenges, difficulties
and discouragement.

→ Write a checklist of things to do. Update it as you

complete tasks.
→ Set a goal for today and map out the steps required to
reach it.
→ Search for inspiring quotes that give you a
motivational boost!
→ Consider a setback you have suffered and reflect on
what you can learn from the experience.

COURAGE © Institute of Positive Education.

Licensed for use by "warren neiland".
enthusiasm, vitality, energy

Participating in a wide range of activities with

enthusiasm and energy. Life is seen as an adventure to
be tackled with energy, liveliness and excitement.

→ Take time to celebrate your accomplishments and

→ Chat with a friend about a fun shared experience.
→ Write a list of the things you are most looking forward
to. What are you excited about?
→ Consider ways to reduce your daily stress.
→ Get to bed early! A good sleep routine helps both your
zest and your overall health.

COURAGE © Institute of Positive Education.

Licensed for use by "warren neiland".
kindness, capacity to love & be loved,
social intelligence

Positive traits that exist in relationships

with others. Strengths of Humanity are
interpersonal and are concerned with ‘tending
and befriending’ other people. Although similar
to strengths of Justice, these are more focused
around one-to-one relationships.

© Institute of Positive Education.

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Valuing close relationships while feeling loved by

and connected to others. Placing trust in others and
considering them in decision making.

→ Attempt to identify the strengths of someone you love.

→ Write down something you like about yourself and
tape it somewhere you will see it often.
→ Practise a loving-kindness meditation.
→ Express your love creatively to someone using a
sketch, photo or shared memory.
→ Ask someone to arrange an activity for you to do
together - trust them!

HUMANITY © Institute of Positive Education.

Licensed for use by "warren neiland".
generosity, care, compassion

Caring for others with helpful and generous actions

without any expectation of reward or recognition.
Seeing others in the best possible light.

→ Once a week, challenge yourself to secretly complete

as many random acts of kindness as you can.
→ Offer to help someone without being asked.
→ Notice the language you use in texts and emails.
Could it be 5% kinder?
→ Smile at other people! Notice how their response
makes you feel.
→ Surprise a friend with a kind handwritten note or a text.

HUMANITY © Institute of Positive Education.

Licensed for use by "warren neiland".
emotional intelligence

Understanding and building strong relationships with

lots of different types of people. Attempting to make
everyone feel comfortable and valued.

→ Consider a recent interaction with someone close

to you. Attempt to label the emotions you felt both
during and after this experience.
→ Consider the motivations and intentions of another
→ Track your own feelings throughout the day and
notice how these affect your social encounters.
→ Go out of your way to talk to someone you wouldn’t
normally chat with.

HUMANITY © Institute of Positive Education.

Licensed for use by "warren neiland".
leadership, fairness, teamwork

Positive traits which are broadly

interpersonal, and are concerned with the
ideal interaction between an individual and
a group. Strengths of Justice describe the
best interaction between the individual
and a group or community. They are the
strengths that make life fair.

© Institute of Positive Education.

Licensed for use by "warren neiland".
equity, justice

Respecting and looking out for all people and giving

everyone a fair chance. Treating everyone without bias
and rising above personal feelings.

→ Research a person or a group who exemplifies social

justice and consider what you can learn from them.
→ Consider if there are people in your life who go
→ Reflect on situations where you may not have acted
or been treated fairly. What would you change about
these situations?
→ Treat yourself without bias. Admit your mistakes
rather than trying to save face.

JUSTICE © Institute of Positive Education.

Licensed for use by "warren neiland".
generosity, care, compassion

Supporting others to be their best and making things

happen. Helping ensure group tasks get completed.

→ Make a list of possible ways that you could strengthen

your supportive leadership style.
→ Identify effective leadership skills in others and
consider how you could enact these same skills.
→ Mentor someone close to you to be the best version
of themselves.
→ Rotate leadership of an event or activity to give
others the chance to be leaders.

JUSTICE © Institute of Positive Education.

Licensed for use by "warren neiland".
citizenship, loyalty

Working well and contributing in a positive way as

a member of a group. Maintaining a sense of social
belonging, while striving to influence groups for the

→ How can you be more supportive in group settings?

E.g. Ensure the opinions of all members have been
→ Notice if you are attempting to lead rather than
→ Identify someone close to you who makes an
excellent team member. See if you can list some of
their qualities.
→ Consider shared spaces; are they inviting and clean?
Can you assist with these?

JUSTICE © Institute of Positive Education.

Licensed for use by "warren neiland".
forgiveness, prudence, modesty, self-control

Positive traits that protect us from excess

and help us to tackle temptation head-on.
Strengths of Temperance allow us to monitor
and manage emotions, motivation and
behaviour in the absence of outside help.

© Institute of Positive Education.

Licensed for use by "warren neiland".

Letting go of grudges, putting aside self-destructive

feelings of anger or revenge and forgiving others who
have made mistakes. Giving people a second chance.

→ Think about a person who offended you in the past

and write them a letter of forgiveness.
→ Recall the gratitude you have felt when you have
been forgiven.
→ Reflect upon the position of someone who has
wronged you. Challenge yourself to explore empathy
for them.
→ Explore how holding a grudge affects you emotionally.

TEMPERENCE © Institute of Positive Education.

Licensed for use by "warren neiland".

Letting your accomplishments or positive attributes

speak for themselves. Realising that you are just one
member of a team and recognising the work of others.

→ Identify a friend or family member who is humble.

Consider the ways they achieve this.
→ Notice if you speak more than others in a meeting or
group situation, and consider your motivations for this.
→ Admit your mistakes, be honest in your shortcomings.
→ Celebrate someone else’s success.

TEMPERENCE © Institute of Positive Education.

Licensed for use by "warren neiland".

Being thoughtful and keeping long-term goals in mind

when making short-term decisions. The ability and
desire to follow steps in order to achieve long-term

→ Before making a big decision, write down a list of pros

and cons.
→ Make important decisions when you are in a good
state of mind, rather than when you feel rushed,
anxious or depressed.
→ Clear your workspace of any distractions before
making your next important decision.
→ Reflect on your spending habits. Think of more
sustainable ways of living.

TEMPERENCE © Institute of Positive Education.

Licensed for use by "warren neiland".

Being in control of your emotions and committing to

your goals. Controlling impulsive actions and resisting
temptation. Initiating positive behaviours.

→ Use an activity tracker or journal to help motivate you

to achieve your goals.
→ Establish good routines and habits; think about what
your ‘reward’ is for sticking to these.
→ Eliminate objects of temptation from your space, such
as food, phones, money…
→ Recognise and celebrate when you have resisted the
temptation to participate in behaviours you don’t want
in your life.

TEMPERENCE © Institute of Positive Education.

Licensed for use by "warren neiland".

© Institute of Positive Education.

Licensed for use by "warren neiland".

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