Vendor Details Plant Details External Audit Details: Vendor /factory Reg No

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Safety Audit Check Sheet

Vendor Details Plant Details External Audit Details

Vendor /Factory Reg No : Plant Area : acres Third Party Details

Date : Built up Area : acres Auditor

1st Half
Man power : (Includsing Apprentice & Contract
Process : Schedule
Vendor Location : TNPCB Rating: Auditor
2nd Half
Visited By : Diesel Storage : Schedule
Safety Ambassador
Name : LPG Storage :

Contact : Chemical Storage:
Name : Fire Hydrant :

IF Yes (Details): No incident

Contact : Reportable Incident (3years) :

Name : Near Miss Incident :


Contact : Parts Manufactured :

Inventory Details : RM
Budget for Safety (Last Year) : Major Customer :

Audit Criteria
1. General Safety Management System

Result Sample
S.No Parameter Observations Ok/NG

1 Does the organization has a health and safety policy as per Sec 7A (3) Available as per M.F.R-1963 (rule no.73L) Ok

2 Whether the Health & Safety policy is made know to all Employees , Workers & Contractors ? Max Workers Are known - Display in all shop points Ok

3 Does the factory has a safety officer? Yes Ok

4 Are the Roles & Responsibility of Safety Officers documented and clarified by Management ? No

5 Are the Qualification of Safety Officer is in Line with the TNFR 1950 / Factories act 1948 As per the Maharashtra Safety OfficersRules,1982-Full fill Ok

As Per the F.A-1948 Uder Sec-41A&41G/AsPer MFR-Under Baywise every shift associate not
6 Does the factory have a Safety committee(s) as per TNFR 61(M) / Factories act 1948 Ok
Rul;e-73J Full fill involve
As per MFR 1963 under Rule 73J - Requirement full fill( The
7 Is the tenure of the Safety Committee(s) as per the statute? Ok
tenure of the Committee is For Two Years.
8 How often are the meetings of safety committee(s) held? Onces in a month/ pending Not Ok

9 How are the recommendations of the safety committee(s) implemented? By the support of the higher management ok
Whether the accident data for the last three years for reportable and non-reportable accident available? What nature of injuries No any reportable accident was happned.In the past only minor first
10 Ok
occurred during the last three years? aid injuries was happened.
Some incident CAPA not
11 Are all near-miss incidents and accidents reported and investigated? Record Is Available
12 Is there any Safety training Calendar available ? No

13 Is there any programme of induction training? Is Safety training is a integral part of induction training ? Yes Ok

14 Whether the assessment of the trainee worker is done or not? No

15 What infrastructural facilities with audio-visual support are available for training? Yes
Do the programmes cover the plant safety rules, hazard communication and any other special safety rules or procedures unique some points are pending or not
16 Yes
to the plant or specific departments? exist
17 Whether the training programmes are conducted in the local language? Yes

18 Whether personal protective equipment are given to workers exposed to dust/fumes and gases? Give details. Yes - Dust mask , Smoke mask
19 Are written safe operating procedures available for all operations? Available (some operation) Not available in local language

20 Whether the written safe operating procedures displayed or made available and explained in the local language to the workers? No

21 Are contractor workers educated and trained to observe safety at workplace? Yes

22 Speed Limit to be followed in the factory (Less than 10 Km/hr) and helmet wearing during riding two wheeler. Yes/ Some Exceptions No helmet No parking

23 Equipment's/Machines Critical Spares Inventory Available Yes some spares not available

2. Legal Checking

Result Sample
S.No Parameter Observations Ok/NG

1 Register of accidents As per the FA Form no.30 is not available No

2 Payment of Medical examination fees Not available

Done As per FA Under Section 28/29 & As per MFR under rule-
3 Testing of Lifting machines and tackles as per factories act 1948 Ok
62,63&64- Form No. 11 Are Avilable

4 Testing of Conveyor in shop floor No

5 Testing of machines and other equipment As per Schedule of Maintenance department PM Will be do Ok
Done As per FA Under Section31 & 112 &As per MFR under rule-
6 Pressure Vessel Inspection and records Ok
65- Form No. 13 Are Avilable
7 Boiler Safety certificate as per Indian Boiler act & Boiler rules In our factory no any boiler operation

8 Stability certificate from the certified competent Persons for Industrial Building as per Factories rule As per the FA Form no.1A is available Ok

9 License for Storage of HSD as per Petroleum explosive safety organization (PESO) We Use Class "B" Petrolium & Its Storages is less than2500ltr Ok

10 Fire License and Fire NOC form Maharashtra fire & Rescue Service Act Rules No

11 License from District Collector /DRO as per Solvent storage raffinate Order Not Applicable

12 Electrical Inspection records (statutory)- Rule 43 as per CEIG No

13 Onsite Emergency Preparedness available in factory Yes

14 Insurance Coverage for Fire and Burglaring No

15 License for Gas Cylinder as Gas cylinder rule norms any organization storing more than 100 kg of LPG gas in Ok
cylinders is required to obtain licence under gas cylinders
rules'2004 -We store less than 100 kg LPG storages.

3. Electrical

Result Sample
S.No Parameter Observations Ok/NG

Require obstruction free & closed

1 Are electrical panel free from obstruction and closed condition Many E.P under Obstruction & open condition NG

2 Are flammable material stored near or inside the electrical panels Yes Diesel Drum storage NG Required proper diesel storage
Required proper cable tray &
3 Are electrical cables free from joints, damage and loose wires All over plant Loose & open wire are finding NG
Required industrial type top &
4 Are electrical sockets free from damage Many Electrical sockets are in bad condition NG
5 Chance of water leakage or spillage on electrical panel is there No any chance of leakage Ok

6 Are flame proof electrical fitting provided at fire hazardous area No

7 Are temporary connection for electrical equipment's Yes

8 Are cable trays closed condition Many cable trays are inopen condition NG

9 Are cooling system available in control panels Yet not any cooling system available NG

10 Are thermal image of panels checked as per schedule No any schedule of checking NG

11 Are three pin plug tops available in cable at plug points. Not Available Ok
12 Are rubber mat available at electrical panels Available Ok Required IS standared

13 Are Feeder panel name identified on electrical panel Yes some panel missing
earthing strip & pit very bad
14 Are earthling provided in panels yes

4. House Keeping

Result Sample
S.No Parameter Observations Ok/NG

1 Is oil or water spilled on floor or work area some m/cs are oil & water leakage on floor NG Required action plan & action

2 Are hazardous materials stored separately and identified Do not Stored in saperate bin Ok

3 Are materials properly piled and arranged Yes But Scrap Material Problem Ok Required action plan & action

4 Are gangway, corridors, exit doors and stairways unobstructed Free from abstructions Ok But sometime problem created.
Required centralize first aid
5 Are first aid facilities fully stocked Fullly stocked Ok
6 Are emergency lights provided as per Requirment Not Available Ok

7 Are emergency exit signs available as per Requirment available Ok Some are missing

8 Are emergency exit layout displayed in Plant Displayed all over plant but small size NG

5. Awareness, Training, Emergency Mock Drill

Result Sample
S.No Parameter Observations Ok/NG

1 Are mock drill conducted as per plan As per plan not conducted NG

2 Are employees trained in fire fighting and evacuation in case of emergency Trained-Fire fighting team available in all shift Ok

3 Are employees aware of fire station contact number Number display in all over shop area. Ok

4 Are employees aware of near by fire extinguisher in their work place aware Ok

5 Are employees aware of fire prone area of their shop aware Ok But not displayed

6 Are employees aware of near by emergency exit from their work place aware OK

7 Are employees aware of their shop safe assembly point aware but assembly point location need change. Ok

8 Are employees aware of fire fighting (types of fire) communication 50 - 60 % employees aware Ok

9 Are employees aware of critical isolation points in their shop No Ok

10 Are employees aware of fire fighting system and equipment's present in their shop 50 % employees aware Ok

6. Paint , Thinner , Chemical Storage & Handling - cold storage room

Result Sample
S.No Parameter Observations Ok/NG

1 Are paint & thinner stored as per licensed quantity No Any paint Or thinner is used here Ok Very small qty used

2 Are Paint & Thinner stored with proper earthling Not Applicable Ok

3 Are earth plates free from paint deposition yes Ok

4 Paint & thinner issue control system is there No Ok

5 Are MSDS displayed for flammables materials No Ok Required MSDS Display

6 Are mixing tank, circulation tank, surge tanks and pumps grounded properly No Ok

7 Are paint & thinner barrels unloaded by scissor lift Not applicable Ok
8 Are Waste thinner stored separately Not applicable Ok

9 Are bond jumper present in fuel line Bonding are present in LPG line Ok

10 Are Gas detectors and temperature sensors functional check done All sensor are in worling condition Ok

11 Are mix room and storage room having proper ventilation No Ok

12 Are non sparking tool used in mix and storage room No

13 Is humidity maintained as per specification and Monitored No

14 Are opened paint and thinner containers stored in flame proof cabin Thinner not used Ok

15 Is eye wash shower available Not Available -Here no any chemical used ok

7. Gas Cylinder Storage

Result Sample
S.No Parameter Observations Ok/NG

1 Are gas cylinders stored separately Separate store area not available Ok

2 Are gas cylinders protected with end cap Protect with end cap Ok

3 Are gas cylinders layed as per standard ( Tied at neck & Trolley) Standard trolly are Available for handleing Ok

4 Are gas cylinder stored in good ventilated area Good ventilated area Ok

5 Are gas cylinder MSDS displayed in storage area Not Displayed Ok

6 Are gas cylinder emergency response action sheet available Not Displayed Ok

7 Are gas cylinder stored away from heat & fire Away from heat & fire Ok

8 Are Flash back arrestors provided for gas cylinders Yes

9 Three pipe Gas Cutting torch implemented in Gas cutting sets No

10 Are gas cylinder loading & unloading procedure available No/Not Displayed

8. Fire Fighting Facilities

Result Sample
S.No Parameter Observations Ok/NG

1 Are all the fire extinguishers, hydrants, hose reel free from obstruction free from obatruction only Fire Extingusher OK

2 Are manual fire call point accessible and in good condition Not Available Ok

3 Are deluge valve discharge line valve in open condition in LPG yard No Fire Hydrant system available Not Ok

4 Fire Fighting layout displayed properly No Not Ok

5 Automatic Fire detection/alarm/Water sprinkler provided in LPG/Propane/Compressor room Not Available Not Ok

6 Automatic Fire detection/alarm/Water sprinkler system tested & maintained in working condition (As per NBC) Not Available Not Ok

7 Dedicate fire water tank (Min Capacity of 1.5 Lakh of Water) for fir fighting operation Not Available Not Ok

8 fire hydrant pump room provided with Electrical motor, Jockey pump & diesel pump with Water pressure of 5 to 6 bar Not Available Not Ok

9 Fire hydrant in auto mode Not Available Not Ok

10 Are fire extinguisher signs available and illuminated Available Ok

9. Diesel Storage Area

Result Sample
S.No Parameter Observations Ok/NG

1 Are Earth clip rope with crocodile clamp is connected to the vehicle while unloading the fuel No Available

2 Are storage vessels shall be electrically connected with the earth No Available

3 Are bonding & its condition in each flange joints No Available

4 Are the earth pit is maintained as per the prescribed resistance value record not available

5 Are the presence of tools or any other Spare parts inside the tank farm No

6 Are water is stagnant inside the tank farm No

7 Are Wedge block is placed to prevent the vehicle movement during unloading No

8 Are the hoses are maintained properly No

9 Are any Leak or spillage during unloading Yes Major lekage & spillage in soil
Are all the valves in the vessels and pipelines shall be permanently marked with the direction of opening and closing ( NC , NO
10 No Available
11 Persons working inside the tank farm are adequately trained on Fire Fighting No

12 Are any Flammable materials are being carried inside the tank farm area No

13 Warning Notices shall be necessarily displayed No Available

14 Are the Display of Unloading procedure in regional language No Available

15 Are any weeds & Dry grass present inside the tank farm No Available

16 Are the pipeline condition for rust spots or mechanical damages

17 Are the condition of floors in the vehicle parking area inside the tank farm Bad

18 Are for the marking of Tanker location while unloading No Available

19 Are the Lighting level inside the tank farm Tank Not Available

20 Are flame proof fitting inside the Diesel Storage provided. Not Available

21 Are hot work should not be carried out during unloading

22 Are that the condition prescribed in the work permit are followed strictly
Emergency telephone numbers of near by Fire station, Safety and emergency instructions shall be displayed in the licensed
23 Not Display
24 Are layout mentioning emergency shutoff valves with identification No

25 Vent in the tank shall be kept open No

10. Paint Booth - Manual Spray Painting Process

Result Sample
S.No Parameter Observations Ok/NG

1 Check Chemicals handling (Paint, thinners and PT/ED chemicals) for Unloading, moving, storage and charging. Not Applicable
Check oven area (Gas line, bond jumpers, pressure gauge, gas detector, electrical panels, flammable materials and any
2 Not Applicable
Check Safety device ( Safety plug, fence, rotating & moving equipment guards, emergency switches, Photo sensors and mesh
3 Not Applicable
Check all Contract workmen employed in booth for cleaning activity. ( Check for Mobile Phones, Cigrettes,Match box, Lighters
4 Not Applicable
& other flammable materials)
Check all fire extinguishers in the booth area
5 Not Applicable
Check AHU and other abnormalities
6 Check all fire extinguishers in the booth area Not Applicable
7 Check Emergency light condition. Not Applicable
Check emergency Exit & Doors
8 Not Applicable
Emergency cup boards [ SCBA, Aluminum suit condition]
Not Applicable

11. Paint Mixing Room

Result Sample
S.No Parameter Observations Ok/NG

1 Is unauthorized entry restricted & entry log book maintained ? Not Applicable

2 Is the container in which thinner is poured has been earthed ? Not Applicable

3 Is earthling provided for all the pumps ? ( less than 10 ohms) Not Applicable

4 Is the drain valve of thinner tank & pipe line has been locked ? Is any unauthorized collection of thinner ? Not Applicable

5 Are all the thinner barrels kept over earth plate ? Not Applicable

6 Are all electrical equipment's provided is of approved flame proof type ? Not Applicable

7 Are all equipment's and transfer tanks bonded ? Not Applicable

8 Is earth plates free from paint deposits ? Not Applicable

9 Are all the containers & tanks kept in closed condition ? Not Applicable

10 Is the door handle of the mixing room earthed ? Not Applicable

11 Is the humidity in mixing room is more than 65% ? Not Applicable

12 Is the waste thinner recovery system operating properly ? Not Applicable

13 Are all the fire extinguishers / fire hydrants available in ready condition & easily accessible ? Not Applicable

14 Is emergency light with battery back-up available & in good working condition ? Not Applicable

15 Are all the tools used in mixing room of Non sparking type? Not Applicable

16 Is the level indicator of the tank working properly ? Not Applicable

17 Are all exit ways free from obstructions ? Not Applicable

18 Is house keeping maintained properly ? Not Applicable

19 Does all warning / Caution signs are indicated ? Not Applicable

20 Does the operator working in mixing room follows daily safety check sheet ? Not Applicable

12. Material Handling & Equipment Safety

Result Sample
S.No Parameter Observations Ok/NG

1 Forklift free from lose wire Not Applicable Ok

2 Fork lift battery gap covered with end cab Not Applicable Ok

3 Fork lift free from oil & Fuel leakage Not Applicable Ok

4 Battery end Cap available & opened while charging Not Applicable

5 Fork Lift equipped with Reverse Alarm and Mirror Not Applicable

6 Battery terminals covered with insulation Not Applicable

7 Security available during unloading of Goods and vehicle reversal No

8 Materials /containers stored correctly /securely without falling ? Yes

9 All cranes maintned in good condition Yes
10 Tow trucks maintned in good condition Not Applicable

11 Cranes maintiend in good condition Yes

12 EOT Crane direction marking provided No

13 EOT Safe Work Load properly mentioned Yes

14 EOT Crane Safety Net Provided No

15 EOT Crane Safety Measures Provided Properly Provided

16 EOT Crane Hook Safety Latch provided Provided but condition is Bad

17 Cranes /forklift checklist updated properly Yes

13. PPE & Work Permit System

Result Sample
S.No Parameter Observations Ok/NG

1 Welding spatter fall on any flammable substances No Ok

2 Battery charger provided with over charging trip device No

3 Cable layed properly in battery charging No

4 Materials /containers stored correctly /securely without falling ? Yes

5 No smoking signs displayed Yes

6 All employees wearing PPE ? Yes

7 PPE in good condition ? Yes

8 Have the people followed work permit system Followed Sometime Missing

9 All passages, floors and the stairways in good condition? Yes Bay No 2 Uneven shopfloor
Are Employees taking adequate precautions during working from height like fall prevention facilities , Preinspection before
10 Yes
height work

14. Environment Management System

Result Sample
S.No Parameter Observations Ok/NG

1 Renewal of Consent to operate - AIR & Water Ongoing

2 Hazardous Waste Authorization No

3 Environmental Statement Yes

4 Yearly Returns regarding Handling of Hazardous Waste No

5 Cess Bill for water No

6 Ambient Air Quality Report No

7 Statement of daily discharge of sewage & trade effluent. Not Available

8 Noise Report No

9 To Maintain records of Hazardous waste for Collection, receipt, treatment, transport, storage & disposal. No

10 Water Consumption details No

11 E Waste Annual Returns No

12 E waste handling - Only for records No

13 Updating of Legal compliance - Information on New drafts, notification, amendments with respect to Environment No
15. Plant Utility - Transformer

Result Sample
S.No Parameter Observations Ok/NG

1 Is there any oil leak in the transformer Yes

2 Any unauthorized entry inside the yard No-Lock & key provision required But Sign board not display

3 Any vegetation inside the substation yes

4 Is protection is made against the live electrical cables yes

5 Any other flammable or other storages inside the yard yes - Disel storage

6 Is there drain pit for oil drainage and its is free from obstruction No available

7 Earth pit are in good condition and it the resistance valve are monitored yes some

8 Condition of silica gel in transformer conservator Tank No inspected

16. Plant Utility - Diesel Generator

Result Sample
S.No Parameter Observations Ok/NG

1 DG area Fire protection system provided No

2 DG area Heat/Smoke detector provided No

3 DG area equipped with non-flammable utilities NO

4 DG area other flammable substance stored yes

5 DG Proper ventilation/Exhaust system provided No

6 DG diesel tank Max/Min level indicator provided Not Available

DG area proper enclosures provided frontside open

7 DG area Oil spillage condition very bad

8 DG area Diesel storage condition very bad

9 DG area SOP mentioned and displayed Not Displayed

17. Plant Utility - Boiler House

Result Sample
S.No Parameter Observations Ok/NG

1 Boiler License certificate display as per Indian Boiler act Not Applicable

2 Gauge & Level incicators are calibarated and in good condition Not Applicable

3 Is Shutoff valve & safety valve are in good condition and it working Not Applicable

4 Is flame will of cut off incase of increse in pressure or reduction of water level Not Applicable

5 Is there any fuel leakage in and around the system Not Applicable

6 Is the flue gas/exhaust smoke is properly routed and free form hazardous Material Not Applicable

7 Boiler area Safe operating proceedure displayed Not Applicable

8 Fire extinguisher provided at Boiler area Not Applicable

18. Plant Utility - LPG Cylinder / Oxy- Acetylene Cylinder Storage

Result Sample
S.No Parameter Observations Ok/NG

1 Bonding & Earthing are in good condition and its is monitored Not Available

2 Is Non sparking tools are used inside the yard Yes

3 GMS are calibarated and in good condition Not Applicable

4 Gauge & Level incicators are calibarated and in good condition Yes but record not Mainted

5 Is safety valve & ROV valve are in good condition Yes

6 Is there any other storage of flammable materials other than propane inside the yard Yes

7 Is the yard is free form vegetation Yes

8 Is functional checks are done as per standard No

9 Is unloading truck is fixed with flame arrestor in the exhaust Not Applicable

10 Indication of direction of flow and valve close & open condition are indicated Yes

11 Is high pressure and low pressure indication system is available Not Applicable

12 Safety valve & popvalve are in open and in good condition No Applicable

13 Unloading hose are in good condition Not Applicable

19. Flood Control & Other Preparedness

Result Sample
S.No Parameter Observations Ok/NG

1 Emergeny Resposne Procedure for Flood , Cyclone Yes

2 Are Dewatering /Sub merigble pumps provided to drain the flood water from low lying areas Yes

3 Availability of Life saving kits during flood No

4 Emergency Telephone numbers in prominent locations Yes

5 Avialability of sand bags for flood control NO

6 Lightining arrestor to prevent lightining during heavy raining Yes Need to servey allover plant

7 Separate Earth pit for lightinign aresstor Need to check

8 Presence of tree near Gas Pipe Lines / Fuel Pipe Lines/ Electricity Cable line/Transformer Yes
9 Rain Water leakage Inside the shop floor during raining Yes as per discussion of employee

10 Availability of Emergency Lights Yes Not available as per requirment

11 Master database of contractors for hiring crane & tractors during emergency Yes

12 Sufficent Food supply & water supply to companies duirng flood & cyclone Yes

13 Inspection schedule for cleaning the roof and roof gutter in Summer Month - April-May

14 Sufficent facilities to evacuate the employees during rain & Flood Yes

15 No choking of rain water drain pits inside factory Yes Need of quarterly cleaning

20. Machine Safety (Press, Body, Welding, Etc..)

Result Sample
S.No Parameter Observations Ok/NG

1 Emergency button provided for the machine in the shop floor Yes Need to ensure

2 Sensors & Barricading properly provided for Equipments/Barricading Yes

3 Double Hand push button provided for Press Machines No Required

4 Proper Exhaust duct provided for the welding machines No

5 Proper Safety Mesh arranged for the Equipments/Rotating Machines Yes

6 Proper Emergency button provided for conveyors in the shop floor Yes Some conveyer required

7 Proper LOTO system followed while Maintenance work of machines No

8 Shop floor machine tested by competent person No

9 Proper fire Extinguisher provided near the welding machine area Yes

10 Emergency Exit properly provided in the Welding machine area Yes

11 Operator fully awared and training given related to Machines Yes

12 Machine/Equipment check sheet properly updated & Displayed No

Both press underground confined
13 Press/Welding machine area free from confined space No
space present.
14 Roof Window Barricading properly done to shop floor

21. Heat Treatment Process

Result Sample
S.No Parameter Observations Ok/NG

1 LPG Gas Leak detector and Gas Monitoring system provided for all the heating furances Not Applicable

2 The leakage of pipe valve/connection piece observed in the heating furance area Not Applicable

3 Check the operation state of fan’s driving part (bearing, shaft, blade) Not Applicable

4 check whether the fire detection is installed in heating facility or not Not Applicable

5 check whether the fire detection is installed outside of heating facility or not Not Applicable

6 check whether cleaning is implemented or not (inside/outside of heating facility) Not Applicable

7 check whether inflammables is leaved nearby heater & conditioning equipment chamber Not Applicable

8 Check leakage of pipe valve/connection Not Applicable

9 Check the fire damper cleaning condition and operation state Not Applicable

10 Emergency repsone fire team provided Not Applicable

11 MSDS sheet displayed Not Applicable

12 Check Heating Furnaces should have automatic temperature cut off systems with working sensors Not Applicable
22. Safety Ambassador Activity

Result Sample
S.No Parameter Observations Ok/NG

1 Safety ambassador system implemented and activity carried properly No

2 Safety ambassador activity meeting conducting regularly No

3 Safety ambassador audit done periodically No

4 SA - Activity report monitored and evaluated No

5 SA - improvements and suggestion documented and evaluated Yes

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