Design Rules For Aerodynamic Effects On Bridges
Design Rules For Aerodynamic Effects On Bridges
Design Rules For Aerodynamic Effects On Bridges
Aerodynamic Effects on
June 2014
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Volume 3 Section 5
Part 11
NRA BD 49/14
June 2014
St. Martin’s House, Waterloo Road, Dublin 4 Tel: +353 1 660 2511 Fax +353 1 668 0009
Email: [email protected] Web:
This standard which covers the Design Rules for Aerodynamic Effects on Bridges has been
superseded by the Eurocodes but may be used for Assessment purposes.
NRA BD 49/14
1. Implementation
2. Enquiries
June 2014 i
National Roads Authority Volume 3 Section 5
Design Manual for Roads and Bridges Part 11 NRA BD 49/14
1.1 Design Rules for Aerodynamic Effects on Bridges has been superseded by the Eurocodes (for
Design), but may still be required in the Assessment of an existing structure. Refer to ‘NRA TB 4 The
Structural Eurocodes’ for further information in this regard.
1.2 This NRA BD 49 shall only be used as referenced from an Assessment Standard contained within
Section 4 of Volume 3 of the NRA DMRB.
1.4 Annex B contains BD 49/01 Design Rules for Aerodynamic Effects on Bridges.
June 2014 1
National Roads Authority Volume 3 Section 5
Design Manual for Roads and Bridges Part 11 NRA BD 49/14
2.1 All technical enquiries or comments on this document, or any of the documents listed as forming part
of the NRA DMRB, should be sent by e-mail to [email protected], addressed to the following:
Pat Maher
Head of Network Management,
Engineering Standards & Research
June 2014 2
National Roads Authority Volume 3 Section 5
Design Manual for Roads and Bridges Part 11 NRA BD 49/14
June 2014
National Roads Authority Volume 1 Section 3
Design Manual for Roads and Bridges Part 3 BD 49/01
BD 49/01
This Addendum supersedes the NRA Addendum dated December 2000 to Standard BD 49/93. It
implements the revised Standard BD 49/01.
Standard BD 49/01 - Design Rules for Aerodynamic Effects on Bridges – is applicable in Ireland with the
following amendments:
1. At several locations:
For: “highway”
Read: “road”;
June 2001 1
National Roads Authority Volume 1 Section 3
Design Manual for Roads and Bridges Part 3 BD 49/01
1. Page 1/2, Paragraph 1.7.1:
Delete Paragraph 1.7.1 and replace with:
“1.7.1 Implementation
Head of Project Management and
June 2001 2
National Roads Authority Volume 3 Section 5
Design Manual for Roads and Bridges Part 11 NRA BD 49/14
June 2014
BD 49/01
May 2001
Summary: This Standard sets out the design requirements for bridges with respect to
aerodynamic effects including provisions for wind-tunnel testing. It updates
and supersedes BD 49/93.
Volume 1 Section 3
Part 3 BD 49/01 Registration of Amendments
Amend Page No Signature & Date of Amend Page No Signature & Date of
No incorporation of No incorporation of
amendments amendments
May 2001
Volume 1 Section 3
Registration of Amendments Part 3 BD 49/01
Amend Page No Signature & Date of Amend Page No Signature & Date of
No incorporation of No incorporation of
amendments amendments
May 2001
BD 49/01
1. Introduction
3. Additional Requirements
5. Fatigue Damage
7. References
8. Enquiries
May 2001
Volume 1 Section 3 Chapter 1
Part 3 BD 49/01 Introduction
1.3 Background
1.6 Additional guidance
The original version of these rules first appeared as the
“Proposed British Design Rules” in 1981(3). A modified Guidance on the use of the design rules is available in
version was included in the TRL Contractor Report TRL Contractor Report 36(4). Actual bridge
36(4), which also contained the associated partial safety configurations being designed that may correlate with
factors and guidance on the use of the rules. sections physically tested previously may benefit from
use of the archived test data which are held in the
library of the Institution of Civil Engineers(7). Benefit
1.4 Major changes in 1993 version of BD 49 may also be gained from proven theoretical or
computational fluid dynamics (CFD) procedures.
In the light of their use in bridge design from 1981,
further consideration was deemed necessary with
respect to a number of items. The more notable aspects
embodied in the 1993 version of BD 49 were the rules
which determined whether the designs of certain
footbridges and steel plate-girder bridges needed to be
based on wind tunnel testing.
Cg Parameters used in determination of VRg and Vg m Mass per unit length of bridge
Cs Coefficient to take account of the extent of wind n Number of stress cycles per annum
speed range over which oscillation may occur
p Frequency of occurrence of wind speeds within
Cθ Relative frequency of occurrence of winds within ±2½% of the critical wind speed
±10° of normal to the longitudinal centre line of
the bridge in strong winds Pb Aerodynamic susceptibility parameter
G Clear gap between parallel bridges Sg Gust factor, as per BD 37 (DMRB 1.3)
G1 Minimum gap between parallel bridges Sm Hourly mean speed factor, as per BD 37
(DMRB 1.3)
G2 Maximum gap between parallel bridges
t Thickness of box
h Height of bridge parapet or edge member above
deck level Vd Maximum wind gust speed derived for the
relevant maximum span as per BD 37
Ib Second moment of mass of the bridge cross (DMRB 1.3)
section for vertical bending
Vr Hourly mean wind speed for relieving areas, as
Ij Second moment of mass of individual box for per BD 37 (DMRB 1.3)
vertical bending at mid-span
Vs Site hourly mean wind speed (10m above ground
IP Polar second moment of mass of the bridge cross level) as per BD 37 (DMRB 1.3)
section at mid-span
Vcr Critical wind speed for vortex shedding
Jj Torsion constant of individual box at mid-span
V/cr Critical wind speed for vortex shedding for the
k Depth of fascia beam or edge slab estimation of fatigue damage
ks Modal bending moment factor Vf Critical wind speed for classical flutter
σc Reference stress
σr Stress range
ν Poisson’s ratio
NOTE: Consistent units should be used for m and ρ.
This section shall be used to determine the (b) Bridges having 0.04 ≤ Pb ≤ 1.00 shall be
susceptibility of a bridge to aerodynamic considered to be within the scope of these
excitation. If the structure is found to be rules, provided the geometric constraints of
susceptible to aerodynamic excitation then the 2.3 are satisfied, and shall be considered
additional requirements of 3 shall be followed. adequate with regard to each potential type
of excitation if they satisfy the relevant
2.1 Criteria for applicability and consideration criteria given in 2.1.1, 2.1.2 and 2.1.3.
of aerodynamic effects
The aerodynamic susceptibility parameter, Pb, shall (c) Bridges with Pb > 1.00 shall be considered to
be derived in order to categorise the structure using be potentially very susceptible to
the equation: aerodynamic excitation: see 2.2.
Pb =
ρb 16V
2 For the purpose of this categorisation, normal
construction may be considered to include bridges
m bLf B
constructed in steel, concrete, aluminium or
where timber, including composite construction, and
whose overall shape is generally covered by
ρ is the density of air (see NOTE 1); Figure 1.
b is the overall width of the bridge deck (see Normal highway bridges of less than 25m span
Figure 1); should generally be found to be category (a).
Bridges of spans greater than 250m are likely to be
m is the mass per unit length of the bridge (see category (c).
NOTE 1);
Covered footbridges, cable supported bridges and
Vr is the hourly mean wind speed (for relieving other structures where any of the parameters b, L
areas) as per BD 37 (DMRB 1.3); or fB cannot be accurately derived shall be
considered as category (c).
L is the length of the relevant maximum span
of the bridge; The application of these Rules to bridges of novel
design shall be agreed with the Overseeing
fB is the natural frequency in bending (see Organisation.
NOTE 2).
The calculation of Vr should take account of sites
The bridge shall then be categorised as follows:- where the wind flow may be abnormally affected
by steep sloping valleys, unusual terrain or
(a) Bridges designed to carry the loadings topography. The treatment for the application of
specified in BD 37 (DMRB 1.3), built of the Rules for twin deck configurations and the
normal construction, are considered to be treatment of proximity effects are given in
subject to insignificant effects in respect of Annex A.
all forms of aerodynamic excitation when
Pb < 0.04. However the Rules can still be NOTE 1: Units shall be applied consistently,
applied if required, provided the constraints particularly with respect to ρ and m; preferably ρ
of 2.3 are satisfied. should be in kg/m3, and the material density used
for the structure should also be in kg/m3, with other
parameters all in consistent units. Critical wind speeds for vortex The following conditions shall be used to
excitation determine the susceptibility of a bridge to vortex
excited vibrations:-
The critical wind speed for vortex excitation, Vcr,
is defined as the velocity of steady air flow or the (a) Any bridge whose fundamental frequency is
mean velocity of turbulent flow at which maximum greater than 5Hz shall be considered stable
aerodynamic excitation due to vortex shedding with respect to vortex excitation.
occurs and shall be calculated as follows for both
vertical bending and torsional modes of vibration (b) Any bridge, including truss bridges (see also
of box and plate girder bridges. Alternatively Vcr (c)), shall be considered stable with respect
may be determined by appropriate wind tunnel to vortex excited vibrations if the lowest
tests on suitable scale models. For truss bridges critical wind speeds, Vcr, for vortex
with solidity φ < 0.5, refer to When φ ≥ excitation in both bending and torsion, as
0.5 the equations for plate girders may be used defined in, exceed the value of
conservatively, but taking the depth d4 as φd4 (see reference wind speed Vvs, where:
2.3 and Figures 1 and 2).
Vvs = 1.25 Vr;
where where
fT ρb 3
The critical wind speed for classical flutter, Vf, Where the values of Vg or Vf derived in accordance
shall be calculated from the reduced critical wind with or respectively are lower than
speed: VWO further studies as noted in 1.6 or wind-tunnel
tests in accordance with 3.2 shall be undertaken.
VRf =
ie Vf = VRffTb
2.1.4 Non-oscillatory divergence In the above, d4 is the reference depth of the bridge
deck (see Figures 1 and 2). Where the depth is
A structure shall be considered stable for this
variable over the span, d4 shall be taken as the
motion if the criteria in 2.1.3 above are satisfied.
average value over the middle third of the longest
2.2 Bridges requiring special consideration span.
O p e n o r c lo s e d
d 4 d 4
b * b = b *
b b = b *
d 4 d 4
b *
B R ID G E T Y P E 1 B R ID G E T Y P E 1 A
d 4
b *
d 4
b *
B R ID G E T Y P E 2
d 4
d 4
b = b *
b *
b b = b *
d 4 d 4
b *
B R ID G E T Y P E 3 A
B R ID G E T Y P E 3
b b
d 4 d 4
b *
b *
b b
= = d 4
d 4 =
b * b *
B R ID G E T Y P E 4 B R ID G E T Y P E 4 A
b ➤ b*
d 4 T r u s s o r p la te T ru s s o r d 4
p la te
➤ b
b * ➤
B R ID G E T Y P E 5 B R ID G E T Y P E 6
N o te : F o r tr u s s b r id g e s o f ty p e 5 o r 6 ,
d 4 t a k e n a s ød 4 , w h e r e ø i s t h e t r u s s s o l i d i t y .
k h
Fascia Beam
P a ra p e t
S o lid ity r a tio O/
D e c k le v e l D e c k le v e l
F a c ia b e a m
F a c ia b e a m
d 4
d 4
b b
m e d ia n k e rb
o r u p s ta n d
m e d ia n k e r b > 1 0 0 m m
o r u p s ta n d E ffe c tiv e in c lu d e d in
E ffe c tiv e
< 1 0 0 m m m a y a re a le s s e ffe c tiv e a re a
E ffe c tiv e a re a le s s
b e n e g le c te d th a n 0 .5 m 2
a re a le s s th a n 0 .5 m 2
th a n 0 .5 m 2 p e r m e tre p e r m e tre
p e r m e tre
(ii) fatigue damage, assessed in accordance for bridge types 1, 1A, 3, 3A, 4 and 4A.
with 5 summated with damage from other
ymax may be ignored for torsional vibrations for bridge
3.1.2 Amplitudes types 2, 5 and 6.
The amplitudes of vibration, ymax, from mean to b, m and ρ are defined in 2.1;
peak, for flexural and torsional models of
vibration of box and plate girders and for flexural r is as defined in;
modes of vibration of trusses may be obtained
from the formulae below provided that the δs is the logarithmic decrement due to
following conditions are satisfied: structural damping;
(a) For all bridge types, edge and centre details h, d4 and φ are as defined in 2.3; and
conform with the constraints given in 2.3.
k is the depth of fascia beam or edge slab
(b) The site, topography and alignment of the (see Figure 2).
bridge are such that the consistent vertical
inclination of the wind to the deck of the
bridge, due to ground slope, does not
exceed ±3°.
The following values of δs shall be adopted unless ymax is the predicted bending or torsional
appropriate values have been obtained by amplitude (in mm) obtained from 3.1.2,
measurements on bridges similar in construction to
that under consideration and supported on bearings fB, fT are the predicted frequencies (in Hz) in
of the same type. If the bridge is cable supported bending and torsion respectively.
the values given shall be factored by 0.75.
Table 1 then gives the equivalent static loading that
Material of construction δs shall be used, if required, dependent on the value
Steel 0.03 of KD, to produce the load effects to be considered
Steel and Concrete Composite 0.04 in accordance with 4 and 5.
Concrete 0.05
Timber (see NOTE 2) 0.06-0.12 Table 1 gives an indication of the relative order of
Aluminium Alloy 0.02 discomfort levels for pedestrians according to the
Glass or Fibre Reinforced Plastic 0.04-0.08 derived value of KD and indicates where a full
(see NOTE 2) discomfort check may be required.
5 Assess by analysis
using derived ymax or for Tolerable
3 simplicity use upper
bound load, α = 2.5KD
2 α is less than 4% and
may be neglected
1 Acceptable
α is less than 5% and
may be neglected Only just perceptible
Note 1: KD = f2ymax where f is the natural frequency in Hz, ymax is the maximum predicted amplitude
in mm, α is the percentage of the total nominal dead plus live load to be applied as the
loading due to vortex excitation.
Note 2: When the critical wind speed for excitation in the relevant mode is greater than 20 m/s,
motion discomfort is generally not experienced by any pedestrians still using the bridge due
to the strength and buffeting effects of the associated gale force winds. For more information
see references 4 and 5.
5.1 Fatigue damage requirements Cs takes account of the extent of the range of
wind speeds over which oscillation may
All bridges which fail to satisfy the requirements occur.
of 2.1.1 shall be assessed for fatigue damage due to
vortex excited vibration in addition to fatigue The critical wind speed for the estimation of
damage due to other load effects. fatigue damage, V′cr for all bridge types in
Figure 1, shall be increased to:
5.2 Fatigue damage due to vortex excitation V′cr = 6.5 fd4 for b*/d4 < 1.25
V′cr = (0.8 b*/d4 + 5.5) fd4 for 1.25 ≤ b*/d4 < 10
An estimate of the cumulative fatigue damage due V′cr = 13.5 fd4 for b*/d4 ≥ 10
to vortex excitation shall be made in accordance
with BS 5400: Part 10 as implemented by BA 9/81 where
(DMRB 1.3) by considering the stress range and
number of cycles specified below, for each model b*, f and d4 are defined in but noting that d4
in which Vcr is less than Vvs. is replaced by φd4 for trusses with φ > 0.5.
n = 2500 f p Cθ Cs
1 0 0
1 0
H o u rs /Y e a r
0 .1
0 .4 0 .6 0 .8 1 .0
V c 'r / V r
0 .1 4
0 .1 2
0 .1 0
0 .0 8
0 .0 6
0 4 5 9 0 1 3 5 1 8 0
N -S E W N -S
B e a r in g o f b r id g e a x is
F ig . 4 F a c to r fo r o r ie n ta tio n o f b r id g e in p la n
2 0
M a x im u m p r e d ic te d
a m p litu d e y
m a x /d
0 .0 6
1 0
0 .0 5
0 .0 4
5 .0
0 .0 3
C s 4 .0
0 .0 2
3 .0
2 .0 0 .0 1
1 .0
0 .4 0 .6 0 .8 1 .0
V c 'r / V r
F ig .5 S p e e d r a n g e fa c to r
Where a design is subject to wind tunnel testing, Sg, Sm are derived from BD 37 (DMRB 1.3) for a
the models shall accurately simulate the external loaded length equal to the longest span; and
cross sectional details including non-structural
fittings, e.g. parapets, and shall be provided with a K1A is given in
representative range of natural frequencies, mass,
stiffness parameters and damping appropriate to For full-model testing under the conditions given
the various predicted modes of vibration of the in Annex C, the criterion shall be wind speed VWE
bridge. given by:
Due consideration shall be given to the influence VWE = 1.10 (Vr + Vd) K1A
of turbulence and to the effect of wind inclined to 2
the horizontal, both appropriate to the site of the
bridge. Tests in laminar flow may, however, be The factor 1.10 in each of VWO, VWα and VWE allows for
taken as providing conservative estimates of the range of possible bridge span configurations and
critical wind speeds and amplitudes caused by locations for which response is to be established. This
vortex shedding. factor may be reduced to a minimum of 1.00 for certain
configuration/location combinations (typically spans
Where stability with respect to divergent amplitude greater than 500m at height above ground level less
response is established by section-model testing than above 30m in coastal or estuarial locations); such
(see Annex C) stability shall be demonstrated up to reductions shall only be adopted following further
the wind speed criterion VWO (see given studies.
Further guidance on wind tunnel testing is given in
Annex C.
VWO = 1.10 (Vr + 2Vd)K1A
This shall be treated as a horizontal wind, or as
inclined to the horizontal by an angle α as a
consequence of local topography. Although this
occurs rarely for most locations in the United
Kingdom, in cases where there are extensive
slopes of the ground in a direction perpendicular to
the span which suggest a significant effect on
inclination of the mean flow, a separate
topographical assessment (which may include
wind tunnel studies) shall be made to determine α
Stability shall also be demonstrated in wind
inclined to the horizontal by an angle α (in
degrees) with speed criterion Vwα given by:
S g
-1 +α
S m
All technical enquiries or comments on this Advice Note should be sent in writing as appropriate to:
Director of Engineering
Department for Regional Development
Roads Service
Clarence Court
10-18 Adelaide Street G W ALLISTER
Belfast BT2 8GB Director of Engineering
Most obstacles in the path of the wind contribute to the For the evaluation of the critical wind speed for vortex
creation of turbulence, either directly by vortex excitation (, the reference width b* should be
shedding or indirectly through the build-up of the determined according to Figure 1 applied to the overall
profile of mean wind speed with height which in turn cross-section ignoring the existence of the gap when the
provides more severe velocity differentials when the gap complies with the twin-deck configuration in A2
flow is further perturbed. The basic turbulence is the above. For all other provisions in this Annex, the
statistically steady (or developing slowly over distance evaluations should be based on the parameters for the
of many kilometres) summation of the effect of a upwind deck. Additionally, the prediction made of
broadly random scatter of such obstacles over a response amplitude ymax for vertical motion caused by
substantial region upwind of the reference point. vortex shedding (3.1.2) should be increased by a factor
Where there are identifiable outstanding obstacles, of 1.4 to conservatively allow for the interactive
further specific allowance may be necessary. response of the twin-deck system.
The turbulence generated by such identifiable objects Where the gap exceeds G2 (see A4 below) each bridge
decays on translation downwind into a more random deck may be treated separately with respect to vortex
structure comprising a widening range of gust sizes (or excitation. For gaps in the ranges of G1 to G2 (see A4
spectral frequencies), eventually being subsumed into below), the estimate of the limiting response amplitude
the basic random ‘background’. There is thus a range to vortex shedding, ymax, given in 3.1.2 should be
of potential effects. Where there are obstacles doubled. For gaps between 1m and G1 (see A4 below)
(topographic or man-made) that are large compared for twin deck configurations and less than G1 (see A4
with the cross-section of the bridge, wind tunnel tests below) for all other configurations, special
can be used to check on the consequences of any investigations should be made to investigate the
change in turbulence affecting the bridge. interactive vortex response of the dual system.
B3.1 Plate girder bridges
Ip = wDb + ∑ Ipj + wjrj
It may be assumed that the fundamental torsional 12g g
frequency of plate girder bridges is equal to the
fundamental bending frequency calculated from B2 where
above, provided the average longitudinal bending
wD = weight per unit length of the deck only,
inertia per unit width is not less than 100 times the
at mid-span;
average transverse bending inertia per unit length.
Ipj = polar moment of mass of individual box
B3.2 Box girder bridges at mid-span;
The fundamental torsional frequency of a box girder wj = weight per unit length of individual box
bridge may be approximately derived from: only, at mid-span, without associated
portion of deck.
fT = fB P1(P2 + P3)
o∫ ds = integral around box perimeter of the
2) Jj = for a single closed cell t ratio length/thickness for each portion of
∫ t box wall at mid-span.
T h r e e - s p a n b r id g e s
L 1 L L 2
L 1
= 2.0
L 2
L > L 1 > L 2
L 1 1.5
L 2
4.0 L 1
= 1.0
L 2
T w o - s p a n b r id g e s
L 1 L
L > L 1
0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
L 1
2) The second is to obtain coefficients for checks Accurate measurements of both the mean and the
on vortex excitation effects or divergent dynamic components of the overall loads can only be
amplitude effects according to 3.1 and 3.2 obtained if both the approach flow and the local
respectively. Such tests require dynamic environment are properly simulated. For the scale of
models, and can also yield either direct model bridge required this becomes impracticable.
estimation of turbulence response or ‘derivative’
coefficients which enable more sophisticated Approaches towards evaluating overall wind loads
analysis of turbulence response to be carried out. include the spatial averaging of instantaneous pressures
acting on the elements of the bridge structure and the
3) The third is to examine the influence of direct measurement of such loads with force balances or
topography or other perturbations of the incident transducers capable of providing accurate information
wind such as large structures or other obstacles on both their mean and time-varying components.
nearby. A potentially important effect is Sections comprising circular section members or other
inclination of the mean wind to the horizontal curved surfaces are likely to be Reynolds number (Re)
(quantity α in 6). sensitive and adjustments based on full scale data and/
or theoretical considerations may be necessary.
For most studies in the first two categories it is Modelling adjustments are commonly needed for very
necessary to use large scale models to accurately small elements such as handrails to avoid local Re
simulate the structure, deck furniture and, possibly, effects below about 500.
highway or railway traffic, and wind tunnels operating
with uniform laminar flow (aeronautical wind tunnels) The effect of wind inclination in elevation should be
are used. More accurate measurements of mean loads examined, the extent of which should be judged,
require a simulation of the turbulence characteristics of depending on the site topography, any planned
wind, but this would require a model whose scale superelevation of the bridge and predicted torsional
would be too small to be practicable. Smooth flow tests deflections under traffic loads. Generally tests up to
±5° are adequate.
May 2001 C/1
Annex C Volume 1 Section 3
Part 3 BD 49/01
C3. Section model tests to determine aerodynamic induced mean and/or dynamic loads and responses of
stability bridges. Such models are particularly valuable for
slender, flexible and dynamically sensitive structures,
The primary objective of such tests is to determine the where dynamic response effects may be significant.
aerodynamic stability of the bridge deck, mounted with However to be representative, such tests must
deck furniture, using a geometrically scaled model of a consistently model the salient characteristics of natural
section of the bridge elastically mounted in a wind wind at the site and the aerodynamically significant
tunnel. Typically, such models simulate the lowest features of the bridge’s geometry. It is also necessary to
bending and torsional vibration frequencies, and are correctly model the stiffness, mass and damping
tested in uniform laminar flow. The requirements of properties of the structural system. It is only possible to
geometric scaling and Reynold’s number limitations model the full spectrum of atmospheric turbulence in a
outlined in C2, still apply. In more advanced or refined wind tunnel at small scale; together with the obvious
stages, section models are tested in simulated turbulent constraint of fitting a full bridge model within the
flow in order to provide estimates of the responses at tunnel, this is generally irreconcilable with the scale
sub-critical wind speeds. As the simulated turbulence desirable to ensure correct behaviour, which is
generally has a preponderance of the smaller-size commonly sensitive to small changes in cross-section.
eddies most likely to influence flow features such as For this reason the primary study should be made by
vortex-shedding or re-attachment, the total intensity of section model tests; where non-uniformity of section or
turbulence should be selected with care. Generally this of incident flow conditions, complex dynamics or
should be significantly lower than the standard erection considerations, necessitate the use of a full
atmospheric value for full scale. Reliance on beneficial model, particular care is needed in its design and
effects from turbulence should not be allowed to reduce interpretation of the test results.
the likely aerodynamic effects.
As the modelling of dynamic properties requires the
simulation of the inertia, stiffness and damping
In addition to modelling the geometry in accordance
characteristics of only those modes of vibration which
with C2, it is necessary to maintain a correct scaling of are susceptible to wind excitation, approximate or
inertia forces, the time scale, the frequency, and the partial models of the structural system are often
structural damping. The time scale is normally set sufficiently accurate.
indirectly by maintaining the equality of the model and
full scale reduced velocities of particular modes of C5. Studies of the wind environment
vibration. The reduced velocity is the ratio of a
reference wind speed and the product of a characteristic C5.1 Topographic models
length and the relevant frequency of vibration, see VRg,
VRf in 2.1.3 for galloping and flutter. The numerical Information on the characteristics of the full scale wind
coefficient for vortex excitation in is also may not be available in situations of complex
topography and/or terrain. Small scale topographic
derived from use of a similar ratio.
models, with scales in the range of 1:2000, can be used
in such situations to provide estimates of the
Measurements should be carried out through the range subsequent modelling of the wind at a larger scale and
of wind speeds likely to occur at the site to provide are suitable for studying particular wind effects on the
information on both relatively common events, bridge.
influencing serviceability, and relatively rare events,
which govern ultimate strength behaviour. Wind C5.2 Local environment
inclination in elevation should be examined.
Measurements of vortex excitation require careful Nearby buildings, structures, and topographic features
control of the wind speed around the critical velocity, of significant relative size influence the local wind flow
and care should be exercised if divergent amplitudes are and hence should be allowed for in simulations of wind
predicted, to ensure that these do not become so violent at particular locations. For bridges in urban settings
as to destroy the model. this requires the scaled reproduction (usually in block
outline form) of all major buildings and structures
C4. Aeroelastic simulations of bridges within about 500 to 800m of the site. Also of particular
importance is the inclusion of major nearby existing
Ideally a dynamic model of the full bridge is used in the and projected buildings which could lead to
wind tunnel, commonly referred to as an aeroelastic aerodynamic interference effects, even though they may
model, to provide information on the overall wind be outside this “proximity” model.
Corrections are generally required if the blockage of the Nevertheless, in some situations it is still possible to
wind tunnel test section by the model and its immediate provide useful information with more traditional
surroundings exceeds about 5 to 10%. Typical techniques including smoke flow visualisation.
geometric scales used in studies of overall wind effects Although difficult to perform in turbulent flow without
or for local environment tests range between about proper photographic techniques, flow visualisation
1:300 to 1:600. remains a valuable tool for evaluating the overall flow
regime and, in some situations, on the potential
C5.3 Use of boundary layer wind tunnels (BLWT) presence of particular aerodynamic loading
A BLWT should be capable of developing flows
representative of natural wind over different types of C7. Quality assurance
full-scale terrain. The most basic requirements are as
follows: The reliability of all wind tunnel data should be
established and should include considerations of both
a) To model the vertical distribution of the mean wind the accuracy of the overall simulation and the accuracy
speed and the intensity of the longitudinal turbulence and hence the repeatability of the measurements.
Checks should be devised where possible to assure the
b) To reproduce the entire atmospheric boundary layer reliability of the results. These should include basic
thickness, or the atmospheric surface layer thickness, checking routines of the instrumentation including its
and integral scale of the longitudinal turbulence calibration, the repeatability of particular measurements
component to approximately the same scale as that of and, where possible, comparisons with similar data
the modelled topography obtained by different methods. For example, mean
overall force and/or aeroelastic measurements can be
In some situations a more complete simulation compared with the integration of mean local pressures.
including the detailed modelling of the intensity of the
vertical components of turbulence becomes necessary. Ultimate comparisons and assurances of data quality
can be made in situations where full-scale results are
C6. Instrumentation available. Such comparisons are not without
difficulties as both the model and full-scale processes
The instrumentation used in wind tunnel model tests of are stochastic. It is also valuable to make credibility
all aforementioned wind effects should be capable of crosschecks with the code requirements and previous
providing adequate measures of the mean and, where experience.
necessary, the dynamic or time varying response over
periods of time corresponding to about 1 hour in full C8. Interpretation of test data and prediction of
scale. In the case of measurements of wind induced full-scale behaviour
dynamic effects, overall wind loads and the response,
the frequency response of the instrumentation system The objective of all wind tunnel simulations is to
should be sufficiently high to permit meaningful provide direct or indirect information on wind effects
measurements at all relevant frequencies, and avoid during particular wind conditions.
magnitude and phase distortions.
For time average effects this would relate to the
Furthermore, all measurements should be free of appropriate design wind speed either with or in the
significant acoustic effects, electrical noise, mechanical absence of traffic as appropriate. Dynamic response
vibration and spurious pressure fluctuations, including will require prediction of the full-scale wind speeds at
fluctuations of the ambient pressure within the wind which vertical and/or torsional vortex excitation occurs
tunnel caused by the operation of the fan, opening of as well as the speed at which divergent response is
doors and the action of atmospheric wind. Where likely to start.
necessary, corrections should be made for temperature
drift. Particular care is required in relation to simulation and
scaling such as, for example, with respect to wind
Most current instrumentation systems are highly speed, turbulence (intensity and length scales),
complex and include on-line data acquisition frequency and damping (see C2, C3 and C5) as well as
capabilities which in some situations are organised the bridge geometry and properties (see C4). The range
around a computer which also controls the test. of wind angles considered needs to take due account of
the requirements in Chapter 6. If measurements have
Section models
(stability or time
average coefficients) 1:80 to 1:40