Gmail - RE - UTAR HOSPITAL - KM Approval Pending Items (Sumbangan Saliran)
Gmail - RE - UTAR HOSPITAL - KM Approval Pending Items (Sumbangan Saliran)
Gmail - RE - UTAR HOSPITAL - KM Approval Pending Items (Sumbangan Saliran)
Thanks Madam Chuah to clarify for the above especially on the contribution amount.
Thank you.
Cc: UTAR_Mr. David Chan Ngai Yeen; UTAR KAMPAR_Ir. Abdul Majid Bin Mohd Gani; S N Low & Associates Sdn
Bhd (Architect) _Ar. Winston Chu; ACASY Design & Environmental Architects Sdn. Bhd. _Ar. Wan Nornabila bt.
Wan Husin; UTAR Sg. Long_Ms. Yvonne Tan Pey Jiuan; HEW FEN YEE; eplim; Shafiq Yahya; Perunding Hashim &
NEH Sdn. Bhd._ (M&E) Che Wan Mohd Zairudin Che Wan Husain; Dato' Ir Abu Hashim Ghani;
[email protected]
FYI, the drainage contribution is calculated based on the whole acre, hence the amount should be 15 acres x
RM3000 = RM45,000. In future please check with relevant authority before you advised the Client to prepare
FYI, we have not include the area which will be surrendered as river reserve.
FYI, we have been following up quite closely with the OSC officer in charge at Majlis Daerah Kampar.; As much as we
want to speed up the approval, the bureaucratic procedures currently in practice does not allow us to do so. Let me
enlightened your goodself as SO of this project. Any resubmissions of revised plans due to comments made by any
external technical departments will have to be made via the Majlis Daerah Kampar OSC. Failure to do so will render
their comments/ letters being invalid. Neither will the external technical departments respond to our submission. In
this process, we have experience a few cases of lost documents, which result in us having to resend the full set of
document and plans to Majlis Daerah Kampar OSC.
Based on the above we have enlisted the kind assistance of Mr. Yong (Huges Corporation staff) to follow up
personally with the Majlis Daerah Kampar OSC officer (since 1 week ago). Mr. Yong could only make contact with En.
Fahmi after he return from his training on Monday 27 November 2017.
- We have prepared and couriered to OSC Majlis Daerah Kampar a new set of documents for State Planning.
- Printed 20 sets of KM plans for signing by Tan Sri Dato Seri Ting. (Please ensure your BP drawings Title Block
are not revised any more).
- Once we receive the signed drawings from UTAR, we will forward to OSC, Majlis Daerah Kampar.
I hope the above suffice to enlighten your goodself and all in this group.
FYI, we are also in close contact with the Majlis Daerah Kampar Planner and State Planning Department officer in
charge for the master Plan amendments which there need to table to SPC and MPFN eventually. We are “assisting
them” all the way.
Ms. Chuah HH
On Wed, Nov 29, 2017 at 3:23 PM, Chai Kim Sin <[email protected]> wrote:
Refer to the our telephone conversation and last comment KM letter dated 28 Mar 2017, we were well informed
all items stated below are in order and item 1 was closer follow up by PHNEH M&E now processing by SKMM for
approval for last submission via OSC dated 2 Nov 2017 as reported.
Refer to item ii of the KM comment letter above, we shall advise client for the drainage contribution/ sumbangan
saliran required by engineering department of MDKpr at RM 3,000/ acre which the estimated contribution to
date is RM 44,028 (RM 3,000 x 14.676 ac as per latest hospital boundary survey by SLKL after JPS reserved.). The
said contribution shall be paid for approval which to date have yet decide/ advise accordingly.
Please revert for all necessary with client and MDKpr. Appreciate your prompt action for the above.
Thank you.
To: S N Low & Associates Sdn Bhd (Architect) _Mr. Chai Kim Sin
3. Submit 20 set plan susunatur baru ( final) yg mematuhi syarat berdasarkan surat mjlis bertarikh 28. 3.2017