By: Engr. Renz Wilson Libatique Etrata, May 2017: Contractual, Management, and Quality Aspects of Construction

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A road is a thoroughfare, route, or way on

land between two places, which has been paved
or otherwise improved to allow travel by some
conveyance, including a horse, cart, or motor
vehicle ROAD

The world's oldest known paved road was laid

in Egypt some time between 2600 and 2200
• Stone-paved streets are found in the city of
By: Ur in the Middle East dating back to 4000 BC.
Engr. Renz Wilson Libatique Etrata, May 2017 • Corduroy roads (log roads) are found dating
to 4000 BC in Glastonbury, England. History of


 Roadbeds underlie highway pavement  Organizing to Carry Out Construction
structures and the ballast and track on which  Competitive bids
trains move.  Payments to contractor usually is on a unit
 Unless there is a bridge, tunnel, or other price basis.
special structures, this roadbed is constructed  Construction contracts are directed and carried
of in-situ soils or on earth embankments. out by the management staff and workers of
contractors or by subcontractors employed by

Engr. Renz Wilson L. Etrata, May 2017 1


 Quality Assurance in Construction

Construction plans and specifications Weather Effects on Construction
stipulate many requirements that are to  Precipitation as rain snow, high winds, and
be met by materials or construction extremely hot or very cold temperatures can
procedures. slow or halt certain construction operations.
Two approaches for obtaining them:
a) Manner and method – spell out in detail the
materials to be supplied or the procedures
to be followed.
b) Result or End result – stipulates the desired
end product and leaves manner and method
to the contractor.


 Grading – an inclusive term to describe
construction operations between site clearing
 Site clearing in rural areas and paving.
 Site clearing in urban areas  Detours are carefully planned, signed, and
operated so that traffic flows freely.

Engr. Renz Wilson L. Etrata, May 2017 2


Excavation  Where material is moved less than about

200ft of steeply downhill, drifting with a track
 Excavation – the process of loosening and or wheel type bulldozer.
removing earth or rock from its original
 For moderate and longer hauls, self loading
position in a cut and transporting it to a fill or
scrapers pulled by rubber-tired hauling units
to a waste deposit.
and push-loaded by tractors offer low costs.
 Selection of equipment depends on the nature
 For hauls of considerable length over the
of the material, how far it is to be moved
public highways where axle loads are limited,
(hauled), and the method of disposal.
rear- or bottom-dump trucks loaded by front-
 Materials are usually described as “rock,” end loaders, power shovels, or belt conveyors
“loose rock,” or “common” with “common” may be cheapest.
signifying all materials not otherwise

Pull-type scraper

Engr. Renz Wilson L. Etrata, May 2017 3


 Payment for excavation commonly is made at

a bid price per cubic yard measured “in
place” in the space originally occupied.
 This unit price includes payment for
loosening and loading the material,
transporting it any distance less than the
“free haul limit”, and spreading and
compacting it in the fill.
 Payment for light clearing and grubbing and
for trimming cut and fill slopes is also included
in the unit price for excavation.

rear- or bottom-dump trucks

Slides and Slipouts Overbreak – Presplitting

 The side slopes of all cuts are steeper than  Overbreak occurs in rock cuts when material
the original ground surface and those of high outside the staked backslopes becomes
fills commonly are relatively steep in order to loosened and falls or is removed along with
reduce the amount of embankment. the intended excavation.
 Payment for slides on cuts commonly is made  Presplitting is a drilling and blasting procedure
under the excavation item for the project. that may be employed or even specified to
control overbreak and give a uniform face to
the backslope of rock cuts.

Engr. Renz Wilson L. Etrata, May 2017 4


EMBANKMENT Free Haul - Overhaul

 Embankment describes the fill added above  When the material is moved a distance
the low points along the roadway to raise the greater than this free-haul distance, it is usual
level to bottom of the pavement structure. to pay for the added transportation under a
 Materials for embankment commonly comes bid item called “overhaul.”
from roadway cuts or designated borrow  Units for overhaul are commonly the station-
areas. yard or cubic yard-mile.


EMBANKMENTS Control of Embankment Construction
 Principles of Embankment Construction  Two basically control procedures for assuring
 At one time, fills, weather of rock or earth, a specified embankment density.
were constructed to full height by “end 1. State the expected end result which is the
dumping” from the transporting vehicle. minimum acceptable value for relative
 Today, engineers agree that proper compaction, and to make sure, by field
embankment construction requires that the soil density tests, that the specified density is
be spread in layers, moistened or dried to obtained.
something near an optimum moisture content, 2. State the manner and method for constructing
and compacted. the embankment.

Engr. Renz Wilson L. Etrata, May 2017 5


 Tamping rollers
 Grid rollers
 Pneumatic-tired rollers
 Smooth-tired rollers
 Vibratory compactors
 Hauling and spreading equipment

Tamping rollers

Grid rollers
Pneumatic-tired rollers

Engr. Renz Wilson L. Etrata, May 2017 6


Payment for Embankment

 Methods of payment for embankment
construction vary.
 Some agencies , specify that the price per
cubic yard of excavation or of borrow shall
include all charges for compaction, for
water as needed, or for aerating the soil.
 Others, pay separately for water.
 Still others pay for rolling, either at a bid price
per hour of rolling with an acceptable roller or
Vibratory compactor at a bid price per cubic yard of material.


 Finishing describes a number of operations  There is no specific pay item covering these
associated with shaping the roadbed and the finishing operations; rather the contractor is
rest of the cross section. instructed to include these costs in other bid
 Surfaces that will underlie the traveled way items.
and shoulders are compacted and smoothed
to close tolerance.
 Roadside and other ditches, backslopes in
cuts, sideslopes in embankments, and
roadside areas will be dressed to the
requirements set by the plans and

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