Electromagnetic Waves: H, Maxwell's Equations (
Electromagnetic Waves: H, Maxwell's Equations (
Electromagnetic Waves: H, Maxwell's Equations (
Electromagnetic Waves
14.1 Introduction
Some wave solutions to Maxwell’s equations have already been
encountered in the Solved Problems of Chapter 13. The present chapter will
extend the treatment of electromagnetic waves. Since most regions of
interest are free of charge, it will be assumed that charge density ρ = 0.
Moreover, linear isotropic materials will be assumed, with D = E, B = μΗ,
and J = σΕ.
Substitution for the “curl curls” and use of (3) and (4) yields the vector
wave equations
has solutions of the form F = f(z — ut) and F = g(z + ut), where f and g are
arbitrary functions. These represent waves traveling with speed u in the +z
and – z directions, respectively. In Fig. 14-1 the first solution is shown at t =
0 and t = t1; the wave has advanced in the +z direction a distance of ut1 in
the time interval t1 For the particular choices
Fig. 14-1
in which β ≡ ω/u. Of course, the real and imaginary parts are also solutions
to the wave equation. One of these solutions, F = C sin(ωt) – βz), is shown
in Fig. 14-2 at t = 0 and t = π/2ω. In this interval the wave has advanced in
the positive z direction a distance d = u(π/2ω) = π/2β. At any fixed t, the
waveform repeats itself when x changes by 2π/β; the distance
Fig. 14-2
is called the wavelength. The wavelength and the frequency f ≡ ω/2π enjoy
the relation
The fixed unit vectors aH and aE are orthogonal and neither field has a
component in the direction of propagation. This being the case, one can
rotate the axes to put one of the fields, say E, along the x axis. Then from
Maxwell’s equation (2) it follows that H will lie along the ±y axis for
propagation in the ±z direction.
From ∇ · E = 0,
where the correct square root may be written in polar form, |η| , with
It is seen that for all conductors the Ε and Η waves are attenuated.
Numerical examples will show that this is a very rapid attenuation. α will
always be equal to β. At each fixed location Η is out of time phase with Ε
by 45° or π/4 rad. Once again assuming Ε in ax and propagation in az, the
field equations are, from Section 14.5,
Fig. 14-3
Thus, after just 6.61 micrometers the field is attenuated to e–1 = 36.8% of its
initial value. At 5δ or 33 micrometers, the magnitude is 0.67% of its initial
value—practically zero.
Fig. 14-4
One of the six constants—it is almost always —may be taken as real.
Under the interface conditions about to be derived, one or more of the
remaining five may turn out to be complex.
The five equations above can be combined to produce the following ratios
in terms of the intrinsic impedances:
The intrinsic impedances for various materials were examined earlier. They
are repeated here for reference.
EXAMPLE 3. Traveling E and H waves in free space (region 1) are
normally incident on the interface with a perfect dielectric (region 2) for
which r = 3.0. Compare the magnitudes of the incident, reflected, and
transmitted E and H waves at the interface.
Fig. 14-5
EXAMPLE 5. The critical angle for a wave propagating from Teflon into
free space is
Fig. 14-7
The standing wave is shown in Fig. 14-8 at time intervals of T/8, where T =
2π/ω is the period. At t = 0, E = 0 everywhere; at t = 1(T/8), the endpoints
of the E vectors lie on sine curve 1; at t = 2(T/8), they lie on sine curve 2;
and so forth. Sine curves 2 and 6 form an envelope for the oscillations; the
amplitude of this envelope is twice the amplitude of the incident wave. Note
that adjacent half-wavelength segments are 180° out of phase with each
Fig. 14-8
where the last term has been converted to an integral over the surface of v
by use of the divergence theorem.
The integral on the left has the units of watts and is the usual ohmic
term representing energy dissipated per unit time as heat. This dissipated
energy has its source in the integrals on the right. Because E2/2 and μH2/2
are the densities of energy stored in the electric and magnetic fields,
respectively, the volume integral (including the minus sign) gives the
decrease in this stored energy. Consequently, the surface integral (including
the minus sign) must be the rate of energy entering the volume from
outside. A change of sign then produces the instantaneous rate of energy
leaving the volume: