Himel Point of Sales Design Guideline

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Himel Point of Sales Design

About Himel
Retail Business Overview
Himel is a multinational manufacturer and provider of electrical products
that successfully combines global expertise with local knowledge. We focus
Offer Portfolio
on long-term partnership with customers and offer products that meet real
needs and ensure adequate compatibility for common usage.
POS Categories

Our global footprint and technology allows to provide the best combination
POS Design Guideline
of affordable and reliable offers for low voltage power distribution, industry

Visual Identity automation and home electric in the over 50 countries where we are present.
Himel. Reliable made affordable.

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Retail Business Overview

e-Commerce Consumer Retail Professional Retail Retail Business Overview

Direct product sales to consumers Consumer led standard product Professional partner led standard Offer Portfolio
or professionals through Himel sales to end consumers or product sales to professionals
online shops professionals (through a retail (animated through distributors or
distribution channel) a professional retailer) POS Categories
Wiring Devices Final Distribution

POS Design Guideline

Consumer Electronics
Industrial Control
Visual Identity


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Retail Business Overview

Consumer retail Consumer retail Professional retail

Wiring Devices Consumer Electronics Final Distribution

Simple to choose: efficient Innovative: innovative electronic Wider application: complete

product ordering system with one products with digital display and product line, complete range, and
reference of mechanism and cover innovative interfaces. complete specification.
Capacity plate. Smart: meet the increasing needs Convenient accessory assembly :
Safety & reliability: high quality from customers on the trends of all accessory of six different types
materials as polycarbonate, smartness and safety in the daily life. can be assembled independently
always fireproof and virtually Reliable: working with reliable without tools.
unbreakable. compliance with IEC partners to make sure the high Safe for users: sealed terminals,
safety standards quality and reliability of the stripping torque indication, internal
Design: modern and discrete products, no compensation of the arc-blocked board and CPI
design to fit in any home and quality from materials and safety indicator.
applications. Big rockets for all components.

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Retail Business Overview

Offer Portfolio POS Categories

POS Categories Exclusive Shop Multi-brand shop Himel corner

POS Design Guideline

Visual Identity

Dedicated to Himel with no competitive Multi-brand shop with big display area Multi-brand shop with small display
products (10m2 - 30m2) area (2m2 - 6m2)

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Himel Exclusive shop Himel multi-brand shop & Himel Corner

Multi-brand shop Himel Corner

*Dedicated to Himel,
no competitive

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Retail Business Overview

Offer Portfolio

POS Categories POS Design Items

• Dealer board : POS banner & authorized dealer board
POS Design Guideline
• Products demonstration : shelf & display
• Inner decorations : posters, banners & logo stickers
Visual Identity • Others : lighting box, promotional articles & collaterals


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Dealer Board Products Demonstration

POS Shop Banner Authorized Distributor Board Product Shelf Product Display
Authorized Distributor of

Company Name
Show panel Podium Table Display

Authorized Distributor of

Standard shelf WD Standee Offer Standee

Company Name WD Table Display-A WD Table Display-B

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Inner Decorations Others

General for branding Customer Centric Products Promotional articles & collaterals Others

Catalogue stand Lighting box LED writing board

Image wall Reception desk
About Himel
Himel is a multinational manufacturer and provider of electrical products that successfully combines global
expertise with local knowledge. We focus on long-term partnership with customers and offer products that
meet real needs and ensure adequate compatibility for common usage.

Our global footprint and technology allows to provide the best combination
of affordable and reliable offers for low voltage power distribution,
industry automation and home electric in the over 50 countries
where we are present.

Himel. Reliable made affordable

Logo sticker

Shelf sticker
Letter Podium

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The logotype is the property of Himel and is for the exclusive use of the company.
It cannot be used by partners, customers, or providers without prior formal
Retail Business Overview
Logotype: position
Offer Portfolio The logotype is always positioned relative to the layout grid and is aligned on the
fifth column (right alignment).
A.The bottom of the Himel logotype is aligned flat to the bottom margin.
POS Categories
B.The upper right point of the Himel logo aligns on the outer right margin.
C.The lower left point of the left side 'i' descender aligns on the left side of the 5th column.
POS Design Guideline

The location of the logo on the page depends on the medium.

Visual Identity For most print applications, position the logo in the bottom right corner.
On the Web, the logo is placed in the top left corner.
For stationery, the top right corner is the preferred location. If this is impossible due to IT
constraints, place logo in the lower right corner as shown.

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Logotype Logotype – DON'Ts

Possible logo combinations DO NOT

There are three color variations of the logotype. The standard one is Himel Red on white which should be used for all ◆ Change the logo construct in any way, e.g.
multicolor applications and assets. • Using the colored logo without white frame
For applications and assets with plane, one-color backgrounds the black & white version or the white knockout version can • Placing the logo on a secondary color palette background
be considered in addition. ◆ Use the knockout logo out of any color other than Himel Red and Pitch Black.
◆ Place the knockout version on light and/or diffused background
Please make sure to use the standard colored logo as primary option.
◆ The logo may be scaled proportionally, but must not be modified in other way.
Guidance as to which logo to be used, is indicated in subsequent pages, depending on context and
type of assets to ensure its relevance and legibility. This includes skewing, changing the alignment of text, adding effects or changing the color.

Standard colored logo Standard colored logo

Black and white logo White knockout logo on Himel Red White knockout logo on Pitch Black

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Logotype with tagline Color palette
In cases where the Himel logo with the tagline 'Reliable made affordable' is Primary Colors
used, please make sure to respect the following rules:
Himel Red is the standard color for Himel.
A. The tagline is aligned with the outer red frame of the Himel logo
It is given the priority in the main graphics and is used consistently on marcom assets. For full-bleed red layouts the
B. The space between Himel logo and tagline equals the line heights
design can be enriched by using White, Pitch Black and Flaxen.
For PPTs and any other technical document or catalogue where the predominant layout color is white, the layout design
Guidance as to which logo to be used, is indicated in can be enhanced by the secondary colors.
subsequent pages, depending on context and type of assets
to ensure its relevance and legibility.
Himel Red C20 M100 Y100 K10 R188 G30 B16 PMS: 2350C RAL: 3001

Pitch Black C0 M0 Y0 K100 R0 B0 G0 PMS: BLACK RAL: 9017

Standard colored logo with tagline Standard colored logowith white tagline

Black and white logowith tagline White knockout logo with tagline White knockout logo with tagline
on Himel Red on Pitch Black

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Color palette Typography

Secondary Colors Primary Colors

These colors are used to support the primary colors. Known as 'highlight' or 'accent' colors, they are used creatively to Typeface hierarchy helps organize content on the page and improves the reader’s comprehension. Himel’s single
project the appropriate level of emphasis in any given communications piece. type family is Univers. Univers is a classic and versatile font. It is easy to read and works well in almost any application.
The secondary colors should be used sparingly – for example, in subheads and product names. Because of its elegant simplicity even complex information seems easier to understand. Univers is not proprietary and
can be purchased at www.fonts.com.
Please note: full blocks and washes of secondary colors are not part of our visual brand and their • Headings are set in Univers Bold: upper and lower case.
use is prohibited.
• Subheadings are set in Univers Roman: upper and lower case.
• Body text is set in Univers Light: upper and lower case.
Steel Grey C0 M0 Y0 K65 R126 B128 G131 PMS: 424C RAL: 7037 • Use a one-line break between paragraphs rather than an indent.
• Left alignment is a general rule for all copy.
Flaxen C32 M36 Y75 K0 R181 B155 G91 PMS: 13-3 RAL: 1004

Dark Red C30 M100 Y59 K32 R142 B24 G55 Typeface exceptions
Secondary Colors for a broader flexibility Univers is the typeface for all communications except PowerPoint, Word documents, and emails. In these
Copper Orange C17 M62 Y67 K5 R203 B116 G83
in PPT designs only.
communications, use Arial. In Word templates, use Arial for headers and Helvetica for body copy.
Light Grey C32 M24 Y25 K4 R180 B180 G180

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Typography Layout Grid
Use a five-column grid for all communications.
• The five-column grid helps to structure layouts and bring
order to the information.
• Templates will be available for standard formats.
• Changing proportions of margins can improve the layout
for custom formats.
• Text may be flowed on up to five columns, but must always
align left.

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Retail Business Overview

Rebranding locally Confirm design Finish decoration Reimbursement

Offer Portfolio Option 1

POS Categories Himel Partner Portal:

Customer provide POS List
POS Design Guideline

Option 2
Visual Identity

Apply POSM on Partner portal Delivery Confirm receipt Picture for record

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