Yamuna Biodiversity Park
Yamuna Biodiversity Park
Yamuna Biodiversity Park
Entrance to YBP
A View of NIC
On this loop trail one sometimes comes across bouncing hares and
has a chance to watch red-wattled lapwings and other grassland
birds. The exit of the Butterfly Conservatory on the west side leads
to Sacred Grove and the Gene Bank of Petro- and Oil-yielding and
other plants through the Bamboo Bridge from which one can enjoy
a view of the resident ducks’ wetland and a wide variety of fishes.
Surrounding the valley are the Ten Mounds which illustrate the
different forest ecosystems in its miniature form found all along the
Yamuna River Basin. The composition of forests, as in nature,
consists of three to four layers: a tree canopy that supports
climbers and provides shade for the middle storey tree layer and
shrub layer which in turn protect the ground-cover of herbs and
grasses. Plantation on these mounds is designed on the basis of the
structure and composition of the forest ecosystem found in its
natural environment. These ecosystems are:
Scrub jungle
Top Canopy- Acacia catechu, A. senegal, A. leucophloea
Underwoods- Euphorbia neriifolia, Cassia auriculata, Maetenus
Herbs- Tephrosia purpurea, Justicia simplex, Cyperus rotundus,
Eragrostis tenella
Climbers – Cocculus laurifolius, Rhynchosia minima