Official List of Qualifiers For The 2015 Junior Level Science Sholarships (R A 1 0 6 1 2)
Official List of Qualifiers For The 2015 Junior Level Science Sholarships (R A 1 0 6 1 2)
Official List of Qualifiers For The 2015 Junior Level Science Sholarships (R A 1 0 6 1 2)
The Department of Science and Technology (DOST), through the Science Education Institute
(SEI), announces the names of the scholarship qualifiers for the 2015 Junior Level Science
Scholarships (JLSS) under the Republic Act No. 10612, otherwise known as the “Fast-Tracked S&T
Scholarship Act of 2013.” Qualifiers who will avail of the scholarship grant shall teach full time for a
minimum of two years in science, technology, engineering and mathematics subjects in private or
public high schools. Each qualifier shall receive a notice of award from the DOST-SEI or the DOST
Regional Office stating the date and the venue of orientation and contract signing. He/She shall report
to the designated venue, bring a photocopy of registration form for the First Semester of AY 2015-
2016, and be accompanied by a parent / legal guardian who must bring a 2015 Community Tax
Certificate or Official Passport. The legal guardian is required to present his/her affidavit of
guardianship. The following are the qualifiers of the 2015 JLSS: