Lipids: Basic Structure of Triglyceride

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Triacylglycerol, commonly called triglycerides (known as lipids), are

formed by combining glycerol with three fatty acid molecules. BASIC STRUCTURE OF
Although biological lipids are not macromolecular polymers (e.g. TRIGLYCERIDE
proteins, nucleic acids, and polysaccharides), many are formed by
the chemical linking of several small constituent molecules. Many of
these molecular building blocks are similar, or homologous in
A lipid is any of various organic compounds that are insoluble in
water. They include fats, waxes, oils, hormones, and certain
components of membranes and function as energy-storage of
molecules and chemical messenger. Together with proteins and carbohydrates, lipids are one of the principal
structural components of living cells.

They are one of the main molecules needed to maintain proper health of human body. Out of all the
important functions it performs, the most crucial one is building the cellular membrane. The other functions
it performs include insulation, energy storage, protection and cellular communication. Cells are the building
blocks of all organisms and lipids are considered the building blocks of cells. Without lipids, your cells will
not be able to survive.

Energy Storage Cell structures

One of the main functions lipids do is storing Lipids are present in every cell of the human
energy. If a person eats excessive amount of food, body and are the main part of the cellular
lipids help store the energy in the form of fat membrane. It prevents the cells from being leaky
molecules in the body to use later. by surrounding them the perfect way.

Progesterone and Estrogen Testosterone

These are produced by the ovaries are responsible It is produced by the testes and is responsible for
for developing female sexual characteristics such developing male characteristics such as sperm
as physique and menstrual cycle. production.

Digestion Insulation and Protection

Lipids also play an important part in the digestion Lipids are needed to protect and insulate your
of food. It is used to make bile acids in the body. To keep your internal body temperature
stomach which is essential for dissolving fat from regular, there is a layer of fats just beneath the
the food you eat. This is essential for the process skin that is made from lipids. Similarly, there is a
of normal digestion of food and the absorption of layer of fats also around your vital organs that
fat soluble vitamins. They are also essential for the keeps them protected from injuries.
transportation of fatty acids in the body.

Lipids are the building blocks of cells in your body. Therefore, it is important to ensure your body has the right
amount of them to keep it functioning perfectly.
OmeCare Inc 6777 Nancy Ridge Drive San Diego, CA 92121

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