Replacing Paper-Based Testing With Computer-Based Testing in Assessment: Are We Doing Wrong?

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Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 64 (2012) 655 – 664



Replacing paper-based testing with computer-based testing in

assessment: Are we doing wrong?
Chua Yan Piawa
University of Malaya, Institute of Educational Leadership, UM City Campus Complex, Kuala Lumpur,
43300 Malaysia


The standards for developing computerized-assessment required equivalent test scores to be established for the paper-
based test (PBT) and computer-based test (CBT) modes. However, in most studies, the two modes were nearly
identical, yet significant differences of test scores were observed. Therefore the validity of replacing PBT with CBT
in educational assessment was questioned. This study employed an achievement test, a psychological test and a
motivation questionnaire in a Solomon four-group design to examine validity of the CBT and its effects on test
performance and motivation. The findings of this study provide evidences for the issue of CBT’s validity in
educational and psychological assessment.

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Keywords: Assessment; computer-based testing; testing effect; performance; motivation

1. Introduction

The interest in developing and using computer-based test (CBT) in educational assessment in schools
and educational institutions has heightened in recent years. Delivering assessments via computers is
becoming more and more prevalent in educational assessment domain as changes are made in assessment
methodologies that reflect practical changes in pedagogical methods (Kate Tzu, 2012; Genc, 2012; Hsiao,
Tu & Chung, 2012; OECD, 2010). CBT is seen as a catalyst for change, bringing transformation of
learning, pedagogy and curricula in educational institutions (Scheuermann & Pereira, 2008).
To establish a valid and reliable CBT, the International Guidelines on Computer-Based Testing
(International Test Commission 2004) stated that equivalent test scores should be established for the
conventional paper-based testing (PBT) and its computer-based mode. This set of testing standards is
supported by the classical true-score test theory – the basis of computer-based and paper-based testing
(Allen & Yen 1979). Under this theory, a test taker who takes the same test in the two modes is expected
to obtain nearly identical test scores. The standards are also supported by empirical studies (OECD, 2010;

Corresponding Author: Chua Yan Piaw [email protected]

1877-0428 © 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of The Association Science Education and Technology
Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.11.077
656 Chua Yan Piaw / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 64 (2012) 655 – 664

Wilson, Genco, & Yager, 1985). For example, OECD (2010) reported that there were no difference in test
performance between CBT and PBT among student participants (n = 5,878) from Denmark, Iceland and
Interestingly, however, in a review of educational and psychological measurement approaches,
Bunderson, Inouye & Olsen (1989) reported that 48% of previous studies showed no difference between
the two testing modes in test performance, 13% of studies showed the superiority of CBT and 39% of
studies showed that PBT was superior. The concept of equivalence was supported by only nearly half of
the studies, and the differences were ascertained in achievement tests such as science, language and
mathematics tests, and also obviously in psychological tests such as personality and neuropsychological
assessment (e.g. Friedrich & Bjornsson, 2008; Choi, Kim & Boo, 2003; DeAngelis, 2000).
A possible explanation for this phenomenon is either CBT has a low validity as an assessment tool for
educational and psychological measurements, or there might have been other effect that confounded the
effect of testing mode on test performance in these repeated-measures studies. As observed by Yu &
Ohlund (2010), a possible confounding variable is testing effect; the effect of taking a pretest on taking a
posttest that systematically confounds the treatment effect of CBT on test performance.

2. Testing effect in repeated-measures studies

A careful review to the literature discovered that most of testing mode comparability studies has been
conducted using pretest-posttest experimental designs without identifying testing effects on test takers.
Therefore, the findings might be misinterpreted. For example, in a study, a participant answered the same
test four times for two pretests and two posttests, “each subject took the same pretest and posttest on
paper and computer” (Al-Amri, 2008; p.29). The limitation of this design is testing effect might occur
when a participant is tested at least twice on a same test, and the act of taking a pretest might influence
the outcome of a posttest (Chua, 2011b; Yu & Ohlund, 2010; Shuttleworth, 2009), and it is a bias for a
researcher to confidently conclude that there is a treatment effect although the result is significant. This
issue needs further research because the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing guidelines
(APA, 1986) require that any effects due to computer administration be either eliminated or accounted for
in the interpretation of test scores in any testing mode comparability study.

3. Effects of testing motivation on the relationship between testing modes and test
Another issue that needs to be clarified in a PBT and CBT comparability study, as raised by Wise and
DeMars (2003) is motivational factors which might also have an impact on test performance. Wise and
DeMars pointed out that regardless of how much psychometric care is applied to test development, or
how equal the testing modes are, to the extent that test takers are not motivated to respond to the test (e.g.
due to low efficacy or boredom), test score validity will be compromised. The test taker motivation model
(Pintrich, 1989) specifies that the effort test takers will direct towards a test is a function of how well they
feel they will do on the test, how they perceive the test to be, and it related to their affective reactions
regarding the test. This is the theoretical model that underlies the relationship among motivation, testing
mode and test performance. Besides that, the self-determination theory (Wenemark, Persson, Brage,
Svensson & Kristenson, 2011) states that increases test-takers’ motivation will increase the willingness to
take the test or response rates, and thus it will enhance learning. Therefore, testing motivation is an aspect
worth investigating in testing mode comparability studies because it can pose a threat to the validity of
inferences made regarding assessment test results (Shuttleworth, 2009).
Chua Yan Piaw / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 64 (2012) 655 – 664 657

One of the barriers to the implementation of CBT in educational and psychological measurements in
education is insufficient study of the equivalence of CBT and PBT (Bugbee, 1996). To overcome the
potential for misinterpreting experimental results caused by testing effects, Yu & Ohlund (2010) strongly
recommended the use of the Solomon four-group design. This design helps researchers to detect the
occurrence of testing effects in an experimental study. Therefore, this study employed a Solomon four-
group experimental design to examine the validity and effectiveness of CBT by comparing it with the
PBT. It examined whether testing effects occur in CBT and PBT, and investigated the effects of testing
motivation on the relationship between testing modes and test performance.

4. Method

4.1. Research Design

The Solomon four-group experimental design is “one of the best methods to identify testing effects in
experimental designs” (Yu & Ohlund, 2010, p. 9). It consists of two basic categories of research designs:
(1) two groups of participants who are given treatment and two groups of participants who are not given
treatment and (2) two groups of participants who are given the pretest and two groups of participants who
are not given the pretest. The advantage of this design compared to the basic two-group pretest and
posttest design is that it is capable of identifying the occurrence of testing effect besides the treatment
effects on experimental variables. It should be pointed out that besides identifying treatment effect, the
intention of the design is to help researchers determine if testing effect occurs, that is, to detect whether
the change in experimental variable is caused by the change in the treatment effect or testing effect.
The values of M4–M3 and M6–M5 (see Figure 1) are the testing effects for the control and treatment
groups. If there are no differences between the values of M4 and M3 as well as M6 and M5, there are no
testing effects. Therefore, the (M6–M2)–(M4–M1) value will give an estimation of the treatment effect.
However, any difference between M4 and M3 or M6 and M5 is caused by the pretest effect in M1 and
M2. In these cases, the researcher cannot simply conclude that the treatment has an effect on the
experimental variables (test performance and testing motivation) if there is a significant treatment effect
(testing mode) because there is a possibility that the changes in the experiment variables are caused by
testing effects, and not by the treatment effects.
To eliminate the testing effects in examining treatment effect of CBT, if testing effect occurs in M4
(PBT posttest), then it will be replaced with M3. This is because the two PBT posttest scores are identical
if testing effect does not occur in M4. The same applies to the CBT posttest. If testing effect occurs in
M6, then it will be replaced with M5 in the treatment effect analysis.

Note: M = Measurement
Fig. 1. Design of the Study
658 Chua Yan Piaw / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 64 (2012) 655 – 664

To analyse the data for the design, two steps are needed: (1) A two independent samples t-test is
performed to identify the testing effects (M4–M3) or (M6–M5) and (2) A Split-Plot ANOVA analysis is
carried out to identify the treatment effects. A CBT treatment effect is detected if a significant interaction
effect occurs. Split-Plot ANOVA is one of the most powerful quantitative research methods for testing
causal hypotheses (Yu & Ohlund, 2010; Chua, 2009a).

4.2. Instruments of the Study

Three instruments used in this study were the Biology test, the YBRAINS test and the Testing
Motivation Questionnaire.
(a) The Biology Test - The Biology Test is an educational achievement test that consists of 40
multiple-choice items, each item for 2.5 score, with a total test score of 100. The items were developed
from seven topics: (1) cell structure and cell organization, (2) movement of substances across the plasma
membrane, (3) chemical composition of the cell, (4) nutrition, (5) respiration, (6) dynamic ecosystem and
(7) endangered ecosystem. It collected data for the participants’ test performance when they answered the
Biology Test in PBT and CBT modes for the purpose of comparison. Its test-retest reliabilities (Pearson
correlation coefficients) for PBT and CBT versions were .86 and .83.
(b) The YBRAINS test - The YBRAINS test (Chua, 2011a) is a psychological test that collected test
scores for critical thinking and creative thinking style when participants answered the test in PBT and
CBT modes for the purpose of comparison. The PBT YBRAINS test was adapted to a CBT mode in 2009
(see Fig. 2). Both CBT and PBT deliver the same content. The computer-based YBRAINS has won two
gold medals at green technology innovation expos, including at the 21st International Invention,
Innovation and Technology Exhibition 2010 (ITEX’10, 2010).
The test consisted of 34 items which were used to measure simultaneously the critical and creative
thinking styles of a participant. Each item of the test provided the participants with multiple choices –
each choice representing a specialised trait of critical thinking or creative thinking style. Each participant
was asked to indicate the specific traits that best described his or her own typical behaviour. The
responses were then calculated to obtain critical thinking and creative thinking style scores.
For the CBT mode, the test was developed in a computer-based system using Visual Basic. When a
participant responded to the test items, his thinking styles (critical and creative styles) would be shown
instantly by the computer program. The test scores (critical thinking style and creative thinking style)
were recorded in a Microsoft Access database immediately after a participant had completed the CBT
test. For the PBT mode, the test score for each participant was calculated manually by the researcher
using the same scoring format. Its test-retest reliabilities (Pearson correlation coefficient) for the PBT
mode were .71 (critical thinking style) and .78 (creative thinking style), and for CBT versions were .77
(critical thinking style) and .82 (creative thinking style).

Fig. 2. An Example Test Item and the Results of the Test in Graphical Form
Chua Yan Piaw / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 64 (2012) 655 – 664 659

(c) The Testing Motivation Questionnaire - The third instrument is the adapted version of the
Testing Motivation Questionnaire or TMQ (Wigfield, Guthrie & McGough, 1996) (see Appendix A). It
measured overall testing motivation and four motivation components (self-efficacy, extrinsic, intrinsic
and social motivations) of the participants towards the two testing modes for comparison. The
components consist of eleven dimensions of motivation. Challenge and efficacy are categorised under
self-efficacy motivation. Curiosity, involvement, importance and work avoidance are categorised under
intrinsic motivation. Competition, recognition and grades are listed under extrinsic motivation, and finally
social and compliance are the dimensions of social motivation. Although questions have been raised
about the factor structure of the motivation dimensions (Watkins & Coffey, 2004), several studies
examining its validity and reliability have supported these eleven dimensions (Parault & Williams, 2009;
Unrau & Schlackman, 2006; Wigfield & Guthrie, 1997). Based on the motivation dimensions, Wigfield,
Guthrie & McGough (1996) developed a 54-item motivation questionnaire to examine a group of
students’ reading motivation. Since motivation is a universal human behaviour and is identical across
disciplines (Guthrie & Wigfield, 1999, p. 199), the eleven dimensions were adapted into this study as the
dimensions of testing motivation. The TMQ was developed based on a five-point Likert scale to assess
participants’ motivation towards the two testing modes. The scores ranged from 1 (very different from
me) to 5 (a lot like me). The internal consistency reliabilities (Cronbach’s alpha) for the eleven motivation
dimensions in the PBT and CBT versions were ranged between .72 and 83.

4.3. Participants
The participants in this study were 140 Malaysian undergraduate student teachers from a teacher
training institute located in Peninsular Malaysia. Among the participants, there were 61 males (43.57%)
and 79 females (56.43%) with an average age of 21 years. The participants were randomly selected from
a student teacher population (N = 219) based on the sample size determination table of Krejcie and
Morgan (Chua, 2011b, p.211) at a 95% (p < .05) confidence level. They were enrolled in a teacher
education programme (mathematics and science), and have the same educational history and background.
They have the same level of computer applications skill and received formal computer instruction in their
academic curriculum. Based on their performances in a biology monthly test and the recommendation of
their lecturers, the student teachers with similar abilities were arranged into 35 equivalent groups (each
with four equivalent participants). The four participants in each group were then assigned into four groups
through a simple random sampling procedure, each with a sample size of 35. The four groups were then
randomly assigned to two control and two treatment groups for the experimental study.

4.4. Procedures
At the first phase, control group 2 answered PBT mode of the Biology Test and YBRAINS test and
treatment group 2 answered their CBT modes (pretests for test performance). Immediately after the tests,
the two groups answered the TMQ questionnaire to identify their motivation towards the two testing
modes (pretests for testing motivation). Two week later, at the second phase, the four groups answered
the Biology Test and the YBRAINS test. The two control groups answered the PBT modes and the two
treatment groups answered the CBT modes (posttests for test performance). Immediately after the tests,
the four groups answered the same TMQ questionnaire to identify their motivation towards the two
testing modes (posttests for testing motivation).
A key advantage of the control-treatment repeated-measures experimental design is that individual
differences between participants are removed as a potential confounding variable during the course of the
experiment (PsychoMetrics, 2010). These individual differences include history and maturity effects.
History effects refer to external events (e.g. reading books, watching TV programme or exposure to other
sources) that can affect the responses of the research participants, while maturity effects refer to changes
in a participant’s behaviour during the course of the experiment (Chua, 2009b; Dane, 1990).
660 Chua Yan Piaw / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 64 (2012) 655 – 664

5. Results

5.1. Testing Effect

The data in Table 1 indicates that there were no significant testing effects on the scores of the
achievement and psychological tests for PBT and CBT modes (p>.05).
However, significant testing effect were found in overall testing motivation [t(68)=–8.89, p=.00;
d=2.16] and its three motivation components, that is, self-efficacy [t(68)=–6.48, p=.00; d=1.57], intrinsic
motivation [t(68)=–4.81, p=.00; d=1.17] and social motivation [t(68)=–4.27, p=.01; d=1.04] with large
testing effect (Cohen’s d>.80). More specifically, significant testing effects occurred in six of the eleven
motivation dimensions, namely efficacy, curiosity, involvement, work avoidance, competition and
compliance. The negative mean difference values for overall testing motivation and its three components;
self-efficacy motivation; intrinsic motivation and social motivation show that the PBT posttest motivation
scores were lower than their pretest scores, and it indicates that fatigue testing effects occurred in the
PBT. It means that the participants were less motivated to complete the PBT posttest. On the other hand,
no significant testing effects were found in the CBT for total testing motivation and all the four testing
motivation components.

Table 1. Testing effects for PBT and CBT modes on test performance and testing motivation

Testing Effect for PBT Testing Effect for CBT

Control Control Treatment Treatment
T test T test
Subscale group 1 group 2 Effect group 1 group 2 Effec
Mean Mea
t value size t value t size
Dif. n dif.
Mean (SD) Mean (SD) at df = (d) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) at df = (d)
68 68
Biology score 68.2 (12.1) 64.7 (12.1) -3.50 -1.22 -.29 69.55(13.2) 68.1 (13.2) -1.43 -.42 .10
Critical style 10.1 (1.5) 9.9 (2.1) -.18 -.52 .13 10.2 (1.5) 10.3 (1.6) .11 .21 .05
Creative style 11.2 (1.3.) 11.1 (1.1) -.04 .15 .04 11.2 (2.37) 12.8 (2.2) 1.52 .98 .23
Motivation 133.5 (11.2) 115.6 (9.0) -17.89 -8.89** 2.16 155.1 (13.1) 158.8 (13.1) 3.64 1.32 .32
1. Self-efficacy 20.5 (2.1) 16.5 (2.5) -3.97 -6.48** 1.57 25.6 (3.5) 26.4 (3.6) .71 1.07 .26
Challenge 10.7 (2.3) 11.6 (2.8) .87 .58 .14 13.6 (2.4) 13.8 (2.5) .19 .25 .06
Efficacy 9.7 (3.6) 4.8 (1.5) -4.84 -8.46** 2.05 12.0 (1.5) 12.5 (1.7) .52 1.16 .28
2. Intrinsic 46.8 (6.4) 38.0 (6.8) -8.74 -4.81** 1.17 63.0 (5.7) 62.0 (6.0) -.99 1.47 .36
Curiosity 13.1 (2.5) 5.6 (2.3) -7.50 -13.34** 3.23 18.5 (2.2) 19.4 (2.2) .91 1.36 .33
Importance 15.2 (4.8) 15.2 (3.1) .00 .24 .06 14.5 (3.5) 15.2 (3.6) .72 .99 .24
Involvement 11.7 (2.7) 7.3 (3.2) -4.45 -6.17** 1.50 17.3 (2.6) 17.4 (2.8) .13 .15 .04
W. avoidance 6.5 (1.6) 9.7 (2.3) 3.21 7.01** 1.70 12.6 (3.4) 9.8 (3.3) -2.75 - .83** .92
3. Extrinsic 37.1 (5.3) 36.5 (4.2) -.68 -.81 .20 35.2 (3.4) 35.9 (3.5) .71 .63 .15
Competition 19.48 (1.34) 18.34 (1.17) -1.14 -2.31* .56 17.3 (2.1) 17.7 (1.1) .34 -.91 .22
Recognition 9.25 (2.87) 9.48 (3.17) .23 .30 .07 8.9 (3.1) 9.6 (3.1) .75 .86 .21
Grade 8.46 (1.09) 8.69 (1.19) .23 -2.43 .60 8.8 (1.3) 8.5 (1.2) -.38 -1.53 .37
4. Social 29.06 (3.31) 24.56 (3.62) -4.50 -4.27* 1.04 31.2 (3.2) 34.5 (3.6) 3.21 1.44 .35
Social 12.23 (2.34) 12.87 (2.16) .64 .67 .16 16.51 (3.35) 17.88 (3.51) 1.37 1.36 .33
Compliance 16.83 (2.59) 11.69 (2.27) -5.14 -7.40** 1.79 14.78 (2.32) 16.62 (2.47) 1.84 1.08 .26
Notes: *p<.05, **p<.01. The values of Cohen’s d effect size were calculated based on the mean and standard deviation scores.
Cohen (1988) defined effect sizes as "small when d = .21 to .49," "medium when d = .50 - .79," and "large when d ≥ .80".

5.2. Treatment Effect

The results of the Split-Plot ANOVA analysis (multivariate analysis of variance using the Pillai’s
Trace test) after eliminating the testing effects (as shown in Table 2) indicate that no significant treatment
effects were found in test performance for biology score and the two thinking style sub-scales.
As a whole, significant treatment effect occurred in total testing motivation [F(1, 68)=15.68, p<.01;
d=.69]. The CBT significantly increased self-efficacy motivation [F(1, 68)=23.26, p<.01; d=.94], intrinsic
motivation [F(1, 68)=27.59, p<.01; d=1.10] and social motivation [F(1, 68)=38.52, p<.01; d=1.22] of the
Chua Yan Piaw / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 64 (2012) 655 – 664 661

participants. The data also indicates that treatment effects significantly occurred in five of the eleven test
motivation dimensions, they are challenge, efficacy, curiosity, involvement and social, and the treatment
effect sizes were medium to large (d values were between .57 to 1.37). It indicates that the CBT mode has
significantly increased the motivation level of the participants.

Table 2. Split-Plot ANOVA analysis results for the effect of CBT on test performance and testing motivation

Control Treatment Pillai’s Trace Test

Pre Post Pre Post Treatment
Interaction effect
Subscale effect size
(F-ratio value at df
Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) (Cohen’s d)
= 1, 68)
Biology score 67.5 (12.8) 68.2 (12.1) 68.5 (13.1) 68.9 (12.7) .26 -.03
Critical style 9.8 (1.4) 10.1 (1.5) 9.7 (1.3) 10.3 (1.4) .12 .28
Creative style 10.9 (1.2) 11.2 (1.3) 11.4 (1.2) 11.7 (2.6) .28 -.11
Motivation 124.9 (18.5) 133.5 (11.2) 131.4 (16.1) 150.1 (13.6) 15.68** .69
1. Self-efficacy M. 17.5 (4.8) 20.5 (2.1) 17.1 (4.5) 24.1 (3.3) 23.26** .94
Challenge 9.7 (2.8) 10.7 (2.3) 9.5 (2.9) 13.8 (2.7) 28.35** 1.11
Efficacy 7.7 (2.1) 9.7 (3.6) 7.5 (2.7) 11.2 (2.7) 13.27** .67
2. Intrinsic M. 44.1 (9.1) 46.8 (6.4) 51.5 (4.9) 58.3 (4.4) 27.59** 1.10
Curiosity 12.2 (2.8) 13.1 (2.5) 12.8 (2.6) 16.2 (2.2) 26.52** 1.06
Importance 12.5 (3.3) 15.2 (4.8) 13.7 (2.7) 15.5 (3.6) 1.74 .15
Involvement 11.8 (3.7) 11.7 (2.7) 12.7 (2.6) 14.2 (2.7) 12.71** .57
Work avoidance 7.3 (2.4) 6.5 (1.6) 12.2 (3.3) 12.2 (3.1) 2.74 .40
3. Extrinsic M. 33.5 (3.1) 37.1 (5.3) 33.9 (3.4) 34.9 (3.5) 2.06 -.55
Competition 17.3 (4.1) 19.4 (1.3) 17.6 (1.4) 17.2 (1.8) .69 -.92
Recognition 7.5 (2.2) 9.2 (2.8) 7.9 (2.2) 9.1 (3.0) 1.22 -.22
Grade 8.6 (1.5) 8.4 (1.0) 8.3 (1.6) 8.5 (1.3) .57 .29
4. Social M. 28.7 (4.3) 29.0 (3.3) 28.3 (4.0) 33.7 (4.2) 38.52** 1.22
Social 12.3 (2.7) 12.2 (2.3) 12.4 (3.4) 17.1 (3.5) 39.51** 1.37
Compliance 16.3 (2.5) 16.8 (2.5) 16.2 (3.8) 16.6 (3.5) .87 -.08
Notes: *p<.05, **p<.01

To further understand the association among test performance and testing motivation, a Pearson
Product-moment inter-correlation test was conducted (see Table 3). Besides that, since there was a
treatment effect of CBT on testing motivation, an Analysis of Covariance (see Table 4) was performed to
identify whether testing motivation is a moderator variable for the association between testing mode and
test performance.

Table 3. Pearson Product-moment Inter-correlation between test performance and testing motivation

Test Performance
Biology Score Critical Style Creative Style
Testing Motivation -.20 -.17 .13

Table 4. Analysis of Covariance for testing motivation towards the effect of CBT on test performance

Score Source Mean Square F(1, 31) p

Biology test Testing motivation 494.99 2.32 .13
Testing mode 434.83 2.04 .15
Critical style Testing motivation .40 .24 .62
Testing mode .35 .21 .64
Creative style Testing motivation .52 .76 .38
Testing mode .32 .471 .49

Table 3 indicates that there were no significant correlation between the three test performance scores
with and testing motivation. It means answering the test with greater testing motivation would not
662 Chua Yan Piaw / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 64 (2012) 655 – 664

necessary help a test taker to achieve a higher test performance score. Furthermore, the data in Table 4
shows that there were no significant main effects of CBT on the three test performance scores and testing
motivation was not a significant moderator for the effect of CBT on test performances of the achievement
test and psychological test.

6. Discussion
Results of the analyses indicate that no significant testing and treatment effects were found for test
performance in the two testing modes. In other words, the test scores were consistent over time and across
the two testing modes. It shows that a participant who sits for both the CBT and PBT would most
probably yield similar pretest and posttest scores. The two CBT tests are valid in terms of test
performance and can be used as a replacement for their PBT.
The results also indicate that the achievement test and psychological test have fulfilled the
requirements of the international guidelines on computer-based testing (International Test Commission
2004) and consistent with true-score test theory (Allen & Yen, 1979) that parallel tests are required to
show nearly equal mean scores. However, it does not support the suggestion of some researchers (e.g.
Clariana & Wallace, 2002) that it is not necessary that equivalent measures be produced from CBT and
PBT versions; at the same time it suggests that it is the responsibility of instructional designers to craft
and design high-quality CBTs that parallel the conventional PBTs, and extensively pilot test them to
ensure equality before implementing computer-based testing.
The results of this study also provide an explanation for why some previous studies have revealed a
significant difference between the two testing modes in test performance although theoretically no
difference should be observed. Testing effects did occur in this testing mode comparability study although
none was identified and reported by the researchers of past studies; instead they found significant
treatment effects. However, for the researchers to conclude that CBT has an effect on the experimental
variables (test performance) is misleading because there is a possibility that the changes in the experiment
variables are caused by testing effects, and not by the treatment effects. Thus, the findings of these studies
might have been jeopardised by testing effects and misinterpreted.
The findings also show that the CBT mode is more stable and consistent in terms of internal and
external validity because no testing effects were found in all of the four testing motivation components.
For treatment effect, the results indicate that there was a significant treatment effect on testing motivation.
The CBT had increased the participants’ self-efficacy, intrinsic and social motivation. It reflects the
ability of the CBT to stimulate the participants to answer the CBT posttest with higher concentration.
However, answering the tests with greater testing motivation did not help a test taker to achieve higher
scores; no significant treatment effects were found in the two tests. This is another interesting finding,
that testing motivation is not a catalyst for the effect of testing mode on test performance. The study
rejects the prediction of some previous studies that motivation level of test takers to answer the CBT and
PBT might have an impact on test performances (e.g. Wise & DeMars, 2003). It provides evidence that
testing motivation is not a moderator of the relationship between testing mode and test performance. It is
consistent with the finding of OECD (2010), that the effects of motivational factors on the relationship
between testing mode and test performance are insignificant and either very weak or non-existent.
Since testing is an aid to learning and it is a practice that is part and parcel of a good educational
system, an advantage of using CBT, as generated from this study is that it produces more valid test results
for repeated measures and increases test-takers’ motivation which will, in turn, heighten their willingness
to be tested and increases testing participation rate. Based on the results of this study, computer-based
testing can be used as a valid replacement for the conventional paper-based testing in educational
Chua Yan Piaw / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 64 (2012) 655 – 664 663

Al-Amri, S. (2008). Computer-based testing vs. paper-based testing: A comprehensive approach to
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