Declaration of Performance K-Roc UK

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Declaration of Performance

Unique identification code of the product-type: K-Roc RS
Intended use/es: Thermal insulation for buildings
Manufacturer: Kingspan Insulation Ltd, Herefordshire HR6 9LA,UK
System/s of AVCP: System 1 for RtF System 3 all other characteristics.
Harmonised technical specification: BS-EN 13162:2012+A1:2015
Notified body/ies: Eurofinns Expert services 0809

Essential characteristics Performance

Refer to ML
Thermal resistance RD ((m².K)/W)

Thermal resistance Thermal conductivity λD (W/(m.K)) 0.034

Thickness tolerance T4

Reaction to fire Euroclass A1

Durability of reaction to fire against heat,

weathering, ageing / degradation
Durability of fire and thermal
Durability of Thermal Resistance Against properties
Heat, Weathering, Ageing/Degradation

Dimensional stability under specified

Dimensional stability DS(70,)
temperature and humidity condition

durability of compressive strength against

Compressive creep NPD

Compressive stress NPD

Compressive strength and stress Compressive strength NPD

Point load PL(5) NPD

Direct airborne sound insulation index Air Flow Resistivity AFR NPD

Durability of compressive strength against

Compressive creep NPD
ageing / degradation

Short term water absorption ≤ 1 kg/m²

Water permeability
Long term water absorption ≤ 3 kg/m²

Water vapour transmission Mu 1

Water vapour permeability
Water Vapour Resistance Z NPD

impact noise transmission index (for floors) Dynamic Stiffness SD NPD

Tensile Strength Perpendicular to

Tensile flexural strength NPD
Faces TR, σmt

Acoustic absorption index Sound absorption NPD

Declaration of Performance
Release of dangerous substances to the
Release of dangerous substances NPD
indoor environment

Continuous glowing combustion glowing combustion NPD

NPD: No Performance Determined

The performance of the product identified above is in conformity with the set of declared performances. This declaration of
performance is issued, in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 305/2011, under the sole responsibility of the manufacturer
identified above.

Signed for and on behalf of the manufacturer by:

Ralph Mannion
Managing Director UK and Ireland
Pembridge, England, UK
Version 1
Version date21/5/2020
First signed 21/152020

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