Neuropathic Pain: Emerging Treatments
Neuropathic Pain: Emerging Treatments
Neuropathic Pain: Emerging Treatments
AstraZeneca Research and Development, 7171 Frederick Banting Street, Montreal, Canada H4S 1Z9
*E-mail: [email protected]
Neuropathic pain remains one of the most challenging of all neurological diseases and presents
a large unmet need for improved therapies. Many mechanistic details are still lacking, but
greater knowledge of overlapping mechanisms and disease comorbidities has highlighted key
areas for intervention. These include peripheral and central hyperexcitability. Among the mole-
Of all the neurological diseases, neuropathic pain is one of limitations with respect to efficacy and side-
the most challenging with respect to understanding the effects (dizziness, sedation, and weight gain). Similarly,
relationships between symptoms and mechanisms, and antiarrhythmic drugs including mexiletine are claimed to
rationalizing approaches to treatment.12 It is not surprising provide pain relief in some 50% of patients but also suffer
therefore that effective and safe neuropathic pain treatment severe side-effect limitations (sedation tachycardia, hyper-
remains a large unmet therapeutic need. tension, and weight gain). In some cases, the antidepress-
Most (90%) neuropathic pain states have been con- ant drug amitriptyline, acting as an ion channel and
sidered to arise from peripheral [ peripheral nervous monoamine modulator, has been shown to provide pain
system (PNS), post diebetic neuralgia (PDN), post herpetic relief. Building on this, the serotonin – norepinephrine
neuralgia (PHN), post traumatic neuralgia (PTN), and reuptake inhibitor (SNRI) duloxetine has been approved to
iatrogenic injuries] rather than central nervous system treat chronic depression comorbidity and PDN pain,33 pro-
(CNS) injuries [stroke, multiple sclerosis (MS), and viding a differentiated therapeutic approach that may
Parkinson’s disease (PD)], although emerging functional harness endogenous monoaminergic pathways, addressing
magnetic resonance imaging data have been highlighting important aspects of pain/depression comorbidity.33 74 98
that some prevalent chronic pain states [low back pain Other current therapeutic initiatives are either following
(LBP), fibromyalgia; and there may be more] may also these innovative approaches, using clinically validated
present with secondary CNS neurodegeneration.6 59 drugs, or drug combinations, or are providing preclinical
Current chronic neuropathic treatments indicate general and clinical validation for progression of new concepts. For
insensitivity to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and the most part, these new therapeutic approaches are addres-
relative resistance to opioids, but can be treated by high sing improvements in either efficacy or safety relative to the
opioid doses53 at the expense of untoward side-effects. current clinical choices (summarized in Table 1).
Treatments of choice, or treatments that have received There are many emerging opportunities, arising from
regulatory approvals, include ion channel blocking drugs the growth of animal and human pathobiology of chronic
such as the anticonvulsants gabapentin (Neurontin) and
pregabalin (Lyrica).85 Overall some 10– 30% of pain †
Declaration of interest. A.D. works in Research and Development
patients are responsive to these drugs which suffer dose at AstraZeneca.
# The Board of Management and Trustees of the British Journal of Anaesthesia 2008. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail: [email protected]
Neuropathic pain
Prialt (ziconotide) Elan/Eisai N-type Ca-channel blocker, Launched Severe chronic pain
Lacosamide (Vimpat, Schwarz Nav block Ph3 Positive in PDN. Evaluation in fibromyalgia
Harkoseride) Pharma and OA ongoing
Ralfinamide Alipamide NW1029 Newron Nav blocker MAO-inhibitor Ph2 Evaluation in several NP conditions
Topamax topiramate J&J Glut antag/GABA agonist/Na Ph3 (PDN) Launch for epilepsy and migraine. Effective in
blocker PDN
ADX10059, ADX48621 Addex mGluR5 inhibitor Ph2 Efficacy in acute migraine. Ph2 planned for NP
AZD 2066 AstraZeneca mGluR5 inhibitor Ph1 Ongoing
XP13512 GSK/Xenoport Pro-gabapentin Ph 2 Recruiting Ph2
Tezampanel NGX426 TorreyPines AMPA/kinate antagonist Ph2 Ongoing
TC6499 GSK/ Neuronal nicotinic receptor Ph1 Recruiting Ph1
Targacept agonist
pain, for targeting key molecular events that underlie pain symptoms and key cellular and molecular mechanisms.
mechanisms and cellular processes. In this review, I will This provides powerful strategies to direct rational drug
select some of the most promising targets and provide an therapy rather than follow clinical serendipity. The major
assessment of the most advanced concepts that are in their cellular mechanisms include ectopic or spontaneous nerve
early phases of clinical development. activity and peripheral and central hyperexcitability, phe-
notypic changes in pain conducting pathways, secondary
Pain mechanisms and targets neurodegeneration, and morphological reorganization.12 127
To date, most drug discovery approaches for neuropathic It is also recognized that episodic inflammation, and
pain have been based on symptom management, directed chronic inflammatory conditions, cause nerve injury,
at the most commonly described clinical symptoms encouraging a broader appreciation of the heterogeneity of
namely spontaneous pain, mechanical and cold allodynia, chronic pain aetiology.30 103 Here there are emerging data
hyperalgesia, and hyperpathia. Little attention has been that implicate host defence mechanisms and powerful neu-
devoted to understanding or addressing the treatment of roimmune modulation involving peripheral and central
severe dysesthesias such as numbness, tingling, or prick- immune cell activation in the initiation and maintenance
ling that also appear as cardinal features of the neuropathic of neuropathic pain.94 103 109 123
pain spectrum. Multiple symptoms (and mechanisms) may Mechanistic and molecular-based understanding of
be present at the same time in neuropathic pain with fea- chronic neuropathic pain has relied heavily on animal studies
tures that change over time.12 Indeed, it seems likely that using few and approximated disease or mechanism-related
there is an aetiological and progressive relationship models that emphasize key symptomatic characteristics (e.g.
between the initiation and maintenance of chronic neuro- mechanical allodynia). Often these models involve peri-
pathic pain providing clinical challenges and treatment pheral nerve lesions, for example, sciatic nerve ligation,
opportunities. partial sciatic nerve transection, transaction of sciatic
With the growth of evidence-based and translational branches (spared nerve model), or ligation of L4 or L5
medicine, we are understanding the relationship between spinal nerves.12 There are relatively fewer studies from other
disease-related models, for example, diabetic neuropathy or (A-803467) has been described51 with a profile of activity
cytotoxic injury, to provide a balanced view about the ubi- in a variety of chronic pain models but surprisingly was
quity of key mechanisms. Nevertheless these studies, sup- ineffective in models of acute pain, suggesting that this
ported by emerging human genetic and empirical clinical channel makes little contribution to nociception in the
observations, have highlighted a number of emerging thera- physiological range.
peutic opportunities that reduce hyperexcitability in pain Nav1.3 is also overexpressed in large Ab fibres from
pathways, through block of abnormally active ion channels chronic pain patients and in the spinal cord of pain
(voltage and ligand gated), direct inhibition of excitability models.20 43 This channel may also be an important sub-
(via GPCRs), or restoring normal neural phenotype and strate for oscillations in peripheral and central neurone
metabolism (e.g. neurotrophins). excitability, which is considered to be important for neuro-
pathic pain.
Among the major safety challenges in exploiting Na
channel biology for neuropathic pain treatment is channel
Neuropathic pain
indicating the validity of this approach. Unfortunately, devel- degeneration due to prolonged cation influx into the nerve,
opment challenges have halted the Ph2 delivery of osmotic damage, and metabolic collapse.111 In this regard,
NMED-160 whereas the technical limitations of intraspinal topical formulation of high-dose capsaicin (e.g. Transacin
delivery of Prialt restricts the wide-spread usage of this from NeurogesX) has been shown to be efficacious in a
approved agent. number of neuropathic pain conditions including Ph3
Another highly validated approach targets the alpha2 studies in PHN patients.9
delta-1 calcium channel subunit, the substrate for the On the other hand, antagonists aim to selectively inhibit
anticonvulsant gabapentin and pregabalin, commonly peripheral nerve fibre activity by block of TRPV1 signal
used for neuropathic pain therapy. This subunit is import- transduction. Supporting these approaches, competitive (AM
ant for channel assembly and its overexpression in small G9810 and AMG628)38 121 and non-competitive TRPV1
dorsal root ganglia (DRGs) and spinal neurones has been antagonists (DD161515)37 block chemical and thermal pain
associated with allodynia in a number of specific pain sensitivity, supporting the emergence of a novel therapy.
models.56 67 The exact mechanism of action of gabapen- Indeed, recent clinical studies in volunteers have shown that
Glutamate acts through a variety of receptors which have provided validation of this target in several clinical
include the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors (NMDA), the pain conditions including migraine and fibromyalgia50
alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-proprionate whereas additional studies, for example, AZD2066
(AMPA)/kinate receptors, ionotropic glutamate receptors (AstraZeneca), are currently in progress, Ph1 and 2.
(iGluRs), and GPCR coupled, metabotropic glutamate Metabotropic Group II receptors (mGluR2 and 3) also
receptors (mGluRs) that are coupled with ligand-gated ion modulate pain transmission. The mGluR2 is located in
channels. Injections of glutamate or metabolically stable sensory neurones and presynaptic nerve terminals, whereas
receptor-selective agonists, such as NMDA, AMPA, and mGluR3 is found all over the brain. MgGluR3 can be
kainate, cause a pro-nociceptive response, whereas the selectively increased in spinal dorsal horn neurones
administration of iGluR and mGluR antagonists attenuates after peripheral injury.10 MgGluR2 and 3 receptor acti-
pain.80 112 Encouragingly, tezampanel (NGX426: Torrey- vation appears necessary to reduce nerve terminal excit-
Pines), an AMPA kinate antagonist formulated for i.v. ability and to modulate pain transmission since treatment
administration because of poor bioavailability, has shown with the agonist L-acetyl carnitine reduced inflammatory
Neuropathic pain
availability such as CT3 (ajulemic acid, CT3: indevus segmental input. Also of importance is that glia secrete a
Pharma), produced analgesia both in pain models31 92 and number of mediators (nitric oxide, neurotrophins, IL1b,
in a clinical test at a dose which caused minimal CNS TNF-a, and free radicals), some of these are associated
side-effects.54 Another oral, peripherally selective cannabi- with synaptogenesis but also with the plasticity that causes
noid agonist (AZD 1940 AstraZeneca) is currently under- changes in spinal and afferent neuronal excitability includ-
going clinical validation. ing secondary neurodegeneration and the loss of inhibitory
Interestingly, CB2 selective agonists (e.g. HU-308, inter-neurones.78
HU-210, CP55940, AM1241, and GW405833) have also The release of inflammatory mediators is regulated via
been shown to modulate chronic pain.60 68 116 It is unclear glial receptors for ATP, kinins, prostanoids, NMDA, and a
how the analgesic effects of CB2 agonists are produced variety of chemokine receptors, which may also modulate
since few CB2 receptors are found in the CNS or on spinal excitability.124 126 A number of compounds claimed
sensory neurones.106 However, de novo expression of CB2 to stabilize and reduce glial activity have been shown to
receptors occurs in central glial cells after peripheral nerve attenuate evoked pain in models of neuropathic pain.
some cytokines appear to be beneficial. Thus, a gene activate a number of other kinase-pathways, for example,
therapy approach, using viral and non-viral vectors p38 kinase leading to altered gene transcription and the
(AV-333), has been used to increase spinal IL10 pro- increased synthesis of sensory neuropeptides (substance
duction. This experimental treatment reversed the mechan- P and CGRP), ion channels (TRPV1, Nav1.8, and
ical allodynia evoked in a model of neuropathic pain.77 ASIC3),34 52 69 membrane receptors such as bradykinin
These are instructive observations as they suggest that care and P2X3,90 and structural molecules including neurofila-
must be given to maintaining a positive therapeutic ment and channel anchoring proteins such as the annexin
balance when modulating the neuroimmune products that light chain p11.
regulate chronic pain. Increased expression and release of NGF have been
demonstrated, for example, in UV and surgical injury42
and human disease conditions including arthritis, cystitis,
Restoring the neural phenotype prostatitis, and headache.5 44 101 Localized administration
of exogenous NGF induces thermal and mechanical hyper-
Neuropathic pain
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