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Lexi Angelene M.

Concepcion G-12 Diamond 3I

The Implementation of Modular Distance Learning in The

Students of Tagum City College of Science and Technology

Chapter 1

The Problem and Its Setting


The corona virus COVID-19 outbreak disrupted life around the

globe in 2020. As in any other sector, the COVID-19 pandemic affected

education in many ways. Government actions have followed a common

goal of reducing the spread of corona virus by introducing measures

limiting social contact. Many countries suspended face-to-face teaching

and exams as well as placing restrictions on immigration affecting the

students. Where possible, traditional classes are being replaced with

books and materials taken from school. Various e-learning platforms

enable interaction between teachers and students, and, in some cases,

national television shows or social media platforms are being used for


Distance Learning refers to a learning delivery modality, where

learning takes place between the teacher and the learners who are
geographically remote from each other during instruction. This

modality has three types: Modular Distance Learning (MDL), Online

Distance Learning (ODL), and TV/Radio-Based Instruction. (Quinones,


In the Finland, known for its quality education system, also

implemented this work-from-home strategy. Other countries, such

as China and Italy, also address parents’ readiness in children’s

education by offering online services to support the parents.

Meanwhile, educators in Latvia and Guatemala provide the parents

teaching guidelines, guidebooks, and learning materials for offline


In the Philippines, the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted one of

the issues that have not been addressed until now; making education

accessible for all. As more schools shift to virtual and distant learning,

non-government organizations such as the Pilar Reading Center (PRC)

provide interventions so that students from vulnerable areas can

sharpen their reading and comprehension skills without leaving their

home. Philippines, Department of Education (DepEd) Secretary Leonor

Briones describes the modular type of learning as a non-sustainable and

expensive mode of learning in this time of new normal, which was

brought about by the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic.

(Inso, 2020)
Affected by the current implementation of modular learning,

Meriam Mae Tinonas, a student of Tagum City Collge of Science and

Technology Foundation, Inc from Mankilam, Davao del Norte,

describes his experience to be significantly different from the face-to-

face class.

“From what I experienced in modular Distance learning is so

difficult and stressful. As the classes start I thought it would be easy but

the time pass by it's getting hard and harder. ” she explained.

Since education is no longer held within the school, parents serve as

partners of teachers in education. Parents play a vital role as home

facilitators. Their primary role in modular learning is to establish a

connection and guide the child. (FlipScience, 2020).

According to the Department of Education (DepEd), parents and

guardians' perform the various roles in Modular Learning such as

Module-ator, Bundy-clock, and as Home Innovator. As a Module-ator,

they are the ones to get and submit the printed Self-Learning Modules

(SLMs) from and to schools or barangay halls at the beginning and end

of the week, depending on the agreement between the parents and the

school. As a Bundy-clock, they must check their child's schedule or

workweek plan. Because of the number of subjects or activities to be

done, they must see that it is being followed accordingly to avoid

cramming or delays in submission, which may affect the child's

performance. Lastly, as a Home Innovator, they must provide their

child with a productive learning environment to help them focus more

on Learning. It must be a well-lighted and well-ventilated space in the

house, with little or no distraction.

Significance and Statement of the Study

The Purpose of this study is to find out the challenges encountered,

of students in the implementation of Modular Distance Learning in

Tagum City College of Science and Technology Foundation, Inc during

the School Year 2020-2021.

Review Related Literature

Toohey (1999) Biggs (1999) Roisin Donnelly and Marian Fitzmaurice

(2005) designed a module to forge educationally sound and logical links

between learner's needs, aims, learning outcomes, resources, learning

and teaching techniques and strategies, criteria of assessment and


Learner Needs Teacher Needs Institution Needs


Modular Design

Module Ration Learning

Module Aim(s) outcome

Learner Subject
support Content

Assignment Teaching
Strategies Strategies

Fig. 1: Framework for Module Design and Development

There is an outline module Design and Development. This provides

a brief overview of the process, highlighting the crucial variables in

module design and finding the relationships between them; however, it

is important to emphasize that it is not a linear process. Seeking to

incorporate the following into your module design can offer a more in

control likelihood of advance a deep approach to learning. continuous

interaction with content and others; relating new ideas to previous

existing knowledge; providing clear explanations and cognizance base

knowledge to students; structuring in a balanced student workload;

• relating new ideas to previous existing knowledge;

• providing clear explanations and cognizance base knowledge to


• structuring in a balanced student workload;

• providing opportunities for students to pursue topics in depth so

that they can understand the material for themselves;

• ensuring an appropriate formative and comprehensive

assessment strategy.

Use of self learning modules in teaching is another form of

individual used instructions. This is called modular approach of

teaching and learning (k.Jaya sree,2004) if self learning modules are

available on some topics they can be given to the students as

assignments for self learning .scientific attitude refers to an individual’s

outlook towards life. Attitude is a method condition / a stabilized

method set which express itself in a tendency to react to any member of

the class of stimuli in the same general way. Robert Ebel (1997)

Modules are increasingly being used in many countries as a way of

organizing a language curriculum. As a consequence, many course

books are now structured on the basis of “modules” rather than “units”.

The concept of “module” is strictly linked to the idea of a flexible

language curriculum. Taneja(1989) defined module as a unit of work in

a course of instruction that is virtually self-contained and a method of

teaching that is based on the concept of building up skills and

knowledge in discrete. A module is a set of learning opportunities

organized around a well - defined topic which contains the elements of

ordinate dictation, categorical objectives, edifying cognition activities,

and evaluation utilizing criterion - referenced measures UNESCO


A module covers either a single element of subject matter content or

a group of content elements composing a discrete unit of subject matter

or area of adeptness. A module has placidly defined, objectives;

preferably in behavioral form (Daries, 1981)

Varieties of teaching methods that will fixate on accumulating

methods that can best realize the creative and constructive engagement

with learning activities that leads to understanding Ramsden (1992).

Even very good designed modules, with very well defined learning

outcomes, can fail if the edification strategies employed are infelicitous

to inspirit and support the learners towards meeting the desired

learning outcomes. Toohey (1999) offers the following definition: “A

teaching strategy is a plan for learning, and it includes the presentations

which the teacher might make, the exercises and learning activities

designed for students, av-aids which will be supplied or suggested for

students to work with, in which they show of their growing

understanding and capability will be collected.” Modular teaching is

one of the most widespread and recognizes teaching learning

techniques in many countries including other Western countries and

Asian region. Modular approach is used almost in all subjects like

natural science, specifically in biology and medical education and even

in social sciences as well as in computers education. Manlove and

David (1985).It considering the individual differences among the

learners which necessitate the planning for adoption of the most

appropriate teaching techniques in order to help the individual grow

and develop at her/his own pace. Kandarp Sejpal (2013)

The utilization of such packages takes into account individual

differences and sanctions students to work at their own pace. That is

why Loughran and Berry (2000) pointed out that individual learn more

at their own pace, because “Telling is not edifying and heedfully aurally

perceiving is not learning. However it is a process of first understand

and then express the idea or knowledge. One of the largest changes in

recent years has been the addition of technology education facilities

with individualized instructional modules. D LeBrun (2001)

Each module has a distinct training element; it covers either a single

element of subject matter content or a group of content elements

objectives; preferably in behavioral form Daries (1981) A recognized

level of proficiency or a qualification can be achieved through the

completion of a series of modules. Zuga (1999) stated that when

vendors sell individualized instructional modules “the ability to

manage the classroom” was mentioned frequently. Daugherty and

Foster (1996) found that using individualized instructional modules

reduces the time it takes teachers to develop a technology-based


Module developments promote practice to plan and develop

modular materials. Module writers develop a common frame work for

the design and development of modular materials. Brown and Atkins

(1991) state that when designing modules, it is essential for teachers to

be aware of concepts of deep and surface approaches to learning. Many

researches have previously been conducted on the relationship between

courses and the approach students take to learning. Marton, F., & Saljo,

R. (1976), Ramsden, P., & Entwistle, N. J. (1981) , Gibbs(1992), Biggs J.

(1999) They found positive relationship between curriculum and

learning approaches.

The goal of the modules is to provide resources to instructors that

will allow them to transform their classrooms into active, student-

centered learning environments. Joanne L. Stewart, Valorie L.

Wilkerson (1999). the following common characteristics of a module can

be distinguished that it is self-contain , independent instruction unit,

systematically organized, well defined have a means of evaluating the

work. Kandarp Sejpal (2013), Brown J. et .,al (1977)

Limitation and Delimitation

The study will conducted within the senior high students in Tagum

City College of Science and Technology Foundation, Inc, This study will

aim to determine the student's profile that includes age, gender , and

year level.

Definitions of Terms

Distance Learning- Refers to a learning delivery modality, where

learning takes place between the teacher and the

learners who are geographically remote from

each other during instruction.

Bundy-clock- A clock that records the starting and quitting times of

employees, usually by punching time cards.

Teacher- A person who teaches, especially in a school.

Student- A person who goes to school and is learning something


This study used a quantitative approach to utilized the survey design in

determining the challenges on the usage of Modular Distance Learning

Modality and descriptive design in identifying the different challenges of the

students. The study was conducted in Tagum City College of Science and

Technology Foundation, Inc. In the survey, the researcher used a messenger

app to send those questions to the senior high students in TCCSTFI. Twenty

one (21) senior high students from TCCSTFI are chosen to answer the survey

for the sampling.

Result and Discussion

From the survey, various challenges were encountered by students

in the implementation of Modular Distance Learning.

Table 1.
No of students

Age Frequency Percent

17-18 years old 16 76.2%

19-20 years old 5 23.8%

Total 21 100%

Mean: 76.2%


Female 8 38.1%

Male 13 61.9%

Total 21 100%

Table 1 shows the total number of students who participated in this

study. Most of the participants are 17-18 years old which is 16 with a

percent of 76.2%, followed by 19-20 years old which are 5 with the

percent of 23.8%. In the gender of the participants, Table 1 shows that

38.1% percent of the participants are female whereas the male is 61.9%

percent. It is shows that the majority of the participants are male.

Figure 1.

Students Survey




20 16
13 13
9 10 8 8
7 7 6
4 2
1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5

Yes No Sometimes No Answer

Q1: Are you having difficulty with Modular Distance Learning?

Q2: Do you have enough time to answer all your modules?,

Q3: Are you having difficulty in answering your modules?

Q4: Can you answer all your modules on your own?

Q5: Are your teachers approachable?

In figure 1, it could be seen that most of the participants are having

difficulty in this new learning modality. 13 of the participants had a

hard time answering their modules. Some of them do not much enough

time to accomplish all their modules within a month. Most of the

students sometimes cannot answer their modules independently. The

family members, relatives, and friends of the learners play a vital role in

education today. Siblings are at the top of the list helping the learners in

answering the modules followed by friends and classmates. Although

13 of the students said that the teachers were approachable.


Face-to-face learning engagement of students and teachers within

the school has been suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This

pandemic has paved the way to the implementation of Modular

Distance Learning as an urgent response to ensure progress of

education.. In the survey twenty one (21) of the participants from

TCCSTFI are chosen to answer the survey. It's finding out that many

students from Tagum City College of Science and Technology

Foundation, Inc having different challenges on the usage of Modular

Distance Learning Modality like, having difficultly answering , have no

time, and lack of focus.


We all know that modular distance learning is not easy of what we

thought. The methods and strategies for the improvement of students in

modular distance learning are to ask questions about the works or

subjects. Don’t be shy to ask the teachers regarding works and subjects
because the teacher is there to guide. If the teacher isn’t online, you can

ask your classmates instead and relax your self because you mustn’t do

much pressure on your self so that you can focus and manage your

time, don’t use too much social media, and playing games.

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