E6474 90090
E6474 90090
E6474 90090
Wireless Network
Optimization Platform
User’s Guide
Agilent Technologies
© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2009 Warranty defined in FAR 52.227-19(c)(1-2) (June
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3 Set Up Your System Setup instructions and cable connections for each
component of your systems.
Additional information
This guide is designed to provide you with a smooth,
successful installation and setup. In addition to this guide,
the online help provides information on the user interface,
views, system panels and configuration, as well as in- depth
information about how to use the E6474A software. The
software also contains over two hours of video training
material that helps you get the most from the application.
1 Get Ready 11
Unpacking your boxes 11
Before installing the software 12
1 Index 191
Get Ready
Agilent Technologies 11
1 Get Ready
1 If you have purchased the software licensing option, then you must have access
to your companies software license server (IP address). Refer to “License
Manager" on page 58.
Installing the Software
What you’ll find in this chapter
Find out what’s on the CD. “What is on the CD" on page 14.
Support & Software Update Service “Support & Software Update Service
(SUS) Registration Procedure (SUS) Registration Procedure" on
page 20.
Agilent Technologies 13
2 Installing the Software
What is on the CD
The Agilent E6474A software CD includes:
• Release Notes
• The E6474A application software
• The Agilent E6474A Analysis Reporter software
• Default project files and views
After installation of the main Agilent E6474A software the
following items are added to your PC:
• The E6474A application software
• Folders containing hardware drivers
• Default projects and views
• All documentation, including help and training files
It is recommended that you read the Release Notes before you install the
NOTE software.
The Release Notes include information that may not appear in this guide.
It also lists all the new features and enhancements made since the last
released version.
Do This Notes
The Release Notes include information that may not appear in this guide.
NOTE It also lists all the new features and enhancements made since the last
released version.
Do This Notes
4 Select the Analysis Reporter installation See below, Figure 2 on page 18.
Do This Notes
Do this Notes
1 Attach your USB license dongle to This also applies to parallel license
your PC or obtain a valid license dongles. Your PC should automatically
from your license server, if detect the USB license dongle. Refer to
applicable. “License Manager" on page 58.
2 Select Start > All Programs > The E6474A software starts. Refer to
Agilent Wireless Solutions > “License Manager" on page 58.
E6474A-X > E6474A-X.
3 Select Help > About E6474A-X The About E6474A dialog box appears.
5 Select the License Info button The License Information dialog box
Registration process
The following procedure outlines the procedure for
registering your SUS license. The benefits and features of
registration are provided at the end of this section (refer to
“Benefits of SUS registration" on page 24).
1 Go to http://www.agilent.com/comms/softwaremanager
(refer to Figure 4)
Set Up Your System
What you’ll find in this chapter
Do not connect hardware until you have installed the Agilent E6474A
NOTE software. Refer to “Install the E6474A software" on page 15.
Agilent Technologies 27
3 Set Up Your System
The Agilent E6474A system supports a wide range of phones
and data communication devices. A list of the currently
supported phones can be found in the documentation
library. To access this list open the E6474A software and
select Help > Library.
Phones can be connected to your system using the following
Phone battery charging and audio monitoring are not supported with direct
NOTE connect phones.
Agilent manufactures a range of digital RF receivers that
cover most technologies. All receivers are supplied with an
internal GPS systems. For technical details of the available
receivers, refer to “Receiver Specifications" on page 151.
Receivers can be connected and configured using the
following methods:
Receiver Power
Master USB cable
to computer 1PPS ANT.
18W TYP for 1 pulse per
second (optional)
Type-N to TNC retainer
adapter for RF
antenna connection
BNC connector
for 1 pps
BNC connector
for 1 pps
If the PDM is on and the vehicle ignition is off, the battery will drain in
as little as one hour.
The combiner and cables add insertion loss, slightly reducing the
NOTE sensitivity of the receiver.
W1314A Receiver
RF In Port
Figure 14 Detailed connection information
If your PC does not have an RS- 232 serial port you can use
a serial to USB convertor. Agilent recommends the Agilent
E5805A (USB/4- port RS- 232 Interface Module). When using
other USB interface models, ensure that they support HS
serial communication.
Refer to Figure 15 on page 35 for typical serial port
connection (this diagram does not include a GPS antenna).
RF Antenna
Serial port
To provide accurate measurement analysis and signal
synchronization, the Agilent E6474A system provides
comprehensive methods of support for Global Positioning
Systems (GPS).
The Agilent E6474A system obtains its GPS signal from a
variety of sources. GPS systems can be connected and
configured using the following methods:
Indoor positioning
The Agilent E6474A system supports indoor measurements.
Mapping and recording data for indoor environments
requires the following items:
• Detailed floor and building plan (BMP or JPG format).
• Pen tablet laptop (preferred).
• 1 PP2S signal for receiver measurement synchronization.
For full details on how to perform indoor measurements and
configure the indoor positioning and tracking, refer to
“Indoor Setup" on page 47 and the online help.
When there is no battery status indication from the LEDs then the battery
NOTE discharge may be critical. You should charge the battery as soon as
possible. Refer to the documentation provided with the battery and battery
charger units.
Indoor Setup
This section contains instructions for setting up a portable
or indoor system using the W1314A receiver. Always charge
all batteries before beginning a survey.
The indoor hardware includes:
• A standard backpack
• Two batteries (one battery is fitted with a power booster
• One Agilent W1314A receiver
• One timing module (1PP2S output)
• Cables and connections
The timing module provides a 1PP2S signal for the receiver
GPS antenna
10 MHz
Timing Module
Fully charge battery
25 (optional mains AC)
1 The battery is charged at the same time as the timing module is being trained.
However the re-charge time for the battery is increased when connected to the
timing module.
Do not remove power from the timing module during calibration and
while configuring your hardware. Doing so will lose GPS satellite lock
and the calibration process will have to be re-started.
If the battery attached to the timing module does need replaced during
calibration, follow the procedure; “How to switch batteries during
calibration" on page 51.
The amount of time that you can use the trained timing
module depends on how long you had the timing module
locked onto a valid signal.
For example, if you have trained the timing module for four
hours then the recommended period of use for collecting
valid indoor data would also be four hours. Similarly if the
module is trained for 8 hours then you can collect data for 8
Do not disconnect power to the timing module after the calibration period.
NOTE This may cause the lose of the timing synchronization 1PP2S signal.
USB connection
To RF Antenna to laptop 1PP2S connection
W1314A-120 1 PPS 10 MHz
450-496, 921-962 MHz
Quad Band Receiver 1800-1885, 2100-2180 MHz
Battery with
Battery booster module
RF Antenna
USB connection
to your laptop
1PP2S connection
1 This may occur when a factory reset command is sent to the module.
License Manager
Use Your System
Agilent Technologies 61
4 Use Your System
Battery charging
• For a portable system, verify that the batteries (indoor
system configuration), phone, and computer batteries are
fully charged before beginning data collection. Refer to
“Batteries" on page 44 for more information.
• For an in- vehicle system, verify that the phone and car
batteries are fully charged before beginning data
The E6474A application gives you a choice how to manage
your data files. The two modes are project mode (default)
and file mode. Once you have chosen you mode of operation,
the user interface and procedures for configuring the system
are the same.
Select New
Main workspace
Main menus The main menus give you access to the most
common tasks you may need to perform. They also let you
start other tools such as the export wizard and the cellsite
Select F11 to dock (minimize) all the system panels. This maximizes the
NOTE workspace area and provides you with more space for view and
measurement display.
Device and view property panel This system panel lists all the
properties of the active view or device. This panel lets you,
for example, set up voice call properties, data sequencer,
chart colors, measurement limits and more.
Data item and sequencer panels The data items system panel
displays all the measurements that are available for display
on any view you wish to configure. Data items are dragged
and dropped onto views. The sequencer panel displays
user- configured test sequences.
Adding Hardware
Hardware can be added to a project even if the device is not
available or not connected to your laptop. This is useful if
you have a limited number of test devices or you need to
configure projects remotely from your test area.
Right-click here
Select device
Device added to
hardware panel
Right-click here
Select a measurement
Added measurement
All data items and measurements are shown. However, only licensed
NOTE measurements will display measurement data in your views.
The Sequencer
In the E6474A application all tests are configured and
controlled using the ‘tree- like’ sequencer system panel. The
tests available provide a comprehensive range of test
scenarios from a simple voice call test to full data network
testing including internet connection, FTP, SMS and video
testing (dependant on you having valid licenses for these
3 Right- click on the device and select New > Test > [Select
the test you wish to add]. (Figure 54)
Once you have created your test sequence you can configure
individual tests using the properties panel (Figure 55) on
the right side of the user interface. Select each test to
display the properties for that test.
Sequencer test
Two devices
A view is a highly flexible user interface component that is
used for displaying data items available from configured
devices. As with projects, views can be created even if
devices are not physically connected to your laptop.
The E6474A is supplied with a comprehensive set of custom
and blank views. These views have been designed to be used
when performing the most common tasks. However, if you
have a need for a particular view, you can create a new view
in Design Mode .
3 Expand the data items list and find the data items you
want to display in the opened view. (Figure 58)
You can select more than one data item at a time and drag and drop all
NOTE those items onto a view.
Some data items, because of their data format, can not be displayed on
some views.
Select the data item dropped onto the view to configure the
data item on the view (Figure 61).
You must have a valid mapping license to use the mapping features
NOTE (Agilent E6474A option 040 MapX Mapping License or Option 045 with
E747x Real-Time Mapping License Option 160). Contact your local Agilent
representative for more information.
To add a map
The mapping feature supports most vector and raster map
formats. Follow this procedure:
1 Select View > Common Views > Map View. (Figure 62)
You may experience performance issues if you try to plot too many data
NOTE items on the map. As a general guideline, four measurement results, with
offsets, on a single map is a recommended amount of items, although the
map does support plotting many more if required.
Theme sets can be imported and exported using the theme set icons on
NOTE the main map toolbar . Refer to the online help for more information
Select add
Choose a data format if applicable
Collecting Data
The E6474A provides simple controls that let you quickly
collect data once you have set up your project and test
To collect data
Follow this procedure:
1 Create or open a project.
2 Add and configure your hardware.
3 Create a test sequence.
4 Create and arrange your views.
Views are not required to collect data. All data items are logged and can be
NOTE reviewed after data collection is completed.
Step Backward Step Forward Live Mode Playback progress Play/Playback time
An event is a powerful and flexible way of monitoring and
highlighting drive- test problems and issues. Using the event
wizard you are able to build events that can show problem
areas as they develop during your testing processes.
Using the Add Event Wizard you can quickly build a set of
triggers around particular event data sources. These triggers
can then initiate a series of actions (play a sound, display a
text message or display a marker). Event action display can
be controlled during data logging so you can focus on
particular system issues as they develop. Once an event has
been added to your project or file, it is automatically added
to a range of views. These views are:
• Line Chart
• Map
• Protocol
• Spectrograph
• Surface
• Tabular History
When events are created they are added to your event
library. To copy an event from the library into your active
project or file, you use the Add Event Wizard.
The event has now been added to your event library and is
ready to be copied to your active project or file.
How to copy an event from the event library into your active
Follow these steps:
1 Configure a project with one or more devices.
2 Start the Add Event Wizard.
3 Select the device you wish to use to provide the triggering
conditions. If more than one device in your project can
provide the triggering conditions then you will be given an
additional stage where you have to assign the right
devices to the right event condition sources (Figure 86).
Expand icon
3 Select the events (on the right side of the dialog box) that
you wish to import (Figure 89).
If you already have an event with the same name and you are exporting or
NOTE importing events, you will be asked to rename the event to prevent any
Get Results Fast
What you’ll find in this chapter
Vehicle drivers should not operate the Agilent E6474A system while
the vehicle is in motion.
1 Click Start > All Programs > This starts the Agilent E6474A
Agilent Wireless Solutions > application.
Online Help
The software includes context- sensitive online help. In the
help, you’ll find all the information you need to make
measurements with the Agilent E6474A software, including
procedures, measurement parameters, and tips. The help
opens in a browser window, separate from the E6474A
application window.
Documentation Library
Included with the software application is a detailed library
of useful reference documentation. This documentation
(including this User’s Guide) provides more information
about the application and how it can be applied to range of
To access the library:
1 Start the E6474A Application.
2 Select Help > Library.
This opens a web page that contains links to PDF (Adobe
Portable Document Format) files. These files include User’s
Guides, reference documents, technical overviews and other
related documents.
To view the PDF files you need to have the Adobe® reader application
NOTE installed on your PC laptop. The reader can be downloaded from the Adobe
web-site (www.adobe.com).
Getting Assistance, If You Need It
What you’ll find in this chapter
This message is displayed for the following reasons:
• A device connected to a serial port or USB port is not
powered on.
• The device has a defective interface cable.
• The serial port has no device connected to it.
• A phone is communicating at the wrong baud rate.
• The device itself is defective.
• Before using the Probe Device command to probe the
COM port to identify the devices, verify that all devices
are connected and powered on. Devices include phones,
receivers, and navigators. Refer to Chapter 3 for cable
connection details.
• If you have an iDEN phone, perform the procedure under
“Setting an iDEN phone’s baud rate" on page 125.
• Use a systematic approach to isolate a hardware problem.
If available, replace a suspected defective device or cable
with a known working device or cable. Replace only one
component at a time, then retest.
Toshiba 10-CT
1 Unplug the phone interface cable from the phone.
2 Power the computer on.
3 Power the phone on.
4 Plug the interface cable into the phone.
Toshiba C-103T
1 Unplug the interface cable from the phone.
2 Plug the phone interface cable into the phone. The phone
will power up.
3 Within the next 5 seconds, press the following keys on the
handset: # 3 2 5 7 4 7 * (Numbers will appear on the
4 Press the # key.
5 Press the following keys: F 9 6 (The F key is to the right
of the toggle button.)
6 Press the F key.
7 Choose the DIAGE option.
8 Press the F key.
9 Power the computer on.
Toshiba 301T
1 Unplug the interface cable from the phone.
2 Plug the phone interface cable into the phone. The phone
will power up.
3 Press the following keys: F 9 0 (The F key is to the right
of the toggle button.)
4 Press the F key.
5 Choose the upper DIAGE option. (Do not choose the
DIAGE AUX option)
6 Press the F key.
7 Power the computer on.
Numbers to call
For technical support, contact your local country- specific
office and they will quickly forward your enquiry to the
person who can best help you solve your problem.
For up- to- date, country- specific contact information, go to
Warranty repair
If the system is still under warranty or is covered by an
Agilent Technologies maintenance contract, it will be
repaired under the terms of the warranty or contract. If the
system is no longer under warranty or is not covered by an
Agilent Technologies maintenance plan, Agilent Technologies
will notify you of the cost of the repair after examining the
When a system is returned to Agilent Technologies for
servicing, it must be adequately packaged (see “Preparing the
system for shipping" on page 133) and have a complete
description of the failure symptoms attached.
When describing the failure, please be as specific as possible
about the nature of the problem. Include copies of additional
failure information (such as receiver or computer failure
settings, data related to system failure, and error messages)
along with the system being returned.
1 Write a complete description of the Include any specific performance details related to the problem. The
failure and attach it to the system. following information should be returned with the system:
• Type of service required
• Date system was returned for repair
• Description of the problem:
• Whether problem is constant or intermittent
• Whether system is temperature-sensitive
• Whether system is vibration sensitive
• System settings required to reproduce the problem
• Error Code
• Performance data
• Company Name and return address
• Name and phone number of technical contact person
• Model number of returned system
• Full serial number of returned system
• List of any accessories returned with the system
4 Wrap the system in anti-static plastic to For systems weighing less then 54 kg (120 lbs.), use a double-walled,
reduce the possibility of damage caused corrugated cardboard carton of 159 kg (350 lbs.) test strength.
by electrostatic discharge. The carton must be large enough to allow 3 to 4 inches on all sides of the
system for packing material and strong enough to accommodate the weight
of the system.
Surround the equipment with 3 to 4 inches of packing material, to protect
the system and to prevent it from moving in the carton. If packing foam is
not available, the best alternative is S.D-240 Air CapTM from Sealed Air
Corporation (Commerce, California 90001). Air Cap looks like plastic sheet
filled with air bubbles. Use the pink (anti-static) Air Cap to reduce static
electrical damage. Wrapping the system several times in this material will
protect the system and prevent it from moving in the carton.
Safety and Regulatory Information
This appendix contains important warnings and cautions for
hardware products used in conjunction with the Agilent
E6474A software.
The Agilent 645xC and W1314A digital receivers are designed for use
61010-1 and 664 respectively.
Enclosure protection IP40 according to IEC 529.
Install the system according to the enclosure protection provided. This
system does not protect against the ingress of water. This instrument
protects against entry of solid foreign objects greater than, or equal to,
one millimeter.
The input power to the Agilent 645xC digital receiver should not
exceed –15 dBm. Power levels greater than +10 dBm will damage the
For continued protection against fire hazard, replace the line fuse
(cigarette lighter/2 amp 32 V FB fuse - 645xC, 4 amp 32 V FB Fuse -
W1314A) only with the same type of rating (type nA/nV). The use of
other fuses or materials is prohibited.
If you use external power, install the instrument so the detachable
power cord is readily identifiable and is easily reached by the operator.
The detachable power cord is the instrument disconnecting device. It
disconnects the mains circuit from the mains supply before other parts
of the instrument.
If you do not use external power, position the product so you can easily
operate the disconnecting device.
Always use the power cords supplied with this product. Failure to
ensure adequate earth grounding by not using this cord may cause
product damage.
Table 1 lists standard symbols that appear on equipment
Symbol Description
AC power input
DC power input
Symbol Description
complies with the essential requirements of the following applicable European Directives, and complies with the essential requirements of
the following applicable European Directives, and carries the CE marking accordingly:
• The Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC, amended by 93/68/EEC
• The EMC Directive 89/336/EEC, amended by 93/68/EEC
and conforms with the following product standards:
Standard Limit
EMC IEC 61326:2002 / EN 61326:2006
CISPR 11 / EN 55011 Group 1 Class A
IEC 61000-4-2 /EN 61000-4-2 4 kV CD, 8 kV AD
IEC 61000-4-3 / EN 61000-4-3 3 V/m, 80-1000 MHz & 1.4-2 GHz, 1 V/m 2-2.7 GHz
IEC 61000-4-4 / EN 61000-4-4 0.5 kV signal lines, 1 kV power lines
IEC 61000-4-5 / EN 61000-4-5 0.5 kV line-line, 1 kV line-ground
IEC 61000-4-6 / EN 61000-4-6 3 V, 0.15-80 MHz
IEC 61000-4-8 / EN 61000-4-8 30A/m
IEC 61000-4-11 / EN 61000-4-11 1 cycle/100%
Canada: ICES-001:2004
Australia/New Zealand: AS/NZS CISPR 11:2004
This product was tested in a typical configuration with Agilent Technologies test systems
For further information, please contact your local Agilent Technologies sales office, agent or distributor.
Connection Panels and LED Indicators
This appendix contains information about the panel
connectors and LED indicators on the Agilent W1314A and
E645xC receivers along with the Trimble Placer 455DR.
Trimble Placer GPS 455DR “Trimble Placer GPS 455DR" on page 144
Master USB port None This port is used to connect your W1314A receiver to your laptop.
4-port USB hub None Used for connecting phones, USB license dongles or multiple
receivers (“Connecting multiple W1314A receivers" on page 30).
GPS 1PPS GPS timing port Connect a pulse source (GPS 1PPS) to provide a timing pulse for
measurement synchronization when a GPS signal is not available.
Temp Temperature LED Displays a warning when the receiver temperature is over limit.
Refer to the online help for more information on W1314A LED status.
Stat Power Status LED Displays the power connection and receiver firmware status. Refer
to the online help for more information on W1314A LED status.
9-34 VDC Power input Connect to Receiver Power cable. Use the cable clamp block to
prevent the power cable from being accidentally pulled out.
E645xC Receiver
GPS Antenna GPS antenna connector Connect to GPS antenna, if equipped (included with E6455C; and
E6450B, E6452A, E6453A, and E6454A with GPS option)
GPS RS-232 External GPS data port For CDMA receivers, an optional 1 PPS cable may be connected to
this port, if the external navigator provides a 1 pulse per second
For E6455A, E6456A, and E645xC receivers, the cable for a wheel
pulse trigger may be connected to this port.
Rx Loop In Receive data loop input Connect to Rx Loop Out of second receiver (if equipped)
Rx Loop Out Receive data loop output Connect to Rx Loop In of second receiver (if equipped)
MDT/RTCM If you have a Differential GPS, connect its data cable to this port.
This port is also used for sensor calibration. When calibrating,
remove the cable from the Radio port, then connect it to the
MDT/RTCM port. When calibration is complete, reconnect the
cable to the Radio port.
Heading Sensor Trimble p/n 30513 Heading Sensor lead: Connect to the heading sensor
ODO 0 Red lead: Connect to the odometer pulse signal
ODO 0 Black lead: Connect to ground.
1 PPS 10 MHz
1PPS Connects to the 1PPS port on the W1314A receiver and provides
timing and measurement synchronization.
RS-232 Used for controlling the timing module. Not used by the Agilent
E6474A system.
What you’ll find in this chapter
Charger specifications
Battery disposal
When the battery is exhausted and/or ready for disposal,
dispose of it according to your country’s requirements.
Within the US, you may contact Rechargeable Battery
Recycling Corporation (RBRC) for disposal.
The RBRC seal on the nickel metal hydride battery pack
indicates that Agilent Technologies is voluntarily
participating in an industry program to collect and recycle
these battery packs at the end of their useful life, when
taken out of service within the United States. The RBRC
program provides a convenient alternative to placing spent
nickel metal hydride battery packs into the trash or
municipal waste stream, which is illegal in some areas.
For information on recycling the battery outside the US,
please check with your local Agilent sales office.
Power cable
The battery pack charger is equipped with a three- wire
power cable, in accordance with international safety
standards. When connected to an appropriate power line
outlet, this cable grounds the charger power supply case.
Various power cables are available to connect the charger
power supply to the types of AC power outlets unique to
specific geographic areas.
Receiver Specifications
This section contains detailed specifications on the Agilent
Dimensions 6 in x 3-5/8 in x 8 in
15.24 cm x 9.21 cm x 20.32 cm
Power 9 to 34 V DC, 9W
Power (internal GPS option 200) 9 to 34 V DC, 10W
Amplitude Accuracy, 1.25 MHz IF bandwidth ± 0.5 typical (-25 dBm to -100 dBm)
Accuracy, 200 kHz IF bandwidth ± 0.5 typical (-25 dBm to -100 dBm)
Dimensions 6 in x 3-5/8 in x 8 in
15.24 cm x 9.21 cm x 20.32 cm
Dimensions 6 in × 3-5/8 in × 8 in
15.24 cm x 9.21 cm x 20.32 cm
Power 9 to 34 V DC, 9W
Power (internal GPS, option 200) 9 to 34 V DC, 10W
Amplitude Accuracy, 1.25 MHz IF ±1 dB from – 40 dBm to – 100 dBm (20° to 30°C)
±2 dB from – 50 dBm to – 100 dBm (0° to 55°C)
±3 dB from – 40 dBm to – 50 dBm (0° to 55°C)
Dimensions 6 in × 3-5/8 in × 8 in
15.24 cm x 9.21 cm x 20.32 cm
Power 9 to 34 V DC, 9W
Power (internal GPS, option 200) 9 to 34 V DC, 10W
Amplitude Accuracy, 1.25 MHz IF bandwidth ±0.5 typical (-25 dBm to -100dBm)
Accuracy, 200 kHz IF bandwidth ±0.5 typical (-25 dBm to -100 dBm)
– 120 dBm
Dimensions 6 in x 3-5/8 in x 8 in
15.24 cm x 9.21 cm x 20.32 cm
Power 9 to 34 V DC, 9W
Power (internal GPS, Option 200) 9 to 34 V DC, 10W
Amplitude Accuracy, 1.25 MHz IF bandwidth ±0.5 typical (-25 dBm to -100dBm)
Accuracy, 200 kHz IF bandwidth ±0.5 typical (-25 dBm to -100 dBm)
Dimensions 6 in x 3-5/8 in x 8 in
15.24 cm x 9.21 cm x 20.32 cm
Power 9 to 34 V DC, 9W
Power (internal GPS, Option 200) 9 to 34 V DC, 10W
Frequency Frequency range 1920 to 1980 MHz [1895-1990] 2110 to 2170 MHz
Amplitude Accuracy 1.25 MHz IF ± 0.5 dB typical from – 25 dBm to – 110 dBm (20° to
Accuracy, 5 MHz IF ±0.5 dB typical from – 25 dBm to – 100 dBm (20° to 30°C)
Dimensions 6 in x 3-5/8 in x 8 in
15.24 cm x 9.21 cm x 20.32 cm
Amplitude Accuracy 1.25 MHz IF ± 0.5 dB typical from – 25 dBm to – 110 dBm (20° to 30°C)
Accuracy, 5 MHz IF ±0.5 dB typical from – 25 dBm to – 100 dBm (20° to 30°C)
Dimensions 6 in x 3-5/8 in x 8 in
15.24 cm x 9.21 cm x 20.32 cm
Dimensions 6 in × 3-5/8 in × 8 in
15.24 cm x 9.21 cm x 20.32 cm
Power 9 to 34 V DC, 9W
Power (internal GPS, option 200) 9 to 34 V DC, 10W
Dimensions 6 in × 3-5/8 in × 8 in
15.24 cm x 9.21 cm x 20.32 cm
Power 9 to 34 V DC, 9W
Power (internal GPS, option 200) 9 to 34 V DC, 10W
Amplitude Accuracy, 30 kHz IF ±1dB from -40 dBm to -100 dBm (20° to 30°C)
±2 dB from -50 dBm to – 100 dBm (0° to 55°C)
±3 dB from -40 dBm to – 100 dBm (0° to 55°C)
Dimensions 6 in × 3-5/8 in × 8 in
15.24 cm x 9.21 cm x 20.32 cm
Power 9 to 34 V DC, 9W
Power (internal GPS, option 200) 9 to 34 V DC, 10W
Phone Support
A list of supported phones is supplied with the Agilent
E6474A software. This list can be found in the library.
W1314-40001 Bumper
Software license key for Parallel port E6474-10002 Can be programmed with the E6474A software options
that you have ordered using the License Manager
software. Plugs into the computer's Parallel port.
Software license key for USB port E6474-10003 Contains the E6474A software options that you have
ordered. Plugs into the computer's USB port.
Permanent In-Vehicle Hardware
Before installing this product, check your vehicle warranty for any
special instructions regarding the installation of third party
products. Agilent assumes no responsibility for any vehicle warranty
issues arising out of the installation or use of this product.
It is recommended that any vehicle installation should be done by a
qualified vehicle mechanic and electrician.
Recommended Tools
• Electric drill and bits
• Screwdriver
• Wire cutter and stripper
• Voltmeter
• Terminal crimping tool or equivalent
• Pliers
• Panel removing tool (optional)
• For in- vehicle rack installation, either a nut driver,
electric screwdriver, or drill with screwdriver bits
Installation Overview
Following is an overview of the steps you’ll take to install
the W1314A and associated components into a vehicle.
Details follow in subsequent sections.
1 Install the W1314A mounting plate in a suitable location.
Do not locate your receiver near a heat source or warm location. Excessive
NOTE heat may effect performance and durability of the receiver.
Do not locate your receiver near a heat source or warm location. Excessive
NOTE heat may effect performance and reliability of the receiver.
Agilent W1314A-120 1PPS
Quad Band Receiver
Latch tab
82.57 mm
199.6 mm
If the ignition sense feature is not used, the blue cable should be
NOTE connected to the same point as the red cable.
Black cable
Red cable
Antenna Installation
Installation guidelines
• All antennas must be spaced at least 18 inches (45.7 cm)
apart. Plan the layout before drilling any holes.
• A magnetic- mount antenna may be mounted on any
suitable metallic surface, paying attention to the routing
of the cable. However, avoid areas of high vibration. Also
avoid mounting the antenna near a roof luggage rack. (The
rack could block the signal.)
• For permanent- mount antennas, choose a location with
access both above and below the antenna- mounting
surface; this is required for installing fasteners and for
routing the antenna cable.
• For permanent- mount antennas, use silicone sealant to
prevent water leakage between the antenna base and the
mounting surface.
• The GPS antenna must be located outside of the vehicle
with a clear view of the sky.
• Choose a horizontal mounting position for the GPS
vehicle ignition, 32
vehicle installation
antenna installation, 190
verifying software installation, 19
data item properties, 88
exporting, 115
import, 117
list of views, 85
map, 90
properties, 87
Vista operating system, 15, 148
W1314-80023 Multi-band antenna, 176
W1314-80024 antenna, 176
multiple receiver connection, 30
PDM Module, 32
single receiver connection, 30
specifications, 140
WARNING - batteries, 46
Warning and Caution, defined, 135
warranty, 132
battery, 45, 149
What is on the CD, 14
Windows Vista Operating System, 148
workspace, 70
XP operating system, 148