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Midterm Performance Task #1: X X X X

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Part 1
Instruction: Put a check a mark on the box that corresponds to your answer. If you answer “No” to all
the questions, you are ready to engage in an active lifestyle, or start an exercise program that has low to
moderate intensity activities and build your intensity gradually. If you answer “Yes” to any question, you
need to talk to Clinical Exercise Physiologist about your condition before participating in an exercise

PAR - Q (Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire) Yes No

1. Has your doctor ever told you that you have a heart condition or a high blood
pressure? X
2. Do you feel pain in your chest when you are doing your daily activities or when
you do physical activities? X
3. Do you lose balance because of dizziness or have you lost consciousness in
the past 12 months? X
4. Have you ever been diagnosed with a chronic condition other than heart
disease or hypertension (i.e., cancer)? X
5. Are you currently taking prescribed maintenance medications? X
6. Do you currently have bone, joint, or other musculoskeletal condition that can
worsen as a result of moderate to vigorous physical activity? X
7. Has your doctor ever told you that you should only engage in medically
supervised physical activity? X

Part 2
Instruction: Perform the different Physical Fitness test under Health-related fitness and Skill-related
fitness. Record the results and write it on your Physical Fitness Test Score Board presented below.
Note: Engage yourself with a simple warm-up exercise like jogging or skipping


Name: Sex: Age:
Christian Fel Moralita Male 19
A. Body Composition: Body Mass Index (BMI)
Height (meters) Weight (kilograms) 2 Classification
Weight (kilograms) ÷ Height (meters)

1.77 58.50 18.67 Normal

B. Cardiovascular Capacity: 3 Minutes Step Test
Procedure: Step up and down on the bench with a height of 12 inches for 3 minutes at a rate of 24 steps per
minute. One step consist of 4 beats
Before the activity After the activity
Procedure: Locate your pulse rate from your wrist Procedure: Count your pulse rate in 10 seconds then
using index and middle finger. Count your pulse rate multiply by 6 (the first beat is zero).
in 10 seconds then multiply by 6 (the first beat is
zero). It is commonly measured when a person is
lying down or in a standing position.

66 108
C. Muscular Strength and Endurance
90 degree Push-ups (no. of repetition) Abdominal Curl-ups (no. of repetition)
Procedure: lie down on the mat; face down in Procedure: Lie on your back with your arms crossed
standard push-up position; palms on the mat under over your chest, keeping your knees slightly bent. Raise
the shoulders, fingers pointing forward, and legs your upper body off the floor by flexing your abdominal
straight, parallel and slightly apart, with the toes muscles. Touch your elbows to your thighs.
supporting the feet

25 60
D. Flexibility
Sit and Reach
Procedure: sit on the floor with your back flat on the wall, with your feet approximately 12 inches apart; without
bending your back, knees, and elbows, place one hand on top of the other and position the hands on the floor;
after the tester has positioned the zero point of the tape measure, start the test by slowly reaching the farthest
point possible without bending the knees.
1st try (cm) 2nd try (cm) 3rd try (cm)

46cm 52cm 55cm

A. Agility: Shuttle Run B. Balance: Stork Balance Stand Test
Procedure: as fast as possible, run back and forth Procedure: do this without wearing shoes; start on a
between two parallel lines in 30 feet markings where standing position; with your hands on your hips, place
two wooden blocks or similar objects are placed your non-supporting foot against the inside knee of the
behind them; record the shortest time performed after supporting leg; raise your heel and balance using the
two trials (in seconds) ball of your foot. The stopwatch is stopped in the
following instance:
The hand/s are off the hips
The supporting foot hops or moves in any direction
or the heel touches the floor
The non-supporting foot loses contact with the
The best among three trials shall be recorded (in

3.36 40
C. Power: Standing Long Jump D. Speed: 30 Meter Sprint
Procedure: the jumper will stand behind the takeoff Procedure: start from a stationary position with the foot
line. A two-foot takeoff and landing is required with the behind the starting line without shaking movements; on
swinging of the arms and bending of knees to create a the signal of the clapper, the sprinter will start running
forward drive going to the landing area. Jump as far going to the end of the 30 meter mark. Record the time
as possible and avoid falling backward. Record the duration
longest in the two attempts made (in centimeters)

163cm 2.17 secs

E. Coordination: Alternative Hand Wall Toss F. Reaction Time: Card Drop test
Procedure: mark a 2 to 3 feet distance from the wall. Construction method: cut the board at least 20 cm
The performer will stand behind the specified distance long and 5 cm wide. The number 40 to 200 is to be
facing the wall. Throw the ball underarm with one written on the card using the distance of a centimeter
hand against the wall and catch it with the other hand. Procedure: get a partner to hold the reaction timer.
Continue this process within 30 seconds. Record the Line up fingers at the bottom edge of the reaction timer;
number of catch in a 30-second period. your partner will drop the card without any warning.
Chasing the card downward is not allowed. Once the
card has been caught, read the score on the side of the
card; check the distance of the fingers from the bottom.
The nearer the finger from the bottom, the shorter the
reaction time.

36 3.5 cm


90 degree
3 Minute 90 degree 3 Minute Body Mass
Sit and Sit and Push-ups
AGE Step test Push-ups and Step test Index
Reach Reach and
(pulse per Abdominal (pulse per Classification
(cm) (cm) Abdominal
min.) Curl-ups min.)
9 37 122 15 43 119 7 Underweight
10 39 121 16 45 117 7 18.49 and below
11 41 119 17 47 115 8 Normal
12 43 117 18 49 113 9 18.5 to 24.99
13 45 115 19 52 111 10 Overweight
14 50 110 20 54 108 11 25.00 to 29.99
15 55 107 21 58 103 12 Obese
16 56 105 22 63 101 13 30.00 to 39.99
17 64 102 23 68 100 14 Extremely
18 69 99 24 72 98 14 Obese
19 70 98 25 74 96 15 40.00 and
20 72 96 26 75 95 15 above

Shuttle Run

Long Jump


Card Drop
Stand test

Hand Wall

30 Meter














Advanced 10.5 - 11.8 -
50 50 231
181 - <
35 35
(5 points) abov abov abov <5.30 abov abov 40 40
10.8 12.0 190 4.80
e e e e e
Proficient 10.9 - 12.1 - 49 - 49 - 221 - 171 - 4.80 - 5.30 - 30 - 30 -
60 60
(4 points) 11.2 12.4 30 30 230 180 5.09 5.59 35 35
g 11.3 - 12.5 - 29 - 29 - 211 - 161 - 5.10 - 5.60 - 20 - 20 -
80 80
Proficiency 11.6 12.8 25 25 220 170 5.29 5.89 29 29
(3 points)
Developing 11.7 - 12.9 - 24 - 24 - 191 - 141 - 5.30 - 5.90 - 15 - 15 - 10 10
(2 points) 12.0 13.2 11 11 210 160 5.60 6.20 19 19 0 0
Beginner 12.0 13.2
141 5.60 6.20
15 15 12 12
(1 point) abov abov 10 10 belo abov abov
below below below 0 0
e e w e e

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