IFDnewVol2 2.6102cdcdddad1
IFDnewVol2 2.6102cdcdddad1
IFDnewVol2 2.6102cdcdddad1
Volume 2
for Design
Vol. 2, No. 1
Do you have Electronic Design is always on the lookout for new ideas. Do
an Idea for you have one? Our Ideas for Design articles are short and to
Design for the point, often with a single figure or program listing to help
Electronic explain the idea. If you would like to submit one, you can
Design? check out the details at
We look forward to seeing your ideas.
for Design
KENG C. WU | SWITCHING POWER INC., [email protected]
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
C := vF0 vF1 vF2 vF3 vF4 vF5 vF6 vF7 vF8 vF9 vF10 vF11 vF12 vF13 vF14 (2)
(vF0)2 (vF1)2 (vF2)2 (vF3)2 (vF4)2 (vF5)2 (vF6)2 (vF7)2 (vF8)2 (vF9)2 (vF10)2 (vF11)2 (vF12)2 (vF13)2 (vF14)2
iF := 200 m 400 m 600 m 800 m 1000 m 1200 m 1400 m 1600 m 1800 m 2000 m 2200 m 2400 m 2600 m 2800 m 3000 m (3)
3000 3
2800 2.8
2600 iF iF 2.6
2400 2.4
Forward current (A)
2200 VF
Forward current (mA)
2000 2
1800 R 1.8
VF 1.6
1600 1.4
1400 1.2
1200 1
1000 0.8
800 0.6
600 VBias 0.4
400 0.2
200 0
0 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2 3.4 3.6
2.00 2.20 2.40 2.60 2.80 3.00 3.20 3.40 3.60 a. b. Forward voltage (V)
Forward voltage (V)
2. The linear model (terminal view) is simplest and easiest to understand,
1. Modeling the I/V curve of the Cree XLamp XM-L LED with increasing but also the least accurate (a). The linear model results in this “curve,”
accuracy is the objective of this analysis. which clearly has some shortcomings (b)
3 3
2.8 2.8
Note that the first element of vector 2.6 2.6
2.4 2.4
a is coefficient a0, etc., which leads to 2.2 2.2
ment. This model comes in the form of 3. The curve based on a quadratic model curve 4. The exponential model further refines the
aeb·vF + c with three unknown parameters is much closer to the reality of the I/V curve for quadratic model and provides a better approxi-
a, b, and c to be determined. Again, soft- this LED. mation in the low-current region of the LED.
ware tools such as MathCAD help you
find those parameters numerically. Overall, the best fit near the low-cur- prediction from any given model, since
Under the specialized regression sec- rent region may be found between the almost all such analytical efforts are an
tion, an exponential regression statement quadratic and the exponential models. It attempt to represent the complexities of
expfit ( vF, iF, vg) can find all three param- is unrealistic to expect a single, perfect nature.
eters, given a data set in vectors and initial
guess value vg, also a column vector. For
this example, a = 9.66 · 10–3, b = 1.818, KenG C. Wu has a BS from Chiaotung university, Taiwan, and an MS from northwestern
and c = –1.157 are obtained. This results university, evanston, ill. he has published four books and holds seven u.S. patents.
in the exponential model of Figure 4.
2. In the constructed sensor, a double-sided printed-circuit board (PCB) has
one conductor as the signal plate and the other as the driven shield. The
semi-infinite ground plane, which is slightly larger in area than the sensing 12.1
or shield plates, can be another PCB or an aluminum plate.
DEV GUALTIERI received his PhD in solid-state
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
science from Syracuse University in 1974. He
Inverse position (inch–1)
now does various computer, electronic, and
embedded systems projects at his consulting 3. The circuit response is a close-to-linear inverse-position relationship
company, Tikalon LLC. between hand position and the sensing plate.
Do you have Electronic Design is always on the lookout for new ideas. Do
you have one? Our Ideas for Design articles are short and to
an Idea for
the point, often with a single figure or program listing to help
Design for
explain the idea. If you would like to submit one, you can
check out the details at
We look forward to seeing your ideas.
for Design
+10 V 1N4148 +10 V 1N4148 C9
+10 V C11
10 nF Equation 2 then allows you to deter-
2.2 µF
R16 +
100k QB mine the value of the DUT’s hFE by mon-
0.1 µF
R15 itoring VRB1:
R18 100k T2A T1A VSS
10k BB QA QA
BB U3b Falling edge
U3a AA triggers
QB CD4538 QA scope
CD4538 CDA
+10 V CDB
C13 R17 C12
10k 0.1 µF
0.1 µF
Basically, resistor RB1’s value is set as
C16 large as possible to minimize the oscil-
D5 1 nF +10 V C14 lation of IB(DUT) upon transition and to
1N4148 0.1 µF
QB U4b
1. This test circuit provides the biasing condi-
U4a On QB Dummy
R20 100k tions needed to evaluate a transistorÕs hFE
R21 20k HEF4071B
HEF4071B according to the manufacturerÕs criteria. In
QA this example, the device under test is a QSZ2
D4 1 nF (2SB1695), and the values chosen are specific to
1N4148 that device.
[Press S1]
2. The actual test period
QB is during the interval ∆tW,
t during which a 980-µs
0 pulse is generated at QA.
∆td (about 13 µs) ensures
QA there is enough time to
t make the measurement.
0 ∆tB ∆tW Complete test cycle
Pre-bias phase: Q1, Q2, and Q4 activated
derived directly from the 12-V supply and ground using tran- C610 1 4
SHDN FB + C614
1 μF 1.23 V
sistors Q610 and Q611. Note that these aren’t configured in R612
220 μF
a traditional inverter configuration, which could suffer from 10k
shoot-through when both are turned on simultaneously during
the gate’s voltage transition. Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic Logic
Instead, transistors Q610 and Q611 are simple source-fol-
lowers. As the gate voltage rises more than about a volt above 1. The 12-V downswitcher, which is already in the design, provides a
the present value of net VeeDrive shown in Figure 1 at the square-wave to generate VeeDrive from V12 with about a 10-V swing.
source terminals of Q610 and Q611, Q611 turns on, pulling up
VeeDrive so it remains about 1 V below the gate voltage all the VFLOAT
way up. On the falling edge at the switch node, the gate voltage
falls, Q611 is turned solidly off, and Q610 begins to turn on
as the gate voltage falls about 1 V below VeeDrive. Therefore,
VeeDrive follows the gate voltage down to within about 1 V of C123 C124
100 µF 100 µF
Logic GND. C125
D120 1 μF
As a result, VeeDrive provides a sharp and muscular square- D122 D123 18 V 150 V
wave that swings between about 1 V and 11 V (relative to BAS70 BAS70
Logic GND), for a total of 10 V p-p. It’s robust enough to
drive several charge pumps, if the need arises for multiple sup- C121 C122
1 μF 1 μF
plies. In fact, this one square-wave provided all four supplies VeeDrive
required by the design at hand.
Q612 is an optional component. Raising net VeeEnable, the 2. The charge pump generates a robust supply that always tracks 15 V below
gate drive to Q612, to a logic high voltage turns on Q612 and VFLOAT, even if that voltage is below ground. The voltage also can be placed
enables the charge pump action. Lowering VeeEnable back to above VFLOAT by simply reversing the diodes and the polarized capacitors.
ElEctronic DEsign
charge pump is employed. My actual design includes four cop- C121 and C122 ensures that GateDrive maintains a fairly con-
ies of the charge pump shown in Figure 2 to produce GateDrive stant offset from VFLOAT. This will hold true while the flying
relative to each of four different floating supply rails. A single capacitors rapidly charge or discharge to the appropriate levels
VeeDrive drives all four rails. to continue the charge pump action.
Starting with accumulators C123 and C124 discharged, Because the flying capacitors are ceramic (and thus
when VeeDrive goes low (1 V), C121 charges up through C123 unconcerned about polarity), GateDrive will remain 15 V
and the right half of dual diode D122 to approximately VFLOAT below VFLOAT, even if VFLOAT should fall all the way to Logic
– 1.5 V (after accounting for an approximate 0.5-V drop of GND or below. The flying capacitors must, however, have a
the diode). When VeeDrive goes high (11 V), C121 discharges sufficient voltage rating so that the highest value of VFLOAT
through the left half of D122 to VFLOAT – 10.5 V (11 V – the can occur in practice.
0.5-V drop in the diode). As cycling continues, charge contin- The output voltage at GateDrive is very consistent in prac-
ues to be drawn through C123, gradually charging up C123. In tice and nicely matches the theoretical values after accounting
steady state, with no current being drawn off, C123 will charge for the various drops in the feed. There are several ways to
up to 9 V, leaving its negative end at VFLOAT – 9 V. adjust this voltage, though. Stages can be easily added to or
The second-stage charge pump, consisting of C122, D123, removed from the charge pump to produce different multiples
and C124, operates similarly to produce an additional 9-V of the input voltage. If the input voltage is adjustable, finer
offset. As a result, GateDrive is 18 V below VFLOAT. In actual granularity is possible.
practice, of course, some current is being drawn off and there It’s easy to configure GateDrive when it must be above rath-
are more resistive drops, so the actual voltage settles close to er than below VFLOAT. Simply flip the polarized accumulator
15 V. Should the voltage somehow exceed 18 V, Zener D120 capacitors to allow for the new state, and reverse the diodes.
clamps the voltage to no more than 18 V, which guarantees that With those simple changes, the design will produce GateDrive
the GateDrive’s 20-V maximum limitation isn’t surpassed. at approximately VFLOAT + 15 V.
C125 helps to suppress switching noise caused by sudden
loads on the supply during switching.
This arrangement can be readily adapted to many situa- Steve Hendrix is the principal engineer at Hx engineering
tions. If VFLOAT can change, even fairly rapidly, the large size LLC. He has a BS in computer science and mathematics from
of accumulators C123 and C124 relative to flying capacitors the U.S. Air Force Academy.
which controls the load. This current drops to zero when the voltages and pick the one that works. A good starting point is
microcontroller output goes low, switching the load off. to pick Zener voltage VZ to equal to the desired output voltage
Zener diode D1 provides an alternative path for R1’s cur- minus the microcontroller voltage. This is just an overvoltage
rent. If the diode’s breakdown current is VZ, it will begin to protector, so great accuracy should not be necessary.
conduct when the output voltage exceeds VZ + VOH – VBE, or If the overvoltage protection isn’t important, simply remove
about 14.6 V for a 12-V diode and a 3.3-V microcontroller. the Zener diode. The resulting load switch uses only three
Since the voltage across R1 is constant, the diode effectively components and retains the advantage of driving Q2’s base
“steals” current from the base of Q2, reducing the amount of with an actual current source. Even if the input voltage chang-
current flowing into the load. This negative feedback causes es, Q2’s base current remains constant.
the circuit to act like a voltage regulator.
To apply this circuit to your application, adjust R1 so Q2’s
base current equals the maximum load current (IMAX) divided
by Q2’s gain (β), or R1 = β ×(VOH – VBE)/ IMAX. Be sure to WILLIAM SWANSON graduated in 2005 with
select a transistor for Q2 that can dissipate the heat generated a BSEE from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. He cur-
during an overvoltage event. rently designs boards and writes firmware for
There is no straightforward way to calculate the exact output an early stage startup company.
voltage, so the quickest approach is to try a few Zener diode
Vol. 2, No. 3
Do you have Electronic Design is always on the lookout for new ideas. Do
an Idea for you have one? Our Ideas for Design articles are short and to
Design for the point, often with a single figure or program listing to help
Electronic explain the idea. If you would like to submit one, you can
Design? check out the details at
We look forward to seeing your ideas.
for Design
data clock 3 5
row address decode
1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 A0 Character 0
1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 A1 Character 1
1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 A2 Character 2
1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 A3 Character 3
0 0 0 C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 Character 0
0 0 1 C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 Character 1
0 1 0 C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 Character 2
0 1 1 C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 Character 3
1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 F1 53%
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 FF 0% brightness
1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 F8 Lamp test
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 C0 Clear
Serial Clock
clock period
2. The bit-mapped characters supplied by the microcontroller occur within certain timing specifica-
tions. The times in this example are based on the use of a 5-MHz clock (a period of 200 ns).
display is blanked and the character reg- project I opted for the SPI hardware
ister address is set to character 0. The instantiation to reduce firmware over-
internal counter and control word regis- head. This choice also ensures the clock
ter are unaffected. is stable and isn’t influenced by other
The example circuit uses a Cypress priority events.
CY8C27443-24PXI programmable Instantiating SPI simplified the dis-
system-on-chip (PSoC) and a program play’s communication block. Below is
written in C. I chose the PSoC because the flow chart for firmware implementa-
it enables designers to select individual tion. (The code for the demo project can
hardware blocks. The serial interface to be downloaded from the online version
the display is straightforward and easy. of this article at electronicdesign.com.)
There are two ways to interface the
display. The first is to connect a micro- • Power up the display.
controller via the serial port in mode 0. • Bring Reset low (for at least 600 ns)
The serial port control register will be a to clear the multiplex counter, address
simple shift register. Serial data enters register, control word register, user
and exits through the RXD pin, and the RAM, and data register. The display
TXD pin outputs the clock. will be blank. The display brightness
The second method interfaces the dis- will be set to 100%.
play via the SPI in mode 0. Besides MISO • If different brightness is desired, load
(master in slave out) and clock, the dis- the proper display brightness control
play needs Reset and Load control lines. word from Table 4.
I chose SPI for this project because of its • Load the character address into the dis-
inherent advantages over serial port (Fig. play (Table 1).
3). The circuit uses a MAX1232 as a reset • Load column data into the display
controller, but you can choose any other (Table 2).
method for properly resetting the micro- • Repeat steps 4 and 5 for rest of the digits.
As noted, the PSoC enables you to Finally, one display CLK_I/O line
choose your own hardware modules, can drive 15 slave CLK_I/O lines, so
which speeds development. For this you can cascade displays to increase the
ElEctronic DEsign
C1 +5 V +5 V
1 μF 16 V
1 14
____ SDCLK
____ Gnd
+ C2 2 Data 13
1 P1A Load Load Data
100 nF 3 VCC 12
50 V X
4 DS1 11
5 VCC 10
28 X
____ _______
6 9 + C3
P0[7] P0[6] 7 8 C4
2 26 Gnd CLK_I/O 35 V
10 nF
P0[5] P0[4]
3 25 50 V
P0[3] P0[2]
4 24
___ P0[1] P0[0]
5 23
Reset P2[7] P2[6] SDCCLK
____ 6 22
Load P2[5] U1 P2[4] Data
7 21
P2[3] CY8C27443 P2[2]
8 20 C5
P2[1] P2[0]
9 19 2 P1B +5 V 100 nF
10 18
P1[7] P1[6] R1
11 17
P1[5] P1[4] 100k 3
12 16 1% P1C ___
P1[3] P1[2] VCC 1
P2D 4 15 5 P1E PB
P1[1] P1[0] 6 ____
14 6 5 RST MAX1232 TOL
7 P1G ___ 7
Gnd P2D
3. The author opted to use a SPI instantiation for the display because it reduced the firmware over-
head required.
A1 Address Address decode 1-14
__ __
4. The display’s CLK_I/O line can drive up to 15 slave CLK_I/O lines, so designers can easily cascade
multiple units.
Do you have Electronic Design is always on the lookout for new ideas. Do
an Idea for you have one? Our Ideas for Design articles are short and to
Design for the point, often with a single figure or program listing to help
explain the idea. If you would like to submit one, you can
check out the details at
We look forward to seeing your ideas.
Single-Cell Regulated Charge Pump
Draws Low Quiescent Current
for design
CAPACITOR-BASED CHARGE PUMPS (OR Q-pumps) generally efficiency. This might be the case when powering a microcon-
aren’t useful for sourcing large amounts of current, but they troller that spends most of its time in sleep mode.
work well in niche micropower applications where space is at a Low-voltage microcontrollers such as those in the PIC24
premium. They work best in applications where the output volt- or MSP430 families are generally powered from a regulated
ages are integer multiples of the input voltage. The integer mul- supply voltage such as 2.5 V. If clocked slowly, they might
tiples, then, are operating points that result in peak efficiency. draw as little as 25 μA or 50 μA. In standby mode with only the
However, Q-pumps can also work well when they are pow- real-time clock running, the current can be vanishingly small,
ered from a variable input such as a battery, particularly when often less than a microamp. This is a good application for the
quiescent battery drain is more important than heavy-load regulated two-stage Q-pump described here, which boosts a
single alkaline or nickel-metal-hydride (NiMH)
VOUT cell to 2.5 V.
0.95 to 2.5 V V1 2.5 V at 50 μA The “wings” of a Q-pump, called “flying capac-
C3 itors,” connect first to the input and then to the
10 μF 22 μF output. If the capacitor is stacked on the input
voltage, it forms a voltage doubler. In the case of a
C1 regulated charge pump with a fixed output volt-
10 μF C4
C2 age, the voltage across the flying capacitor may
2.2 μF 2.2 μF
differ significantly from the voltage across the
SN74AUP1G14 output-filter capacitor.
When you connect two capacitors that are
R5 initially charged to different voltages, you get
a spark or power dissipation in the switches as
the capacitors equalize in voltage. This is why a
NXP3008NBKT simple voltage doubler typically exhibits better
R6 efficiency than a regulated Q-pump.
1.65M This regulated Q-pump has an on-demand
V DD 1%
oscillator, a feedback regulation loop made from
10 2 an op amp and reference, and a two-stage pump
9 –
R2 R4 /LHDET 1 circuit, plus two flying capacitors, C2 and C4
100k 1.5M 5 3 (Fig. 1). The first pump stage is driven directly by
4 + R7
+ –
499k the Touchstone Semiconductor TS12011 com-
6 8
1% parator, which forms the oscillator, while the
R1 7
2M VREF second stage is driven by an inverter powered
R3 from the output voltage of the first stage. The
2M TS12011
100 pF full-load efficiency varies from 70% to 40% over
All diodes = BAS52-02V a 1- to 2.5-V input range, which is comparable to
a linear regulator.
1. The low-voltage regulated charge pump uses the “flying capacitor” topology The TS12011 analog building block requires
(C2 and C4) to “stack” and thus increase the output voltage. very low supply currents (3.2 μA typical) and
quadruple the lower end of the voltage range
C5 of a single cell. We can improve this, and get to
C1 C3
10 μF 10 μF 22 μF sub-0.9 V operation, by several means: adding
another pump stage; changing the output volt-
age to 2.2 V (but the microcontroller may not be
able operate this low); or adding a synchronous
BSH205 2.2 μF rectifier across the first diode.
From The third option is chosen here, due to its
feedback divider good efficiency at the operating “sweet spots”
U1 From
(Fig. 3). A low-threshold P-channel MOSFET
with low gate charge shunts the first pump
1M 2.2 μF diode, reducing the forward drop from 0.2 V to
approximately 0.01 V. This adds a few hundred
NXP3008 extra millivolts right at the front end, where it’s
needed most.
A NOR-based logic circuit provides non-
R2 R3 overlapping gate-drive signals to the synchro-
U2 1M 1M U3 nous switch. The goal is to be certain that the
MOSFET gate is never driven high when the
U1 = SN74AUP1G32
flying capacitor is high. The amount of dead
C6 C7
47 pF 47 pF U4 U2 = ½ SN74AUP1G02 time is set by the 1 MΩ × 47 pF RC time con-
U3 = ½ SN74AUP1G02 stants. Here, the dead time is very long since the
U4 = SN74AUP1G14
All diodes = BAS52 1-kHz oscillator is so slow.
Charge pumps offer an alternative to induc-
tor-based boost regulators and can fit nicely
From TS12011 comparator
with the dual nature of many microcontroller
loads, with their low-current RTC mode versus
3. To achieve operation below 0.9 V, the first stage is modified by adding a synchro- heavier but infrequent run mode. The challenge
nous rectifier across the first diode. of designing them for low input voltages can
be met by using the right low-voltage components, choosing
2V1 – 2VFWD –VSAT2(high) – VSAT2(low) sensible switching frequencies, and taking full advantage of
the V-I characteristics of the rectifiers.
Thus, the best-possible peak-load voltage at the minimum
input voltage is:
A VIRTUAL GROUND IS useful whenever you need to create a MOSFETs. Inverter U1 provides the non-inverting input of the
bipolar supply but the dc source is unipolar, as is often the amplifier, as the inverting input is implicit and is represented
case with battery-operated equipment. Sometimes, the solu- by the CD4069’s mid-supply potential. Capacitor C3 provides
tion is as easy as using a high-ohm resistive divider to provide positive feedback and allows the circuit to self-oscillate.
a mid-supply potential. But if the ground impedance needs The entire control circuit has a floating supply referenced
to be lower, the simple approach can be enhanced by using a to the output. Diodes D3 to D6 and resistor pair R6/R7 gener-
buffer amplifier. ate this supply from the dc input. R2 and R3 create the virtual
When the ground created this way sees high imbalance cur- ground potential. In this example, they are equal, as will gener-
rents, though, things become more complicated. The buffer ally be the case, but asymmetrical supplies also can be created.
not only needs to be a power buffer, it will also have to dis- For greater accuracy, a trim potentiometer can be added
sipate the result of any imbalance. This is wasteful, and it may to the midpoint of R2/R3. With the values shown, the pulse-
even require bulky, inconvenient heatsinks. width modulation (PWM) frequency is approximately 45
This circuit addresses these issues simply, cheaply, and kHz, which can be modified by changing C3.
effectively (see the figure). It retains the resistive divider plus The power MOSFETs and inductor must be sized accord-
buffer configuration, but with a big difference. The buffer is ing to the expected output current. If a very clean ground is
now a self-oscillating Class D amplifier, capable of provid- required, an additional LC filter can be used after L1 and C6/
ing many amperes of ground current and of “recycling” any C7 to clean up the remaining switching residues.
imbalance back to the supply. The circuit is compact and effi-
cient, while providing a stiff, accurate, and powerful ground. LOUIS VLEMINCQ works as a design engineer in Physcial
The oscillator is built around a simple CD4069 CMOS hex Layer Engineering at Belgacom, Evere, Belgium.
buffer. Most of its inverters act as gate drivers for the power
+21 V
R2 R6 1N4148
47k C3
D1 680/
1 nF Red R4 1W
U2 M1
IRF530 +
U3 C1 470 μF/
100 nF
C4 + D3 L1 60 V
Unipolar supply
Bipolar output
D2 12k R7
R3 Red D6
47k 1W 1N4148
– 21 V
Although it requires more components than the conventional resistor-divider approach, this Class D oscillator/amplifier (based on a CD4069
hex inverter) drives power MOSFETs that make the virtual ground much more efficient.
• Power stage: b? ! o " )'0
% 1 V % ' 9V Bk ! o " )'.
1S )'-
With effort, all the equations can be consolidated into a )'+
single, closed-loop equation. Equation 10 is a transcendental )'*
equation with an exponential term that prevents us from solv- )
+'/ +'0 +'1 +'2 ,') ,'* ,'+
ing it analytically, but it can be solved using computational
techniques and software tools.
3. The intersection of the desired current line and the forward cur-
Reference rent/voltage curve (red) leads to the unique solution to the non-
1. “Generate Realistic Models for LED Current Versus Voltage,” Keng C. Wu;
linear equations of the LED model. (The blue line is the reverse-bias
Electronic Design, Vol. 61, No. 1, p. 52, Jan. 10, 2013, http://electronicde-
sign.com/power/generate-realistic-models-led-current-versus-voltage current/voltage relationship.)
Np NS D2
Figure 1
Ver –
Driver VMax A
VMin TS VRef
+ VF
4. Analysis of the switch-mode buck-regulating current driver in a closed-loop configuration for driving an array yields a set of equations
that are better solved using numerical computation rather than an analytical, closed-form approach.
Vol. 2, No. 5
Do you have Electronic Design is always on the lookout for new ideas. Do
an Idea for you have one? Our Ideas for Design articles are short and to
Design for the point, often with a single figure or program listing to help
Electronic explain the idea. If you would like to submit one, you can
2 1
C2 C5 0.1 μF 2.2 μH
10 μF 8
3 PH VOut R3
EN U1 D1 10k
2. The added cir- TPS54332 B230-13
6 5 C6
cuitry in this ver- COMP VFB
22 μF R1 +5 V R4
sion of the dc-dc 20k 10k
4 9 R5
51 VC
converter permits 6 –
R9 Vfb +5 V
control of V Out by + 3
20.5k U2 4
varying a control TLC271
–5 V R7 R6
voltage, VC. 10k 2k
C4 10k
C3 Vr VRef
0.01 μF
820 pF
C1 R8
1 μF 3.16k U3
RECHARGEABLE NICKEL-CADMIUM (NICD) the battery during charging. Also, more full, to avoid overcharging. This simple
BATTERIES are widely used in consumer energy must be supplied to the battery and inexpensive charger overcomes
electronics because of their high energy than its actual capacity to compensate both problems. The cheapest and saf-
density, long life, and low self-discharge for energy loss during charging. est way to charge a NiCd battery is to
rate. Standard NiCd cells can be charged However, two problems must be charge at 10% of its rated capacity per
at different rates: a fast charge with high addressed when designing a charger hour for 16 hours. The battery pack
current, or overnight with low current. for them: how to set the proper charg- used contained two AA-size 1200-mAh
Regardless of the charge speed, a ing-current value, and how to stop the NiCd cells, so the battery should be
steady current should be provided to charging process when the battery is charged with 120-mA current.
In the charging circuit of Figure 1, a
LM78L05 constant charge current is generated by
+5 V 1 3
a current regulator comprising IC3 (an
+9 V
C1 3 LM317 LDO) and resistor R3, where R3
0.1 μF 2
1 IC3 Buzzer is 1.25 V/120 mA, about 10 Ω. Switch-
ing MOSFET Q1 (IRF520) was chosen
2 because of its very low open-state (con-
LED4 2
R3 ductive) impedance of 0.3 Ω.
100% pA5 10
The best charging practice is to use a
3 120 mA timer to prevent overcharging to con-
75% pA4 IC1 3
Battery + R2 tinue past 16 hours. This approach does
MC68HC908QT1 7
LED2 4 under 200k
50% pA0 charge – 2 Q2 not require an end-of-charge sensor,
pA3 2N3904
LED1 6 2 and it ensures a full charge. The tim-
25% pA1 R1
100k Q1 1 ing function is performed by microcon-
1 IRF520 troller IC1, which also reports the state
3 of charge via the LEDs.
Any microcontroller could be used in
1. The constant charging current is produced by an LDO and resistor and gated by Q1, which this project. Here, the inexpensive eight-
in turn is managed by an output of the microcontroller. A quartet of LEDs, also microcon- pin Motorola (Freescale) MC68HC-
troller-driven, indicates charge status to the user. 908QT1 microcontroller was used.
Ideas for Design
any extra components. Since the microcontroller has five Start charge
outputs, one of them is used for charge triggering, and so Main
the four can be used for charge indication. To minimize the TOF = 1?
number of components, LEDs with built-in resistors are used Yes
(WP710A10YD5V, www.kingbrightusa.com). Increment counter
interval. After that, it lights the LEDs steady on. When charg-
ing is over, all four LEDs are on, so the user knows the charge Set LED2 on
The assembler code listing can be found with the online ver-
sion of this article at http://electronicdesign.com/power/simple- Set LED3 on
nicd-battery-charger-includes-charge-indication. Yes
The LED blinking period is set at one second. The built-in No
oscillator of the microcontroller generates a frequency of 12.8 Toggle LED4
MHz and provides a one-cycle duration of 312.5 ns. By setting
the timer prescaler to 64 and timer modulo register to 50,000
Set LED4 on
(C350H), the timer overflow (TOF) period is equal to one sec-
Stop charge
ond (0.3125 μs × 64 × 50,000). The program toggles the LED
at each TOF period. End
The overnight “long” charge lasts 16 hours, with counter
constant MAX_CNT calculated as 16 × 60 × 60 = 57,600 2. The flowchart shows the straightforward level-check/step-
(E100H). Any maximum charge time can be set in the same through iteration sequence of the code for driving the charge-indi-
way. Obviously, it’s not convenient to wait for 16 hours to test cation LEDs.
the program, and a period such as 20 minutes, for example,
would be more practical.
For that shorter period, constant MAX_CNT should be set IDEAS FOR DESIGN WANTED
to 20 × 60 = 1200 (04B0H). The duration of each of four time
intervals will then be automatically set by firmware once the Send us your Ideas For Design. We’ll pay you $150 for every Idea For
Design that we publish. In addition, this year’s top design as selected
maximum charge time is entered.
by our readers will earn an additional $500, with two runners up each
This approach is very flexible and can be applied to charge receiving $250. You can submit your Ideas For Design via:
any NiCd battery by choosing resistor R3 accordingly. In addi- t&NBJMSJDIBSEHBXFM!QFOUPODPN
tion, nearly any type of microcontroller can be used, because OR BY
the program is simple and uses only standard instructions. t1PTUBMNBJMUP
Ideas For Design
1166 Avenue of the Americas, 10th Floor
ABEL RAYNUS is an engineer with Armatron International New York, NY 10036
Inc., Malden, Mass. Go to www.electronicdesign.com for our submission guidelines.
Do you have Electronic Design is always on the lookout for new ideas. Do
an Idea for you have one? Our Ideas for Design articles are short and to
Design for the point, often with a single figure or program listing to help
Electronic explain the idea. If you would like to submit one, you can
ALTHOUGH QUITE A FEW direct digital synthesis (DDS) ICs can Two separate divider circuits are used. The 74HC393A
generate high-frequency sine waves, their complexity excludes divides the 50-MHz clock to 12.5 MHz. The 74HC390A is a
them from many designs. However, designers can use simple dual divide-by-2 and divide-by-5 device. By combining the
high-frequency CMOS logic and two switched-capacitor filters 74HC390 with the 74HC74A dual flip-flop, the 50-MHz clock
to create a sine/cosine generator. With newer filters, a 1-MHz can be divided to 500 kHz.
output at 1.7 V p-p is possible. The 74HC74A provides a Q and /Q output at half the fre-
The example circuit uses an MSHFS6 5-V, low-power 12.5:1 quency of the divide-by-25 output of the 74HC390A. Divid-
switched-capacitor filter with selectable Butterworth, Bes- ing the 74HC74A output by 2 with the divide-by-2 blocks in
sel, or elliptic filters in the lowpass mode and full-, 1/3-, or the 74HC390A creates two square waves –90° apart. Figure
1/6-octave filters in the bandpass mode. Since the lowpass 2 shows a 100-MHz square-wave input, a 12.5-MHz output
mode would cause a 3-dB loss of the signal output, the circuit for the filter clock, and 1-MHz sine and –cosine square-wave
uses the 1/6-octave bandpass filter, which is selected by tying output before the dividers. Resistor-divider circuits reduce
pins 1 and 3 high on the MSHFS6 (Fig. 1). the amplitude from rail to rail to prevent generation of distor-
+5 V
+5 V U3 C7
0.1 μF
U4 14 1 Clk AA VDDD 16
VCC 2 Rst A Clk AB 15
2 5 3 14
D Q QAA Rst B R1
3 74HC74A 6 4 13 10k
Clk /Q Clk BA QAB
+5 V 1 2 12
/Clr 5 R2
1 QBA Clk BB Cosine out
4 10k
/Pre 6 11
Gnd J1 QCA QBB 2
7 10
7 QDA QCB 1 C1
R11 8 9 0.1 μF
+5 V
R12 74HC390A
U2 R3
10k 1M
1 8 R4
2 7 100k
Out AGnd
+5 V C4 3 6
+5 V Type VSS C2 R5
0.1 μF +5 V C8 0.1 μF 0.1 μF
U1 4 5 100k
Sine out Clk VDD +5 V
R9 1M R8
1 8 14
2 FSEL In 100k
2 6 MSHFS6 C3
1 Out AGnd VCC 0.1 μF
3 7 1 3
J2 Type V SS C5 R10 /Clk QA
4 5 0.1 μF
Clk VDD 100k 2 4
Clr QB R6
MSHFS6 5 1k
+5 V QC
Gnd R7
0.1 μF 7 74HC393A 1k
1. Instead of a DDS IC, the sine/cosine generator uses simple CMOS logic and two switched-capacitor filters to provide a 1-MHz output at 3.0 V dc.
tion in the filters. The use of ac coupling at the MSHFS6 filter distortion on the sine output was only 0.1%. Although the
inputs ensures smoothed square waves centered around the 74HC390A and 74HC393A have a guaranteed maximum
filters’ analog ground. operating frequency of 50 MHz at 6 V, Mixed Signal Integra-
Figure 3 shows the output of the two filters with an input tion Corp. and other companies have found that spec to be
clock of nearly 50 MHz. If the inverted cosine is not accept- very conservative.
able, an op amp at the cosine filter output or the inverter at pin In this application, a 100-MHz input clock achieved the
13 of the 74HC390A can correct it. desired divide-by-4 and divide-by-100 needed to operate the
The Lissajous curve for the two outputs (Fig. 4) indicates newer MSVHFS6 switched-capacitor filter at 3.3 V. The only
that the phase circle matches the 89.1° reading in Figure 3. change needed was to reduce VDD to 3.3 V and replace the 5-V
Using a Krohn-Hite 6900B distor- MSHFS6 filters with the 3.3-V MSVHFS6.
tion analyzer and a 1-MHz Krohn The input clock was increased to 100 MHz.
Hite lowpass filter (to remove the Figures 5 and 6 show the filter outputs’
clock), the circuit’s total harmonic phase relationship in time and as a Lissa-
jous curve.
5 . T h e o r i g i n a l c i rc u i t u s e d t h e
MSHFS6 switched capacitor, but it
also works with the newer MSVHFS6 JOHN R. AMRBOSE is the vice president
version, which runs on 3.3 V rather of applications and system engineering at
than 5.0 V. This screen shows the two Mixed Signal Integration Corp.
outputs’ phase relationship in time.
4. The Lissajous curve for the circuit’s two outputs shows that the 6. The Lissajous curve for the circuit using the MSVHFS6 3.3-V filters
phase circle matches the 89.1° found in Figure 3. shows the outputs’ phase relationship.
Ideas for Design
Cpk = 2
R (2) ; SH
1 + sk &VH &SH
Xsk 5 SH
; SH (9)
/I&SH 2. This example of four capacitors, with three identical and one differ-
ent, illustrates how the computation scheme works in practice.
is the reactance of the equivalent parallel capacitor Cpe (Equa-
tion 5). • For equivalent parallel capacitance Cpe, its reactance Xpe and
Based on this analysis, the calculation procedure for equiva- equivalent parallel resistance Rpe of the structure according
lent series capacitance Cse, ESR Rse, voltage ripples V, and RMS to Equations 5, 9, and 6, we calculate Cpe = 115 μF, Xpe = 6.9
currents Ik in the capacitors is: mΩ, Rpe = 13.9 mΩ.
• According to Equations 7 and 8, the equivalent series capaci-
• Calculate reactances of individual capacitances according to tance Cse and ESR Rse are Cse = 143.4 μF, Rse = 2.76 mΩ.
Equation 4. • For RMS ripple voltage V based on Equation 1, we obtain V
• Determine equivalent parallel parameters Cpk, Rpk of the = 12.4 mV.
capacitors based on Equations 2 and 3. • RMS currents according to Equation 10 in ceramic and
• Calculate equivalent parallel capacitance Cpe of the struc- polymer capacitors are respectively: I1 = I2 = I3 = 341 mA,
ture, its reactance Xpe, and equivalent parallel resistance Rpe I4 = 1.1 A.
according to Equations 5, 9, and 6.
• Calculate equivalent series capacitance Cse and ESR Rse of This shows the technique can easily determine the param-
the structure according to Equations 7 and 8. eter values in each of the capacitors.
• Obtain RMS ripple voltage V using Equation 1.
• Calculate RMS currents Ik in the capacitors based on:
ALEXANDER ASINOVSKI is principal engineer at Mura-
,N (10) ta Power Solutions Inc., Mansfield, Mass. He holds BSEE and
5 VN
;VN MSEE degrees from State Technical University, St. Petersburg,
Russia, and a PhD from the University of Telecommunications,
Note that ESR values Rsk are strong functions of frequency. St. Petersburg.
A designer should use ESR data specified by capacitor manu-
facturers at a given frequency of operation, such as the data for
ceramic and polymer aluminum electrolytic capacitors from
Murata Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (MMC) (http://ds.murata. IDEAS FOR DESIGN WANTED
Send us your Ideas For Design. We’ll pay you $150 for every Idea For
To illustrate the calculation procedure, let’s determine
Design that we publish. In addition, this year’s top design as selected
equivalent parameters, voltage ripple, and current distribution
by our readers will earn an additional $500, with two runners up each
for a parallel connection of three ceramic capacitors (GRM-
receiving $250. You can submit your Ideas For Design via:
21BR60J226ME39L) and one polymer capacitor (ESASD-
40J107M015K00) from MMC (Fig. 2). Using the data f = 200 • E-mail: [email protected]
kHz, Cs1 = Cs2 = Cs3 = 22 μF, Rs1 = Rs2 = Rs3 = 4 mΩ, Cs4 = 100 OR BY
μF, Rs4 = 8 mΩ, I = 2 A, then: • Postal mail to:
Ideas For Design
• For reactance of each individual capacitance according to Electronic Design
Equation 4, we have Xsi = Xs2 = Xs3 = 3.6 mΩ, Xs4 = 0.8 mΩ. 1166 Avenue of the Americas, 10th Floor
• Equivalent parallel parameters Cpk, Rpk of the capacitors New York, NY 10036
based on Equations 2 and 3 are Cp1 = Cp2 = Cp3 = 21.7 μF, Rp1 Go to www.electronicdesign.com for our submission guidelines.
= Rp2 = Rp3 = 331 mΩ, Cp4 = 49.7 μF, Rp4 = 16 mΩ.
Graphically Determine The Output
Signal Level Of An RC Filter
for design
what the filtered value at the output will be. This is especially 9ORZ Q 9K Q² H
important for variable switching power supplies operating at
different duty cycles. The analysis presented here discusses where τ is the filter’s time constant and τ1 is the pulse duration
the calculation of the filtered output for RC filters, which are (Fig. 1). For simplicity, define:
common in feedback circuits, current transformers, output
devices, and other circuits. However, the analysis easily can be
extended to other kinds of filters.
It’s well known that for rectangular-pulse inputs the rms
² H
values of the unfiltered output parameters, like voltage and
current, are proportional to the square root of a duty cycle. But
the designer of a feedback filter for a switching power supply
must consider that the filter output is not an rms value but τ1 = DT (6)
rather proportional to the pulse’s duty cycle. You can adjust the
filter’s parameters to obtain an rms value, but it would be valid where D is the duty cycle of the input pulse train;
only for one duty-cycle value.
The analysis employs several assumptions: τ = kT (7)
• The filter works in a continuous-conduction mode, which where k is the number of periods for the filter time constant.
means the filter’s time constant is much greater than the So, Equations 1 and 2 become:
pulse’s repetition rate (period).
• The filter capacitor’s charge and discharge time constants are Vhn = VAβ +Vlownγ (8)
the same. That means the impedance sourcing signal to the
filter is much lower than the filter resistance and the filter’s
load impedance is much higher than the filter’s resistance,
which you can easily obtain by using an operational ampli- VA
fier as a decoupling component. Vh1
We did the analysis with MathCAD 15, and anyone with the Vlow1
appropriate license can reproduce the results. Vlow0
The expressions for the nth values of the filtered voltage’s 0 τ1 T
maximum, Vh, and minimum, Vlow, are:
² 1. The plot of the input pulses (dashed lines) and filter output (solid lines)
9$ ² 9ORZ Q ² H
Ideas for Design
9K Q ² 9ORZ Q
Vlown = Vh(n–1)α (9) 9OLP LW Q 9ORZ Q
To derive the equation for the limit value of the filter output,
you must use the recurrent equations for the low and high You can calculate the limit for the normalized output volt-
values and calculate the average, which is based on the initial age using MathCAD tools:
parameters only. The equations for six high/low pairs are: '² '
² ²
9$ H N
² 9$ H N
² 9$ H N
Vh0 = VAβ
Vlow0 = 0 9$ H ²
Vlow1 = VAβα H N
² HN
H ²
Vh2 = VAβ(γ2α2 + γα + 1)
Vlow2 = VAβα(γα + 1) (See the derivation of Equations 13 and 14 in “Normalized
Output Voltage Limit Derivation,” p. 91.)
Vh3 = VAβ(γ3α3 + γ2α2 + γα + 1) Equation 14 is a transcendent equation with two variables,
Vlow3 = VAβα(γ2α2 + γα + 1) which is hard to solve symbolically. But you can find the limit
value graphically by fixing the value of k and plotting the limit
Vh4 = VAβ(γ4α4 + γ3α3 + γ2α2 + γα + 1) as a function of the duty cycle, D. If k = 100.0:
Vlow4 = VAβα(γ3α3 + γ2α2 + γα + 1)
²' ' ² ²
² H NH N
Vh5 = VAβ(γ5α5 + γ4α4 + γ3α3 + γ2α2 + γα + 1)
Vlow5 = VAβα(γ4α4 + γ3α3 + γ2α2 + γα + 1) H ²
Note from the above equations that: A plot of this function shows that the limit of the normal-
ized RC filter output is the duty cycle, D (Fig. 2). To create an
9ORZ Q 9$ P P
example, assign values to the variables in Figure 1:
VA = 1 V
Q D = 0.6
9K Q 9$ P P
T = 20 μs
The average for the output voltage is:
τ1 = DT
1.0 0.6
k = 50
Voltage as a function of D
τ = kT
Limit (D)
0.4 Then:
0.2 0.2
α = e–(T – τ1)/τ = 0.992
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Duty cycle (D) β = 1 – e–τ1/τ = 0.012
0 100 200 300 400
2. The normalized output voltage of the n
RC filter is the duty cycle value of the 3. The limit value of the filtered voltage is τ = e–τ1/τ = 0.988
rectangular input pulses. The result does equal to the input voltage’s amplitude times
not depend on the value of k. the duty cycle. Then:
9$ P P
² 9$ P P
OLP 9$
9K Q ² 9ORZ Q
Its solution is:
GREGORY MIRSKY is a principal electrical
engineer at Atlas Materials Testing Company. OLP
9$ Q Q
9 $
² LI
Q ² ²
He holds an MS from the St. Petersburg Baltic
Technical University, Russia, and a PhD from the
Moscow State Pedagogical University. Only the lower expression is of interest:
9$ Q Q
9 $
Vol. 2, No.6
Do you have Electronic Design is always on the lookout for new ideas. Do
an Idea for you have one? Our Ideas for Design articles are short and to
Design for the point, often with a single figure or program listing to help
Electronic explain the idea. If you would like to submit one, you can
ALTHOUGH QUITE A FEW direct digital synthesis (DDS) ICs can Two separate divider circuits are used. The 74HC393A
generate high-frequency sine waves, their complexity excludes divides the 50-MHz clock to 12.5 MHz. The 74HC390A is a
them from many designs. However, designers can use simple dual divide-by-2 and divide-by-5 device. By combining the
high-frequency CMOS logic and two switched-capacitor filters 74HC390 with the 74HC74A dual flip-flop, the 50-MHz clock
to create a sine/cosine generator. With newer filters, a 1-MHz can be divided to 500 kHz.
output at 1.7 V p-p is possible. The 74HC74A provides a Q and /Q output at half the fre-
The example circuit uses an MSHFS6 5-V, low-power 12.5:1 quency of the divide-by-25 output of the 74HC390A. Divid-
switched-capacitor filter with selectable Butterworth, Bes- ing the 74HC74A output by 2 with the divide-by-2 blocks in
sel, or elliptic filters in the lowpass mode and full-, 1/3-, or the 74HC390A creates two square waves –90° apart. Figure
1/6-octave filters in the bandpass mode. Since the lowpass 2 shows a 100-MHz square-wave input, a 12.5-MHz output
mode would cause a 3-dB loss of the signal output, the circuit for the filter clock, and 1-MHz sine and –cosine square-wave
uses the 1/6-octave bandpass filter, which is selected by tying output before the dividers. Resistor-divider circuits reduce
pins 1 and 3 high on the MSHFS6 (Fig. 1). the amplitude from rail to rail to prevent generation of distor-
+5 V
+5 V U3 C7
0.1 μF
U4 14 1 Clk AA VDDD 16
VCC 2 Rst A Clk AB 15
2 5 3 14
D Q QAA Rst B R1
3 74HC74A 6 4 13 10k
Clk /Q Clk BA QAB
+5 V 1 2 12
/Clr 5 R2
1 QBA Clk BB Cosine out
4 10k
/Pre 6 11
Gnd J1 QCA QBB 2
7 10
7 QDA QCB 1 C1
R11 8 9 0.1 μF
+5 V
R12 74HC390A
U2 R3
10k 1M
1 8 R4
2 7 100k
Out AGnd
+5 V C4 3 6
+5 V Type VSS C2 R5
0.1 μF +5 V C8 0.1 μF 0.1 μF
U1 4 5 100k
Sine out Clk VDD +5 V
R9 1M R8
1 8 14
2 FSEL In 100k
2 6 MSHFS6 C3
1 Out AGnd VCC 0.1 μF
3 7 1 3
J2 Type V SS C5 R10 /Clk QA
4 5 0.1 μF
Clk VDD 100k 2 4
Clr QB R6
MSHFS6 5 1k
+5 V QC
Gnd R7
0.1 μF 7 74HC393A 1k
1. Instead of a DDS IC, the sine/cosine generator uses simple CMOS logic and two switched-capacitor filters to provide a 1-MHz output at 3.0 V dc.
tion in the filters. The use of ac coupling at the MSHFS6 filter distortion on the sine output was only 0.1%. Although the
inputs ensures smoothed square waves centered around the 74HC390A and 74HC393A have a guaranteed maximum
filters’ analog ground. operating frequency of 50 MHz at 6 V, Mixed Signal Integra-
Figure 3 shows the output of the two filters with an input tion Corp. and other companies have found that spec to be
clock of nearly 50 MHz. If the inverted cosine is not accept- very conservative.
able, an op amp at the cosine filter output or the inverter at pin In this application, a 100-MHz input clock achieved the
13 of the 74HC390A can correct it. desired divide-by-4 and divide-by-100 needed to operate the
The Lissajous curve for the two outputs (Fig. 4) indicates newer MSVHFS6 switched-capacitor filter at 3.3 V. The only
that the phase circle matches the 89.1° reading in Figure 3. change needed was to reduce VDD to 3.3 V and replace the 5-V
Using a Krohn-Hite 6900B distor- MSHFS6 filters with the 3.3-V MSVHFS6.
tion analyzer and a 1-MHz Krohn The input clock was increased to 100 MHz.
Hite lowpass filter (to remove the Figures 5 and 6 show the filter outputs’
clock), the circuit’s total harmonic phase relationship in time and as a Lissa-
jous curve.
5 . T h e o r i g i n a l c i rc u i t u s e d t h e
MSHFS6 switched capacitor, but it
also works with the newer MSVHFS6 JOHN R. AMRBOSE is the vice president
version, which runs on 3.3 V rather of applications and system engineering at
than 5.0 V. This screen shows the two Mixed Signal Integration Corp.
outputs’ phase relationship in time.
4. The Lissajous curve for the circuit’s two outputs shows that the 6. The Lissajous curve for the circuit using the MSVHFS6 3.3-V filters
phase circle matches the 89.1° found in Figure 3. shows the outputs’ phase relationship.
Ideas for Design
Cpk = 2
R (2) ; SH
1 + sk &VH &SH
Xsk 5 SH
; SH (9)
/I&SH 2. This example of four capacitors, with three identical and one differ-
ent, illustrates how the computation scheme works in practice.
is the reactance of the equivalent parallel capacitor Cpe (Equa-
tion 5). • For equivalent parallel capacitance Cpe, its reactance Xpe and
Based on this analysis, the calculation procedure for equiva- equivalent parallel resistance Rpe of the structure according
lent series capacitance Cse, ESR Rse, voltage ripples V, and RMS to Equations 5, 9, and 6, we calculate Cpe = 115 μF, Xpe = 6.9
currents Ik in the capacitors is: mΩ, Rpe = 13.9 mΩ.
• According to Equations 7 and 8, the equivalent series capaci-
• Calculate reactances of individual capacitances according to tance Cse and ESR Rse are Cse = 143.4 μF, Rse = 2.76 mΩ.
Equation 4. • For RMS ripple voltage V based on Equation 1, we obtain V
• Determine equivalent parallel parameters Cpk, Rpk of the = 12.4 mV.
capacitors based on Equations 2 and 3. • RMS currents according to Equation 10 in ceramic and
• Calculate equivalent parallel capacitance Cpe of the struc- polymer capacitors are respectively: I1 = I2 = I3 = 341 mA,
ture, its reactance Xpe, and equivalent parallel resistance Rpe I4 = 1.1 A.
according to Equations 5, 9, and 6.
• Calculate equivalent series capacitance Cse and ESR Rse of This shows the technique can easily determine the param-
the structure according to Equations 7 and 8. eter values in each of the capacitors.
• Obtain RMS ripple voltage V using Equation 1.
• Calculate RMS currents Ik in the capacitors based on:
ALEXANDER ASINOVSKI is principal engineer at Mura-
,N (10) ta Power Solutions Inc., Mansfield, Mass. He holds BSEE and
5 VN
;VN MSEE degrees from State Technical University, St. Petersburg,
Russia, and a PhD from the University of Telecommunications,
Note that ESR values Rsk are strong functions of frequency. St. Petersburg.
A designer should use ESR data specified by capacitor manu-
facturers at a given frequency of operation, such as the data for
ceramic and polymer aluminum electrolytic capacitors from
Murata Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (MMC) (http://ds.murata. IDEAS FOR DESIGN WANTED
Send us your Ideas For Design. We’ll pay you $150 for every Idea For
To illustrate the calculation procedure, let’s determine
Design that we publish. In addition, this year’s top design as selected
equivalent parameters, voltage ripple, and current distribution
by our readers will earn an additional $500, with two runners up each
for a parallel connection of three ceramic capacitors (GRM-
receiving $250. You can submit your Ideas For Design via:
21BR60J226ME39L) and one polymer capacitor (ESASD-
40J107M015K00) from MMC (Fig. 2). Using the data f = 200 • E-mail: [email protected]
kHz, Cs1 = Cs2 = Cs3 = 22 μF, Rs1 = Rs2 = Rs3 = 4 mΩ, Cs4 = 100 OR BY
μF, Rs4 = 8 mΩ, I = 2 A, then: • Postal mail to:
Ideas For Design
• For reactance of each individual capacitance according to Electronic Design
Equation 4, we have Xsi = Xs2 = Xs3 = 3.6 mΩ, Xs4 = 0.8 mΩ. 1166 Avenue of the Americas, 10th Floor
• Equivalent parallel parameters Cpk, Rpk of the capacitors New York, NY 10036
based on Equations 2 and 3 are Cp1 = Cp2 = Cp3 = 21.7 μF, Rp1 Go to www.electronicdesign.com for our submission guidelines.
= Rp2 = Rp3 = 331 mΩ, Cp4 = 49.7 μF, Rp4 = 16 mΩ.
Graphically Determine The Output
Signal Level Of An RC Filter
for design
what the filtered value at the output will be. This is especially 9ORZ Q 9K Q² H
important for variable switching power supplies operating at
different duty cycles. The analysis presented here discusses where τ is the filter’s time constant and τ1 is the pulse duration
the calculation of the filtered output for RC filters, which are (Fig. 1). For simplicity, define:
common in feedback circuits, current transformers, output
devices, and other circuits. However, the analysis easily can be
extended to other kinds of filters.
It’s well known that for rectangular-pulse inputs the rms
² H
values of the unfiltered output parameters, like voltage and
current, are proportional to the square root of a duty cycle. But
the designer of a feedback filter for a switching power supply
must consider that the filter output is not an rms value but τ1 = DT (6)
rather proportional to the pulse’s duty cycle. You can adjust the
filter’s parameters to obtain an rms value, but it would be valid where D is the duty cycle of the input pulse train;
only for one duty-cycle value.
The analysis employs several assumptions: τ = kT (7)
• The filter works in a continuous-conduction mode, which where k is the number of periods for the filter time constant.
means the filter’s time constant is much greater than the So, Equations 1 and 2 become:
pulse’s repetition rate (period).
• The filter capacitor’s charge and discharge time constants are Vhn = VAβ +Vlownγ (8)
the same. That means the impedance sourcing signal to the
filter is much lower than the filter resistance and the filter’s
load impedance is much higher than the filter’s resistance,
which you can easily obtain by using an operational ampli- VA
fier as a decoupling component. Vh1
We did the analysis with MathCAD 15, and anyone with the Vlow1
appropriate license can reproduce the results. Vlow0
The expressions for the nth values of the filtered voltage’s 0 τ1 T
maximum, Vh, and minimum, Vlow, are:
² 1. The plot of the input pulses (dashed lines) and filter output (solid lines)
9$ ² 9ORZ Q ² H
Ideas for Design
9K Q ² 9ORZ Q
Vlown = Vh(n–1)α (9) 9OLP LW Q 9ORZ Q
To derive the equation for the limit value of the filter output,
you must use the recurrent equations for the low and high You can calculate the limit for the normalized output volt-
values and calculate the average, which is based on the initial age using MathCAD tools:
parameters only. The equations for six high/low pairs are: '² '
² ²
9$ H N
² 9$ H N
² 9$ H N
Vh0 = VAβ
Vlow0 = 0 9$ H ²
Vlow1 = VAβα H N
² HN
H ²
Vh2 = VAβ(γ2α2 + γα + 1)
Vlow2 = VAβα(γα + 1) (See the derivation of Equations 13 and 14 in “Normalized
Output Voltage Limit Derivation,” p. 91.)
Vh3 = VAβ(γ3α3 + γ2α2 + γα + 1) Equation 14 is a transcendent equation with two variables,
Vlow3 = VAβα(γ2α2 + γα + 1) which is hard to solve symbolically. But you can find the limit
value graphically by fixing the value of k and plotting the limit
Vh4 = VAβ(γ4α4 + γ3α3 + γ2α2 + γα + 1) as a function of the duty cycle, D. If k = 100.0:
Vlow4 = VAβα(γ3α3 + γ2α2 + γα + 1)
²' ' ² ²
² H NH N
Vh5 = VAβ(γ5α5 + γ4α4 + γ3α3 + γ2α2 + γα + 1)
Vlow5 = VAβα(γ4α4 + γ3α3 + γ2α2 + γα + 1) H ²
Note from the above equations that: A plot of this function shows that the limit of the normal-
ized RC filter output is the duty cycle, D (Fig. 2). To create an
9ORZ Q 9$ P P
example, assign values to the variables in Figure 1:
VA = 1 V
Q D = 0.6
9K Q 9$ P P
T = 20 μs
The average for the output voltage is:
τ1 = DT
1.0 0.6
k = 50
Voltage as a function of D
τ = kT
Limit (D)
0.4 Then:
0.2 0.2
α = e–(T – τ1)/τ = 0.992
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Duty cycle (D) β = 1 – e–τ1/τ = 0.012
0 100 200 300 400
2. The normalized output voltage of the n
RC filter is the duty cycle value of the 3. The limit value of the filtered voltage is τ = e–τ1/τ = 0.988
rectangular input pulses. The result does equal to the input voltage’s amplitude times
not depend on the value of k. the duty cycle. Then:
9$ P P
² 9$ P P
OLP 9$
9K Q ² 9ORZ Q
Its solution is:
GREGORY MIRSKY is a principal electrical
engineer at Atlas Materials Testing Company. OLP
9$ Q Q
9 $
² LI
Q ² ²
He holds an MS from the St. Petersburg Baltic
Technical University, Russia, and a PhD from the
Moscow State Pedagogical University. Only the lower expression is of interest:
9$ Q Q
9 $
Circuit Generates High-Frequency
Sine/Cosine Waves From Square-Wave Input
for design
ALTHOUGH QUITE A FEW direct digital synthesis (DDS) ICs can Two separate divider circuits are used. The 74HC393A
generate high-frequency sine waves, their complexity excludes divides the 50-MHz clock to 12.5 MHz. The 74HC390A is a
them from many designs. However, designers can use simple dual divide-by-2 and divide-by-5 device. By combining the
high-frequency CMOS logic and two switched-capacitor filters 74HC390 with the 74HC74A dual flip-flop, the 50-MHz clock
to create a sine/cosine generator. With newer filters, a 1-MHz can be divided to 500 kHz.
output at 1.7 V p-p is possible. The 74HC74A provides a Q and /Q output at half the fre-
The example circuit uses an MSHFS6 5-V, low-power 12.5:1 quency of the divide-by-25 output of the 74HC390A. Divid-
switched-capacitor filter with selectable Butterworth, Bes- ing the 74HC74A output by 2 with the divide-by-2 blocks in
sel, or elliptic filters in the lowpass mode and full-, 1/3-, or the 74HC390A creates two square waves –90° apart. Figure
1/6-octave filters in the bandpass mode. Since the lowpass 2 shows a 100-MHz square-wave input, a 12.5-MHz output
mode would cause a 3-dB loss of the signal output, the circuit for the filter clock, and 1-MHz sine and –cosine square-wave
uses the 1/6-octave bandpass filter, which is selected by tying output before the dividers. Resistor-divider circuits reduce
pins 1 and 3 high on the MSHFS6 (Fig. 1). the amplitude from rail to rail to prevent generation of distor-
+5 V
+5 V U3 C7
0.1 μF
U4 14 1 Clk AA VDDD 16
VCC 2 Rst A Clk AB 15
2 5 3 14
D Q QAA Rst B R1
3 74HC74A 6 4 13 10k
Clk /Q Clk BA QAB
+5 V 1 2 12
/Clr 5 R2
1 QBA Clk BB Cosine out
4 10k
/Pre 6 11
Gnd J1 QCA QBB 2
7 10
7 QDA QCB 1 C1
R11 8 9 0.1 μF
+5 V
R12 74HC390A
U2 R3
10k 1M
1 8 R4
2 7 100k
Out AGnd
+5 V C4 3 6
+5 V Type VSS C2 R5
0.1 μF +5 V C8 0.1 μF 0.1 μF
U1 4 5 100k
Sine out Clk VDD +5 V
R9 1M R8
1 8 14
2 FSEL In 100k
2 6 MSHFS6 C3
1 Out AGnd VCC 0.1 μF
3 7 1 3
J2 Type V SS C5 R10 /Clk QA
4 5 0.1 μF
Clk VDD 100k 2 4
Clr QB R6
MSHFS6 5 1k
+5 V QC
Gnd R7
0.1 μF 7 74HC393A 1k
1. Instead of a DDS IC, the sine/cosine generator uses simple CMOS logic and two switched-capacitor filters to provide a 1-MHz output at 3.0 V dc.
tion in the filters. The use of ac coupling at the MSHFS6 filter distortion on the sine output was only 0.1%. Although the
inputs ensures smoothed square waves centered around the 74HC390A and 74HC393A have a guaranteed maximum
filters’ analog ground. operating frequency of 50 MHz at 6 V, Mixed Signal Integra-
Figure 3 shows the output of the two filters with an input tion Corp. and other companies have found that spec to be
clock of nearly 50 MHz. If the inverted cosine is not accept- very conservative.
able, an op amp at the cosine filter output or the inverter at pin In this application, a 100-MHz input clock achieved the
13 of the 74HC390A can correct it. desired divide-by-4 and divide-by-100 needed to operate the
The Lissajous curve for the two outputs (Fig. 4) indicates newer MSVHFS6 switched-capacitor filter at 3.3 V. The only
that the phase circle matches the 89.1° reading in Figure 3. change needed was to reduce VDD to 3.3 V and replace the 5-V
Using a Krohn-Hite 6900B distor- MSHFS6 filters with the 3.3-V MSVHFS6.
tion analyzer and a 1-MHz Krohn The input clock was increased to 100 MHz.
Hite lowpass filter (to remove the Figures 5 and 6 show the filter outputs’
clock), the circuit’s total harmonic phase relationship in time and as a Lissa-
jous curve.
5 . T h e o r i g i n a l c i rc u i t u s e d t h e
MSHFS6 switched capacitor, but it
also works with the newer MSVHFS6 JOHN R. AMRBOSE is the vice president
version, which runs on 3.3 V rather of applications and system engineering at
than 5.0 V. This screen shows the two Mixed Signal Integration Corp.
outputs’ phase relationship in time.
4. The Lissajous curve for the circuit’s two outputs shows that the 6. The Lissajous curve for the circuit using the MSVHFS6 3.3-V filters
phase circle matches the 89.1° found in Figure 3. shows the outputs’ phase relationship.
Ideas for Design
Cpk = 2
R (2) ; SH
1 + sk &VH &SH
Xsk 5 SH
; SH (9)
/I&SH 2. This example of four capacitors, with three identical and one differ-
ent, illustrates how the computation scheme works in practice.
is the reactance of the equivalent parallel capacitor Cpe (Equa-
tion 5). • For equivalent parallel capacitance Cpe, its reactance Xpe and
Based on this analysis, the calculation procedure for equiva- equivalent parallel resistance Rpe of the structure according
lent series capacitance Cse, ESR Rse, voltage ripples V, and RMS to Equations 5, 9, and 6, we calculate Cpe = 115 μF, Xpe = 6.9
currents Ik in the capacitors is: mΩ, Rpe = 13.9 mΩ.
• According to Equations 7 and 8, the equivalent series capaci-
• Calculate reactances of individual capacitances according to tance Cse and ESR Rse are Cse = 143.4 μF, Rse = 2.76 mΩ.
Equation 4. • For RMS ripple voltage V based on Equation 1, we obtain V
• Determine equivalent parallel parameters Cpk, Rpk of the = 12.4 mV.
capacitors based on Equations 2 and 3. • RMS currents according to Equation 10 in ceramic and
• Calculate equivalent parallel capacitance Cpe of the struc- polymer capacitors are respectively: I1 = I2 = I3 = 341 mA,
ture, its reactance Xpe, and equivalent parallel resistance Rpe I4 = 1.1 A.
according to Equations 5, 9, and 6.
• Calculate equivalent series capacitance Cse and ESR Rse of This shows the technique can easily determine the param-
the structure according to Equations 7 and 8. eter values in each of the capacitors.
• Obtain RMS ripple voltage V using Equation 1.
• Calculate RMS currents Ik in the capacitors based on:
ALEXANDER ASINOVSKI is principal engineer at Mura-
,N (10) ta Power Solutions Inc., Mansfield, Mass. He holds BSEE and
5 VN
;VN MSEE degrees from State Technical University, St. Petersburg,
Russia, and a PhD from the University of Telecommunications,
Note that ESR values Rsk are strong functions of frequency. St. Petersburg.
A designer should use ESR data specified by capacitor manu-
facturers at a given frequency of operation, such as the data for
ceramic and polymer aluminum electrolytic capacitors from
Murata Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (MMC) (http://ds.murata. IDEAS FOR DESIGN WANTED
Send us your Ideas For Design. We’ll pay you $150 for every Idea For
To illustrate the calculation procedure, let’s determine
Design that we publish. In addition, this year’s top design as selected
equivalent parameters, voltage ripple, and current distribution
by our readers will earn an additional $500, with two runners up each
for a parallel connection of three ceramic capacitors (GRM-
receiving $250. You can submit your Ideas For Design via:
21BR60J226ME39L) and one polymer capacitor (ESASD-
40J107M015K00) from MMC (Fig. 2). Using the data f = 200 • E-mail: [email protected]
kHz, Cs1 = Cs2 = Cs3 = 22 μF, Rs1 = Rs2 = Rs3 = 4 mΩ, Cs4 = 100 OR BY
μF, Rs4 = 8 mΩ, I = 2 A, then: • Postal mail to:
Ideas For Design
• For reactance of each individual capacitance according to Electronic Design
Equation 4, we have Xsi = Xs2 = Xs3 = 3.6 mΩ, Xs4 = 0.8 mΩ. 1166 Avenue of the Americas, 10th Floor
• Equivalent parallel parameters Cpk, Rpk of the capacitors New York, NY 10036
based on Equations 2 and 3 are Cp1 = Cp2 = Cp3 = 21.7 μF, Rp1 Go to www.electronicdesign.com for our submission guidelines.
= Rp2 = Rp3 = 331 mΩ, Cp4 = 49.7 μF, Rp4 = 16 mΩ.
Graphically Determine The Output
Signal Level Of An RC Filter
for design
what the filtered value at the output will be. This is especially 9ORZ Q 9K Q² H
important for variable switching power supplies operating at
different duty cycles. The analysis presented here discusses where τ is the filter’s time constant and τ1 is the pulse duration
the calculation of the filtered output for RC filters, which are (Fig. 1). For simplicity, define:
common in feedback circuits, current transformers, output
devices, and other circuits. However, the analysis easily can be
extended to other kinds of filters.
It’s well known that for rectangular-pulse inputs the rms
² H
values of the unfiltered output parameters, like voltage and
current, are proportional to the square root of a duty cycle. But
the designer of a feedback filter for a switching power supply
must consider that the filter output is not an rms value but τ1 = DT (6)
rather proportional to the pulse’s duty cycle. You can adjust the
filter’s parameters to obtain an rms value, but it would be valid where D is the duty cycle of the input pulse train;
only for one duty-cycle value.
The analysis employs several assumptions: τ = kT (7)
• The filter works in a continuous-conduction mode, which where k is the number of periods for the filter time constant.
means the filter’s time constant is much greater than the So, Equations 1 and 2 become:
pulse’s repetition rate (period).
• The filter capacitor’s charge and discharge time constants are Vhn = VAβ +Vlownγ (8)
the same. That means the impedance sourcing signal to the
filter is much lower than the filter resistance and the filter’s
load impedance is much higher than the filter’s resistance,
which you can easily obtain by using an operational ampli- VA
fier as a decoupling component. Vh1
We did the analysis with MathCAD 15, and anyone with the Vlow1
appropriate license can reproduce the results. Vlow0
The expressions for the nth values of the filtered voltage’s 0 τ1 T
maximum, Vh, and minimum, Vlow, are:
² 1. The plot of the input pulses (dashed lines) and filter output (solid lines)
9$ ² 9ORZ Q ² H
Ideas for Design
9K Q ² 9ORZ Q
Vlown = Vh(n–1)α (9) 9OLP LW Q 9ORZ Q
To derive the equation for the limit value of the filter output,
you must use the recurrent equations for the low and high You can calculate the limit for the normalized output volt-
values and calculate the average, which is based on the initial age using MathCAD tools:
parameters only. The equations for six high/low pairs are: '² '
² ²
9$ H N
² 9$ H N
² 9$ H N
Vh0 = VAβ
Vlow0 = 0 9$ H ²
Vlow1 = VAβα H N
² HN
H ²
Vh2 = VAβ(γ2α2 + γα + 1)
Vlow2 = VAβα(γα + 1) (See the derivation of Equations 13 and 14 in “Normalized
Output Voltage Limit Derivation,” p. 91.)
Vh3 = VAβ(γ3α3 + γ2α2 + γα + 1) Equation 14 is a transcendent equation with two variables,
Vlow3 = VAβα(γ2α2 + γα + 1) which is hard to solve symbolically. But you can find the limit
value graphically by fixing the value of k and plotting the limit
Vh4 = VAβ(γ4α4 + γ3α3 + γ2α2 + γα + 1) as a function of the duty cycle, D. If k = 100.0:
Vlow4 = VAβα(γ3α3 + γ2α2 + γα + 1)
²' ' ² ²
² H NH N
Vh5 = VAβ(γ5α5 + γ4α4 + γ3α3 + γ2α2 + γα + 1)
Vlow5 = VAβα(γ4α4 + γ3α3 + γ2α2 + γα + 1) H ²
Note from the above equations that: A plot of this function shows that the limit of the normal-
ized RC filter output is the duty cycle, D (Fig. 2). To create an
9ORZ Q 9$ P P
example, assign values to the variables in Figure 1:
VA = 1 V
Q D = 0.6
9K Q 9$ P P
T = 20 μs
The average for the output voltage is:
τ1 = DT
1.0 0.6
k = 50
Voltage as a function of D
τ = kT
Limit (D)
0.4 Then:
0.2 0.2
α = e–(T – τ1)/τ = 0.992
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Duty cycle (D) β = 1 – e–τ1/τ = 0.012
0 100 200 300 400
2. The normalized output voltage of the n
RC filter is the duty cycle value of the 3. The limit value of the filtered voltage is τ = e–τ1/τ = 0.988
rectangular input pulses. The result does equal to the input voltage’s amplitude times
not depend on the value of k. the duty cycle. Then:
9$ P P
² 9$ P P
OLP 9$
9K Q ² 9ORZ Q
Its solution is:
GREGORY MIRSKY is a principal electrical
engineer at Atlas Materials Testing Company. OLP
9$ Q Q
9 $
² LI
Q ² ²
He holds an MS from the St. Petersburg Baltic
Technical University, Russia, and a PhD from the
Moscow State Pedagogical University. Only the lower expression is of interest:
9$ Q Q
9 $
Vol. 2, No.7
Do you have Electronic Design is always on the lookout for new ideas. Do
an Idea for you have one? Our Ideas for Design articles are short and to
the point, often with a single figure or program listing to help
Design for
explain the idea. If you would like to submit one, you can
check out the details at
We look forward to seeing your ideas.
Specialized Circuit Drives 150-V Piezoelectric
Motor Using Low-Voltage Op Amp
for design
A PIEZOELECTRIC MOTOR is a linear motor with bidirectional The problem is the voltage. Fortunately, it is unipolar.
motion. It uses friction to grip the armature while a voltage is Unfortunately, it is +150 V (peak). The required current is
ramped to warp the piezoelectric material and move the arma- quite small. It has to be only enough to charge and discharge
ture. The voltage then is quickly removed. the 20-nF piezo element. A calculation using charge transfer
As the material springs back, it breaks away from the arma- (Q) shows that during the ramp phase:
ture and returns to its zero position, leaving the armature a few
micrometers further along its track. Repeat this at a kilohertz Q = It = CV
rate and for thousands of times.
While each of the motions is very small, after several sec- where:
onds you may see that the armature has moved, if you look
carefully. (Full disclosure: I had never heard of piezo motors t = 1 ms
before being asked to make a driver for one.) C = 20 nF
There are two drive waveforms, one for forward and the V = 150 V
other reverse: a sawtooth waveform with a slow linear rise
followed by a fast fall, and its complement with a fast rise and therefore:
slow linear fall. This was done using an op-amp triangle-wave
oscillator at 1 kHz, with diodes switched in to speed up either I = CV/t = 3 mA.
the rising or falling edges to about 5% of the cycle. The driver’s
required bandwidth is only 10 to 15 kHz. A 600-mW boost converter can be used to switch the +12 V
up to +200 V with a 3-mA load require-
ment. The most straightforward circuit
R2 R3 +200 V uses an op amp rated to at least 200 V. Op
499k 499k
amps are available with this voltage rat-
16.5k ing, but they are meant for high-current
C1 +200 V
applications and are quite expensive.
C2 10 pF R5
10 pF 16.5k Q1 The circuit in the figure is much
ZVN4525G cheaper and based on a common op amp
R6 R8 Piezo
+12 V 16.5k D1 D2 used as a non-inverting amplifier. The
49.9 element
0 to
heart of the circuit is the current mirror
V+ R7 +12 V SMAZ16-13-F 150 V of R7, N-channel FET Q3, and series-
– 1.5k
connected R4, R5, and R6. (The rea-
Input + IC1 Q3 Q2
son for using three resistors in series is
0 to 10 V AD8065AR ZVN4525GTA ZVP4525G
V– explained below.)
66.5k With Q3 in a common-gate configura-
tion and the gate at +12 V, its source volt-
age remains reasonably constant at +10
A low-voltage op amp can be used to drive a higher-voltage piezoelectric motor. D1 and D2 V (from +12 V less the Vgs(on)). Any out-
protect the circuit against load shorts, while resistors in series strings are used to reduce indi- put of op-amp IC1 less than that +10 V
vidual resistor dissipation and minimize their voltage coefficient of resistance. causes a voltage drop across R7, with the
DIACS AND TRIACS often are used for line-voltage control. They The device continues in this state until the current through
also are getting additional interest as part of Internet- and it falls below It. At that point the flip flop is reset and the device
cell-phone-controlled power-line switches such as the Belkin switches once again to its off state, with a resistance Roff. (Note
WeMo Home Automation Switch. that the device is bi-directional.)
The traditional approach has been to model them using The triac is modeled in a similar manner (Figure 2 and
bipolar transistors and diodes.1 Table-based models have been Listing 2; Listing 2a is for the triac macromodel; Listing 2b is
used with varying success.2 The functional model approach the triac symbol). It has the same four parameters as the diac
shown here works well and has been used extensively with the
LTspice simulator (free, from Linear Technology).
In the diac schematic of Figure 1 and associated Listing
1, there are four parameters (Listing 1a is for the diac macro-
model; Listing 1b is the diac symbol; listings are available with
the online version of this article at electronicdesign.com):
To turn on, the diac needs the voltage to exceed Vt. Once
it turns on, it needs the current to go below It to turn off. In
operation, the device starts as an open circuit. When the volt-
age across it exceeds Vt, the flip-flop is set, putting the device 1. In the diac circuit, the device starts as an open circuit and remains
in its on state with a low resistance of Ron. open until the voltage across it exceeds Vt
Ideas for Design
2. For the triac, the trigger voltage is on an independent port, in con- 3. The results (top) of the diac test circuit (bottom) show the sym-
trast to the diac. metrical operation of the circuit and allow for user modifications.
component, and it needs the voltage to exceed Vt to turn on. Figure 3 (bottom) and Listing 3b). As VIn goes lower, the device
Once it turns on, it needs the current to go below It to turn off. turns off once the current falls below It. It again reaches its on
The difference between the diac and the triac is that the triac state once the voltage exceeds Vt. The device is bidirectional
trigger voltage is on an independent port. and inherently symmetric. Also, the model can be modified to
It is difficult to design test circuits for these devices because, include current limits on voltages, as well as asymmetries.
as a result of their negative resistances, they usually oscillate or For the triac, the popular dimmer circuit is used for test,
provide limit cycles, which in turn makes it difficult for pro- with output file Figure 4 (top) and Listing 4a along with cor-
grams such as Spice to converge. The main diac characteristics responding schematic Figure 4 (bottom) and Listing 4b. The
of interest are breakover voltage, voltage symmetry, breakback load is a typical 100-W bulb, and the RC-time constant deter-
voltage, breakover current, and power dissipation.3 mines when the triac is triggered.
In the output file for the diac test circuit, VIn is initially at The diac in series with the gate is chosen to ensure the triac
its negative extreme, and VOut is low, as the device is in its on turns off completely. The model can be modified to include
state (Figure 3 (top) and Listing 3a, and corresponding schematic current limits, voltage asymmetries, dV/dt effects, and more.
By varying the RC-time constant, the duty cycle of the output
can be varied from 5° to about 170°, nearly spanning the full
0° to 180° theoretical limit. The device as modeled produces
identical results in the positive and negative half cycles.
A 2.501 x 10±4
B 3.505 x 10±4
C ±1.415 x 10±7
Ideas for Design
the variable volt2 is divided by 10,000, giving a result equal to part). To compute it, we need the result of the successive divi-
4995, which represents the approximate value of 5 V from the sions “wu” by 2 (). Nonetheless this operation or process can-
power supply. not be applied directly, since dividing 47/2 results in 23.5, and
Second, the thermistor’s voltage drop is computed with the we lose the fractions part. (PIC Basic Pro does not work with
same process from the first step, but with another analog-to- fractions.) Therefore, to keep the fractions part, we create a
digital channel. Let’s say we have a reading in the ADC of 2.5 special subroutine that performs the following series:
V (adc = 1000000000). The voltage read is then 24,999,936,
which is divided by 10 with DIV32 for a result of 2499, which 47/2 = 23.5, 23.5/2 = 11.75,
approximates to 2.500 V. 11.75/2 = 5.875, 5.875/2 = 2.9375, 2.9375/2 = 1.46875
Third, we proceed to find the resistor’s value with:
5 = Y When dividing 47/2 = 23, with a remainder of 1, this “1”
5 appears in the first division of the five that will be performed.
( ² Y
Therefore, the fraction 1/25 = 0.03125. We cannot work with
To achieve that, we store in a variable called “dif ” the power’s fractions, though, so instead of dividing by 1 by 2 n, we take
supply voltage minus the thermistor’s voltage. Then we mul- the number 10,000 as a numerator, and we create a subroutine
tiply the thermistor’s voltage by the 10-kΩ fixed resistor, and that computes the denominator depending on the number of
we apply DIV32 to divide this last product by “dif,” resulting in division where appears a remainder of 1.
the thermistor’s resistance value. Then, we sum all the results of the divisions. To continue
Fourth, we now compute the base 2 logarithm from the with this example, we have the following five steps:
thermistor’s resistance with
Equations 7, 8, and 9:
x2 26 PortC.7 A1 35
5V 11
0 In Out VDD 27 PortD.4 B1 34
0 D RG1 32
17 PortC.2 C1 7
7805 Ref 18 PortC.3 D1 6
MCLR 1 19 PortD.0 E1 5
B1 + R3
0 25 PortC.6 F1 36
0 D 100k 24 PortC.5 G1 37
30 PortD.6 A2 30
D 31
33 PortB.0 B2 29
10 PortE.2 C2 11
where a 0 , a 1 , and a 2 are the
13 PortA.7 D2 10
VDD 14 PortA.6 E2 9
next-digit mantissa in base 2.
29 PortD.6 F2 31
Next, we find the character- 28 PortD.5 G2 32
istic a0 or logarithm’s integer
with the function NCD, which
36 PortB.3 A3 25
delivers the most significant 37 PortB.4 B3 24
6 PortA.4 C3 15
10k at 25°C
that the base-2 logarithm for
number 47 is 5.554 using four VSS 40 PortB.7 A4 21
21 PortD.2 B4 20
23 PortC.4 D4 18
(47) = 6, where 47 in binary is 5 PortA.3 E4 17
38 PortB.5 G4 23
the sixth position from left to
right. If we decrement it by 1, 9 PortE.1 DP3 16
20 PortD.1 COM 1
we get number 5, which is the 40
logarithm’s characteristic.
To get the logarithm, we 1. This simple circuit for a high-precision thermometer drives a glass LCD with high efficiency, using the
need the Mantissa (fractions PIC 16F887 microcontroller.
Computing Logarithms Digit-by-Digit, Mayer Goldberg, BRICS RS-04-17.
ISSN: 0909-0878
A PIEZOELECTRIC MOTOR is a linear motor with bidirectional The problem is the voltage. Fortunately, it is unipolar.
motion. It uses friction to grip the armature while a voltage is Unfortunately, it is +150 V (peak). The required current is
ramped to warp the piezoelectric material and move the arma- quite small. It has to be only enough to charge and discharge
ture. The voltage then is quickly removed. the 20-nF piezo element. A calculation using charge transfer
As the material springs back, it breaks away from the arma- (Q) shows that during the ramp phase:
ture and returns to its zero position, leaving the armature a few
micrometers further along its track. Repeat this at a kilohertz Q = It = CV
rate and for thousands of times.
While each of the motions is very small, after several sec- where:
onds you may see that the armature has moved, if you look
carefully. (Full disclosure: I had never heard of piezo motors t = 1 ms
before being asked to make a driver for one.) C = 20 nF
There are two drive waveforms, one for forward and the V = 150 V
other reverse: a sawtooth waveform with a slow linear rise
followed by a fast fall, and its complement with a fast rise and therefore:
slow linear fall. This was done using an op-amp triangle-wave
oscillator at 1 kHz, with diodes switched in to speed up either I = CV/t = 3 mA.
the rising or falling edges to about 5% of the cycle. The driver’s
required bandwidth is only 10 to 15 kHz. A 600-mW boost converter can be used to switch the +12 V
up to +200 V with a 3-mA load require-
ment. The most straightforward circuit
R2 R3 +200 V uses an op amp rated to at least 200 V. Op
499k 499k
amps are available with this voltage rat-
16.5k ing, but they are meant for high-current
C1 +200 V
applications and are quite expensive.
C2 10 pF R5
10 pF 16.5k Q1 The circuit in the figure is much
ZVN4525G cheaper and based on a common op amp
R6 R8 Piezo
+12 V 16.5k D1 D2 used as a non-inverting amplifier. The
49.9 element
0 to
heart of the circuit is the current mirror
V+ R7 +12 V SMAZ16-13-F 150 V of R7, N-channel FET Q3, and series-
– 1.5k
connected R4, R5, and R6. (The rea-
Input + IC1 Q3 Q2
son for using three resistors in series is
0 to 10 V AD8065AR ZVN4525GTA ZVP4525G
V– explained below.)
66.5k With Q3 in a common-gate configura-
tion and the gate at +12 V, its source volt-
age remains reasonably constant at +10
A low-voltage op amp can be used to drive a higher-voltage piezoelectric motor. D1 and D2 V (from +12 V less the Vgs(on)). Any out-
protect the circuit against load shorts, while resistors in series strings are used to reduce indi- put of op-amp IC1 less than that +10 V
vidual resistor dissipation and minimize their voltage coefficient of resistance. causes a voltage drop across R7, with the
DIACS AND TRIACS often are used for line-voltage control. They The device continues in this state until the current through
also are getting additional interest as part of Internet- and it falls below It. At that point the flip flop is reset and the device
cell-phone-controlled power-line switches such as the Belkin switches once again to its off state, with a resistance Roff. (Note
WeMo Home Automation Switch. that the device is bi-directional.)
The traditional approach has been to model them using The triac is modeled in a similar manner (Figure 2 and
bipolar transistors and diodes.1 Table-based models have been Listing 2; Listing 2a is for the triac macromodel; Listing 2b is
used with varying success.2 The functional model approach the triac symbol). It has the same four parameters as the diac
shown here works well and has been used extensively with the
LTspice simulator (free, from Linear Technology).
In the diac schematic of Figure 1 and associated Listing
1, there are four parameters (Listing 1a is for the diac macro-
model; Listing 1b is the diac symbol; listings are available with
the online version of this article at electronicdesign.com):
To turn on, the diac needs the voltage to exceed Vt. Once
it turns on, it needs the current to go below It to turn off. In
operation, the device starts as an open circuit. When the volt-
age across it exceeds Vt, the flip-flop is set, putting the device 1. In the diac circuit, the device starts as an open circuit and remains
in its on state with a low resistance of Ron. open until the voltage across it exceeds Vt
Ideas for Design
2. For the triac, the trigger voltage is on an independent port, in con- 3. The results (top) of the diac test circuit (bottom) show the sym-
trast to the diac. metrical operation of the circuit and allow for user modifications.
component, and it needs the voltage to exceed Vt to turn on. Figure 3 (bottom) and Listing 3b). As VIn goes lower, the device
Once it turns on, it needs the current to go below It to turn off. turns off once the current falls below It. It again reaches its on
The difference between the diac and the triac is that the triac state once the voltage exceeds Vt. The device is bidirectional
trigger voltage is on an independent port. and inherently symmetric. Also, the model can be modified to
It is difficult to design test circuits for these devices because, include current limits on voltages, as well as asymmetries.
as a result of their negative resistances, they usually oscillate or For the triac, the popular dimmer circuit is used for test,
provide limit cycles, which in turn makes it difficult for pro- with output file Figure 4 (top) and Listing 4a along with cor-
grams such as Spice to converge. The main diac characteristics responding schematic Figure 4 (bottom) and Listing 4b. The
of interest are breakover voltage, voltage symmetry, breakback load is a typical 100-W bulb, and the RC-time constant deter-
voltage, breakover current, and power dissipation.3 mines when the triac is triggered.
In the output file for the diac test circuit, VIn is initially at The diac in series with the gate is chosen to ensure the triac
its negative extreme, and VOut is low, as the device is in its on turns off completely. The model can be modified to include
state (Figure 3 (top) and Listing 3a, and corresponding schematic current limits, voltage asymmetries, dV/dt effects, and more.
By varying the RC-time constant, the duty cycle of the output
can be varied from 5° to about 170°, nearly spanning the full
0° to 180° theoretical limit. The device as modeled produces
identical results in the positive and negative half cycles.
A 2.501 x 10±4
B 3.505 x 10±4
C ±1.415 x 10±7
Ideas for Design
the variable volt2 is divided by 10,000, giving a result equal to part). To compute it, we need the result of the successive divi-
4995, which represents the approximate value of 5 V from the sions “wu” by 2 (). Nonetheless this operation or process can-
power supply. not be applied directly, since dividing 47/2 results in 23.5, and
Second, the thermistor’s voltage drop is computed with the we lose the fractions part. (PIC Basic Pro does not work with
same process from the first step, but with another analog-to- fractions.) Therefore, to keep the fractions part, we create a
digital channel. Let’s say we have a reading in the ADC of 2.5 special subroutine that performs the following series:
V (adc = 1000000000). The voltage read is then 24,999,936,
which is divided by 10 with DIV32 for a result of 2499, which 47/2 = 23.5, 23.5/2 = 11.75,
approximates to 2.500 V. 11.75/2 = 5.875, 5.875/2 = 2.9375, 2.9375/2 = 1.46875
Third, we proceed to find the resistor’s value with:
5 = Y When dividing 47/2 = 23, with a remainder of 1, this “1”
5 appears in the first division of the five that will be performed.
( ² Y
Therefore, the fraction 1/25 = 0.03125. We cannot work with
To achieve that, we store in a variable called “dif ” the power’s fractions, though, so instead of dividing by 1 by 2 n, we take
supply voltage minus the thermistor’s voltage. Then we mul- the number 10,000 as a numerator, and we create a subroutine
tiply the thermistor’s voltage by the 10-kΩ fixed resistor, and that computes the denominator depending on the number of
we apply DIV32 to divide this last product by “dif,” resulting in division where appears a remainder of 1.
the thermistor’s resistance value. Then, we sum all the results of the divisions. To continue
Fourth, we now compute the base 2 logarithm from the with this example, we have the following five steps:
thermistor’s resistance with
Equations 7, 8, and 9:
x2 26 PortC.7 A1 35
5V 11
0 In Out VDD 27 PortD.4 B1 34
0 D RG1 32
17 PortC.2 C1 7
7805 Ref 18 PortC.3 D1 6
MCLR 1 19 PortD.0 E1 5
B1 + R3
0 25 PortC.6 F1 36
0 D 100k 24 PortC.5 G1 37
30 PortD.6 A2 30
D 31
33 PortB.0 B2 29
10 PortE.2 C2 11
where a 0 , a 1 , and a 2 are the
13 PortA.7 D2 10
VDD 14 PortA.6 E2 9
next-digit mantissa in base 2.
29 PortD.6 F2 31
Next, we find the character- 28 PortD.5 G2 32
istic a0 or logarithm’s integer
with the function NCD, which
36 PortB.3 A3 25
delivers the most significant 37 PortB.4 B3 24
6 PortA.4 C3 15
10k at 25°C
that the base-2 logarithm for
number 47 is 5.554 using four VSS 40 PortB.7 A4 21
21 PortD.2 B4 20
23 PortC.4 D4 18
(47) = 6, where 47 in binary is 5 PortA.3 E4 17
38 PortB.5 G4 23
the sixth position from left to
right. If we decrement it by 1, 9 PortE.1 DP3 16
20 PortD.1 COM 1
we get number 5, which is the 40
logarithm’s characteristic.
To get the logarithm, we 1. This simple circuit for a high-precision thermometer drives a glass LCD with high efficiency, using the
need the Mantissa (fractions PIC 16F887 microcontroller.
Computing Logarithms Digit-by-Digit, Mayer Goldberg, BRICS RS-04-17.
ISSN: 0909-0878