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Rooftop Solar

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Memo. No.

9207 /NKDA/EE – IV/58/2019 Date: 26/12/2019


Notice Inviting e-Tender No: WBNKDA/02/EE–IV/NKDA/2019-20

Executive Engineer IV, New Town Kolkata Development Authority invites percentage rate tender from
resourceful, reliable, bona-fide and experienced working contractors of KMDA, WBHIDCO, PWD, PHED,
Railways and other Govt. and semi Govt. organizations having experience in similar nature of work, and are
requested to submit their offer for the work detailed below.

(Submission of Bid through online)

List of Schemes :-

Price of
Estimated Tender Period of
Name of work Earnest Money (Rs.)
Amount (Rs.) documents completion
1,09,27,568/- Rs. 2,505.00
Roof-top solar, Each set to be paid
(Rupees one crore
vertical green wall 2,19,000/- (Rupees two only by the
nine lakh twenty
and rainwater lakh nineteen thousand successful bidder 12 months
seven thousand
recharge proposal only) during the time of
five hundred
at nkgsccl building agreement
seventy eight only)

1. In the event of e-filling, intending bidder should download the tender

documents from the website http://wbtenders.gov.indirectly with the help of
Digital Signature Certificate. All the bidder shall have to submit earnest
money & necessary earnest money will be deposited by the bidder through the
following payment mode as finance dept. order no-3975-F (Y) dated 28 thJuly
2016 (Annexure–A)
i) Net banking (any of the banks listed in the ICICI Bank payment gateway
in case of payment through ICICI payment gateway).
ii) RTGS/NEFT through bank account in any bank. The EMD shall be
deposited in favour of “New Town Kolkata Development Authority”
payable at Kolkata.

2. Both Technical bid and Financial bid are to be submitted concurrently duly
digitally signed in the website https://wbtenders.gov.in. The acceptance of
lowest bid is not obligatory.

Page 1 of 36
3. Tender documents may be downloaded from website and submission of
Technical Bid and Financial Bid will be done as per Time Schedule stated in
Sl. No. 14 of this NIeT.
4. The FINANCIAL OFFER of the prospective qualified tenderer(s) will be
considered only if the TECHNICAL BID of the tenderer(s) is found
qualified by competent authority of New Town Kolkata Development
Authority. The decision of the competent authority of New Town Kolkata
Development Authority will be final and absolute in this respect. The list of
Qualified Bidders will be displayed in the website.
5. In term of Finance Department, Audit Branch, Govt.of West Bengal’s
Notification no.4374-F(Y) dated 13th July, 2017, the bidder has to uploaded
valid 15-digit Goods and service Taxpayer Identification Number (GSTN)
under GST Act, 2017, along with his bid. The bidder should note that bid
submitted without GSTIN will be summarily rejected
6. In term of finance dept. Govt. of West Bengal G.O. no-4608-F (Y) dated 18th
July 2018 when bid rate is 80% or less of Estimated Amount put to tender, the
Bidder shall submit Additional Performance Security @ 10 % of the Tendered
Amount from any Schedule Bank, before issuance of work order.
The Additional performance security shall be submitted in the form of
Bank Guarantee from any scheduled Bank before issuance of the work order.
If the bidder fails to submit the additional performance security within seven
working days from the date of issuance of Letter Acceptance, his earnest
money will be forfeited and other necessary action as per NIT like blacklisting
of the contractor, etc. may be taken. The bank Guarantee shall have to be valid
up to end of the contract period and shall be renewed accordingly, if required.

7. Eligibility criteria for participation in the tender.

I. Working Contractors of NKDA, KMDA, WBHIDCO, PWD, PHED,
Railways and other Govt. & semi Govt. organization having satisfactorily
completed (as prime contractor) similar nature of single work of value not
less thanRs.44,00,000/-(Rupees forty four lakh only) during last 5(five)
years prior to the date of issue of the tender notice.


II. Intending tenderer may also produce credential of 02 (two) similar nature of
completed work, each of value not less than Rs.33,00,000/- (Rupees thirty
three lakh only) during last 5(five) years prior to the date of issue of the
tender notice.


III. Intending tenderer may also produce credential of one single running work
of similar nature which has been completed to the extent of 80% or more
and value of which is not less than the estimated value. In case of running
works, only those tenderers who will submit the certificate of satisfactory
running work from the concerned Executive Engineer, or equivalent
competent authority will be eligible for the tender. In the required
certificate it should be clearly stated that the work is in progress
satisfactorily and also that no penal action has been initiated against the
executing agency, i.e, the bidder.

IV. . Bonafied resourceful contractor having Nursery in his possession with valid documents and
having a trade license on Nursery work and equivalent Profession Tax Certificate on nursery
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V. Preferably have office & field service setup to provide good after installation services including
necessary repair and maintenance in the state of West Bengal.

VI. Bidder should have completed/ongoing at least single contract of vertical gardening with
Procurement and installation of LoRaWAN based soil humidity sensors with long battery life
(~5 years) with successful maintenance of the same in West Bengal.

VII. Payment certificate will not be treated as credential.

VIII. Credential certificate issued by the Executive Engineer or equivalent or

competent authority of a state/central Government, state/ central
Government undertaking statutory/ Autonomous bodies constituted under
the central/ state statue, on the executed value of completed/ running work
will be taken as credential.

IX. Intending Tenderer must be financially sound with a minimum average

turnover of Rs.1 Crore, (Rupees One Crore only) during the last three
financial years and having a trade license, G.S.T Registration certificate and
Profession Tax certificate.

X. PAN Card, Income Tax Return Acknowledgement Receipt for the last 03
(Three) Assessment years, G.S.T, P.T. Deposit Challan for the year 2018-

XI. Registered Partnership Deed for Partnership Firms only along with Power of
Attorney since executed under any Judicial Magistrate/First Class Magistrate
is to be submitted. The company shall furnish the Article of Association and
Memorandum as on-statutory documents.
XII. Joint Ventures/MOU will not be allowed.
XIII. Three consecutive years’ Audit report to be submitted along with Tender

XIV. The Bidder should be capable to engage a reputed MNRE approved manufacturer of Solar PV
Modules (using mono/poly silicon crystalline Cells) or a Solar PV System Integrator and should
have experience of having executed contracts of Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Roof
Top Solar PV power plant (s) with at least one such project having an installed capacity of
minimum 50 kWp in one location and operating successfully for at least 1 year after

8. Similar work means:-

i) Work involving vertical gardening with Procurement and installation of
LoRaWAN based soil humidity sensors with long battery life maintenance of the

ii) Work involving installation of solar photo voltaic panels with associated
maintenance of the same.

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iii.) Arboriculture work with ornamental plants including special species of plants as
described in the tender document.
9. Fund for this project has been made available from the Smart City Mission
by the New Town Kolkata Green Smart City Corporation Limited.
10. On-going payments or part payment for work may be allowed to the
executing agency as per existing rules. Subject to deduction of security
deposit, progressive payment may be made against the completed or partly
completed item of works. Such interim payments, shall be made as running
account bill (s), however, shall not constructed to mean that the respective
items / components have finally been approved and accepted by NKDA and
the contractor shall not be absolved of his responsibility to set right any
deficiency of such paid items / components at his/ their own cost, for
rectifying all defects which are subsequently being noted or found.
11. No claim for interest or compensation will be entertained in respect to any
money or balance of payment which may be due or alleged to be due to the
contractor owing to any dispute between the contractor and NKDA or in
respect to any delay in making payment of progressive or final bill of the
work, to the contractor.
Payment for the works done by the contractor will be based on recorded and
accepted measurement at various stages of work. Acceptance of
measurements put for payment to be invariably made by putting signature
(with seal) of the contractor (or his/ their authorized representative). The
contractor or his / their authorized representatives are advised to take
measurements jointly with the officials of NKDA. In case of failure on
his/their part either to take measurement jointly and /or acceptance of the
recorded measurement, within a reasonable time, measurement taken by the
department shall be considered as final for making payment. Similar
acceptance is also essential for level records and survey data, field books etc.
12. No advance and secured advance will be allowed.
13. Idle labour, idle rent and hire charges etc.:
No claim of any category and type, on this ground shall be entertained. The
contractor and NKDA shall make every effort that such situation does not
14. Testing and Testing Equipment: Testing of materials, to be used in work
and the quality of finished work on quality control aspect, is to be undertaken
by the contractor at their own cost, with facilities provided at site and / or
through approved (by NKDA) Test Houses / Laboratories. All materials and
workmanship shall be in accordance with the specifications laid down in the
contract and also as per P.W.D.( Buildings& Road Scheduled) and IS Codes .
The Engineer-in-Charge reserves the right to test, examine and measure the
material / workmanship direct at the place of manufacture, fabrication or at
the site of works or any suitable place. The contractor shall provide such
assistance, instrument machine, labour and materials as the Engineer-in-
Charge may require for examining, measuring and testing the works and
quality, weight or quantity of materials used and shall supply samples for
testing as may be selected and required by the Engineer-in-Charge without
any extra cost. Beside this, he/they will carry out tests from outside
Laboratory as per instruction of Engineer-in-Charge. The cost of all such tests
would be borne by theagency.
Should the Chief Engineer or his representative consider it necessary to
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satisfy himself/themselves as to quality of work, the contractor shall offer
sample of work done as necessary, pull down reasonable part of the work
required for inspection and testing. The contractor shall bear the cost of
pulling down and shall make good the same at their own cost and to the full
satisfaction of E-I-C without any claim for payment.

15. SecurityDeposit:
Retention money towards performance Security amounting to 8% (eight
percent) of the value of the work shall be deducted from the running account
bill of the tenderer as per prevailing order. No interest will be paid on the
money retained for Security Deposit.
16. Date and Time Schedule:
Sl. Particulars Date & Time
Date of uploading of N.I.e.T. & other Documents 26/12/2019
1 (online) (Publishing Date)

Date , venue and time of pre bid meeting 03/01/2020 at 2.00 P.M.
At Conference Room of
NKDA, 01, MAR, New
Town, Kolkata -700156
3 Documents download start date (Online) 26/12/2019 from 4.00 P.M.

Documents download end date (Online) 20/01/2020 upto 10.00 A.M.


5 Bid submission start date (On line) 26/12/2019 from 4.00 P.M.

6 Bid Submission closing (On line) 20/01/2020 upto 10.00 A.M.

7 Bid opening date for Technical Proposals (Online) 22/01/2020 upto 10.00 A.M.

Last date of uploading list for Technically qualified Will be intimated in due course
8 Bidder(online)

9 Date of opening of Financial Proposal(online) Will be intimated in due course

10 Last date of intimation to the successful bidder Will be intimated in due course

17. Earnest Money for the successful tenderer will be retained and converted as
Initial Security deposit. The Balance security deposit @ 8% will be deducted
from on-going bills to cover the total value of work done.
a) The security deposit of the successful tenderer will be refunded after defect
liability period as stipulated in relevant clause of the agreement to be
made in WBF2911(ii).
18. The tenderers are bound by the terms & conditions of WBF 2911(ii) along
with specification, notice for calling Tenders, Special terms & condition,
Information to Bidders, Schedule of works etc, which forms a part and parcel
of this contract.
19. Income Tax & G.S.T will be deducted as per Govt. orders issued from time to
time and would be applicable on the date of making payment of the bills.
Building & other construction workers cess @ 1.0% will be deducted from
progressive bills in pursuance with G.O. no. 599A/ 4M – 28 / 06dated
20. The Bidder, at his own responsibility and risk is encouraged to visit and

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examine the site of works and its surroundings and obtain all information that
may be necessary for preparing the Bid and entering into a contract for the
work as mentioned in the Notice Inviting e-Tender, before submitting offer
with full satisfaction. The cost of visiting the site, shall be at his own
21. The intending Bidders shall clearly understand that whatever may be the
outcome of the present invitation of Bids, no cost of Bidding shall be
reimbursable by the Department. New Town Kolkata Development Authority
reserves the right to accept or reject any offer without assigning any reason
whatsoever and is not liable for any reimbursement of any cost that might
have been incurred by any Tenderer at any stage of Bidding.
22. Prospective applicants are advised to note carefully the minimum qualification
criteria before tendering the bids.
23. Conditional / Incomplete tender will not be accepted under any
24. The intending tenderers are required to quote the rate online. The rate
should be inclusive of all components and taxes.
25. Contractor shall have to comply with the provisions of (a) the contract labour
(Regulation Abolition) Act. 1970 (b) Apprentice Act. 1961 and (c) minimum
wages Act. 1948 and the notification (s) thereof or any other laws relating
thereto and the rules made and order issued there under from time totime.
26. During scrutiny, if it comes to the notice of the tender inviting authority that
the credential or any other paper found incorrect / manufactured / fabricated,
that bidder would not be allowed to participate in the tender and that
application will be rejected without anyprejudice.
27. If there be any objection regarding prequalification of any Agency the same
should be lodged on line to Executive Engineer IV, New Town Kolkata
Development Authority within 2 (two) days from the date of publication of
list of qualified agencies and beyond the said time schedule no objection will
be entertained
28. Before issuance of WORK ORDER, the Tender Inviting Authority may verify
the credential and other documents of the lowest tenderer if found necessary.
After verification if it is found that the documents submitted by the lowest
tenderer is either manufactured or false in that case work order will not be
issued in favour of the said Tenderer under any circumstances and his/their
offer will be treated as cancelled.
29. If any discrepancy arises between two similar clauses on different
notification, the clause superseding others will be solely as per the discretion
of the Tender inviting authority.
30. The successful Tendered whose tender is accepted shall make formal
agreement in WBF 2911 (ii) along with bid documents in triplicate, within 7
(seven) days from the date of issue of work order by Executive Engineer IV,
New Town Kolkata Development Authority on payment of usual charges
which is non-refundable under any circumstances and submit the same duly
signed by him/them to this office. If the contractor fails to perform the
formalities within the specified period the Tender is liable to be cancelled and
the Earnest Money will be forfeited as per relevant
clauses under memorandum of WBF 2911(ii).
31. Qualification criteria:
The tender inviting and Accepting Authority will determine the eligibility of

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each bidder. The bidders shall have to meet all the minimum criteria as
stipulated in relevant clauses of this NIeT.
32. The eligibility of a bidder will be ascertained on the basis of the document(s)
submitted in support of the minimum criteria. If any document submitted by a
bidder is either manufactured or false, in such cases the eligibility of the
bidder / tenderer will be rejected at any stage without any prejudice to take
any penal action against him/them as may be deemed fit by the Tender
Accepting Authority.
The agency must have the capacity to engage laborers as directed by EIC.
33. The agency should supply the materials as per confirming to IS mark and
specification laid down in schedule and also to be taken approval from EIC /
his representatives before utilize in work.
34. No. price preference and other concession as per order no. 1110F dated:
10/02/2006 will be allowed.
35. Agencies are required to give a work programme preferably in the form of a
bar- chart and to get it approved by the EIC (Engineer–in-Charge) before
commencement of work and if progress of work abruptly differs from such
work programme, the undersigned may terminate the work order at any point
of time and penal action as per Tender Terms and conditions will be imposed.
36. Unless otherwise stipulated, all the works are to be done as per general
conditions and general specifications of the latest edition of ‘PWD (W.B)
schedule of Rates for Building, Roads, and Sanitary Plumbing’ works for the
working area.
37. In case of any inadvertent typographical mistake in the specific price schedule
of rates, the same will be treated to be so corrected as to confirm with the
prevailing relevant schedule of rates and/or technically sanctioned estimate.
38. Intending tenderer should note that he may have to work simultaneously with
other contractors already entrusted with other work or with contractors to be
entrusted with other work in future in the same site. The contractor will have
to work in close co-operation and harmony with all the contractors engaged
in the project. Any claim for idle labour, for any reason whatsoever, will not
be entertained under any circumstances.
39. NKDA will not be held responsible for making payment against any
anticipated profit and/or compensation for any losses or price escalation
whatsoever for the works as stated in the annexure of this NIeT. Rates should
be quoted accordingly.
40. The address as furnished by the contractor shall be deemed as the postal
address of this office. Any notice or instruction to be given to the contractor
under the terms of contract shall be deemed to have been served if it has been
delivered to his authorized agent (on the strength of authorization) or
representative or sent by registered letter to his official address as furnished.
41. Arbitration clause of WBF 2911(ii) stands deleted.
42. New Town Kolkata Development Authority reserves the right to increase or
decrease the quantum of work as stipulated in the schedule of work for which
no change of rate will be allowed.
43. Participation in this tender deems that the applicant is fully agreeable to abide
all terms and conditions as stated in this Notice Inviting e tender as well as
WBF 2911(ii).

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44. Mobilization advance, time / cost overrun and consequent cost escalation for
any material, labour, etc. will not be allowed.
45. All materials are to be procured and supplied at site of work by the tendered
/firm at his / their own cost from approved reputed dealer / manufacturer.
Departmental materials will not be issued under any circumstances unless any
such provision is made and accepted latter by both the parties. Department
unless otherwise stated means New Town Kolkata Development Authority.
46. The offer shall remain valid for 180 days from the date of opening of the
47. Special condition:
i) Credentials of Sub vendors engaged for one and/or more parts of the work
has to be approved by the Engineer In Charge (EIC).
ii) The selected bidder shall during the time of the work remain responsible
wholly for all the actions and/or inaction of the sub vendors engaged.
iii) Action may be taken against the selected bidder for non-performance and
/or substandard performance of the sub vendors.
iv) Action may be taken against the selected bidder if payment made against
ongoing work is not transmitted to the concerned vendor in due time.
v) The decision of the EIC shall be final in this respect.
48. Brief Scope of work:
Execution of the following work as instructed by the EIC at the indicated
location on the roof top and adjacent vacant space of utility building beside
tank no. 3 at AI/154/1, Premises No : 09/1-0024 Action, West Bengal
700156action area IA
i) Survey of the site and preparation of working engineering drawing for the
ii) Getting the working drawing vetted by the EIC
iii) Dismantling of all type of masonry work to make the roof team available
for the project work
iv) MS structural work with hollow section for mounting of solar power
modules and vertical green walls.
v) Design, Supplying, Installation, commissioning with five years
comprehensive maintenance of solar panels systems of 63.36kW
capacity(min) inclusive of Poly-Crystalline solar panels, grid tied
inverters, balance of electrical system with all Accessories on the roof top
and inclusive of all labour machinery, etc complete.
vi) Supply fitting and fixing and three years maintenance of vertical garden on
the periphery of the roof top of the site as per design and to the satisfaction
of the EIC
vii) Supply fitting and fixing of pipe structure with appropriate special parts for
capturing and harvesting rainwater.
viii) Construction of inspection pit, pipe line and UGR for storage of
harvested rainwater.
ix) Laying of garden on the top of UGR
x) Finishing and painting of all the components as per design and as directed
by the EIC.
(For more details refer to the BOQ file at the appropriate link which is an
integral part of this tender document)

49. Evaluation Method:

Evaluation of the bids will be made on the basis of submitted credentials

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the opinion of the tender inviting authority will be final on this matter.
50. Enclosure:
i) Location plan
ii) Proposed Design
iii) Approved make list.

Executive Engineer IV
New Town Kolkata Development Authority

Memo. No. 9207/1(12) /NKDA/EE – IV/58/2019 Date: 26/12/2019

Copy forwarded for information to:-

1. The Chief Executive Officer, New Town Kolkata DevelopmentAuthority.

2. The Chief Engineer, New Town Kolkata DevelopmentAuthority
3. The Chief Executive Officer, New Town Kolkata Green Smart City Corporation
4. Administrative Officer I & II New Town Kolkata DevelopmentAuthority
5. Chief Finance officer, NKGSCCL
6. Chief Technical Officer, NKGSCCL
7. Technical Officer,NKGSCCL
8. The Finance Officer, New Town Kolkata DevelopmentAuthority
9. Executive Engineer-II, Executive Engineer IVI, Executive Engineer I & ME
New Town Kolkata Development Authority
10. The Estimator/ Sr. Accountant / Cashier, New Town Kolkata Development
11. Office NoticeBoard.
12. Official Website of New Town Kolkata Development Authority

Executive Engineer IV
New Town Kolkata Development Authority

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Location plan
The new town area majorly consists of mixed-use development with residential being predominant and several
major commercial centers. With the increasing demands of electric supply, PV systems provides the solution of
allowing residential and commercial buildings to generate their own electricity from solar power.
Solar energy being one of the clean, pollution free and renewable sources of energy generation is initiated by
the New town Kolkata Development Authority for their pilot intervention which is a roof top photo voltaic
system proposed on the roof of Utility building near tank 3 at AI block.

Proposed project site area

Source: NKDA

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Project Site

Proposed project site near tank 3, Newtown Kolkata

Source: Google Earth

The proposed site is a roof top of a linearly planned NKDA building on the 5th floor with the total area being
467.48 sqm. The proposed area is divided into three usable spaces and two common areas to access the core of
the building.



Roof plan for proposed roof top PV system at Utility building

Source: NKDA

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Site Photographs

Existing available roof area at Utility Bilding for Rooftop solar installation- view 1
Source: Photo captured on 17.10.2019

Existing available roof area at Utility Building for Rooftop solar installation- view 2
Source: Photo captured on 17.10.2019

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Existing available roof area at Utility building for Rooftop solar installation- view 3
Source: Photo captured on 17.10.2019

Existing available roof area at utility building for Rooftop solar installation- view 3
Source: Photo captured on 17.10.2019

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Proposed Design
The project is proposed to be installed on the rooftop of the Utility Building located in New Town Kolkata.
Brief details of the proposed site are given below for general reference:

Location : Utility Building, 6th Floor, Plot No : AI/154/1, Premises No 09/1-0024 Action
Area - IA, (Near Tank no 3), New Town Kolkata - 700156

Latitude & Longitude : 22.5785° N, 88.4527° E

Site Altitude : 6 M from main sea level

Proposed Capacity : As per below drawing. Bidders can propose alternative capacities and module
ratings to be accommodated within the given area. Adequate care shall be given
to ascertain any impact of adjacent tall structures (mobile tower, water tank
etc.,) in terms of shading losses. Any area that is likely to be affected on account
of shading losses, shall be clearly indicated in the proposal and any impact on
the capacity of the system shall be clearly specified.

Elevated roof solar panel layout – plan

Proposed plan for Elevated roof solar panel layout at Utility building
Source: NKDA

Proposed Energy generation

Figure 0-1: Proposed Energy generation through rooftop solar at Utility building
Source: NKDA
Considering the tropical location of the site, it is recommended to go for poly crystalline PV modules which are
well suited for this ambient condition.
As the solar PV is a fast-emerging industry in terms of technological evolution, bidders can propose alternative
materials or modules or products that are fully compliant with the relevant IS and IEC technical requirements
and their products shall be certified by BIS or any other equivalent reputed certification authorities.
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PV Module
Proposed Solar PV modules are of reputed make having comparable or better ratings than the minimum ratings
indicated below as per their type tested design solutions. The offered modules shall be compliant to relevant
IEC and IS requirement.
Note: Bidder to specify the following ratings as per their proposed design. Current ratings considered are as


 Per Module rating : Min.320Wp (Higher rating are acceptable)
 Solar cell type : Poly crystalline (recommended)
 Peak power voltage (Vmp) at 25˚C : 37 V
 Peak Power current (Imp) at 25˚C : 8.9 A
 Open circuit voltage (Voc) at 25˚C : 46.4 V
 Short circuit current (Isc) at 25˚C : 9.4 A
 Solar module frame material : Aluminium Alloy (Frameless modules acceptable)
 Superstrate : High transmission glass

String Inverters (modular) are proposed for evacuating the generated power to feed the existing Lighting and
HVAC loads on the fifth floor of the NKDA building. The minimum technical requirements that are required to
be complied are listed below. Better options with more features are acceptable and will be considered.
 Type of Inverter : String Inverter, Grid Tied
 Nominal Rating for each Inverter : 30kVA
 No. of Inverters : 2 Nos
 Max. DC Input Voltage : 1000V DC
 AC Output Voltage : 400V +/- 10%
 AC Output Frequency : 50Hz +/- 5%
 Mounting Arrangement : Wall or Structure Mounted
 Degree of Protection : IP65
 Form Factor : Compact type, Small Size
 Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) : <3% at rated power
 Parallel Operation with DG Supply : Desirable
 Inverter Efficiency : 98% or better

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Mandatory Protections:

 DC Disconnection Switch : Yes

 DC Reverse Polarity Protection : Yes
 DC Short Circuit Protection : Yes
 DC String Fuse : Yes
 AC Short Circuit Protection : Yes
 Over Voltage Protection : Yes

Mounting System for Modules

The area available on the roof shall be utilised to the maximum extent while taking into consideration shading
losses and other access requirement for existing roof components.
A clear headroom clearance of 2.5m shall be provided between the roof of the building and the bottom of the
PV modules. The support structures shall be suitable for withstanding the wind loads as per is for the Kolkata
location. The column footing and cross-sectional details shall be determined by the installation contractor and
the PV supporting roof beam and column structures shall be designed to transfer the additional dead load to the
existing building columns.
The module mounting structure shall be designed for holding suitable number of modules in series. The frames
and leg assemblies of the module mounting structure shall be manufactured using standard materials. The
module mounting structure shall be designed in such a way that it will occupy minimum space without
sacrificing the output from solar modules and at the same time it will withstand severe wind speed up to 150
kmph (horizontal wind speed).

The roofing system shall be either conventional sheet steel roofing or if there are alternative solar PV roofing
systems can also be provided as alternative option.
For conventional sheet steel roofing system following minimum requirements shall be complied:
 Sheet Roof array structure made of aluminium alloy
 Modules mounted using aluminium clamps
 Enough gap between Roof and Modules to be maintained for air circulation
 SPV panel mounted parallel to roof tilt
 Structure designed for simple mechanical and electrical installation
 There shall be minimum or no requirement of welding or complex machinery at site

Innovative rooftop solar PV systems having integrated PV modules along with the roof systems can be
proposed as an alternative option.
Balance of Electrical Systems
 Yellow/Green Copper earthing cables of adequate cross sections shall be used for grounding of all
metallic structures and electrical systems that are included in the offered system.
 Early Streamer type of Lightning protection system shall be included
 Integration of the Inverter AC output with the existing building Lighting and HVAC Distribution
Boards, including the necessary modifications to existing DBs as needed to complete the grid
integration, shall be included as part of the scope of this system.
 Maintenance lighting systems (for building roof access during night time) shall be included as part of
the scope of this system installation works
 Safe access to the solar PV roof, maintenance personnel safety gear during cleaning of solar PV
modules shall be detailed out by the vendor considering the working at height conditions involved in
regular cleaning and maintenance of the modules.

Electrical System Conceptual Block Diagram:

The below electrical system is shown indicatively for purpose of understanding the potential arrangement for
integration of the roof top solar PV system with the existing building AC DB at 5th floor level. The arrangement
is subject to change based on the actual load and switchgear ratings vis-à-vis the bid proposal ratings.

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Concept block diagram of electrical layout for proposed PV solar project at utility building
Source: NKDA

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Rainwater Harvesting
The process of natural replenishment of underground water storage/reservoir is slow and therefore it is difficult
to keep pace with high abstraction rate and excessive groundwater exploitation. With the increase in
urbanization, the land area for natural rainwater recharge is also shrinking as most of the open are is getting
converted into paved surfaces.
Artificial recharge to groundwater aims at augmentation of the groundwater storage by modifying the natural
movement of surface water through suitable civil construction techniques at an enhance percolation rate under
natural conditions of replenishment.

In natural hydr ological cycle the water Due t o urbanizat ion, this water cycle is
follows through the stages of influenced by the pervasive existence of
precipitat ion, which tur ns int o sur face im pervious surfaces that limits the
r unoff, in filt rat ion, and percolat ion, and am ount of infiltr ation, r esulting in high
lastly reaches the r iver bodies befor e levels of stor m water runoff, limited
finally t aking t he for m of clouds by gr oundwater replenishm ent, t his
evaporation, t ranspiration and ultimat ely gener ates huge quantity of rain
evapotran spirat ion. This keeps the water wat er which is wasted.
cycle balanced

This wast ed water can be har vest ed or

can be used for r echar ging the
gr oundwater and make hydr ological
cycle m or e sustainable.
Rainwater Harvesting in Urban Condition
Source: NKDA

Design Standards
All designs proposed for RWH structure including construction material like PVC pipes and civil works shall
confirm to the various standards & codes as explained below
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• Space Standard for Roads in Urban Areas (IRC:69-1977)
• Guidelines on Road Drainage (IRC SP 42:2014)
• Guidelines on Urban Drainage System (IRC SP 50:2013)
• Bureau of Indian Standards
• PCMC DC Rules: Rainwater Harvesting
• Plain and Reinforce Concrete: Code of Practice IS: 456-2008
• Design Aids for Reinforced Concrete SP-16.6. Handbook on Concrete Reinforcement and Detailing

Design Parameter
It is essential to derive an efficient and appropriate design to ensure the efficient performance of the rooftop
rainwater harvesting system which depends upon the detailed analysis of design parameters like
 Pattern of rainfall,
 Character of catchment zone,
 Size of filtration pit,
 Filtration material
Rainfall pattern in the project area is one of the most important design which governs the different components
of RWH system like size of filtration pit, storage tank and dimensions of water collection network etc.
Size and dimensions of the rainwater down take pipe and water collection network is regulated by the intensity
of rainfall and Runoff co-efficient of the catchment area.
The rainfall intensity considered for the design is 40 mm/hour based on the details received from the client.

Rainfall runoff Calculation

a) Rainfall Runoff Calculations:
As mentioned in IRC-SP-50 code for Urban Drainage System, for small watershed areas the Rational Method is
widely used for calculating the runoff discharge.
Q = (C x i x A)/1000
Q = Runoff Discharge in m³/hr
C = Co-efficient of runoff
i = Rainfall intensity in mm/hr
A = Catchment area in m²

Catchment Area of Roof is = 513.1 m²

Co-efficient of Runoff (C) :0.9 (as per IRC-SP-50, Table 6.1)
Rainfall intensity :40 mm/hr
Q = (0.9 x 40 x 513.072) /1000
= 18.47 m³/hr
Assuming 4 hrs of retention time, the Rainwater storage volume is calculated.
Q = (18.470592) x 4
Q = 73.88 m³
b) Rainwater Storage tank calculation:
Adopted storage for Rainwater storage tank is : 79 m³
Length (L): 6.0 m
Width (W): 6.0 m
Depth of water storage (D) :2.2 m
Assuming the free board to be 0.3m, the internal dimension of Storage tank will be = 6.0 x 6.0 x 2.5 m

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Proposed Design
There are numerous techniques available for rooftop rainwater harvesting for urban development. The adopted
technique for the NKDA building is a Storage Tank with a filtration pit.
The final design of RWH is derived based upon the prevailed environment and geological conditions of the
NKDA area. Some of the major components in Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting (RRWH) system right is the
collection of rainwater, its conveyance to the filtration pit and subsequently facilitation into the Storage tank.
The Final design of roof top rainwater harvesting system adopted is shown below Figure.
This method is adopted for the following reasons
 It preferred in the areas where there is distributed rainfall for whole year
 Water should not be stored for longer period and it is better to maintain continuous flow
 It is preferred to allow water into recharge tank after filtration

Proposed view of Rainwater Harvesting

Source :NKDA

A rainwater harvesting system comprises of following components

a) Rainwater Catchment Area
In RRWH System, terrace area is termed catchment area. The location of recharge pit is also decided depending
upon the slope of the catchment zone. Runoff coefficient is an important parameter for the designing of the
RWH system which has been as 0.90 for rooftop.
b) Rainwater Conveyance Pipes (Conduits)
These pipes carry rainwater from the rooftop area to the RWH system. Commonly used pipes material is
polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or galvanized iron (GI). There are mainly of two types to convey the rainwater to
recharge pit while passing through the chambers, leaf collector and grit collector
1. Down take pipes

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2. Rainwater collection pipes.

Beyond the bottom of the down take pipe all piping work shall be done under ground. Size of the down take
pipe and trunk pipeline is anticipated 150 mm respectively. PVC pipes of 200mm dia is proposed all around.
c) First Flush
Generally, first spell rain is dumped out to prevent entry of pollutant in the RWH system with the help of a
flushing device which is a sluice valve. This is also shown in the typical drawing of RWH system. Before the
entry of water pit, a tee along with scour valves on both ends has to be provided, so that water from the first
rain is washed away through scour valve.
d) Filtration Pit
This includes Filtration pit and storage tank facility. This is the main structure, which facilitates the process of
filtration in the recharge pit to remove suspended pollutants from rainwater and ensuring better water quality
before rainwater is sent to the storage tank.
The aggregate filter, which is proposed at the base of pit, have three layers of which two layers of sand is on top
and one layers of gravels at lowest level.
Periodic maintenance measures like disinfection and cleaning are required to ensure/check the quality of
rainwater before percolating to ground water.

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Benefits of Rainwater Harvesting

Rainwater Harvesting System provides following benefits:

 Create Communal Spaces and Areas:
RWH sites bring the community closer to water and creates new recreational spaces for all to enjoy.

 Enhance Aesthetics and Biodiversity of the Landscape:

RWH design enhances the aesthetics and biodiversity of the landscape while slowing down the flow of
runoff. This creates local green in plots and communal spaces by integrating nature into urban life

 Detain and Treat Rainwater:

RWH design features are natural treatment elements to detain and treat runoff before it is discharged
into ground water from there to water bodies. With seamless integration with the landscape and
drainage system, both hydrological benefits and water quality improvement can be realised, in
addition to other environmental benefits.

 Educating the Public:

At the core of this project is the social aspect of getting the public involved in ensuring sustainability of
scarce water resources by inculcating a sense of stewardship towards water. RWH sites can also
provide experiential learning for the younger generation to learn about water management.

RWH spaces for Community activities

Vertical Green Walls

Green walls or vertical gardens are vertical surfaces with vegetation. Not only are they aesthetically pleasing,
they also improve air quality and check indoor and outdoor air temperature amongst other things.
They are developed as part of modular green roof systems. They comprise modular panels holding plant and
soil media. and have integrated irrigation systems, vegetation and geo-textile. The modular panels can either
be anchored to a metal framework or directly to a wall surface. The framework holds the panels in place as per

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Modular Living wall-examples from Canada and Atlanta Botanical Garden
Source: Vertical Gardens, By Özgür Burhan Timur and Elif Karaca

Types of Vertical Green wall:

Types of green wall

Source: Vertical Gardens, By Özgür Burhan Timur and Elif Karaca
Proposed Design
Geo Mesh Felt system:
This system comprises of a PP mesh with 36 pockets for plant placement. Ideally suited for indoor and outdoor
application. Plants are pre-grown and acclimatized before installation. It incorporates an automated drip-based
irrigation system which has a battery or electrical timer option for automation.
Installation: Each panel is pre-fitted with 4 aluminium hooks. These hooks are then mounted on 35mm GI
channels installed on the wall or a prefabricated MS frame using 3inch anchor screws.
Irrigation: 16mm irrigation pipes with drippers fitted into the module.
Drainage: Civil Drain out point is the ideal option while in the absence of that, FRP/Metal drain of width
150/200mm x height 150/200mm container can be fitted by the length of the green wall.
 Panel Size: 700 x 500mm
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 No of Plants per SFT: 16(approximately)
 Weight per Panel: 15 Kgs including irrigation system (approximately)

Front Elevation Section BB

Section AA
Typical plan & section details of geo mesh felt module
Source: Natura Greentech Pvt Ltd
Benefits of Vertical Gardens

Vertical Green walls provide the following benefits:

 Aesthetically pleasing
Green walls or living walls bring instant visual appeal to a barren wall or a large urban space. The pre-grown
plant material provides a finished look from day one. They provide much wanted relief from large urban eye
sores, service structures, transport elements.
 Conserves water
Green walls use an integrated drip irrigation or a hydroponic system for watering the plants. Waste water is
collected at the bottom in a tray after which it is either drained or recycled. Thus, there's very little wastage of
water. (On an average, as little as 1.2L/sq. m. /day)
 Improves air quality
Green walls improve air quality through bio-filtration. VOC's and other contaminants like airborne pollutants
are expelled from the interiors, thus providing clean air for breathing.
 Checks noise pollution
Living walls reduce noise pollution. The level of noise reduction depends on the depth of the growing media
and the materials used as structural system.
 Live plants decrease stress levels, create peaceful ambience
Presence of plants in an office not only reduces stress but also helps increase worker’s productivity. It's also
true that presence of interior plants creates a peaceful and fresh ambience and inspires creativity amongst
employees. In Canada, green walls are placed inside buildings to help offset SAD (Seasonal Affective
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 Increases value of neighbourhood
According to a study, green plants can increase the value of property by 6-15%. Plants can dramatically
increase visual perception of a place. They project a positive perception of a place as they're part of amenity
and recreational spaces in a neighbourhood.
 Restores places for wildlife
Living walls ‘mimic’ biodiversity and provide food, shelter for wildlife like birds, butterflies, thus restoring
wildlife habitats. It is important to choose the correct plant species.
 Mitigates the urban heat island effect
Increase in urban development has resulted in high urban heat island effect. Vegetation cools buildings and the
surrounding area through shading, reducing reflected heat, and evapotranspiration. Green walls promote natural
cooling processes. It mitigates the urban heat island effect.

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Recommended Species of plants

Considering New town Kolkata climate, the PMU recommends the following plant species for vertical green
wall proposal.

Representative image of Rhoeo spathacea compacta varigata

image of Ophiopogon japonicus (mondo grass)

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Representative image of Polystichum munitum (sword ferns)

Representative image of Pink nephthytis syngonium

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Representative image of Philodendron cordatum

Representative image of Epipremnum aureum (money plant)

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Representative image of Chlorophytum comosum

Representative image of Tradescantia pallida

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Proposed Views

Figure 0-2: Proposed View 1

Source: NKDA

Proposed View 2
Source: NKDA

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Proposed View 3
Source: NKDA

Proposed View 4
Source: NKDA

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Make List for Solar Roof top, Rain water Harvesting and Vertical Garden

Sl No. Description of Item Approved Make / Brand

Civil works
Reinforcement for concrete
2 Paint Berger/ Asian Paints/ ICICI/ Nerolac
3 MS structural works SAIL/TISCO/UTKARSH
4 Galvanized corrugated sheets TATA/Esar/Jindal
Controlled cement concrete
5 As per direction of EIC
M25 Garde
6 RMC M25 grade Ultratech/LnT/FTC
7 Anti-termite chemical As approved by EIC
Water proofing chemical
8 Sika / Dr Fixit/ Fosroc
9 White cement Ultratec/Birla/ACC
10 cement 53 grade Ultratech/Ambuja /ACC

Interlocking pavers /Concrete Pavestone/Calstone/GK Precast/ Advance precast/ S G Poly

Kerb/RCC manhole covers Concrete.

13 Outdoor vitrified Pavers/Tiles H&R Johnson/Pavit/Ultra Pavers

14 Poly carbonate sheet Bare Galvalume / Danpalon / GWX or Equivalent

15 Stainless steel SAIL/TATA/RINL

Aluminum doors, windows &
16 Jindal/ Indian Aluminum Sections or Equivalent.

17 UpVC Louver windows Supreme/Duroplast/ Promiplast

Aluminium Composite Panel

(ACP) Aludecor/ Alstrong/Timex Bond/Alstone
PHE / Water supply

1 Galvanized iron pipes TATA/ Jindal Hissar/ JSW or equivalent

2 CPVC pipes & accessories Supreme/Prince/Garware/Finolex/ Astral/Kissan or Equivalent.

3 UPVC pipes & accessories Supreme/ Prince/Garware/Finolex/ Astral/Kissan orEquivalent.

4 Cast Iron Pipe As approved By EIC

orange colour safety foot rest of
5 minimum 6 mm thick plastic As approved By EIC
encapsulated as per IS : 10910,

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Make List for Solar Roof top, Rain water Harvesting and Vertical Garden

Sl No. Description of Item Approved Make / Brand

6 Rain water Harvesting filter Jain/Alfa/RainBird
7 Submersible Pump Kirloskar/V-Guard/Jindal
8 Sluice valve Flowtech/calsens/Venus

Solar panel with accessories all
1 complete Vikram/Tata Solar/Luminous

1 Vertical Green Wall ZTC/Rainbird/ sai entrprieses

Lights, Cables, Switch Boards,
1 DB, MCB,conduits, all other
fittings and accessories.

Executive Engineer IV
New Town Kolkata Development Authority

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