Future Generation Philippine International School
Future Generation Philippine International School
Future Generation Philippine International School
Literary Analysis:
Based on your in-depth investigation of the text, write your final draft in this format: One (1)
paragraph for your introduction, two (2) paragraphs for your criticism – highlighting at least one (1)
literary approach or theory, and one (1) paragraph for your conclusion. Refer to the rubric for scoring.
Title (5 points)
Controlling Ideas:
Compelling and clear with thoughtful insight Clearly stated, with some insight. Present, but illogical or unclear
All are present, clearly relate to the thesis, and All are present and relate to the thesis. Some present, but only minimally related
Topic Statements smoothly transition. to thesis.
Development and Claim is focused and clearly identifies issue Claim is too broad or too narrow but Claim is unclear or missing. Evidence is not
Support of Ideas and writer’s position. Evidence supports each loosely identifies issue and writer’s relevant or is too scarce. Writer does not
reason. Writer clearly explains how reasons position. Evidence supports most explain how reasons and evidence support
support claim. reasons. Writer usually explains how claim.
examples support claim.
Content & Literary criticism clearly presents focus of Literary criticism presents subject but Literary criticism does not clearly set up
Organization subject and draws reader in. Transitions does not draw reader in. Most what paragraph is about. Writer uses few
clearly show how ideas connect. Organization transitions work but more are needed. or no transitions. Organization is random
is logical and consistent. Organization shows logic but is and disjointed.
Voice Tone and voice suit purpose and audience. Tone and voice suit purpose and Tone and voice do not suit purpose and
Writing reflects active engagement with topic. audience but seem flat or direct. audience. Writing lacks an engaging voice.
Writing engages topic inconsistently.
Word Choice Well- chosen words and phrases effectively Familiar words and phrases Vocabulary choice is limited. Frequent
persuade reader. There are no errors in logic communicate but rarely persuade errors in logic and inappropriate appeals
or inappropriate appeals to emotion. reader. There are some errors in logic to emotion distract the reader.
or inappropriate appeals to emotion.
Sentence Fluency Sentences vary in length and structure. Sentence length and structure vary Sentence structure lacks variety. Many
Sentence beginnings are varied. little. Sentence beginnings have some sentences begin the same way.
Conventions Spelling, punctuation, indention, and grammar Spelling, punctuation, and indention Spelling, punctuation, and indention are
are correct. are uneven. Grammar usage are not more often wrong. Grammar errors are
always correct. present.