The Church at Pergamos

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Topic: The Book of Revelation

Theme: The Seven Churches of Asia (The Church at Pergamos)

Text: Revelation 2:12-17


Probably began through Paul's work while at Ephesus


A. It was a political city of Asia, some seventy miles of Ephesus. The earliest capital of the Roman
province of Asia

B. It boasted of the finest libraries of antiquity which contained of 20,000 volumes. This library
was later given by Mark Anthony to Cleopatra.

C. It was in this city that parchment was first used.

The Old City of Pergamum The Library

- It also hosted temples to "the divine Augustus and the goddess Roma" - ESV Study Bible
The Modern City of Bergama
- The city thus boasted a religious primacy in the province, especially in regards to what developed into
an imperial cult

- Signs of its splendor included a theater, Asclepium (healing center), gymnasium, and several famous
temples - EBD, ibid. involving the worship of the Caesars and Rome.

“These things saith he which hath the sharp sword with two edges;”


- They have kept the faith, even though living in the very city Satan has chosen as his temporary
headquarters. For centuries, the devil had carried on his empire from Babylon (See Gen. 11:1-9; Dan 5.)
but when the nation fell, he apparently transferred it (at least for a while) to Pergamos. The city
worshipped, among other objects, a living serpent. Satan will later move his capital to Babylon. (rev

Snake worship

- Many in Pergamos had been martyred for their faith. One is mentioned here, Antipas by name. His
name never appeared in any other historical record. But God knew all about this anonymous humble
believer who lived and died for Christ some twenty centuries ago. (See John 10:3; 2Tim 2:19)

- Later recorded martyrs at Pergamos besides were Carpus, Papylus, and Agathonike - ISBE


“But I have a few things against thee,”

A. Some were practicing the doctrine of Balaam. Balaam was a false Old Testament prophet who
attempted to put a curse on the nation of Israel (Num 22:1-25:9). The New Testament refers to his
doctrine, his error and his way

1. His way (2Pet 2:15) – his way was his covetousness. Balaam’s services could be easily bought.

2. His error (Jude 1:11) – he wrongly supposed a Holy God would be forced to curse sinful Israel.

3. His doctrine (Rev 2:14) – he rightly concluded that if you can’t curse them, then corrupt them
through immorality and idolatry

B. Some were practicing the doctrines of the Nicolaitans (2:15). This philosophy had already been
condemned by Christ in the Church at Ephesus (2:6). However, we see that what once deeds in the first
church had now become hardened into doctrine.

“Repent; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against them with the sword of my
mouth.” (2:16)


“To him that overcometh will I give…”

A. Hidden manna to eat. This speaks of special fellowship with Christ. (See Jn 6:32-35; Heb 9:4)

B. A white stone with a new name written within. Charles Ryrie writes:

“The meaning of the white stone with the new name written is derived from either one or both
of two customs of the day. The first was that of the judges who determined a verdict by placing
in an urn a white and black pebble. If the white one came out it meant acquittal; thus, the white
stone would mean the assurance that there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ
Jesus. The other custom was the wearing of the amulets, a good luck charm worn around the
neck. If this is the refence, then the stone is the Lord’s way of reminding the people that they
had Him and needed no other thing.” (Revelation p.25)


A. One of the key individuals during this

period was a soldier name Constantine. He was
made emperor in 306 by his dying father and
the Roman troops. Upon coming to power in
the East, he was immediately faced with
destruction by the Western Emperor name
Maxentius. Constantine realized his uneasy
troops must be strengthened, and thus claimed
to have seen in a dream the image of the cross
and to have heard a voice saying, “By this sign,
conquer!” Thus inspired, he led his army to victory, defeating his enemy at the famous battle of Milvian
Bridge, outside Rome.

In 313 he signed the Edict of Tolerance, which granted freedom to Christians. It then fashionable
to join the church. He promised gold pieces and white robes to all converts. Soon pagans had joined the
church by the thousands, taking with them their heathen practices. The church then become so worldly
and the world so churchy that no difference could be seen. Lorraine Boetnner lists the following
unscriptural doctrines which were introduced during this general time period.

1. making prayers for the dead (300)

2. making the sign of the cross (300)

3. the worship of saints and angels (375)

4. the institution of the mass (394)

5. worship of Mary (431)

6. the doctrine of extreme unction (526)

7. the doctrine of purgatory (593)

B. Some champions during this time would include:

1. John Chrysostom (347-407), the greatest preacher of his day

2. Jerome (340 – 420), the

scholar who translated the
Bible into Latin.

3. Augustine (354-430), one of

the greatest theologians of all


1. From the letter to the church at Pergamos, we learn that Christians were living...

a. In difficult circumstances, with one of their own members having been martyred

b. With a civil government under the rule of Satan himself - cf. Rev 12:9; 20:8
2. While the church at Pergamos as a whole had been steadfast to the faith at great cost.

a. They had members who were teaching compromise with their sinful culture

b. They needed to repent, or Jesus would come in judgment against them

Again, through His letters to the seven churches in Asia, we learn the circumstances that prompted Jesus
to have John write the book of Revelation.

We also learn the sort of faith necessary for us to overcome any Satanic influenced society we may face
today, and inherit the eternal promises found in the Word of God!

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