DHA Shikha BHI 204 Unit4

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MS Excel:Spreadsheets and their uses in Business,Excel 
basics,Rearranging Worksheets, Excel Formatting 
techniques,Using Formulas and Functions. 

Introduction to Microsoft Excel

There are numbers of spreadsheet programs but from all of them, Excel is
most widely used. People have been using it for last 30 years and
throughout these years, it has been upgraded with more and more features.

The best part about Excel is, it can apply to many business tasks, including
statistics, finance, data management, forecasting, analysis, inventory,
billing, and business intelligence.

Following are the few things which it can do for you:

• Number Crunching
• Charts and Graphs
• Store and Import Data
• Manipulating Text
• Templates/Dashboards
• Automation of Tasks
• And Much More...
Three most important components of Excel is which you need to understand

1. Cell: A cell is a smallest but most powerful part of a spreadsheet. You

can enter your data into a cell either by typing or by copy-paste. Data can
be a text, a number, or a date. You can also customize it by changing its
size, font color, background color, borders, etc. Every cell is identified by
its cell address, cell address contains its column number and row number
(If a cell is on 11th row and on column AB, then its address will be AB11).
2. Worksheet: A worksheet is made up of individual cells which can
contain a value, a formula, or text. It also has an invisible draw layer,
which holds charts, images, and diagrams. Each worksheet in a workbook
is accessible by clicking the tab at the bottom of the workbook window. In
addition, a workbook can store chart sheets; a chart sheet displays a
single chart and is accessible by clicking a tab.
3. Workbook: A workbook is a separate file just like every other
application has. Each workbook contains one or more worksheets. You can
also say that a workbook is a collection of multiple worksheets or can be a
single worksheet. You can add or delete worksheets, hide them within the
workbook without deleting them, and change the order of your
worksheets within the workbook.

Microsoft Excel Window Components

Before you start using it, it’s really important to understand that what’s
where in its window. So ahead we have all the major component which you
need to know before entering the world of Microsoft Excel.

1. Active Cell: A cell which is currently selected. It will be highlighted by

a rectangular box and its address will be shown in the address bar. You
can activate a cell by clicking on it or by using your arrow buttons. To edit
a cell, you double-click on it or use F2 to as well.
2. Columns: A column is a vertical set of cells. A single worksheet
contains 16384 total columns. Every column has its own alphabet for
identity, from A to XFD. You can select a column clicking on its header.
3. Rows: A row is a horizontal set of cells. A single worksheet contains
1048576 total rows. Every row has its own number for identity, starting
from 1 to 1048576. You can select a row clicking on the row number
marked on the left side of the window.
4. Fill Handle: It’s a small dot present on the lower right corner of the
active cell. It helps you to fill numeric values, text series, insert ranges,
insert serial numbers, etc.
5. Address Bar: It shows the address of the active cell. If you have
selected more than one cell, then it will show the address of the first cell
in the range.
6. Formula Bar: The formula bar is an input bar, below the ribbon. It
shows the content of the active cell and you can also use it to enter a
formula in a cell.
7. Title Bar: The title bar will show the name of your workbook, followed
by the application name (“Microsoft Excel”).
8. File Menu: The file menu is a simple menu like all other applications.
It contains options like (Save, Save As, Open, New, Print, Excel Options,
Share, etc).
9. Quick Access Toolbar: A toolbar to quickly access the options which
you frequently use. You can add your favorite options by adding new
options to quick access toolbar.
10. Ribbon Tab: Starting from the Microsoft Excel 2007, all the options
menus are replaced with the ribbons. Ribbon tabs are the bunch of
specific option group which further contains the option.
11. Worksheet Tab: This tab shows all the worksheets which are present
in the workbook. By default you will see, three worksheets in your new
workbook with the name of Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3 respectively.
12. Status Bar: It is a thin bar at the bottom of the Excel window. It will
give you an instant help once you start working in Excel.

Microsoft Excel Basic Functions

Functions are one of the most important features of Excel. It helps you to perform the basic
calculations as well complex. Below I have listed 10 Basic Excel Functions which
you need to learn.
1. SUM: It returns the sum of numeric values in a cell. You can refer to
the cells where you have values or simply insert the values into the
function [...]
2. COUNT: It returns the count of numeric values in a cell. You can refer
to the cells where you have values or simply insert the values into the
function [...]
3. AVERAGE: It returns the average of numeric values in a cell. You can
refer to the cells where you have values or simply insert the values into
the function [...]
4. TIME: It returns a valid time serial number as per Excel's time format.
You need to specify hours, minutes and seconds [...]
5. DATE: It returns a valid date serial number as per Excel's time format.
You need to specify day, month and year [...]
6. LEFT: This function extracts specific characters from the a cell/string
starting from the left (start). You need to specify the text and number of
characters to extract [...]
7. RIGHT: This function extracts specific characters from the a cell/string
starting from the right (last). You need to specify the text and number of
characters to extract [...]
8. VLOOKUP: It looks up for a value in a column and can return that
value or a value from the correspondent columns using same row number
9. IF: This function returns a value when the specific condition is TRUE
and returns another values it condition is FALSE [...]
10. NOW: It returns the current date and time in the cell where you insert
it using your system's settings [...]

Basic Terms in Excel

There are two basic ways to perform calculations in Excel: Formulas and

1. Formulas
In Excel, a formula is an expression that operates on values in a range of cells
or a cell. For example, =A1+A2+A3, which finds the sum of the range of values
from cell A1 to cell A3.

2. Functions
Functions are predefined formulas in Excel. They eliminate laborious manual
entry of formulas while giving them human-friendly names. For example:
=SUM(A1:A3). The function sums all the values from A1 to A3.
Five Time-saving Ways to Insert Data into Excel
When analyzing data, there are five common ways of inserting basic Excel
formulas. Each strategy comes with its own advantages. Therefore, before
diving further into the main formulas, we’ll clarify those methods, so you can
create your preferred workflow earlier on.

1. Simple insertion: Typing a formula inside the cell

Typing a formula in a cell or the formula bar is the most straightforward
method of inserting basic Excel formulas. The process usually starts by typing
an equal sign, followed by the name of an Excel function.

Excel is quite intelligent in that when you start typing the name of the
function, a pop-up function hint will show. It’s from this list you’ll select your
preference. However, don’t press the Enter key. Instead, press the Tab key so
that you can continue to insert other options. Otherwise, you may find
yourself with an invalid name error, often as ‘#NAME?’. To fix it, just re-select
the cell, and go to the formula bar to complete your function.
Image: CFI’s Free Excel Crash Course.

2. Using Insert Function Option from Formulas Tab

If you want full control of your functions insertion, using the Excel Insert
Function dialogue box is all you ever need. To achieve this, go to the Formulas
tab and select the first menu labeled Insert Function. The dialogue box will
contain all the functions you need to complete your financial analysis.
3. Selecting a Formula from One of the Groups in Formula Tab
This option is for those who want to delve into their favorite functions quickly.
To find this menu, navigate to the Formulas tab and select your preferred
group. Click to show a sub-menu filled with a list of functions. From there, you
can select your preference. However, if you find your preferred group is not on
the tab, click on the More Functions option – it’s probably just hidden there.
Image: CFI’s Excel Courses.
4. Using AutoSum Option
For quick and everyday tasks, the AutoSum function is your go-to option. So,
navigate to the Home tab, in the far-right corner, and click the AutoSum
option. Then click the caret to show other hidden formulas. This option is also
available in the Formulas tab first option after the Insert Function option.

5. Quick Insert: Use Recently Used Tabs

If you find re-typing your most recent formula a monotonous task, then use
the Recently Used menu. It’s on the Formulas tab, a third menu option just
next to AutoSum.
Free Excel Formulas YouTube Tutorial
Watch CFI’s FREE YouTube video tutorial to quickly learn the most important
Excel formulas. By watching the video demonstration you’ll quickly learn the
most important formulas and functions.

Seven Basic Excel Formulas For Your Workflow

Since you’re now able to insert your preferred formulas and function correctly,
let’s check some fundamental Excel functions to get you started.

1. SUM
The SUM function is the first must-know formula in Excel. It usually aggregates
values from a selection of columns or rows from your selected range.

=SUM(number1, [number2], …)


=SUM(B2:G2) – A simple selection that sums the values of a row.

=SUM(A2:A8) – A simple selection that sums the values of a column.

=SUM(A2:A7, A9, A12:A15) – A sophisticated collection that sums values

from range A2 to A7, skips A8, adds A9, jumps A10 and A11, then finally adds
from A12 to A15.

=SUM(A2:A8)/20 – Shows you can also turn your function into a formula.
Image: CFI’s Free Excel Crash Course.
The AVERAGE function should remind you of simple averages of data such as
the average number of shareholders in a given shareholding pool.

=AVERAGE(number1, [number2], …)


=AVERAGE(B2:B11) – Shows a simple average, also similar to

The COUNT function counts all cells in a given range that contain only
numeric values.

=COUNT(value1, [value2], …)

COUNT(A:A) – Counts all values that are numerical in A column. However, you
must adjust the range inside the formula to count rows.

COUNT(A1:C1) – Now it can count rows.

Image: CFI’s Excel Courses.
Like the COUNT function, COUNTA counts all cells in a given rage. However, it
counts all cells regardless of type. That is, unlike COUNT that only counts
numerics, it also counts dates, times, strings, logical values, errors, empty
string, or text.

=COUNTA(value1, [value2], …)


COUNTA(C2:C13) – Counts rows 2 to 13 in column C regardless of type.

However, like COUNT, you can’t use the same formula to count rows. You
must make an adjustment to the selection inside the brackets – for
example, COUNTA(C2:H2) will count columns C to H
5. IF
The IF function is often used when you want to sort your data according to a
given logic. The best part of the IF formula is that you can embed formulas
and function in it.

=IF(logical_test, [value_if_true], [value_if_false])


=IF(C2<D3, ‘TRUE,’ ‘FALSE’) – Checks if the value at C3 is less than the value
at D3. If the logic is true, let the cell value be TRUE, else, FALSE

=IF(SUM(C1:C10) > SUM(D1:D10), SUM(C1:C10), SUM(D1:D10)) – An

example of a complex IF logic. First, it sums C1 to C10 and D1 to D10, then it
compares the sum. If the sum of C1 to C10 is greater than the sum of D1 to
D10, then it makes the value of a cell equal to the sum of C1 to C10.
Otherwise, it makes it the SUM of C1 to C10.
The TRIM function makes sure your functions do not return errors due to
unruly spaces. It ensures that all empty spaces are eliminated. Unlike other
functions that can operate on a range of cells, TRIM only operates on a single
cell. Therefore, it comes with the downside of adding duplicated data in your


TRIM(A2) – Removes empty spaces in the value in cell A2.

Image: CFI’s Free Excel Crash Course.
7. MAX & MIN
The MAX and MIN functions help in finding the maximum number and the
minimum number in a range of values.

=MIN(number1, [number2], …)


=MIN(B2:C11) – Finds the minimum number between column B from B2 and

column C from C2 to row 11 in both columns B and C.

=MAX(number1, [number2], …)


=MAX(B2:C11) – Similarly, it finds the maximum number between column B

from B2 and column C from C2 to row 11 in both columns B and C.
Microsoft Excel Basic Tutorials
Below I have listed some of the most important Basic Microsoft Excel
tutorials which can be helpful for you in day-to-day work.
1. Add Serial Numbers in Excel: These methods can generate numbers up
to a specific number or can add a running column of numbers [...]
2. Bullet Points in Excel: Unlike Word, in Excel, there is no default option
to insert bullet points. But there are total [...]
3. Strikethrough in Excel: When it comes to Excel, we don’t have any
direct option to apply strikethrough to a cell. No button or an option [...]
4. Formula to Value: All the methods which I've shared here are different
in nature and you can use them according to [...]
5. Fill Justify in Excel: The single core motive to use fill justify in excel is
to merge the data from multiple cells into a single cell [...]
6. Generate Barcode in Excel: But here is the good news: You can
generate a bar-code in Excel by installing a font [...]
7. Select Non-Adjacent Cells in Excel: Normally, when you need to select
multiple cells which are not continuing, you press [...]
8. Format Painter: Format Painter is a simple and effective tool to apply
formatting from one cell to another cell. For Example [...]
9. Check Mark in Excel: Eventually today morning, I thought maybe there
is more than one way to add a check mark [...]
10. Insert Timestamp in Excel: And, quickly I realized that she was talking
about a timestamp. I’m sure you also use it while working in Excel [...]
11. Sort Horizontally in Excel: Have you ever wondered that you can
horizontally sort data in Excel? I mean, you can sort [...]

What is Microsoft Excel?

Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program that is used to record and analyse
numerical data. Think of a spreadsheet as a collection of columns and rows
that form a table. Alphabetical letters are usually assigned to columns and
numbers are usually assigned to rows. The point where a column and a row
meet is called a cell. The address of a cell is given by the letter representing
the column and the number representing a row. Let's illustrate this using the
following image.

Why Should I Learn Microsoft Excel?

We all deal with numbers in one way or the other. We all have daily expenses
which we pay for from the monthly income that we earn. For one to spend
wisely, they will need to know their income vs. expenditure. Microsoft Excel
comes in handy when we want to record, analyze and store such numeric
Where can I get Microsoft Excel?

There are number of ways in which you can get Microsoft Excel. You can buy
it from a hardware computer shop that also sells software. Microsoft Excel is
part of the Microsoft Office suite of programs. Alternatively, you can download
it from the Microsoft website but you will have to buy the license key.

In this tutorial, we are going to cover the following topics.

• How to Open Microsoft Excel?

• Understanding the Ribbon
• Understanding the worksheet
• Customization Microsoft Excel Environment
• Important Excel shortcuts

How to Open Microsoft Excel?

Running Excel is not different from running any other Windows program. If
you are running Windows with a GUI like (Windows XP, Vista, and 7) follow
the following steps.

• Click on start menu

• Point to all programs
• Point to Microsoft Excel
• Click on Microsoft Excel

Alternatively, you can also open it from the start menu if it has been added
there. You can also open it from the desktop shortcut if you have created one.

For this tutorial, we will be working with Windows 8.1 and Microsoft Excel
2013. Follow the following steps to run Excel on Windows 8.1

• Click on start menu

• Search for Excel N.B. even before you even typing, all programs
starting with what you have typed will be listed.
• Click on Microsoft Excel

The following image shows you how to do this

Understanding the Ribbon

The ribbon provides shortcuts to commands in Excel. A command is an action
that the user performs. An example of a command is creating a new
document, printing a documenting, etc. The image below shows the ribbon
used in Excel 2013.
Ribbon components explained
Ribbon start button - it is used to access commands i.e. creating new
documents, saving existing work, printing, accessing the options for
customizing Excel, etc.

Ribbon tabs – the tabs are used to group similar commands together. The
home tab is used for basic commands such as formatting the data to make it
more presentable, sorting and finding specific data within the spreadsheet.

Ribbon bar – the bars are used to group similar commands together. As an
example, the Alignment ribbon bar is used to group all the commands that are
used to align data together.

Understanding the worksheet (Rows and

Columns, Sheets, Workbooks)
A worksheet is a collection of rows and columns. When a row and a
column meet, they form a cell. Cells are used to record data. Each cell is
uniquely identified using a cell address. Columns are usually labelled with
letters while rows are usually numbers.

A workbook is a collection of worksheets. By default, a workbook has

three cells in Excel. You can delete or add more sheets to suit your
requirements. By default, the sheets are named Sheet1, Sheet2 and so on
and so forth. You can rename the sheet names to more meaningful names i.e.
Daily Expenses, Monthly Budget, etc.

Customization Microsoft Excel Environment

Personally I like the black colour, so my excel theme looks blackish. Your
favourite colour could be blue, and you too can make your theme colour look
blue-like. If you are not a programmer, you may not want to include ribbon
tabs i.e. developer. All this is made possible via customizations. In this sub-
section, we are going to look at;

• Customization the ribbon

• Setting the colour theme
• Settings for formulas
• Proofing settings
• Save settings

Customization of ribbon

The above image shows the default ribbon in Excel 2013. Let's start with
customization the ribbon, suppose you do not wish to see some of the tabs on
the ribbon, or you would like to add some tabs that are missing such as the
developer tab. You can use the options window to achieve this.

• Click on the ribbon start button

• Select options from the drop down menu. You should be able to see an
Excel Options dialog window
• Select the customize ribbon option from the left-hand side panel as
shown below

• On your right-hand side, remove the check marks from the tabs that you
do not wish to see on the ribbon. For this example, we have removed
Page Layout, Review, and View tab.
• Click on the "OK" button when you are done.

Your ribbon will look as follows

Adding custom tabs to the ribbon
You can also add your own tab, give it a custom name and assign commands
to it. Let's add a tab to the ribbon with the text Guru99

1. Right click on the ribbon and select Customize the Ribbon. The dialogue
window shown above will appear
2. Click on new tab button as illustrated in the animated image below
3. Select the newly created tab
4. Click on Rename button
5. Give it a name of Guru99
6. Select the New Group (Custom) under Guru99 tab as shown in the
image below
7. Click on Rename button and give it a name of My Commands
8. Let's now add commands to my ribbon bar
9. The commands are listed on the middle panel
10. Select All chart types command and click on Add button
11. Click on OK

Your ribbon will look as follows

Setting the colour theme

To set the color-theme for your Excel sheet you have to go to Excel ribbon,
and click on à File àOption command. It will open a window where you have to
follow the following steps.
1. The general tab on the left-hand panel will be selected by default.
2. Look for colour scheme under General options for working with Excel
3. Click on the colour scheme drop-down list and select the desired colour
4. Click on OK button

Settings for formulas

This option allows you to define how Excel behaves when you are
working with formulas. You can use it to set options i.e. autocomplete when
entering formulas, change the cell referencing style and use numbers for both
columns and rows and other options.
If you want to activate an option, click on its check box. If you want to
deactivate an option, remove the mark from the checkbox. You can this option
from the Options dialogue window under formulas tab from the left-hand side
Proofing settings

This option manipulates the entered text entered into excel. It allows
setting options such as the dictionary language that should be used when
checking for wrong spellings, suggestions from the dictionary, etc. You can
this option from the options dialogue window under the proofing tab from the
left-hand side panel
Save settings

This option allows you to define the default file format when saving files,
enable auto recovery in case your computer goes off before you could
save your work, etc. You can use this option from the Options dialogue
window under save tab from the left-hand side panel

Important Excel shortcuts

Ctrl + P  used to open the print dialogue window 

Ctrl + N  creates a new workbook 
Ctrl + S  saves the current workbook 

Ctrl + C  copy contents of current select 

Ctrl + V  paste data from the clipboard 

SHIFT + F3  displays the function insert dialog window 

SHIFT + F11  Creates a new worksheet 

F2  Check formula and cell range covered 

Best Practices when working with Microsoft Excel

1. Save workbooks with backward compatibility in mind. If you are not
using the latest features in higher versions of Excel, you should save
your files in 2003 *.xls format for backwards compatibility
2. Use description names for columns and worksheets in a workbook
3. Avoid working with complex formulas with many variables. Try to
break them down into small managed results that you can use to build
4. Use built-in functions whenever you can instead of writing your
own formulas

• Microsoft Excel is a powerful spreadsheet program used to record,
manipulate, store numeric data and it can be customized to match your
• The ribbon is used to access various commands in Excel
• The options dialogue window allows you to customize a number of
items i.e. the ribbon, formulas, proofing, save, etc.

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