ZFP Sor 2021-6-13

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HSE Observation Report

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Contractor need to
ensure that safety
Operatives found harness/ lanyard must be
working at height worn and attached when Critical
without fall working at height, One
1 Ground working
protection. Potential Ensure that all
Floor day
risk to fall from operatives are trained
and competent when
working at heights

Contractor need to
Operatives were ensure that no work
found working under should be done under Critical
the man lift the Man lift operation to One
2 A02-A working
operation, No prevent personnel being
exclusion zone was day
injured from falling
HSE Observation Report

Contractor need to
ensure that all
combustible waste Life
wooden pallet scraps Critical
materials must be
were found kept and One
3 Basement- managed to prevent the working
stored, Potential risk
1 risk of fire, by regular day
to fire hazard.
removal and safe

Found an operative Contractor need to Non-Life

from MERAS was conduct awareness Critical
4 Basement- standing on the training to the workers working
1 ladder without any regarding Ladder Safety day
HSE Observation Report

Found several Contractor need instruct

Cigarette butts in their operatives that
fire bucket at al smoking in non- Critical
Bawani office area, designated area is 1>3
5 Ground working
evidence that some strictly prohibited.
Floor day
operatives smoking Provide additional “NO
in non-designated
SMOKING” signage’s

Contractor need to
instruct all the
Foreman/supervisor to
generate the STARRT Non-Life
Observed that the Critical
card on daily basis to
STARRT card 1>3
6 Basement- address the actual working
Maras electrical
1 hazards, risks and day
control measures
associated with their
HSE Observation Report

Contractor need to
provide and installed Non-Life
It was observed that
no smoke detector smoke detector inside Critical
the new temporary 1>3
7 Basement- installed in the rest working
1 area office day

Contractor need to
Observed that the secure all the gas Critical
gas cylinders stored cylinders using chains, 1>3
8 Ground working
inside the cage are wrap around the body
Floor day
not secured when being stored.
HSE Observation Report

Observed Stagnant Contractor need to Non-Life

water beside the remove the stagnant Critical
Basement- water drinking 1>3
9 water and backfill with working
1 station. Potential risk gravel stone day
for slip & fall

Prepared by:
Mohammed Vajid Ali

Life Critical Major failure e.g. fatality, LTI, major injury, or Immediate> 1 Working day (if not temporary suspended)
dangerous occurrence
Non-Life Critical Potential Minor injury Incident, Environmental or 1 > 3 working day
Welfare Issue.
Good Practice N/A None however look to share good practice

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