1.an Introduction To Food Labelling Requirements in India:: Offences & Penalties

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An Introduction to Food Labelling requirements in India :

Food Labelling requirements

Food Labelling serves as a primary link of communication between the manufacturer or packer of food on
the one hand and distributor, seller, and user or consumer on the other hand. By way of labelling the
manufacturer introduces his product to his distributor or seller and to the target consumer or user of his
product by providing all the information regarding his product on the label.
The manufacturer can impress the consumer or its target user that it is the product of his choice, which suits
him/her according to his/her needs. Thereby, the correct and required labelling undoubtedly promotes the
sale of his product.
As per Food Laws every packaged food article has to be labelled and it has to be labelled in accordance to
the law applicable in the country of the user. Every packaged food article for the domestic use has to be
labelled in accordance to the related Indian Food Law i.e. Food Safety and Standards (Packaging and
Labelling) Regulations, 2011, notified by Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI).
The packaged food for export has to be labelled in accordance to the food laws and regulations applicable to
the importing country.
In order to safe guard the interest of the consumer, The Food Safety and Standards (Packaging and
Labelling) Regulations, 2011, provides that every packaged food article has to be labelled and it shall
provide the following information –
1. The name of Food
2. List of Ingredients,
3. Nutritional Information,
4. Declaration regarding Veg or non-veg,
5. Declaration regarding Food Additives,
6. Name and complete address of the manufacturer or packer
7. Net Quantity,
8. Code No,/Lot No./Batch No.,
9. Date of manufacture or packing,
10. .Best Before and Use By Date,
11. .Country of Origin for imported food and
12. .Instructions for use
In addition to the above information the manufacturer or the packer has to also ensure that the label complies
with the general requirements of labelling prescribed under the regulations I.e. the label should not become
separated from the container, contents on the label shall be correct, clear and readily legible and shall be in
English or Hindi language, etc.
It is very easy to notice the defect in labelling through visual inspection and there is no need to send the
sample for analysis and no analysis report is required to identify the labelling defects. If the food product is
not labelled in accordance to the regulations or it does not provide the required complete information or the
food product is promoted for sale with false, misleading or deceptive claims then it is considered as
misbranded food and attracts the penalties as given below-
1. Misbranded Food Up to 3lakh rupee
2. Misleading advertisement Up to 10lakh rupees
The consumer can notice the labelling defect easily through visual inspection and that may create suspicion
about the quality of the product also in the mind of the consumer.
If during food inspection the regulator notices any labelling defect then it creates doubt in the mind of the
regulator about the quality of the food product also and invariably the sample of such food product is taken
and sent for analysis for the check of its quality also.
If on analysis the sample is found non-complying to the standards then the food product is declared as
substandard besides misbranding and prosecution is launched for substandard and also for misbranding i.e
labelling defect. Even if the sample is found confirming to standards, the prosecution is launched for
From the above discussion, it is clear that on one hand the correct and appropriate labelling convince the
user that it is the product for him/her and he/she should buy it and indirectly promotes the sale of the
product. On the other hand incorrect and incomplete labelling makes the food product misbranded,
suspicious of its quality and attracts the attention of the regulators for its quality check and further leads to
In view of above, the Food Business Operator can understand the importance of correct labelling and if the
label declaration is incorrect and not in accordance to the regulations then the FBOs have to face the
implications of the FSS acts.
The Food Business Operator is responsible for providing the correct and requisite information on the label to
the consumers. Considering the importance of correct labelling, We have made this course for awareness of
the Food Business Operators on labelling of packaged food products in accordance to food Safety and
Standards (Packaging and Labelling) Regulations, 2011,notified by FSSAI which is effective in India w.e.f.
August 5, 2011. This Packaging and Labelling Regulations are summarized in the following modules:
1. General Requirements and Manner of Labelling
2. The name of Food and List of Ingredients,
3. Nutritional Information,
4. Declaration regarding Veg or Non-veg,
5. Declaration regarding Food Additives,
6. Name of Manufacturer or packer and Country of Origin
7. Net Quantity
8. Lot No. /Batch No./Code No.
9. Date of manufacture or packing and Best Before or Use By Date,
10. .Instructions for Use
11. .Specific Requirements and Manner of Labelling for Infant Milk Substitute and Infant Foods
12. .Specific Labelling Requirements of edible oils and fats, permitted food colors and irradiated foods
13. .Specific Requirements and Manner of Labelling of Other Food Products
14. .Specific Restrictions on product labels and advertisement
15. .Exemptions from labelling requirements
“Labelling means to introduce a product for sale by providing comprehensive information about the
product to the target consumer market besides ensuring safety standards of the regulatory body. A
useful elaborated information about the label leaves good impression on the consumers seeking
required details about the product
2.General Requirements of Food Labelling applicable to all products

The FSS Packaging and Labelling, Regulations intends, when a consumer buys any food product in pre-
packaged containers, he gets all the necessary information about the food product on the label affixed on the
container, so that the consumer can make his choice to buy it or not to buy it.
The information on the label should be clear, visible and in simple and understandable language to the
consumer. To ensure that the labelling is not done just for compliance of the Regulations, but it actually
serves its purpose to provide the necessary and correct information to the consumer, the Regulations
prescribe the general requirement of labelling and manner of declaration on the labels to be followed by the
concerned Food Business Operators.
2.1 General Requirements of Food Labelling
1. Every pre-packaged food shall carry a label containing the required information. The particulars of
declaration on the label shall be in English or Hindi in Devanagari script.
2. The use of any other language in addition to English and Hindi languages is also allowed.
3. Pre-packaged food shall not be labelled in a manner that is false, misleading or deceptive or is likely
to create an erroneous impression regarding its character in any respect.
4. The Label in pre-packaged foods shall be applied in such a manner that they will not become
separated from the container during transportage or other wise.
5. Contents on the label shall be clear, prominent, indelible and readily legible by the consumer under
normal conditions of purchase and use.
6. Where wrapper covers the container, the wrapper shall carry the necessary information or the label on
the container shall be readily legible through the outer wrapper.
7. As per the latest amendment, the license number has to be displayed on the principal display panel.

Manner of declaration:
1. Any information or pictorial device written, printed, or graphic matter may be displayed in the label, only
if it is not in conflict with the requirements of these Regulations.
2. Every declaration, which is required to be made on package, shall be:
(i)definite,plain and unambiguous
(ii) the font size of the letters should be appropriate and in colour contrast with the background of the label.
3. No declaration shall be made so as to require it to be read through any liquid commodity contained in the
4. Labels should not to contain false or misleading statements: A label should not contain any statement,
claim, design, device, fancy name or abbreviation which is false or misleading in any particular concerning
the food contained in the package, or concerning the quantity or the nutritive value or in relation to the place
of origin of the said food:
The established trade or fancy names of confectionery, biscuits and sweets, such as, barley, sugar, bull’s eye,
cream cracker or aerated waters, such as, Ginger Beer or Gold-Spot or any other name in existence under the
international trade practice are exempted from this clause.
5. The information required shall be given on the principal display panel /label of the package or container
and such information may be grouped together and given at one place.
6.Area of the principal display panel or size of the label should be in proportion to the size of the packaging
or the container.
(a) In the case of a rectangular container ,the area of principal display panel or the size of label shall not be
less than forty percent of the product of height and width of the container.
(b) In case of cylindrical or , round or , oval or nearly oval container, , the area of principal display panel/
label shall not be less than twenty percent of the product of the height and average circumference of such
container; or
(c) In the case of container of any other shape, it shall be not less than twenty percent of the total surface
area of the container
7. The letters and numerals used in the label declaration should be of proper height and width in accordance
to the size of the packaging. The minimum size of the letter prescribed for the smallest size of packaging of
up to 50 g or 50 ml. is, height-1 mm. and minimum width 0.33 mm.
Overall purpose of this study is to make sure the information provided on the food label can easily be read
and it is not too small to be properly recognized. No false or misleading claims are to be mentioned on the
3.Name of Food and List of Ingredient

Name of Food: The name and trade name of the food shall be mentioned on the label.
List of the Ingredients: The list of all food articles i.e. ingredients added in the manufacture of food
products are to be mentioned on the label with the title “Ingredients”. Any substance including food
additives, color, preservatives added in the manufacture of food product shall be added in the list of
The name of ingredients shall be given in descending order that means the ingredient used in higher quantity
will be mentioned first than the substance used in lower quantities. Specific name of each ingredient shall be
mentioned on the label.
However in some cases the class name of the food ingredient is allowed to be mentioned in place of specific
name of the ingredient .For example,.if turmeric powder or chilles powder or both or any other single spice
or more than one spices in combination have been used in the preparation of any food product then in place
of mentioning the names of all spices used ,the class name as “spice and condiments” may be mentioned in
the list of ingredients.
The ingredients falling in the respective classes, the class title as mentioned in the table may be used.
Table containing the Ingredients and Class Title
Classes Class Titles
Edible vegetable Edible vegetable oil/ Edible vegetable fat or both
oils/Edible vegetable fat hydrogenated or Partially hydrogenated oil
Animal fat / oil other Give name of the source of fat. Pork fat, lard and
than milk fat beef fat or extracts thereof shall be declared by
Starches, other than specific names
chemically modified Starch

All species of fish where

the fish constitutes an Fish
ingredient of another
food and provided that
the labelling and
presentation of such food
does not refer to a
species of fish
All types of poultry meat Poultry meat
where such meat
constitutes an ingredient
of another food and
provided that the
labelling and presentation
of such a food does not
refer to a specific
All types of cheese where Cheese
cheese or mixture of
cheeses constitutes an
ingredient of another
food and provided that
the labelling and
presentation of such food
does not refer to a
specific type of cheese
All spices and Spices and condiments or mixed spices/
condiments and their condiments as appropriate

All types of gum or Gum Base

preparations used in the
manufacture of gum base
for chewing gum
Anhydrous dextrose and Dextrose or Glucose
dextrose monohydrate
All types of Caseinates
Press, expeller or refined
cocoa butter Cocoa butter
All crystallized fruit
Crystallized fruit
All milk and milk Milk solids
products derived solely
from milk
Cocoa bean, Coconib, Cocoa solids
Cocomass, Cocoa press
cakes,Cocoa powder
If the ingredient used in the product, itself is the product of one or more ingredients then such a compound
ingredient shall be mentioned in the list of ingredients with a list of its ingredients in descending order
within the brackets.
In some cases percentage of the ingredients added has to be mentioned. Where a food product is a mixture of
two food products or the ingredient of food product, is shown as present on the label or through words or
pictures then the percentage of the ingredients shown in the picture have to be mentioned.
The ingredients need not to be mentioned in a single ingredient food.
To summarize, the brand name should clearly appear on the label along with the information about all
classes of ingredients and their percentage quantity used in the manufacturing of the product.
4.Nutritional Facts

The Nutritional Information labelling is a description intended to inform the consumer of the nutritional
properties of the food. The Nutritional Facts on the label provides detailed information about a food’s
nutrient content, such as the amount of Protein, carbohydrates, Sugar, fat and Calories.
This information available on the label enables the consumer to compare the nutritional value of similar food
products and on comparing the relevant nutritional value of different food products, the consumer can make
the healthy choice of food.
The growing children or the sports person who need high calorie, diet rich in proteins and other nutrients or
the people who are obese or suffering from diabetes or high blood lipid, need to follow a special or restricted
diet. In such conditions the label declaration regarding nutritional facts makes it easier to select the
appropriate food and can also help to compare similar foods to decide which is a healthier choice.
From the manufacturer point of view the relevant Nutritional Value helps to attract the consumers towards
the product and requirements for nutrition information on food labels would encourage improving the
nutrient profile of their product.
The label of nutritional value creates ideal conditions for both the consumers and food business operators.
The Indian Food law, The Food Safety and Standards (Packaging and Labelling ) Regulations ,2011,
notified by the FSSAI, requires to mention nutritional value or Nutritional Information or nutritional facts
per 100 gm or 100ml or per serving of the product is required to be given on the label as mentioned below :
(i) Energy value in kcal;
(ii) The amounts of protein, carbohydrate (quantity of sugar), and fat in gram (g) or ml;
(iii) If a special claim is made regarding nutritional value or health benefit then the amount of other nutrient
according to which the claim has been made shall also be mentioned on the label.
If a claim is made regarding the amount or type of fatty acids or the amount of cholesterol, the amount of
saturated fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids in gram (g) and cholesterol
in milligram (mg) and the amount of trans fatty acid in gram (g) shall be mentioned in addition to the other
requirement mentioned above.
If the food product contains less than 0.2 gram/serving of trans fat/serving, then it can be mentioned as trans
fat free. In case of saturated fat if it is less than 0.1/100gm or 100ml of food it can be mentioned as saturated
fat free.
It is better; the nutritional facts are mentioned in a tabular form. If a consumer has health conditions, such as
high blood pressure or high cholesterol, and need to follow a special diet , it is convenient for him to read
and compare the nutritional facts of similar foods when given in the tabular form.
Nutritional facts per 100 gm
Energy k.cal
Protein g
Carbohydrate g
Sugar g
Fats g
Saturated Fatty Acids g
Monounsaturated Fatty Acid g
Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids g
Cholesterol mg
The nutritional information may not be necessary, in case of foods such as raw agricultural
commodities,like, wheat, rice, cereals, spices, spice mixes, herbs, condiments, table salt, sugar,
jaggery, or non –nutritive products, like, soluble tea, coffee, soluble coffee, coffee-chicory mixture,
packaged drinking water, packaged mineral water, alcoholic beverages or fruit and vegetables,
processed and pre- packaged assorted vegetables,fruits, vegetables and products that comprise of
single ingredient, pickles, papad, or foods served for immediate consumption such as served in
hospitals, hotels or by food services vendors or halwais, or food shipped in bulk which is not for sale in
that form to consumers.
A food label with facts on nutritional value may serve as an important source of information to the
consumers especially in case of children or people seeking a food product to fulfill their specific needs.
Nutritional facts on the label may serve as a competitive edge while proposing a food product for sale.
For the purpose of regulation 2.2.2 (3);
(i) “Health claims” means any representation that states, suggests or implies that a
relationship exists between a food or a constituent of that food and health and include
nutrition claims which describe the physiological role of the nutrient in growth,
development and normal functions of the body, other functional claims concerning specific
beneficial effect of the consumption of food or its constituents, in the context of the total
diet, on normal functions or biological activities of the body and such claims relate to a
positive contribution to health or to the improvement of function or to modifying or
preserving health, or disease, risk reduction claim relating to the consumption of a food or
food constituents, in the context of the total diet, to the reduced risk of developing a disease
or health related condition;
(ii) “Nutrition claim” means any representation which states, suggests or implies that a
food has particular nutritional properties which are not limited to the energy value but
include protein, fat carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals;
5.Declaration of Veg Non veg(Regulation 2.2.2(4))

India has a large audience for both Veg & Non-Veg food, but some of the communities are restricted by
religion where Non-Veg food is not entertained, also there are people who have their personal preference for
‘Veg only’ food items. To safeguard the interests and the sentiments of such people a food product label
must have the identification mark “Veg” or “Non-Veg” for the category of food.
It is mandatory for all food manufacturers to indicate as to whether the food item contains any non-
vegetarian ingredients or not. To enable the consumer to know whether any packaged food is vegetarian or
non-vegetarian, this will be indicated in the form of a brown circle in square or green circle in a square on
the package. A brown circle is to indicate the presence of non-vegetarian ingredients in the food item, while
a green circle indicates that the food item is vegetarian. The green circle and brown circle in a square are
indicated as veg & non-veg logos respectively.
Let us first understand as per food laws what is a non-vegetarian food and what is vegetarian food.
“Non- Vegetarian Food” means an article of food which contains whole or part of any animal
including birds, fresh water or marine animals or eggs or products of any animal origin, but
excluding milk or milk products, as an ingredient.
“Vegetarian Food” means any article of Food other than Non- Vegetarian Food.
The Veg , Non veg logo should be placed near the product name so that consumer can easily identify the
product that the product is vegetarian or contain any non-vegetarian content.
(i) The size of the logo depends upon the size of the product. The size of the logo i.e. the diameter of the
circle and side of the square shall be in accordance to the size of the label.
(ii) The package of “Non Vegetarian” food shall have a symbol and color code as given below to indicate
that the product is Non-Vegetarian Food. The symbol shall consist of a brown color filled circle having a
specified diameter at the centre of the brown square.

Logo for Veg

There are some products like carbonated water and liquid milk which are exempted from this provision,
hence these markings are not required on these products.
So, it is mandatory that labelling of every food product should indicate “Veg” or “Non-Veg” element in the
ingredients through recommended marks on the label enabling the user to make a choice.

Logo for Non veg

If any article of food contains egg only as Non-Vegetarian ingredient, the manufacturer, or packer or seller
has to mention the same along with the said symbol.
The package of Vegetarian Food shall bear a symbol and color code as given below to indicate that the
product is Vegetarian Food. The symbol shall consist of a green color filled circle, having a specified
diameter not less than the minimum size inside the square with green outline having specified size.
Size of the logo

Sl No. Area of principal display panel Minimum size of diameters in mm

1. Upto 100 cms. Square. 3
2. Above 100 cms. square upto 500 cms square. 4
3. Above 500 cms square upto 2500 cms square. 6
4. Above 2500 cms. Square. 8
The symbol shall be prominently displayed
(i) on the package having contrast background on principal display panel;
(ii) just close in proximity to the name or brand name of the product;
(iii) on the labels, containers, pamphlets, leaflets, advertisements in any media;
Provided also that the provisions of regulation 2.2.2(4) shall not apply in respect of mineral
water or packaged drinking water or carbonated water or alcoholic drinks, or liquid milk
and milk powders.
6.Declaration regarding Food Additives

Food additives are substances which are technologically required for the manufacturing of food and also
added to food to preserve flavour or enhance its taste and appearance. They include antioxidants,
preservatives, coloring and flavouring agents, and anti-infective agents. Most food additives have little or no
nutritional value.
If any additives are added to the food, it shall be mentioned on the label in accordance to the Food Safety
and Standards (packaging and Labelling) Regulations 2011, notified by FSSAI.
When the food additives are used in the food , class titles of the food additives are mentioned together with
the specific names or recognized international numerical identifications or ISN of the food additives.
The classes of the additive are as acidity regulator, color preservative etc.

Addition of colors and/or Flavours—

(a) If color has been added to any article of food, it shall be mentioned in capital letters, just beneath the list
of the ingredients on the label as
After mentioning it along with the name or INS no of the food color, the name of the color need not be
mentioned in the list of ingredients.
If flavouring agent has been added to the food, it shall be written just beneath the list of ingredients on the
label attached in capital letters as below:
CONTAINS ADDED FLAVOUR (specify type of flavouring agent)
(c) If both color and flavour are used in the product, a combined statements shall be mentioned, as
In case, artificial flavouring substances, has been attached then the common name of the flavours or ISN No.
shall be given. In case of the natural flavorings substances or nature identical flavouring substances has been
added then the class name of flavours shall only be mentioned
Though it is accepted that for selling a food product, additives like antioxidants, preservatives, colouring and
flavouring agents, and anti-infective agents are required to give taste, flavour, appearance etc, but the
consumer has to be informed of all above discussed in this article.
7.Date of Manufacture or Packing and Best Before or Use By Date

Information about dates on pre-packaged food product is a valuable source of information about the life of
the packaged food product for the consumers. Date of manufacture or packing on the labels provides an
information about the age of the product and from this date the consumer can assess, how old the product is
? Whereas, the Best Before Date or Use by Date indicates the remaining healthy life of the unopened
product. Best Before Date is the date by which it is expected that the unopened food, when stored under
appropriate conditions, will retain its freshness, taste, nutritional value and all other claimed qualities. A
“best-before” date, tells when the potential shelf-life period of the unopened foods ends. One can consume
foods after the “best before” date has passed.
However, when this date has passed, the food may lose some of its freshness and flavour, or its texture may
have changed. Some of its nutritional value, such as vitamin C content, may also be lost. Remember that
“best before” dates are not indicators of food safety, neither before nor after the date. They apply to
unopened products only. Once opened, the shelf life of a food may change.
“Best before” dates do not guarantee product safety. However, they do give you the information about
the freshness and potential shelf-life of the unopened foods you are buying.
The Indian Food Law, FSS (Packaging and Labelling ) Regulations,2011,notified by FSSAI, defines the
terms like , Date of Manufacture , Date of Packing, Best Before Date and Use by Date . The Regulation
makes it mandotary that the information about the Date of manufacture or packing and Best Before or Use
By Date has to be mentioned on the label on the package of the food product.
The regulations define:
a.“Date of manufacture” means the date on which the food becomes the product.
b. “Date of packaging” means the date on which the food is placed in the immediate container in which it
will be ultimately sold;
c. “Best before” means the date which signifies the end of the period under any stated storage conditions
during which the food shall remain fully marketable and shall retain any specific qualities for which express
claims have been made and beyond that date, the food may still be perfectly safe to consume, though its
quality may have diminished. However the food shall not be sold if at any stage the product becomes unsafe.
d.“Use – by date” or “Recommended last consumption date” or “Expiry date” means the date which
signifies the end of the estimated period under any stated storage conditions, after which the food probably
will not have the quality and safety attributes normally expected by the consumers and the food shall not be
7.1 Date of manufacture or packing:
The date, month and year in which the commodity is manufactured, packed or pre-packed has to be given on
the label in the prescribed manner :
In case the Best Before Date of the product is more than three months then only the month and the year of
manufacture, or prepacking is required to be mentioned.
In case the packaged food product has a short shelf life of less than three months than the date, month and
year in which the food commodity is manufactured, prepared or pre-packed is required to be mentioned.

7.2 Best before and Use By Date:

The month and year in capital letters up to which the product is best for consumption has to be mentioned on
the label, as given below :—
In case of packages containing the food commodity of perishable nature which has a short shelf life i.e.
pizza, doghunts,khoya, paneer etc. The date, month and year in capital letters up to which the product is best
for consumption has to mentioned on the label as given below.
In case of Aspartame and Infant milk substitute and Infant Foods, Use by Date/recommended last
consumption date/expiry Date has to be mentioned. Best Before Date is not required to be given on such
In case of wines liquors and alcoholic beverages containing more than 10% of alcohol, Best Before Date,
Use by Date or Expiry Date is not required to be mentioned.
From the manufacturer or packers point of view it is important to note that he has to ensure that his
unopened pre-packaged food , when stored under appropriate conditions, retains its freshness, taste,
nutritional value and all other claimed qualities , at least upto its Best Before Date.
If there are any particular storage conditions for the product to maintain its shelf life, these must be pointed
out. However, as a rule it is recommended to always describe the necessary storage conditions for a food
Shelf life should be established for all products by conducting planned and carefully executed shelf life
To make sure food lasts until its date, it’s important to mention storage instructions, such as ‘Keep
refrigerated’ and ‘Store in a cool, dark place’ on the label.
A consumer will always be interested to know about the life of a packaged food product, so the label should
have the information about the date of manufacture or packing and best before or use by date.
8.Net Quantity

The net quantity of contents is the statement on the label which provides the actual amount of food in the
From the net quantity mentioned on the label of the food product, the buyer can assess that for purchasing
the particular quantity, how much he has to pocket out and he can also compare the quantity and the price of
the similar product of different manufacturers.
Though as per food laws FSS (Packaging and labelling) Regulation, 2011, it is not mandatory to mention the
minimum retail price of the product, but the Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Rules, makes its
mandatory to mention the Maximum Retail Price (MRP) as well as the net weight of the food product along
with guidelines that specific food commodities like biscuits, bread, tea, cereals and pulses etc. are to be
packed and sold in recommended standard packages. The Food business Operator has also to follow the
Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Rules, in this regard.
The declared quantity on a package should be accurate and it should not be less than the declared quantity,
otherwise it will make the food product misbranded which attracts penalty. The Food Safety and Standards
(Packaging and Labelling) Regulations 2011 notified by FSSAI requires that:
(i) Net quantity by weight or volume or number has to be declared on every package of food;
(ii) If a food is packed in a liquid medium, then the net quantity along with the drained weight of the food
shall be mentioned on the label.
(iii) In case of a package contains a large number of small items of confectionery and each wrapped
separately, where it is not possible to exclude the weight of the wrappers, in this case the net weight may
also include the weight of the wrapper.
The accurate amount of contents or weight have to be mentioned on the food label, else the food product
would be treated as misbranded and liable to be penalised under the regulations.
9.Identification of Batch, Code, Lot

A batch number or code number or lot number is a mark of identification by which the food can be traced in
the manufacture and identified in the distribution, shall be given on the label.
All the packages of food product having the same batch number or code number are considered to be having
the same substance of the same nature, quality and same in all respect.
In case there is any consumer complaint about any package of food product, then the first step of
investigation is to find out the Batch no/ Lot no of that food package and the food packages having the same
batch/lot no are examined with respect to the complaint.Either following the consumer complaint or
otherwise,if the food business operator considers or has reasons to believe that a food which he has
processed, manufactured or distributed is not in compliance with the FSS Act, or the rules or regulations, he
shall immediately initiate procedures to withdraw the food in question from the market and consumers
indicating reasons for its withdrawal and inform the concerned competent authorities .
In case, if the regulator is suspicious about the quality of any packaged food ,then he takes the sample of the
packaged food product of the particular Batch or Lot No. for its quality check.He takes the required number
of the food packagings having the same batch/ lot number and sends it for analysis. In case of any violation
in the sample of food packages the entire quantity of the same batch or lot is considered to be in violation of
the food laws . The legal action may be initiated against the offenders and/ or the manufacturer or the
processor may be directed that the entire quantity of the particular Batch or Lot No is traced and the food be
“Recall” means action taken to remove a marketed food product from distribution, sale and consumption
that may pose a safety hazard to consumers and the procedure followed for the same is called food recall
When the circumstances require for Food Recall , it is the responsibility of every food business operator to
inform the competent authorities of the action taken and to follow such conditions and guidelines relating to
food recall procedures as the Food Authority may specify by regulations. In this regard the Food Authority
has yet to notify the regulation, however draft regulation for Food
Recall Procedure has appeared on the FSSAI website for public objections and suggestions.
From the Food Business Operator point of view, it is better, if smaller quantity of the food product is
processed in one lot.
The Food Business Operator may note that the packages containing bread and milk including sterilised milk
are not required to mention Batch/Code/Lot No.
A food has to bear a label of lot/batch/code from the time of its raw shape like at farm level till it becomes a
final product for sale. Information like date of harvest, farm identification and who handles the produce from
grower to receiver, scanning a product at the point of picking or loading, the recognition through
batch/code/lot number is required to be maintained to track the culprit in cases of complaints.
Every food business operator has to define & mention Batch, Lot, Code number on all the containers of the
product, to be referred under incidents of examination on suspicion by the regulatory body or on action upon
consumer complaints.
10.Instructions for use on package food products

In order to ensure correct utilization of the food, the Food Regulations require the manufacturer or the
packer to mention the “ Instructions for use” on the label on the Pre-packaged food. The instructions may
include the directions regarding reconstitution or dilution of the product before use, where applicable.
For example,
10.1. On every container of infant milk substitute or infant food the following instructions are
required to be given :
(i) After opening up the package/container, use the contents within the period mentioned or the expiry date
whichever is earlier;
(ii) The feeding chart and directions for use and instruction for discarding leftover feed;
(iii) Instruction for use of measuring scoop (level or heaped) and the quantity per scoop (scoop to be given
with pack);
(iv) The storage condition specifically stating “store in a cool and dry place in an air tight container”

10.2. On every package containing condensed milk or desiccated (dried) milk, the following
instruction is required to be given on the label :
(i) “machine skimmed” “skimmed” or “unsuitable for babies” except instructions as to dilution as
“To make a fluid not below the composition of toned milk or skimmed milk (as the case may be) with
the contents of this package, add (here insert the number of parts) of water by volume to one part by
volume of this condensed milk or desiccated (dried) milk”.
10.3. On the packages of fruit and vegetables, the following instructions may be mentioned :
(i)Wash all fruit and vegetables with cool tap water immediately before eating. Do not use soap or
detergents as this can affect the taste.
(ii)Scrub fruit and vegetables with hard surfaces (such as rockmelons, oranges, potatoes and carrots) with a
clean produce brush. Cut away bruised or damaged areas before eat.
If a product requires specific storage instructions to remain safe until its ‘use-by’ or ‘best before’ date, the
manufacturers have to give storage instructions on label, such as ‘Keep refrigerated’ and ‘Store in a cool,
dark place’.
It must also include appropriate directions for the subsequent use and storage of the food, where the food
requires such directions for reasons of health and safety (e.g. Refrigerate after opening or Keep Refrigerated
Refrigerate After Opening
Some foods require to be kept refrigerated only after opening the package. If the package says refrigerate
after opening, the food has to be refrigerated immediately after opening it. As long as the food is kept
refrigerated after opening, germs cannot multiply and cause illness.
Keep Refrigerated
When the package is required to be refrigerated at all times. This includes before opening the food and
afterwards if keeping it for later use.
Instructions for preparation or cooking
It is also important to mention preparation or cooking instructions on the label, including heating and
defrosting times. Again, manufacturers are required to provide preparation directions on food labels for any
food which requires specific preparation to ensure they are safe. Such instructions are extremely important
because they can help to kill any harmful bacteria which may be present naturally in some foods.
A food label needs to contain the instructions & directions about how a product should be used or prepared
to be consumed by the end customer. It should also mention as how a product should be stored before using
and how to store the remaining contents after consuming parts of the package.
11.Specific Requirements and Manner of Labelling of Infant Milk

In the earlier articles we have been discussing the general requirements of labeling and the information in
general to be given on the label of any package of food. In addition to the general requirements and
information, there are also some specific requirements and information, which are product specific and
mandatory to be given on the label on the packages of food products.
The packages of food products like:
(i) Infant Milk Substitute and Infant foods including Infant Milk Substitute meant for premature baby or
meant for babies who are allergic to milk proteins or allergic to milk sugars
(ii) Edible oils and fats
(iii)Irradiated foods and
(iv) Other Food Products namely ; Coffee-Chicory Mixture, milk and milk powder, Compounded Asafetida ,
Mixed Masala, Iodised salt, Pan masala , Supari ,
Packaged drinking water and many others , are required to give certain product specific information ,
statements or warnings, which are as given below :-
1. Infant milk substitutes /infant foods
The container of infant milk substitute or infant food shall bear the following additional label declaration in
the manner give below:
(This declaration shall be given in the center of the label in color contrast of the label and the letter shall be
not less than five millimeters .)
“Infant food shall be introduced only after the age of six months and upto the age of two years”
“ Infant milk substitute or infant food should be used only on the advice of a health worker “
Warning :” Infant milk substitute or infant food is not the sole source of nourishment of an infant”
Instruction for appropriate and hygienic preparation including cleaning of utensils, bottles and teats .
“ Caution- : Careful and hygienic preparation of infant foods/infant milk substitute is most essential
for health. Do not use fewer scoops than directed since diluted feeding will not provide adequate
nutrients needed by your infant. Do not use more scoops than directed since concentrated feed will not
provide the water needed by your infant”.
“store in a cool and dry place in an air tight container” or After opening use the contents within the
period mentioned or the expiry date whichever is earlier
The feeding chart and directions for use and instruction for discarding leftover feed; shall be given on the
Instruction for use of measuring scoop and the quantity per scoop has to be mentioned on the label along
with the the protein efficiency ratio (PER) of the product.
2. Infant milk substitute meant for premature baby :
The containers of infant milk substitute meant for premature baby born before 37 weeks/low birth weight
infant (less than 2500gm) shall indicate the following additional information, as :
(ii) “The low birth weight infant milk substitute shall be withdrawn under medical advice as soon as the
mother’s milk is sufficiently available’; and
3. The product, which contains neither milk nor any milk derivatives
The product, which contains neither milk nor any milk derivatives, shall be labeled as:
“Contains no milk or milk product”
4. Infant milk substitute for lactose or lactose and sucrose intolerant infants
The container of infant milk substitute for lactose or lactose and sucrose intolerant infants shall indicate as:
“Lactose free Infant Milk Substitute should only be used in case of diarrhea due to lactose intolerance.
The lactose free/sucrose free Infant Milk Substitute should be withdrawn if there is no improvement in
symptoms of intolerance”.
5. Infant milk substitute meant for infants with allergy to cow’s /buffalo’s milk protein:
The container of infant milk substitute meant for infants with allergy to cow’s /buffalo’s milk protein or soy
protein shall indicate as:
A food business operator has to specifically mention certain important instructions on the labels of baby
milk substitutes, the statements like warning, caution etc should be properly commented and implanted on
the label as per regulatory guidelines.
12.Specific Labelling Requirements of edible oils and fats

The specific requirements and restrictions regarding labelling of packages of edible oils and fats are
as given below :-
1. The words like ,“Super-Refined”, “Extra-Refined”, “Micro-Refined”, “Double-Refined”, Ultra-Refined”,
“Anti-Cholesterol”, “Cholesterol Fighter”, “Soothing to Heart”, “Cholesterol Friendly”, “Saturated Fat Free”
or any other words which are an exaggeration of the quality of the Product ,are not allowed to be used on the
package, label or the advertisement of edible oils and fats .
2. The containers of solvent-extracted oil packed for sale shall bear the following additional label
(i) If the oil is not conforming to the standards of “refined” solvent extracted oils specified in regulation
2.2.6 (1) of Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additive) Regulation, 2011 for
Edible vegetable oil/Vanaspati, then a declaration as given below shall be given on the label .
(ii) If the oil is complying with the requirements for the “semi-refined” or “raw-grade 1” grades of oil
specified in regulation 2.2.6 (1) of Food Safety and Standards(Food Products standards and Food Additive)
Regulation, 2011, then a declaration as given below shall be given on the label
3. Every container of solvent shall bear the Indian Standards Institution certification mark.
4. (i) The containers of vanaspati, margarine, bakery shortening, blended edible vegetable oils, mixed fat
spread and refined vegetable oil in addition to other labelling requirements shall bear the following label
declaration .
“free from Argemone Oil”
(ii) The regulation has specified that edible vegetable oils, fats which include hydrogenated vegetable oils,
packages & processed food items with known shelf life, have to mention ‘the minimum percentage of trans
fat content & saturated fat content by weight’. Similarly, in case of trans fatty acids & saturated fatty acids,
the declaration has to be there on the label with percentage by weight.
5. The containers of refined vegetable oil shall bear the following label, declaration,—
Refined (name of the Oil) Oil
The container of imported edible oil shall also bear the word, “Imported”, as prefix.
6. The packages containing an admixture of palmolein with groundnut oil shall carry the following label
declaration —
Palmolein……per cent
Groundnut oil….per cent
7. The packages containing an admixture of imported rape-seed oil with mustard oil, shall bear the following
label, declaration:
Imported rape-seed oil…..per cent
Mustard oil…….per cent
8. Tha packages of vanaspati made from more than 30 percent of Rice bran oil shall bear the following label
declaration :—
This package of vanaspati is made from more than 30% Rice bran oil by weight
9. The package of Fat Spread shall bear the following label declaration:—
(i) Milk Fat Spread
Use before …………..
Date of packing …………
Total Milk Fat Content Per cent by weight…………
(ii) Mixed Fat Spread
Use before …………..
Date of packing …………
Total Milk Fat Content Percent by weight……
(iii) Vegetable Fat Spread
Use before …………..
Date of packing …………
Total Fat Content Per cent by weight ……
10. A package containing annatto colour in vegetable oils shall bear the following label namely :—
Annatto colour in oil (Name of oil/oils) used
11. The package containing an admixture of edible oils shall bear the following label declaration:—
This blended edible vegetable oil contains an admixture of :
(i) ……………….% by Weight
(ii) …………….% by Weight
(Name and nature of edible vegetable oils i.e. in raw or refined form)
Date of Packing ————–
12.2 Labelling of permitted food colours
1. The containers of permitted synthetic food colours shall bear the following label declaration :—
(i) “Food Colours”;
(ii) the chemical and the common name and colour index of the dye-stuff.
2. The containers mixture of permitted synthetic food colours shall bear the following label declaration :—
(i) “Food Colour Mixture”;
(ii) the chemical and the common name and colour index of the dye stuff contained in the mixture.
3. The containers of preparations of permitted synthetic food colours shall bear the following label
declaration :—
(i) “Food Colour Preparation”;
(ii) the name of the ingredients used in the preparation.
12.3 Labelling of irradiated Food
Irradiated foods.-
All packages of irradiated food shall bear the following declaration and logo :—
LICENSE NO of Irradiation Unit……………………
Edible oils have always been a lucrative product segment by the producers of cooking oil but regulatory is
very tough on food business operators of edible oils in case the consumer is misguided on the factual
information of such products on labels.
13.Specific Labeling Requirements of other Products

There are some special instructions need to be followed while doing labelling of certain food products. We
will discuss in detail as how food labelling practices would be followed in declaring the information on
13.1 Mixture of coffee and chicory
(i) The packages of a mixture of coffee and chicory shall bear the following label declaration:
Coffee blended with Chicory
This mixture contains
Coffee…………………………… Per cent
Chicory………………………….. Per cent
(ii) The packages of Instant Coffee-Chicory mixture shall bear the following label declaration ;
Instant Coffee-Chicory mixture made from blends of coffee and chicory
Coffee…………………………… Per cent
Chicory………………………….. Per cent
The packages of condensed milk or desiccated (dried) milk shall bear one of the following label
declarations, as may be applicable ,—
(i) In the case of condensed milk (unsweetened):
(Evaporated Milk) (This tin contains the equivalent) of (x)……… litres of toned milk
(ii) In the case of condensed milk (sweetened):
This tin contains the equivalent of (x)……… litres of toned milk with sugar added
(iii) In the case of condensed skimmed milk (unsweetened):
(Evaporated Skimmed Milk) This tin contains the equivalent of (x)……… litres of skimmed milk
(iv) In the case of condensed skimmed milk (sweetened):
This tin contains the equivalent of (x)…….litres of skimmed milk with sugar added”
(v) In the case of condensed milk (sweetened and flavoured):
This has been flavoured with………….
(vi) In the case of condensed milk/condensed Skimmed milk (unsweetened) Sterilised by Ultra High
Temperature (UHT) treatment:
This has been sterilised by UHT Proces (vii) In the case of milk powder:
This tin contains the equivalent of
(x)….. litres of toned milk
(viii) In the case of milk powder which contains lecithin:
(ix) In the case of partly skimmed milk powder :
This tin contains the equivalent of (x)……… litres of partly skimmed milk having……… per cent milk fat
(x) In the case of skimmed milk powder:
This tin contains the equivalent of (x)……… litres of skimmed milk
(xi) The packages of condensed milk or desiccated (dried) milk shall bear the following label declaration:-
“machine skimmed” “skimmed” or “unsuitable for babies”
“To make a fluid not below the composition of toned milk or skimmed milk (as the case may be) with the
contents of this package, add (here insert the number of parts) of water by volume to one part by volume of
this condensed milk or desiccated (dried) milk”.
(xii) The packages of condensed skimmed milk or desiccated (dried) skimmed milk shall bear the following
label declaration:-
Condensed skimmed milk “machine skimmed” or Condensed skimmed milk “partly skimmed”, or
Desiccated (dried) skimmed milk“machine skimmed” or
Desiccated (dried) skimmed milk“partly skimmed”, as the case may be.
13.3 Fluid milk: — The caps of the milk bottles /pouch/tetrapack shall clearly indicate the nature of the
milk contained in them. The indication may be either in full or by abbreviation shown below :
1. Buffalo milk may be denoted by the letter‘B’,
2. Cow milk may be denoted by the letter ‘C’ ( (iii) Goat milk may be denoted by the letter ‘G
3. Standardized milk may be denoted by the letter ‘S’ (v) Toned milk may be denoted by the letter ‘T’
4. Double toned milk may be denoted by the lette DT’
5. Skimmed milk may be denoted by the letter ‘K’
(viii) Pasteurised milk may be denoted by the letter ‘P; followed by the class of milk. For example
Pasteurised Buffalo milk shall bear the letters ‘PB ‘.
13.4.Hingra —The container of Hingra shall bear the following label declaration ,—
“This container contains Hingra (Imported from Iran\Afghanistan) and is certified to be conforming to the
standards laid down in the Food Safety and Standards regulations”
13.5. Light Black Pepper:- The packages of light black pepper shall bear the following label
declaration alonwith the Agmark seal :-
Light Black Pepper (Light berries)
13.6. The packages of “Cassia Bark” shall bear the following label declaration :-
13.7. The packages of “CINNAMON” shall bear the following label declaration :-
13.8. The packages of chillies which contains added edible oil shall bear the following label
13.9.The packages of ice-cream, kulfi, kulfa and chocolate ice-cream containing starch shall have a
label declaration as given below:-
“This ice-cream, kulfi, kulfa or chocolate ice-cream (as the case may be ) contains not more than — %
of starch”
13.10.Masala: The package of mixed masala fried in oil shall bear the following label:
THIS MASALA HAS BEEN FRIED IN (Name of the edible oused)
13.11. Compounded Asafoetida: The container of compounded asafoetida shall indicate the approximate
composition of edible starch or edible cereal flour used in the compound, on the label.
13.12. The package containing maida treated with improver or bleaching agents shall carry the following
label declaration :-
13.13. The packages of malted milk food which contain added natural colouring matter except caramel, shall
bear the following label declaration,-
13.14. Every advertisement for and/or a package of food containing added Monosodium Glutamate shall
bear the following label declaration, ,-
This package of (name of the food contains added)………… MONOSODIUM GLUTAMATE NOT
13.15. The container of refined salseed fat shall bear the following label declaration,-
13.16.The container or package of table iodised salt or iron fortified common salt containing permitted
anticaking agent shall bear the following label declaration,-
* Strike out whichever is not applicable
13.17. The container or package of iron fortified common salt shall bear the following label declaration,—
13.18. The package of Dried Glucose Syrup containing sulphur dioxide exceeding 40 ppm shall bear the
following label declaration
13.19. The packages containing tea with added flavour shall bear the following label, declaration,—
“FLAVOURED TEA” (common name of permitted flavour/percentage) Registration No….

13.20. The packages of food which contain artificial sweetener shall bear the following
(i) This contains …………….. (Name of the artificial sweeteners)
(ii) Not recommended for children.
(iii) (a) *Quantity of sugar added …………… gm/100 gm.
(b) No sugar added in the product.
(iv) *Not for Phenylketonurics (if Aspertame is added)
*strike out whatever is not applicable
13.21. In addition to above declaration the packages of food which contain artificial sweetener shall
also bear the following label, declaration,-
13.22.The above declaration shall be provided along with name or trade name of product and shall be half of
the size of the name/ trade name. The declaration may be given in two sentences, but in the same box.
13.23.The package of Aspertame (Methyl ester), Acesulfame K, Sucralose and Saccharin Sodium, Neotame
marketed as Table Top Sweetener and every advertisement for such Table Top Sweetener shall bear the
following label, declaration,-
(i) Contains……….. (name of artificial sweetener)
(ii) Not recommended for children
The package of aspertame (Methyl ester), marketed as Table Top Sweetener and every advertisement for
such Table Top Sweetener shall carry the following label, namely,—
“Not for Phenylketonurics”
13.24. The package of food which is permitted to contain a mixture of Aspertame (Methyl Ester) and
Acesulfame Potassium Sweeteners shall bear the following label, declaration,-
This ……………..…… (Name of food) contains ……………..……….. contains an admixture of Aspertame
(Methyl Ester and Acesulfame Potassium. Not recommended for children.
(a) *Quantity of sugar added..…………… gm/100gm,
(b) No sugar added in the product.
*Not for Phenylketoneurics (if Aspertam added)
*strike out whatever is not applicable
13.25 The package of food which is permitted to contain a mixture of Acesulfame Potassium and
Sucralose sweeteners shall bear the following label, declaration,—
(i) This …………(Name of Food) contains a mixture of Sucralose and Acesulfame Potassium;
(ii) Not recommended for children;
(iii) *(a) Quantity of sugar added………………………gm/100gm;
(b) No sugar added in the product;
(*Strike out whichever is not applicable)
13.26. The package of Pan Masala and advertisement relating thereto, shall bear the following
Chewing of Pan Masala is injurious to health
13.27. The package of supari and advertisement relating thereto shall bear the following warning in
conspicuous and bold print,—
Chewing of Supari is injurious to Health
13.28. The package of fruit squash by whatever name it is sold, containing additional sodium or
potassium salt shall bear the following label declaration,—
13.29. The package of Cheese (hard), surface treated with Natamycin, shall bear the following label
13.30. The package of Bakery and Industrial Margarine made from more than 30 per cent of Rice
Bran Oil shall bear the following label declaration,—
This package of Bakery & Industrial Margarine is made from more than 30 per cent of Rice Bran Oil by Wt.
13.31. The container or package of flavour emulsion and flavour paste meant for use in carbonated or
non-carbonated beverages shall bear the following label declaration along with the instructions for
13.32. The package of drinking water shall bear the following label declaration in capital letters
having the prescribed size of each letter ;
The one time usable plastic bottles of packaged drinking water shall bear the following label declaration.
13.33. Every package of mineral water shall carry the following declaration in capital letters having
the prescribed size of each letter ;
One time usable plastic bottles of mineral water shall carry the following declaration.

13.34. The package of food having added caffeine, shall bear the following label declaration,—
13.35. The package of Low Fat Paneer/ Chhana shall bear the following label declaration,—
13.36. The package of Cheese(s), if coated/packed in food grade waxes polyfilm/wrapping of cloth,
shall bear the following label declaration,—
13.37. The package of Frozen Desert / Frozen Confection shall bear the following label declaration,—
Frozen Desserts / Frozen Confection Contain ………………. Milk Fat* / Edible Vegetable Oil* / and
Vegetable Fat*
*strike out whatever is not applicable
13.38. The container or package of common salt shall bear the following label declaration,—
*strike out whichever is not applicable.
13.39. The package of biscuits, bread and cakes containing Oligofructose shall bear the following label
declaration, –
Contains Oligofructose (dietary fiber) —— gm/100 gm
13.40. The package of fresh fruit if coated with wax shall bear the following label declaration,—
Coated with wax (give name of wax)
13.41.Gelatin meant for human consumption should be labeled as “Gelatin Food Grade”
13.42.The package of food containing Polyols shall bear the following label declaration,-
Polyols may have laxative effects
13.43. The package of food containing Polydextrose shall bear the following label declaration:-
Polydextrose may have laxative effects
13. 44. Every package of fresh fruit if coated with wax shall carry the following label, namely,—
Coated with wax (give name of wax)
13.45. Gelatin meant for human consumption should be labeled as “Gelatin Food Grade”
13.46. Every package of food containing Polyols shall bear the following label,-
Polyols may have laxative effects
13.47. Every package of food containing Polydextrose shall bear the following label:-
Polydextrose may have laxative effects
14.Specific restrictions on advertisement

The FSS (Packaging and Labelling) Regulation, 2011 puts specific restrictions on use of particular words,
declarations, statements or pictorial representations in certain cases as given below :-
14.1 Labels not to contain reference to Act or rules or regulations contradictory to required
No reference of the Act, Rules or Regulations is permitted to be made on the labels.
14.2 Labels not to use words implying recommendations by medical profession: -
The words “recommended by the medical profession” or any words which suggest that the food is
recommended, prescribed, or approved by medical practitioners or approved for medical purpose, are not
allowed to be mentioned on the labels.
14.3Unauthorized use of words showing imitation prohibited
1. The word ‘imitation’ or any word, or words indicating that the article is a substitute for any food, are
not to be mentioned on the label
2. The fruit syrup, fruit juice, fruit squash, fruit beverages, cordial, crush or any other fruit product which
does not contain the prescribed amount of fruit juice or fruit pulp or fruit content shall not be
described as a fruit syrup, fruit juice, fruit squash, fruit beverages, cordial, crush or any other fruit
product as the case may be.
3. The food product which does not contain the specified amount of fruit and is likely to give a false
impression to the consumer that the product contains fruit, whether by use of words or fruit picture
shall be clearly declared on the label as ‘ADDED(NAME OF THE FRUIT) FLAVOUR’.
4. Any food product, which contains only fruit flavours, that shall not be described as a fruit product and
the word “ADDED” (NAME OF FRUIT) FLAVOUR shall be declared on the label
5. Picture of fruit on the label of non-fruit products like carbonate beverage, synthetic Vinegar
Syrups/Sharbats is prohibited.
6. The fruit and vegetable product, claimed to be fortified with vitamin C shall contain not less than 40
mgms. of ascorbic acid per 100 gm. of the product.
14.4 ” The word “pure” or any word or words of the same significance shall not be included in the
label of a package that contains an imitation of any food.

14.5 Labelling prohibitions for Drinking Water (Both Packaged and Mineral Water)
• No claims regarding medicinal effects shall be made
• The name of the locality, or specified place should not be associated with the trade name unless the
packaged water is collected from that particular place.
• The use of any statement or of any pictorial device which may create confusion in the mind of the
public or in any way mislead the public about the nature, origin, composition, and properties of such
waters put on sale is prohibited.
Restriction on advertisement
Advertisement of any food, which is misleading or contravening the provisions of Food Safety and
Standards Act, or the rules / regulations, is prohibited
Unauthorized use of the words or any misinterpretation with an intention to pull the sales of the product will
be an offense under the regulations of the FSS act, hence the above has to be strictly be followed to avoid
15.Exemptions from Food labelling requirements

The FSS (Packaging and Labelling) Regulations indicates certain cases where one or more of the mandatory
information required to be given on the labels such as list of ingredients, Lot Number or Batch Number or
Code Number, nutritional information, the ‘date of manufacture’ or ‘best before date’ or ‘expiry date’ and
instructions for use, need not be given on the labels. Such cases are as given below:-
15.1 If the surface area of the package is not more than 100 square centimeters, the label declaration
such as ;
• list of ingredients,
• Lot Number or Batch Number or Code Number,
• Nutritional information and
• Instructions for use, need not be given on the labels . but this information shall be given on the
wholesale packages or multi piece packages, as the case may be.

15.2 If the surface area of the package is less than 30 square centimeters, the label declaration; such as
• list of ingredients,
• Lot Number or Batch Number or Code Number,
• Nutritional information
• The ‘date of manufacture’ or ‘best before date’ or ‘expiry date’ and
• Instructions for use, need not be given on the labels, but these information shall be given on the
wholesale packages or multi-piece packages, as the case may be;
15.3 In case of liquid products marketed in bottles and the bottle is intended to be reused for refilling,
the declaration such as ;
(i) list of ingredients need not be given on the label . If the glass bottles have been manufactured after March
19, 2009,then the list of ingredients and nutritional information are required to be given on the bottle.

15.4 In case of food with shelf-life of not more than seven days, the label declaration such as;
(i) The ‘date of manufacture’; need not to be mentioned on the label of packaged food articles, but the ‘use
by date’ is required to be mentioned on the label by the manufacturer or packer.

15.5 On the wholesale packages the label declaration such as;

1. List of ingredients.
2. Date of manufacture/ packing,
3. Best before or expiry date
4. Labelling of irradiated food and ,
5. Vegetarian logo/non vegetarian logo, need not to be given on the label.
The exceptions here only apply in certain situations and cases. The food business operators should take very
serious note of the points discussed here in this module otherwise there may be a chance of breach of the
mandatory guidelines issued for food labelling.

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