2014-2015 Kumari Bank Annual Report
2014-2015 Kumari Bank Annual Report
2014-2015 Kumari Bank Annual Report
4 Introduction
6 Chairman’s Message
8 Board of Directors
9 Board of Director’s Report for 15th AGM
22 ACEO’s Message
24 Management Team
27 Product Review
30 CSR Activities & SME Financing
33 Auditor’s Report
35 Schedules
76 Significant Accounting Policies
79 Notes to Account
93 Disclosure as per Basel II
97 ATM Locations
98 Branches
Kumari Bank Limited, came into existence as the fifteenth particular branch. Similarly the bank has been providing 365
commercial bank of Nepal by starting its banking operations days banking facilities, extended banking hours till 7 PM in
from Chaitra 21, 2057 B.S (April 03, 2001) with an objective the evening, Utility Bill Payment Services, Inward and Outward
of providing competitive and modern banking services in the Remittance services, Online remit Services and various other
Nepalese financial market. The bank has paid up capital of banking services.
NPR 2,699,166,532 of which 51% is contributed from pro-
moters and remaining from public. Visa Electron Debit Card, which is accessible in entire VISA
linked ATMs (including 46 own ATMs) and POS (Point of Sale)
Kumari Bank Ltd has been providing wide - range of modern terminals both in Nepal and India, has also added convenience
banking services through 38 points of representations located to the customers. The bank has been able to get recogni-
in various urban and semi urban part of the country, 36 tion as an innovative and fast growing institution striving
branches outside and inside the valley; and 2 extension to enhance customer value and satisfaction by backing
counters. The bank is pioneer in providing some of the latest transparent business practice, professional management,
/ lucrative banking services like E-Banking and SMS Banking corporate governance and total quality management as the
services in Nepal. The bank always focus on building sound organizational mission.
technology driven internal system to cater the changing
needs of the customers that enhance high comfort and The key focus of the bank is always center on serving unful-
value. The adoption of modern Globus Software, developed filled needs of all classes of customers located in various parts
by Temenos NV, Switzerland and arrangement of centralized of the country by offering modern and competitive banking
data base system enables customer to make highly secured products and services in their door step. The bank always
transactions in any branch regardless of having account with prioritizes the priorities of the valued customer.
Our vision is to be the preferred financial partner
to our customers, a center of career growth to
our employees, and to maximize our sharehold-
ers’ value, while contributing to our nation’s
financial sector and to its economic welfare.
On behalf of the Board of Directors, we would like to extend from our past experiences and facing utmost challenges in
warm welcome to all the shareholders to the fifteenth Annual the banking sector, we have completed glorious 15 years of
General Meeting of Kumari Bank Ltd. services. From its inception, this bank has been achieving
continuous progress through modern banking technology
We would like to express our heartfelt condolences to the and practices with its core objectives to provide excellent
departed souls due to the massive earthquake on April 26, customer services, maximum return to our investors, maintain
2015. Let us stand together, and pray to give courage to all good corporate governance and moral values; and adhere
those bereaved family members who have lost their loved to the rules and regulations set forth by the government. In
ones. Also, we pray for the speedy recovery of those who days to come, with techno-savvy service delivery we shall
have been injured due to this natural disaster. continuously put our effort for the optimum quality of banking
solutions. We take your suggestions as our course of action
We are delighted to present you this bank’s financial status of so that the bank can be more successful and sustained. We
the fiscal year 2071/72, its achievement and future prospects take your permission to present you with the achievements
in this fifteenth Annual General Meeting. Learning lessons attained in the fiscal year 2071/72.
Looking at the past 5 year’s performance, it is evident that balance sheet size.
the bank’s financial business had a significant growth. The
bank’s deposit collection showed steady growth along with The bank had shown tremendous success in the part of
boost up to the lending portfolio; the bank has had pushed recovery aspect with Non-performing loan ratio decline to
its capital growth steadily to match with the growing 2.49% from 4.03%.
volume of the bank. The bank has been able to increase
its profit steadily over the years along with growth in its A comparison between the fiscal year 2070/71 and 2071/72
2500 800
2000 600
1500 400
67/68 68/69 69/70 70/71 71/72 67/68 68/69 69/70 70/71 71/72
30000 25000
25000 20000
20000 15000
3000 20000
67/68 68/69 69/70 70/71 71/72 67/68 68/69 69/70 70/71 71/72
1000 350
800 250
600 150
67/68 68/69 69/70 70/71 71/72 67/68 68/69 69/70 70/71 71/72
300 400
67/68 68/69 69/70 70/71 71/72 67/68 68/69 69/70 70/71 71/72
250 1
67/68 68/69 69/70 70/71 71/72 67/68 68/69 69/70 70/71 71/72
In the fiscal year 2071/72, the total government expenditure In Asadh 2072, weighted average interest rate spread for
under cash basis increased by 19.8% and reached NPR commercial banks is 4.61% and was 5.21% in Asadh 2071.
499.96 billion and that in previous year increased by 16.3% Similarly, the average base rate of commercial banks in Asadh
i.e. to NPR 417.47 billion. In the review period, the capital 2071 was 8.36% and that in Asadh 2072 is 7.88%.
expenditure based on cash basis increased by 26.6% and
reached NPR 77.67 billion which was increased by 19.8% in The overall Non-Performing loan ratio of Banks and Financial
previous year. In the review period the capital expenditure was Institutions in Asadh 2072 is 3.33% and that in Asadh 2071
66.5% of the budget estimated for the period. In the previous is 3.76%.
year, the government expenditure increased in hefty due to
the constituent assembly election; and due to the same the The NEPSE Index’s annual basis points diminished by 7.2%
increment in the current year is seen minimal in comparison and reached to 961.2 points in Asadh 2072. The index was
to the last year’s increment. increased by 99.9% up to 1036.1 points in Asadh 2071.
The deposit of Bank and Financial Institutions in the review Considering the overall economic situation of the fiscal year
period increased by 20.1% (NPR 282.6 billion) whereas that 2071/72, economic situation seems to be strong enough
of previous year increased by 18.4% (NPR 218.68 billion). although economic structural framework seemed to be
In the fiscal year 2071/72, the loan and investment of Bank fragile. Even though country had an exceptional balance
and Financial Institutions increased by 17.5% (NPR 229.30 of payment situation, sufficient level of foreign exchange
billion) whereas that in previous year increased by 14.4% reserves and a mere single digit inflation indicating
(NPR 165.48 billion). In the review period, the private sectors satisfactory level of economic stability, but inability to
by the Banks and Financial Institutions had extended loans pace up the overall economic activities of the country is
in highest amount to production, construction and retail viewed as alarming factor inducing low rate of economic
business portfolio. The loan to industrial production sector growth. Also, due to the earthquake in the last quarter of
has increased by NPR 32.89 billion (14.8%) in the review period the review period had impact on the economic growth.
whereas that in previous year was increased by NPR 32.10 (Source: Nepal Rastra Bank, Country’s Current Economic
billion (16.8%). In the review period, loan to construction sector Status of Fiscal Year 2071/72).
increased by Rs 33.31 billion (27.9%); retail business increased
by NPR 53.23 billion (21.8%); transportation, communication 3. REVIEW OF THE BANK’S OPERATIONS IN FY
and public service sector increased by NPR 12.75 billion 2071/72:
(27%); which was NPR 23.49 billion (24.5%), NPR 45.94 billion Analysis of the financial statement of review period clearly
(23.2%), NPR 3.45 billion (7.9%) respectively in previous fiscal depicts the growth in banking transaction, asset and profit.
year. Likewise, loan in agricultural sector in previous year Such increment led in increment of balance sheet size by
increased by NPR 11.13 billion (28%) and that in the review 20.48%, which is NPR 37.37 billion in fiscal year 2071/72.
period increased by NPR 14.25 billion (25%).
A. Capital management: By the end of 2071/72, paid up
In the fiscal year 2071/72, the liquidity was retained through capital of the bank has reached to NPR 2.69 billion (including
frequent deposit collection of NPR 155 billion, reverse repo proposed bonus share). Also the capital adequacy ratio has
NPR 315.80 billion and outright sale NPR 6 billion. Similarly, to be minimum 10%, of which by the end of review period,
in the previous year, the liquidity was retained through reverse the total capital adequacy is 10.84%. As per the Nepal Rastra
repo by NPR 602.50 billion and outright sale by NPR 8.50 Bank’s Capital requirement, bank had formulated following
billion. capital plan to adhere with the requirement of the Central
The weighted average interest rate of 91 days Treasury bill Bank obligations.
B. Deposit: Compared to the last fiscal year, deposit increased by 21.19% and the total deposit reached NPR 33.42 billion.
C. Lending and its Management: In fiscal year 2070/71, The bank has been carefully investing in local and international
the bank’s total loan was NPR 22.80 billion, while at the end market and various organizations’ share and bonds. The bank
of review year, it increased by 18.69% reaching NPR 27.07 has invested NPR 2.57 billion in NG’s treasury bills, NPR 1.33
billion. The bank has diversified its lending into personal billion in development bonds; making the total investment
loans, education loans, small and medium scale business of the bank to be NPR 5.29 billion by the end of FY 2071/72.
loans, organizational loans and development projects loan.
During the review period, bank’s non-performing loan was E. Profit: During the review period, the interest spread
2.49 %, but the gross non-performing loan ratio was only between deposit and loan has decreased; although there
0.44%. Certain improvements were noted in the real estate was substantial increment in loans and investment amount
sector of lending in the current review period. In the current but there was only marginal increment in net interest
review period along with recoveries certain non performing income. Such decrease in interest spread was seen in all the
loans were taken as non banking asset of the bank, which banking institutions. In addition, the education loans to the
resulted in the decline in the non performing loan ratio in students going abroad for further studies also declined which
comparison to the previous year. We would like to inform
further reduced the commission revenues of the bank. The
you that we shall put continuous efforts to regularize these
employee’s salary scale was reviewed, adding up to the staff
loans in the days to come.
expenses. With high degree of internal control mechanism
and robust service delivery process; the expenses control
In FY 2070/71, the loans of real estate amounted to NPR
worked effectively with only 6% increase in other operating
2.04 billion, which was pulled down by 1.5% to NPR 2.1 billion
as of Asadh 2072. As per Nepal Rastra Bank the real estate expenses in relation to the last year expenses.
loans should not exceed 25% of the total loan exposure of
the bank. In the same line, with due caution while investing In the fiscal year 2071/72, the bank was able to recover net loan
in real estate loans, bank’s exposure on such loan portfolio loss provision of NPR 86 million and a total of Rs 146 million was
is 7.43% only at the end of Asadh 2072. added as Non banking assets of the bank, while the net profit of
the bank increased by 15.55% amounting to NPR 394.79 million.
D. Investment: In accordance with the bank’s objective of
getting returns from the overall resources by maintaining F. Contribution to Government Revenue: The bank had paid
balanced liquidity, the bank has given continuity to its policy NPR 148.2 million in fiscal year 2070/71 as corporate tax
of investing in Nepal Government and Nepal Rastra Bank’s to the government and during the current year NPR 173.7
risk free securities (Treasury bill, development bond, etc). million was paid as advance corporate tax to the government.
Current year’s achievements and programs: These are the financial status of the current year (till the end of Poush month)
Annual Salary, Allowances and services for CEO and other executives/ managers for the F/Y 2071/72:
Note: The salary and services of CEO includes the amount received by the then CEO for the period of Shrawan 1, 2071 to
20 17, 2071 only.
During the review period, the bank provided I would also like to mention here that recently
continuity on product innovation and automation Mr. Santosh Kumar Lama has been positioned as
of services by focusing on Kumari Swastha Chairman of the bank; who had been shouldering
Jeevan Bachat Khata, Kumari Remit Bachat the bank’s responsibilities as Director for a long
Khata and Personal Loans and advances. In the time.
review period, we have been able to increase
our business through Kumari Remit and tie-ups Finally, I take this opportunity to thank our valued
with several renowned national and international shareholders, regulatory bodies, NRB, customers,
companies. Presently, we are providing quality employees and well-wishers for their continued
services through 38 points of representations trust and support.
and 46 ATMs throughout the country.
Kumari Savings
Kumari Savings account is a special saving account that beholds the
corporate name after “Living Goddess Kumari”. The customers can
avail various value added banking services in this account.
50 Plus Savings
As the name suggests, this saving account is targeted to all the
individuals of 50 years and above. Interest rate is calculated on daily
balance and provided on quarterly basis. There are attractive features
associated with this account like 25% discount on locker, ATM debit
card, Internet/ Mobile banking facilities, etc.
education. The amount of NPR 50,000.00 will be deposited every year in
her saving account and upon her retirement, a lump sum amount will be
granted to her for education purpose.
Celebrating Global Money Week 2015 Jasta pata distribution in Dhading to support earthquake victims
Jasta pata distribution in Gorkha to support earthquake victims Jasta pata distribution in Nawalparasi to support earthquake victims
Jasta pata distribution in Sindhupalchowk to support earthquake victims Health Camp conduction in association with Indrawatee Community Service
Centre (ICSC).
Kumari Bank Employees Union organized “Blood Donation Kumari Bank Limited conducted ‘Financial LiteracyTraining’ in coordination
Program” on the occasion of Bank’s 15th anniversary. with Nepal Banking Institute (NBI) as a part of its CSR activity in Budhanilkantha.
Around 55 people were benefited from the training including staffs from
various cooperatives and other local people of Budhanilkantha area.
Capital and Liabilities Schedule Current Year (NPR) Previous Year (NPR)
1. Share Capital 4.1 2,699,166,532 2,431,681,560
2. Reserves and Funds 4.2 648,149,644 534,924,396
3. Debentures & Bonds 4.3 - -
4. Borrowing Outstanding 4.4 328,000,000 201,951,900
5. Deposit Liabilities 4.5 33,421,910,946 27,578,376,145
6. Bills Payable 4.6 32,782,142 22,428,891
7. Proposed Dividend Payable 14,078,156 31,755,240
8. Income Tax Liabilities - -
9. Other Liabilities 4.7 230,423,406 219,483,913
Total Capital and Liabilities 37,374,510,826 31,020,602,045
Rajib Giri Santosh Kumar Lama Dr. Shobha Kant Dhakal Uttam P. Bhattarai
Acting Chief Executive Officer Chairman Director Director
Rajib Giri Santosh Kumar Lama Dr. Shobha Kant Dhakal Uttam P. Bhattarai
Acting Chief Executive Officer Chairman Director Director
Rajib Giri Santosh Kumar Lama Dr. Shobha Kant Dhakal Uttam P. Bhattarai
Acting Chief Executive Officer Chairman Director Director
Rajib Giri Santosh Kumar Lama Dr. Shobha Kant Dhakal Uttam P. Bhattarai
Acting Chief Executive Officer Chairman Director Director
Share Ownership
As at Ashad End 2072 (16 July 2015)
Deposit Liabilities
As at Ashad End 2072 (16 July 2015)
Bills Payable
As at Ashad End 2072 (16 July 2015)
Other Liabilities
As at Ashad End 2072 (16 July 2015)
Cash Balance
As at Ashad End 2072 (16 Jul 2015)
As at Ashad End 2072 (16 July 2015)
Par value Provision Current Year Previous
Particulars Value
(NPR) (NPR) (NPR) Year (NPR)
1. Investment in Shares 24,935,500 - - 24,935,500 24,935,500
1.1 Credit Information Centre Limited 1,235,500 - - 1,235,500 1,235,500
36,599 Ordinary Shares of NPR 100 each, fully paid
Primary Shares 3530 Kitta of NPR 100 each
Right Shares 8825 Kitta of NPR 100 each
Bonus Shares 24,244 Kitta of NPR 100 each
1.2 Nepal Clearing House Limited 2,500,000 - - 2,500,000 2,500,000
1.3 National Banking Training Institute 1,200,000 - - 1,200,000 1,200,000
1.4 National Micro Finance Bank Limited 20,000,000 - - 20,000,000 20,000,000
2. Investment in Debentures and Bonds - - - - -
Total Investment 24,935,500 - - 24,935,500 24,935,500
3. Provision for Loss
3.1 Up to previous year - - - - -
3.2 Change in current year - - - - -
Total Provision - - - - -
Net Investment 24,935,500 - - 24,935,500 24,935,500
Previous Year
This Year
Cumulative Current Year (NPR)
Particulars Par Value (A) Remarks
Loss (B) Loss (C) Gain / Loss
Gain / Loss (NPR)
1. Treasury Bill of Nepal 2,570,072,292 - - - 2,368,403,910
2. Saving Bond of Nepal - - - - -
3. Other Bond of Nepal - - - 289,282,812
Government 1,335,670,164
4. NRB Bond - - - - -
5. Foreign Bond - - - - -
6. Shares of Local Licensed - - - - -
7. Debenture & Bonds of Local - - - - -
Licensed Institutions
8. Shares, Debentures & Bonds of - - - - -
Local Organised Bodies
9. Placement in Foreign Banks 931,912,179 - - - 482,003,668
10. Other Investments - - - - -
Total Investment 4,837,654,635 - - - 3,139,690,390
Previous Year
Closing Prevailing Current Year
Particulars Par Value (A) Market Market Remarks
Price (A) Price (B) Adjustment
Gain / Loss (NPR)
Reserve (B - A)
1. Treasury Bill of Nepal - - - -
2. Saving Bond of Nepal - - - -
3. Other Bond of Nepal Government - - - -
4. NRB Bond - - - -
5. Foreign Bond - - - -
6. Shares of Domestic Licensed - - - -
7. Debenture & Bonds of Domestic - - - -
Licensed Institutions
8. Shares, Debentures & Bonds of 24,935,500 - - 24,935,500
Domestic Corporate Bodies
9. Placement in Foreign Banks - - -
10. Other Investments - - - -
Total Investment 24,935,500 - - 24,935,500
Current Year Previous Year
Particulars Office
Building Vehicles Machinery Others (NPR) (NPR)
1. Cost Price
a. Previous Year’s Balance 4,814,041 114,161,058 - 291,997,737 44,304,268 455,277,104 443,039,332
b. Addition This Year 27,548,126 32,329,294 59,877,420 31,159,957
c. Revaluation/Write Back This Year - -
d. This Year Sold (10,900,000) (956,490) (11,856,490) (18,922,185)
e. This Year Writte Off - -
Total Cost (a+b+c+d+e) 4,814,041 130,809,184 - 323,370,541 44,304,268 503,298,034 455,277,104
2. Depreciation
a. Up to previous year 1,564,277 51,715,069 - 227,468,246 37,470,093 318,217,685 291,772,602
b. For this year 162,488 12,539,109 18,965,427 2,744,339 34,411,363 38,468,843
c. Depreciation on Revaluation/Write off (3,827,352) (847,278) (4,674,630) (12,023,757)
d. Depreciation Adjusment/Add back - -
Total Depreciation (a+b+c+d) 1,726,766 60,426,826 - 245,586,394 40,214,432 347,954,417 318,217,688
3. Book Value (WDV*) (1-2) 3,087,276 70,382,358 - 77,784,147 4,089,835 155,343,617 137,059,417
4. Land - - - - - 85,593,635 85,593,635
5. Capital Work In Progress (pending Capitalization) - - - - - 261,369 261,369
6. Leasehold Assets - - - - - 18,264,856 12,861,534
Total (3+4+5+6) 259,463,477 235,775,955
* Written Down Value
Leasehold Details Current Year (NPR)
Opening Value - Gross 98,117,584
Add - Addition During the Year 13,862,072
Less - Write Off/Sales During the Year (4,518,772)
Total Cost 107,460,884
Accumilated Depreciation Up to Last Year 85,256,049
Depreciation for Current Year 8,404,642
Total Depreciation on Asset Write Off/Sale (4,464,663)
Total Depreciation 89,196,028
Other Assets
As at Ashad End 2072 (16 July 2015)
Contingent Liabilities
As at Ashad End 2072 (16 July 2015)
Interest Income
From 1st Shrawan 2071 to 31 Ashad 2072 (From 17 July 2014 to 16 July 2015)
Interest Expenses
From 1st Shrawan 2071 to 31 Ashad 2072 (From 17 July 2014 to 16 July 2015)
Basis of
Types of Written off Type of Security Approving Initiations Made for
S.N. Valuation of Remarks
Loan Amount & Value Authority & Recovery
1 Consortium 9,581,198 Land and Panchikrit mulya Suman Joshi, Being the loan financed
Term Loan Building conducted by AGM under consortium
representative participated by 7
of CDO office, financial institutions,
Malpot office, the recovery process
VDC office has been carried out
and local in in joint effort lead by
coordination of HBL comprising of
lead Bank publishing call notice,
auction notice, booking
into NBA and filing
case at DRT.
Total 9,581,198 396,318,500
The Statement of amount included under total amount of Bills Purchased and Discounted, Loans, Advances and
Overdraft, provided to the Directors, Chief Executive, Promoters, Employees, Shareholders and the individual members
of ‘ their undivided family’ or against the guarantee of such person or to the organisation or, companies in which
such individual are ‘managing agent’ are as follows:
Amount in NPR
Outstanding up to Recovered in Current Additional Outstanding as of
Name of Promoter/Director/ Last Year Year Ashad End 2071
Lending in
Chief Executive
Principal Interest Principal Interest this year Principal Interest
A. Directors
1. ……………………
2. ……………………
3. ……………………
B. Chief Executive
1. ……………………
2. ……………………
C. Promoter
D. Employee
E. Shareholders
1.1. RISK WEIGHTED EXPOSURES This Year (NPR) Previous Year (NPR)
a Risk Weighted Exposure for Credit Risk 29,448,841 24,136,981
b Risk Weighted Exposure for Operational Risk 1,800,154 1,633,844
c Risk Weighted Exposure for Market Risk 89,998 170,673
Adjustments under Pillar II 31,338,993 25,941,498
Add: 3% of the total RWE due to non compliance to Disclosure Requirement
Addition to RWE as per supervisiory review (3%) 940,170 778,245
Add RWE equvalent to reciprocal of capital charge of 2 % of gross income. 239,377 256,105
Add: ...% of Total Deposit due to Insufficient Liquid Assets
Total Risk Weighted Exposure (After Bank’s adjustment of Pillar II) 32,518,540 26,975,848
On Balance Sheet Exposures (A) “Gross Book “Specific Eligible “ Risk Risk Weighted Risk
Net Value
Value Provision CRM Weight Exposures Net Value Weighted
(a)” (b)” (c) (e) “ (f)=(d)*(e) Exposures
Cash Balance 829,464 829,464 0% - 777,837 -
Balance With Nepal Rastra Bank 3,349,001 3,349,001 0% - 3,829,350 -
Off Balance Sheet Exposures (B) “Gross Book “Specific “Risk Risk Weighted Risk
Eligible Net Value
Value Provision Weight Exposures Net Value Weighted
CRM (c) d=a-b-c
(a)” (b)” (e)” (f)=(d)*(e) Exposures
Revocable Commitments 0% - -
Bills Collection 0% - -
Forward Exchange Contract Liabilities 1,870,506 1,870,506 10% 187,051 563,686 56,369
LC Commitments With Original Maturity Up to 6 months
980,634 46,370 934,263 20% 186,853 941,805 188,361
Domestic counterparty
Foreign counterparty ECA Rating 0-1 - 20% - - -
Foreign counterparty ECA Rating 2 - 50% - - -
NPR In ‘000
“Deposit Deposits Sec/G’tee G’tee of Sec/G’tee
Govt.&NRB G’tee of G’tees
with with other Gold of other Domestic of Foreign Total
Credit exposures Securities Govt.of Nepal of MDBs
bank” banks/FI Sovereigns Banks Banks
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i)
Rs in ‘000
“ Year 1 “Year 2 “Year 3 Previous
(2011/12) “ (2012/13)” (2013/14)” Year (NPR)
Net Interest Income 819,088 978,025 835,473
Commission and Discount income 110,866 138,200 188,725
Other Operating Income 48,812 41,862 56,945
Exchange Fluctuation Income 44,206 56,993 85,155
Addititonal Interest Suspense during the period 99,927 65,445 30,585
Total Gross Income (a) 1,122,899 1,280,525 1,196,884
Alfa (b) 15% 15% 15% 15%
Fixed Percentage of Gross Income {C= (axb)} 168,435 192,079 179,533
Capital Requirement for operational risk (d) = ( average of c) 180,015 163,384
Risk Weight ( reciprocal of capital requirement of 10 %) in times (e) 10 10
Equivalent Risk Weight Exposure {f=(dxe)} 1,800,154 1,633,844
Rs in ‘000
S.No Currency “Open Position (FCY)” “Open Position (NPR)” “Relevant Open Position” Previous Year (NPR)
1 INR (104,028) (166,523) 166,523 79,702
2 USD 60 6,097 6,097 245,678
3 GBP (3) (412) 412 299
4 EUR (1) (84) 84 1,456
5 THB (10) (31) 31 10
6 CHF - - - 236
7 AUD (15) (1,095) 1,095 5,379
8 CAD (5) (416) 416 364
9 SGD (0) (18) 18 54
10 JPY (579) (475) 475 2,735
11 HKD (0) (2) 2 4
12 DKK (12) (175) 175 278
13 SEK (3) (36) 36 51
14 SAR (79) (2,125) 2,125 2,255
15 QAR (31) (868) 868 1,062
16 AED (20) (549) 549 605
17 MYR (31) (822) 822 511
18 KRW (300) (26) 26 -
19 CNY (1) (24) 24 443
20 KWD (1) (216) 216 221
21 BHD (0) (3) 3 5
Total Open Position (a) 179,997 341,347
Fixed Pecentage (b) 5% 5%
Capital Charge for Market Risk [c=(aXb)] 9,000 17,067
Risk Weight (reciprocal of capital requiremnet of 10%) in times (d) 10 10
Equivalent Risk Weight Exposure {e=(cXd)} 89,998 170,673
F. Y. F. Y. F. Y. F. Y. F. Y. F. Y. F. Y.
Particulars Indicators
2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15
1. Net Profit/Gross Income % 36.98% 37.39% 28.70% 26.95% 23.99% 29.29% 32.27%
2. Earnings Per Share NPR 22.04 24.24 15.67 17.18 18.17 18.69 16.24
3. Market Value per Share NPR 700 468 266 242 260 536 380
4. Price Earning Ratio Ratio 31.76 19.31 16.98 14.09 14.31 28.68 23.41
5. Stock Dividend on share capital % 10.58% 12.00% 8.44% 0.00% 14.00% 33.00% 11.00%
6. Cash Dividend on share Capital % 0.55% 12.00% 0.44% 7.00% 0.74% 1.74% 0.58%
7. Interest Income/Loans & Advances % 8.34% 11.58% 13.75% 12.26% 11.72% 10.19% 8.81%
8. Employee Expenses/Total Operating Expenses % 40.73% 41.49% 44.20% 47.82% 46.93% 48.01% 52.83%
9. Interest Expenses to Total Deposit and Borrowings % 5.10% 6.66% 8.88% 7.38% 5.87% 5.67% 4.47%
10. Exchange Fluctuation Gain/Gross Income % 5.91% 4.48% 4.20% 4.32% 4.69% 7.30% 7.79%
11. Staff Bonus/ Total Employee Expenses % 24.04% 24.20% 17.55% 16.84% 17.03% 18.32% 16.60%
12. Net Profit/Loans & Advances % 1.77% 2.12% 1.68% 1.52% 1.45% 1.50% 1.46%
13. Net Profit/ Total Assets % 1.41% 1.59% 1.23% 1.10% 1.03% 1.10% 1.06%
14. Total Credit/Deposit % 94.17% 79.45% 87.87% 82.33% 79.47% 82.70% 81.00%
15. Total Operating Expenses/Total Assets % 1.54% 1.69% 1.86% 1.62% 1.54% 1.49% 1.44%
16. Adequacy of Capital Fund on Risk Weightage
a. Core Capital % 9.08% 10.29% 12.35% 11.30% 11.24% 10.85% 9.89%
b. Supplementary Capital % 2.47% 2.05% 1.41% 0.90% 0.93% 0.96% 0.96%
c. Total Capital Fund % 11.56% 12.34% 13.76% 12.20% 12.17% 11.81% 10.84%
17. Liquidity (CRR) Ratio 7.13% 8.02% 5.74% 13.52% 12.43% 13.62% 7.48%
18. Non Performing Loans/Total Loans % 0.44% 0.50% 1.12% 2.21% 2.89% 4.03% 2.49%
19. Weighted Average Interest Rate Spread % 4.17% 3.28% 3.92% 4.27% 4.62% 3.71% 3.17%
20. Book Net worth Per Share NPR 137 137 138 148 166 162 138
21. Total Shares Number 11,860,992 13,060,159 16,038,000 16,038,000 18,283,320 24,316,816 26,991,665
22. Total Employees Number 260 364 347 327 377 362 392
3.8 Loans and Advances, Overdraft and Bills ◊ Depreciation on newly acquired fixed assets is
charged from the next month of booking. Depreciation
of an asset ceases when it is derecognised at the
Loans and advances, overdrafts and bills purchased
time of its disposal.
include direct finance provided to the customers as
◊ Depreciation on below mentioned assets is charged
per the Bank’s policy and product papers such as bank
on the basis of diminishing value method at the rates
overdrafts, personal loans, term loans, hire purchase
mentioned below -
loans and loans to deprived sectoNPR All the loans are
subject to regular review and are graded according to the
level of credit risk and classified as per NRB Directives. Asset Rate
Total Loans and advances are stated net of loan loss Building 5%
provisions in the Balance Sheet. Office Equipments 25%
Furniture & Fixtures (Wooden & Metal) 25%
3.9 Staff Loans
Computer 25%
Staff loan has been provided as per the bank’s policy
and shown under the head ‘Other Assets’ as per NRB Vehicles 20%
◊ Assets costing more than NPR 10,000 and/or having
3.10 Loan Loss Provision useful life more than 1 year are booked under fixed
Provision is made for possible losses on loans and assets.
advances, overdraft and bills purchase at 1% to 100% in
accordance with the directives issued by NRB. 3.14 Amortisation of Software Cost and Leasehold
3.11 Loans & Advances Write off ◊ Computer software are capitalised on cost incurred
Unrecoverable loans and advances are written off in to acquire specific software. Bank amortises such
accordance with the by-laws of the Bank approved by cost over a period of useful life, estimated as 5 years
Bank’s BOD and NRB. from the date of acquisition.
1 Cash Balance 829 - - - - 829
2 Balance with Banks & FIs 4,162 - - - - 4,162
3 Investment in Foreign Banks 830 102 - - - 932
4 Call Money 437 - - - - 437
5 Government Securities 837 362 350 1,158 1,200 3,906
6 Nepal Rastra Bank Bonds - - - - - -
7 Inter Bank & FI Lending - - - - - -
8 Loans & Advances 8,327 3,837 3,846 1,720 9,340 27,070
9 Interest Receivable 258 2 1 1 4 265
10 Reverse Repo - - - - - -
11 Acceptance Receivable - - - - - -
12 Payments under S.No. 20,21 & 22 601 918 78 189 1,159 2,944
13 Others 262 87 87 304 284 1,025
Total (A) 16,543 5,308 4,362 3,371 11,987 41,570
14 Current Deposits 750 250 250 250 166 1,666
15 Saving Deposits (including call) 4,322 864 864 864 10,372 17,286
16 Fixed Deposits 3,408 2,593 4,564 3,283 621 14,470
17 Debentures/Bonds - - - - - -
18 Borrowings - 328 - - - 328
Call/Short Notice - - - - - -
Inter-bank/Financial Institutions - 328 - - - 328
Refinance - - - - - -
Others - - - - - -
19 Other Liabilities and Provisions 85 7 7 7 - 105
Sundry Creditors - - - - - -
Bills Payable 16 5 5 5 - 33
Interest Payable 51 - - - - 51
Provisions - - - - - -
Others 18 1 1 1 - 22
20 Acceptance Liabilities 228 183 - - - 411
21 Irrevocable Loan Commitment 182 257 257 257 257 1,210
22 Letter of Credit/Guarantee 1,110 1,415 313 464 366 3,668
23 Repo - - - - - -
24 Payable under s.no.11 - - - - - -
25 Others 86 29 29 29 - 171
Total (B) 10,170 5,926 6,284 5,154 11,782 39,316
Net Financial Assets (A-B) 6,373 (618) (1,923) (1,783) 205 2,254
Cumulative Net Financial Assets 6,373 5,755 3,833 2,049 2,254
In addition to the above, bank had borne the expenses relating to mobile bill and had provided vehicle facility till his
tenure in the bank.
Of the total amount of interest due as on Ashad end 2072, interest of NPR 7,810,261 is realised in cash by 15 of
Shrawan 2072 and interest of NPR 33,623,386 is realised after 15 Shrawan 2072 till 30 Aswin 2072. Total interest
of NPR 41,433,647 so realised in cash till Aswin end 2072 has been recognised as interest income on balance sheet
date which complies NRB directive regarding recognition of interest income on deferred cash basis.
Similarly, loan loss provision of NPR 7,798,961 written back due to complete settlement of NPLs in the month of
Mangsir 2072 has been transferred to Capital Adjustment Reserve.
Bank has not made any provision for accumulated leave encashment. However, any encashment of leave in excess
of minimum accumulation as per bank’s rule has been charged as an expense in the year of encashment. As per the
‘Personnel Policy Guideline’ of the Bank, staffs are entitled to encash accumulated leave on retirement.
NPR in 000’
As per As per Variance
Unaudited Audited
S.N. Particulars Reasons for Variance
Financial Financial In Amount In %
Statement Statement
Total Capital and Liabilities (1.1
1 38,186,723 38,198,863 12,140 0.03%
to 1.7)
Declaration of stock
1.1 Paid Up Capital 2,431,682 2,699,167 267,485 11.00%
Change in profit and
1.2 Reserve and Surplus 887,658 648,150 (239,509) -26.98% declaration of stock
1.3 Debenture and Bond - - - -
1.4 Borrowings 328,000 328,000 - -
1.5 Deposits (a+b) 33,421,911 33,421,911 - -
a. Domestic Currency 32,542,064 32,542,064 - -
b. Foreign Currency 879,847 879,847 - -
1.6 Income Tax Liability - - -
Change in LLP,
provision for staff
1.7 Other Liabilities 1,117,472 1,101,636 (15,836) -1.42% bonus, provision for
other expenses and
deferred tax liability.
Corresponding Previous
3 Profit and Loss Account Upto This Quarter End Previous Quarter Ending
Year Quarter End
3.1 Interest Income 2,405,354 1,742,797 2,410,784
3.2 Interest Expenses 1,507,365 1,072,107 1,575,312
A. Net Interest Income (3.1-3.2) 897,989 670,690 835,473
At the End of
At the End of This At the End of Previous
4 Ratios Corresponding Previous
Quarter Quarter
Year Quarter
4.1 Capital Fund To RWA 11.12% 10.98% 11.92%
4.2 Non Performing Loan (NPL) to Total
2.76% 3.98% 3.19%
4.3 Total Loan Loss Provision to Total
115.31% 94.31% 125.41%
4.4 Cost of Funds (annualized - LCY) 5.00% 4.91% 6.03%
4.5 Credit to Deposit Ratio (as per NRB
74.66% 79.63% 77.37%
4.6 Base Rate (FTM) 8.66% 8.10% 8.86%
4.7 Average Interest Rate Spread (as per
3.11% 3.22% 3.62%
NRB directives)
Amount in NPR
S.N. Particular Current Year
a Cumulative and/or Reedemable Preference Share -
b Subordinated term debt -
c Hybrid Capital Instruments -
d General Loan Loss provision 267,054,718
e Exchange Equalisation Reserve 23,972,027
f Investment Adjustment Reserve 20,000,000
g Assets Revaluation Reserve -
h Other Reserve (Deferred Tax Reserve) -
Total of Tier 2 Capital 311,026,746
KBL Organization Structure
The bank’s lending approval authority is divided into two distinct units, namely Business and Risk Management. While
the Business Unit concentrates more on optimum utility of assets, every lending decision of this Unit is re-assessed
and revaluated by the Credit Risk Management Unit for final approval. The Credit Risk Management Unit applies its
objective judgement on risk variables deemed appropriate in each instance of lending decision. For this purpose, the
Credit Risk Management Unit has two distinct subunits, the Credit Risk Management Department, which facilities
final lending decision after duly adjusting risks as mitigated to an acceptable level, and the Credit Administration and
Compliance Department , which evaluates the endorsed paperwork prior to actual sanction, and also after it.
Depending upon the volume of loans and the nature of risk associated, lending decision are subject to validation and
approval by various levels of the hierarchy, in which some lending decision are to be approved by the CEO, and other
by even the Board of Directors as each case may require.
Kumari Bank Ltd. uses the best practices in banking, to make its operation secure through a system of procedural
crosschecking mechanism in each operational transaction. An Internal Audit Department, continuously functions to
alert bank personnel to the meticulousness required in handling operations in every functional department. A credit
monitoring system is well established in the Bank, which periodically checks on credit quality, compliance, and level
of risk exposure. This practice has created a continuous learning and improvement environment, and the Bank’s
efficiency goal has been to move towards the most prudent practices in the industry.
Types of eligible credit risk mitigants used and the benefits availed under CRM -