NCM 104 Lec 5388: Mrs. Mary Antoinetter Aseron - 1 Semester
NCM 104 Lec 5388: Mrs. Mary Antoinetter Aseron - 1 Semester
NCM 104 Lec 5388: Mrs. Mary Antoinetter Aseron - 1 Semester
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environment, coping and behaving. (Maglaya EVOLUTION OF PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING IN THE
2003, Nsg. Practice in Community) PHILIPPINES
6. COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING Records of public health services in the Philippines
- Unique blend of public health and nursing for date back to the Spanish regime.
human service with holistic approach
1577 Friar Juan Clemente opened a medical
STANDARDS OF PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING IN THE dispensary in Intramuros for the indigent.
PHILIPPINES 1690 Dominican Father Juan de Pergero worked towards
installing a water system in San Juan del
Monte (now San Juan City, Metro Manila) and
ASSESSMENT The public health nurse collects
comprehensive data pertinent Manila.
to the health status of 1805 Dr. Francisco de Balmis introduced Smallpox
populations vaccination.
POPULATION DIANOSIS AND The public health nurse 1876 The first medicos titulares were appointed and
PRIORITIES analyzes the assessment data worked as provincial health officers.
to determine the population 1888 The University of Santo Tomas opens a two-year,
diagnoses and priorities cirujanos ministrantes course to produce male nurses
OUTCOMES IDENTIFICATION The public health nurse
and sanitary inspector
identifies expected outcomes
for a plan that is based on
1901 The Board of Health of the Philippine Islands was
population created through Act 157, which eventually evolved
PLANNING The public health nurse into the Department of Health (DOH
develops a plan that reflects 1912 The Fajardo Act law created sanitary divisions made
best practices by identifying up one to four municipalities
strategies, action plans, and 1905 Asociacion de Feminista Filipina founded La Gota de
alternatives to attain expected Leche: the first center dedicated to the service of
outcomes mothers and babies
IMPLEMENTATION The public health nurse
Asociacion de Feminista Filipina founded La Gota de
implements the identified plan
by partnering with others
Leche: the first center dedicated to the service of
a. COORDINATION Coordinates programs, mothers and babies
services and other activities to 1991 R.A.7160 or the Local Government Code mandated
implement the identified plan the devolution of basic services, including health
b. HEALTH Employs multiple strategies to services, to local government units and the
EDUCATION AND promote health, prevent
establishment of a local health board in every
disease, and ensure a safe
HEALTH province and city or municipality
environment for populations
c. CONSULTATION Provides consultation to
Eco-system influences optimum level of functioning
various community groups and
officials to facilitate the
implementation of programs
and services
d. REGULATORY Identifies, interprets, and
ACTIVITIES implements public health laws,
regulations, and policies
EVALUATION The public health nurse
evaluates the health status of
the population
QUALITY OF PRACTICE The public health nurse
systematically enhances the
quality and effectiveness of
nursing practice
EDUCATION The public health nurse attains
knowledge and competency
that reflects current nursing and
public health practice
PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE The public health nurse Roles and responsibilities of a community health nurse
EVALUATION evaluates one’s own nursing
Manager/ - monitors midwives and other
practice in relation to
professional practice standards Supervisor auxiliary health workers
and guidelines, relevant -Give in-service health education
statutes, rules and regulations program to the other health team
COLLEGIALITY AND The public health nurse -Guides group discussion and helps
PROFESSIONAL establishes collegial staff overcome their difficulties in wor
partnerships while interacting
RELATIONSHIPS Clinicial -healthcare provider/ client advocate
with representatives of the
population. Advocate -The nurse works on behalf of patients
COLLABORATION The public health nurse to maintain quality of care and protect
collaborates with the patients rights
representatives of the Facilitator -uses multi-sectoral linkages (Referral
population, organizations and system)
health human services
Trainer/ health -Organizes orientation/training of
professionals in providing for
and promoting the health of the educator/ concerned groups including non-
population. counselor government organization
ETHICS The public health nurse -disseminates information to people with
integrates ethical provisions in emphasis on health promotion and
all areas of practice disease prevention
RESEARCH The public health nurse
integrates research findings in
Planner/ -Interprets and implements the nursing
practice programmer plan, program policies, memoranda for
RESOURCE UTILIZATION The public health nurse the concerned personnel and staff
POPULATION considers factors related to Community -Responsible for motivating and
safety, effectiveness, cost and organizer enhancing community participation in
impact on practice and in the terms of planning, organizing, and
planning and delivery of
implementing and evaluating health
nursing and public health
programs, policies, and programs/services
services -Initiates and participates in community
LEADERSHIP The public health nurse development activities
provides leadership in Health monitor -Uses symptomatic and objective
nursing and public health. observation and other forms of data
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gathering like morbidity, registry,
questionnaire, checklist, and anecdo-
report/record to monitor growth and
development and health status of
individuals, families and communities
Role model -Promotes good example/model of
healthful living to the public and
Change agent -Motivates changes in health behavior of
individuals, families, group and
community including lifestyle in order to
promote and maintain health.
Researcher -Participates/assists in the conduct of
surveys studies and researches in
nursing and health related subjects
-Coordinates with government and non-
government organization of
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A Public Health Nurse does not function in a
vacuum. She is a member of a teamworking within a
system. For the nurse to function effectively, she has to
understandthe health care delivery system wherein she
is working because it influences her status and
functions. She needs to properly relate with the
dynamics of political and organizational structure
surrounding her position in the health care delivery
system .
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