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1st Lecture

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Course Teacher:

Dr. Muhammad Mohsin Aman

Course Code:
Course Title:
Electrical Power System Protection
Computer Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering ,
NED University Karachi.
1st Lecture’s Outline
1st Lecture’s Outline

 Need for Power System Protection

 Relays and their types
 Protective Relays – An introduction
 Important terminologies in protection system
Need for Power System Protection
Importance of Protection Knowledge
 EVERY CONSUMER (Domestic, Commercial Or Industrial) wants un-
interrupted power supply because electricity loss may result in

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Importance of Protection Knowledge

• Practically, 100% reliable system, free from faults are unavoidable.

However the frequency of fault occurring and the possible damage
can be minimised.
• Therefore all the electric installations have invariably Protective
Devices to minimise the damage.
• Therefore protection knowledge is very important to design a good and
reliable power system.

The Purpose of Protection

 The Protection system can not prevent system faults and abnormal
 But it can limit the damage caused by short circuits and abnormal
 protecting people and equipment from damage
The Purpose of Protection

The main function of Protection systems are

1. To safeguard the entire system to maintain continuity of supply.
2. To minimize damage and repair costs.
3. To ensure safety of personnel.

The Purpose of Protection

Since the protection system limits the

Damages / Losses
Keeps the system running, therefore, it is considered very Important
for the SYSTEM.

Protection Engineer


Plans the protection System
Selects the proper & adequate protection equipment.
Is responsible for installation, testing & commissioning.
Is responsible for Maintenance.
Keeps a check on failures, assessing causes and proposes


Future of a Protection Engineer
 A talented protection engineer is highly respected all over the world.
 K-electric and Siemens Pakistan is always in a dire need of a good
protection engineers
 A protection engineer is never out of job even after Retirement.

Relays and their types
• A relay is a device which makes a measurement or receives a controlling
signal in consequence of which it produces a sudden pre-determined
changes in one or more electrical output circuits.
• Relays may be classified according to the technology used:
a. electromechanical
b. static
c. digital
d. numerical
• The different types have different capabilities due to the limitations of the
technology used.
• Conventional relay in which the measurement is performed by moveable
• The operation of such relays is based upon the following effects of
electric current :-
 Electro – magnetic attraction
 Electro – magnetic induction
 Thermal effect (heat generation)
• Some electro-mechanical relays responds to gas pressure generated due to
heat of arc ( Buchholz Relay).
• They work on the principle of a mechanical force causing operation of a
relay contact in response to a stimulus.
• The mechanical force is generated through current flow in one or more
windings on a magnetic core or cores, hence the term electromechanical
• The principle advantage of such relays is that they provide galvanic
isolation between the inputs and outputs in a simple, cheap and reliable
form – therefore for simple on/off switching functions where the output
contacts have to carry substantial currents, they are still used.

The expansion and growing complexity of modern Power System required

• High Performance and
• Sophisticated characteristics
from Protection Relays.

This was possible with the use of

• Semi – Conductors and
• Other Components.

•Static Relays Are Economical


• The term ‘static’ implies that the relay

has no moving parts. This is not strictly
the case for a static relay, as the output
contacts are still generally attracted
armature relays.
• In a protection relay, the term ‘static’
refers to the absence of moving parts to
create the relay characteristic.
• Their design is based on the use of
analogue electronic devices instead of
coils and magnets to create the relay
• Early versions used discrete devices such
as transistors and diodes in conjunction
with resistors, capacitors, inductors, etc.,
but advances in electronics enabled the use
of linear and digital integrated circuits in
later versions for signal processing and
implementation of logic functions.
• Digital protection relays introduced a step change in technology.
• Microprocessors and microcontrollers replaced analogue circuits used in
static relays to implement relay functions.
• However, such technology will be completely superseded within the next
five years by numerical relays.
• A communications link to a remote computer may also be provided.
• Compared to static relays, digital relays introduce A/D conversion of all
measured analogue quantities and use a microprocessor to implement the
protection algorithm.
• The microprocessor may use some kind of counting technique, or use the
Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) to implement the algorithm. However,
the typical microprocessors used have limited processing capacity and
memory compared to that provided in numerical relays.
• The functionality tends therefore to be limited and restricted largely to the
protection function itself.
• The limited power of the microprocessors used in digital relays restricts
the number of samples of the waveform that can be measured per cycle.
This, in turn, limits the speed of operation of the relay in certain
• Therefore, a digital relay for a particular protection function may have a
longer operation time than the static relay equivalent. However, the extra
time is not significant in terms of overall tripping time and possible
effects of power system stability.
•The Numerical Relays purely
work on mathematical solution of
different equations.
•They are micro-processor based
relays. Tripping decisions are not
made by any measuring elements
but are done by Micro-Computers
who continuously calculate and
monitor the system data.
• The distinction between digital and numerical relay rests on points of fine
technical detail.
• Typically, they use a specialized digital signal processor (DSP) as the
computational hardware, together with the associated software tools.
• The input analogue signals are converted into a digital representation and
processed according to the appropriate mathematical algorithm.
• Processing is carried out using a specialized microprocessor that is
optimized for signal processing applications, known as a digital signal
processor or DSP. Digital processing of signals in real time requires a
very high power microprocessor.
• In addition, the continuing reduction in the cost of microprocessors and
related digital devices (memory, I/O, etc.) naturally leads to an approach
where a single item of hardware is used to provide a range of functions
(‘one-box solution’ approach).
• By using multiple microprocessors to provide the necessary
computational performance, a large number of functions previously
implemented in separate items of hardware can now be included within a
single item.
Table 7.1 provides a list of typical functions available.
Table 7.1a: List Of Typical Functions Available
Distance Protection - (several schemes including user Fault Location
Overcurrent Protection (directional/non-directional) CT Supervision
Several Setting Groups for protection values VT Supervision
Switch-on-to-Fault Protection Check Synchronization
Power Swing Blocking Auto-reclose
Voltage Transformer Supervision CB Condition Monitoring
Negative Sequence Current protection CB State Monitoring
Under-voltage Protection User- Definable Logic
Overvoltage Protection Broken Conductor Detection
CB Fail Protection Measurement of Power System Quantities (I, V etc)
Fault/Event/Disturbance recorder
Since a numerical relay may implement the functionality that used to require
several discrete relays, the relay functions (overcurrent, earth fault, etc.) are
now referred to as being ‘relay elements’, so that a single relay (i.e. an item of
hardware housed in a single case) may implement several functions using
several relay elements. Each relay element will typically be a software routine
or routines.
Table 7.2: Advantages of numerical protection relays over static
Several setting groups
Wider range of parameter adjustment
Remote communications built in
Internal Fault diagnosis
Power system measurements available
Distance to fault locator
Disturbance recorder
Auxiliary protection functions (broken conductor, negative sequence etc)
CB monitoring(state, condition)
User-definable Logic
Backup protection functions in-built
Consistency of operation times-reduced grading margin
Main Advantages of numerical relays include
Highly economical
Continuous self-monitoring
More availability
Less work at panel fabrication
Highly flexible in use
Possibility of Remote Control
Possibility of down loading the information to
From Relay by Laptop Computers.


Static Relays Electromechanical Relays Numerical Relays


300 Numerical
Production in %




Changing Trends in Protection Relays

Protective Relays
A Protection Relay is a Relay which responds to abnormal conditions in an
electrical power system, and controls a circuit breaker so as to isolate the
faulty section of the system with the minimum interruption to service.
The Purpose of Protection Relay

The purpose of installation of Protection Relays is :

•To protect the very expensive equipment like Transformers, Generators,
Motors, Cables and other installed equipment.
•To ensure the interruption of supply to minimum number of
•To minimise the production losses of the factories.
•To avoid major shut downs like of 24.09.2006.

General properties that a good protective system should possess include.
1. Sensitivity
The protective system must be alive to the presence of the smallest fault
current. The smaller the fault current it can detect, the more sensitive it is.
2. Selectivity
In detecting the fault and isolating the faulty element, the protective system
must be very selective. Ideally, the protective system should zero-in the
faulty element and isolate it, thus causing minimum disruption to the system.
3. Stability
To leave all healthy circuits intact to ensure continuity or supply.
4. Speed
The longer the fault persists on the system, the larger is the damage to the
system and higher is the possibility that the system will lose stability. Thus, it
helps a lot if the entire process of fault detection and removal of the faulty
part is accomplished in as short a time as feasible. Therefore, the speed of the
protection is very important. It must, however, be mentioned that speed and
accuracy bear an inverse relationship. The high-speed systems tend to be less
accurate. This is for the simple reason that the high speed system has lesser
amount of information at its disposal than a slow-speed system. The
protection engineer has to strike a balance between these two incompatible
5. Reliability and Dependability
A protective system is of no use if it is not reliable. There are many ways
in which reliability can be built into the system. Good engineering judgment
plays a great part in enhancing the reliability of the protective system.
In general, it is found that simple systems are more reliable. Systems
which depend upon locally available information, tend to be more reliable
and dependable than those that depend upon the information at the remote
5. Reliability and Dependability (continue)
However, in spite of best efforts to make the system reliable, we cannot
rule out the possibility of failure of the (primary) protection system.
Therefore, we add features like back-up protection to enhance the reliability
and dependability of the protective system.
6. Economical
•This is the most important criteria in designing a good protection system.
•This factor decides the importance of previous factors
•100% reliable system is not possible.
Important Terminologies
In Protection System Design
1. Pickup Current:
 It is the minimum current in the relay coil at which the relay starts to operate.
 So long as the current in the relay is less than the pickup value, the relay does not
operate and the breaker controlled by it remains in the closed position.
 However, when the relay coil current is equal to or greater than the pickup value,
the relay operates to energize the trip coil which opens the circuit breaker.
2. Current Settings (CS)
 It is often desirable to adjust the pickup current to any required value. This is
known as current setting and is usually achieved by the use of tapings on the
relay operating coil. The taps are brought out to a plug bridge as shown is figure

 The plug bridge permits to alter the number of turns on the relay coil. This
changes the torque on the disc and hence the time of operation of the relay. The
values assigned to each tap are expressed in terms of percentage full-load rating
of C.T with which the relay is associated and represents the value above which
the disc commences to rotate and finally closes the trip circuit.
2. Current Settings (CS)
The current plug settings usually range from 50% to 200% in steps of 25% for
over current relays and 10% to 70% in steps of 10% for each leakage relays. The
desired current setting is obtained by inserting a plug between the jaws of a bridge
type socket at the tap value required.

Pickup current= Rated secondary current of C.T * Current


For example;
If CS=125% & CT ratio = 400/5 A
then pickup current = 125% x 5 =6.25 A
3. Plug Setting Multiplier (P.S.M)
 It is the ratio of fault current in the relay coil to the pickup current i.e.

Fault current in relay coil

P.S.M 
Pick - up current

Fault current in relay coil

P.S.M 
Rated Sec. current of CT x CS
3. Plug Setting Multiplier (P.S.M)
If fault current =4800A, CS=150% & CT ratio = 400/5 A
Calculate the PSM value.
Pickup current = 150% x 5 =7.5 A
Fault current in relay sec. coil= 2400 x 5/400=60A
PSM=30/7.5 =8
•Repeat the above problem with fault current value= 2400A
•Repeat the above problem with fault current value= 9600A
•Draw A graph between Fault current and PSM values.
•What is the significance of PSM?
4. Time Setting Multiplier:

 A relay is generally provided with control to adjust

the time of operation. This adjustment is known as
time setting multiplier.
 The time setting dial is calibrated from 0 to 1 in steps
of 0.05sec (see Fig 21.15).
 These figures are multipliers to be used to convert the
time derived from time/P.S.M curve into the actual
operating time.

How can we control the time of operation of relay (T op) physically?

5. Time-PSM curve
Time PSM curve shows the relationship between PSM value and the relay
operation time (Top).
Important Terminologies In Protection System Design
Previous Example
If fault current =4800A, CS=150% & CT ratio = 400/5 A. Calculate the
actual time of operation of relay if TMS=0.6

Pickup current = 150% x 5 =7.5 A
Fault current in relay sec. coil= 2400 x 5/400=60A
PSM=30/7.5 =8

Tactual=TMS x Top
Tactual=0.6 x 3.5=2.1 sec

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