STCW Code Table B-I/2: List of Certificates or Documentary Evidence Required Under The STCW Convention

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STCW Code Table B-I/2

List of certificates or documentary evidence required under the STCW Convention

Ref: Source: IMO

Regulations Type of certificate and brief Endorsement Registration Revalidation

description attesting required of
recognition of a certificate
II/1, II/2, Certificate of Competency - For Yes Yes Yes
II/3, masters, officers and GMDSS
III/1, III/2, radio operators
III/6, IV/2,
II/4, III/4, Certificate of Proficiency - For No Yes No
VII/2 ratings duly certified to be a
part of a navigational or engine-
room watch
II/5, III/5, Certificate of Proficiency - For No Yes No
III/7, VII/2 ratings duly certified as able
seafarer deck, able seafarer
engine or electro-technical
V/1-1, V/1-2 Certificate of Proficiency or Yes Yes Yes
endorsement to a Certificate of
Competency – For masters and
officers on oil, chemical or
liquefied gas tankers
V/1-1, V/1-2 Certificate of Proficiency - For No Yes No
ratings on oil, chemical or
liquefied gas tankers

V/2 Documentary evidence - No No No4

for masters, officers, ratings
other personnel serving on
passenger ships
VI/1 Certificate of Proficiency5 - No Yes Yes6

VI/2 Certificate of Proficiency5 - No Yes Yes6

Survival craft, rescue boats and
fast rescue boats
Table B-I/2

VI/3 Certificate of Proficiency5 - No Yes Yes6

Advanced fire fighting
VI/4 Certificate of Proficiency5 - No Yes No
Medical first aid and medical
VI/5 Certificate of Proficiency - Ship No Yes No
security officer
VI/6 Certificate of Proficiency7 - No Yes No
Awareness training or security
training for seafarers with
designated security duties


1. Endorsement attesting recognition of a certificate means endorsement in accordance with regulation

I/2, paragraph 7.
2. Registration required means as part of register or registers in accordance with regulation I/2,
paragraph 14.
3. Revalidation of a certificate means establishing continued professional competence in accordance
with regulation I/11 or maintaining the required standards of competence in accordance with sections
A-VI/1 to A-VI/3, as applicable.
4. As required by regulation V/2, paragraph 3 seafarers who have completed training in “crowd
management”, “crisis management and human behaviour” or “passenger safety, cargo safety and hull
integrity” shall at intervals not exceeding five years, undertake appropriate refresher training or to
provide evidence of having achieved the required standards of competence within the previous five
5. The certificates of competency issued in accordance with regulations II/1, II/2, II/3, III/1, III/2, III/3, III/6
and VII/2 include the proficiency requirements in “basic training”, “survival craft and rescue boats
other than fast rescue boats”, “advanced fire fighting” and “medical first aid” therefore, holders of
mentioned certificates of competency are not required to carry Certificates of Proficiency in respect of
those competences of chapter VI.
6. In accordance with sections A-VI/1, A-VI/2 and A-VI/3, seafarers shall provide evidence of having
maintained the required standards of competence every five years.
7. Where security awareness training or training in designated security duties is not included in the
qualification for the certificate to be issued.

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