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Structural Organisation

in Animals
1. Compound tissue is defined as – 10. Formation of platelets is known as –
(a) similar types of cells held together by (a) Haemopoiesis (b) Thrombopoiesis
connective tissue (c) Haemolysis (d) None of these
(b) different types of cells which are different in 11. The major constituent of connective tissue is –
structures and functions (a) collagen (b) carbohydrate
(c) different types of cells performing one (c) lipid (d) cholesterol
function 12. The cell junctions called tight, adhering and gap
(d) similar cells at different regions performing junctions are found in
many functions (a) muscular tissue
2. Microvilli of epithelial cells – (b) connective tissue
(a) increase surface area (c) epithelial tissue
(b) protect the cells (d) neural tissue
(c) engulf the foreign matter 13. Cells of squamous epithelium are
(d) give movements to the cells (a) tall with elongated nuclei
3. Tendon is made up of – (b) cube like
(a) yellow fibrous connective tissue (c) flat and tile like
(b) adipose tissue (d) columnar or cuboidal in shape
(c) modified white fibrous tissue 14. Epithelial tissue performs the following functions
(d) areolar tissue (a) Protection, secretion, absorption, respiration
4. Which of the following cell contains fat droplets? (b) Protection, secretion, sensation, absorption
(a) Macrophages (b) Plasma cells (c) Protection, secretion, absorption, digestion
(c) Adipose cells (d) Leucocytes (d) None of these
5. In Camel, the hump is mainly made of tissue 15. Compound squamous epithelium is found in
(a) Areolar (b) Adipose (a) stomach (b) intestine
(c) Muscular (d) Skeleton (c) trachea (d) pharynx
6. 60% inorganic components are present in 16. The main function of ligament is
(a) cartilage (b) bone
(c) connective tissue (d) None of these (a) joining of two bones
7. Inter-calated discs are present in – (b) joining of muscles
(a) cardiac muscles (b) skeletal muscles (c) joining of muscle to bone
(c) unstriated muscles(d) ligament (d) joining of muscle to nerves
8. Diagnostic feature of insects is 17. Below the skin, the fat is in the form of
(a) three pairs of legs (b) compound eye (a) lipoproteins (b) adipose tissue
(c) chitinous body (d) two pairs of wings (c) mucous layer (d) lymphoid tissue
9. Young cockroach is called – 18. The function of nervous tissue is
(a) maggot (b) ephyra (a) irritability (b) sensibility
(c) nymph (d) pupa (c) responsiveness (d) contraction
58 Question Bank-BIOLOGY
19. The summer sleep of frog is termed as 29. Blood capillary consists of
(a) neoteny (b) aestivation (a) endothelium only
(c) paedogenesis (d) hibernation (b) endothelium and thin coat of connective
20. Croaking of frog is tissue
(a) hunger call (b) danger call
(c) musical tone (d) sex call for female (c) endothelium and thin coat of muscle fibres
21. Inner surface of fallopian tubes, bronchi and (d) endothelium and thin coat of connective
bronchioles are lined by tissue plus muscle fibres
(a) Squamous epithelium 30. Protein present in thematrix of cartilage is known as
(b) Ciliatedepithelium (a) chondrin (b) casein
(c) Columnar epithelium (c) cartilagin (d) ossein
(d) Cubical epithelium
22. The most abundant tissue in the body is 31. Muscle fibres are composed of numerous fine
(a) nervous (b) muscular fibrils, called
(c) vascular (d) epithelial (a) myofibrils (b) sarcomere
23. Which of the following is regarded as a unit of (c) Z-band (d) cross bridges
nervous tissue? 32. A piece of bone such as femur of frog if kept in
(a) Axons (b) Dendrites dilute HCl for about a week will
(c) Neurons (d) Myelin sheath
24. Lymph differs from blood in possessing (a) assume black colour
(a) only WBC (b) shrink in size
(b) more RBC and WBC (c) turn flexible
(c) more RBC and few WBC (d) crack into pieces
(d) more WBC and few RBC 33. Which cells do not form layer and remain
25. Mineral found in red pigment ofvertebrate blood is structurally separate?
(a) magnesium (b) iron
(c) calcium (d) copper (a) Epithelial cells (b) Muscle cells
26. Characteristics of smooth muscle fibres are (c) Nerve cells (d) Gland cells
(a) spindle-shaped, unbranched, unstriated, 34. Earthworms have no skeleton but during
uninucleate and involuntary burrowing, the anterior end becomes turgid and
(b) spindle shaped, unbranched, unstriped, acts as a hydraulic skeleton. It is due to
multinucleate and involuntary (a) coelomic fluid (b) blood
(c) cylindrical, unbranched, unstriped, multinu- (c) gut peristalsis (d) setae
cleate and involuntary
(d) cylindrical, unbranched, striated, multinu- 35. Which one of the following is correct pairing of
cleate and voluntary a body part and the kind of muscle tissue that
27. Component of blood responsible for producing moves it ?
antibodies is (a) Biceps of upper arm–Smooth muscle fibres
(a) thrombocytes (b) monocytes (b) Abdominal wall–Smooth muscle
(c) erythrocytes (d) lymphocytes (c) Iris–Involuntary smooth muscle
28. Formation of cartilage bones involves
(a) deposition of bony matter by osteoblasts and (d) Heart wall–Involuntary unstriated muscle
resorption chondroblasts 36. If a liveearthworm is pricked with a needle on it
(b) deposition of bony matter by osteoclasts and outer surface without damaging its gut, the fluid
resorption by chondroblasts that comes out is
(c) deposition of bony matter by osteoclasts only (a) coelomic fluid (b) haemolymph
(d) deposition of bony matter by osteoblasts
only (c) slimy mucus (d) excretory fluid
Structural Organisation in Animals 59
37. Which one of the following correctly describes 43. Percentage of protein is more in –
the location of some body parts in the earthworm (a) lymph (b) blood
(Pheretima)? (c) plasma (d) W.B.C.
(a) Four pairs of spermathecae in 4 – 7 segments. 44. In man, the number ofRBC per cubic mm of blood
(b) One pair of ovaries attached at intersegmental is –
septum of 14th and 15th segments. (a) 1 to 3 millions
(c) Two pairs of testes in 10th and 11th segments. (b) 5 to 5.4 millions
(d) Two pairs of accessory glands in 16 – 18 (c) Less than one million but more than 50
segments. thousands
38. The kind of tissue that forms the supportive (d) Less than 50 thousands
structure in our pinna (external ears) is also found 45. "All or None" rule can't be implicated on
in (a) non straited muscles
(a) nails (b) ear ossicles (b) cardiac muscles
(c) tip of the nose (d) vertebrae (c) straited muscles
39. Which of the following is correctly stated as it (d) All of the above
happens in the common cockroach ? 46. Rhythmical contraction is noticed in
(a) cardiac muscles (b) striped muscles
(a) Malpighian tubules are excretory organs (c) unstriped muscles (d) in all the muscles
projecting out from the colon 47. Four healthy people in their twenties got involved
(b) Oxygen is transported by haemoglobin in in injuries resulting in damage and death of a few
blood cells of the following. Which of the cells are least
(c) Nitrogenous excretory product is urea likely to be replaced by new cells –
(d) The food is ground by mandibles and gizzard (a) liver cells
40. The breakdown of detritus into smaller particles (b) neurons
by earthworm is a process called (c) malpighian layer of the skin
(a) humification (b) fragmentation (d) osteocytes
(c) mineralisation (d) catabolism 48. Photoreceptor in Pheretima are –
41. Consider the following four statements (A-D) (a) on ventral side of skin
related to the common frog Rana tigrina, and (b) on dorsal side of skin
select the correct option stating which ones are (c) on both
true (T) and which ones are false (F) (d) in clitellum
Statements : 49. Insects excrete nitrogen as
(A) On dry land it would die due to lack of O2 its (a) uric acid (b) guanine
mouth is forcibly kept closed for a few days (c) urea (d) ammonia
(B) It has four- chambered heart 50. Which part of cockroach has both exoskeleton
(C) On dry land, it turns uricotelic from ureotelic and endoskeleton?
(D) Its life-history is carried out in pond water (a) Head (b) Thorax
Codes : (c) Both of these (d) None of these
(A) (B) (C) (D) 51. Male and female cockroaches can be distinguished
(a) T F F T externally through
(b) T T F F (a) anal styles in male
(c) F F T T (b) anal cerci in female
(c) anal style and antennae in female
(d) F T T F (d) both (b) and (c)
42. Blood platelets are not present in the blood of – 52. Carotene pigment is found in the cells of :
(a) fishes (b) amphibians (a) dermis (b) epidermis
(c) reptiles (d) All of the above (c) adipose cell (d) both ‘b’ and ‘c’
60 Question Bank-BIOLOGY
53. One very special feature in the earthworm 62. Two common Indian cockroaches are
Pheretima is that (a) Periplaneta american a and Blatta indica
(a) fertilisation for eggs occurs inside the body (b) Periplaneta orientalis and Blatta americana
(b) the typhlosole greatly increases the effective
absorption area of the digested food in the (c) Periplaneta americana and Blatta orientalis
intestine (d) Periplaneta indica and Blatta orientalis
(c) the S- shaped setae embedded in the 63. Periplaneta americana differs from Blatta
integument are the defensive weapons used orientalis in having –
against the enemies (a) no wings
(d) it has a long dorsal tubular heart (b) only first pair of wings
54. The process of bone formation is called –
(a) Ossification (b) Calcification (c) well developed wings
(c) Calcination (d) None of these (d) only second pair of wings
55. Blood is a – 64. Kidney of frog is :
(a) epithelial tissue (b) muscular tissue (a) pronephric (b) mesonephric
(c) connective tissue (d) supportive tissue (c) metanephric (d) none of these
56. Uninucleate muscles are –
(a) smooth muscles 65. Cardiac muscles contract:
(b) cardiac muscles (a) quickly and they fatigue
(c) involuntary muscles (b) quickly and unfatigued
(d) All of the above (c) slowly and are not fatigued
57. Multinucleate muscle cells are – (d) slowly and they fatigue
(a) striped muscles (b) smooth muscles
(c) skeletal muscles (d) All of the above 66. Which of the following statements is not correct
58. Muscles get fatigued due to accumulation of- regarding Neural tissue ?
(a) Adenosine triphosphate (a) It exerts the greatest control over the body’s
(b) CO2 responsiveness to changing conditions.
(c) Lactic acid (b) Chondrocytes, the unit of neural system are
(d) Phosphate molecules excitable cells.
59. Calciferous glands are present in Earthworm in – (c) Neuroglial cells protect and support
(a) pharynx & gizzard neurons.
(b) stomach & buccal cavity (d) When a neuron is suitably stimulated, an
(c) pharynx & stomach electrical disturbance is generated.
(d) only in stomach 67. Read the following statements.
60. Excretory organs of Earthworm are- (i) They are named because of their special
(a) coelom (b) flame cells function of linking and supporting other
(c) nephridia (d) gizzard tissues/organs of the body.
61. The principal function of blood vascular system (ii) They include cartilage, bone, adipose and
in cockroach is – blood.
(a) distribution of absorb nutrients (iii) They provide strength, elasticity and
flexibility to the tissue.
(b) distribution of oxygen (iv) They also secrete modified
(c) transportation of enzymes polysaccharides, which accumulate
(d) transportation of heat between cells and fibres and act as matrix.
Structural Organisation in Animals 61
Which of the following type of tissue is being (a) A – 8th sternum, B - Anal cercus, C - 10th
described by the above statements ? tergum, D - Anal style
(a) Epithelial tissue (b) Connective tissue (b) A - 10th tergum, B - Anal cercus, C - Anal
(c) Muscle tissue (d) Neural tissue style, D - 8th sternum
68. Which of the following statement is correct (c) A- Anal style, B - Anal cercus, C - 10th
about Digestive system of Cockroach ? tergum, D- 8th sternum
(i) Mouth opens into a short tubular pharynx, (d) A - Anal cercus, B - 8th sternum, C - 10th
leading to a narrow tubular passage called
oesophagus. tergum,
(ii) Gizzard helps in grinding the food particles. 72. D - Anal style.
(iii) A ring of 6-8 blind tubules called hepatic or
gastric caecae is present at the function of
foregut and midgut, which secrete digestive
(iv) At the junction of midgut and hindgut is
present another ring of 100-150 yellow
coloured thin filamentous malphigian
tubules which help in removal of excretory
products from haemolymph.
(a) Only (i) (b) Both (ii) and (iii) Identify A to E .
(c) Both (i) and (iv) (d) All of these (a) A- Pronotum, B-Mesothorax, C-Metathorax,
69. Find thewrongly matched pair. D-Tegmina, E-Pleura
(a) Unicellular glandular cells - Goblet cell (b) A- Pronotum, B-Mesothorax, C-Metathorax,
(b) Saliva - Exocrine secretion D-Tegmina, E-Sterna
(c) Fusiform fibres - Smooth muscle (c) A- Pronotum, B-Mesothorax, C-Metathorax,
(d) Cartilage - Areolar tissue D-Tegmina, E-Anal cerci
70. Which of the following types of connective (d) A- Pronotum, B-Mesothorax, C-Metathorax,
tissue is mismatched with its matrix ? D-Tegmina, E-Anal style
(a) Areolar – loosely packed matrix of protein 73.
(b) Bone – mineralizedmatrix
(c) Cartilage –highly vascular matrix
(d) Blood – liquid matrix
71. The diagram represents the reproductive organ
of male cockroach. Choose the correct
combination of labelling

62 Question Bank-BIOLOGY
Identify structures A to D – (a) A-Spermatheca, B-Collateral glands,
(a) A-Gizzard, B-Crop, C-Hepatic caecae, C-Gonapophyses
D-Malpighian tubules (b) A-Phallic gland, B-Collateral glands,
(b) A-Crop, B-Gizzard, C-Hepatic caecae, C-Gonapophyses
D-Malpighian tubules (c) A-Spermatheca, B-Seminal vesicle,
(c) A- Crop, B-Gizzard, C-Malpighian tubules, C-Gonapophyses
D-Hepatic caecae (d) A-Spermatheca, B-Collateral glands,
(d) A- Gizzard, B-Crop, C-Malpighian tubules, C-Tegmina
D-Hepatic caecae 75. What will happen if ligaments are cut or broken?
74. Figure refers to reproductive system of female (a) No movements at joints
cockroach. The correct labellings indicated by (b) Bones will become fixed
alphabets are respectively (c) Bones will become unfixed
76. Alimentary canal of Cockroach
(a) Gizzard ® Crop ® Malphigian tubules
® Hepatic caeca ® Rectum
(b) Gizzard ®Hepatic caeca ® Crop ® Rectum
® Malphigian tubules
(c) Crop ® Gizzard ® Hepatic caeca
® Malphigian tubules ® Rectum
(d) Crop ®Hepatic caeca ® Gizzard ® Rectum
® Malphigian tubules

1 (c) 11 (a) 21 (b) 31 (a) 41 (a) 51 (a) 61 (a) 71 (a)
2 (a) 12 (c) 22 (b) 32 (c) 42 (d) 52 (a) 62 (c) 72 (c)
3 (c) 13 (c) 23 (c) 33 (c) 43 (b) 53 (b) 63 (c) 73 (b)
4 (c) 14 (b) 24 (a) 34 (a) 44 (b) 54 (a) 64 (b) 74 (a)
5 (b) 15 (d) 25 (b) 35 (b) 45 (d) 55 (c) 65 (c) 75 (c)
6 (b) 16 (a) 26 (a) 36 (a) 46 (a) 56 (d) 66 (b) 76 (c)
7 (a) 17 (b) 27 (d) 37 (c) 47 (b) 57 (c) 67 (b)
8 (a) 18 (a) 28 (a) 38 (c) 48 (b) 58 (c) 68 (d)
9 (c) 19 (b) 29 (a) 39 (d) 49 (a) 59 (d) 69 (d)
10 (b) 20 (d) 30 (a) 40 (b) 50 (c) 60 (c) 70 (c)
Structural Organisation in Animals 63


2. (a) Microvilli of epithelial cells increase surface 27. (d) Lymphocyte is a type of white blood cells in
area. the vertebrate immune system.
3. (c) Tendon is made up of modified white fibrous Lymphocytes are responsible for making
tissue. antibodies.
28. (a) Deposition of bony matter by osteoblasts
13. (c) Cells of squamous epithelium are flattened and resorption chondroblasts.
scale like and attached to each other like a mosaic. 29. (a) The wall of blood vessels (arteries & veins)
14. (b) Epithelial tissues have a widespread are made up of mainly 3 layers – the outer most
distribution throughout the body and serve tunica externa has a lose connective tissue,
several important functions such as protection, collagen fibres, lymph vessels and the middle
secretion, sensation and absorption. tunica media has circular smooth muscle fibres,
some elastic fibres and the inner most tunica
16. (a) Ligamentis a modified yellow elastic fibrous interna is a single layered endothelium of
connective tissue and connects bone to bone. polyhedral squamous cells. If the arteries reach
Tendon is non-elastic but flexible tissue consists organs they form arterioles which are thinner and
of parallel bundles of collagenous fibres. It joins mainly consist smooth muscles and when they
the muscles to bones. subdivide in the tissues they make capillaries.
22. (b) Because there are about 639 muscles which The wall of capillaries are very thin (usually less
constitutes the bulk of body, 40% of total weight than one micron) and have numerous minute pores
and made up of only endothelium. Exchange of
and 50% of soft parts. material takes place between blood and tissue
23. (c) Neurons are structural and functional units fluid across the endothelial membrane of
of nerve tissue. Their number is quite high, more capillaries through active diffusion.
than 1 × 1012 in brain alone. 30. (a) Chondrin is a gelatin-like substance and can
24. (a) Lymph differs from blood in that it contains be obtained by boiling cartilage in water. The
less protein and no red blood cells. Lymph cartilage is a connective tissue that contains cells
embedded in a matrix of chondrin.
contains white blood cells. 32. (c) When a bone is kept in dilute acids like HCl
25. (b) Mineral found in red pigment of vertebrate for a few days, the calcium salts get dissolved
blood is iron. leaving only the soft and flexible organic matrix.
26. (a) Characteristics of smooth muscle fibres. This process is called Decalcification. If a bone
• cells range from 5 to 10 µm in diameter and 30 is keptin KOH it remains unaffected and only the
to 200 µm in length surrounding muscles and connective tissues get
• spindle-shaped dissolved so that the bone now appears clean.
• single, centrally located nucleus 33. (c) Only nerve cells do not form layers. These
• smooth muscle tissue occurs within almost also remain structurally separate from each other.
every organ, forming sheets, bundles or sheaths Nerve cells or neurons are the cells specialized
around other tissues. to conduct an electrochemical current. Nerve
Smooth muscle differs from both skeletal and tissue is made up of these cells and supporting
cardiac muscle tissues in structure and function. cells. Epithelial tissue is made of one or a few
Sarcomeres or myofibrils are not present - layers of compactly arranged cells overlying a
therefore not striated, i.e., smooth. basement membrane. Glands are epithelial cells
specialized to elaborate and release chemicals for
64 Question Bank-BIOLOGY
use in the body. Muscle tissue is made of 52. (a) Some organism have the power to change
elongated and contractile cells called myocytes. body colour with the help of pigment carotene in
34. (a) Earthworms have no skeleton but during chromatophores present in dermis.
burrowing, anterior end becomes turgid and acts 53. (b) The intestine of an earthworm has a peculiar
as a hydraulic skeleton. It is due to coelomic fluid. fold of tissue that forms a pocket in the intestine
The coelomis filledwith an alkaline milky coelomic that is visible when viewing a cross section. This
fluid. This coelomic fluid contains water, salts, space, which runs almost the whole length of the
proteins and 4 types of cells namely amoebocytes, body dorsally is known as the typhlosole and it
mucocytes, circular cells and chloragogen cells. serves to increase the surface area of theintestine
35. (b) The structure of the abdominal wall is similar for absorption.
in principle to the thoracic wall. There are three 57. (c) Multinucleate muscle cells are skeletal
layers, an external, internal and inner-most layer. muscles.
The vessels and nerves lie between the internal 64. (b) Kidneys are mesonephric in origin. This is
and innermost layers. The abdomen can be due to the mesodermal origin of the kidney. Larve
divided into quadrants or nine abdominal regions. and tailed amphibians are ammonotelic while frogs
Pain felt in these regions may be considered to and toads are ureotelic.
be direct or referred abdominal wall made up of 65. (c) The cardiac muscles are the special muscles
smooth muscles. of the Heart. They are not fatigued at all and they
36. (a) If a live earthworm is pricked with a needle workfor the life time of the individual. Apart from
on its outer surface without damaging its gut, the these muscles, the heart also has pace-maker that
fluid that comes out is coelomic fluid because helps it to sustain long duration of stress and
coelomic fluid lies between body wall and strain.
alimentary canal. Earthworms are helpful to man 66. (b) Neurons, the unit of neural system are
as bait for fishing and loosen the soil for roots to excitable cells while chondrocytes are
grow. A earthworm’s wastes help to fertilize the cartilagenous cells.
37. (c) In Pheretima two pairs of testes sacs are 69. (d) Cartilage is a soft skeletal tissue
situated in the 10th and 11th segments. Each testes (a specialized connective tissue) which
sac of the 10th segment encloses a testes and a forms the endoskeleton of the vertebrates.
seminal funnel. Each testes sac of the 11th 75. (c) Ligaments attach a bone with another bone
segment encloses a testes, a seminal vesicle and in movable/synovial joints. Broken or cut
a seminal funnel. ligaments make movement at joints very
38. (c) The kind of tissue that forms the supportive painful and restricted. It heals only after
structure in our pinna (external ears) is also found prolonged movement restriction.
in tip of the nose. External pinna is made up of 76. (c) In cockroach, oesophagus opens into a sac-
elastic cartilage. It is passage towards middleear. like structure called crop used for storing
39. (d) Cockroach takes the food after grounding of food. Crop followed by gizzard that helps
by its mandibles and gizzard. in grinding the food particles. A ring of 6-8
40. (b) The break down of detritus into smaller blind tubules called hepatic of gastric
particles by earthworm is known as fragmen- caecae is present at the junction of foregut
tation. and midgut, which secrete digestive juice.
41. (a) (A) Dry skin cause ceased cutaneous malphigcaian tubulespresent at the junction
respiration of midgut and hindgut help in the removal
(B) Three chambered heart. of excretory products. Hindgut is
(C) Frog never becomes uricotelic differentiated into ileum, colon and rectum.
(D) External fertilization occurs in water The rectum opens out through anus.

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