A Final Project Report On Mobile Inventory Management System
A Final Project Report On Mobile Inventory Management System
A Final Project Report On Mobile Inventory Management System
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Subject:Approval of Project
We declare that this project entitled “Mobile Inventory Management System” done at
Patan Multiple Campus is a record of project work submitted by Binod Khanal and Anil
Rajbhandari for the partial fulfillment of the requirement for Bachelor in Computer
Application (BCA), fourth semester under the supervision and guidance of Mr Ramesh
Saud .
The Project is genuine and not a reproduction of any project previously done or
________________ _______________
Ramesh Saud Binod Khanal
Signature of supervisor Signature of candidate
Anil Rajbhandari
Signature of candidate
We have taken efforts in this project. However, it would not have been possible without
the kind support and help of many individuals and organizations. I would like to extend
my sincere thanks to all of them.
We would like to express our gratitude to our project supervisor Mr.Ramesh Saud who
took keen interest on our project and guided us throughout the project by providing all
the necessary ideas, information and knowledge for the developing a functional web
application. Our special thanks to Mr. Basanta Chaulagain for his constant
encouragement guidance towards, making this report standard as per the norms and
We are highly indebted to Patan Multiple campus for constant guidance and supervision,
as well as for providing all the necessary ICT infrastructure and friendly environment for
the successful completion of the project .We also appreciate the efforts of BCA
coordinator Mr.Bhojraj Joshi without him ,the project would have been nowhere near
This project is aimed to develop a desktop based application named Inventory
Management system for managing the inventory system of mobile shop. The inventory
management system (IMS) refers to the system an processes to manage the stock of
mobile with the involvement of Technology system . This system can used to store the
details of monthly based .This project is categorize individual aspects for the sales and
inventory management system .In this system we are solving different problem affecting
to direct sales and purchase management .Inventory management system is important to
ensure quality control business that handle transaction resolving around consumer goods.
Table of Contents
FIG 1. USECASE DIAGRAM………………………………………………………………………………………………………7
FIG 3.CONTEXTDIAGRAM………………………………………………………………………………............................11
Inventory or stocks are the lifeline and constitute brand image of any company or
business .Beginning from the manufacturing stage to the tracking of products and parts
during their transportation from vendor to warehouse between the warehouse and then to
retail location or directly to the customer . An inventory management is software is a
computer based system industry can utilize it to generate work order and bills of
We have designed inventory web application to meet the requirement of mobile pasal .
This software can be used as simple inventory control . It is easy to create report
management ,phone product management, phone category management, customer list
management, supplier details management.
1.2Problem of Statements
Inventory Management is huge issues in manufacturing company and industries in the
real world as it is the backbone of any business . It plays very significant role in the
proper running of any business .At present there is no significant number of online
inventory management system . Fast report generation is not possible . information about
issue/return of the goods are not properly maintained . Not accessible while away
physically and No central database can be created as information is not available in
database .Now a days manual system is also used in many organization which may our
system from various aspects.
● To develop the application that deals with day to day requirement of any
● To develop the easy management of product.
● To handle the inventory details like purchase, sales ,return outward ,return inward
,balance stock details.
● To maintain the effective management of stock and simplify the use of inventory
in organization
This System (IMS) is targeted to small or medium mobile company which doesn’t have
many godwon or warehouses i.e only to those company that has single power of
authority. Some of the scope and limitation are:
1.4.1 Scope
1.4.2 Limitation
● The admin will face technical difficulty while using the system
● Internet connection is required
● Doubts about its authenticity
● Failure of server fails whole system
1.4Report Organization
Chapter 1
This chapter deals with the introduction of our system problem statement of
system objective ,scope ,limitation of the system
Chapter 2
This chapter deals with the literature review in this chapter we study the existing
system and find the problem
Chapter 3
This chapter is about the requirement analysis where functional and
nonfunctional and feasibility study is collected and described.
Chapter 4
This chapter is about the system design of the project where we draw the
different design like system architecture,system flowchart ,class diagram,activity
diagram etc
Chapter 5
This chapter is all aabout the implemention and testing of system where we
mentioned different tools used while developing this system.Here we have
shown the test cases ,test data and test results.
Chapter 6
This chapter we explain about the conclusion of the system and we explain the
outcome of system
Chapter 2
Literature Review
factors identified in the literature were found to be present in the context of today’s
design program, the critical perspective of this study recontextualized these factors, along
with the identification of new or underrepresented factors. Taking on the perspective of a
student’s experience of pedagogy foregrounds issues of uncertainty and ambiguity,
highlighting the social interactions between fellow students, and the role of
communication and individual effort in learning to think in a more designerly way. In
today’s world every business tries to strike balance in inventory between what is needed
and what is demanded considering measure factor of cost cutting/reduction. This control
is called inventory management or inventory control. Inventory is basically assets (goods
and materials) which are stock of any business. Today inventory plays vital role in
business, it helps to generate reports, maintain the balance of the stock details and about
the purchase and sales in the organization before we start to developing inventory system,
we research existing inventory system in our market. Which gives knowledge for the
development of our project . These application software are only used by the large
organization. In our market we couldn’t find software used in small company so they
faces many problem to manage their product.
After analysis the other existing inventory system, So we decide to developed new
system which help in small mobile company to manage their inventory or product in
market and we are also adding some common key feature of pervious existing inventory
system in market which eventually helps to boom and flourish the small business by
maintaining proper record of purchase sales and product description.
Chapter 3
Requirement Analysis
3.1 Requirement Analysis
We have analysied the the project from functional and non functional point of view
which is so significant for the system for better performance.
Functional requirements specify what the system should do. In other words, a functional
requirement will describe a particular behaviour or function of the system when certain
conditions are fulfilled.
Input: Enter the username and password provided.
Output : User will be able to use the features of software.
Manage product by admin
Add product
Input : Enter the details of the product details such as names ,quantity ,price,
brand etc.
Output : confirmation of addition.
Update product
Input : Enter the name of the product and quantity of products.
Output : Update the list of the products available.
Delete product
Input : search the product and delete.
Output : Show the deletion successful result.
Add customer
Input : Enter the details of the customer such as names ,address ,contact no etc.
Output : confirmation of addition.
Update customer
Input : Enter the name of the customer
Output : Update the list of the customer available.
Add supplier
Input : Enter the details of the supplier such as names ,address ,contact no etc.
Output : confirmation of addition.
Maintain list
List of product
List of customer
List of supplier
Prepare monthly account
3.1.2 Non-Functional Requirements
Non Functional Requirements specifies what constraints there are on the system
for its development. Some of the non functional requirements for our project are:
Availability Requirement
The system is available 100% for the user and is used 24 hrs a day and 365 days a
year. The system shall be operational 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.
The system should accurately provide real time information taking into
consideration various concurrency issues. The system shall provide 100% access
Performance Requirement
The information is refreshed depending upon whether some updates have
occurred or not in the application. The system shall respond to the member in
optimum time of the request submitted. The system shall be allowed to take more
time when doing large processing jobs. Responses to view information will take
time as per the complexity.
Reliability Requirement
The system has to be 100% reliable due to the importance of data and the
damages that can be caused by incorrect or incomplete data. The system will run
7 days a week, 24 hours a day.
We can strongly say that it is technically feasible, since there will not be
much difficulty in getting required resources for the development and
maintaining the system as well. All the resources needed for the
development of the software as well as the maintenance of the same is
available in the organization here we are utilizing the resources which are
available already.
3.2.2 Economic Feasibility
We have made this to fulfill all the requirements of this project. This software could do
all operational activities easily. We tried our best to make it best user friendly for the
users.our system is enough to handle daily library activities between librarian and student
without any difficulties
3.3.1 Data Modeling E-R
● Context Diagram
Fig of :context diagram
Level 1 DFD for admin
3.3.3System Development Model
The system development model suitable for Mobile Inventory Management System is the
'Prototype Model'.
Chapter 4
System Design
4.1 System Architecture
4.2 System Flowchart
4.3Class Diagram
It is a static diagram which represents the static view of the application. Class
diagram is not only used for visualizing, describing and documenting different
aspects of system but also for constructing executable code of software application.
Class diagram for library management system is show below:
Sequence Diagrams are interaction diagrams that detail how operations are carried
out. They capture the interaction between objects in the context of collaboration.
Sequence diagram for our system is:
Activity diagram represents the dynamic aspects of the program. Activity diagram for
library management system is show below:
Chapter 5
Admin Module
5.2 Tools used
We have used several tools to accomplish this table ,they are listed below
• Bootstrap
• MS office
• Snipping tools
• Draw.io
5.3 System Testing (Test Cases, Test Data, Test Result)
incompletely fil up
9 If we click on logut Software should Successful
only we should get display login page
back to login page
10 On clicking list Software should Successful
table system should display details
show the list and
Chapter 6
6.2 Outcome
Doing something for long time periods always gives good lesson.some of thing that we
learnt are listed as below:
6.3 Recommendations
Its shows the actual output of project and shows how the project look in real
Login page
Selling Details form
Product details table
Selling details table