Antenna Arrays: Dr. Vijayendra Desai
Antenna Arrays: Dr. Vijayendra Desai
Antenna Arrays: Dr. Vijayendra Desai
j j
j r
Eo e e 2 e 2
2 d
d cos cos
2 d
d = dsin sin
E 2 Eo cos 2 Eo cos cos
Two Isotropic Point Sources of Same Amplitude and Phase
ф 0° 90° 60°
E 0 1
HPBW = 120°
ф 0° 90° 60°
E 0 1
HPBWs = 120° in both orthogonal planes
Two Isotropic Point Sources of Same Amplitude with
900 Phase Difference at λ/2
HPBW = 180°
Two Isotropic Point Sources Of Same Amplitude with
Any Phase Difference
Two Same Dipoles and Pattern Multiplication
Dipole Pattern:
Combined E-Field
Radiation Pattern of N Isotropic Elements Array
Array Factor
First SLL
= 20log0.22
= -13.15dB
ф Ψ E
0° π 0
90° π/2 0
120° 0 1
Field pattern of 4 isotropic point sources with the
same amplitude and phase and spacing of /2.
Ordinary Endfire Array