Airfield (Agp/Lemg) : Elevation 52ft
Airfield (Agp/Lemg) : Elevation 52ft
Airfield (Agp/Lemg) : Elevation 52ft
Elevation 52ft
• The airfield is on the Mediterranean coast on the SW edge of the town. High ground surrounds the
airfield except to the SE.
• To the SW the terrain reaches nearly 2,000ft amsl at 2nm and nearly 3,700ft amsl at 8nm.
• 5nm NW is an outcrop of hills reaching nearly 1,300ft amsl. The terrain becomes more
mountainous 12nm NW and 19nm NW there is a peak to nearly 5,000ft amsl.
• To the N the 1,000ft amsl contour lies at 4nm range. The terrain becomes more rugged beyond
this, reaching over 4,500ft amsl at 17nm N and nearly 6,300ft amsl at 25nm NE.
• The Sierra Nevada lie 50nm NE with peaks to nearly 11,500ft amsl.
• Routing via the Martin VOR (MAR) the published minimum altitude is 5500ft, BAV recommend
a minimum of 6000ft until established on the LOC on the ILS 12 or 13 approach.
• GPWS activation may occur approaching RWY12 or 13 if descent is initiated before joining the
ILS glideslope, activation may also occur passing the hills NW of the OM if the aircraft is not in
the landing configuration.
Runway Incursion
• Multiple runway intersections are available for departure, ensure correct holding point is used.
Runway Excursion
• ATC radar vectoring may result in joining the ILS above the glidepath with potential for a rushed
Special Considerations
• Circling only permitted to the NE of the 13/31 and 12/30 centrelines
• RWY 12 Landing only
• RWY 12/13 Night Landing – VOR and NDB circling approaches not approved at night
• Only initiate approach if full ILS, or both LOC/DME and PAPIs, are serviceable
• RWY 30 Take-off only
Diversion Airports
Feb 2020 Flight Simulation Use Only – do NOT use for real navigation! LEMG 1/2
Route Information AIRFIELD (AGP/LEMG)
• Speed Control is used extensively, refer to aerodrome briefing notes in Navigraph/LIDO.
• Runway 31 minima vary with missed approach climb gradient, ensure the correct minima are
• After holding for ILS 12/13 do not descend below the minimum altitude. If holding at 5000ft do not
descend further until crossing the MGA283R.
• Tailwind can be expected on approach to RWY 13/12 over the high ground, during the late stages
of the approach, this usually transitions to headwind as the sea breeze area is entered
• The parallel taxiway may be used as a runway when the main runway is closed by NOTAM
• Expect delays and restrictions if diverting to Malaga from Gibraltar
• Generally fine weather in Summer but CB build up over the high ground sometimes produces
severe thunderstorms.
• Cold front activity during Winter.
• Early morning fog and low ST Autumn and Winter.
Feb 2020 Flight Simulation Use Only – do NOT use for real navigation! LEMG 2/2